Tape Catalog Retention don't change for old recovery points.

I have a DPM 2012 and a tape drive on a file server. There are 6 protection group. I need to change  tape catalog retention time for one protection group but all protection groups were affected. I changed tape catalog retention 5 years (back to
old value) and produced tape catalogs for all recovery points but after day all catalog had been deleted. How can I bring back tape catalogs? 

If they don't appear in the RMAN Repository, have the TSM Administrator delete them from the Tape Catalog.
Hemant K Chitale

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  • Old recovery points seems to not being cleaned up

    I'm running a Windows Server 2012 server with DPM 2012 SP1, acting as a secondary DPM server for a couple of primary servers. However, the last 5-6 weeks it has begun to behave very strange. Suddenly, I get a lot of "Recovery Point volume threshold
    exceeded", "DPM does not have sufficient storage space available on the recovery point volume to create new recovery Points" and "The used disk space on the computer running DPM for the recovery point volume of SQL Server 2008 database
    XXXXX\DB(servername.domain.com) has exceeded the threshold value of 90% (DPM accounts 600 MB for internal usage in addition to free space available). If you do not allocate more disk space, synchronization jobs may fail due to insufficient disk space. (ID
    All of these alerts seem to have a common source - disk space of course, but there is currently 8 TB free in the DPM disk pool. However, I have a feeling that all of this started when we added another DPM disk to the storage pool. Could it be that DPM doesn't
    clean up expired disk data correctly any longer?

    If the pruneshadowcopiesdpm201.ps1 is not completing, hangs, or crashes, then that needs to be addressed as that will definitely cause storage usage problems.
    In the meantime you can use this powershell script to delete old recovery points to help free disk space.  It will prompt to select a datasource, then a date to delete all recovery points made before that time.
    #Author : Ruud Baars
    #Date : 11/09/2008
    #Edited : 11/15/2012 By: Wilson S.
    #edited : 11:27:2012 By: Mike J.
    # NOTE: Update script to only remove recovery points on Disk. Recovery points removed will be from the oldest one up to the date
    # entered by the user while the script is running
    #deletes all recovery points before 'now' on selected data source.
    $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
    #display RP's to delete and ask to continue.
    #Check & wait data source to be idle else removal may fail (in Mojito filter on 'intent' to see the error)
    #Fixed prune default and logfile name and some logging lines (concatenate question + answer)
    #Check dependent recovery points do not pass BEFORE date and adjust selection to not select those ($reselect)
    #--- Fixed reselect logic to keep adjusting reselect for as long as older than BEFORE date
    #--- Fixed post removal rechecking logic to match what is done so far (was still geared to old logic)
    #--- Modified to remove making RP and ask for pruning, fixed logic for removal rechecking logic
    $wait=10 #seconds
    $confirmpreference = "None"
    function Show_help
    $l="=" * 79
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host -nonewline "`t<<<" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host -nonewline " DANGEROUS :: MAY DELETE MANY RECOVERY POINTS " -foregroundcolor red
    write-host ">>>" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host "Version: $version" -foregroundcolor cyan
    write-host "A: User Selects data source to remove recovery points for" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "B: User enters date / time (using 24hr clock) to Delete recovery points" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "C: User Confirms deletion after list of recovery points to be deleted is displayed." -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "Appending to log file $logfile`n" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host "User Accepts all responsibilities by entering a data source or just pressing [Enter] " -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    "**********************************" >> $logfile
    "Version $version" >> $logfile
    get-date >> $logfile
    "Selected DPM server = $DPMservername" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nConnnecting to DPM server retrieving data source list...`n" -foregroundcolor green
    $pglist = @(Get-ProtectionGroup $DPMservername) # WILSON - Created PGlist as array in case we have a single protection group.
    $count = 0
    $dscount = 0
    foreach ($count in 0..($pglist.count - 1))
    # write-host $pglist[$count].friendlyname
    $ds += @(get-datasource $pglist[$count]) # WILSON - Created DS as array in case we have a single protection group.
    # write-host $ds
    # write-host $count -foreground yellow
    if ( Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive) {$ds += Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive}
    write-host "Index Protection Group Computer Path"
    write-host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    foreach ($l in $ds)
    "[{0,3}] {1,-20} {2,-20} {3}" -f $i, $l.ProtectionGroupName, $l.psinfo.netbiosname, $l.logicalpath
    $DSname=read-host "`nEnter a data source index from list above - Note co-located datasources on same replica will be effected"
    if (!$DSname)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    if (!$DSselected)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DS[$dsname]
    # $DoTape=read-host "`nDo you want to remove when recovery points are on tape ? [y/N]"
    # "Remove tape recovery point = $DoTape" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nCollecting recoverypoint information for datasource $DSselected.name" -foregroundcolor green
    if ($DSselected.ShadowCopyUsedspace -gt 0)
    while ($DSSelected.TotalRecoveryPoints -eq 0)
    { # "still 0"
    #this is on disk
    $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on DISK in {1} recovery points" -f $oldShadowUsage ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #this is on tape
    #$tp= Get-RecoveryPoint($dsselected) | where {($_.Datalocation -eq "Media")}
    #foreach ($trp in $tp) {$trptot += $trp.size }
    #if ($trptot -gt 0 )
    # $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on TAPE in {1} recovery points" -f ($trptot/$MB) ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    # $line >> $logfile
    # write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #$answer=read-host "`nDo you want to delete recovery points from the beginning [Y/n]"
    #if ($answer -eq "n" )
    # [datetime]$afterdate=read-host "Delete recovery points AFTER date [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    [datetime]$enddate=read-host "Delete ALL Disk based recovery points BEFORE and Including date/time entered [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    "Deleting recovery points until $enddate" >>$logfile
    write-host "Deleting recovery points until and $enddate" -foregroundcolor yellow
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DSselected
    if ($DoTape -ne "y" )
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)-and ($_.DataLocation -eq "Disk")}
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)}
    if (!$RPselected)
    write-host "No recovery points found!" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "No recovery points found, aborting...!" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $reselect = $enddate
    $adjustflag = $false
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    $line= "Found {0}, RP size= {1} MB (If 0 MB, co-located datasource cannot be computed), Incremental={2} "-f $rtime, $rsize,$onerp.Isincremental
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Get dependent rp's for data source
    foreach ($oneDrp in $allRPtbd)
    if ($oneDrp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE) {continue}
    $line= ("`t...is dependancy for {0} size {1} `tIncremental={2}" -f $rtime, $rsize, $oneDrp.Isincremental)
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($oneDrp.representedpointintime -ge $enddate)
    #stick to latest full ($oneDrp = dependents, $onerp = full)
    $adjustflag = $true
    $reselect = $onerp.representedpointintime
    "<< Dependents newer than BEFORE date >>>" >> $logfile
    Write-Host -nonewline "`t <<< later than BEFORE date >>>" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor red
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Ok, include current latest incremental
    $reselect = $oneDrp.representedpointintime
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    if ($reselect -lt $oneDrp.representedpointintime)
    #we adjusted further backward than latest incremental within selection
    $reselect = $rtime
    $line = "Adjusted BEFORE date to be $reselect to include dependents to $enddate"
    $line >> $logfile
    Write-Host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Above recovery points within adjusted range will be permanently deleted !!!"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="These RP's include dependent recovery points and may contain co-located datasource(s)"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Data source activity = " + $DSselected.Activity
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    while (($DoDelete -ne "N" ) -and ($DoDelete -ne "Y"))
    $line="Continue with deletion (must answer) Y/N? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $DoDelete
    $line >> $logfile
    if (!$DSselected.Activity -eq "Idle")
    $line="Data source not idle, do you want to wait Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor yellow
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Write-Host "Waiting for data source to become idle..." -foregroundcolor green
    while ($DSselected.Activity -ne "Idle")
    ("Waiting {0} seconds" -f $wait) >>$logfile
    Write-Host -NoNewline "..." -ForegroundColor blue
    start-sleep -s $wait
    if ($DoDelete -eq "Y")
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    #reselect is adjusted to safe range relative to what was requested
    #--- if adjustflag not set then all up to including else only older because we must keep the full
    if ((($onerp.representedpointintime -le $reselect) -and ($adjustflag -eq $false)) -or ($onerp.representedpointintime -lt $reselect))
    write-host `n$line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >>$logfile
    if (($onerp ) -and ($onerp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE)) { remove-recoverypoint -RecoveryPoint $onerp -confirm:$True} # >> $logfile}
    $line =("---`nDeleting recoverypoint -> " + $rtime)
    $line >>$logfile
    "All Done!" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nAll Done!`n`n" -foregroundcolor white
    $line="Do you want to View DPMdeleteRP.LOG file Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Notepad DPMdeleteRP.LOG
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Recover Tape Catalogs

    I changed tape catalog retention to 1 month after all tape catalog removed from dpm database . Whereas long term backup  recovery point retention time is more than 1 year. Therefore  I tried and produced tape catalogs and was success. But
    after day I saw all tape catalog deleted from dpm database. ( Tape Catalog Retension value : Prune catalog when protection group retension range expires.)
    How can I do my tape catalogs persistent as long as protection group retention range?

    Your Tape Catalog is persistent as Long as the Retention Period, please check again.
    Seidl Michael | http://www.techguy.at |
    twitter.com/techguyat | facebook.com/techguyat

  • DPM couldn't find valid recovery points for VM listed as having numerous recovery points when writing to tape

    I'm seeing the following events when DPM tries writing to tape:
    Log Name:      DPM Alerts
    Source:        DPM-EM
    Date:          15/02/2014 12:01:07
    Event ID:      3311
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      <backup server FQDN>
    The back up to tape job failed for the following reason: (ID: 3311)
    Backup of Non VSS Datasource Writer on <PROD server FQDN> cannot be completed. DPM could not find a valid recovery point on disk. (ID: 30126)
    All VMs on each of the affected servers have recovery points but
    When performing disk to disk to tape backups (d2D2T), tape backups will fail if a new disk based backup is not created before the next scheduled tape backup.  DPM always makes tape backups by mounting last successful disk based recovery point. 
    This is so we don't need to transfer data over the network since that most recent data is already on the DPM server. Look to see why the disk recovery points are failing and correct that to prevent tape backups from failing.
    Is this the only time that recovery points are verified? Can I do a manual verification of recovery points? I'm concerned that some of the backups I have may be corrupt. If that's the case I need a way of finding out which ones are affected and a way to
    resolve the issue. Unfortunately I've not found much,the DPM error code isn't even listed in the official documentation. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh859159.aspx Other threads where people have seen this issue seem to be for older versions
    of DPM (I'm using the latest 2012 R2 fully updated).

    I've been having some difficulty running the Powershell command, see below. I've been using this for guidance http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh881586%28v=sc.20%29.aspx where am I going wrong here?
    $Pg = Get-DPMProtectionGroup
    -DPMServerName <dpm server name here>
    $Ds = Get-DPMDatasource
    -ProtectionGroup $Pg[1]
    -Datasource $Ds
    -Disk -DiskRecoveryPointOption -WithDataIntegrityCheck
    PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\DPM\DPM\bin> New-DPMRecovery
    Point -Datasource $Ds -Disk -DiskRecoveryPointOption -WithDataIntegrityCheck
    New-DPMRecoveryPoint : Missing an argument for parameter
    'DiskRecoveryPointOption'. Specify a parameter of type 'Microsoft.Internal.Ente
    tOption' and try again.
    At line:1 char:44
    + New-DPMRecoveryPoint -Datasource $Ds -Disk -DiskRecoveryPointOption
    -WithDataInt ...
        + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-DPMRecoveryPoint], Par
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument,Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseSto
    PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\DPM\DPM\bin>

  • Define suitable labels and descriptions for an entry point.

    Hi All,
          I have tried to define suitable labels and descriptions for an entry point. I am following the documentation:
    I have done all those steps as per the documentation. But it is not working. I am not getting any display change for my entry point folder.
    Any idea of what to do?
    Please help me out.
    **Points will be rewarded for a suitable answer.

    in side project folder src.api:
    package: com.XXX (Created File Label.properties)
    package:  com.sap.netweaver.rf.wrapper
    Class: IRFServiceWrapper.java
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.IService;
    public interface IRFServiceWrapper extends IService{
        public static final String KEY = "com.XXX";
    Class: RFServiceWrapper
    package com.sap.netweaver.rf.wrapper;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.IServiceConfiguration;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.IServiceContext;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.CrtClassLoaderRegistry;
    public class RFServiceWrapper implements IRFServiceWrapper{
    private IServiceContext mm_serviceContext;
    Generic init method of the service. Will be called by the portal runtime.
    @param serviceContext
    public void init(IServiceContext serviceContext){
      mm_serviceContext = serviceContext;
      // only NW04: CrtClassLoaderRegistry.addClassLoader(this.getKey(), this.getClass().getClassLoader());
    This method is called after all services in the portal runtime have already been initialized.
    public void afterInit(){
    configure the service : @param configuration
    public void configure(IServiceConfiguration configuration){
    This method is called by the portal runtime when the service is destroyed.
    public void destroy(){
    This method is called by the portal runtime when the service is released.
    public void release(){
    @return the context of the service, which was previously set by the portal runtime
    public IServiceContext getContext(){
      return mm_serviceContext;
    This method should return a string that is unique to this service amongst all
    other services deployed in the portal runtime.
    @return a unique key of the service
    public String getKey(){
      return KEY;
    Config file portalpp.xml
    Bundle File : com.XXX.Labels
    I hope that it works to you
    Greeting Toni Guzmá

  • I don't remember my old Apple ID and I closed my email account that I was using for my old Apple ID. Now, how can I change my icloud id on my Ipad. The old icloud id is still on my Ipad.

    I don't remember my old Apple ID and I closed my email account that I was using for my old Apple ID. Now, how can I change my icloud id on my Ipad. The old icloud id is still on my Ipad.

    Thank you for the help.  Every app on my phone was downloaded using my old I-tunes ID.  I just hope that they will re-download under my new ID because I still can't change it on my phone.  In order to change to the new ID it says I have to sign out from the old ID and change to the new one.  My problem is that I don't remember my password to be able to sign out from my old ID.  Then the phone says it can change my password through e-mail and I  agree but I never get an e-mail at my old address or the new one.

  • HT5787 How can I change an old email to a new one? For some reason my old email comes up on my iPhone - and I don't get access to change to my new email which I have on my iCloud account on my pc. My AppleID works on my pc, but not on my iPhone!

    How can I change an old email adress on my iCloud accout to my new email (the same as on my pc), as long as my Apple ID works on my pc but not on my iPhone?

    You would have to change it back to your old email address in order to turn off "Find My iPhone" on your devices. After you changed it back to your old address and deactivated "Find My iPhone" (activation lock) you could change your Apple ID to your new address again. Now it should wok on all your devices.

  • I want to update iCloud account with new apple id but don't know password for old apple id.  Plus can no longer receive email at old apple id.  How can I delete the current iCloud account on my iPhone if the previously stated conditions exist?

    I want to update iCloud account with new apple id but don't know password for old apple id.  Plus can no longer receive email at old apple id.  How can I delete the current iCloud account on my iPhone if the previously stated conditions exist?

    If the old ID is yours, and if it is an earlier version of your current ID, go to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iDevice, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then save any photo stream photos that you wish to keep to your camera roll.  When finished go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to https://appleid.apple.com and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

  • Hi. I tried to change my old icloud account on a new one. After reset the settings I need to enter my old Apple ID account and password, that I don't remember.

    Hi. I tried to change my old icloud account on a new one. After reset the settings I need to enter my old Apple ID account and password, that I don't remember.
    I do not remember it because when I bought the my iPhone 4s in 2011 I didn't understand how it works and asked a representative to set it up for me. The representative helped me and gave a piece of paper with login and password but I lost it a long time ago.
    Before resetting the settings I turned off "Find my iPhone" function, but it anyway asks me to enter my old Apple ID and password. I have the original box, documents, receipt. So how can I solve this problem?

    You do not have to call US, but you need to call. Or else.
    Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support

  • I have been buying music n tones for my iphone but since i change for the iphone 5 none of the old staff are in my new one eve i have safe it on icloud i just got my contact nothing else

    i have been buying music n tones for my iphone but since i change for the iphone 5 none of the old staff are in my new one eve i have safe it on icloud i just got my contact nothing else i need some one helpe wt this issue cus i spend money and thing that i cant have back

    adkennon wrote:
    And maybe you don't talk to too many people but I've been on many forums on different websites where people have had similar problems and a lot of people in the store were having battery problems where they were draining too fast. What I learned is that all the people who did not download the updates are good. There phone is working the same. The people who have, they're having battery problems
    I have downloaded every update and my battery life is better than any previous iPhone I have ever owned. I see posts from hundreds of people every day, and this is not a commonly reported problem. While there are a few random reports of battery problems, it is no more than I have seen for any other model or any other version of iOS in almost 8 years. Usually problems of rapid battery drain can be traced to bad apps (FaceBook is the worst offender) or corrupt data being synced from iCloud or other sources (gmail, Windows Live, Yahoo, etc).
    The simple test is to restore the phone as New. Do not create any email accounts. Do not install any apps. Do not enable FaceTime or iMessage. Do not enable Twitter or any other social networking app. Use it for a day and check the battery usage. You will find that it is working well.
    And also see this: http://www.overthought.org/blog/2014/the-ultimate-guide-to-solving-ios-battery-d rain. It is the best treatise I have seen on the subject of battery usage.

  • HT5622 changed my apple ID, can't change I-cloud ID asking for old password from a deleted e-mail account can't shut off find my phone

    changed my apple ID, can't change I-cloud ID asking for old password from a deleted e-mail account can't shut off find my phone

    bdreiling wrote:
    I have this same issue and I have tried doing as you suggested but it won't let me do that withought shutting off FIND MY IPHONE- but I can't turn it off without entering my old password for an old apple id. ....so thoughts?
    You're saying this is happening on a Mac??  Find My iPhone is a feature of iOS devices, not Macs.  If you are trying to change the iCloud ID on an iOS device, you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password for the old ID when prompted to turn off Find My iDevice, then sign back in with the ID you wish to use.  When you do this you may find that the password for your old ID isn't accepted.  If this should happen, and if your old ID is an earlier version of your current ID, you need to temporarily recreate your old ID by going to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iDevice on your device, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then save any photo stream photos that you wish to keep to your camera roll.  When finished go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to https://appleid.apple.com and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

  • I was using a different itune id and now a new one but when i want to update the old app its always asking for my old app id. Is there a way to change my old app to my new id so that i dont have to use my old id.

    I was using a different itune id and now a new one but when i want to update the old app its always asking for my old app id.
    Is there a way to change my old app to my new id so that i dont have to use my old id?

    There is no other way you can do now. Actually, you don't need to create a new Apple ID account, you can change the Apple ID from old email account to other email accout easily by all the steps below.
    1, Open iTunes > iTunes Store > log in old Apple ID > Click on your apple ID on the right hand side on top > choose account > Apple ID > Edit
    As long as you only change your Apple ID, then all the old apps are still under your new email account as well as you can keep downloading new apps.

  • HT201303 How do I change my security questions, if I don't know my old ones?

    How do I change my security questions, if I don't remember my old ones?

    From a Kappy  post
    The Three Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
       1. Use Apple's Express Lane.
    Go to https://expresslane.apple.com ; click 'See all products and services' at the
    bottom of the page. In the next page click 'More Products and Services, then
    'Apple ID'. In the next page select 'Other Apple ID Topics' then 'Forgotten Apple
    ID security questions' and click 'Continue'. Please be patient waiting for the return
    phone call. It will come in time depending on how heavily the servers are being hit.
    2.  Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contact Apple support.
    3.  Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.
    A substitute for using the security questions is to use 2-step verification:
    Two-step verification FAQ Get answers to frequently asked questions about two-step verification for Apple ID.

  • HT204053 How do I change my old Apple ID to my new Apple ID for the iCloud?

    How do I change my old Apple ID to my new Apple ID for the iCloud?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Open System Preferences > iCloud, and turn off each service individually if you don't want to lose contacts, calendars, notes and reminders. If you don't want to be kept, just select Sign Out.
    Then, you will be able to log in with a new Apple ID, so do it and follow the steps

  • Importing from another catalog hangs up at "Checking for changed duplicate photos" in LR 4.3

    Importing from another catalog hangs up at "Checking for changed duplicate photos" in LR 4.3.
    I went on a vacation so exported a subset of my main LR catalog on my PC so I could do some work on my laptop.  I added some new photos and also editied some olde ones.
    Now that I am back home, when I ty to Import from the smaller catalog into my Main Catalog on my PC, the Import from catalog process gets immediately stuck on the step "Checking for changed duplicate photos.'
    How can I work around this?
    Is this a new bug in 4.3?

    Yes, the catalogs were optimized, but...the master catalog on my desktop is
    HUGE.  I mean...really, really, HUGE.
    So, that probably explains the very long time it took?
    But...I was confused at first, and really did think that LR was 'stuck'
    while importing from the smaller catalog and "Checking for changed duplicate
    Next time, I'll just be more patient.
    And...in the end, everything went as it should, and I now have all my edits
    and new photos incorporated into my HUGE catalog on my desktop.

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    Hi, After linking a structured FrameMaker 9 book in RoboHelp 8, is it possible to generate a RoboHelp TOC with the same folder structure? For example, let's say you've created a structured Fm book which consists of several DITA (XML) topics organized

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    Hi all.  So I have a project finished in FCPX - I have no errors or missing file messages.  When I send it to Compressor, the opening logo and ending logo show up but the entire video between them is not.  I am getting the ! Missing File red screen.

  • Should I update to the newest iPhoto from Mavericks, before installing Yosemite?

    I have a 13" MacBook Pro with a 2.4GHz Intel Core Duo processor, 16 GB memory (1607 MHz DDR3), and a 1 TB Samsung SSD hard drive.  I have Mavericks 10.9.5 on it, and iPhoto 8.1.2 (iPhoto '09).  I'm about to update to Yosemite, but I've read about peo

  • Problem in Data Migration via. SQL*Loader

    Hi, I am trying to load the data from a text generated file. While using the slqldr command along with the url,".ctl", ".log",".bad" and ".dat" parameters, all the records goes to ".bad" file. Why? Eventhouh it parse the control file successfully. An

  • Mapping WLS XID to Oracle Database XID

    Gentlemen When WLS is acting as TM, typical WLS TX XIDs look like: BEA1-00018F633E957D871D08 BEA1-00014C53BFCB7D871D08 etc. When looking for TX XID=BEA1-00074C53BFCB7D871D08 in the Database, I found a PREPARED one (which is the one I'm looking for, b