제품: Applications
작성날짜 : 2006-05-30
Onhand quantity setup을 확인하는 방법
script을 통해, 여러 setup사항들 및 onhand수량을 check할 수 있다.
1. Check Organization controls
2. Check Subinventory controls
3. Check item attributes and controls for lot, locator, serial and
4. Check onhand quantity stock records a) non lot control
b) lot controlled
5. Check that stock records agree with attribute settings including
the following:
- Check that stock has a lot number if under lot control.
- Check expiration date, lots which have expired still show in
transaction screen
- LPN containerized items
6. Show reservations for the item
7. Show overall quantities (from an internal routine called qtytree)
8. Check that cost groups are correct.
9. Check that quantities agree.
아래의 script을 onhand.sql로 생성하여 수행하시기 바랍니다.
$Header: onhand.sql 115.9 2005/05/25 $
Gives information regarding quantity values for an item within an organization,
subinventory, revision and lot to determine why the system does not find
available stock.
Quantity on hand
Reservable quantity on hand
Quantity reserved
Quantity suggested
Quantity available to transact
Quantity available to reserve
The retrieved information will be written to an O/S file called: onhand.lst
This script should be used for Release 11.5 only.
Bug 3089073, 4349223
lot_number => return over this if item is not lot controlled
revision => return over this if item is not revision controlled
spool onhand.lst
set linesize 125;
set pagesize 200;
set verify off;
set serveroutput on
PROMPT 1/ To check Organization controls
SELECT organization_id ORG_ID,
primary_cost_method CST_TYP,
cost_organization_id CST_ORG,
master_organization_id MAST_ORG,
default_cost_group_id DEF_CST_GRP,
project_reference_enabled PROJ_FLG,
wms_enabled_flag WMS
FROM mtl_parameters
WHERE organization_id = &&org_id;
PROMPT 2/ To check Subinventory controls
SELECT secondary_inventory_name, organization_id org_id, default_cost_group_id DEF_CST_GRP,
locator_type LOC, asset_inventory ASSET_INV
FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
where organization_id = &&org_id;
PROMPT 3/ To check item attributes
from mtl_system_items_b
where organization_id= &&org_id
and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
prompt control = 2 for on
prompt serial_number_control 1-No serial number, 2-Predefined serial number, 5-Dynamic entry at inventory receipt
prompt 6-Dynamic entry at sales order issue
PROMPT 4/ To check onhand quantity stock records a) non lot control b) lot controlled
select moqd.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, moqd.organization_id ORG_ID,
moqd.primary_transaction_quantity PRIM_QTY, moqd.subinventory_code, moqd.revision REV,
moqd.locator_id, moqd.lot_number,
moqd.cost_group_id CST_GRP_ID, moqd.project_id, moqd.task_id, moqd.lpn_id,
from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd
where moqd.organization_id = &&org_id
and moqd.inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
select moqd.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, moqd.organization_id ORG_ID,
moqd.primary_transaction_quantity PRIM_QTY, moqd.subinventory_code,moqd.revision REV,
moqd.locator_id, moqd.lot_number, mln.expiration_date EXPIRE_DATE,
moqd.cost_group_id CST_GRP_ID, moqd.project_id, moqd.task_id, moqd.lpn_id,
from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd, mtl_lot_numbers mln
where moqd.organization_id = &&org_id
and moqd.inventory_item_id = &&item_id
and moqd.inventory_item_id = mln.inventory_item_id
and moqd.organization_id = mln.organization_id
and moqd.lot_number = mln.lot_number;
PROMPT Check that stock records agree with attribute settings ie. stock has a lot
PROMPT number if under lot control. Also check expiration date, lots which have expired
PROMPT still show in transaction screen but cannot be reserved (bug 3818166) and for
PROMPT negative balances, if found apply patch 3747966.
PROMPT Also check for LPN containerised items will not show as available on forms need
PROMPT unpack the material and then try to issue out from desktop or Perform the Misc
PROMPT issue of the LPN from the Mobile (bug 4349223).
PROMPT 5/ Show reservations for item
select organization_id, inventory_item_id, demand_source_name, demand_source_header_id,
demand_source_line_id, primary_reservation_quantity, revision, subinventory_code,
locator_id, lot_number
from mtl_reservations
where organization_id = &&org_id
and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
PROMPT 6/ Show overall quantities from qtytree
x.organization_id organization_id
, x.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
, x.revision revision
, x.lot_number lot_number
, To_date(NULL) lot_expiration_date
, x.subinventory_code subinventory_code
, sub.reservable_type reservable_type
, x.locator_id locator_id
, x.primary_quantity primary_quantity
, x.date_received date_received
, x.quantity_type quantity_type
, x.cost_group_id cost_group_id
, x.containerized containerized
x.organization_id organization_id
, x.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
, NULL revision
, NULL lot_number
, x.subinventory_code subinventory_code
, x.locator_id locator_id
, SUM(x.primary_quantity) primary_quantity
, MIN(x.date_received) date_received
, x.quantity_type quantity_type
, x.cost_group_id cost_group_id
, x.containerized containerized
-- reservations
mr.organization_id organization_id
, mr.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
, mr.revision revision
, mr.lot_number lot_number
, mr.subinventory_code subinventory_code
, mr.locator_id locator_id
, mr.primary_reservation_quantity
- Nvl(mr.detailed_quantity,0) primary_quantity
, To_date(NULL) date_received
, 3 quantity_type
, to_number(NULL) cost_group_id
, 0 containerized
FROM mtl_reservations mr
Nvl(mr.supply_source_type_id, 13) = 13
AND mr.primary_reservation_quantity > Nvl(mr.detailed_quantity,0)
-- onhand quantities
moq.organization_id organization_id
, moq.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
, moq.revision revision
, moq.lot_number lot_number
, moq.subinventory_code subinventory_code
, moq.locator_id locator_id
, decode(NULL, NULL, moq.transaction_quantity, nvl(pjm_ueff_onhand.onhand_quantity
, nvl(moq.orig_date_received,
moq.date_received) date_received
, 1 quantity_type
, moq.cost_group_id cost_group_id
, decode(moq.containerized_flag,
1, 1, 0) containerized
mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq
-- pending transactions in mmtt
--changed by jcearley on 12/8/99
--added 1 to decode statement so that we make sure the
--issue qtys in mmtt are seen as negative.
--This problem arose because create_suggestions stores
--the suggested transactions in mmtt as a positive number.
-- added 5/23/00
-- if quantity is in an lpn, then it is containerized
mmtt.organization_id organization_id
, mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
, mmtt.revision revision
, NULL lot_number
, mmtt.subinventory_code subinventory_code
, mmtt.locator_id locator_id
, Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 1
, Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id
, 1, -1, 2, -1, 28, -1, 3, -1, Sign(mmtt.primary_quantity))
* Abs( decode(NULL, NULL, mmtt.primary_quantity, Nvl(apps.pjm_ueff_onhand.txn_quantity(NULL,mmtt.transaction_temp_id,mmtt.lot_number,
'N',mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,
mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.rcv_transaction_id,
),mmtt.primary_quantity)) )
, Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id
, 1, To_date(NULL)
, 2, To_date(NULL)
, 28, To_date(NULL)
, 3, To_date(NULL)
, Decode(Sign(mmtt.primary_quantity)
, -1, To_date(NULL)
, mmtt.transaction_date)) date_received
, Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 5, 1) quantity_type
, mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
, decode(mmtt.lpn_id, NULL, 0, 1) containerized
mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
AND mmtt.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL
AND (Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 OR -- pending txns
-- only picking side of the suggested transactions are used
Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) = 2 AND
mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (1,2,28,3,21,29,32,34)
-- dont look at scrap and costing txns
AND mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (24,30)
-- receiving side of transfers
-- added 5/23/00
-- if quantity is in an lpn, then it is containerized
, 3, mmtt.transfer_organization
, mmtt.organization_id) organization_id
, mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
, mmtt.revision revision
, NULL lot_number
, mmtt.transfer_subinventory subinventory_code
, mmtt.transfer_to_location locator_id
, Abs( decode(NULL, NULL, mmtt.primary_quantity, Nvl(apps.pjm_ueff_onhand.txn_quantity(NULL,mmtt.transaction_temp_id,mmtt.lot_number,
'N',mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,
mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.rcv_transaction_id,
),mmtt.primary_quantity)) )
, mmtt.transaction_date date_received
, 1 quantity_type
, mmtt.transfer_cost_group_id cost_group_id
, decode(mmtt.transfer_lpn_id, NULL, 0, 1) containerized
mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
AND Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 -- pending txns only
AND mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (2,28,3)
) x
WHERE x.organization_id = &&org_id
AND x.inventory_item_id = &&item_id
x.organization_id, x.inventory_item_id, x.revision
, x.subinventory_code, x.locator_id
, x.quantity_type, x.cost_group_id, x.containerized
) x
, mtl_secondary_inventories sub
x.organization_id = sub.organization_id (+)
--AND Nvl(sub.availability_type, 1) = 1
AND x.subinventory_code = sub.secondary_inventory_name (+) ;
PROMPT Check that cost groups are correct see Bug 4222079
PROMPT 7/ To find stock values from system nb.<cr> over lot and revision if item
PROMPT is not under lot or revision control, <cr> over subinventory for all subinvs
L_api_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_qty_oh NUMBER;
l_qty_res_oh NUMBER;
l_qty_res NUMBER;
l_qty_sug NUMBER;
l_qty_att NUMBER;
l_qty_atr NUMBER;
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
l_rev varchar2(100):=NULL;
l_lot VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
l_loc VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
l_lot_control BOOLEAN :=false;
l_revision_control BOOLEAN :=false;
l_lot_control_code NUMBER;
l_revision_qty_control_code NUMBER;
l_location_control_code NUMBER;
l_org_id NUMBER;
l_item_id NUMBER;
l_subinv VARCHAR2(10);
into l_lot_control_code, l_revision_qty_control_code, l_location_control_code
from mtl_system_items_b
where organization_id= &&org_id
and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
if l_lot_control_code = 2 then
l_lot_control :=true;
end if;
if l_revision_qty_control_code =2 then
end if;
dbms_output.put_line('Transaction Mode');
apps.INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB.Query_Quantities (
p_api_version_number => 1.0
, p_init_msg_lst => apps.fnd_api.g_false
, x_return_status => L_api_return_status
, x_msg_count => l_msg_count
, x_msg_data => l_msg_data
, p_organization_id => &&org_id
, p_inventory_item_id => &&item_id
, p_tree_mode => apps.INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB.g_transaction_mode
, p_onhand_source => NULL
, p_is_revision_control=> l_revision_control
, p_is_lot_control => l_lot_control
, p_is_serial_control => NULL
, p_revision => l_rev
, p_lot_number => l_lot
, p_subinventory_code => '&&subinv_code'
, p_locator_id => NULL
, x_qoh => l_qty_oh
, x_rqoh => l_qty_res_oh
, x_qr => l_qty_res
, x_qs => l_qty_sug
, x_att => l_qty_att
, x_atr => l_qty_atr );
dbms_output.put_line('Quantity on hand --> '||to_char(l_qty_oh));
dbms_output.put_line('Reservable quantity on hand --> '||to_char(l_qty_res_oh));
dbms_output.put_line('Quantity reserved --> '||to_char(l_qty_res));
dbms_output.put_line('Quantity suggested --> '||to_char(l_qty_sug));
dbms_output.put_line('Quantity available to transact --> '||to_char(l_qty_att));
dbms_output.put_line('Quantity available to reserve --> '||to_char(l_qty_atr));
PROMPT Check that quantities agree with script 4 and 5.
Spool off;
PROMPT *** Print file onhand.lst created ***
Reference Documents
Bug 4529874

Similar Messages

  • API to update onhand quantity

    Hi All,
    Is there any API that I can use to update the onhand quantity of Inventory Item.

    We do (or I should say "Shoud") not update the onhand quantity after you book the order. You can create reservations though (standard functionality available). This way others will not be able to take the quantity that is reserved against this order. Onhand quantity is table is exclusively used by transaction manager to move the qty in and out.
    If you tell us the functional requirements as why you are trying to do this, we can offer better advice.

  • How to know onhand quantity at a selected date

    is there a concurrent ( or a PLSQL package ) which could give the onhand quantity of an item in storage at a given date .

    There are few reports on Oracle that allows you to analyze the past situation of stock, comparing it with the actual situation and the transactions done during the period between the rollback date and the current date. One of these is "Transaction historical summary". You can launch this report from a Cost Management or Inventory responsibility.
    Also build inventory position is a good solution.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to calucalte onhand quantity in inventory

    I am facing problem to calculate the onhand quantity ,reserved quantity and available quantity,
    Please help this.

    Please use inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities. It has all the out variables that you are looking for.

  • How to get the onhand quantity along with zero quantities in Inventory?

    How to get the onhand quantity along with zero quantities in Inventory...Plz reply me as son as possible?

    Hi Akshata,
    In processRequest you can use pageContext.getParameter
    String PartyName = pageContext.getParameter("PartyName");Regards,

  • How to find onhand quantity from backend

    Somebody please tell me how to find onhand quantity for a particular item for particular subinventory.
    Please provide the query.
    Thanks in advance.

    mtl_onhand_quantities view contains the details of onhand.
    You can sum up transaction_quantities and group by item_id, org_id and subinventory code.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • REPORT - Sold quantity and OnHand quantity

    Hello Everyone,
    How can I create a query to show what I have sold within a date range and how much inventory I have of those items.  Thank you.
    itemcode      sold        onhand     whscod
    x                    10                5            AH
    x                      5                0            CH
    x                    12                3            GB
    Y                      0               5            AH
    Y                      0             10            CH
    Y                    2                20            GB

    That is the 2nd step for the query. I would like him to try this first.
    Here is the final:
    SELECT S.ItemCode, SUM(S.quantity) 'Sold', S.Onhand, S.WhsCode
    FROM (SELECT T0.ItemCode, T0.quantity, T2.Onhand, T0.WhsCode
    FROM dbo.INV1 T0
    INNER JOIN dbo.OINV T1 ON T1.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN dbo.OITW T2 ON T2.WhsCode=T0.WhsCode AND T2.ItemCode=T0.ItemCode
    WHERE T1.DocDate Between [%0\] AND [%1\]
    SELECT T0.ItemCode, -T0.quantity, T2.Onhand, T0.WhsCode
    FROM dbo.RIN1 T0
    INNER JOIN dbo.ORIN T1 ON T1.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN dbo.OITW T2 ON T2.WhsCode=T0.WhsCode AND T2.ItemCode=T0.ItemCode
    WHERE T1.DocDate Between [%0\] AND [%1\]) S
    GROUP BY S.ItemCode, S.Onhand, S.WhsCode
    ORDRE BY S.ItemCode

  • ASCP is showing onhand quantity as negative in workbench

    Hi All,
    ASCP is showing oh hand quantity for an item as negative in ASCP workbench, when we checked for the same item in source instance, it shows as 71 available.
    ASCP shows two rows for onhand, one as positive 52 and one as negative -16
    Could anybody help us to get the probable cause for the same.

    Check how is the result of availability check to be represented in schedule line.
    In SPRO-SD-BF-ACand TORACAC with ATP LogicDefine default settings
    Here configure the availability check rule in such a way that if the goods cant be delivered on the Requested Delivery date, then it shoudl propose the date on w hich teh goods can be delivered. Then your problem will be solved.
    The options you can select are C or E.
    Rwd if it helps.

  • R12 12.0.4 Onhand Quantity SQL required

    Hi guys
    We are a huge retailing company and currently in the process of implementing a custom made application for POS. One of our requirements is to reserve a given quantity against a particular item and once the PO received from the customer, raise a Credit invoice against customer account. Throughout last couple of years after the R12 implementation we kept on adding in-house built modules, mostly for tracking the on-hand quantities. We never used the material reservation until the custom application integration.
    As we are planning to go live with the custom built application, we are in a requirement to alter our on-hand quantity scripts throughout the custom modules and reports. Right now we are using the following query to fetch the on-hand quantities:
    Select onhand_quantity from
    Select sum(onhand_qty) onhand_quantity, inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code from
    Select sum(transaction_quantity) onhand_qty,inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code from mtl_onhand_quantities
    group by organization_id, subinventory_code, inventory_item_id
    union all
    Select sum(reservation_quantity)*-1 onhand_qty,inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code from mtl_reservations
    group by organization_id, subinventory_code, inventory_item_id
    group by inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code
    where inventory_item_id = :item_id and
    organization_id = :org_id and
    subinventory_code = :subinv_code
    Should we consider anything else? We tried to use "apps.INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES" API, unfortunately while compiling we got compilation errors. Please forward your suggestions

    Thanks Sandeep
    Unfortunately, we do use move orders quite frequent (OM team just confirmed) and there are just few entries in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTION_TEMP table. A total of 6 records dating back to 2010.
    Anyway we are going ahead with the current setup and will include this table if differences are found at later stages. Thank you very much for your replies.

  • Onhand - Quantity Suggested

    Hi Gurus,
    I was looking at onhand availability screen for one item and it shows data like below:
    On-Hand Quantity: 1
    Available to reserve: 0
    Available to Transact: 0
    Then I tried to pull this information using "inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities" api.
    The result set says "Suggested Quantity" as 1.
    Can anyone help me in understanding what is suggested quantity?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: 987644 on Feb 12, 2013 10:31 AM

    Suggested quantity is the on-hand quantity itself.
    The reason it is showing 0 for both " Available to reserve" and "Available to Transact" is, there must be some record stuck in the temp table for the related item.
    SELECT *
    WHERE inventory_item_id = <your item id>
    If it returns any row, you need to delete the same to get the on-hand data corrected.

  • The onhand quantity at sub inventory level it is not showing correctly

    For an item the org level quantityt is showing correctly but at sub inventory level it is not showing correctly.
    1)For an item org level the avilablty as below :
                   On Hand / Avail to Reserve / Avail to Transact are
         oRG level          7     7          7
    STAGING           7     7          7
         STORES          0     0          0     
    2) Created an Sales order with quantity 5 ,then STAGING decreased by 5 which is correct.
              the avilablty as below :
                   On Hand / Avail to Reserve / Avail to Transact are
         oRG level          7     7          7
    STAGING           2     2          2
         STORES          0     0          0     
    3) Shipping Transaction not completed,Received 4 into Stores – Staging avail increased by 6 and even STORES also increased by 4 . Here we do not understand why STAGING increased to 6.
         the avilablty as below :
                   On Hand / Avail to Reserve / Avail to Transact are
         oRG level          7     7          7
    STAGING           6     6          6
         STORES          4     4          4     
    4)Ship Transaction Completed sucessfully now the values are showing correctly.
         The avilablty as below :
                   On Hand / Avail to Reserve / Avail to Transact are
         oRG level          7     7          7
    STAGING           2     2          2
         STORES          4     4          4

    Hi Patel,
    You can create a confirmations using CO11N for sub-operations, but you can only confirm hours, not yield quantity. The yield quantity requried to be confirmed in the operation. You can partially or fully confirm sub-operations.
    Enter the order number, sub -operation number all the related data will be displayed execpt greyed quantity fields.
    Can you see the "sub-operation" entry field below "oper./activity" in CO11N ?
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Query regarding Onhand Quantity

    I am new to manufacturing modules and I need some help.
    I have a requirement in inventory where I need to get the list of items,
    - if the qty on hand falls below a certain qty level in a sub-inventory.
    - I also need to identify the date on which it happened.
    Ex: if item# 12345 in sub-inventory “STOCKROOM” falls below 500, then I need to identify the date on which it happened.
    Any help in resolve this issue is highly appreciated.

    Intresting ...
    An attempt, not sure if you like it
    The mtl_onhand_quantities_detail keeps track of the qty by means of logging into this
    table all new transactions that bring in qty and any decrement to qty is updated to the records
    by updating the earlier record and moving down as needed(lifo method)
    There is a create_transaction_id and update_transaction_id(decrementing trxn), but realy the
    update_transaction_id is the most recent decrement transaction prior transaction id's are not stored.
    I think you would start as
    select inventory_item_id, sum(transaction_qty) from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
    you can restrict this further by org/subinv etc.
    Lets say you do not want to do any special logic for items that are over 500 qty, nothing
    is needed but for anything that is below 500 you would want to invoke something that may have logic
    like below.
    Lets say I got a record 400 qty for an item, this is what I would do
    400 As of sysdate(report run date)
    You list all transactions in descending order of occurence for the item/org
    that is the most recent transaction comes in the list first(mtl_material_transactions)
    Take the current qty in a variable say v_qty
    {Trxqty} { change_vqty_by} { QOH_Before_This_Trxn(revised v_qty)}
    {-10} {+10} { 410}
    {+5} {  -5} { 405}
    {+20} { -20} { 385}
    {-200} {+200} {585}
    (You stop on this record as this is more than 500, that
    means the prior record is where your qoh got negative and provide that trx date)
    Assuming this report is run bi-weekly/monthly you may just restrict looking back past transactions only
    to that extent.
    Try it out and if there is a better way/ the way you handled it please update for reference.

  • ITEM SETUP 및 ITEM에 관해 자주 하는 질문과 대답 - 1

    제품 : MFG_INV     
    작성날짜 : 2005-01-25     
    ITEM SETUP 및 ITEM에 관해 자주 하는 질문과 대답 - 1
    Item Setup에 관한 내용과 고객이 자주 질문하는 Item 관련 내용을 정리하여
    고객의 문의 사항을 해결할 수 있다.
    Item Setup FAQs
    1.한 번 Item이 organization에 assign 되었다면,향후 이 관계를 삭제하는것
    은 가능한가?
    A) 만약 Item을 organization에 assign을 하였다면, Item이 transaction이
    한 번도 발생하지 않은 경우에만 오직 organization으로부터의 삭제가
    가능하다.한 번이라도 Item이 transaction이 발생했다면 organization으로
    부터의 삭제는 불가능하다.
    하지만,Item define form의 'Item Status' field를 'Inactive' 상태로 변경
    하여 item이 LOV에는 계속 포함되더라도 더 이상 transacting이 발생하는
    것을 막을 수 있다.
    2.Item UOM을 어떻게 setup 하는것인가?
    A) Item transacting시 항상 정의되어 있는 Primary UOM이 default로 되고,
    만약 user가 다른 UOM 이용이 필요하면 transact시 UOM LOV에서 Primary
    UOM이 아닌 UOM을 선택할 수 있다.
    한 번 item에 지정된 primary UOM은 수정 할 수가 없다.
    3.이미 transaction이 발생한 item인 경우 item의 locator control method를
    어떻게 변경 할 수 있는가?
    (예: No Control -> Prespecified)
    A) Item에 onhand quantity가 존재한다면 Locator control attribute 값은
    변경할 수 없다.
    변경하기 위해서는 먼저 Misc.issue로 모든 quantity를 issue 시켜 onhand
    quantity가 존재 하지 않게 한 다음 Locator Control attribute를 수정
    하고, Locator setup으 한다.
    이 후 Misc.receipt을 이용하여 특정 Subinventory/Locator에 아까 issue
    시킨 수량 만큼을 receive 한다.
    4.Item의 UOM을 변경 시키는 방법은?
    A) 일단 UOM이 item에 지정되면 이 UOM을 변경할 수 없다.
    UOM을 변경을 위한 제안 방법 :
    만약 Item이 transaction이 전혀 발생하지 않았다면 이 item을 delete 하고
    다른 UOM을 가진 item을 다시 추가 할 수 있다.
    하지만 Item이 한 번 이라도 transaction이 발생하고,Order/PO/WIP job 과
    같은 작업에 남아 있는 transaction이 없다면 UOM을 변경하기 위해 다음의
    방법을 사용할 수도 있다.
    1) 기존의 item의 이름을 변경 후 저장
    (예: Item '123' -> '123-Bad UOM')
    2) 다른 UOM을 갖는 새로운 Item '123'을 추가
    5.더 이상 사용하지 않는 Item Template를 삭제하는 방법은?
    A) 원하는 않는 Item Templates의 삭제를 위한 제안 방법 :
    1) Navigate Setup: Items > Templates - Find Item Templates form
    2) LOV를 click하여 삭제할 Item Template를 선택
    3) Find Item Template form에서 [Find] button을 click 하면 선택한 item
    template를 보여주는 Item Templates Summary form이 display
    4) Item Templates Summary formd에서 [Open] button을 click,
    Item template form display
    5) 화면 상단의 Menu 중, Edit > Delete를 선택 후 저장
    한 번 삭제한것은 다시 복구 할 수 없으므로 다시 필요할 수도 있는
    Item Template를 지우지 않게 주의해야 한다.
    6.Custom Item Attributes를 생성할 수 있는 방법은?
    A) Custom Item Attribute를 생성할 수 있는 방법은 없다.
    하지만 Form에 DFF를 정의하여 새로운 attributes로 사용할 수는 있다.
    7.Master Organization이 하나임에도 불구하고 Application login 후 처음에
    Master Item form을 open시 application은 바로 Organization 선택 화면을
    보여주는 이유는?
    A) Multi-Org를 setup 하고 처음 form을 open 한다면 거기엔 하나 이상의
    Master Organization이 존재할 수 있는 가능성이 있다.
    그렇기 때문에 User는 조회되는 Org List 중에서 하나의 Org를 선택함으로
    써 Master Organization을 선택한다.
    Reference Documents

  • ITEM SETUP 및 ITEM에 관해 자주 하는 질문과 대답 - 2

    제품 : MFG_INV     
    작성날짜 : 2005-01-26     
    ITEM SETUP 및 ITEM에 관해 자주 하는 질문과 대답 - 2
    Item Setup에 관한 내용과 고객이 자주 질문하는 Item 관련 내용을 정리하여
    고객의 문의 사항을 해결할 수 있다.
    1.Mater level에서 Organization level로 변경하는 것과 같이 Item
    attributes의 control level은 어떻게 수정 하는가?
    Attribute Control Form에서 control level을 변경하려면 다음과 같은 error
    가 발생한다.
    "frm-40200: field protected against update"
    A) 먼저 'Status Setting' field의 값을 'Not Used'로 변경해야 한다.
    이 status 변경 후 attribute의 level control 값을 master level에서
    organization level로 변경한다.
    Level control 변경 후에는 'Status' field 값을 변경전의 값으로 다시
    수정 후 저장해야하는 것을 잊지 말아야 한다.
    2.Item을 inactivate 시키는 방법은?
    A) Master Item Form(Inventory > Items > Master Items)에서 item status
    field의 값을 'inactive'로 변경하거나,item을 사용 가능하게 하는 정의된
    attributes(stockable, shipplable, orderable, etc...) 값들을 disalble
    시키는 다른 Status로 변경한다.
    'Inactive' status는 application에서 제공하는 pre-seeded 이며 이 기능을
    목적으로 한다.
    3.어떤 문자를 item name에 사용할 수 있는가?(특수 문자 포함)
    A) 단지 강력한 rule은 System Item Flexfield 에서 Segment 구분을 위해
    지정된 character는 사용하지 않는 것이다.
    또한, Flexfield에 관련된 valueset에 의해 허용되지 않는 characters는
    입력되지 않을 것이다.
    향우 문제 발생을 방지하기 위해 구분자로 사용될 만한 어떤 char도 사용
    하지 않는것은 권장사항이다.
    '#@%&' 이와 같은 특수문자를 사용하지 않는것은 negative impact를 줄 수
    있는 가능성을 줄일 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법이다.
    Form에서 query시 query operator characters(=!><)와 같은 특별한 의미를
    가지는 percent(%), understoce(_), poung(#)는 사용시 주의해야 한다.
    4.Onhand Quantity는 없으나 이미 transaction이 발생한 item의 costing
    enabled와 inventory asset flags의 값은 변경할 수 있는가?
    A) 이들 flags의 변경은 가능하다.
    만약 flags를 checked에서 unchecked로 변경하면 관련 cost records가 삭
    제될 것이라는 warning을 받을것이고, 이 item의 transaction에 대한
    Cost of Goods은 더 이상 계산되지 않을것이라는 주의를 받게 될 것이다.
    요컨대 user가 행하는 것은 asset item을 expense item으로 변경하는것
    만약 unchecked flag를 checked flag로 바꾸면 Database trigger는 활성화
    되고 이 item에 cost records가 추가 되는 원인이 된다.
    이 action에는 주어지는 경고는 없다.
    5.새 item은 만들고 모든 orgs에 item assign을 하려할 때 responsibility
    에 따라 몇 몇의 organization은 제한이 됨에도 불구하고 application은
    모든 orgs에 assign 하는 것을 허용한다.
    이와 같이 되는 것이 정상인가?
    A) 문의한 내용은 standard functionality 이다.
    Responsibility가 특정수의 organization의 access를 제한 한다 하더라도
    "Assign to All organizations" check box는 user의 responsibility에 의해
    제한하지 않고 item을 모든 orgs에 assign 한다.
    6.Item이 expense item인지 asset item인지 구분하는 방법은?
    A) Navigate to the Organization Items form:
    Inventory > Items > Organization Items.
    Item을 조회 후 'Costing' tab으로 이동한다.
    "Inventory Asset Value" flag가 expense 인지 asset 인지를 결정하는데,
    이 flag가 check 되어 있으면 asset item이다.
    7.이미 입력되어진 item revision을 삭제하거나 disable 할 수 있는 방법은?
    A) Revision을 삭제하거나 disable 할 수 있는 방법은 없다.
    이 내용은 historical data로 남아 있어야만 한다.
    제안할 수 있는 Workaround 방법은 새로운 item을 생성하여,예전 item이
    가지고 있는 onhand quantity를 새롭게 생성한 item 으로 이전하고,이전
    item을 삭제하는것이다.
    이 Workaround의 부정적인면은 단지 얼마간의 transaction history 를 잃을
    수 있다는 것이다.
    Reference Documents
    Note 111742.1

  • Inventory Management: Blocked stock coming up in OnHand

    Hello Experts -
    We've implemented 2LIS_03_BF for our inventory management reports.
    However, the OnHand quantity is also picking up Blocked quantity. I used the same code as given by SAP.
    For a material, the OnHand quantity is 13 in our reports when there's nothing under Unrestricted in MMBE. But there are 13 under Blocked.
    I looked at the code and the way the code is, it would pick up the Blocked quantity also.
    How do I resolve this issue?

    Which key figure are you using to get Stock on Hand?
    To get stock on hand we have to use 0TOTALSTCK - Quantity Total Stock and 0BLOCKEDSTK is for blocked stock
    These 2 are non-cumulative key figure.In update rules logic will be differentiated based on Stock type and stock category. For Blocked stock , stock type should be 'D' and stock category NA 'KR'.
    Please check update rules of BF.
    hope it helps...

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