Old recovery points seems to not being cleaned up

I'm running a Windows Server 2012 server with DPM 2012 SP1, acting as a secondary DPM server for a couple of primary servers. However, the last 5-6 weeks it has begun to behave very strange. Suddenly, I get a lot of "Recovery Point volume threshold
exceeded", "DPM does not have sufficient storage space available on the recovery point volume to create new recovery Points" and "The used disk space on the computer running DPM for the recovery point volume of SQL Server 2008 database
XXXXX\DB(servername.domain.com) has exceeded the threshold value of 90% (DPM accounts 600 MB for internal usage in addition to free space available). If you do not allocate more disk space, synchronization jobs may fail due to insufficient disk space. (ID
All of these alerts seem to have a common source - disk space of course, but there is currently 8 TB free in the DPM disk pool. However, I have a feeling that all of this started when we added another DPM disk to the storage pool. Could it be that DPM doesn't
clean up expired disk data correctly any longer?

If the pruneshadowcopiesdpm201.ps1 is not completing, hangs, or crashes, then that needs to be addressed as that will definitely cause storage usage problems.
In the meantime you can use this powershell script to delete old recovery points to help free disk space.  It will prompt to select a datasource, then a date to delete all recovery points made before that time.
#Author : Ruud Baars
#Date : 11/09/2008
#Edited : 11/15/2012 By: Wilson S.
#edited : 11:27:2012 By: Mike J.
# NOTE: Update script to only remove recovery points on Disk. Recovery points removed will be from the oldest one up to the date
# entered by the user while the script is running
#deletes all recovery points before 'now' on selected data source.
$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
#display RP's to delete and ask to continue.
#Check & wait data source to be idle else removal may fail (in Mojito filter on 'intent' to see the error)
#Fixed prune default and logfile name and some logging lines (concatenate question + answer)
#Check dependent recovery points do not pass BEFORE date and adjust selection to not select those ($reselect)
#--- Fixed reselect logic to keep adjusting reselect for as long as older than BEFORE date
#--- Fixed post removal rechecking logic to match what is done so far (was still geared to old logic)
#--- Modified to remove making RP and ask for pruning, fixed logic for removal rechecking logic
$wait=10 #seconds
$confirmpreference = "None"
function Show_help
$l="=" * 79
write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
write-host -nonewline "`t<<<" -foregroundcolor white
write-host -nonewline " DANGEROUS :: MAY DELETE MANY RECOVERY POINTS " -foregroundcolor red
write-host ">>>" -foregroundcolor white
write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
write-host "Version: $version" -foregroundcolor cyan
write-host "A: User Selects data source to remove recovery points for" -foregroundcolor green
write-host "B: User enters date / time (using 24hr clock) to Delete recovery points" -foregroundcolor green
write-host "C: User Confirms deletion after list of recovery points to be deleted is displayed." -foregroundcolor green
write-host "Appending to log file $logfile`n" -foregroundcolor white
write-host "User Accepts all responsibilities by entering a data source or just pressing [Enter] " -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
"**********************************" >> $logfile
"Version $version" >> $logfile
get-date >> $logfile
"Selected DPM server = $DPMservername" >> $logfile
write-host "`nConnnecting to DPM server retrieving data source list...`n" -foregroundcolor green
$pglist = @(Get-ProtectionGroup $DPMservername) # WILSON - Created PGlist as array in case we have a single protection group.
$count = 0
$dscount = 0
foreach ($count in 0..($pglist.count - 1))
# write-host $pglist[$count].friendlyname
$ds += @(get-datasource $pglist[$count]) # WILSON - Created DS as array in case we have a single protection group.
# write-host $ds
# write-host $count -foreground yellow
if ( Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive) {$ds += Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive}
write-host "Index Protection Group Computer Path"
write-host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
foreach ($l in $ds)
"[{0,3}] {1,-20} {2,-20} {3}" -f $i, $l.ProtectionGroupName, $l.psinfo.netbiosname, $l.logicalpath
$DSname=read-host "`nEnter a data source index from list above - Note co-located datasources on same replica will be effected"
if (!$DSname)
write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
"Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
exit 0
if (!$DSselected)
write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
"Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
exit 0
$rp=get-recoverypoint $DS[$dsname]
# $DoTape=read-host "`nDo you want to remove when recovery points are on tape ? [y/N]"
# "Remove tape recovery point = $DoTape" >> $logfile
write-host "`nCollecting recoverypoint information for datasource $DSselected.name" -foregroundcolor green
if ($DSselected.ShadowCopyUsedspace -gt 0)
while ($DSSelected.TotalRecoveryPoints -eq 0)
{ # "still 0"
#this is on disk
$line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on DISK in {1} recovery points" -f $oldShadowUsage ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
$line >> $logfile
write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
#this is on tape
#$tp= Get-RecoveryPoint($dsselected) | where {($_.Datalocation -eq "Media")}
#foreach ($trp in $tp) {$trptot += $trp.size }
#if ($trptot -gt 0 )
# $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on TAPE in {1} recovery points" -f ($trptot/$MB) ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
# $line >> $logfile
# write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
#$answer=read-host "`nDo you want to delete recovery points from the beginning [Y/n]"
#if ($answer -eq "n" )
# [datetime]$afterdate=read-host "Delete recovery points AFTER date [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
[datetime]$enddate=read-host "Delete ALL Disk based recovery points BEFORE and Including date/time entered [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
"Deleting recovery points until $enddate" >>$logfile
write-host "Deleting recovery points until and $enddate" -foregroundcolor yellow
$rp=get-recoverypoint $DSselected
if ($DoTape -ne "y" )
$RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)-and ($_.DataLocation -eq "Disk")}
$RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)}
if (!$RPselected)
write-host "No recovery points found!" -foregroundcolor yellow
"No recovery points found, aborting...!" >> $logfile
exit 0
$reselect = $enddate
$adjustflag = $false
foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
$line= "Found {0}, RP size= {1} MB (If 0 MB, co-located datasource cannot be computed), Incremental={2} "-f $rtime, $rsize,$onerp.Isincremental
$line >> $logfile
write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
#Get dependent rp's for data source
foreach ($oneDrp in $allRPtbd)
if ($oneDrp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE) {continue}
$line= ("`t...is dependancy for {0} size {1} `tIncremental={2}" -f $rtime, $rsize, $oneDrp.Isincremental)
$line >> $logfile
if ($oneDrp.representedpointintime -ge $enddate)
#stick to latest full ($oneDrp = dependents, $onerp = full)
$adjustflag = $true
$reselect = $onerp.representedpointintime
"<< Dependents newer than BEFORE date >>>" >> $logfile
Write-Host -nonewline "`t <<< later than BEFORE date >>>" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor red
write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
#Ok, include current latest incremental
$reselect = $oneDrp.representedpointintime
write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
if ($reselect -lt $oneDrp.representedpointintime)
#we adjusted further backward than latest incremental within selection
$reselect = $rtime
$line = "Adjusted BEFORE date to be $reselect to include dependents to $enddate"
$line >> $logfile
Write-Host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
write-host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
$line >> $logfile
$line="Above recovery points within adjusted range will be permanently deleted !!!"
write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
$line >> $logfile
$line="These RP's include dependent recovery points and may contain co-located datasource(s)"
write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
$line >> $logfile
$line="Data source activity = " + $DSselected.Activity
$line >> $logfile
write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
while (($DoDelete -ne "N" ) -and ($DoDelete -ne "Y"))
$line="Continue with deletion (must answer) Y/N? "
write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
$line = $line + $DoDelete
$line >> $logfile
if (!$DSselected.Activity -eq "Idle")
$line="Data source not idle, do you want to wait Y/N ? "
write-host $line -foregroundcolor yellow
$line = $line + $Y
$line >> $logfile
if ($Y -ieq "Y")
Write-Host "Waiting for data source to become idle..." -foregroundcolor green
while ($DSselected.Activity -ne "Idle")
("Waiting {0} seconds" -f $wait) >>$logfile
Write-Host -NoNewline "..." -ForegroundColor blue
start-sleep -s $wait
if ($DoDelete -eq "Y")
foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
#reselect is adjusted to safe range relative to what was requested
#--- if adjustflag not set then all up to including else only older because we must keep the full
if ((($onerp.representedpointintime -le $reselect) -and ($adjustflag -eq $false)) -or ($onerp.representedpointintime -lt $reselect))
write-host `n$line -foregroundcolor red
$line >>$logfile
if (($onerp ) -and ($onerp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE)) { remove-recoverypoint -RecoveryPoint $onerp -confirm:$True} # >> $logfile}
$line =("---`nDeleting recoverypoint -> " + $rtime)
$line >>$logfile
"All Done!" >> $logfile
write-host "`nAll Done!`n`n" -foregroundcolor white
$line="Do you want to View DPMdeleteRP.LOG file Y/N ? "
write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
$line = $line + $Y
$line >> $logfile
if ($Y -ieq "Y")
Notepad DPMdeleteRP.LOG
Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    Hi afikru
    According to the Servlet specification session.invalidate() method should unbind any objects associated with it. However I'm not conversant with JRun application server so I can only provide some pointers here to help you out.
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    Keep me posted on your progress.
    Good Luck!
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    Developer Technical Support
    Sun microsystems

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    PS. A thread dump shows 2 cleaner threads that do nothing.

    1) The simplest and fastest way to correct the replica node is to restore it from the master node. We will send you instructions for doing this later today.Here are directions for refreshing the data storage files (.jdb files) on a target node. NoSQL DB will automatically refresh the storage files from another node, after we manually stop the target node, delete its storage files, and finally restart it, as described below. Thanks to Linda Lee for these directions.
    First, be sure to make a backup.
    Suppose you want to remove the storage files from rg1-rn3 and make it refresh its files from rg1-rn1. First check where the storage files for the target replication node are located using the show topology command to the Admin CLI. Start the AdminCLI this way:
        java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin -host <host> -port <port>Find the directory containing the target Replication Node's files.
        kv-> show topology -verbose
        store=mystore  numPartitions=100 sequence=108
          dc=[dc1] name=MyDC repFactor=3
          sn=[sn1]  dc=dc1 localhost:13100 capacity=1 RUNNING
            [rg1-rn1] RUNNING  c:/linda/work/smoke/KVRT1/dirB
                         single-op avg latency=0.0 ms   multi-op avg latency=0.67391676 ms
          sn=[sn2]  dc=dc1 localhost:13200 capacity=1 RUNNING
            [rg1-rn2] RUNNING  c:/linda/work/smoke/KVRT2/dirA
                      No performance info available
          sn=[sn3]  dc=dc1 localhost:13300 capacity=1 RUNNING
            [rg1-rn3] RUNNING  c:/linda/work/smoke/KVRT3/dirA
                         single-op avg latency=0.0 ms   multi-op avg latency=0.53694165 ms
          shard=[rg1] num partitions=100
            [rg1-rn1] sn=sn1 haPort=localhost:13111
            [rg1-rn2] sn=sn2 haPort=localhost:13210
            [rg1-rn3] sn=sn3 haPort=localhost:13310
            partitions=1-100In this example, rg1-rn3's storage is located in
        c:/linda/work/smoke/KVRT3/dirAStop the target service using the stop-service command
        kv-> plan stop-service -service rg1-rn3 -waitIn another command shell, remove the files for the target Replication Node
        rm c:/linda/work/smoke/KVRT3/dirA/rg1-rn3/env/*.jdbIn the Admin CLI, restart the service
         plan start-service -service rg1-rn3 -waitThe service will restart, and will populate its missing files from one of the other two nodes in the shard. You can use the "verify" or the "show topology" command to check on he status of the store.

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  • Expired updates not being cleaned up

    I've been trying to clean up old expired updates on my SCCM 2012 SP1 server and for whatever reason it seems that the updates files are never actually getting removed.
    At first I tried the instructions at
    When I run the script they provide it appears to go thru all the updates but never actually deletes any of them. The script always seems to say found it found an existing folder and then later it says that that it is excluding the same folder because
    it is active.
    Then I read that SP1 for SCCM 2012 is actually supposed to do the clean up process automatically.  But in this case do I need to do anything like expire the updates manually or does SCCM now do that?  How can I see what is preventing either
    the manual script or the automatic clean up process from actually removing the unneeded files and folders?
    And does anything need to be done with superseded updates as well?
    Also I've always thought that when you SCCM 2012 to do your updates that you should never go to the WSUS console and do anything but I read
    http://blog.coretech.dk/kea/house-of-cardsthe-configmgr-software-update-point-and-wsus/ and he is going the WSUS console and doing a clean up there as well.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Xin,
    In the wsyncmgr.log file I see lots of log entries like this:
    Skipped update 2d8121b4-ba5c-4492-ba6e-1c70e9382406 - Update for Windows Vista (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.777+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 24d18083-0417-4273-9a5e-1fc3cd37f1d4 - Update for Windows Embedded Standard 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.791+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 954f2ad2-369e-469e-97a0-3efd0a831111 - Update for Windows 8.1 (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.805+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update f81d2820-721a-431c-a262-4878a42f0115 - Update for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.822+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 7c82171f-025c-46af-849c-63764ba44382 - Update for Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.836+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 36c29163-b78a-410f-8bd0-7370b35a24f1 - Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.850+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 6146260e-5c34-4483-962d-834250d84c79 - Update for Windows 7 (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.864+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update e6e7f357-7011-4bfd-8b14-8be61e43fa51 - Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.877+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 2ed5e49f-3295-4b89-8a0b-9a38c0027d6d - Update for Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.890+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    Skipped update 62778a2a-11d8-4cb1-9970-9c3f45202d04 - Update for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB2998527) because it is up to date.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-31-2014 01:50:02.905+420><thread=4172 (0x104C)>
    And I also see the following entries:
    Sync time: 0d00h41m29s  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 01:51:51.388+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Wakeup by SCF change  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 02:05:42.535+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Wakeup for a polling cycle  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:05:49.050+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleting old expired updates...  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:05:49.130+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleted 17 expired updates  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:05:57.067+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleted 134 expired updates  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:06:06.487+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleted 168 expired updates  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:06:07.595+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleted 168 expired updates total  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:06:07.651+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleted 10 orphaned content folders in package P0100005 (Endpoint Protection Definition Updates)  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:06:07.875+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Deleted 5 orphaned content folders in package P0100007 (Automatic Deployment Rule for Exchange Servers)  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:06:07.953+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    Thread terminated by service request.  $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><10-30-2014 03:06:51.039+420><thread=3440 (0xD70)>
    So it seems like it might be skipping updates?  And then it says it deleted 168 expired updates for example?
    But if I look at the drive where all the update packages are stored it hasn't changed size.

  • Aq$_tab_p, aq$_tab_d filling and not being cleaned up

    Hi all.
    I have a simple 1 way streams replication setup (two node) based on examples. Replication seems to be working.
    However, the AQ$_TAB_P and AQ$_TAB_D (on the capture side only) tables continue to fill (as well as number of messages in the queue and spilled lcrs in v$buffered_queues). Nothing should be spilling since the only things I'm sending are 1 row updates to a heartbeat table and the streams pools are a few hundred meg.
    I have tried aq_tm_process unset, as well as set to 2 and the tables continue to grow.
    The MSG_STATE in aq$tab are either DEFERRED or DEFERRED SPILLED. As mentioned all of the heartbeat updates ( as well as small test transactions ) replicate just fine, so the transactions are being captured,propagated and applied.
    I am running on solaris 10 with no streams related one off patches to speak of, for reference. My propagation did not specify queue_to_queue.
    I'm wondering if there is a step I may have missed, or what else I may be able to look at to ensure that these tables are cleaned up?
    Edited by: user599560 on Oct 28, 2008 12:39 PM

    I forgot to mention that you should check v$propagation_receiver on the destination and v$propagation_sender on the source. v$propagation_receiver on the source will not have records unless you are using bi-directional streams.
    The aq_tm_processes parameter should be set on all the databases that uses Streams. This parameter is responsible for spawning the number of queue monitor slaves which is actually performing the spilling and removing the spilled messages which are no longer needed.
    It is suggested to remove this parameter from spfile, however your SHOW PARAMETER will still show this as 0. Hence you should be checking v$spparameter to confirm whether this was actually removed from it. If you remove it from the spfile, then it should spawn the required number of slaves automatically as per the autotune feature in 10g. However I would always suggest to set this parameter to 1 so that one slave process will be always spawned even if we dont use Streams and SHOW PARAMETER always show this as 1.
    If you find the slaves are not spawned, then you should be checking your alert.log to see whether any errors are reported. You need to check the Queue Monitor Coordinator process qmnc is spawned. If qmnc itself is not spawned (by default it should be spawned always), then no q00 slaves will be spawned. If you remove the parameter from spfile and you see that no q00 slaves are spawned eventhough you are using Streams (either capture, prop or apply) then you should log an SR with Oracle Support to investigate this. You can check the qmnc and q00 slaves at the OS level using the following command:
    ps -ef | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep [q][m0][n0]
    Please mark this thread as answered if all your questions are answered well else let me know.

  • Memory optimized DLLs not being cleaned up

    From BOL, my understanding is that DBAs do not need to administer DLLs created for memory optimized tables, or natively compiled stored procedures, as they are recompiled automatically, when the SQL Server service starts and are removed when no longer needed.
    But I am witnessing, that even after a memory optimized table has been dropped, and the service restarted, the DLLs still exist in the file system AND are still loaded into SQL memory and attached to the process. This can be witnessed by the fact that they
    are still visible in sys_dm_os_loaded_modules, and are locked in the file system if you try to delete them, whilst the SQL Service is running.
    Is this a bug? Or are they cleaned up at a later date? If at a later date, what triggers the clean-up, if it isn't an instance restart?

    Most likely the DLLs are still needed during DB recovery, as there are still remnants of the tables in the checkpoint files. A couple of cycle of checkpoints and log truncation (e.g., by doing log backup) need to happen to clean up the old checkpoint
    files and remove the remnants of the dropped tables from disk.
    The following blog post details all the state transitions a checkpoint file goes through:

  • My Iphone 4s is stuck in recovery mode and is not being recognized by Itunes.

    I've tried updating my itunes, restarting my computer and nothing seems to be working. My phone is stuck with the itunes logo and the cable telling me to plug it in. ive tried everything but nothing seems to be working.

    Hey Sonia.jackson
    Thanks for the question. I understand that your iPhone is not recognized in iTunes. The following article may help to resolve your issue:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Specifically, if your iPhone is not recognized while in recovery mode, see Step 5 - subsection "If the device is not recognized while in Recovery Mode":
    Matt M.

  • Passivation table ps_txn not being cleaned up

    Adf 11gR1PS1
    I have a samll application using one unbounded task flow and one bounded task flow.
    Each task flow uses a different application module.
    The unbound task flow calls the bounded task flow in a modeless inline-popup via a button.
    When running the application and clicking on the button the bounded task flow is called and a new row is inserted
    into the ps_txn table.
    However when the inline-popup is closed via the "x" on the popup window the row is not removed from the ps_txn table.
    If the button is clicked again a new row is added to the theps_txn table.
    Is this the normal behaviour, looking at 40.5.3 in the Dev Guide it would seem that the record should be deleted or reused.
    I understand that there are scripts for cleaning up the table but shouldn't it be automatic ?
    What am I missing ?

    Hi Paul,
    Do you use the failover (jbo.dofailover) ?
    If not, I would expect records to be deleted from PS_TXN at activation.
    I tested with the ADF BC Component Browser, selecting menus Save/Restore Transaction State, with jbo.debugoutput=console:
    [277] (0) OraclePersistManager.deleteAll(2126) **deleteAll** collid=17461
    [278] (0) OraclePersistManager.deleteAll(2140)    stmt: delete "PS_TXN" where collid=:1
    [279] (0) OraclePersistManager.commit(217) **commit** #pending ops=1But I also already noticed orphaned records in the table.
    Do you use jbo.internal_connection to use the same connection whatever the AM instance that's passivated/activated or do you have an instance of the PS_TXN table in all AM's connections ?

  • DPM 2012 R2 All backups fail with recovery point volume not available after resizing OS disk

    I resized the C drive partition of my DPM server (the data is on a separate dedicated array) and everything failed. I put it back but everything is still failing with the same problem as here:
    DPM 2007: The recovery point volume is not available?
    I've run chkdsk for a couple and both have given the following after doing 3 stages:
    Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
    No further action is required.
    The backups still fail and the only error information I can find in the event logs is:
    Backup job for datasource: Online\<VM name> on production server: <host FQDN> failed.
    How can I find out what the problem actually is?
    Is it possible to resize the C drive containing a DPM install? If so what can it be safely resized to? It easily met the minimum requirements and I don't know of anything in the documentation that says resizing the OS disk may cause issues.
    Preparing your environment for System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager (DPM)

    Resizing the boot partition (usually C:) should not effect DPM in any way.  DPM writes directly to it's volumes contained in the storage pool and not through the mount points on the C: drive.    So is the DPM UI showing
    missing volume next to some data sources ?   Try doing a DPM disk rescan and see if that removes the missing volume flag. 
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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