Olb file of "MSPaint"

Could you tell me the way to find '.OLB' file of "MSPaint.exe" or
get OLE wrapper '.PEX' file of "MSPaint.exe" ?
Email address :
from [email protected]

I will try to upload the image on this forum
Ya it happens with large images only
Yes upload starts via browse button
I TRIED TO UPLOAD THE IMAGE BUT IS NOT GETTING UPLOADED SING LONG TIME if your can give me you email ID then I can send it via email the said image I have uploaded with Microsoft Internet Explorer

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    Thanks for your question. In order to create simulatable custom components in Multisim you need a SPICE model (Multisim can also understand PSpice Models). The file format for SPICE model can be different according to the manufacturer, for instance: *.cir, *.lib, *.llb. At the end of the day these files are text files that you can open with a text editor, therefore, you can simply copy and paste the model in Multisim.
    Here are two good resources on component creation:
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    Creating a Custom Component in NI Multisim
    When you reach the step where you need to enter the SPICE model, simply open the *.lib or *.olb file with a text editor, and copy and paste the model.
    Hope this helps.
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    Hi LPR1,
    Do you have an application that reproduces this.  If so, do you mind posting it?
    Hassan Atassi
    NI Community Project Engineer

  • Download calendar OLB file

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    As promised, Download the calender OLB file and attach into yoor forms.
    http://profiles.yahoo.com/shettyshetty and
    click on VIEW MY BRIEFCASE
    and in one of the folder CALENDER ,
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    Thanx to Oracle Demo Help.
    Sunil Shetty

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    It's on the Forms and Reports 6i demos CD. Or download the Forms 6i demos from:

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    You're facing two possible issues: the formatting of the Windows hard drive and the codec of the AVI files.
    For the drive, if it's formatted as FAT 16 or FAT 32, your Mac will be able to read and write to the drive, although the files on the drive will be broken into chunks less than 2gb.  If the drive is formatted as NTFS, there is no file size limitation but your Mac may not be able to read the drive, nor write to it.  You can install this utility on your Mac to allow it to read/write to NTFS formatted drives: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/system_disk_utilities/ntfs3g.html
    For the AVI files, I strongly recommend converting them to QuickTime using a codec that will match your Sequence settings in FCP.

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    Paul Klinkman wrote:
    It's a new day so the computer was powered down and back up.
    I deleted the image from the page.  I used "add image" and found the image.  I have the same old image, the one that should have no longer existed.  No dice.  Note that this process doesn't involve Firefox in any way that I can see.
    You say "the one that should have no longer existed". Does that mean that it does indeed exist? I mean... physically, is the original image still in the folder? It just seems to me that it would be impossible to "select" an image or even a version of it, that no longer exists. It's like if you paint a red door yellow, there's no chance that one day you will walk past it and it will suddenly be red again all by itself.
    Another thing, have you tried renaming the edited image to something nowhere close to the original? If youdo that, and remove/add it, and it still shows the original image of a different name, then you'v e got some serious problems.
    Message was edited by: Expatriated Mac User

  • Check-in of uploaded  object library file (olb) in Repository corrupts file

    For version control purposes we standard upload all files we need to generate our forms. This also includes application specific object libraries. When a change is needed we:
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    - download it to the file system
    - make changes to file on file system
    - upload new version of *.olb to Repository
    - check in the file in Repository
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    - download it to the file system (file size = 428 KB)
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    - download it again to the file system (file size = 427 KB!!!)
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    I repeated the above twice and it is reproducible with the olb file
    Anyone else seen this problem? We use Designer 6i version
    Message was edited by:

    I think a found the root cause myself. In our repository we have keyword expansion installed which will fire upon checkin of objects (including files). I suspected that this functionality somehow corrupted the olb files. After excluding olb files from keyword expansion the problem disappeared.

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    Does anyone know why this is happening?
    How can I fix this? (should I use another Type in my class for the picture?) (should I format the picture in the report? ....)
    Kind regards,

    Hi AG,
    Thanks for your response.
    This is my TTX field:
    Signature     BLOB          
    I can't see the image in the report because I create the image in code-behind.
    I think the problem doesn't occur in CrystalReports but in the conversion from my StrokeCollection (I use an InkCanvas [WPF] to capture a signature) to a ByteArray.
    I am already one step closer to the solution. You can't just assign an object of type Image to the BLOB field of the report but it has to be a Byte-Array.
    The problem I am facing now is that the picture is black after a conversion. (I see this when I export to disk and open the file in MSPaint).
    The good thing is that CR shows me a black image so I guess CR is doing its job!
    Kind regards,

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    open windows explorer and find a .bmp
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    select open with
    choose the program you want from the list
    - or navigate to program if not in list
    check the box that says always use this program
    never tried, don't know

  • FRM-10043 Cannot open file in LINUX

    FRM-10043: Cannot open file.
    I have created a form sucessfully in windows.It works fine.
    Now i have to use it in LINUX. So i copied the fmb file into the Linux
    where the default test.fmx is placed.
    Now i executed the below query and i got the result cannot open file.
    [orabif@br bin]$ sh frmcmp_batch.sh userid=CNT/CNT@cmt
    compile_all=yes module_type=form module=logonfile.fmb
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.
    All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    FRM-10043: Cannot open file.
    Form not created
    Plz help me to solve this problem.
    *I know that there is no need to compile OLB files. but my forms shows error that
    FRM-18108 Failed to Load objects.
    when i use Frmcmp.sh GUI the form is compiled succesffully if there is no OLB attached with it.
    It gives Fr-18108 when OLB is attached with he form
    A timely help is needed...
    Thanx in advance..
    with cheers

    Did you copy the .OLB file(s) to your LINUX server also? If not, you will need to copy them as well as your forms 'Inherit' the shared objects from the .olb's so they have to be present in the FORMS_PATH on the server when you compile your .fmb's. If you did copy them, first make sure they were copied via Binary Mode and if so, then I would refer you back to Grant's post and suggest you make sure the files were copied via 'Binary' mode to the LINUX server. Rather than Copy and Paste the files, you may want to FTP from a command prompt or a FTP Program so you can ensure the files are moved to the LINUX server in Binary mode.

  • Form module name/ form file name(.fmx)

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    Ok, operator error. Since we are on unix, case is becoming an issue. The issue we are struggling with is compile time vs. runtime. Maybe we are the only ones out there, but this is pretty confusing. Wish there was a doc out there that explains all this.
    If we understand this correctly, during compile time the .pll, .olb files are referenced in the working directory - the current directory we are compiling in, as we keep all the forms, menus, olb, pll files in the same directory. During runtime the FORMS_PATH is where these get referenced so we need to be sure that the .pll, .olb are the same in this directory as what we used during the compilation. Must be the case as forms compile fine, but then get runtime errors - the dreaded ora--06508. Again, we assume there is a case-sensitive issue as, unfortuneately, some of the .pll, .olb files are upper and some are lower, which is what we are trying to resolve.
    Since we develop on windows, and it is not case sensitive, simply changing the filenames to lowercase and compiling there works just fine. But it seems once they are attached, they are attached by the original filename.
    So, my question is, is there a simple way to change the reference inside the .fmb on the unix machine to lower-case these references to libs without going into each form and manually unattaching and reattaching the libs so they will be in-sync with the lowercase file names we prefer to use on unix.

  • From where I will get PICKLIST.PLL FILE

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    So from where i cant get these file.

    How can find the picklist.pll in the Forms6 demos.

  • Runtime.exec( )..can't find file

    i'm passing the path of a file to runtime.exec()
    but yet it's searching for the file in the working directory.
    exec is getting the following
    String [] command=new String[2];
    command[0]=new String(applicationToExecute);
    command[1]=new String(fileName);
    try {
    Process child = run.exec(command);
    it searches the working directory (directory which my program is running from) for "time.jpg".
    any ideas?
    help would be appreciated!
    it searchs

    Try to provide the full path to the command and use the forward slash instead of the backslash -- like this:
    String [] command=new String[2];
    command[0]=new String("C:/Program Files/Accessories/mspaint.exe);
    command[1]=new String("C:/temp/time.jpg");
    If that still doesn't work, then try this:
    String [] command=new String[3];
    command[0]=new String("command.com"); // or just cmd on XP
    command[1]=new String("C:/Program Files/Accessories/mspaint.exe);
    command[2]=new String("C:/temp/time.jpg");

  • EnvDTE in unmanaged C++

    This is my first question within the Microsoft Forums (which are structured differently to what i am used to), so i hope I'm categorizing (and formatting) this correctly :)
    I just started working with Visual Studio and envDTE. The (Meta / non-VS) project I'm working on shall be written in C++. As a starting Point i found "How to: Add References to Automation Namespaces"
    (i was not allowed to link the article), but when i start a new, unmanaged C++ LibraryProject to try it out, the Code sample (without any further code) produces 43 Errors:
    #import "libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2" version("8.0")
    Here, IntelliSense tries to open a File named "libid:80...." within the Project Folder
    lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
    For the first appearance this line, 5 Errors are reported:
    col1: C4430: missing type specifier
    col1: C2440: 'initializing': cannot convert from const char[2] to int
    col1: C2146: Syntax error: missing ';' before identifier raw_interfaces_only
    col1: IntelliSense: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    col11: IntelliSense: (same as error C2146)
    further appereances Show the error: C2374: redefinition; multiple initialization
    I will not continue listing every single error, as obviously something very General is wrong (and the Errors repeat). I will, however, list some Errors that seem to hold interesting further Information:
    According to VS there are Errors in the files dte100.tli:
    -line 43, 49 and 55: error C2664: 'void _com_issue_errorex(HRESULT,IUnknown *,const IID &)' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'EnvDTE100::Debugger5 *const ' to 'IUnknown *'
    and dte100.tlh:
    -line 124: error C2504: 'Debugger4': Baseclass undefined
    Using C#, I was able to use the corresponding Code Snippet without any Problem.
    Can anyone tell me, what I'm doing wrong?
    Regards, Sebastian
    Edit: I just found out, that the code example has linebreaks, that should not be there. Furthermore I found "Trying to access DTE2 from unmanaged DLL" where one can find out that the Import of dte90a is missing.
    I will try to follow the help there for now, but there is no Information about my IntelliSense problem. Therefore, help is still much appreciated.
    Edit 2: My IntelliSense problem seems to have been a bug already in VS2010 (ID: 533526) and VS2012 (ID: 779727). The link to the workaround on the report page of 533526 is dead.

    Hi Sebastian,
    You'll probably want to familiarize yourself with some rudimentary COM and ATL programming techniques. CComPtr is simply ATL's smartpointer class. Various COM automation interfaces are published as typelibraries (those .OLB files you're #importing), which
    generates the interface definitions you use with the smart pointers.
    At the end of the day, you need to create an instance of the DTE object that represents the VS IDE. That means calling CoCreateInstance API, or leverage the ATL library similar to the following:
       int hr = S_OK;
       CComPtr<_DTE> spDTE;
       CComPtr<Window> spWindow;
       hr = spDTE.CoCreateInstance(L"VisualStudio.DTE.12.0");
       hr = spDTE->get_MainWindow(&spWindow);
       hr = spWindow->put_Visible(VARIANT_TRUE);
    Where I've added the following #import statements to my precompiled header (stdafx.h): Note, these will vary depending upon the interfaces you need.
        //The following #import imports DTE
        #import <dte80a.olb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The following #import imports DTE80
        #import <dte80.olb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The following #import imports DTE90
        #import <dte90.olb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The following #import imports DTE90a
        #import <dte90a.olb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The following #import imports DTE100
        #import <dte100.olb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The following #import imports VCProjectEngine interfaces
        #import <vcpb2.tlb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The followign #import imports VCProjectLibrary interfaces
        #import <vcproject.dll> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        //The following #import imports VCCodeModelLibrary interfaces
        #import <vcpkg.dll> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
        // The following imports the VSLangProj interfaces
        #import <vslangproj.olb> raw_interfaces_only named_guids
    I used the raw_interfaces_only attribute, as I typically prefer to use the ATL classes instead of the compiler generated ones.
    Also, I add the following using namespace statements to my .cpp files (after the #include for stdafx.h. You can figure these out by reviewing the .TLH files generated from the #import statements.
        using namespace EnvDTE;
        using namespace EnvDTE80;
        using namespace VSLangProj;
    Hopefully, that's enough to get you started.
    Ed Dore

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