Offline-searchable javadoc

Is there an offline-searchable copy of the java docs? Knowing just where to find the documentation on JList is non-trivial for those, like me, who are new to Java.
Having to go back to the online site to conduct a search instead of intuitively knowing where to navigate through what seems like a random spattering of categories and links is very annoying.
I don't like .NET but I'll give Microsoft one thing: their MSDN Library is first rate, and if Sun offered something similar, it would make life less painful when developing Java apps.
Thanks :)
PS, I've installed netBeans 5.0 and the help that comes with it seems to deal with the IDE itself, and not with the Java language. Also, the help that comes with code-completion is only useful if you know the Java API like the back of your hand to begin with, which I don't.

And to kablair, if you don't like newcomers to Java,
and their questions, why do you read this particular
forum? If you can't handle these sorts of questions,
then perhaps you should stick to programming or
reading expert fora. There's no need to take my
question personally. I don't mind newcomer questions. I do mind people who come here and start blaring about how Javadoc sucks and MSDN rules and Sun is just so lucky they're going to write Java code. See, it really gets on my nerves because then they usually produce a list of problems that are either inaccurate or issues with them rather than the tools and documentation.
And what's wrong with autoboxing/unboxing? Anything
that makes for simpler and more readable code is a
good thing, and given that Java is the most prolix
language I've ever used, I would have thought that
such a time saver would be welcome. Maybe you should
go back to Java 1.0, because 1.5 has other,
blasphemous, shortcuts -eg, the simplified for-loop.
How dare Sun try to make their language easier (if
not the documentation)?The for-each loop is simple, readable, predictable and easily understood.
Autoboxing/unboxing is often confusing, unpredictable for those who don't know the relevent JLS chapter like the back of their hand, riddled with "gotchas" and can easily lead to bugs that are extremely hard, if not impossible, to debug. The sole benefit from all of this is less typing when converting to and from primitive wrappers. Is it easier to read? No. In fact in some cases it may obfuscate the developers intentions. In all other cases reading 0 is not profoundly more understandable than new Integer(0).

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    The offline help system is deliberately GIMPed because:
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    Are you getting an error message? What does it say?

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    Unfortunately there is not a solution currently. Interestingly I had an email exchange with the LiveCycle documentation team lead last week and brought this issue to her attention. I will update this thread if (and when) something is available.

  • Unable to send emails through adobe offline project.

    Hi Experts!!!
                        I am trying to send an email through Adobe Offline Form. I am quoting the code. Plz check what's the problem with the code.
    // This file has been generated partially by the Web Dynpro Code Generator.
    package com.lifecyclelettersapplication;
    //@@begin imports
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Address;
    import javax.mail.BodyPart;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.MessagingException;
    import javax.mail.SendFailedException;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
    import com.lifecyclelettersapplication.wdp.IPrivateFormView;
    //@@begin documentation
    public class FormView
    Logging location.
      private static final logger =;
        //@@begin id
        String id = "$Id$";
    Private access to the generated Web Dynpro counterpart
    for this controller class.  </p>
    Use <code>wdThis</code> to gain typed access to the context,
    to trigger navigation via outbound plugs, to get and enable/disable
    actions, fire declared events, and access used controllers and/or
    component usages.
    @see com.lifecyclelettersapplication.wdp.IPrivateFormView for more details
      private final IPrivateFormView wdThis;
    Root node of this controller's context. </p>
    Provides typed access not only to the elements of the root node
    but also to all nodes in the context (methods node<i>XYZ</i>())
    and their currently selected element (methods current<i>XYZ</i>Element()).
    It also facilitates the creation of new elements for all nodes
    (methods create<i>XYZ</i>Element()). </p>
    @see com.lifecyclelettersapplication.wdp.IPrivateFormView.IContextNode for more details.
      private final IPrivateFormView.IContextNode wdContext;
    A shortcut for <code>wdThis.wdGetAPI()</code>. </p>
    Represents the generic API of the generic Web Dynpro counterpart
    for this controller. </p>
      private final wdControllerAPI;
    A shortcut for <code>wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent()</code>. </p>
    Represents the generic API of the Web Dynpro component this controller
    belongs to. Can be used to access the message manager, the window manager,
    to add/remove event handlers and so on. </p>
      private final wdComponentAPI;
      public FormView(IPrivateFormView wdThis)
        this.wdThis = wdThis;
        this.wdContext = wdThis.wdGetContext();
        this.wdControllerAPI = wdThis.wdGetAPI();
        this.wdComponentAPI = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent();
      //@@begin javadoc:wdDoInit()
      /** Hook method called to initialize controller. */
      public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
         /* The following lines initialize the context elements;
    Enter your e-mail id in the set From-method
         //wdContext.currentContextElement().setTeststatus(" do in it");
            wdContext.currentEmailElement().setFrom("[email protected]");
            wdContext.currentEmailElement().setTo("[email protected]");                                            
            wdContext.currentEmailElement().setCc("[email protected]");
            wdContext.currentEmailElement().setBcc("[email protected]");
    //        wdContext.currentEmailElement().setCc(" ");
    //        wdContext.currentEmailElement().setBcc(" ");
            wdContext.currentEmailElement().setSubject("Test Mail By Umang");
            wdContext.currentEmailElement().setBody("You will find the address proof letter in the attachment of this e mail. Please sign this form and send it.");
           catch(Exception e)
             wdContext.currentContextElement().setTeststatus("do in it"+e.getMessage());              
      //@@begin javadoc:wdDoExit()
      /** Hook method called to clean up controller. */
      public void wdDoExit()
        //@@begin wdDoExit()
      //@@begin javadoc:wdDoModifyView
    Hook method called to modify a view just before rendering.
    This method conceptually belongs to the view itself, not to the
    controller (cf. MVC pattern).
    It is made static to discourage a way of programming that
    routinely stores references to UI elements in instance fields
    for access by the view controller's event handlers, and so on.
    The Web Dynpro programming model recommends that UI elements can
    only be accessed by code executed within the call to this hook method.
    @param wdThis Generated private interface of the view's controller, as
           provided by Web Dynpro. Provides access to the view controller's
           outgoing controller usages, etc.
    @param wdContext Generated interface of the view's context, as provided
           by Web Dynpro. Provides access to the view's data.
    @param view The view's generic API, as provided by Web Dynpro.
           Provides access to UI elements.
    @param firstTime Indicates whether the hook is called for the first time
           during the lifetime of the view.
      public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateFormView wdThis, IPrivateFormView.IContextNode wdContext, view, boolean firstTime)
        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
      //@@begin javadoc:onPlugFromFirstview(ServerEvent)
      /** Declared validating event handler. */
      public void onPlugFromFirstview( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onPlugFromFirstview(ServerEvent)
         wdContext.currentContextElement().setTeststatus("from first view");
      //@@begin javadoc:onActionBack(ServerEvent)
      /** Declared validating event handler. */
      public void onActionBack( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionBack(ServerEvent)
      //@@begin javadoc:onActionSend(ServerEvent)
      /** Declared validating event handler. */
      public void onActionSend( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionSend(ServerEvent)
         Properties props = new Properties();
              String host = "";
              props.put("", host);
              Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null);
              MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
              Address toAddress = new InternetAddress();
              Address fromAddress = new InternetAddress();
              Address ccAddress = new InternetAddress();
              Address bccAddress = new InternetAddress();
                   MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
                   BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                   if (! wdContext.currentEmailElement().getFrom().equals(""))
                        fromAddress = new InternetAddress(wdContext.currentEmailElement().getFrom());               
                   if (! wdContext.currentEmailElement().getTo().equals(""))
                        toAddress = new InternetAddress(wdContext.currentEmailElement().getTo());
                        message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);
                   if (! wdContext.currentEmailElement().getCc().equals(""))
                        ccAddress = new InternetAddress(wdContext.currentEmailElement().getCc());
                        message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddress);
                   if (! wdContext.currentEmailElement().getBcc().equals(""))
                        bccAddress = new InternetAddress(wdContext.currentEmailElement().getBcc());
                        message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bccAddress);
                   if (! wdContext.currentEmailElement().getSubject().equals(""))
                   if (! wdContext.currentEmailElement().getBody().equals(""))
    ////               A new part will be added this will be the attachment
                   messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    //               String filename = "temp
    //               DataSource source = new FileDataSource(filename);
    //               messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
    //               messageBodyPart.setFileName(source.getName());                    
    //               messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-Type","application/pdf");
    //               multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart);
              catch (AddressException e)
              catch (SendFailedException e)
              catch (MessagingException e)
         catch(Exception e)
                             wdContext.currentContextElement().setTeststatus("action send"+e.getMessage());              
    The following code section can be used for any Java code that is
    not to be visible to other controllers/views or that contains constructs
    currently not supported directly by Web Dynpro (such as inner classes or
    member variables etc.). </p>
    Note: The content of this section is in no way managed/controlled
    by the Web Dynpro Designtime or the Web Dynpro Runtime.
      //@@begin others

    I think u need to set up the SMTP  So that u can send the email.

  • HP Officejet Pro 8600 won't save scanned document in searchable PDF or .rtf format

    HP Officejet Pro  8600 won't save scanned document in searchable PDF or .rtf format
    The scanner scans the document without a problem but when I select 'SAVE' and
    specify a location and file name, a system error 'The HP scan application was
    unable to save the file to the specified location'.  It will save a regular PDF file
    or a  JPG file with no problem, but trying to save an searchable PDF or .rtf file
    results in the above mentioned system error.
    This problem occurs either from HP SCAN or from the 8600 scan panel.
    The computer is running Windows XP and the I.R.I.S. OCR software is

    Hello TrailsEnd,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I understand you're receiving an error message "The HP scan application was unable to save the file to the specified location". I will do my best to assist you!
    First, I would recommend downloading this tool called the Print and Scan Doctor. This tool diagnoses and helps resolve common printing, scanning, and connectivity problems, including: (This information is stated here.)
    USB: Verifies that the USB connection from your computer to the HP product is working correctly.
    Network: Verifies that the network connection between your computer and your network is working correctly.
    Device Status Test : Checks for device errors such as out of paper, paper jams, carriage stalls, and paper feed issues, and then provides instructions for fixing the error.
    Driver Check : Checks for missing or corrupt driver files.
    Device Manager : Checks for problems in Device Manager that would prevent printing.
    Device Online : Checks if the product has been paused or set to offline, and then sets the status back to online if necessary.
    Print Queue : Checks for and clears pending print jobs in the print queue (a log of print jobs waiting to print).
    Port Match : Checks the port settings for the HP product.
    Device Conflicts : Checks for conflicts with other drivers, such as other printer brands.
    Ink Issues : Checks the cartridges and ink levels for issues that affect print quality.
    Print Settings : Checks and adjusts the print quality settings.
    Test Print : Prints a test page for print quality evaluation, and provides options for cleaning and aligning the printhead if necessary.
    Scan Tests : Checks the scan mechanism, drivers, and registry entries.
    Let me know if this tool fixes a scanning problem on this post. If this doesn't resolve your issue, then I am going to recommend uninstalling the software. Please follow this HP document on Uninstalling the Printer Software. 
    Once this is complete, you can perform a clean boot on your computer. I will provide a Microsoft document here to help you. This helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program. Now, you can install the full feature software from the HP website here.
    Please post your results, as I will be looking forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • Javadoc @throws clause at a class level for all methods

    If all my class's methods throw the same RuntimeException for the same reasons, is there a way to put a @throws clause at class level?
    I mean, I don't want to duplicate my comments for each of the methods I have. Say I want to add extra information... It would be a pain to copy paste same
    comment for all the methods.
    Thx in advance, any help welcomed :)

    kux wrote:
    hello again
    first of all, love your replay :). Nice to see people with good sense of humor :D
    Ok, I made the story shorter. Of course I don't throw a raw RuntimeException. What I have is a subclass of RuntimeException. Basicly all my methods use a sql Connection and do a certain querry on a database. What I do is that I don't let checked SQLException propagate through my methods because the clients of the persistance layer should not be required to handle the low level sql exeptions.Correct!
    Instead I catch them and rethrow them as DAOExceptions that SUBCLASS RuntimeException. Unusual... but... Hmmm... I can't say that's actually "bad practice", per se, but DAOException is traditionally a checked exception type thrown only from the very top of the DAO specifically so that clients must catch (or explicitly throw) it... Hmmm..
    Basicly I used sun's DAO pattern:
    That's be The GOF's pattern... but yeah, good choice.
    I made the question shorter because this is not the point. The question was about javadoc, not my programming practices :)But, but, but...
    Ok... Ah... Ok.... Ummm, No. At least Not That I Know Of... BUT, what you can do is summarise your exception handling strategy once in the class summary section, and just reference it in each throws clause... you can stick intra-page links in java doc (I've seen them, just not sure how they're done, I think the syntax is something like {@link:anchor}... but that's just something I once saw somewhere... not gospel.
    Also, if a method has throws DAOExceptions for an "odd" reason (like invalid data retrieved successfuly from the database (yes, it happens)) then you can still document that case in the method.
    If your exception handling is really worth talking about then an external article referenced in the class summary. We use a wiki ( for such purposes, and many others including research schedules and papers, and (increasingly) design doco, even though that's outside the "official process" we find the wiki so much more convenient (i.e. searchable), especially since it's become possible to convert (simple) word-doc's straigth to wiki markup.
    But, but, but... Programming practices are so much more interesting than documentation... who ever complained about in the documentation (besides me I mean).
    Cheers mate. Keith.

  • HT201472 How can I locate the last location of my iPhone 5s because it is dead and cant be located offline?

    How can I locate the last location of my iPhone 5s because it is dead and cant be located when its offline?

    Apple does not offer a user-searchable log of where the phone has been. Not saying they don't keep one, but I think you'd need a search warrant or work for the NSA or FBI to get access to such data.

  • Where is the offline help?

    My biggest frustration with adobe Director 11, 11.5 and 12 is the online help. It is not effectively searchable as the search function searches all of adobe's knowledge base, and you can not limit the search to Director as it is not on the list.
    I tried to get the PDF, but that link is broke...
    ...and Adobe's link to submit a broken link is broken as well.
    So Please Adobe, fix your web site, or at the very least fix the link to the offline docs.

    These seems to be ok:
    Watch out for any spaces that the forum introdues. Neither of those links should have a space in them.

  • Offline Contacts, Calendar, Email

    Sicne I'm on an iPod Touch and not connected to the network unless I'm within range on a hotspot, I was wondering if anyone with the new iPhone firmware could tell me what sort of offline options are available for exchange contacts, calendars and email. I'm assuming the entire corporate email list would not be cached, but I'd at least like my personal exchange address book to sync. I'd also like to see the latest snapshot of my Calendar and Inbox. Is this supported?

    Yes, everything's cached, and can be read but not edited. You can compose email, but you can't send it until the network is available. However for the "entire corporate email list" you mentioned, if you're referring to the GAL, that's not cached, and it isn't searchable when you're offline.

  • HP AIO Remote shows wireless printer offline when it is online and can print to it.

    HP AIO Remote installed on my Windows 8.1 Yoga 2 shows my wireless printer is offline, when it is online and I can print to it wirelessly.  How can I get it to recognize my wireless printer is online wirelessly?  AIO Remote will only recognize the printer is online when the USB in connected to the Yoga 2.

    Hi rpmcintyre,
    Thank you for the additional information.  I apologize for misunderstanding. I just want to confirm that the HP AiO app that you downloaded onto your Windows 8.1 computer is showing your printer as offline when you are able to print wirelessly to the printer.
    I have two different documents for you.  The first one is How to Use the HP AiO Remote App for Windows 8.  It has a FAQ section at the bottom of the document with trouble shooting steps.  I have also included the Supported Printers for the HP Scan and Capture App.
    If the above documents don’t assist you, would you please let me know which make/model/product number of HP printer that you have? How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    Please click on the Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

  • How can I keep just one of two accounts offline in Mac Mail?

    I recently switched from Comcast to Cox Cable. Cox has a known issue with push notifications and email doesn't show up at regular intervals. You have to go offline and back on or quit Mail and then open it again to see new messages. It's a pain but it works.
    I still have my Comcast email account enabled on Mac Mail because I need access to old emails and if I disable it (via Preferences), it disappears. I want to take it offline but clicking on the Comcast account and "take offline" always takes my Cox account offline as well. I can't get them to both stay online because the Comcast account hangs when it can't connect to Comcast. This really exacerbates the already annoying issue of having to take Cox offline and back on.
    I tried going into the Comcast account via Preferences and unchecking "include when automatically checking for new messages" but when I did so, it kept the Cox account from receiving any messages at all (I confirmed this by checking webmail, and by toggling it on and off to see what happened).
    I need some solution that allows me to see the comcast account in mail without having it be active in any way. I have other mailboxes archived but that process doesn't offer the search capability that I need.

    Aha! I have been doing just that. However, what has been tripping me up is that I am also used to clicking the Go Online/Go Offline toggle button on the top menu bar when I manually check for messages on Cox. Apparently when you take one inbox offline, that button switches to Off even though the other inbox is still online. If I just ignore that button and go on or off via the cox mailbox listing, it keeps comcast from being reactivated.
    Thanks so much for helping me think this through.
    Edited to add: I removed that dang button from my menu so I can stop clicking it.

  • Is there any way to tell if someone has cleared and reused a lost Ipod touch? Or will it continue to show up as offline in Find Iphone app?

    I have the app Find Iphone, and my kids' ipods are linked to the app because we share an itunes account. My son cannot find his ipod, in which, he took it on a mini-vacation with friends. He never took it out of their vehicle, but it may have fallen out at some point, just not sure. When I check my app, it simply reads offline. I want to know if there will be a way to know if someone has reset it (even if I cannot locate them)? I don't want to keep wasting my time looking to see if it somehow was connected to the internet when it has already been cleared. Help pleased?

    Will it continue to say that the device is in lost mode if it has been restored?  My Find Iphone is saying that when the device is connected to the internet that it will be locked and that a message (that I typed in) will appear. It also says that I will be notified and that a sound will occur when it is connected. Now my iphone has been updated to the ios7, but I don't think his ipod was updated.

  • HP LaserJet 600 M602 printer goes offline every night

    I have a HP LaserJet 600 M602 CE991A printer on a wired network. I have quite a few other printers on the network as well and do not show me this kind of behavior.
    But for some reason, this printer, from as soon as I bought it, goes offline every time from around 5.20-5.30pm to around 8.30pm. I have a ping tester running as I am trying to figure out what's going on and I got 100% drop every night for that time period.
    I looked to see if there was a setting that puts this device to sleep or so but no, I cant find anything. I have tried with the energy setting sleep mode on or off, wake up events to trigger a wake up call to the printer but no luck.
    Firmware Bundle Version3.2.5
    Firmware Revision2302908_435019
    Firmware Date Code20140529
    I am out of options, in our other locations, we have sam printer but a CE993A models and they do not show this kind of behavior at all.
    I am at a deadlock here.

    Hi @Halan ,
    I see by your post that you aren't able to print when the laptop isn't in the same area as the printer. I would like to help you out today.
    What is the distance of the printer and the Laptop when the printer goes offline?
    Try these steps to see if it will resolve the issue.
    'Printer is offline' Message Displays on the Computer and the HP Printer Will Not Print.
    What operating system are you using? How to Find the Windows Edition and Version on Your Computer.
    If you need further assistance, just let me know.
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • HP PhotoSmart 6520, Printer offline, Wireless printing from Windows 8.1 and others

    My parents own an HP PhotoSmart 6520. They have 3 or 4 computers. 1 Is connected to this printer via USB cable. 3 Are "connected" over wireless. The printer has the latest firmware updates according to checks from the printer front display.
    Problem is this:
    1) When first starting the printer, and the printer gets on the wifi network, all wifi-available devices can print to it over wifi. We are also able to browse to the printer config web pages to see status, and change configs as needed.
    2) After about 5 minutes of printer inactivity, all wireless clients can't print to the printer to print, and can't connect to the printer's web page. (The printer appears to be offline to each OS that uses WiFi to get Internet access.
    3) If we visit the printer control screen, physically attached to the pinter, find the network configuration, and choose to "turn off" wifi at the printer, then after off, "turn on" wifi and see an IP address get assigned, then all WiFi machines can print to the printer over WiFi. However, after 5 minutes, again, the printer is offline. No matter what or how much each WiFi-based machine sends to their printer queue/spool, the printer remains offline.
    4) If the USB-connected machine prints to the printer over USB, the printer once again becomes available over the wireless network.
    The work-around is terrible. (Cycle WiFi access every time they need to print from Wireless devices.)
    Things we have tried:
    1) This is running the latest firmware according to the WebService section request to check for upgrades. They are on the latest according to the results. (no help)
    2) DHCP was the initial config for network settings. I moved to a DHCP server configuration with static IP served by printer MAC address. (No help)
    3) I switched to totally static IP address, thinking it might be a DHCP lease-time/renewal issue, or custom vendor string issues or bug. (no help)
    4) Enabled/Disabled IPv6 even though they are on a NAT-ed network with only IPv4 support. (no help)
    5) Visited printer config with web broswer, and change energy saver setting from "5 minutes" to "15 minutes" because the ~5 minute window seemed like an approximate time limit. (No help)
    6) Enable/Disable other settings through the web and restart the printer. (No help.)
    7) Suggestions listed here: (No help)
    In testing this, with static IP or not, from other machines, when we can print over WiFi to the printer, the IPv4 address is ping-able from peers on the network. After ~5 minutes pass, and the pinter goes "offline" there are no ping replies to the static or other IP address assigned to this printer. By all accounts, when the printer is "offline" it really is no longer on the WiFi network. Meanwhile, oter devices can ping each other. (All computers, smartphones, tablets, etc can all respond to ping.)
    None of the other devices suffer from dropped access to the WiFi and Internet.
    I do not have access to this right now, but I can walk my parents through whatever steps are needed to resolve this.
    P.S. Other things tried:
    1) When online, generating report, reports online
    2) When offline, report reports that it is still associated with access point
    3) Printer is about 2 feet away from the access point it is communicating with and has max-bars showing signal strength.
    4) Channel allocation for WiFi was selected based on least used channel, and works very well for all other devices on this channel.
    5) There is only one accesspoint with the name it associates with.
    6) The only options for power-saving "auto-off" we see via web pages from printer are: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes, and changing to 15 minutes does not allow the printer to remain online for 14 minutes -- it still goes offline to the network after ~5 minutes -- even agfter changing this settings and power cycling the printer.
    7) No wireless extender is being used.
    8) We tried static IP, Dynamic IP, and statically assigned DHCP served IP.
    Once printer is "offline" when visiting printer to tell printer to disable WiFi access, then re-enable it, all machines with items in their printer queue/spool *immediately* de-queue/de-spool their printer jobs to the printer.
    This is the closest description: Where is that patch?

    Hi @TheSynAck,
    I see you are using a Hot Spot, I believe we have found the reason for the connectivity issues. There may be a setting that needs to manually configured for the Hotspot to 'allow' your printer access. Also, hotspots may have limitations and restrictions that may cause connectivity issues.
    Take a look here: Setting up the Printer as a HotSpot, it shows a Laserjet but the same steps apply.
    Keep in mind that Hotspot connections are 'best effort' connections due to the issues of inconsistencies within the connection. They are not routers. Therefore, you may experience issues in the future when using the Hotspot for your connection. Usually a powercycle or hard reset of the HotSpot will resolve such issues.
    I would not recommend getting another Hot Spot as the connection is not guaranteed, you could however try a Wireless Router if you are looking to upgrade anyways.
    With the PS 6520 you also have the ability to print using the HP Wireless Direct printing option. Please click on the link below to get started:
    HP Wireless Printers - Printing with HP Wireless Direct
    I hope this gives you a better understanding of the intermittent connection issues.
    Thanks again,
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

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