In the past I regularly used EXPLANG.HLP. I find it more convenient than the pdf or html equivalents. This is now accessed in 10g via a button on the OLAP worksheet. Does anyone know how I can run 10g OLAP DML Help independently of AWM?

Is it the usage of the host variable syntax within the sql define cursor statement which did the trick ... ":_objecttype" instead of "_objecttype".
I've used the following syntax in olap dml programs in 10gR2 (only 1 filter in the sql statement though)...
"where pr.user_id = :_appuser" ... _appuser is a text variable (not argument) defined locally in the program.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Similar Messages

  • Help on OLAP DML function – "joinchars"

    We have built a cube called 'CubeTest' which has a measure called 'TestMeasure' of decimal data type, using Oracle AWM v10.
    Now, I am using "Oracle OLAP Calculations v1.2.5", as available on OTN homepage, to define my own calculated measures using OLAP DML for this cube.
    I have defined the following two measures (for both, Calculation Type is 'Equation' and both are using free-form equations defined over TestMeasure):
    1. Calculated_Measure1
    2. Calculated_Measure2
    Now, I want to define a third calculated measure in a way that it represents a concatenation of the above two measures suffixed with some standard text.
    e.g. A Typical value of the third calculated measure will be like:
    Calculated_Measure1 + 'ABC' + Calculated_Measure2 + 'XYZ'
    Here, the '+' sign indicates the idea of concatenation.
    To achieve the above result, I am using the OLAP DML function "joinchars" to define a free-form equation like the one below:
    Now, the issue is that calculation like the one above, using joinchars is not being created successfully. I tried pre-qualifying (and not pre-qualifying) the names of the calculated measures with the cube name and also experimenting with the “Show” command. Also, once the calculation definition fails to get created, I am not even being able to attach my AW in R/W mode as I get the error as below:
    oracle.AWXML.AWException: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat oracle.AWXML.AW.readAWDefinitions(AW.java:1339)at oracle.olap.awm.dataobject.aw.WorkspaceDO.getModelAW(WorkspaceDO.java:803)at oracle.olap.awm.dataobject.aw.WorkspaceDO.getModelAW(WorkspaceDO.java:749)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.WorkspaceNode.getModelerViewChildren(WorkspaceNode.java:368)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.WorkspaceNode.getChildren(WorkspaceNode.java:341)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNodeModel.refreshData(BaseNodeModel.java:74)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNodeModel.dTreeItemExpanding(BaseNodeModel.java:221)at oracle.bali.ewt.dTree.DTreeDeferredParent.__fireExpansionChanging(Unknown Source)at oracle.bali.ewt.dTree.DTreeDeferredParent.setExpanded(Unknown Source)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNode.expandHelper(BaseNode.java:2186)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNode.access$400(BaseNode.java:109)at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNode$ExpansionThread.run(BaseNode.java:2136)Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat oracle.AWXML.AW.readAWDefinitions(AW.java:1313)... 11 more
    For the above issue, I have the following questions to seek your help on:
    1. First, obviously, to know what is wrong with the usage of "joinchars" in this scenario.
    2. If we use Oracle OLAP Calculations v1.2.5 to define any calculations, and if for some reason, the calculation is not defined successfully, is there any way to see what went wrong and where (this is because if your calculation definition fails, the Oracle OLAP Calculations v1.2.5 utility just exits out without giving any significant information on the reason for failures).
    3. When we create any new calculation and then click on “Define Calculations” button, the Oracle OLAP Calculations v1.2.5 utility prompts us with the message “Do you want to update the AW views after creating the calculation (Y/N)? – Can you please help me with the details on the implications of stating a Y or N to this message.
    Any help on these questions is much appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    The Error you get on using the rpr command is a display error, its not a functionality issue. Think of this as something similar to the sqlplus buffer overflow issue if you have a pl/sql program which outputs a lot of dbms_output.put_line statements.
    So if you get a display error, restrict the cube or the dimensions to a reasonable number and check your output. Example: Take every user dimension and restrict them to a few values... (say, 5 products, 1 channel, 1 location, 1 organization, 2 time periods)..
    Rpr <<expression>>
    will return the expression for every cell in status.. Depending on the dimensions that the expression is based on, for every dimension depending on the number of values (members) in status, the <<expression>> is evaluated and output'ed.
    No of cells in report is Cross product of each dimensions status (statlength).. For example above.. 5*1*1*1*2 = 10 cells.
    Shw <<expression>>
    will return the expression for the first cell in status.. 1st value (member) in status for every dimension that <<expression>> depends on.
    Hence Shw <<expressions>> does not lead to a display error since the output is restricted (small).
    Using the OLAP Calc utility to define the formula (the utility uses java olap apis), you may need to do something to protect the single quotes so that the expression gets evaluated with single quotes in the OLAP DML formula.
    You can try...
    joinchars(CUBE1_CMEAS1, \'ABC\', CUBE1_CMEAS2, \'XYZ\')
    If above doesn't work, just ask for help regd how to translate a formula expression containing single quotes (formula is correct in OLAP DML) into the AW via the Spreadheet utility.

  • Help me? (A olap dml problem)

    1.there is a example about olap dml in oracle's document:
    DBMS_AW.EXECUTE('limit product to top 10 based on
    (product 'ALL PRODUCTS' customer 'ALL CUSTOMERS'
    time ‘YEAR TO DATE 2001’))
    DBMS_AW.EXECUTE('limit customer to customer.level 'TOP')
    DBMS_AW.EXECUTE(‘limit time to time.level 'YEAR')
    2.My problem:
    what's PERCENT.CHANGE.SALES.GROWTH? how generate?
    what's SALES.AW.VIEW? how generate?
    please help me!

    It looks like SALES.AW.VIEW is a view created to allow relational reporting against an Oracle Analytic Workspace (MOLAP cube)
    My guess would be:
    1) There is a purely relational star schema that holds the sales data
    2) An analytic workspace was created from the star schema
    3) The analytic workspace was enabled for BI / discoverer viewing, which creates the relational views that know how to retrieve data from the Analytic workspace.
    To play around with this, use the "Warehouse" category in OEM to define the relational star schema dimensions and measures, and then create an Analytic workspace using the Analytic Workspace Manager.
    Hope this helps,

  • OLAP DML Program Help

    I am trying to write a DML program to read data from each active cell displayed in a crosstab, and parse through various information. For each cell, I want to capture the value of the measure, and the level and value of each dimension, apply some logic, apply a value to another measure related to the original, and then persist that new value into that cell for the second measure.
    There are a couple of problems that I am running into. First of all, I am performing some testing to fully understand the logic, but it seems that via the OLAP Worksheet, DML programs do not like to accept command-line parameters. This is necessary as I will have a few different programs that communicate via parameters rather than global variables. Secondly, within my DML programs, I have had no problem whatsoever creating and selecting data from a sql cursor when my where clause contains static data. However I will need the flexibility to determine at runtime the status of a dimension, and select via sql depending upon that value. This is not currently possible as any variable substitution within the where clause of a sql declare cursor statement generates an error. If anyone has a suggestion or an idea of what I am doing wrong, please reply.

    Is it the usage of the host variable syntax within the sql define cursor statement which did the trick ... ":_objecttype" instead of "_objecttype".
    I've used the following syntax in olap dml programs in 10gR2 (only 1 filter in the sql statement though)...
    "where pr.user_id = :_appuser" ... _appuser is a text variable (not argument) defined locally in the program.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • OLAP DML program 10g Help!!

    I have a OLAP DML program that I am invoking as follows
    call pmtdim_user_sec(_aw 'MG_OU' 'OPERATING_UNIT')
    The intent is to use the OPERATING_UNIT or parameter in 3rd place as a condition for cursor in the program.
    e.g. below for the sql for cursor.
    select PF_OBJ_ID from ps_cgf_ac_security@act_link -
    However when I use it in the program as below I get a failure during opening of cursor. The same thing when hardcoded per this SQL works fine? Am I doing anything incorrect. I tried using objtype and objecttype variables below in the where condition without any luck.
    Program below:
    " pmtdim_user_sec -PROGRAMS
    arg _aw text "fully qualified AW name e.g. AWADMFDL.FDL
    arg dimname   text  "Dimension ID on which PERMITREAD needs to be set
    arg _objtype   text  "Object type for row level security
    vrb _dim1      text
    vrb _dimlist   text
    vrb _used      text
    vrb _usedlist  text
    vrb _finallist text
    vrb _uservalue text
    vrb _userlist  text
    vrb _objecttype text
    show 'beginning of the program'
    show _dimname
    show _objtype
    trap on failure
    badline = y
    "multi aw and object fetching
    _dim1 = joinchars(_aw '!' _dimname)
    _used = joinchars(_aw '!' _dimname '_USED_IS_IT')
    _objecttype = joinchars('\'' _objtype '\'')
    show ' objecttype :'
    show _objecttype
    show 'before cursors'
    sql declare c2 cursor for -
    select PF_OBJ_ID from ps_cgf_ac_security@act_link -
    where OPRID =USER and PF_OBJECT_TYPE = _objecttype
    push &_dim1
    _dimlist = na
    _usedlist = na
    _finallist = na
    _userlist = na
    show 'before opening of cursor'
    sql open c2
    show 'opening cursor'
    if sqlcode ne 0
    then goto failure
    show 'before while'
    while sqlcode eq 0
    show 'before fetch'
    sql fetch c2 into :_uservalue
    show 'after fetch'
    if exists (_uservalue)
    if isvalue(&_dim1 joinchars(_uservalue))
    then dimlist = joinlines(dimlist _uservalue)
    else goto failure
    doend "while
    sql close c2
    show 'end of opening of a cursor'
    _finallist = joinlines(_dimlist)
    _finallist = uniquelines(_finallist)
    show 'Final List '
    show _finallist
    if _finallist ne na
    then do
    lmt &_dim1 to _finallist
    &joinchars('lmt ' _dim1 ' add descendants using ' _dim1 '_parentrel')
    "&joinchars('lmt ' dim1 ' add ancestors using ' dim1 '_parentrel')
    &joinchars('consider ' _dim1)
    &joinchars('permit read when instat('_dim1 ' ' _dim1 ')')
    pop &_dim1
    pop &_dim1
    signal errorname errortext
    return errortext

    Is it the usage of the host variable syntax within the sql define cursor statement which did the trick ... ":_objecttype" instead of "_objecttype".
    I've used the following syntax in olap dml programs in 10gR2 (only 1 filter in the sql statement though)...
    "where pr.user_id = :_appuser" ... _appuser is a text variable (not argument) defined locally in the program.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • How do I view data from OLAP DML program or statement?

    I'm struggling to find any information on this topic anywhere on the net:
    How to view data produced by an Oracle OLAP DML program or statement.
    Background :
    I am using the latest AWM to create and maintain dimensions, cubes and measures. However, I've noticed that AWM, Discoverer OLAP, BI Beans, Excel Plug-In et al only provide a fixed set of formula and expressions.
    For example, I wanted to created a Standard Deviation (STDEV) on measure. After much searching I learnt that I could do this by creating a custom measure in AWM by importing a measure defined in an XML dcoument as it's not provided by AWM. The output in Discoverer OLAP on the surface seems to give the correct results, however when drilling from high level to lower level of time time dimension hierarchy Discoverer includes the parent value in the calculation and renders the values incorrect.
    My alternative is to use OLAP DML, as it provides a richer range of formuale and calculations possibilities and I was hoping to use this functionality to do create the measures. I have the distinct impression, however, that OLAP Worksheet is the only interface out there to do this.
    It seems very primitive and limited with regards to data output, almost like SQL*Plus in many ways.
    The burning questions I have are :
    1) Do I need to write DML programs to perform these custom measure calculations and add them to cubes or do I import the custom measures via AWM and XML?
    2) If the answer to question 1 is DML programming, is there a way of viewing the OLAP data output through a GUI interface without embedding the statements in SQL.
    3) Has anyone experienced or noticed the same problem with Discoverer OLAP, AWM Viewer that I mentioned above? i,e, statistical functions performed on whole dimension hierarchy rather than lower levels.
    I'm hoping someone out there knows what I am trying to do or get at. Keith, any ideas or suggestions?
    Kind Regards

    Hi Greg,
    There are two ways to achieve what you want. Both require the use of custom calculations which cannot be created via the calculation wizard within AWM. To do this the easiest way is step outside of AWM and use the Excel Calculation utility that is on the OLAP OTN home page:
    Creating OLAP Calculations using Excel
    (Oracle OLAP DML Reference contains a list of all the OLAP functions that can be used to create a custom calculation. http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/olap/OLAP_DML_10.2.zip)
    The Excel tool lets you assign your own formula to a measure and then uploads that measure definition into your AW. It is possible to import a custom calculation template into AWM using the menu option on the Calculated Measure node of each cube, but it is safer to use the Excel Worksheet as this directly uses the public XML API and is always best to use a public API rather than hacking XML templates.
    There are two types of custom calculation:
    1) Formula: using a formula you can directly call any of the OLAP functions. For example to create a measure that returns the standard deviation for a measure then you would enter the following as the formula for your calculated measure:
    stddev(sales_revenue, time)
    The easiest way to test if the measure is working as expected is to use the data viewer within AWM.
    2) Programs - if the function you need is not provided or you want to do special processing to return a result you can create an OLAP DML program which can return a result. To do this use OLAP Worksheet to define the program and add a datatype to the DEFINE statement, such as :
    In the program return the value you have calculated within your program. Within the program you can do just about anything but be aware that your program is going to fire for every cell within your virtual cube so it must be efficient and fast to execute. For a measure then you would enter the following as the formula for your calculated measure:
    prg_sd_sales(time, products, geographies, channels).
    The actual program code would look something like this:
    argument T_TIME TIME
    variable D_RETURN decimal
    limit TIME to T_TIME
    limit TIME add descendants using TIME_PARENTREL
    return D_RETURN
    This code computes a standard deviation the all months within the specified time range, at year level for all 12 months, at quarter level for the three months within the quarter ans returns NA at the month level.
    As the code executes within a implicit loop you can only change the status fo dimensions that for part of that implicit by using the TEMPSTAT command. To test the program at the command line use the OLAP Worksheet and the SHOW command to just return one cell of data, DO NOT SIMPLY USE THE RPR COMMAND because you will have to wait for the whole cube to be returned. If you want to use the RPR command make sure you limit your base dimensions first! You can use PRGTRACE to debug your program code it is not working as expected. Again, the easiest way to test if the measure is working as expected is to use the data viewer within AWM, although this will not return debug information so send all your debug output to a file to capture any errors and/or trace the execution flow.
    Hope this helps
    Keith Laker
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
    BI Blog: http://oraclebi.blogspot.com/
    DM Blog: http://oracledmt.blogspot.com/
    BI on Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/bi/
    BI on OTN: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/
    BI Samples: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/samples/

  • Creating a Cube using pure OLAP DML

    This should be quite simple, but neither reading OLAP_*.pdf nor googling helped me, so maybe you can give me a hint where to look:
    I want to create dimensions, populate them, create a cube, and finally populate it, using just OLAP DML (i.e. no DBMS_AW or CWM/CWM2 packages).
    1) How can I execute OLAP DML? Right now I'm using sqlplus, wrapping each line in execute dbms_aw.execute(...);
    There's some better way, right? :)
    2) Can someone give me a link to a simple tutorial, showing how to create a cube et c.? Right now I'm as far as
    AW CREATE olaptest1
    DEFINE dimfoo DIMENSION TEXT AW olaptest1
    DEFINE dimbar DIMENSION TEXT AW olaptest1
    SQL SELECT DISTINCT(foo) FROM footable ORDER BY 1 INTO :dimfoo
    (the latter one fails, telling me that "quux is not a vaild olaptest1!dimfoo")
    3) Have I understood this correctly: I only need an Catalog if I want to work with AWM or DBMS_AWM, not if I just use DML?

    I'm not sure exactly why you want to do this.
    I guess I didn't explain very clearly :)
    We (i.e. the company I work for) creates software (in C++) which needs to work with a lot of data which is in an Oracle-DB.
    As the analysis done by the SW would profit (performance-wise) from the layout of the data in an cube, we want to get the data in a cube.
    But information like the number of dimensions isn't known beforehand (as that's sth. that's dependent on the site the customer uses the SW on, and can
    change with time), the software has to do the creation of dims and the cube itself.
    (For the curious ones: http://www.centerpoint.eu.com/ )
    And as OLAPI isn't available for C++ (at least afaics), I'd really want to do this in PL/SQL.
    If you do use standard form, you then allow yourself the
    option of using the various tools later
    That's really not needed :)
    You can always build the original AW using
    AWM, then save the build script it generates, and use
    that to do subsequent builds.
    Is that build-script in OLAP DML? How do I save it?
    BTW, in addition to the SPL INFILE command, there is
    the DBMS_AW.INFILE plsql routine, which saves you
    some quotes :-).
    dbms_aw.execute('infile ''work_dir/my.inf''') vs
    I hate superfluous quotes :)
    Thanks Jim!

  • Whitepaper/Info Budgeting/Planning/Writeback via Oracle OLAP DML

    does anyone know of any whitepaper, manual section, general information regarding writeback, planning, budgeting using Oracle OLAPs DML API? We would like to upgrade our proprietary DataAccess-Layer, which interfaces to Oracle OLAP via the DML-API, to allow writeback.
    As said the documentation for this topic seems to be scarce to none.
    Just to give an example: it is not possible to write back values to the base measures UNITS_CUBE_SALES/COST/UNITS of the UNITS_CUBE in global AW, since all of them are FORMULA objects. The underlying variable to which you can assign values is in 10g UNITS_CUBE_SALES_STORED, whereas in 11g you would limit the ALL_MEASURES_DIM object to the SALES measure and assign a value to a variable named UNITS_CUBE_STORED. Basically this is information I was fishing out of this forum, but didn't find documented in the Oracle manuals.
    Therefor I am wondering, if writeback via the Oracle OLAP DML API is something, which is officially not supported? Or maybe I just didn't look in the right places to find documentation.
    BTW: I am looking at this topic from an ISV point of view.
    Best regards
    Edited by: Ralf Steinstraesser on Aug 18, 2009 5:15 AM

    i can only speak about 10 G
    There are 2 modes to attach an aw for writing data.
    1)In rw mode
    Only one user can have an analytic workspace open in read/write at a time
    2)in multi mode
    A workspace that is attached in multiwriter mode can be accessed simultaneously by several sessions
    you find documentation for multi write
    hope this help you
    jean marc

  • INI: XOQ-01600: OLAP DML error "ORA-4030: out of process memory" OLAP PGA S

    Hi All ,
    While executing the cube generation I am getting an error. Anybody knows the reason ? I have amended the olap_page_pool_size to 200MB and it doesn't help at all .
    INI: error creating a definition manager, Generic at TxsOqConnection::generic<BuildProcess>INI: XOQ-01600: OLAP DML error "ORA-4030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 82860 bytes (OLAP PGA Stack,xsVPBlankParm: PPARM)" while executing DML "SYS.AWXML!R11_COMPILE_PARTITIONS('TIME.DIMENSION')", Generic at TxsOqStdFormCommand::execute
    Thanks in advance,

    HI David ,
    Thanks for the reply.
    My Time Dimension having 10 years of data in day level granularity and Fact table is not partitioned and having only one month of data as 299 records .
    Just to let you know that we define two hierarchy level under TIMES one is "ALL levels" and another is Detail where END_DATE has been defaulted with some value and TIME_SPAN is set mapped to the Times table column having distinct value 1 for each records .Also the Member specified as ROW_WID of the Time table.
    Just to let you know we have ran(Maintain from Dimension hierarchy) 'Product' and 'Position' dimension individually and it works fine i.e Load ,Compile and Sync process works fine but while run Times it is throwing issue :
    ORA-4030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 59340 bytes (OLAP PGA Stack,xsVPBlankParm: PPARM)&quot; while executing DML
    we run the Times hierarchy from OLAPTRAIN and it was perfectly fine . Not sure with our time Dim definition .
    Any clue ?
    Many Thanks,

  • XOQ-01600: OLAP DML error while executing DML "SYS.AWXML!R11_LOAD_DIM"

    hi all,
    I am trying to do the tutorial Building OLAP 11g Cubes (http://st-curriculum.oracle.com/obe/db/11g/r1/olap/cube/buildicubes.htm), but when I try to "Maintain Cube SALES_CUBE" I get the following error:
    An error has occurred on the server
    Error class: Express Failure
    Server error descriptions:
    INI: error creating a definition manager, Generic at TxsOqConnection::generic<BuildProcess>
    INI: ORA-35571: The maximum number of load errors has occurred. No changes from this step were committed to the database.
    XOQ-01600: OLAP DML error while executing DML "SYS.AWXML!R11_LOAD_DIM", Generic at TxsOqStdFormCommand::execute
    INI: XOQ-01601: error while loading data for Cube Dimension "OLAPTRAIN.PRODUCT" into the analytic workspace, Generic at TxsOqStdFormCommand::callR11LoadDim
    at oracle.olapi.data.source.DataProvider.callGeneric(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.olapi.data.source.DataProvider.callGeneric(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.olapi.data.source.DataProvider.executeBuild(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.olap.awm.wizard.awbuild.UBuildWizardHelper$2.construct(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.olap.awm.ui.SwingWorker$2.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
    Can anyone help me?

    I have seen this (in, I believe) when the metadata cache ("kgl") gets out of synch with the data dictionary. Specifically there is a flag that determines if prefixes get added to dimension members ("use surrogates" in AWM terms) that becomes false instead of true. If you look at the generated SQL in the OUTPUT column of the CUBE_BUILD_LOG you may find that sometimes a prefix is added to dimension members (e.g. "LEAF_LEVEL_" || dim_table.leaf_column) and othertimes it is not (e.g. just dim_table.leaf_column). A workaround if this is the case may be to execute the following (as dba) before building the dimension.
    alter system flush shared_pool;


    Message was edited by:

    The access OLAP objects via Java you have two options. You can code directly against the OLAP API and I think someone has already provided you with the link to the supporting documentation. The OLAP API docs provide worked examples on access OLAP metadata and retrieving OLAP data. However, this is extremely low level coding. An alternative is to use the Business Intelligence Beans. Oracle Business Intelligence Beans enables developers to productively build business intelligence applications that take advantage of the rich OLAP functionality in the Oracle database. OracleBI Beans includes presentation beans - graph and crosstab, data beans - query and calculation builders and persistence services, which may be deployed in both HTML client and Java client applications. OracleBI Beans is seamlessly integrated into Oracle JDeveloper to provide the most productive development environment for building custom BI applications. For more information goto the the BI Beans home page
    Specifically on executing OLAP DML see the following example:
    Developing a Dashboard Application with Oracle BI Beans:
    Adding controls to execute OLAP DML      This viewlet demonstrates how to quickly and easily add the controls to execute OLAP DML models that can be executed to update the What If presentation.
    Hope this helps
    Keith Laker
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
    BI Blog: http://oraclebi.blogspot.com/
    DM Blog: http://oracledmt.blogspot.com/
    BI on Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/bi/
    BI on OTN: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/
    BI Samples: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/samples/

  • Creating KPI using OLAP DML

    Hi all,
    How do we develop KPI (Key Performance Indicators) using OLAP DML in AWM 10g R2 (Analytical Workspace Manager)? I am new to this tool. Can anybody help me with a sample code. If there is any other way of implementing KPI in Oracle BI, kindly quote that example as well.
    Kieth, if you can answer my question and give me a sample OLAP DML code, i will be more than happy.
    Thanks in advance

    In 10g this is not quite as simple as 11g. To create a custom measure that calls an OLAP DML program you need to either:
    1) Download the Excel Utility from the OLAP home page on OTN:
    but check the readme first:
    2) Use Warehouse Builder to manage your AWs. OWB allows you to automatically create custom calculations that call OLAP DML programs.
    If you look at this posting on the Oracle OLAP Blog you will find an example of how to create an OLAP DML program and reference it from a calculated measure:
    Keith Laker
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
    OLAP Blog: http://oracleOLAP.blogspot.com/
    OLAP Wiki: http://wiki.oracle.com/page/Oracle+OLAP+Option
    DM Blog: http://oracledmt.blogspot.com/
    OWB Blog : http://blogs.oracle.com/warehousebuilder/
    OWB Wiki : http://wiki.oracle.com/page/Oracle+Warehouse+Builder
    DW on OTN : http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/db/11g/index.html

  • Updated OLAP DML Reference 10.2 posted to OTN

    The Oracle OLAP DML Reference has been updated with corrections for Oracle Database 10.2. As you may not be aware, this document corresponds to the OHJ Help for Analytic Workspace Manager. You can find the revised doc at :
    NOTES :
    * The part number is same as the original 10.2 version, however it has an October 2005 date on it.
    * Once AWM is released, it will contain the updated, corresponding OHJ Help. AWM and contain the original 10.2 OHJ Help.

    I'm thinking I don't have a real operational problem here, but I do like to tie up any loose ends and keep things as clean as possible.
    Ditto....we had many more invalid objects after the upgrade than before and they were all OLAP related.  As we weren't using OLAP we did the cleanup to avoid any future issues.
    It seems odd to me that if one selects to install Standard Edition One, it would still install EE options at all ..... just to have DBUA choke on them later.
    Our Oracle support guy was a bit confused as to why the OLAP removal scripts didn't exist on our server.  This was expected for Standard Edition but not Enterprise Edition.  Something has probably happened during some migration/upgrade to cause this.  In any case removing the objects manually including the public OLAP synonyms resolved our issues.

  • OLAP DML Error : -35188 : ORA-35188: The word = must be followed by an expr

    Hi ,
    While doing OLAP DML I am getting following error
    -35188 : ORA-35188: The word = must be followed by an expression.When searched Error list I could not any helpful explanation for this error.
    Any clue about this error?

    I found the issue , a value for measure was pushed and that time this error was happening,Reason was
    the value passed was .01 , but since the Number format was ',' for a decimal point value passed was ,01
    Turning the Number format to '.' for decimal points resolved the issue.

  • How to deploy OLAP DML scripts or programs?

    Once finishing developing a set of OLAP DML scripts in AWM
    How can I deployed them to production environment?
    Is there a command-line equivalence for OLAP worksheet?
    ( something like sqlplus @file, which execute
    a set of commands store in file )

    OLAP Worksheet found within AWM is a command line interface to Oracle that you can use with Oracle Database 9.2 or later to do the following:
    * Execute most OLAP DML commands
    * Edit OLAP DML programs, formulas, aggmaps, and models
    * Execute SQL statements
    To execute a saved OLAP DML program simply type the name at the bottom input pane in OLAP Worksheet and and hit the Enter key. Also, you can invoke an OLAP DML program that does not return a value by using the CALL command. Please refer to the OLAP DML Language Help found in OLAP Worksheet or the following Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML:

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