Office display problem, every office program looks like a broken mirror

Yesterday all my office programs can no longer be viewed or operated.  The look like a broken mirror.  I attempted to uninstall and re-install today to the same problem.  I use Office Professional 2013 64-bit.
Please help.  I would include a screeshot but my account needs to be verified.  Nothing can be read and its mostly black with lots of diagonal lines running through it though, you can tell its excel or work or whatever.

Sorry for my poor imagination and I cannot image the picture of broken mirror:(
Locate to the folder path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15, try to run Office programs directly, such as Winword.exe, Outlook.exe, and etc. Are they correct?
We may also test the behavior in Windows Safe mode (Press F8 when you start Windows) without the drivers and other services running.
Do full-disk scan through Anti-virus programs which is updated to the latest version of VirusScan DAT. Let me the result and hope everything would be fine.
Tony Chen
TechNet Community Support

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    > thanks,
    > Andrew
    I'll pass this on to the forum administrator.
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    Starting with this, you have errors in your CSS code.
    body {
      margin-top: 0px;
      margin-right: 0px;
      margin-bottom: 0px;
      margin-left: 0px;
      color: 151515;
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    css3 - Bad font rendering Chrome - Stack Overflow
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    Peter wrote:
    When you copy someone else's copy of Sgt. Pepper you deprive the distibutor of his profit on the legitimate sale and you deprive Mssrs Mc Cartney and Starr of their rightful royalties, which may be piddling, but every little bit counts.
    Little bits do not count for as much as great big bits, and it is rule-worship to assume that they do. There is no proportionality in grouping very different sorts of violation together as if they were all in the same league of criminality. Picking up a dime someone has dropped in the street is completely different from breaking into someone's house and stealing a large quantity of money.
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    Message was edited by: Jeremy bowmangraphics
    PS: Forgot to add that I have paid for Sgt. Pepper four times already -- in mono vinyl, stereo vinyl, tape cassette, and CD. Don't you think it's time we all deserved an "upgrade"?

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    320, Edge 520), HP ProBook, Dell Latitude, in fact every single one I have tried.
    I don't find any references to this issue on line, can anyone provide a pointer? Just now it's a show-stopper for deploying 2013.
    No sig is a good sig

    Yes that was the solution.
    Thanks a lot, I must have tried about eight different external graphics adaptors before finding this.
    Bit of a black mark to MS here, imho. Surely it would better to assume that the latest-and-greatest graphics hardware is
    not present, but can be turned on if required, rather than to assume that it is present, but can be turned off if not required? Or even detect it somehow?
    Problem solved, thanks again.
    No sig is a good sig

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    Edited by: ColNewman on Feb 5, 2008 6:55 PM

    So, you're looking for your settings file in your current working directory. There's no way to set the CWD in your registry entry (is there?) so that isn't a practical thing to do. Presumably you're using a File object or a FileReader or something? Can't do that.
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    Hello vichuboy,
    I understand that the color is wrong on your display.
    Connect an external monitor to the laptop and see if you are having the problem on the external monitor.
    Let me know how everything goes.

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