On-device update to iOS 8 removes provisioning profile?

My iPads are losing their provisioning profile and therefore their WiFi Payload after the iOS 8 upgrade.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Is there a fix/workaround? I'm trying to avoid having to touch every one of my iPads just to install the management profile.

Try a reset of the ipad. Press and hold both the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button continuously until the Apple logo appears. Then release the button and let the device restart. You will not lose data doing this. It's like a computer reboot.

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    Yeah Apple !
    As your provisioning program is plain ******** before setup correctly…
    How to you restart from scratch ?! Com-mon !
    <Edited By Host>

  • Remove Provisioning Profiles

    Where is the Provisioning Profile on my Mac and how do I delete it?
    A friend who is a Developer asked if I would test a couple of apps on my iPod Touch and iPad which I gladly did. The Profiles already expired but they're still on both of my devices. I tried to Remove them in the General section of Settings on both my devices but they keep returning each time I sync them with iTunes. I've also tried to deleted the demo apps from iTunes but again the Profiles still return. How do I delete these profiles?
    Please forgive my ignorance on this topic, I'm just a User and know nothing about programming.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    -- Jeff

    Hi Jeff -
    You should find the provisioning profile(s) in +/Users/Jeff/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles+. Before deleting anything from that folder, it's best to untether your iPod Touch and close iTunes. After that, just move the file(s) you wish to delete to the trash. In some cases it's possible for a profile to remain locked after iTunes is closed. If that happens, you should be able to remove the lock by restarting your Mac.
    The steps are similar for Windows iTunes btw, but the exact location may depend on the Windows version. For XP see [How to Remove a Provisioning Profile from iTunes on Windows XP|http://mobilestrategist.blogspot.com/2009/06/how-to-remove-provisioning-prof ile-from.html].
    \- Ray

  • Remove provisioning profile for windows vista

    I was betta testing a app. (for twitter users i recommend super twario) yeah, so it was a app called super twario as you guest and basicly thier is a provisioning profile that won't go away on my iphone on the rest button always comes up with "super twario provisioning profile" i did what most people are suggesting go to the C:\user and go into apps and look for the itunes file, but the only problem is i can't find it on there. please help. :'(

    Satellite P300-ST3712
       You receive a "The User Profile Service failed the logon” error message
        How to Fix the Error "Your user profile was not loaded correctly! You have been logged on with a tem...
    Was this p/w set by Toshiba?
    No. But some programs like the Google Updater (if you added the Google Toolbar, Chrome or Google Earth) have been known to cause this problem. 

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    It is a phishing attempt. Do not respond. Do not divulge any personal or financial information. You can use the address below to report the phishing attempt to Apple.
    mailto:[email protected]
    The link below has information to help identify fraudulent emails.

  • Remove Provisioning Profiles osx 10.7

    there is a discussion about deleting Provisioning Profiles, but it is perhaps too old.
    in osx 10.7 seems not folder "MobileDevice" to find the profile and pull to trash. and generally no profile is to be found in the system.
    does it mean there is no profile installed at the mac or do I simply not find it?
    we have problems to install an app at the ipad and guess that we have to delete the old profile...

    Search TN 2250 on: clean

  • Flash Professional CS6 で iOS の Provisioning Profile が利用できなくなりました

    現在、Flash Professional CS6 で、AIR SDK を利用して iOS用アプリを作成しております。
    2014年11月に入ってから作成したり、更新したiOS用のProvisioning Profile が、Flash Flash Professional CS6で利用できなくなりました。
    現象としては、2014年10月24日に作成した開発用のProvisioning Profile を、[AIR for iOS設定]-[デプロイ]-[プロビショニングプロファイル]で指定すれば、問題なくパブリッシュでき、開発用デバイスへもインストールできます。
    しかし、2014年11月6日に更新したものから、以降に更新したり新規で作成したProvisioning Profileを指定すると、[AIR for iOS設定]のウィンドウが表示されなくなってしまいます。
    指定する Provisioning Profile は、開発用もディストリビューション用も、同様に現象が発生します。
    [AIR for iOS設定]ウィンドウの[プロビショニングプロファイル]欄で指定したファイルを、フォルダから取り除くことで、[AIR for iOS設定]ウィンドウ自体は表示されますが、11月に作ったProvisioning Profile を使ってパブリッシュしたアプリについては、デバイスへの転送ができないようです。
    当方で上記の現象を確認した AIR SDK は、
    また、Flash Professional CC に更新すれば、上記の問題は解決したりするのでしょうか?
    また、Flash Professional CC に更新すれば、上記の問題は解決したりするのでしょうか?

    (OSX10.6をインストール直後、TimeMachineなどのバックアップからは一切復元せず、まっさらに新しいOS環境として起動し、アップデートを済ませ、そのままOSX YosemiteをダウンロードしてOSXをバージョンアップ。それからCS6をDVDからインストールしました)
    その環境下にFlashCS6にて保存していたファイルをHDDにコピーして、作業の再開をしましたところ、現在のプロビジョニングプロファイルを割り当てても、設定用ウィンドウが問題なくい つでも表示されるようになりました。
    プロビジョニングファイルの変更を行っても、証明書の変更を行っても、保存して終了後に再度ファイルを開いても、不具合が発生することなく、また、プロビジョニングの変更のたびにプロビジョニ ングプロファイルの保存場所を変更したりプロビジョニングが存在するファイルの名前を変更しなくても、以前のように自由に問題なく作業が行えるようになりました。
    環境を新しく構築し直しOSXのアップデートを行った際に、『OSX NTP セキュリティーアップデート』というものがあり「なるべく早めにインストールしてください」と表示されていたこともあり、環境を一から構築し直したことが原因か、それともセキュリティーアッ プデートの影響なのか、それとも全く別のことが原因なのか、私には判断がつきません。
    それから、残念なことに、これまでアプリのインストールができていたiOS8搭載のiPhoneにのみ実機インストールができなくなってしまいました。同じiOS8でもiPadにはインストー ルができました。iOS7の端末はiPhone,iPad,iPod Touch全てインストールできました。(iOS8搭載のiPod Touchを持っていないため、これについては検証できていません)

  • Generating of Provisioning Profiles down?

    Hi guys,
    I've tried adding devices to an newly created provisioning profile for development several times now and it keeps hanging in the last step. The page just shows me the page spinner / loader and does nothing.
    Who else is experiencing this as well?

    I had the same issue months ago, and have the problem again --- I didn't add any new provisioning profile in between. So I think it's fair to say, I had the problem all the time since this summer.
    Last time, I remeber I tried this on a Windows computer via Chrome or Explorer, and finally managed to add it.
    Apple makes things so complicate and don't provide easy to handle. Really *****!

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    Hey -
    I need to do the EXACT same thing, but have no idea how. Has anyone out there done this?
    My situation is a tad different..this is a new Mac (and I'm a brand new Mac user). Tons of querks occur under my original account (videos won't run, Safari won't support certain plug-ins). I spent 6 hours on the phone w/ 4 different Apple Reps and nobody could fix it. A rep finally looked at my MacBook Pro in person today. He created a new account just to see if that would work and under that new account, everything works perfectly fine (no querks, can view video). He tried switching a million settings in my original account to no avail.
    He said to create a new account (as he did) and move my files over to the new account and then go back to the original and delete it. How do you do this?! I can't figure it out! I've got a new account created, but of course it just has the default folders in it w/ the little red icons next to them! Thanks in advance!

  • Font profile doesn't work after updating to ios 7.1

    Before updating to ios 7.1 I can see text written in  unicode zawgyi font in applications by installing the font profile. But after 7.1, text  written in zawgyi unicode font appears as ?????. Some said removing and reinstalling the profile may help but it doesn't. The font appeared for a while when I first opened the app just before the font profile is installed but after restarting the app it showed ????? again. Please help me fix this problem.

    hi Mr.Sianpu
    nice to know you, my name Kiemtheng from Cambodia, i got a problem with Khmer Unicode font at my ipad which i just update from IOS 7.0.1 to ISO 7.1.1 , It not support with Khmer font which used to appear at the old version , the problem happen as the same Lian Tuang Question, and can you tell me how to fix this problem , hope to hear a good new from your, for khmer unicode font which support with Nokora and Battombong

  • When an AIR for iOS provisioning profile expires ...

    I'm unclear about what happens to an installed iOS app when the provisioning profile OR the signing certificate expires. We're talking about an app that was published and installed with valid Enterprise Distribution credentials before the expiration date.
    Will the app stop working when the profile expires? If the certificate expires before the provisioning profile will the app stop working when the certificate expires?  Or, in either case, will the app keep working and be simply not re-publishable until the credentials are brought up to date?

    The app son't launch anymore.  At least, that is what happens with my test/development apps if i try and launch them after the PP has expired.  You need to install a new PP on the device to get it to continue to work.  I'm sure it'd be the same with enterprise?  I'm not sure what happens when the certificate expires though!
    There's a stack overflow on it here.

  • I'm on Vacation with no access to my Mac.  But had tried Sync. My software update is iOS 6.0.1. I've tried another WiFi network.  I read your comment of deleting Apps for stuck update. So removed all Apps! Can't even install Free Apps. Now using my Kindle

    I'm on Vacation with no access to my Mac.  But had tried Sync. My software update is iOS 6.0.1. I've tried another WiFi network.  I read your comment of deleting Apps for stuck update. So removed all Apps! Can't even install Free Apps. Now using my Kindle

    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
    I also rely on iTunes and my MacBook and Time Machine as well as backing up to iCloud. I know many users know have gone totally PC free, but I chose to use iCloud merely as my third backup.
    I assume that the restore would result in my ability to open Pages and Numbers and fix the problem with deleting apps, but this would also mean that if my Numbers documents still exist solely within the app and are just not on iCloud for some reason that they would be gone forever.  Is that right?
    In a word, yes. In a little more detail.... When you restore from an iCloud backup, you must erase the device and start all over again. There is no other way to access the backup in iCloud without erasing the device. Consequently, you are starting all over again. Therefore, it would also be my assumption that Pages and Numbers will work again and that the deleting apps issues would be fixed as well.
    If the documents are not in the backup, and you do not have a backup elsewhere, the documents could be gone forever.

  • ADF Mobile : iOS Developer Certificate and Provisioning profile for Team

    We are starting to build Mobile apps using ADF Mobile. In order to deploy on to iOS devices, Developer Certificates are a mandate. When you go to developer.apple.com, there is a option to Buy Individually or For a company. Query is how should one go about buying the Developer certificates, since we would be working as a team, would it be better to buy as a Company or Individual Certificates? Also if some one can share the implications of the individual versus company certificates/provisioning profile, much appreciated.

    At a high level, as an individual (annual fee is $99 USD) allows you to deploy to developer devices (i.e. register the device in Apple Developer portal), and distribute through the app store (only).
    As an enterprise (annual fee is $299) development program, you canalso deploy to developer devices that are registered, as well as distribute the app directly to any device within your company. Technically you can deploy an app compiled with Enterprise Certificate to any device, but Apple SDK terms specify that it can only be deployed to company internal devices.
    Joe Huang

  • AIR for iOS getting error while uploading the app, ITMS-9000 "Missing Provisioning Profile"

    I get this error, when uploading the binary to Itunes. Any help, on how to solve out this problem ? And what does it mean ?

    for install on devices, you need to use a distribution cert. and a distribution provisioning profile for adhoc. When ready for AppStore you can use same distribution cert. but distribution provision profile for appstore. i completely use Windows PC for my entire process and use testflight to distribute to my testers. I'm not sure how the process is for simulator on the Mac is.  I just the use mac to create my certs and profiles and then application loader.
    When you tried upload to testflight did u use a distribution cert (p12) and an adhoc distibution provisioning profile. Also are the devices you are sending to are also registered to that profile.
    Also ive been doing this for 3 years now but consider myself a newbie still cuz I'm self taught and still learning and my ways of doing things in an unorthodox way but on average I have about 10 uploads of updates or new apps to the AppStore a year and haven't had an app rejected. These forms will be your best resource of info with users like @colin.

  • Provisioning Profile on new device

    I have developed an app for iOs. I have the Apple certified and I have created the provisioning profile. I use de Ad Hoc option because I dont want my app to be at AppStore. So I have to register all de devices where I need my app.
    I made this app for a client, but what happend if he wants to add a new device?
    Do I have to generate a new provisioning profile? And because of this, Do I have to publish de .ipa file again?
    I dont want my client depends on me forever to republish de app for each new device. What should i do?

    Based on your ask it would appear that this request is more appropriate for an Apple developers forum rather than Adobe Ideas Touch App.  Apple manages the provisioning profile and the related usage and access for adding additional devices. Am I still isunderstanding what information you may be trying to obtain related to Adobe Ideas?
    Adobe Ideas Engineering Team

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