Service Contracts OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB
I am doing conversion for Oracle Service contracts. And I am getting status E, so I would like to know which are mandatory parameters for creating service lines.
The API I am using is OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB. Also are there are documentation in creating service contracts.

Hi Tapash,
Thnaks for your reply.
As per the doc we were able to create the contract header,lines and sub lines(Covered lines).
Are there any APIs for updation..?
Appreciate your help.

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  • Problem in OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB

    I am making a conversion for contracts. Here is my code
    r_k_header_rec.contract_number := v_contract_number; --M203125v3
    r_k_header_rec.start_date := to_date (v_contract_header.start_date,'MM/DD/YYYY');
    r_k_header_rec.end_date := to_date(v_contract_header.end_date,'MM/DD/YYYY');
    r_k_header_rec.sts_code := UPPER(v_contract_header.status);
    r_k_header_rec.scs_code := v_scs_code;
    r_k_header_rec.authoring_org_id := v_auth_org_id;
    r_k_header_rec.short_description := 'CUST:' || v_party_name;
    r_k_header_rec.chr_group := v_contract_group_id;
    r_k_header_rec.pdf_id := v_pdf_id;
    r_k_header_rec.party_id := v_party_id;
    r_k_header_rec.bill_to_id := v_bill_to_id;
    r_k_header_rec.ship_to_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.price_list_id := v_price_list_id;
    r_k_header_rec.cust_po_number := v_cust_po;
    r_k_header_rec.agreement_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.currency := 'USD';
    r_k_header_rec.accounting_rule_type := v_accounting_rule_type;
    r_k_header_rec.invoice_rule_type := v_invoice_rule_type;
    r_k_header_rec.order_hdr_id := NULL; --check
    r_k_header_rec.payment_term_id := v_payment_term_id;
    r_k_header_rec.cvn_type := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.cvn_rate := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.cvn_date := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.cvn_euro_rate := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.tax_exemption_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.qto_contact_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.qto_email_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.qto_phone_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.qto_fax_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.qto_site_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.contact_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.tax_status_flag := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.third_party_role := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.merge_type := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.merge_object_id := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.renewal_type := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.renewal_pricing_type := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.renewal_price_list_id := v_price_list_id;
    r_k_header_rec.renewal_markup := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.renewal_po := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.estimate_percent := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.estimate_duration := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.estimate_period := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.credit_card_no := v_cc_no; --No value
    r_k_header_rec.expiry_date := v_cc_expiry_date; --No value
    r_k_header_rec.organization_id := v_inv_org_id;
    r_k_header_rec.ar_interface_yn := 'Y';
    r_k_header_rec.transaction_type := v_transaction_type_id;
    r_k_header_rec.summary_invoice_yn := 'N';
    r_k_header_rec.rve_percent := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.rve_end_date := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.qcl_id := v_qcl_id;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute1 := v_isr_zone;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute2 := v_enotify_status;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute3 := v_promotional_credit_amt; --No value
    r_k_header_rec.attribute4 := v_orbital_profile_id ; --No value
    r_k_header_rec.attribute5 := v_ccholder_name; --No value
    r_k_header_rec.attribute6 := v_cc_zip; --No value
    r_k_header_rec.attribute7 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute8 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute9 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute10 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute11 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute12 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute13 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute14 := NULL;
    r_k_header_rec.attribute15 := NULL;
    --Create contacts
    v_k_header_contacts_tbl(1).party_role := 'EATON';
    v_k_header_contacts_tbl(1).contact_role := 'Internal Salesperson';
    v_k_header_contacts_tbl(1).contact_object_code := 'OKX_SALEPERS';
    v_k_header_contacts_tbl(1).contact_id := v_int_salesrep_id;
    apps.OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB.create_contract_header(p_k_header_rec => r_k_header_rec,
    p_header_contacts_tbl => v_k_header_contacts_tbl,
    p_header_sales_crd_tbl => v_k_header_sales_crd_tbl,
    p_header_articles_tbl => v_k_header_articles_tbl,
    x_chrid => v_chr_id,
    x_return_status => v_return_status,
    x_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => v_msg_data);
    After this I am creating lines but here it is returning v_return_status as 'U' that means it is not successful.Please give me some suggestion on it.

    Which release of Apps are you trying this in? Did you ensure that all the mandatory fields when you enter a contract from front end are populated by your API?

  • How to delete the coverages for an ACTIVE service contract ?

    Hi ,
         I have created coverages for few service lines for a service contract in R12. The contract is in ACTIVE status. If it was in ENTERED state, I could use OKS_COVERAGES_PUB.DELETE_COVERAGE to delete the coverages. But this contract is in  ACTIVE status.
         Basically I want the lines lse_id=2,3 removed for a particular line (lse_id=1) which were created by using OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB.CREATE_SERVICE_LINE. This contract has a standard coverage and hence there should not be lines with lse_id=2,3 for that particular service line .
         Also, I am not able to delete a coverage for an EXPIRED contract.
         Please let me know if you need more information on this.

    Hi 2619098
    Did you find a solution for this? I am having the same problem. Please advice.

  • Creation of Mfg Service contract from IB Instance number

    Hi Team,
    We have a requirement from client that we need to create a Mfg Service contract for a given IB Instance number. Can you please let me know, if we have any API for this?
    I tried to create contract using Oks_Contracts_Pub.Create_Contract_Header API but this contract is not associated with Instance in IB.
    Please help to provide any ideas on this. We are on 11.5.10 version.
    Thanks/Suresh K

    Solution: You need to associate Contract with Covered line with that serial number.

  • Service Contracts Billing Schedule Creation Error

    I have a requirement of creating service contracts from back-end for which I am using the oks_contracts_pub.create_contract_header, create_service_line, and create_bill_schedule. I am creating my contracts with active status and renewal type of EVN (Header level), FUL(Line Level). My contract is of type subscription. The contract header and line are creating fine but the Bill schedule API is throwing an UNEXPECTED ERROR. The billing schedules need to be created based on accounting rule which can be quarterly or monthly. I have included the bill schedule code (hard coded values) for review. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Also the version I am working on is R12
    l_strm_level_tbl OKS_BILL_SCH.STREAMLVL_TBL;
    v_bill_qtrs NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_mths NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_days NUMBER := 0;
    v_net_amount NUMBER := 468;
    v_acct_rule_name VARCHAR2(50) := 'QUARTERLY';
    v_amt_per_day NUMBER;
    x_error_locator VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_start_date DATE := '04-MAY-2010';
    v_end_date DATE := '25-MAY-2010';
    x_return_status VARCHAr2(3);
    x_msg_count NUMBER;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_billing_sequence NUMBER;
    x_chr_id NUMBER := 17000;
    x_line_id NUMBER := 223248604345353294444923586786456728480;
    g_day_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'DAY';
    g_month_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'MTH';
    g_quarter_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'QTR';
    v_amt NUMBER;
    v_invoicing_rule_id NUMBER := -2;
    --Create Billing Schedule based on accounting rule
    v_bill_qtrs := 0;
    v_bill_days := 0;
    v_bill_mths := 0;
    SELECT NVL(v_net_amount, 0)/(v_end_date - v_start_date)
    INTO v_amt_per_day
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated amt per day ' || v_amt_per_day);
    IF v_acct_rule_name LIKE '%QUARTERLY%' THEN
    --Quarterly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3))
    INTO v_bill_qtrs,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the qtrs and days');
    IF v_bill_qtrs > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3)) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated qtr amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    -- l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_quarter_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Quarterly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    -- RETURN;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    dbms_output.put_line('sequence '||v_billing_sequence);
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days ' || v_bill_days || ' ' || x_return_status);
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for quarterly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    --Monthly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)))
    INTO v_bill_mths,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths and days');
    IF v_bill_mths > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date,FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date))) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_month_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Monthly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for monthly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error ' || sqlerrm);

    Hi There,
    I have a similar requirement to create rental service contracts and create billing schedules.
    Can you please pass on your functional docs so that i can refer to them.

  • Documentation for Service Contract API

    Hi All,
    Sub: Any Documentation For The Public API's OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB,
    Firstly i would like to say Thank You for spending your valuable time for this Query.
    Currently i am working in Oracle Service Contracts module, which is Oracle
    Application's CRM module.
    oracle application version:
    Data Base version: oracle
    We are trying to integrate the Service Contracts through following Public API's
    with web.
    API's are:
    I search so much to the documentation for these API's, but i did not get any thing.
    I search in Oracle Meta Link, Google.
    Could you help If any Documentation If you find (or) you have ?
    Please forward to:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Any help from your side will appreciate.
    Thank you.
    Sai Krishna @cavaya

    Look at this link you will be able to get some information about the Api
    If you find any document regarding this Api other than this kindly let me know.

  • Service Contracts API

    Hi Experts,
    I came across the api oks_contracts_pub which can be used to create contract headers,lines and sublines.My requirement is to update the start and end date of the headers ,lines and sublines after the contract is created.
    Can this api be used for update as well ?

    Try OKC_CONTRACT_PUB.update_header
    Hope this answers your question
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Omkar Technologies Inc.
    Independent Techno-functional Consultant

  • Bill Schedule in Oracle Service Contracts.....

    Hi frds,
    I can able to create a new Billing Schedule for the Contracts in 11.5.10 Version.But, according to our Client requirement I am in need to update already existing Schedule.
    I am creating a new schedule using oks_contracts_pub.create_bill_schedule.
    if anyone worked on this area will you please let us know how to insert scheduling option in the Contracts.
    Chandrasekhar V.

    Hope you can use OKS_BILL_SCH package for re-creating billing Schedules.

  • Contracts open interface in R12?

    In past(11.5.9) we've used APIs for interfacing legacy contracts. Now that we're on R12.1.1, I was wondering if there exists an open interface for Contracts.

    Yes, in fact I've used it for creating warranties. But, while mostly I've been successful creating warranty contracts, there are times when I cannot find a coverage line (lse_id=15) for a warranty. Since these warranties do not carry dollar amount and are solely for the purpose of Preventive Maintenance and basic services on parts and equipment, it's not been a huge issue till now. I mean I can query the contract fine....it just shows up a little different...with some missing information....but no errors. Have you had this kind of issue where the coverage for contract is not created? Following are the APIs that I use, in sequence. I find it odd that for some warranties, I have all the information and for some others there's this line type and others(16 and 59) are missing. I would really appreciate if you could provide some insight into this issue.
    Thanks & regards,
    oks_contracts_pub.create_contract_header(p_k_header_rec => l_contract_header_rec
    ,p_header_contacts_tbl => l_contact_tbl
    ,p_header_sales_crd_tbl => l_salescredits_tbl
    ,p_header_articles_tbl => l_articles_tbl
    ,x_chrid => x_chr_id
    ,x_return_status => x_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
    oks_contracts_pub.create_service_line(p_k_line_rec => l_contract_line_rec
    ,p_contact_tbl => l_contact_line_tbl
    ,p_line_sales_crd_tbl => l_salescredits_tbl
    ,x_service_line_id => x_usage_line_id
    ,x_return_status => x_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
    oks_contracts_pub.create_covered_line(p_k_covd_rec => l_cov_level_rec
    ,p_price_attribs => l_price_attribs_rec
    ,x_cp_line_id => x_cp_line_id
    ,x_return_status => x_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data);

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