OID copying groups from live to test

I've used ldap search to dump a large UCM 'accounts and roles' hierarchy into an LDIF file . I load it using ldapadd. I then notice that half the entries are not created because the LDIF file is in some order I cannot fathom, with many objects that are lower in the DIT appearing before those that are above them. can't find anything on the forum - anyone aware of a way round this without manually reordering the LDIF file ?

Is it possible to you import and export again? If it is, my suggestion is: you can import again creating multiple ldif files and organize these. I did this when I had very different structure levels in the DIT.
Oracle Document: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10500_01/network.920/a96580/ldap_mig.htm#494514
(((Example 4: Reorganizing a Tree Structure During an Export)))
Part Number A96580-02
I hope it helpful.
Thiago Leoncio

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    Best regards,

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    public void addUniquemember(javax.naming.directory.DirContext ctx, java.lang.String dn) throws UtilException
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    Reference Links:-
    LDAPGroup (Oracle Internet Directory API Reference)
    Group (Oracle Internet Directory API Reference)

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    Hi Alain,
    Copying anything from database A to database B using SQL, means somehow using  SQL command "Insert". Please note that commands like Insert, Update, Delete are NOT SUPPORTED as it might cause data corruption.
    Kind regards

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    Yes, you can do this pretty easily. Add-ADGroupMember has a -Members parameter you can use:
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    The -Recursive switch is used in case the old group contains nested groups.
    EDIT: Link to syntax:
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)
    This worked perfectly thank you and even better I understand why. 

  • Best practice on 'from dev to test'move.

    My Repository
    My client
    I am writing to ask someone what would be the best practice and most common_sense_oriented way to move OWB from dev to qa/test environment?
    I have read a number of recommendations on this forum and other oracle docs and it seem somewhat tedious exercise...
    At the moment i am either having to simply copy and paste (ye not very professional but works a treat!) then just re-sync the tables to point to correct location on some of the smaller of my projects.
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    2) How do i move my maps from dev to test?
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    It seem a little tidious to me.
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    Here is something from the user guide and no matter how many times i read this - i just don't get how i can relate it to what i need to achieve.
    The following quote is from "OWB User Guide", Chapter 3.
    "Each location defined within a project can be registered separately within each Runtime Repository, and each registration can reference different physical information. Using this approach, you can design and configure a target system one time, and deploy it many times with different physical characteristics. This is useful if you need to create multiple versions of the same system such as development, test, and production."
    As i said - i have all my tables imported from DB to OWB, now how do i make my maps to appear in repository on test? I can see the relevance of location to deploy maps into the test runtime repository, but before then i somehow have to make them to appear in my test runtime repository in Design and make sure they are referencing correct tables etc.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind Regards

    Hello Oleg.
    Thank you very much for such detailed and very helpful reply.
    You are correct - i have my Design Centre and within it two projects - dev and test.
    Dev has all the locations pointing to the Development DB and it has it's own runtime repository/control centre configured.
    Test has all the locations pointing to the Test DB and it also has it's own runtime repository/control centre configured.
    I have one design centre and two runtime environments.
    both dev and test have identical tables etc. I moved the logic over form dev to test (all the functions, procedures etc), i have also imported tables and logic from TEST DB to the test project.
    All i want to do is now move over the maps from DEv to TEST. Which is not a problem (copy and paste are helpful), but then the copied maps are still point to the tables in Dev. Which means i have to sync it with test tables - i hope i am making sense here!
    I was hoping that there is some clever way of just changing something to effectively tell table in the map 'to point to the table in this database'. If the map is already configured - the only way to do it is to sync the tables, which will enable you to select the DB and table you want your table in the map to be pointing to.
    The reason i do not use imp/exp between projects - it is not really reliable. Have to then jump through the hoops ensuring all contrains etc are there. It is safer to just import whatever i need from DB - ensuring all my constrains etc are there.
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    I don't have problems with the location etc - took me hours to set everything the way i wanted it to be and now all the deployments are going to the right schemas, DBs etc.
    Is there are any other way re-pointing the tables in the map to another DB? Like in the falt files - there is an option to choose the location of the file. So once the location is define/registered etc - you can choose whatever one is needed fromm the drop down on the left of the map.
    I hoped there would be something similar for the tables. Like a big bulk option for 'tick here if you want all tables in the maps to be pointing to identical tables in another DB) type thing. Guess something like bulk sync option...
    Oh well, guess i just have to stick with sync option (sobbing uncontrolably) and it hasn't stopped raining here for days!
    Once again - thank you very much for all your kind help and advice.
    Kind Regards

  • Problems doing copy/paste from Flash to Illustrator

    This is a problem I've had since Flash 8: when doing a
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    art is even copied. All the curves seem to be approximated with
    straight line segments, but at some point it just seems to give up
    even trying, leaving an unidentifiable blob for most of the object.
    As I said, sometimes it doesn't even copy anything at all -- all
    that shows up after pasting into Illustrator is an empty group.
    The weird thing is that this process worked fine in Flash MX
    2004. What could possibly have changed? I was sure with CS3 it
    would be fixed, but it wasn't. I haven't tried Illustrator CS4 yet,
    but copying from Flash CS4 to Illustrator CS3 produces the same
    I've seen a few other reports of this problem in other
    forums, but I've encountered it on every install of Flash and
    Illustrator I've tried (admittedly, all Windows machines, but three
    or four different ones, both XP or Vista). Can anyone here confirm
    that this problem exists or doesn't exist on their computer? To
    test it, create a piece of art with plenty of curves and several
    colors in Flash, then copy and paste it into an illustrator
    If this problem is as widespread as my experience seems to
    indicate it is, why hasn't it been fixed in two major revisions of
    the software? Is Adobe even aware of it? If not, how can I let them
    know? I'm getting majorly sick of having to deal with it.
    Illustrator used to be a much larger part of my animation process,
    but now I can't use it how I really want to because of the bad copy
    and paste functionality.

    The integration between Flash CS3 and Illustrator means you
    can copy objects from Illustrator to Flash and i think if you copy
    from Flash to illustrator or Photoshop, you would not get a good
    You can solve your problem by exporting your Flash work as
    Your idea about the ability to copy from Flash to Illustrator
    is a good idea although Illustrator can not read some of the Flash
    imported information correctly. But it is still a good enahcement
    idea. There is a link where you can add suggestions but I do not
    remember it and I am replying using mobile, so my browsing
    capabilities is limited.
    I will try to post the link here when I got to my back normal
    Thanks alot!!

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    Dear all,
    We are planning a copy of our SAP sytems from productive to test. We did this already several times including ERP, BW and CRM systems. Now for the first time GTS is involved, too. Is there any special information available on how to do this for GTS 8.0?
    I know that information about ERP - Logical System is included in customs document data (/SAPSLL/CUHD_0251_S-ORGLOGSYS) and suppose that this has to be changed to Logical System ID of the ERP test system after the copy.
    Any information regarding this topic would be much appreciated.

    Hello Dave,
    Thank you for your feedback!
    Concerning Logical System I already talked to our basis guys. They will use trx BDLS to convert it during copy/refresh process.
    Concerning Logical System Group I think we are safe as we are using the same Logical System Groups (GRPERP for ERP system + GRPGTS for GTS system) across our system landscape for Dev, Test and Prod. After system copy we just need to check/change the grouping table /SAPSLL/TCOGVA itself for correct entries.
    Thanks again and regards,

  • IDSCS5.5 How to determine if a pageitem was copy/pasted from Illustrator

    My flow is as follows:
    - Open document in IndesignServer
    - (XML)Tag every pageitem with our custom IndesignServer plugin (c++ SDK)
    - If pageItem is a group, tag every member separately
    - save/close the document
    My problem is:
    - If pageitem was copy/pasted from Illustrator and pageitem has a gradient fill => IndesignServer crashes while tagging.
    - Copy/pasted illustrator items with plain colorfills work fine.
    Note that:
    - Copy pasted pageitems from illustrator with a gradient fill are considerated as group in Indesign.
    - The gradient fill of Illustrator is not recognized as such in Indesign ( I could only test with Illustrator CS4).
    - The lack of color information in that situation is not enough to consider the object as "from Illustrator".
    My question:
    - How can i determine if the origin of the pageitem is Illustrator? (I have no control on the creation of the document).
    I know this is a hard one...
    Thanks in advance for any usefull input!
    Bart Devos.

    My flow is as follows:
    - Open document in IndesignServer
    - (XML)Tag every pageitem with our custom IndesignServer plugin (c++ SDK)
    - If pageItem is a group, tag every member separately
    - save/close the document
    My problem is:
    - If pageitem was copy/pasted from Illustrator and pageitem has a gradient fill => IndesignServer crashes while tagging.
    - Copy/pasted illustrator items with plain colorfills work fine.
    Note that:
    - Copy pasted pageitems from illustrator with a gradient fill are considerated as group in Indesign.
    - The gradient fill of Illustrator is not recognized as such in Indesign ( I could only test with Illustrator CS4).
    - The lack of color information in that situation is not enough to consider the object as "from Illustrator".
    My question:
    - How can i determine if the origin of the pageitem is Illustrator? (I have no control on the creation of the document).
    I know this is a hard one...
    Thanks in advance for any usefull input!
    Bart Devos.

  • CSS copy everything from slot0 to slot1

    Is there a way to copy everything I have from slot0 to slot1 in a CSS 11500 ?
    When I say everything I am mainly looking at services, content rules, header fields, source groups, ssl certificates?
    A Cisco rep told me to issue a copy 0 command and I haven't tested it yet, I was wondering if I could achieve that with that command.
    Thanks in advance.

    yes, the copy 0 command is going to copy everything from slot 0 to slot 1, this includes the code, logs, config, ssl files, cores.

  • Copying value from one cursor to another

    I have a problem while copying values from one cursor to another cursor.
    The code looks like below.
                TransactionResultSet OUT NOCOPY types.ref_cursor,
                temp_cursor types.ref_cursor;
                wip_rec types.ref_cursor;
                    CURSOR temp_cursor IS
                SELECT ...........
        FOR wip_rec IN temp_cursor
        update tinsagr set something
        where {the condition}
            IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('this is test ');
            Fetch wip_rec into TransactionResultSet;
         END IF;
       END LOOP;so basically i want to iterate the "temp_cursor" and depending on the values i get it from here i shall update a table. Actually i want to exclude few records from "temp_cursor" and add it/copy rest of the records to "TransactionResultSet"
    That means say initially " temp_cursor" has 100 records and i updated 5 records in a table and same number of records should be excluded and rest should be added to the output cursor TransactionResultSet.
    How do i achieve it?
    while saving i am getting
    (1): PLS-00456: item 'WIP_REC' is not a cursor.
    Do any one has any idea what to do in such scenario?

    There are options like....
      2  /
    Type created.
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> set serverou on
    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "serverou"
    SQL> set serverout on
      2    rc      sys_refcursor;
      3    v_ename emp.ename%TYPE;
      4    v_dept  emp.deptno%TYPE;
      5    ---End Of Local Varriable Declaration
      6    --Procedire declaration !
      7    PROCEDURE TEST_CUR(pi_out_ref_cur IN OUT sys_refcursor) IS
      8      emp_rec emp_tbl;
      9    BEGIN
    10      /* This BULK COLLECT can be done with explicit cursor,Ref Cursor
    11      with some simple modification, Here I have used implicit cursor! */
    12      SELECT emp_obj(ename, deptno) --Casting as the object
    13      BULK COLLECT
    14        INTO emp_rec
    15        FROM emp
    16       WHERE deptno = 10;
    18      dbms_output.put_line('Records selected are:');
    19      FOR i in 1 .. emp_rec.COUNT LOOP
    20        dbms_output.put_line(emp_rec(i).ename || '--' || emp_rec(i).dept);
    21      END LOOP;
    22      --Now we are filtering the record and may be doing some operation with each record.
    23      FOR i in 1 .. emp_rec.COUNT LOOP
    24        IF emp_rec(i).ename = 'KING' THEN
    25          --You can change this IF according to your need.
    26          emp_rec.DELETE(i);
    27        END IF;
    28      END LOOP;
    29      OPEN pi_out_ref_cur FOR
    30        SELECT * FROM TABLE(emp_rec); --Using the TYPE AS table.
    31    END TEST_CUR;
    32    /* Main execution or procedure calling section*/
    33  BEGIN
    34    --Actual calling
    35    TEST_CUR(rc);
    36    dbms_output.new_line;
    37    dbms_output.put_line('Now in Ref Cursor');
    38    dbms_output.put_line('****************');
    39    LOOP
    40      FETCH rc
    41        INTO v_ename, v_dept;
    42      dbms_output.put_line(v_ename || '--' || v_dept);
    43      EXIT WHEN rc%NOTFOUND;
    44    END LOOP;
    46  END;
    47  /
    Records selected are:
    Now in Ref Cursor
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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