...one track misbehaving...

....I've just finished making a DVD with 3 tracks each with their own button from the main menu. Each time (5 times now) i redo the DVD one track will play for about 1 minute then stop (always at the same spot) and return to the main menu. I've checked and double checked all button navigation and target settings and everything is set right. I'm now going to rebuild the DVD completely from new and see what happens. Does anyone have any info on what might cause this? Thanks

Don't you have a marker in your track in the point where it stop playing?

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    Experience (of iPods) tells me that the 160GB Classic and the 120GB Classic are from the same "family" and should therefore behave the same way. (The nano is a different family and the Touch another family yet again.)
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    Edit the Name of the problem song to Name [Feat. Guest]
    Change the Artist of that song to All Time Low
    marley2012 wrote:
    ... and i want to make sure that from now on all songs from any CD I import into i-tunes all go into the same album file if they are on that album originally. i do not want i-tunes seperating songs from my CD's for any reason. hopefully this is more clear.
    What you want cannot be done. iTunes has its quirks, and the above is the kind of workaround needed to make the media display sensibly on any device. The article I pointed you to has others that you may find useful in future.

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    Select the tracks and type Option - C, or go to the menu Sequence > Nest Item(s).
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    Message was edited by: TomRin

    See this support article:
    Record multiple takes:  http://help.apple.com/garageband/index.html#gbnda1184253

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    See this support article:
    Record multiple takes:  http://help.apple.com/garageband/index.html#gbnda1184253

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    JGolomb wrote:
    Can I have multiple volume levels in one track?.
    search GB's help for "curve"
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    "Share" it to disc
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    JoBrooke wrote:
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    No problem.  Finale's full software package is pretty expensive, but they offer a scaled-down $10 version called NotePad which will import MIDI files and print scores.  I'd suggest starting with that and seeing if it is sufficient:

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    "basic track" is a short cut. whenever i explain something to someone recording an audio instrument i always tell them to create s New Basic Track. it's simple, to the point, has no effects on it (and you can add those later, anyway, the BEST way to do it)
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