On button rollover Dynamic text and Movieclip appear

Hi guys,
I've got an issue - When one of my buttons is rolled over, I want text and a movieclip to appear. When the button is no longer rolled over, I want the text and movieclip to disappear.
The way that I was going to do this was to have anchor_mc as an anchor, and upon rollover have the movieclip play from inside the anchor (as its at the exact X & Y that its needed at) and dynamic text appear.
1) How do I attach mc_textbox to mc_anchor --- OR, how do I set coordinate for just where mc_textbox should show?
2) How do I then make the movieclip disappear if the button is no longer rolled over?
3) Is it not possible for me to merge all of the dynamic text functions into one function, using IF statements? I tried this, but couldn't work it out.
AS3 code is attached below.
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
line1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in1, false, 0, true);
line1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in2, false, 0, true);
line2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in3, false, 0, true);
line3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in4, false, 0, true);
line4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in5, false, 0, true);
line5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in6, false, 0, true);
line6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in7, false, 0, true);
line7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in8, false, 0, true);
line8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
line9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in9, false, 0, true);
line9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
function line_in1(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
function line_in2(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
function line_in3(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
function line_in4(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
function line_in5(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
function line_in6(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
function line_in7(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
function line_in8(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
function line_in9(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
function line_out(e:MouseEvent):void
        line_output.text = "";
        var mc= new mc_empty(); addChild(mc);

It isn't relly clear to me what you have versus what you want, so these answers may be equally unclear to you.
1. One way to join them together is to maually place one inside the other while authoring the file.  Another way is to use addChild to add the text mc to the anchor...  mc_anchor.addChild(mc_textbox);  To control where the text mc appears you can set its x and y properties.using actionscript... mc_textbox.x = 0;
2. To make the movieclip disappear you can set its visible property to false... mc_anchor.visible = false;
3. You can probably reduce that code substantially, though it partly depends on what variations there are really going to be in the text that displays for each rollover.  For now, I'll assume the text will be entirely different for each...
for(var i:uint=1; i<10; i++){
     this["line"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in, false, 0, true);
     this["line"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
function line_in(e:MouseEvent):void {
     var lineTarget:MovieClip = MovieClip(e:currentTarget);
      // could use a switch instead of the if's in series if you know what a switch is
     if(lineTarget == line1){
          // do things for line1
     } else if(lineTarget == line2){
          // do things for line2
     ) else if.... etc

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    Right now I have the dynamic text loading successfuly in 2 different places and I wantd to add the scrollbar. I put the variables on frame 1 code and then I put the actually load code on the frame where it is needed.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks! Sandra
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest;
    var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
    var minScroll:Number;
    var maxScroll:Number;
    var targetScroll:Number = philText_mc.y;
    var easing:Number = 5;
    var scrollAmt:Number = 15;
    var scrollDirection:Number = 0;
    textReq = new URLRequest("text_philosophy.txt");
    function philosophyTextLoaded(event:Event):void {
        philText_mc.philosophy_txt.text = textLoader.data;
        minScroll = philText_mc.y;
        maxScroll = minScroll - philText_mc.height + mask_mc.height;
    function dragScroller(event:MouseEvent):void
        var dragX:Number = line_mc.x - scroller_mc.width/2 + 1;
        var dragY:Number = line_mc.y;
        var dragW:Number = 0;
        var dragH:Number = line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height;
        scroller_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(dragX,dragY,dragW,dragH));
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
    function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setScrollPercent(event:Event):void
        scrollPercent = (scroller_mc.y - line_mc.y) / (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height);
        if(scrollPercent < 0)
            scrollPercent = 0;
        else if(scrollPercent > 1)
            scrollPercent = 1;
        targetScroll = (scrollPercent * (maxScroll - minScroll)) + minScroll;
        philText_mc.y -= (philText_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
    function scrollUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    function scrollDown(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setDirection(dir:Number):void
        scrollDirection = dir;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
    function scrollText(event:Event):void
        targetScroll += scrollDirection;
        philText_mc.y -= (philText_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
        if(philText_mc.y > minScroll)
            philText_mc.y = minScroll;
            targetScroll = minScroll;
        else if(philText_mc.y < maxScroll)
            philText_mc.y = maxScroll;
            targetScroll = maxScroll;
        scrollPercent = (philText_mc.y - minScroll) / (maxScroll - minScroll);
        scroller_mc.y = (scrollPercent * (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height)) + line_mc.y;
    function stopScrolling(event:MouseEvent):void
        scrollDirection = 0;
    scroller_mc.buttonMode = true;
    philText_mc.external_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    scroller_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScroller);
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, philosophyTextLoaded);
    up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollUp);
    down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollDown);

    Hello again,
    Maybe I am asking this question wrong. Instead of making you try and figure out what's going on in my file what I really need to know is how you would take this code I am attaching and make it happen on another frame besides frame 1 and it doesn't appear on frame 1. I think this may help me understand a little better.
    Also another way I was thinking to get around this would be to pull in an external swf into the spot where I want this text to go because I can make the scrollbars and external text work when it is the only thing going on in the movie. Would this be a bad way to set this up? and also SInce it is an external movie would I have maintimeline issues with mouse/scroller control?
    thanks! sandra
    Here is working code:
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textFile:URLRequest = new URLRequest("text/external.txt");
    var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
    var minScroll:Number;
    var maxScroll:Number;
    var targetScroll:Number = text_mc.y;
    var easing:Number = 5;
    var scrollAmt:Number = 15;
    var scrollDirection:Number = 0;
    function textLoaded(event:Event):void
        text_mc.external_txt.text = textLoader.data;
        minScroll = text_mc.y;
        maxScroll = minScroll - text_mc.height + mask_mc.height;
    function dragScroller(event:MouseEvent):void
        var dragX:Number = line_mc.x - scroller_mc.width/2 + 1;
        var dragY:Number = line_mc.y;
        var dragW:Number = 0;
        var dragH:Number = line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height;
        scroller_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(dragX,dragY,dragW,dragH));
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
    function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setScrollPercent(event:Event):void
        scrollPercent = (scroller_mc.y - line_mc.y) / (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height);
        if(scrollPercent < 0)
            scrollPercent = 0;
        else if(scrollPercent > 1)
            scrollPercent = 1;
        targetScroll = (scrollPercent * (maxScroll - minScroll)) + minScroll;
        text_mc.y -= (text_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
    function scrollUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    function scrollDown(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setDirection(dir:Number):void
        scrollDirection = dir;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
    function scrollText(event:Event):void
        targetScroll += scrollDirection;
        text_mc.y -= (text_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
        if(text_mc.y > minScroll)
            text_mc.y = minScroll;
            targetScroll = minScroll;
        else if(text_mc.y < maxScroll)
            text_mc.y = maxScroll;
            targetScroll = maxScroll;
        scrollPercent = (text_mc.y - minScroll) / (maxScroll - minScroll);
        scroller_mc.y = (scrollPercent * (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height)) + line_mc.y;
    function stopScrolling(event:MouseEvent):void
        scrollDirection = 0;
    scroller_mc.buttonMode = true;
    text_mc.external_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    scroller_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScroller);
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);
    up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollUp);
    down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollDown);

  • Dynamic Text and changing Text in AS3

    I have a Dynamic Text box in my Library.  I drag it to my main stage and give it a name..it is now a movieclip. The name is 'mcAdmin'.  I added an event listener for MOUSE_OVER.  I want the text to change color, but for now I'm just trying to change the text; however, it's not displaying the change in text I want.  I do a trace, and the change is in there on the output window, but it is not displayed as such.  How can I :
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    2) use AS3 to change the text and have it display?
    function onMouseOver_txtAdmin(e:MouseEvent):void
    //Current mcAdmin text is 'Administration'
    //I want to change the color of Administartion on Mouse_Over
    //but to test if I can get to anything, I'm just trying to change the text.

    give the textfield a name, if it hasn't already (sounds like you put it in a movieclip).
    to change the text set the text property of your text field
    like this
    myTextField_txt.text = "here is the text";
    or if it is inside a movieclip
    myClip_mc.myTextField_txt.text = "here is the text";
    To change the color you would need to put a TextFormat on it. To keep the same fontsize, font etc. you could first get the TextFormat from your existing Textfield, change the color of the TextFormat and set it on the TextField.
    // get the Textformat of the first character
                var TF:TextFormat = myTextField.getTextFormat(0,1)
    // set the font color
                TF.color = 0xff0000;
    // put it on the whole text

  • Flash button with dynamic text

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    between "Sound On" and "Sound Off" but I feel like I'm doing
    something wrong and it errors out on me.
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    different colors I have a dynamic text field identified as
    Here's the script I have so far for my frame:
    function muteDo(event:MouseEvent) {
    if (mutebtn.sound_txt.text == "Sound Off") {
    mutebtn.sound_txt.text = "Sound On";
    } else {
    mutebtn.sound_txt.text = "Sound Off";
    and this is the error message I am getting:
    TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no
    at buttontst_fla::MainTimeline/muteDo()
    TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no
    at buttontst_fla::MainTimeline/muteDo()
    Can someboy please advise as to how I can get this to

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    worked when I pressed the button portion that is not under the
    text, it was the part of the text that got in the way from doing
    anything. I wonder where I can find an existing example that works
    the way I want it too so I can at least follow that example. I
    think I tried making the dynamic text a movie clip but was still
    getting similar errors.
    Edit: I at least got it to work by converting the button into
    a movie clip although I had also wanted it so that I could also
    change the foreground color of the dynamic text upon rollover,

  • Dynamic text and animated masking problem?

    Can anyone suggest to me what might be happening here. I will
    try and explain step by step... I am using flash MX
    I have dynamically created a movieclip which I want to mask -
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip("myMovie", 1);
    I dynamically add a movieclip into it which I then load a jpg
    into -
    _root.myMovie.createEmptyMovieClip("image1", 0);
    _root.myMovie.image1.createEmptyMovieClip("newFile", 0);
    I dynamically create another movieclip called myNormalText1
    insde the first movie -
    _root.myMovie.createEmptyMovieClip("myNormalText1", 2);
    this holds a dynamically created text box called mytext -
    // the text box formating is dynamic, uses devise fonts,
    arial and is red ect.
    I have then attach a movieclip and use it as a mask to create
    a transition effect over _root.myMovie (which holds the image and
    the mask movieclip is what is causing me the problem!!!
    method one
    when the mask movieclip contains this -
    a phisically drawn box that fills the whole page
    I use a shape tween to make the box transform into a thin
    rectangle down the left hand side of the screen
    I get a transition effect which makes _root.mymovie disapear
    to the left which is what I want!
    The image and text are masked correctly!
    *** Please note I am aware that dynamic text boxes using
    devise fonts are not displayed correctly under a mask layor when
    they are not embeded, in flash MX. I am able to view my movie in a
    browser window which uses flash player 8 that now allows dynamic
    devise fonts to be masked!
    method two
    I then wanted to create a different transition effect like
    venitian blinds,
    so, in my mask movieclip I created several rectangles that
    fill the page
    again I used a shape tween so they get thinner,
    when I tested my movie the same way in the browser,
    the mask did not work correctly over my text in
    yet the image in _root.mymovie was masked correctly???
    the only differance between the two methods is the shape
    tween in method one uses one box shape, and the shape tween in
    method two uses several rectangler box shapes.
    I was wondering if anyone knows why the text is correctly
    masked in case one and is not correctly masked in case 2
    I want to do other transition effects using masks in this way
    and I am having no luck :-(
    Thanks for any advice
    Claire Wall

    I have been researching this ALOT and found some info that
    basically tells me when I use setMask() over dynamic device fonts,
    the mask uses its bounding box (the rectangular outside edge of the
    whole mask movieclip) as the mask.
    In case 1 the mask moviclips bounding box shrinks when the
    shape tween plays because there is one rectangular box being
    tweened. It appears to mask the text correctly.
    In case 2 I have variouse different shape tweens going on
    inside the mask movieclip so the bounding box stays the same size
    across the whole screen and it wont appear to mask my text
    I think I have answered my own question, but this still
    leaves me stuck! I want to create this venitian blind effect using
    masks over devise fonts.
    I came up with the idea of using for example 4 different
    masks over the one movieclip but again flash doesnt like this and I
    guess I can only use one setMask() per movieclip?
    Can anyone suggest a way I can use multiple dynamically
    created masks on one movieclip or cant it be done?
    Claire x

  • Help with dynamic text and hand cursor

    The buttons that I am creating are not displaying the hand
    cursor. I tried searching for an answer, and have found nothing.
    They are movieclip buttons with a dynamic text field. I already
    switched them out to non-selectable text, and I am using:
    b1.buttonMode = true;

    Perfect. I knew it was some little snippet that I was
    forgetting. I made a temporary fix of creating a 0% alpha box over
    the button like a fake click area above the text, and that worked
    but I know that it was a half-arsed way of working around it.

  • Issue with visibiliy of dynamic text and hyperlinks

    Hi everyone,
    It's been a while since I've build a Flash site and a I'm finding a out a lot has changed.
    I'm building a simple site with some pictures, text and the 5 last posts from Twitter.
    This last one is not working out that well.
    First of all:
    The outputed data from Twitter is displayed into a dynamic text field which is working fine when I test the movie in Flash, but as soon as I upload it to my server the text is not visible.
    Flash already told me that I need to enclose my font in the movie (that's new for me) and I did that using the button in the properties windows.
    But it still won't work.
    I recreated the Twitter reader in a empty document to isolate it from my website during the troubleshooting.
    Here's the AS I'm using:
    var loadXML:XML = new XML();
        loadXML.ignoreWhite = true;
        loadXML.onLoad = processXML;
        loadXML.load("twitter.php"); //used when swf in placed on server
        function processXML(loaded:Boolean)
                var node = this.firstChild;
                tweet_1.text = node.childNodes[0].childNodes[2].firstChild;
                tweet_2.text = node.childNodes[1].childNodes[2].firstChild;
                tweet_3.text = node.childNodes[2].childNodes[2].firstChild;
                tweet_4.text = node.childNodes[3].childNodes[2].firstChild;
                var follower_count = node.childNodes[9].childNodes[11].childNodes[9].firstChild;// Creates variable
                trace(follower_count); //loads variable into output
                follower_count_txt.text = follower_count;// show follower count in text box
                error_txt.text = "Error loading XML file";
                        for (i=0; i<follower_count; i++)
                            _root.attachMovie("tweep_mc", "tweep"+i+"_mc", i);
                            _root["tweep"+i+"_mc"]._x = 150 + random(500);
                            _root["tweep"+i+"_mc"]._y = 150 + random(500);
        follow_btn.onRelease = function()
    facebook_btn.onRelease = function()
    Right here you can see the output of it on the server.
    The second issue:
    The items posted to Twitter will simply always contain pictures which Twitter posts as hyperlinks.
    Is there a way to make those hyperlinks function in my dynamic text field?
    Hope you guys can help me out!
    Thanks in advance!!

    Ok.. After some resarch I find out the guy who created this made use of the Twitter API.. Since I don't know how to do that and
    can't find straight answers that's not an option for me...
    What I forgot to mention in the first post:
    This is what the beginning of actionscript is actually looking like right now and why it is working offline:
    var loadXML:XML = new XML();
        loadXML.ignoreWhite = true;
        loadXML.onLoad = processXML;
    I'm getting the data direct from the Twitter server.
    This procedure does'nt neceserly need a PHP file to store the XML, right?
    I'm guessing it's just a visual issue why the text isn't showing.

  • Dynamic text and IE

    I have a dynamic text area which is fed by the value of a
    This appears to work fine in FF, but in IE, the dynamic text
    is rendered
    very small.
    Any ideas on why this is, and how to fix it?
    Seth Meranda

    Originally posted by:
    use embedFonts=true
    coz it seems that your fonts are not embedded thats y it is
    not visible there.
    Thanks - but why would the fonts be visible in Safari and
    Firefox, for example, and not in that version of IE?

  • Dynamic text and rollovers

    I've got a dynamic, scrolling text field and the text is
    being rendered as HTML. How can I create a rollover state for the
    text? Thanks.

    give your dynamic text field an instance name, for example,
    my_txt. Render the text field HTML text by clicking the <> in
    the properties inspector. Click the frame it resides on, and open
    the actions panel, insert this:
    my_txt.htmlText = "<a href='
    is line one"+"</a>"+"\n"+"<a href ='
    is line two"+"</a>";
    and so on....

  • Dynamic text and embedded font

    I'm new to Flash and AS3, and I'm having a problem when I do
    the following: I create an empty dynamic text field in the
    authoring environment, click "Embed...", and choose the character
    sets that I want (I get the same results when I embed the entire
    font). The first time I change the contents of the text field with
    the command:
    text_field.text = "string 1";
    I get good results--the text appears in the correct font.
    However, subsequent attempts to update the .text property fail with
    no error message, and the field becomes blank.
    If I remove the embedded font by clicking "Don't embed" in
    the embedding dialog, then every time I update the field's .text
    property, it displays correctly using a local machine font.
    I've also tried embedding the font in the swf by creating a
    dynamic text field in the authoring environment, into which I place
    no text, creating a second, functional text field in actionscript,
    formatting it, using the "embed = true" property, and repeatedly
    updating the .text property with the same bad results as described
    I haven't tried using the [embed] metatag to dynamically load
    the font.
    I've tested the swf in IE7 and Firefox on two machines with
    the same results. What am I doing wrong?

    Okay, here's more information. The font that I've been trying
    to embed is Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. If I embed a different font,
    like Bitstream Vera Sans, I have no problem. It seems to me that it
    must be that my Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is corrupted, my .fla and
    .swf files are corrupted, or there's a bug in flash...

  • Help with dynamic text and and css !

    My second question of the day.
    I'm trying to build a feature in my app in which the user can
    bolding and or
    italics and or
    underlining. The text is being loaded in from an xml file
    and I was thinking about styling it with css in order to get the
    underlining. My problem is that the only way I can think about
    pulling this off is to have a css style sheet that has a defined
    bold,italic and underline class defined- - then another one that
    just has a italic and underline class defined -- then another one
    that has just a bold and underline class defined . . . and so on
    and so on. You can see why I would prefer a much more streamlined
    system. Unfortunately my experience with dynamic text styling is
    somewhat limited. Hopefully someone can help me out here.

    Perfect. I knew it was some little snippet that I was
    forgetting. I made a temporary fix of creating a 0% alpha box over
    the button like a fake click area above the text, and that worked
    but I know that it was a half-arsed way of working around it.

  • Create a Link using Dynamic Text and Capture Variable

    I am building a dynamic website using Dreamweaver CS5 with Coldfusion 9
    Currently I have created a dynamic text table. The table is created by querying the Invoice table and displays the all the customers Invoices. The columns Include Invoice #, Date, Amount Paid, BalanceRemaining, Due Date. So basically lists all the invoices I have applied to the unique customer. It is pulled up using a session variable I created from the login page.
    My question is this I want to make the "Invoice #" linked so when you click on it it goes to a new page and performs a new query which retrieves infro related to that specific invoice such as Services Rendered, Service Description, Date, Price, Total. I was able to create a link to the Invoice # but I am stuck trying to figure out how to capture the Unique Invoice # and apply it to the new query. Is this possible if so how?
    Thanks for your help!

    Now keep in mind I am speaking strictly from a web and SQL standpoint as I have no experience with coldfusion.
    If you are able to create the link to the Invoice, I am perceiving this as the following:
    Links to
    If your page is setup like that then you already have the data stored in the browser request with the GET method.  In PHP the equivalent is the $_GET array.  I am assuming ColdFusion has a similar array to work with forms.  Then on your following page you obviously need to check that the visitor came from the prior page with the proper permissions to ensure that someone doesn't get the address page.php?invoice=### and just guesses through and views all invoices if they are not supposed to.  Then your query would look something like the following:
    SELECT * FROM invoice_table WHERE invoice_number = $_GET['invoice']
    Remember this in written in PHP so yours should be a similar equivalent.
    Hopefully this helps a little to get you going in the right direction.

  • Dynamic Text and Masking

    I have Dynamic Text in a Movie Clip on the timeline. Text
    shows up just fine without Mask. When I add a Mask Layer to the
    Movie Clip the Dynamic text dissapears. Can anyone shed some light

    check out
    forum discussion on the subject of masking dynamic text.
    the quick and short of it is, you need to embed the font in
    the dynamic text to mask it.

  • Dynamic Text and Resizing Images Inside

    FYI: I'm following the Flash Blogger tutorials listed on
    http://www.indextwo.net with
    Flash 8.
    I've noticed that everything works wonderfully as far as
    bringing the blog content into the dynamic text field; however, my
    only problem at the moment is while Blogger will automatically
    resize my images, so it doesn't mess up the current template in
    html, but of course, Flash does not (out of the box).
    I need a way to define the width & height of the images in
    the text field to fit inside the dynamic text field they're in.
    As far as I can tell, the tutorials listed on that site use an
    alternate method and don't actually resize them. They just make a
    link to them.
    Lastly, I thought about using CSS in Flash to adjust the img
    size, but from what I gather there are very few items at my
    Does anyone have a solution?
    Thank you.

    FYI: I'm following the Flash Blogger tutorials listed on
    http://www.indextwo.net with
    Flash 8.
    I've noticed that everything works wonderfully as far as
    bringing the blog content into the dynamic text field; however, my
    only problem at the moment is while Blogger will automatically
    resize my images, so it doesn't mess up the current template in
    html, but of course, Flash does not (out of the box).
    I need a way to define the width & height of the images in
    the text field to fit inside the dynamic text field they're in.
    As far as I can tell, the tutorials listed on that site use an
    alternate method and don't actually resize them. They just make a
    link to them.
    Lastly, I thought about using CSS in Flash to adjust the img
    size, but from what I gather there are very few items at my
    Does anyone have a solution?
    Thank you.

  • Dynamic Text and Captivate

    Running with Flash Pro CS 6 and Captivate 5.5.
    I have a Captivate project with an embedded UI created with Flash.  I want a text field (called Titled ) in Captivate to be accessed and displayed within the Flash UI.  The text field will be different on each Cap slide, so the Flash UI should read it each time a new slide begins.
    Reading on the net shows that Dynamic Text should do it, but there are no useable examples to draw upon for inspiration.
    Can anyone out there inspire me?

    I don't know how much help it will be but you should check
    link to a page at Paul Dewhurst's web-site "RaisingAimee". You
    may not be able to get to that page until you register as a user on
    Paul's site. If you run into that, register, then try the link
    If this is any help to you, drop a few pieces-of-eight in
    Paul's PayPal account, and maybe send him a personal "thank you" on
    his Shout Box. If it doesn't work, it might be because those
    particular FLAs were created for version 1, as I remember, and may
    be to some extent version-specific. In any case, it might be worth
    a try.
    ~best wishes for your success,

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