Online Hotel Booking System

Hi All,
I used to hang out here quite often a while back (normally in the Java Programming section) and would pay quite a lot of attention to threads, maps and data structures.
I want to put together a simple online hotel booking system as my own pet project to get a bit of expereince in JSP and web technologies -
I ve picked up an Oreily book on this toic but does anyone know where I can find an example online hotel booking system which I can use to learn from? I m pretty sure these types of apps have been written in the past but there was not much on Sourceforge
Any ideas?

The server doesn't know what a booking is - how could it do anything for you? Your problem is also not about code synchronization - it is perfectly valid for two people to process a booking at the same time, it is only not valid to process the exact same booking at the same time.
Me - I'd pretend that there is no such thing as two people booking the same slot at the same time - until the very last moment where you actually commit the booking to a particular person. One of them is going to be first and that's the winner, in the other's case before saving you'd check the database if it is already taken and then inform the user that he/she's out of luck. The stupid and easy solution that is also quite safe.

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    I have just designed a website for a restuarant and now they won't to put an online booking system on the site.
    The company who provide the system say they can give a line of code which I can embed into the website.
    How do I do this with a Flash website because it's not HTML. What would the Action Script be?
    If anyone can help me I would apprecaite it.

    Wouldn't let me attach a file so please excuse this extra long message.
    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"
    <html dir="ltr">
      <title>Iain Sample Restaurant - Make a Reservation</title>
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      <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/tigerlily.css" type="text/css">
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    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
      <tr style="height: 29px">
        <td class="title" style="padding-left: 2px;">
          <div id="pageTitle">IAIN SAMPLE RESTAURANT - automatic, instant
    confirmed reservations - Tuesday, 15th September 2009</div>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td valign="top" width="374" id="mainColumn">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="374">
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" class="table">
        <td style="height: 20px"></td>
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" class="table">
              <th> </th>
                TO MAKE A RESERVATION please complete the details below and
    click SHOW AVAILABILITY - please enter time requested.
       <td style="height: 20px"></td>
      <form name="main" method="post" action="find.asp">
      <input type="hidden" name="command">
      <input type="hidden" name="from_date" value="20080105">
      <input type="hidden" name="until_date" value="20190521">
      <input type="hidden" name="id_prov" value="3574">
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table">
              <th colspan="2">What Would You Like to Book?</th>
            <tr style="height: 5px">
              <td width="166"></td>
              <td valign="middle"><p>   Area</td>
                <select name="area" size="1" class="fields" style="width: 200px;
    height: 18px">
                  <option value="1130">Restaurant</option>
            <tr style="height: 6px"><td></td></tr>
        <td style="height: 20px"> </td>
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table">
              <td colspan="2">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tabletitle"
    style="padding: 0">
                      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td style="width: 301px; padding-right: 5px;">When
    Would You Like to Book?</td>
                          <td style="padding-right: 5px; text-align:
    right"><table width="30" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td class="Formtable" width="20"><a href="javascript:doNothing()"
    document.main._month_select_date, document.main._year_select_date,
    document.main.select_date);self.newWin ='../js/calendar.html','cal','dependent=yes,width=180,height=180,titlebar=yes,t op=243,left=232')"><img
    src="res/images/modern/calendar3.gif" width="13" height="11" border="0"
    alt="Calendar" /></a></td></tr></table>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent('onload', updateHiddenDate);
    window.addEventListener('load', updateHiddenDate, false);
    function updateHiddenDate() { syncDateField(document.main._day_select_date,
    document.main._month_select_date, document.main._year_select_date,
    document.main.select_date); };
                          <td style="padding-right: 5px; text-align:
            <tr style="height: 5px">
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td width="166" valign="middle">   Date </td>
              <td><input type="hidden" name="select_date" value="20090915" />
    <table width="167" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td class="Formtable" width="40"><select name="_year_select_date"
    class="fields" onchange="updateDate(document.main._day_select_date,
    document.main._month_select_date, document.main._year_select_date,
    document.main));</script></select></td><td class="Formtable"
    width="40"><select name="_month_select_date" class="fields"
    document.main._month_select_date, document.main._year_select_date,
    document.main));</script></select></td><td class="Formtable"
    width="30"><select name="_day_select_date" class="fields"
    document.main._month_select_date, document.main._year_select_date,
    <script type="text/javascript">
      if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent('onload', updateHiddenDate);
    window.addEventListener('load', updateHiddenDate, false);
    function updateHiddenDate() { syncDateField(document.main._day_select_date,
    document.main._month_select_date, document.main._year_select_date,
    document.main.select_date); };
            <tr style="height: 5px">
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td valign="middle">   Time </td>
              <td><select name="preferred_time" class="fields"><option
    value="12:00">12:00 PM</option><option value="12:30">12:30
    PM</option><option value="13:00">1:00 PM</option><option value="13:30">1:30
    PM</option><option value="14:00">2:00 PM</option><option value="14:30"
    selected>2:30 PM</option><option value="18:00">6:00 PM</option><option
    value="18:30">6:30 PM</option><option value="19:00">7:00 PM</option><option
    value="19:30">7:30 PM</option><option value="20:00">8:00 PM</option><option
    value="20:30">8:30 PM</option><option value="21:00">9:00 PM</option><option
    value="21:30">9:30 PM</option></select></td>
            <tr style="height: 6px">
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
        <td style="height: 20px"></td>
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table">
              <th colspan="2">How many People?</th>
            <tr style="height: 10px">
              <td colspan="2"></td>
              <td width="166" valign="middle">   Number of
    People </td>
                <select name="covers" size="1" class="fields">
                  <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2" selected>2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
    <option value="4">4</option>
    <option value="5">5</option>
    <option value="6">6</option>
    <option value="7">7</option>
    <option value="8">8</option>
    <option value="9">9</option>
    <option value="10">10</option>
            <tr style="height: 10px">
              <td colspan="2"></td>
    <!-- type - if -->
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table">
              <td width="167" valign="middle">   <a
    href="ratecode.asp">Special Offer Code</a><br />   (If
              <td><input type="text" class="fields" name="discount_code"
    size="25" value="" style="width: 156px;"></td>
              <td height="10"> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td valign="middle">
           <a class="img-button" title="Show Availability"
    href="javascript:execute(1)">Show Availability</a><br />

  • InfotainmentCenter: India Travel Booking, Cheap Flight Booking, Online Hotel Booking
    is here to provide info about travel worldwide and throughout India
    in a very common way of information sharing.
    The site descibes about the incredicle landscape of India
    where there are different cultures and different people within a
    single country.
    The site:
    brings many offers from
    Indian Travel Industry
    where people can make travel friendly using its easy user
    The site is developed in a way to cater the latest offers and
    rates available throughout India for booking Jouneys , booking
    Flight Ticket ,
    booking Hotel Rooms , booking Car for travel.
    Infotainment Center a
    reputed company offering multi-product travel and services. We aim
    to develop and provide innovative and competent services to our
    valued customers.
    is the travel site that gives you what you need without any
    disturbance. Search, Book and Go. That’s what we are about.
    Making travel simple.
    Making travel simple means making a travel site that just
    works and works. We still have the occasional problems, but being
    there for you, reliably, is our main endeavor.
    We offer complete
    travel management
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    you with professional attention to all your travel needs. Our
    services include complete travel arrangement including airline
    ticketing, hotel booking and car rental reservations.
    We organize tours, sightseeing trips and excursions, all
    within your specific budget. You can even discover the little known
    and off the beaten tracks places all organized and arranged to the
    minutest details.
    The company has a very good quality customer support system
    supported by and is served properly to help customers get

    Hi Experts,
    I'd like to know wich is the concrete "functionality multi-GDS" of SAP TM.
    The expression "multi-GDS" refers to the capability of using differents GDS (Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo..), one by time (and selecting every time wich to use), or it is always possible to use more than one GDS simultaneously, searching for the best fare in different GDS at the same time (I mean, Is SAP capable to provide me the best best fare between the best fares suggested in a first step by every GDS used (used simultaneously by SAP for the searching required?).
    Otherwise, if SAP use more than one GDS for one search, how provide the results, all mixed and togehter?

  • Hotel booking system container class

    1.A method which traverses the array and instantiates a default Room object referenced by each array cell. From this point onwards, we will assume that each room in the hotel has a number which is the same as its index in the array - room number 6 will be in cell 6 of the array, etc.
    2.A method which accepts an integer argument representing a room number and returns a reference to the Room object in that cell of the array. If the argument is illegal, a null reference should be returned. Call this method �getRoom�.
    how to get these

    public class Room{
        //room instance vars here
        public Room(){
            //put defalut values in instance vars
        //access methods to instance vars
        public String toString(){
            //return meaningful name
    public class RoomManager{
        private static RoomManager me = new RoomManager();
        private static final int NUM_ROOMS = 20;
        private Room[] rooms = new Room[NUM_ROOMS];
        public static RoomManager instance(){
            return me;
        private RoomManager(){
            for(int i=0;i<NUM_ROOMS;i++)rooms[i] = new Room();
        public Room getRoom(int no){
            if((no<0)||(no>=NUM_ROOMS))return null;
            return rooms[no];
    //So in any part of your code you need access to a room via room no you do
    Room room1 = RoomManager.instance().getRoom(1);

  • Creating an online booking system

    What started off as a simple website for a coffee shop has turned into a web design project to rival Holiday Inn's Room Booking system.
    First off, I am a complete newbie, the website for the coffee shop is being built using Muse, and my clients are happy to host with Business Catalyst. Last week they spring on me that they are also offering alaternative therapies with two treaments rooms on site. They now require a booking system for 6+ different therapists using 2 therapy rooms.
    The client needs an online diary, which all the therapists can remotely view (from their homes or other treatment sites) so they can check availability of the rooms at the coffee shop and book where appropriate. None of the therapists are on site all the time, they will only be on the premises when they have a booking.
    The simplest system I can envisage is customers email the therapists requesting a call back through the website, then the therapists go to the online calendar and book liasing with the customer themselves.
    The client is currently using Google Docs, it is unclear what is actually wrong with this system? they say it's because people are using different devices!!! I need to clarify this.
    Thrid party appointment booking software is expensive, a cheaper option would be to use BC and use the WebCommerce package, BUT depsite me trial testing it, I still cant see how it works. I need a simple interface, literally a VISUAL online slot booking system where the therapist can see a block on the calendar filled in. (I cannot be sure how IT savvy these therapists are!) it needs to be simple. Can this feature be created using BC? If so how?
    Perosnally I don't see what is wrong with a book, pencil and telephone.

    Hi Penny,
    Did you figure out a way to do this booking system? I am currently looking to produce something similar?
    Many Thanks.

  • Online Booking System - Tutorials (Java, ADF, JSF)

    I am working on an Online Flight Booking System. The preferred technology is Java, ADF, JSF etc. I am familiar
    with JDeveloper, however I would like to know if tutorials/videos on similar systems are available. Many commercial
    airlines have professional booking systems that use a train stop control to show the current process step.
    Also interesting to know would be how the template pages are created that populate the data dynamically from the
    db. etc.
    Any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

    There are plenty of material available, may be not exactly what you are looking for but a start:

  • Complicated Query Problem - Booking System

    I am currently developing a hotel booking system for my University final year project and am having some serious problems with my queries to calculate room availability.
    I felt the best method to calculate room availability was to first calculate which rooms were already booked for any specific queried dates and then to subtract those results from the list of total rooms. That would then return which rooms were available on those dates.
    My first query successfully calculated which rooms were already booked using my test dates which were rooms 1,3 & 5. This result was stored in a temporary table. The second query then obtained the list of total rooms (1-10) and from this subtracted the results in the temporary table (1,3 & 5) which should have returned 2,4,6,7,8,9,10 as the rooms available. However, it returned the rather strange result "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10"
    It seems to take each result from the temporary table individually, subtract it from the total list of rooms, return the result and then move on to the next value in the temporary table. Which is why '1' is missing from the first 9 numbers, '3' from the second 9 and '5' from the last 9.
    If anyone can help me solve this problem or suggest alternative methods I would be most appreciative.
    Below is my MySQL code for the relevant parts of my database, the test values I am using and the two queries I am having problems with.
    Advance Thanks!
    CREATE TABLE booking
    booking_id               INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    e_mail                VARCHAR(40),
    arrival_date          DATE NOT NULL,
    departure_date          DATE NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(booking_id)
    insert into booking (booking_id,e_mail,arrival_date,departure_date)
    values ('[email protected]','2004-02-25','2004-02-28');
    CREATE TABLE roombooked
    booking_id      INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES booking(booking_id),
    room_id               INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES rooms(room_no),
    no_of_nights          INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(booking_id,room_id)
    insert into roombooked(booking_id,room_id,no_of_nights)
    values ('1','1','1'),('1','3','1'),('1','5','1');
    CREATE TABLE rooms
    room_name           VARCHAR(11),
    room_type               VARCHAR(9),
    single_price          DECIMAL(5,2),
    double_price          DECIMAL(5,2),
    PRIMARY KEY(room_no)
    insert into rooms (room_name,room_type,single_price,double_price)
    values ('shakespeare','principal','165','225'),
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE roomsoccupied          
    SELECT roombooked.room_id FROM roombooked, booking
    roombooked.booking_id = booking.booking_id
    booking.arrival_date = '2004-02-25'
    booking.departure_date = '2004-02-28';
    SELECT rooms.room_no FROM rooms, roomsoccupied
    rooms.room_no != roomsoccupied.room_id;

    you haven't got a join in your second query
    SELECT rooms.room_no FROM rooms, roomsoccupied
    rooms.room_no != roomsoccupied.room_id;will return rubbish because you have created a valid view of your data with a sensible join.
    try something like
    SELECT rooms.room_no FROM rooms
    WHERE rooms.room_no NOT IN (SELECT roomsoccupied.room_id FROM roomsoccupied);instead, which I believe should give you more meaningful data

  • Ticket Booking System

    HI friends
    Please help me out
    I want to know how to handle ACID of database for a database of ticketing system 
    Let c ticket booking system of a theater where at a time many users can book a ticket(s) in this case for every given point of time table will be in exclusive lock bcoz of insert statement and this may cause dead lock senario how to avoid this How to mannage
    trasaction in such systems. Same is the case with railway reservation system 
    Shridhar J Joshi
    Thanks alot

    Generally in ticket booking system, users are presented with choices which are available. If someone has got a selection, it should not be shown to next user. Here are few samples which you can use for reference
    Balmukund Lakhani
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    Author: SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn -
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  • My credit card  has been charged for book, however my purchase history shows no record of the transaction and I have not received the book. The online problem reporting system does not have options to report this incident. Who can I cal

    My credit card  has been charged for book, however my purchase history shows no record of the transaction and I have not received the book. The online problem reporting system does not have options to report this incident. Who can I call?

    Would be problems with purchases, billing, and redemption option.  It's not 100% exact to your issue, but it will get you to the right department.
    Go here then select ITunes, then Store, then Purchases, Billing, and Redemption.  Then.. probably pick "My topic is not listed." 

  • Downloaded 4.0, now some websites (online flight checkin in particular) won't work cos the drop-down windows have no info in them (ok on other hotel booking sites and works in explorer) !

    Went to check-in on Virgin Blue (Australia) website and couldn't because, to access my booking/check-in, I had to select my departure city from their list, but there was no info in the boxes - had to go to explorer to check-in. Tried other sites with similar "click lists" like hotel booking sites and they were fine. have tried deleting history and clearing cookies and cache, but still no luck. Can I get 3.6 back - most of my add-ons have disappeared too!

    Does the ext directory have the php_oci8.dll? In the original steps the PHP dir is renamed. In the given the extension_dir looks like it has been updated correctly. Since PHP distributes php_oci8.dll by default I reckon there would be a very good chance that the problem was somewhere else. Since this is an old thread I don't think we'll get much value from speculation.
    -- cj

  • Embeded booking system needed, can anyone recommend a free/cheap system?

    I need to embed a booking system/calendar into my website for hiring out motorbikes on a daily basis but, and being only a basic user of iWeb, I'm struggling to find a decent calendar system that is not either too expensive (it's only a seasonal business) or is aimed at Hotel users (I can't have the number of 'nights' as a booking!). I need to show availability for 4 different types of bikes and need to ensure that the last day of hire is followed by a booked out day (for maintenance).
    I've already looked at BookingBug (great system but too dear for me) and also Booking Tracker (only shows bookings for 'nights' and asks for number of adults/children!).
    Has anyone came across this problem before, found a good system, found an easy way around this? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Planyo online reservation system
    The Pro or Pro-Comm versions have special extensions and modules for DreamWeaver,, Joomla!, WordPress, MODx and Typo3
    PHP ScheduleIt is open source
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Hotel Booking form

    Ok so I MIGHT be switching jobs soon (keep your fingers
    crossed) and the company i am (maybe) moving to have scored a lot
    of Hotels as clients, and will be doing a good number of sites for
    One of the key things on all of these sites will be the
    online booking. Obviously it's all DB driven and so on, but if
    anyone knows any good tutorial or book i'd love a pointer, as i
    have NO idea where to start. I have rarely (never) used forms
    dynamically. and so don't even know where to begin.
    Thanks as always.

    On 27 Nov 2006 in macromedia.dreamweaver, FreakyJesus wrote:
    > Oh cool - I never even thought there might be tool just
    for this
    > purpose. I'll look around. Would you know/recommend any?
    Unless the hotels they're dealing with are independents, odds
    are that
    they already have some kind of booking system in place
    anyway. Call the
    tech guy at a hotel near you and ask about their booking
    system. Then
    find out if there's an API[1] for a web interface to it.
    Joe Makowiec

  • Appointment booking system

    Hi, can anybody here recommend an appointment booking system that I can either download and implement in a website form, or even have a free or low cost hosted service. Needs to work with a PHP and MySQL website.
    I need to have the ability to book hourly time slots and dates.
    Any suggestions are welcome... I've had a look about, but wanted your opinion on any you might've used.

    Planyo online reservation system
    The Pro or Pro-Comm versions have special extensions and modules for DreamWeaver,, Joomla!, WordPress, MODx and Typo3
    PHP ScheduleIt is open source
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Configuring an online shop / payment system with Muse / BC

    I am trying to configure an online shop and integrate it with a Muse site.
    I am going to try and keep this short and to the point. The client sells therapy, hour slots of either Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Holistic medicine etc, they want the following system on their site.
    Customers browse available therapies on a website > They select date >  they select a time slot > they pay for a booking.
    At first I looked at the events booking system with BC, but this didn’t work, I couldn’t work out how to configure the events booking module to have time slots. Plus a Calendar / date picker is useless as the individual therapists work very specific hours / days from month to month.
    There is third party time slot booking software, but it’s very price, and only a few offer free trial (I need to see how it will integrate with a Muse site first).
    Then I though SHOPPING CART!!! For instance the variables I have can easily be interchanged, for size / colour etc.
    For example:
    CATALOG: List of various therapies
    PRODUCT: Acupuncture (for example)
    ATTRIBUTE: February 28th (example)
    OPTION: Drop down time slots available - 9am - 10am
    I tried to configure this with BC at first (I’ve never used it) and at first I found it a little complex. Then I found Ecwid, they are brilliant, you sign up for a free account, you build the shop online then Ecwid generates the code and you simply copy and embed it within Muse. Its beautiful. Sadly to be able to use the product variation (different times slots ensuring only one is in stock) you need to upgrade to a Business account, with is quite expensive.
    So I have gone back to BC. I am slowly making progress, setting up the shop and integrating it with Muse, but I’m new to BC and my progress is slow. As much as I see the value and validity in learning BC I am faced with derogatory comments on the BC forum. I’ll be honest I have tried to ask advice a couple of times with BC or with reference to it, and it’s as if as soon you mention you use MUSE it is assumed you must be an idiot. One comment referred to us as the “Muse generation - point and click”. I am learning BC, I’ve been on it two weeks, I am getting there, but the client is paying peanuts for this site (I should have re-negotiated) and MOST IMPORTANTLY I am also beginning to think that the clients are going to struggle using the BC interface to populate their product list.
    To summise:
    I need an online ‘plug and play’ shopping cart for a Muse website, that my client can understand? They will be frightened by BC
    Can anyone recommend a solution that can be configured as above?
    BTW: Just becuase I work with Muse, I'm still allowed to play with the Big boys toys ;-)

    Hi Irene,
    I did and I didn't. I gave up on BC as I really didn't think the client would be able to cope with the administration of it. But I did find a great plug in system called Booking Bug. You do have to pay a subscription for it (but there is a free trial), but it's a simple product, effective too. You build it online, it generates the html code for you and you jsut insert it in the relevant position on the relevant page.
    I do believe that as a designer who enjoys working with Muse, it's worth getting to know Business Catalyst inside out. Muse lacks some powerful tools that some of the other systems (Wordpress etc) seem to benefit from. However it's all there in BC, it's just going to take me sometime to get to know it.
    But I can recommend Booking Bug.

  • Online reservations/booking industry

    Hi All,
    What could be the possible scenarios in a Online hotel reservations, Online airticket reservations and online tour set up industry. Orders come through EDI, Online, Via phone etc.
    The company keeps the commission from the customer/agent and from the Hotel/Airline. What should be the general SD process flow and what special scenerios should be there?
    If SAP is already implemented there then where can we think of possible enhancement in the system?

    Please provide me with your answers on the above mentioned question.

Maybe you are looking for