Omni Portlet Please Help!

Thank you for taking a chance to look at this and help.
I created a omniportlet on our template page in OracleAS in a region on the page. This template is used across many pages, and now the Omniportlet is showing up on all the pages. The problem is that this omniportlet should not be there, and now it can not be deleted. Anytime we try to delete or go into editing, the page time outs. We have also tried going in as an Oracle Admin and deleting the portlet and region, and it also time outs there. Is there any other solution or possible ways to get rid of this Omni Portlet? Thanks again for your time.

hello ,
thank you for your quick response.
yes i am using the OmniPortlet Web Page data source.
version of OmniPortlet/PDK 90262
application server version:
for example, there is a chart in the page or scrooling text(stock exchange applet i guess), i can not get it it gives the following error:An exception has occured : WCS-200 -- Clip not found for clip e1f4770694ed4af3a6dada27ce7477ae:3933746:1:1970_OMNIPORTLET_3933746:-
what do i miss exactly. could you pls look at the page i am trying to clip.
thank for your kindly support
Korhan Yunak

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    We have a portlet that renders in an IFRAME. It has stopped working, and this is the error thrown by the portal. Any help will be rewarded with 1 million dollars cash money! ;-)
    <!--Extended Error Message: A user [Administrator] with ID [1]failed to access URL [;/]Error info: [-2147205086: Cannot open page -201 because this page is not owned by the current community.] at com.plumtree.server.CIPTGadgetGateway.GetContent(Object vAppDataStateObject, String vContentID, Int32 vObject, Int32 nClassID, Int32 nPageID, Int32 nCommunityID, String bstrUserInterface, Int32 lMode, Boolean bReturnAllGadgets) at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.gateway.GatewayControl.CheckActionSecurityAndExecute(XPHashtable arguments) in C:\UI Source Code\portalpages\dotnet\prod\src\com\plumtree\portalpages\browsing\gateway\GatewayControl.cs:line 158-->

    Please provide add'l background data on this portlet.
    - Did it work previously, and what has changed since then?
    - Does it call data from other portlets?
    (That may include results that the community hosting the 'iframe' based portlet does not have security rights for view access).

  • File Upload problem: JSF, IBM WPS and Portlet - Please HELP Vey Very Urgent

    I want to upload a file from the front end using JSF and Portlets deployed on IBM WebSphere Portal.
    I have used Apache's commons file upload functionality as the file upload provided in JSF doesnot work with portlets and the action event is not invoked If I keep enctype="multipart/form-data". So I included 3 forms in my Faces JSP file.
    1) h:form = For displyign error message on screen
    2) html:form = Include the enctype="multipart/form-data" and the input type file for uploading. And a submit button
    3) h:form: Here I have a command link which is remotely excuted on click of sumit button in my html form. This is to invoke the action event in the pagecode to get the bean value from the context.
    Now in the my doView method in the portlet, isMultipartContent(httpservletrequest) always returns null as the content type is text/html and not multipart. Onclick of the submit button in the the html form I am calling a javascript function which sets the __LINK_TARGET__ to the command link in the 3rd h:form which will call the page code.
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    Returning always true would solve my problem with the content type, but the action with the command link will not get invoked always as its some type of problem with h:commanLink :(.
    I guess I gave too much info. Heres my code stepby step.
    Can somebody please tell me , how I should also invoke the action in the page code and get the content type as "multipart/form-data" at the same time.
    ======================= Faces JSP File: BPSMacro.jsp ====================
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="IBM Software Development Platform">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="hx"%>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/j4j.tld" prefix="j4j"%>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/core.tld" prefix="core"%>
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
         pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%>
    <portlet:defineObjects />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
         href='<%= renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/theme/stylesheet.css") %>'
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function formSubmit() {
         var formName2 = document.getElementById("proxy_form_main_").title;
         var formName1 = document.getElementById("BPSMacroFormId").title;
         document.getElementById("__LINK_TARGET__").value = document.getElementById("proxy_HD_COMMAND_").title;
         return false;
         <hx:scriptCollector id="bpsMacroScriptCollector">
              <f:loadBundle var="bps" basename="bordereauprocessingsystem" />
              <table bgcolor="#FFF9C3">
                        <td><h:form id="BPSMacroFormMain" styleClass="form">
                             <table class="tablemiddle" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                       <td><h:messages layout="table" styleClass="errormessage"
                                                 id="ValidationErrorMsg" /> </td>
                             <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_form_main_0_" />
                        <form id="BPSMacroFormId" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        <table bgcolor="#FFF9C3">
                                  <td height="36" width="324">Worksheet <input type="file"
                                       name="upfile" /></td>
                                       <td align="center" width="324"><input TYPE="submit"
                                       onclick="return formSubmit();" value="Upload">
                        <h:form id="BPSMacroFormMain2" styleClass="form">
                             <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" class="tablemiddle">
                                            <td colspan="2" align="center"><h:commandLink
                                                 styleClass="commandLink" id="lnkuserdelete"
                                                      styleClass="graphicImageEx" id="imgBtnCreateUser"
                                                      value="/theme/images/btnUpload.gif" style="border:0;cursor:pointer"></hx:graphicImageEx>
                                                 <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_HD_COMMAND_" />
                                            <h:inputHidden id="dtSize"
                                                 <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_clicked_" />
                             <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_form_main_" />
    ================== END: FACES JSP FILE: BPSMacro.jsp ========================
    =================== Action event in the Page Code: ============
    public String doIdUpload1Action() {
              FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              BPSMacroDetailsDataBean fileDetails = (BPSMacroDetailsDataBean)context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{fileDetails}").getValue(context);
              BPSMacroListDataBean fileDetailsList = (BPSMacroListDataBean)context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{fileDetailsList}").getValue(context);
              PortletSession sess = (PortletSession)context.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", context, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", fileDetails, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", fileDetailsList, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
              boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
              return "gotoBPSMacro";
    ============== END Of Page Code Action event ==============================
    ============== doView() Portlet method ================================
    public void doView(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1)
         throws PortletException, IOException {
              String METHOD_NAME = "doView(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1)";
              Logger.debug(this.getClass(), METHOD_NAME, "Entering BPSMacroPortlet");
              FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();      
              PortletSession sess1 = arg0.getPortletSession(true);
              BPSMacroDetailsDataBean fileDetails = new BPSMacroDetailsDataBean();
              BPSMacroListDataBean fileDetailsList = new BPSMacroListDataBean();
              context = (FacesContext)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              if(context != null){
                   fileDetails = (BPSMacroDetailsDataBean)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
                   fileDetailsList = (BPSMacroListDataBean)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              HttpServletRequest servletRequest = (HttpServletRequest)arg0;
              PortletRequest pReq = (PortletRequest)arg0;
              HttpServletResponse servletResponse= (HttpServletResponse)arg1;
              System.out.println("\n\n Content Type" + servletRequest.getContentType());
                   if(context != null){
              boolean isFileMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(servletRequest);
              System.out.println("\nFILE TO BE UPLOADED IS MULTIPART ? " + isFileMultipart);
                   FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                   ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
                   List items = upload.parseRequest(servletRequest);
                   Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
                   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        FileItem item = (FileItem);
                        InputStream iStream = item.getInputStream();
                        ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        int sizeofFile =(int) item.getSize();
                        byte buffer[] = new byte[sizeofFile];
                        int bytesRead = 0;
                        while( (bytesRead =, 0, sizeofFile)) != -1 )
                             ByteArrayOS.write( buffer, 0, bytesRead );
                        String data = new String( ByteArrayOS.toByteArray() );
                        int k = 0;
                        //Check if the file is Refund or Premium
                        int dynamicArraySize = 0;// = st2.countTokens() * 9;
                        dynamicArraySize = st2.countTokens() * 9;
                        if (!item.isFormField() ){
                             File cfile=new File(item.getName());
                             String fileName = "";
                             String separator = "\\";
                             int pos = item.getName().lastIndexOf(separator);
                             int pos2 = item.getName().lastIndexOf(".");
                                  fileName =item.getName().substring(pos+1, pos2);
                                  fileName =item.getName().substring(pos+1);
                             File fileToBeUploaded=new File("C:\\Sal\\BPS MACRO\\FileTransfer\\Desti", fileName);
              }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);
              Logger.debug(this.getClass(), METHOD_NAME, "Leaving BPSMacroPortlet");
              super.doView(arg0, arg1);
    ==== END: doView method in the portle class. ================================

    one more question. Is there a way where I can submit two forms ?
    Thats is submit 2nd form only when the first form is submitted.
    I tried this it works.
    function formSubmit(){
    But If I dont put an alert(basically it disables the parent page) in between, only the second form is submitted.
    If I put a delay of say 3 seconds in between then it will throw a SOCKET CLOSED error in the code triggered due to first form submit.
    Thus disabling the paresnt page for a few seconds is reolving my problem.
    Any ideas ?
    Well Basically when the Alert pop's up the parent page "STALLS" and thus the form2 does not submit till I click on OK, Is there a way I can stall the browser/Parent JSP page using JAVA SCRIPT ??
    Edited by: hector on Oct 9, 2007 11:09 AM
    Edited by: hector on Oct 9, 2007 2:12 PM

  • Problem Installing Jive Portlet(please help me)

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    i am installing the Jive Portlet on OralceAS 10g on a new instance of oc4j, but got errors.
    i extracted the, but when we run the test URL:
    i get this error:
    Provider Test Page: Validation Unsuccessful: Error
    The provider definition could not be successfully validated. Errors encountered are shown below. Please address these issues before registering with Oracle9iAS Portal
    and when i want to add it as external application when i login to this external application
    i get this error:
    500 Internal Server Error
    Servlet error: Error instantiating servlet 'JiveLogin'
    what can i do now?

    Hi Harsh,
    thanks for your reply,
    i have added pdkjava.jar and ptlshar.jar to application.xml under jive_oc4j_instance,and i have added this rows to web.xml under jiveforum
    and after them i got the errors that i said befor.
    i check http://<host>:<port>/forum/extAppLogin but i got
    500 Internal Server Error
    Servlet error: Error instantiating servlet 'JiveLogin' (servlet class not found, make sure it exists at /home/oracle/OraHomeAS/j2ee/complementaryOC4JInstance/applications/MFAForum/MFAForum/WEB-INF/classes/oracle/webdb/ohs/forum/portlet/ExternalAppLoginServlet.class, in a jar in /home/oracle/OraHomeAS/j2ee/complementaryOC4JInstance/applications/MFAForum/MFAForum/WEB-INF/lib/, in an orion-web.xml specified classpath or global server classpath)
    then what can i do?
    thyanks a lot

  • Omni Portlet Issues HELP pls

    Hello everyone, I am getting some errors while adding omniportlet.
    while selecting a portion of the page (specically charts, quotos, graphs) i receieve the following error 1: An exception has occured : WCS-200 -- Clip not found for clip
    BEside that, i read that it is possibe to select an applet? i cant complete the
    applet selection(cause i cant scrape it, in fact i dont wanna scrape.) Error 2:Clipping is not finished properly. Please try again.
    sometimes i am getting this error 3: Target XML document does not conform to a rowset-row structure.
    thank you for your interest
    Korhan YUNAK

    hello ,
    thank you for your quick response.
    yes i am using the OmniPortlet Web Page data source.
    version of OmniPortlet/PDK 90262
    application server version:
    for example, there is a chart in the page or scrooling text(stock exchange applet i guess), i can not get it it gives the following error:An exception has occured : WCS-200 -- Clip not found for clip e1f4770694ed4af3a6dada27ce7477ae:3933746:1:1970_OMNIPORTLET_3933746:-
    what do i miss exactly. could you pls look at the page i am trying to clip.
    thank for your kindly support
    Korhan Yunak

  • Softkey in omnia i900! Help please.

    I am creating a game for omnia i900.  And in the game the user has to long press a button so that to move the character.  As the context menu appear i cannot put on screen buttons.  The other solution was a softkey.  So i have put two softkey, one left and right. So to detect whether the user is still pressing i am using a flag which keeps that whether the button is pressed or not.  So when i get an on keydown event i put the flag true and when it is released i put the flag false.  It is working fine in Adobe Device Central but when package in mobile it is not working.  It is just detecting the release event.  Not the pressed one! Please help me out!
    Here is a test code which is not working:
    fscommand2("SetSoftKeys", "Left", "Right");
    var myListener = new Object();
    myListener.onKeyDown = function() {
        var code = Key.getCode();
        //status.text=code + " down";
        if (Key.isDown(soft1))
    myListener.onKeyUp = function() {
        status.text="onKeyUp called";
    Please help me out!

    I´m having the exact same problem with Flash Lite 3.0 on the Nokia E63
    i´m trying to use the softkeys to control the left and right thrusters on a rocketry game... fail! only detects onKeyDown - yet seems to fire as onKeyUp
    meaning i only get the onKeyUp event as i press the key down, and nothing on release...

  • Portlet not available error when customizing Omni Portlet

    I've created a webcenter page with a omni portlet on it. Configuring this portlet for the first time is OK. However customizing this same portlet later on will always give me the portlet unavailable error, together with this stacktrace.
    SEVERE: oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletBindingException: Portletmodus 5 kan niet worden ingesteld voor portletbinding OmniPortlet1_1., Please check the privileges before executing this operation
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.html.portlet.ADFPortletServlet.process(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.html.portlet.ADFPortletServlet.process(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.html.portlet.ADFPortletServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at Method)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Adding adf security does not help.
    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Note that I have the same problem with different portlets, so it has nothing to do with this specific OMNI portlet I guess.
    Jaco Verheul

    The timing... :) having the same issue. Is there any resolution to this or should I also open an SR to get the patch/fix?
    Also, to help others searching for this error...
    Portlet unavailable when trying to click customize for an OmniPortlet.
    Portlet unavailable
    <!--Unable to set portlet mode 5 for portlet binding OmniPortlet5_1, Please check the privileges before executing this operation-->
    <!--oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletBindingException: Unable to set portlet mode 5 for portlet binding OmniPortlet5_1, Please check the privileges before executing this operation
         at ...
    Message was edited by:

  • Error importing searchand omni portlets

    Hi All,
    Import/Export: We have written some PDK portlets and registered in our server and working fine. When I try to import to client system, I am getting errors such as templates and my css are missing. After some research I found out that Portlets which we registered has our loca URL appended and we are not able to get rid of that.
    Also when I remove Omni portlet and search portlets from my page group and export, it is successfully importing. Then at client system again I am creating an omni portlet and search portlet.
    At the time of production we re not allowed to deploy, so that means I should teach him on how to create portlets. Is this correct? Is exporting only for items? Why am I not able to export portlets(omni,search..)?

    Can any one please help?

  • J2EE Connector Architecture(Omni Portlet)

    In the Developer Guide ,(
    it is mentioned about J2EE Connector Architecture as a data source. In the omni portlet data source type it is not listed. How can I configure and use it for data source?
    I am using 9.0.4 version of Portal
    Any help is highly appreciable.

    We are trying to do a JCA Adapter and are running into the same type of questions as you. Clearly, no one is watching this topic. Have you found a reference application to test the RA against?
    Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

  • Issue about jsp taglib,please help

    Hello all,
    I want to use jsp tag like following:
    <c:import url="xxx.jsp">
    <c:param name="xxxAction" value="<portlet:renderURL/>"/>
    and the value of the c:param can not accept the value generated by the <portlet:renderURL/> tag.
    I can resolve the issue by writing java code in the jsp(like code...<c:param name="xxxAction" value="%=...%"/> ),much java code occur in the jsp,I do not like this solution.
    anybody has good solution please help me.
    thanks and rgds.

    Ram is correct. You can't nest custom tags as attributes to other custom tags.
    In this case the <c:param> tag offers the option of specifying the value as the body of the tag though, so the following should work:
    <c:import url="xxx.jsp">
    <c:param name="xxxAction"><portlet:renderURL/></c:param>

  • Storage and memory problems on a new mac. PLEASE HELP

    I had a macbook pro 5 years ago and backed everything up to my time machine. i just bought a new mac book pro yesterday. I only wanted to transfer my music and photo files over, and i somehow managed to do that but i think i made a mistake somewhere because now my storage memory is listed at over 400 gb used which i know is impossible. ive saved one document onmy new computer and the entire storage on the time machine is only 173 gb. I have over 300 gb listed as other on the new computer- at one point it was purple and categorized as backup but now it says other- can anyone help me?
    my computer is running super slow now because of it and i just spent over 2000 dollars on this yesterday and I cant find anything in apple support to help me. i already tried looking through all the files and used the omni disk sweeper.
    i have the mac os x 10.8.2

    I tried running the uninstall blackberry software and it said it coudnt find anything to uninstall and self control doesnt have any uninstalll programs- do you know how else i can delete them or what else i should do? i ran the system again and have pasted the results below in case that would help- i dont really understand it - THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your time and help-i really appreciate it- i just want this fixed
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,1
              1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores
              4 GB RAM
    System Software:
              OS X 10.8.2 (12C60) - Uptime: 1 day 0:53
    Disk Information:
              APPLE HDD HTS547550A9E384 disk0 : (500.11 GB)
                        disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 499.25 GB (223.43 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5970H disk4 : (690.9 MB)
                        disk4s1 (disk4s1) <not mounted>: 52.2 MB
                        disk4s2 (disk4s2) <not mounted>: 39.4 MB
                        disk4s3 (disk4s3) <not mounted>: 42.8 MB
                        disk4s4 (disk4s4) <not mounted>: 38.8 MB
                        disk4s5 (disk4s5) <not mounted>: 58.1 MB
                        disk4s6 (disk4s6) <not mounted>: 40.9 MB
                        disk4s7 (disk4s7) <not mounted>: 43.1 MB
                        disk4s8 (disk4s8) <not mounted>: 34.1 MB
                        disk4s9 (disk4s9) <not mounted>: 36.3 MB
                        disk4s10 (disk4s10) <not mounted>: 52.7 MB
                        disk4s11 (disk4s11) <not mounted>: 35.8 MB
                        disk4s12 (disk4s12) <not mounted>: 50.3 MB
                        disk4s13 (disk4s13) <not mounted>: 42.4 MB
                        disk4s14 (disk4s14) <not mounted>: 43.3 MB
                        disk4s15 (disk4s15) <not mounted>: 38.9 MB
                        disk4s16 (disk4s16) <not mounted>: 41.9 MB
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    FireWire Information:
    Kernel Extensions:
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
                     [loaded] com.rim.BBDaemon.plist
                 [not loaded] org.eyebeam.SelfControl.plist
    Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.rim.BBLaunchAgent.plist
    User Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.spotify.webhelper.plist
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player
              Flip4Mac WMV
    Internet Plug-ins:
              Flash Player.plugin
              Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin
              Photo Center Plugin.plugin
              QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    User Internet Plug-ins:
    Bad Fonts:
    Top Processes:
              16.3  %          WebProcess
              9.0   %          WindowServer
              3.6   %          coreaudiod
              1.1   %          EtreCheck
              1.0   %          iTunes
              0.9   %          PluginProcess
              0.4   %          BBLaunchAgent
              0.2   %          Safari
              0.2   %          NotificationCenter
              0.1   %          fontd

  • PDF File not getting generated - PLEASE HELP

    I have a jsp in a portlet from where in I call another jsp to generate a PDF file on the fly. IT is not working I have tried all sorts of stream please help.
    Calling JSP (Portlet)
    <td><netui:anchor href="print.jsp" target="new">Print
    Called JSP, print.jsp:
    try {
    ServletOutputStream outStream = (ServletOutputStream)response.getOutputStream();
    outStream.write("BINARY OUTPUT".getBytes());
    outStream.println("PRINTLN OUTPUT--"+request.getParameter("empID"));
    } catch {}
    As you can see I am just trying to Write some string in the print.jsp
    The word opens up but nothing is WRITTEN in it. Have tried all the OutputStreams. Please help why is it not getting printed even if set proper headers.

    There are some issues with this PDF file.  It's not tagged but even still it has some real problems.  I checked the file to see what created it and it was something called "Wine Postscript Driver" and the PDF Producer was "GPL GhostScript 9.10"  When you check the file in Preflight then you will begin to understand that this is a poorly created PDF file.  Here is a bit of the PDF Syntax report:

  • Maximum Fields in Omni Portlet?

    We have recently installed PDK Release 2 v9. and are busy adding Omni Portlets to our Portals. We are really pleased with the majority of functions so far but have now hit a problem.
    I seem unable to create a report that displays more than 5 columns. I have tried various different SQL statements that all return more than 5 rows, but I only seem to be able to display 5 columns.
    Any ideas?

    To clarify this issue I have provided a step by step example of my problem below
    1)Create blank page
    2)Add new omni portlet
    3)Select database connection to IASDB or any other valid connection
    3)Define omni portlet with the following SQL:
    SELECT 'Text 1' column1,
    'Text 2' column2,
    'Text 3' column3,
    'Text 4' column4,
    'Text 5' column5,
    'Text 6' column6,
    'Text 7' column7
    FROM dual
    4)Click on finish
    5)Omni Portlet only displays columns 1-5
    6)Edit defaults of omni portlet and on click on layout tab
    7)Under the "Column Layout" heading there are only options to display and modify 5 fields and no option to display all 7 fields returned by my SQL query.
    My question is how can I display all 7 fields in the SQL that defines the omni portlet?

  • RSS feed based on omni portlet ?

    We have a project that needs to create an XML Publisher portlet ..
    We need to develop a RSS feed.
    can we use omni portlet for this aim ?
    Is there any complete documents here or anyone can give more details on this?
    Thanks for your help...

    I have worked on a portal project in the past that created an RSS feed by creating a pl/sql function to generate the XML. The function is then invoked through mod_plsql. I believe the developer of the feed downloaded the original source from the portal website somewhere.

  • URGENT OMNIPORTLET PROBLEM: Oracle Ace please help!

    Thank you for taking a chance to look at this and help.
    I created a omniportlet on our template page in OracleAS in a region on the page. This template is used across many pages, and now the Omniportlet is showing up on all the pages. The problem is that this omniportlet should not be there, and now it can not be deleted. Anytime we try to delete or go into editing, the page time outs. We have also tried going in as an Oracle Admin and deleting the portlet and region, and it also time outs there. Is there any other solution or possible ways to get rid of this Omni Portlet? Thanks again for your time.

    There are 11 forums dedicated to Oracle Portal in the Fusion Middleware category at I must admit I am curious why this question was posted in the forum which has a notice
    Use this forum for feedback about OTN programs, Web site content, and systems - product-related questions cannot be answered here.

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