OIM: Retrieve data from stored procedure,  pre populate it in Resource form

I need to retrieve data form a stored procedure that i have created . This data needs to be per populated in the Iplanet resource from. The stored procedure will have one input string and one output string.
Sanjay Rulez

1. Prepare OIM Admin Console to interact with an Oracle Database, by adding jdbc jar files in the lib Directory of OIM Console.
2. Restart OIM Console and Create a database Resource
3. Create an Pre-populate adapter Task with a "Stored Procedure" Type
4. Invoke you Procedure.
The main problems can be around datatype conversion between Java and Oracle database.
For instance, all Oracle NUMBER type are mapped on java LONG type, and you need to deal every time with conevsrion between INTEGER and LONG in the adapter task.

Similar Messages

  • URGENT : Return Bulk data from Stored Procedure

    Tell me, how do I return a bulk of data which
    does not exist in the data base
    but is concluded while the Stored Procedure is executed
    from the Stored procedure
    to the C++ program.
    For Example:
    Table ABC
    Field1 Field2 Field3
    A 1 3
    B 1 5
    C 2 10
    Table DEF
    Field1 Field2 Field3
    D 10 24
    E 3 16
    F 8 19
    Depending on the values in both the tables
    for some range of conditions,
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    condition range.
    Now I need to return this bulk of data X with the
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    and so on, which doesn't seem like a very good solution
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    Sounds like something I would have done while in school,
    implement a dumb solution.
    So, please suggest me a solution as to how do I return
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    Use Out parameter mode
      2  BEGIN
      3        x:= 1;
      4        y:= 2;
      5  END;
      6  .
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.
      2   a NUMBER :=3;
      3   b NUMBER :=4;
      4  BEGIN
      5   a1 (a,b);
      6      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'a = ' || a );
      7      dbms_output.put_line( 'b = ' || b );
      8  END;
      9  .
    SQL> /
    a = 1
    b = 2
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.By default parameters are copied to the OUT parameter mode .
    COPY hint in PLSQL don’t send a pointer to calling program unit but NOCOPY

  • Ora-06550 returning data from Stored Procedure and Entity Data Model

    I'm creating an application that uses a WCF Service to return data. I also created a proyect with the EDMX design and mapped most of my DBModel to a classes context. I have added some of the procedures as well. One of them receive some parameters and return a Sys_RefCursor, that is populated according to the parameters.
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    ORA-06550: línea 1, columna 8:
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    I appreciate any help.

    When you return result sets from stored procedures to Entity Framework, you are very likely using implicit result sets. Implicit result sets don't need to be declared as a parameter in code, only in the <add> tags to define the metadata in the .NET config file.
    For example, in the EF Oracle By Example, you'll see that the stored procedure in the function import has three parameters, but only two are declared in the code. The third one was defined in the config file.

  • Displaying data from stored procedure into textbox fields based on user input.

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    --Here is an example of the kind of thing the user might search for...when the user searches the word "sprint" it returns three different vendor names to the drop down list.
    1. sprint
    2. sprint
    3. sprint co
    Each one of those three vendor names has a different vendor address, vendor city, vendor ID, etc...but the vendor names are extremely similar and in some cases
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    P.S. I didn't even know what SQL Server was a month ago and had zero knowledge of SSRS at all.  I've learned a lot recently, but if you could explain a solution in the easiest way possible I would appreciate it. Thanks!

    Hi Jrcowles,
    If I understand you correctly, you wnat to list all the Vendor Name which like the user typed Vendor Name on a drop-down list, right? If in this case, we can use a cascading parameters to achieve your requirement. I have tested it on my local environment,
    the steps below are for you reference.
    Create an other stored procedure using the query below.
    @VendorName NVARCHAR(50)
    exec( 'SELECT * FROM Vendor WHERE VendorName LIKE ''%'+@VendorName+'%''')
    Create another dataset DataSet2 and using the new created procedure.
    Create another parameter VendorName2 and check "Allow Multiple Values" for this parameter.
    On the Available Values tab, check "Get values from a query". Select corresponding dataset and field.
    On the Default Values tab, check "Get values from a query". Select corresponding dataset and field.
    The screenshots below are for you reference.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Web Service receives no data from Stored Procedure call.

    Issue: When calling a Stored Procedure from a Web Service no data is returned.
    Lead up: I can call the SP 100 times a day for 3-4 days then for some reason the Web Service no longer get the data from SQL. I have ran a trace and I can see the SP running though all of its steps and returning the data, but the Web Service
    is not getting it.
    Fix: None yet.
    Work around: Before the Web Service calls the SP, I am sending an SP_Recompile to the SP in question. For now this seems to have resolved the issue.
    1. SP is querying data from another DB on the same server.
    2. SP is storing query data in Temp Tables.

    Does your Stored Procedure have parameters? If so, the issue may be cause by parameter sniffing. Please refer to the following blog about Paraemeter Sniffing:
    The recommended fix for most situations is to not use parameters directly in queries, but rather store them into local variables and then use those variables in the queries.
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • JDBC - How to Get Data from Stored Procedure?

    I am using Oracle Thin JDBC driver. A stored procedure has an IN parameter and an OUT parameter. The type of OUT parameter is TABLE of RECORD which is defined in the PL/SQL package in which the stored procedure is included. My question is if there is any way to call this stored procedure and process the data returned by the OUT parameter in my Java code.

    define in the pl/sql block as a cursor
    register the out parameter as an oracle.cursor
    on the java program get an object (from the statement), casting it to an resultset and then you can work on it

  • Accessing Data from Stored Procedure using CallableStatement

    I have created a Stored Procedure as shown , IS it possible to access these data inside my JDBC Program ??
    CREATE or replace  PROCEDURE getEmpName(EMP_NUM IN NUMBER)
    CURSOR C1 is select from emp ;*
    C2 c1%rowtype;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into c2;
    exit when c1%NOTFOuND;
    end loop;
    END ;
    *CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call getEmpName(?)}");*

    What do you mean by :
    IS it possible to access these data inside my JDBC Program ??JDBC provide/helps to execute a stored proc. when we say executing a proc, it actually executes on DB. So if a proc is written which has in and out parameter. and if does some work based on in parameter and returns the result in out parameter. Here if you mean, like can i read the out parameter and check what it has returned, then yes you can access this data from JDBC.
    CURSOR C1 is select from emp ;*
    C2 c1%rowtype;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into c2;
    exit when c1%NOTFOuND;
    end loop;
    END ;
    /But in your above proc it has only in parameter, no out parameter and has only select. so you could execute the proc using JDBC.

  • What is the best approach to return Large data from Stored Procedure ?

    no answers to my original post, maybe better luck this time, thanks!
    We have a stored proc (Oracle 8i) that:
    1) receives some parameters.
    2)performs computations which create a large block of data
    3) return this data to caller.
    compatible with both ASP (using MSDAORA.Oracle), and ColdFusion (using Oracle ODBC driver). This procedure is critical in terms of performance.
    I have written this procedure as having an OUT param which is a REF CURSOR to a record containing a LONG. In order to make this work, at the end of the procedure I have to store the working buffer (an internal LONG variable) into a temp table, and then open the cursor as a SELECT from the temp table.
    I have tried to open the cursor as a SELECT of the working buffer (from dual) but I get the error "ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested"
    I suspect this is taking too much time; any tips about the best approach here? is there a resource with REAL examples on returning large data?
    If I switch to CLOB, will it speed the process, be compatible with callers, etc ? all references to CLOB I saw use trivial examples.
    Thanks for any help,
    Yoram Ayalon

    Create a new farm in the secondary Data Center at the same patch level with the desired configuration. Replicate the databases using the method of choice (Mirroring, AlwaysOn, etc.). Create a downtime window where you can then attach the databases to the
    new farm's Web Application(s)/Service Application(s).
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • How to retrieve Table of Records output param from stored procedure ?

    I'm trying to retrieve data from a PL/SQL stored proc. It seems I can't modify this procedure (I'm not allowed to and I don't know PL/SQL :)).
    My only documentation is the PL/SQL code and its comments. And that's the first I have to deal with output of a defined complex PL/SQL type
    So the signature of the procedure is :
        pEntumTyp       IN          NUMBER,
        pEntnum         IN          VARCHAR2,
        pEveListSize      IN OUT      NUMBER,
        pEveList       IN OUT      pkg_funaff_eveleg.TableRecordEVL,
        pErrCode   IN OUT      VARCHAR2,
        pMessage        IN OUT      VARCHAR2)
      RETURN NUMBER;pkg_funaff_eveleg.TableRecordEVL type is defined as "TABLE of RecordEVL"
    pkg_funaff_eveleg.RecordEVL type is defined as "RECORD" (struct of 12 different fields : NUMBER or VARCHAR2)
    What is the correct syntax to call the stored procedure then ? I don't find how to manage the pEveList output param. Is it a Cursor ? An ARRAY ? And how to register it ?
    My code so far :
    public static void callFunaffEVL(Connection con, String rcs) {
        // CallableStatement procCstmt=null;
        OracleCallableStatement oraCstmt = null;
        try {
          // Identifiy the Stored procedure
          // package synonyme : pkg_aff_EVELEG_IHM
          // stored procedure name : FUN_AFF_EVELEG_IHM
          String command = new StringBuilder("{? = call pkg_aff_EVELEG_IHM.FUN_AFF_EVELEG_IHM(?,?,?,?,?,?");
          // 1 RETURN 
          // 2 pEntumTyp IN NUMBER
          // 3 pEntnum IN VARCHAR2
          // 4 pEveListSize IN OUT NUMBER,
          // 5 pEveList IN OUT pkg_funaff_eveleg.TableauRecordEVL,
          // 6 pErrCpde IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          // 7 pMessage IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          // Create a Callable Statement Object:
          oraCstmt = (OracleCallableStatement) con.prepareCall(command);
          // Assign IN and OUT parameters
          oraCstmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER); // RET
          oraCstmt.setInt(2, 0); // ENTNUMTYP
          oraCstmt.setString(3, rcs); // ENTNUM
          oraCstmt.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.NUMBER); // pEveListSize
          oraCstmt.registerOutParameter(5, OracleTypes.ARRAY); // pEveList
          oraCstmt.registerOutParameter(6, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); // pErrCode
          oraCstmt.registerOutParameter(7, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); // pMessage
          // Execute the Procedure or Function Call:
          // Process the OUT Placeholders:
          int ret = oraCstmt.getInt(1);
          String errCode = oraCstmt.getString(6);
          String message = oraCstmt.getString(7);
          System.out.println("RCS : " + rcs);
          System.out.println("ret : " + ret);
          System.out.println("errCode : " + errCode );
          System.out.println("message : " + message);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        } finally {
          // Close the CallableStatement Object:
          try {
          } catch (SQLException e) {
    Return : java.sql.SQLException: Parameter type Conflict: sqlType=2003
    Any help ? I found several examples that might refer to this case, but everything I tried end by a SQL exception of one type or another...
    (and sorry for my poor english :))

    As I said, "pkg_funaff_eveleg.TableRecordEVL" is TABLE of RecordEVL.
    i.e : I can find 2 defined types under the package pkg_funaff_eveleg :
    TYPE RecordEVL is RECORD (
    );If needed, I can translate each "EVENEMENTS_LEGAUX.EVLENTNUM_PK%TYPE", but they must be VARCHAR2 or NUMBER
    Do I answer your question ?

  • Best method to transfer large strings (XML data) to/from stored procedure

    I'm trying to call a PL/SQL procedure from Java. The procedure inputs a string (XML) that is parsed, and returns a result string (also XML).
    Typical size of the string is 5kb -> 1mb.
    I can see two possible solutions:
    1) String / LONG
    2) CLOB (Using DMBS_LOB.createTemporary and getting a CLOB locator and passing the locator to the stored procedure)
    Does anyone have other suggestions?
    What is the fastest method for transferring XML structures from to and from stored procedures?

    I would say it depends on your requirement. Both the methods have some advantages and disadvantages.
    Using a CLOB means that you have to use vendor specific libraries but this is more extendible and I fast too.
    Using String/Long will be more portable in the long run but again you lose on speed/performance.
    Just a doubt of mine... If I got it correct, you are transforming one XML to another XML based on some conditions. Why dont you use XSL and XSL StyleSheet Processor packaged with XDK for this? I think this would be the fastest way.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error while retrieving data from PL/SQL Table using SELECT st. (Urgent!!!)

    Hi Friends,
    I am using Oracle 8.1.6 Server, & facing problems while retrieving data from a PL/SQL Table:
    TYPE tP2 is TABLE of varchar2(10); --declared a collection
    dt2 tP2 := tP2('a','b','c');
    i NUMBER(8);
    While executing the above procedure, I encountered foll. error:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [15419], [severe error during PL/SQL execution], [], [],
    ORA-06544: PL/SQL: internal error, arguments: [pfrrun.c:pfrbnd1()], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    ORA-06553: PLS-801: internal error [0]
    Can anyone please help me, where the problem is??
    Is it Possible to retrieve data from PL/SQL TABLE using SELECT statement? & How ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
    Jay Raval.

    Thanks Roger for the Update.
    It means that have to first CREATE TYPE .. TABLE in database then only I can fire a Select statement on that TYPE.
    Actually I wanted to fire a Select statement on the TABLE TYPE, defined & declared in PLSQL stored procedure using DECLARE TYPE .. TABLE & not using CREATE TYPE .. TABLE.
    I was eager to know this, because my organization is reluctant in using CREATE TYPE .. TABLE defined in the database, so I was looking out for another alternative to access PL/SQL TABLE using Select statement without defining it database. It would have been good if I could access a PLSQL TABLE using Select statement Declared locally in the stored procedure.
    Can I summarize that to access a PL/SQL TABLE using SELECT statement, I have to first CREATE TYPE .. TABLE?
    If someone have any other idea on this, please do let me know.
    Thanks a lot for all help.
    Best Regards,
    Jay Raval.
    You have to define a database type...
    create type tP2 is table of varchar2(10)
    dt2 tP2 := tP2('a','b','c');
    i NUMBER(8);
    This will work.

  • Crystal Reports - Failed to retrieve data from the database

    Hi There,
    I'm hoping that somebody can help me.
    I've developed a crystal report from a stored procedure which I wrote. I can execute the stored procedure within SQL Server and within the Crystal Reports designer without any errors. Furthermore, I have imported the report into sap and can run it within SAP from the server without any errors. SAP version 8.81 PL5
    The issue is that when it's run from a client machine, I get the following error: "Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: Database Vendor Code: 156. Error in the File RCR10010 {tempfile location}
    Here's a list of things which I have tried, all to no avail:
    - Checked user permissions to ensure that they have proper authorizations
    - Re-set the datasource connection and re-imported the report to SAP.
    - Exported the report and reviewed the datasource connection and re-imported to SAP.
    - Tried to run the report on multiple machines to ensure that it's not machine specific
    - Tried to run the report using different users to ensure it's not user specific.
    - Tested other reports built from stored procedures on client machines to ensure that they work.
    Any assistance in this would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Thank you

    After further testing, we found that the report could be run within SAP on any work station which had the CR designer installed on it.
    As it turns out, the procedure which I wrote has temp tables in it.  The runtimes built into the SAP client install do not support creating temp tables when executing the report from within SAP.  Which is why the report could not retreive data.
    To work around this, I installed external runtimes which were the same version of the Crystal Report and now the report can be run within SAP from any workstation which has the external runtimes (and not just the runtimes within the SAP client).
    I hope this makes sense.

  • Basic TableUI element to Retrieve Data from DB in WEbDynPro For Java

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to WebDynPro for java.Can any body please help me out from this issue.
    I am trying to display records from DataBase by Using Table UI element.
    DBTable Contains 10 rows.
    I have created a Node and Attributes(for every column) .
    I am using JDBC code to retrieve data from database and assigning to Attributes.
    But in Table UIElement its displaying only last record from database as first row in UIElement.
    Its over writing previous rows.
    Can any body please help me the correct procedure to retrieve data from DataBase.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Iterate through the result set object
    populate the context node
    Ex:Replace the context nodeName with that of yours.
    ResultSet resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();
           //Iterate through the resultset
                //Create element of the context node
               IWDNodeElement nodeElement = wdContext.nodeOrders().createElement();
               //assign value from the database to the context attribute
               //Replace attributeName with your attribute name
               //Replace value with resultSet.getShort("<ColumnName>")
               nodeElement.setAttributeValue(attributeName, value);
               //Add the element to your node

  • Failed to retrieve data from the database Database Vendor Code: 2812

    Hi everyone
    Im using Sap Business One Version 2007A SP00 PL49, SQL 2005 and Crystal Reports Basic for Sap Business One (Add on Whenever i try to generate a report from SBO the system displays the following message "Failed to retrieve data from the database DETAILS: [Database Vendor Code: 2812]"
    The scenario is that, according to the Colombia's product local expert, Is not possible to create Stored Procedures, Views, Functions or anything in the customer productive database, in order to improve the performance of the query i created other DB where i created an stored procedure, after that, i called it from Crystal where it's working ok. But when i try to generate it from SBO it show the message promted.
    Someone knows what could be happening
    I'll be thankful

    Hi Cesar,
    Please post your question to the Business One forum.
    I can't move this thread.
    Thank you

  • Crystal Add on Failed to retrieve data from the DB Vendor Code: 2812

    Hi everyone
    Im using Sap Business One Version 2007A SP00 PL49, SQL 2005 and Crystal Reports Basic for Sap Business One (Add on Whenever i try to generate a report from SBO the system displays the following message "Failed to retrieve data from the database DETAILS: Database Vendor Code: 2812"
    The scenario is that, according to the Colombia's product local expert, Is not possible to create Stored Procedures, Views, Functions or anything in the customer productive database, in order to improve the performance of the query i created other DB where i created an stored procedure, after that, i called it from Crystal where it's working ok. But when i try to generate it from SBO it show the message promted.
    Someone knows what could be happening
    I'll be thankful

    Hi everyone
    My Stored Procedure contains the following code "annar.dbo.OIBT c", where Annar is the database name.
    When i execute the report in Crystal directly is working without Issues, There everything is ok, the Stored Procedure parameters, sorts, cross tab. When i try to executed it from SBO it shows the prompt error.
    The connection was OLE DB (ADO). I created an ODBC connection with the following settings
    - SQL autentication based on Id and password created by user, in this case sa
    -  "Use Identifiers between "" ANSI " and "Use Null, filled and ANSI warning " are ticked.
    - Execute character data conversion.
    Microsoft SQL Native Client Versión 09.00.1399
    Nombre del origen de datos: Bisynf
    Descripción del origen de datos: BisynfDW
    Servidor: BISYNFGER
    Usar seguridad integrada: No
    Base de datos: (Default)
    Idioma: (Default)
    Cifrado de datos: No
    Certificado de servidor de confianza: No
    Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS): No
    Realizar conversión de los datos de caracteres: Yes
    Registrar consultas de larga ejecución: No
    Estadísticas del controlador de registro: No
    Usar configuración regional: No
    Usar identificadores entrecomillados ANSI: Yes
    Usar nulos, rellenos y advertencias ANSI: Yes
    Right now with Those setting is running ok again in Crystal Reports  but when i try to execute from SBO the error has changed the error now is "connection could not be opened", Report Name in this case "Informe Stock Total" { 1D2DBDC5-41DE-43C0-A23C-391E7AEF2A37}.rpt
    Tks a lot

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