Old 160GB vs New 160GB

I've just ordered the new 160GB ipod and was wondering what's the difference between it and the old 160GB version and why did they stop making the old one?

The new 160GB is thinner (like the original 80GB Classic) due to the fact that it now uses a one-platter hard drive as opposed to a two-platter design. The new 160GB also has Genius playlists and, I believe with the latest firmware, Genius Mixes. There may have been other feature additions, but I cannot think of any others off the top of my head. One drawback is, due to the thinner design, battery life is a bit shorter than the old 160GB (theoretically 40 hours on the old vs. 36 hours on the new).
As to why they stopped making the original, only Apple can say for certain. However, last year, the decision was made to market only one Classic model in the thinner form factor. At the time, the largest single-platter drive was 120GB (this replaced the 80GB model). If a replacement for the 160GB had been in the offing, it would likely have been a 240GB (with a hard drive containing 2-120GB platters).

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    Like with any hard disk, I'd suggest that leaving around 10% of iPod Classic disk space free would be sensible.
    My guess is that your iPod is just too gorged. 400k from 160Gb is aan absolutely tiny amount of free space, just one four-hundred-thousandth of the total capacity!!

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    Open this support document http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2109 print it from the computer and follow the steps there. You need to backup your data from the first device and then restore that to the new device.

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    Hi Pramod,
    If you want to view the old and new prices on a frequent basis, u can go for an
    ABAP query (SQVI) with the base table as MBEW.

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    Or completely re-install the whole Mac? (pleeease no....)...
    If anybody has any idea, it'd be highly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance and for the energy to read my little novel here,

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    - Is there any way to teach Space Designer Presets where to look for impulse respones. I can load IR samples directly and create a new preset, but I can't use my old ones.
    - Is it possible to install Logic from scratch over an existing version? Or how should I de-install everything connected with Logic and then install a fresh version from CD?
    Thank you again,

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    But iBooks is already on the iPad; I have it open and see the list of books in it, which matches the list shown in iTunes. The message has a "More Information" button; I click that and it opens an Apple Support article titled "iOS: An app you installed unexpectedly quits, stops responding, or won’t open": "Learn what to do if you see one of these issues with an app you downloaded from the App Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: The app unexpectedly quits; The app stops responding; You can’t open the app." But none of these apply; the iBooks app is on the iPad, and works fine there.
    The article suggests: (1) Restart the App. I've done that, no help. (2) Restart your device. Done that, no help. (3) Update your device software and your apps. The iPad is running iOS 6.1.3, iBooks 3.1.3; not the latest versions, no, but I'd rather not update it to newer, bigger, more power-hungry versions if I don't have to. Is it that iTunes 11 doesn't work with iOS 6? I haven't seen this stated anywhere.
    So instead I click the OK button on the message, but nothing further happens, so far as I can tell: None of the books/PDFs on the iPad (about 380MB) appear in iBooks on the MacBook Pro.
    I click on "Books" in the row of words across the top of the iTunes window, and it shows me the single PDF presently in iBooks on the MacBook Pro. I click the box by "Sync Books", and a message appears: "Are you sure you want to remove existing music, movies, TV shows, books, and tones from this iPad and sync with this iTunes library?" Well, no, that's exactly what I DON'T want to do. I don't want to erase the 380MB of books and PDFs on the iPad and replace them with the single PDF now in iBooks on the MacBook Pro. I want to copy the books from the iPad 2 to iTunes, so I can copy them back to the new iPad Air (if, God willing, I can figure out how to do that without erasing the books now on the iPad Air).
    I've been working with Macintosh computers for over 26 years. It's always been a fairly simple process to copy files from one computer to another. I don't want to "sync" all the data (address book, email, God knows what else) on the iPad with the corresponding information on the MacBook Pro – especially if that will erase everything on the iPad (which has information not on the MacBook Pro, e.g. 380MB of books). I just want to copy the books and PDFs in iBooks from the old iPad to the MacBook Pro, then to the new iPad, adding them to the books on the new iPad, so I don't lose anything.
    Can anybody give me a clue?

    How to Transfer Everything from an Old iPad to New iPad
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device
    Moving Content to a New iPad
    How to Transfer App Data and Game Saves from One iOS Device to Another
    http://lifehacker.com/5891964/can-i-transfer-app-data-and-game-saves-from-my-iph one-to-a-new-ipad
    How to transfer data from your old iPad to your new iPad
    http://www.imore.com/how-transfer-data-your-old-ipad-your-new-ipad-air-or-retina -ipad-mini
    Transferring your prepaid cellular data account depends on your carrier. AT&T lets you move it yourself when you go to Cellular Data in Settings and log into your account with your previous AT&T user name and password. For iPads with Sprint service, you can set up an account on the new iPad and contact Sprint Customer Care (888-211-4727 and go through the menus) to deactivate the old plan and get credit for unused service. For Verizon, call the company’s customer service number for mobile broadband support (800-786-8419) and ask to have your account transferred.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Use the Office for Mac and ignore using Parallels for that. If you have PC only apps you have to run that are MS Windows only then consider Parallels. Just transfer your main PC, using Migration Assistant.  If you don't know how then simply read over Pondini's article called Lion or Mountain Lion Setup Assistant tips and look for the section on migrating from a PC. Millions have done what you are about to, it's far from leading edge these days, if you go to an Apple Store to purchase they will offer this as a service, something you might be interested in.

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    I am attempting to use Home Sharing to import my itunes library from my old computer to new (as per instructions on this site), but the connection keeps "timing out" and so the import gets cut short.
    Both computers have the new itunes (I updated them last night), but only seem to get about 5 minutes (or 100 songs in) before the connection error occurs.
    I have an external hard drive and would use it to transfer my library (which is ~45GB) however my old computer isn't recognizing the hard drive so I thought Home Sharing was a good option...perhaps I was wrong?
    Help Please!

    You might need to make sure neither is going to sleep (System Prefs > Energy Saver)
    Also check your settings under System Prefs > Security. My sisters new laptop kept logging off due to some setting there.

  • How do i transfer old account to new desk top

    how do i transfer old account to new desk top

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Moving your iTunes library to a new computer

  • I had a data migration done from old iMac to new iMac, how do I use that file to find my old email contacts, Safari bookmarks, etc ?

    I recently had a data migration from old iMac to new iMac 11.2
    How do I use that data file to get old email contacts, Safari bookmarks, etc ?

    FireWire cables are dirt cheap and that's how you should be doing the migration. You might have to start over, wiping the new machine's HD, and restoring the software as described in the Everything Mac manual that came with it. See Best Practices and Setup new Mac for more details.

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