Online learning problem

I need authorware to download study modules on an online
learning website. The website has a link to download authorware.
This worked the first time. However when I have logged back on a
few days later I cannot download the study modules. I have tried to
dowload authorware again from the learning site and the official
macromedia site but this makes no difference.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so how have got around
Many thanks

Whenever you have problems 'downloading' something from the
web, always
try clearing your browser's cache as that might help.
IE > Properties > General > Delete Files (and check
Delete All Offline
Files, though I'm not sure what that means).
Cheesymike wrote:
> I need authorware to download study modules on an online
learning website. The
> website has a link to download authorware. This worked
the first time. However
> when I have logged back on a few days later I cannot
download the study
> modules. I have tried to dowload authorware again from
the learning site and
> the official macromedia site but this makes no
> Has anyone else had this problem? If so how have got
around it?
> Many thanks
Erik Lord
Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
*Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

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    Hi spmorris,
    I'd try starting Firefox in [[Safe Mode]]. If you don't have the issue while all of your add-ons, extensions, and themes are disabled, you can try adding them back in one by one until you find the culprit. You should look at the [ Extensions and Themes troubleshooting guide ] and the [[Troubleshooting plugins]] article as well.
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    Hi Venkat,
    Try these two blogs....they will give you everything in iterator...
    1)  <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator Basics : By Brian</a>
    2) <a href="/people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/09/15/bsp-150-a-developer146s-journal-part-xi--table-view-iterators Advanced : By Thomas</a>
    Hope this helps.
    <b><i>Do reward each useful answer..!</i></b>

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    Instructional Designer, M.Ed

    Hi Dan,
    What a great idea!!
    I've been helping out (free) for years - right here on the
    forums - and it's a great feeling to know you're making a
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    And you are quite clear on the fact that you are willing to help
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    HOWEVER, since you are willling to help others at no charge,
    I advise that you skip the email and help users right here on the
    forums. That way it would not only be free, but the information
    would also be available to everyone ... what could be better!?!
    Welcome aboard!!

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    Keep it simple and everything in one place.  Have a nice layout and provide links to get to to training material.

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    I cannot find any other forum, and I seek to make this as public as possible because the way loyal customers are being treated by Nokia are think are wrong. If Nokia see fit to remove this post without sorting these problems, then fair enough.
    I am disillusioned with the Nokia UK Online Shop and its practices. My experience has given me a bitter taste of Nokia and I consider that the whole operation needs an overhaul to gain confidence.
    When making an order, especially a pre-order with a company that has a global reputation like Nokia, I expect several things. Firstly, to be kept informed as to the status of my order, stock availability and expected delivery date. I would expect a pre-order should get more priority over existing orders. I expect Nokia should aim to get every order if not delivered, at least shipped for the release date. I expect when enquiring about my order, to be given information especially when there is only a week to go until release.
    There seems little point in making a pre-order when I can order from elsewhere quicker.
    On 13th June 2009, I placed my order for a White Nokia N97 under order reference number CNLXXXXXXXXXX.
    The Nokia UK Online Shop does not provide details at point of order about expected release dates, quantity, or shipping dates. I would expect Nokia to know about their own products first. The idea that Nokia are operating without any form of forward planning or logistics is quite amusing.
    Shortly after I placed my order, I received an email advising that the phone has an anticipated shipping date of three to four weeks. This made me nervous and wondered whether there was a problem with the White Nokia N97 – after all, there is no information on the website.
    On 15th June 2009, I phoned Nokia to enquire as to the status and was advised that there is nothing wrong and that the phone is “due” to be released on the 19th June and I should get my phone sometime after that. Unfortunately again, with less than a week to launch, Nokia did not have any firm information to hand either about their own products or their own systems.
    Firstly, it seems Nokia don't know their own stock movements. Secondly, the fact I have to wait until after the 19th to receive the phone makes a mockery of the entire pre-order process and really does invalidate the whole premise when we have to wait beyond release.
    Nokias own blog also guarantees that when you pre-order, “it will be shipped direct to your door from the production line so you'll have it the same day it hits the store in your country”. I highlight the relevent point here.
    Receiving the phone AFTER it hits the stores is not the same day. When I pointed this out to Nokia customer service, I was advised:
    “The N97 is due to be released on 19th June. If you bought it from a shop, you would have to wait for it to go from the production line, to a warehouse, then to a subsidiary warehouse before being sent to a shop. Hopefully therefore you will get yours before this.”
    This is patronising and clearly an incorrect comparison given that the phone should be shipped from the factory. It twists what was in the blog which guaranteed delivery on release day, a guarantee broken in the US where I understand customers had to wait several weeks to clear the back log. This is very bad PR.
    There were still a few days left before the 19th June. I relaxed a little and waited patiently for my credit card to be billed. Users on the forums were also showing concern especially when websites such as and started guaranteeing dates and providing arrival times.
    The fact that others can make promises and provide information where Nokia cannot, illustrate my point beautifully. Nokia do not have any information to suggest that users will even receive their phones by the 26th June.
    By 3pm on the 17th June, my credit card had still not been charged and my order had not been updated. Users on the forums including a couple of users who had ordered yesterday, were receiving credit card charges and emails advising that their Black Nokia N97s were being fulfilled and shipped. At least for these, it looks like they will be receiving their devices in time.
    I phoned Nokia once more to see if there was any problem with the White handset. I was again assured that there was no problem and that it is first come first served. But I had little to no reassurance as to when another batch of phones would be received and processed. It seems no one actually knows, least of all Nokia. If someone who ordered after me received their phone before me, I would be rightly angry and upset with Nokia.
    I asked whether it would be worth swapping my order contents from the White N97 to the Black N97. I was advised I cannot make a change to my UNPROCESSED order without it being moved to the back of the queue.
    I feel that Nokia have taken advantage of its loyal customers and strung us along by not providing any real information. If I had ordered an N97 from the Expansys website today, I could have had my phone tomorrow and for the same price as Nokia.
    What advantage has pre-ordering given me? I haven't got my phone, my order hasn't been shipped, it hasn't been allocated, my credit card hasn't been charged. Nokia don't know when they can fulfil my order. By choosing Nokia, I have had no order tracking, no information, broken promises, no guarantees, delays and a substandard service. Worst of all, Nokia cannot get my pre-order to me quicker than Expansys.
    Therefore, in summary, I make the following requests:
    1)Make a pre-order count for something. A pre-order should get to me on time and get to me before it is released elsewhere. Otherwise there is no point of pre-ordering from Nokia.
    2)Provide an “Expected Release Date” on your pre-order pages – when there are two different versions of the same product, users have to guess as to the availability of both.
    3)Provide an “Expected Shipping/Arrival Date” on your pages – if you have two different products and I don't care about colour, I should be given the chance to order the one that will be in stock first!
    4)Don't make promises that you cannot keep, no matter how informal they are.
    5)After being found out, do not back track and pretend it means something else. Get the problem rectified by means of either meeting the deadline, offering a free gift, or offering an apology or explanation.
    6)When I phone to find out when my order will be fulfilled, please, have some information available about your own phones and processes.
    7)If you have two different versions of a product available and one is available first, let me switch without incurring penalty.
    8)Give me a better service than other websites. If you cannot ship them quickly enough before the release date, you are either not shipping early enough, or not shipping quick enough.
    In relation to my order, please tell me whether there has been a problem with the White N97, why those who ordered Black N97s on 8th June and 16th June are getitng their orders fulfilled and I am still waiting, and please tell me when I can get mine. Please also swap my product for the N97 Black if this will resolve any bottlenecks.

    Your complaint will not be seen by the people who run the UK shop here.
    You need to use the "contact us" link if you want the correct people to see your comments.
    I do agree with most of what you wrote as I have been let down twice in the past by the UK online store for pre-orders.  Their customer service is uninformed, unhelpful and resort to telling lies.  For those reasons I do not use them.

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    You can check the processor specs on this link.,,30_118_9485_9487%5E10248,00.html
    My power supply is Seasonic M12 500W Power Supply
    thanks for helping me find a solution for this problem...

  • Online Backup Problem

    Hello All,
    Online backup getting failled in our Quality System
    Please find the backup log below:
    BR0233E Backup utility has reported an error while saving file /oracle/AQ1/sapdata9/ax1_816/ax1.data816
    BR0233E Backup utility has reported an error while saving file /oracle/AQ1/sapdata9/ax1_816/ax1.data816
    [Normal] From:
    BR0233E Backup utility has reported an error while saving file /oracle/AQ1/sapdata9ax1_848/ax1.data848
    BR0233E Backup utility has reported an error while saving file /oracle/AQ1/sapdata10/undo_6/undo.data6
    BR0279E Return code from 'backint -u AQ1_001 -f backup -i /oracle/AQ1/sapbackup/.bdytsrlr.lst -t file -c': 1
    BR0232E 515 of 665 files saved by backup utility
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-09 17.40.31
    BR0231E Backup utility call failed
    I dont have any clue on this.
    Please guide me to move forward.
    Thanks in Advance

    I am facing the same problem. The backup was gracefully started and all the files-copying was fine until it completed with 136 out of 197 files backed up. Do you have any idea what caused the error and why only certain logs were backed up?
    Detail log:     bdyvfkde     .     anf
    BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (31)               
    BR0055I Start of database backup: bdyvfkde.anf 2008-09-16 19.59.30               
    BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: G:\Oracle\R3Q\sapbackup\bdyvfkde.anf               
    BR0477I Oracle pfile E:\Oracle\R3Q\102\database\initR3Q.ora created from spfile E:\Oracle\R3Q\102\database\spfileR3Q.ora               
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 19.59.45               
    BR0319I Control file copy created: G:\Oracle\R3Q\sapbackup\CNTRLR3Q.DBF 25378816               
    BR0101I Parameters               
    Name                           Value               
    oracle_sid                     R3Q               
    oracle_home                    E:\Oracle\R3Q\102               
    oracle_profile                 E:\Oracle\R3Q\102\database\initR3Q.ora               
    sapdata_home                   I:\Oracle\R3Q               
    sap_profile                    E:\Oracle\R3Q\102\database\               
    backup_mode                    ALL          
    backup_type                    online          
    backup_dev_type                util_file          
    system_info                    r3qadm GBSSAPR3QDB1 Windows 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 2 Intel          
    oracle_info                    R3Q 8192 5784 8678021244 GBSSAPR3QDB1 WE8DEC UTF8          
    sap_info                       700 SAPR3P R3Q V2063558986 R3_ORA 0020126990          
    make_info                      NTintel OCI_10201_SHARE Feb  4 2008          
    command_line                   F:\usr\sap\R3Q\SYS\exe\run\brbackup.exe -c -t online -d util_file -m all -u system/**********          
    BR0116I ARCHIVE LOG LIST before backup for database instance R3Q          
    Parameter                      Value          
    Database log mode              Archive Mode          
    Automatic archival             Enabled          
    Archive destination            H:\oracle\R3Q\saparch          
    Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf          
    Oldest online log sequence     5779          
    Next log sequence to archive   5784          
    Current log sequence           5784             SCN: 8678021244          
    Database block size            8192             Thread: 1          
    Current system change number   8678032273       ResetId: 658162758          
    BR0118I Tablespaces and data files          
    Tablespace     TS-Status  F-Status  File                                                       Size   Id.     Device  Link    Type       MaxSize     IncrSize  BlkSize          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_100\R3P.DATA100           4193255424  123           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_101\R3P.DATA101           4193255424  124           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_102\R3P.DATA102           6340739072  125           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_103\R3P.DATA103           8388616192  126           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_104\R3P.DATA104           8388616192  127           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_105\R3P.DATA105           8388616192  128           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_106\R3P.DATA106           8388616192  129           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_107\R3P.DATA107           8388616192  130           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_108\R3P.DATA108           8388616192  131           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_109\R3P.DATA109           4453302272  132           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_10\R3P.DATA10             2167406592   26           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_110\R3P.DATA110           6340739072  133           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_111\R3P.DATA111           4193255424  134           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_112\R3P.DATA112           4193255424  135           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_113\R3P.DATA113           4193255424  136           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_114\R3P.DATA114           4193255424  138           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_115\R3P.DATA115           4193255424  139           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000   2147483648     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_116\R3P.DATA116           4193255424  140           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_117\R3P.DATA117           4193255424  141           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_118\R3P.DATA118           4193255424  142           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_119\R3P.DATA119           4193255424  143           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_11\R3P.DATA11             2099249152   28           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_120\R3P.DATA120           4196401152  144           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_121\R3P.DATA121           4193255424  146           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_122\R3P.DATA122           4193255424  147           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_123\R3P.DATA123           4193255424  148           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_124\R3P.DATA124           4193255424  150           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_125\R3P.DATA125           4193255424  151           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_126\R3P.DATA126           4193255424  152           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_127\R3P.DATA127           4194304000  153           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_128\R3P.DATA128           4194304000  154           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_129\R3P.DATA129           4194304000  155           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_12\R3P.DATA12             2099249152   29           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_130\R3P.DATA130           4194304000  156           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_131\R3P.DATA131           4194304000  157           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_132\R3P.DATA132           4194304000  158           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_133\R3P.DATA133           4194304000  159           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
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    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_71\R3P.DATA71             5111808000   91           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_72\R3P.DATA72             4806672384   92           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_73\R3P.DATA73             4537188352   93           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_74\R3P.DATA74             4402970624   94           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_75\R3P.DATA75             4402970624   95           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_76\R3P.DATA76             4268752896   96           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_77\R3P.DATA77             4260364288   97           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_78\R3P.DATA78             4260364288   98           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_79\R3P.DATA79             4260364288   99           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_7\R3P.DATA7               2790268928    8           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_80\R3P.DATA80             4260364288  100           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_81\R3P.DATA81             4260364288  101           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_82\R3P.DATA82             4260364288  103           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_83\R3P.DATA83             4260364288  104           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_84\R3P.DATA84             4260364288  105           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_85\R3P.DATA85             4260364288  106           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_86\R3P.DATA86             4260364288  107           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_87\R3P.DATA87             4261412864  108           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_88\R3P.DATA88             4260364288  109           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_89\R3P.DATA89             4260364288  110           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_8\R3P.DATA8               2512396288    9           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_90\R3P.DATA90             4260364288  111           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_91\R3P.DATA91             4260364288  112           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_92\R3P.DATA92             4193255424  113           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_93\R3P.DATA93             4193255424  114           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_94\R3P.DATA94             4193255424  115           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_95\R3P.DATA95             4193255424  116           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_96\R3P.DATA96             4193255424  117           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_97\R3P.DATA97             4193255424  118           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_98\R3P.DATA98             4193255424  120           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_99\R3P.DATA99             4193255424  122           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_9\R3P.DATA9               2301624320   25           8  NOLINK  FILE    8388608000         8192     8192          
    PSAPR3P700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_1\R3P700.DATA1         9646907392  179           8  NOLINK  FILE   34358689792   1048576000     8192          
    PSAPR3P700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_2\R3P700.DATA2        12621717504  180           8  NOLINK  FILE   34358689792   1048576000     8192          
    PSAPR3P700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_3\R3P700.DATA3        28311560192  181           8  NOLINK  FILE   34358689792   1048576000     8192          
    PSAPR3P700     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_4\R3P700.DATA4         4294975488  187           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPR3PUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3PUSR_1\R3PUSR.DATA1         4194304000   20           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPR3PUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3PUSR_2\R3PUSR.DATA2         2097152000   81           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPR3PUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3PUSR_3\R3PUSR.DATA3         1572864000  102           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPR3PUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3PUSR_4\R3PUSR.DATA4         2097152000  121           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPR3PUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3PUSR_5\R3PUSR.DATA5         2086666240  145           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPR3PUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3PUSR_6\R3PUSR.DATA6         2044723200  149           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\TEMP_1\TEMP.DATA1             2097160192   -1           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\TEMP_2\TEMP.DATA2             2097160192   -2           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\TEMP_3\TEMP.DATA3             2097160192   -3           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\TEMP_4\TEMP.DATA4             2097160192   -4           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_1\UNDO.DATA1             2097160192   62           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_2\UNDO.DATA2             2097160192   63           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_3\UNDO.DATA3             2097160192   64           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_4\UNDO.DATA4             2097160192   65           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_5\UNDO.DATA5             2097152000  119           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_6\UNDO.DATA6             2097152000  170           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_7\UNDO.DATA7             2684362752  183           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_8\UNDO.DATA8             2684362752  184           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\UNDO_9\UNDO.DATA9             2147491840  185           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_1\SYSAUX.DATA1          618668032  178           8  NOLINK  FILE   34359721984     10485760     8192          
    SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_2\SYSAUX.DATA2          618668032  202           8  NOLINK  FILE   34359721984     10485760     8192          
    SYSTEM         ONLINE%    SYSTEM    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\SYSTEM.DATA1          524296192    1           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    SYSTEM         ONLINE%    SYSTEM    I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_2\SYSTEM.DATA2         2097152000  137           8  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192          
    BR0119I Redo log files          
    File                                                Size  Group     Device  Status    Link    Type          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G51M1.DBF           157286912   51            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G51M2.DBF           157286912   51            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G52M1.DBF           157286912   52            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G52M2.DBF           157286912   52            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\ORIGLOGC\LOG_G53M1.DBF           157286912   53            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\MIRRLOGC\LOG_G53M2.DBF           157286912   53            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G54M1.DBF           157286912   54            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G54M2.DBF           157286912   54            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G55M1.DBF           157286912   55            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G55M2.DBF           157286912   55            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\ORIGLOGC\LOG_G56M1.DBF           157286912   56            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    G:\ORACLE\R3Q\MIRRLOGC\LOG_G56M2.DBF           157286912   56            6  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE          
    BR0120I Control files          
    File                                                Size   Id.      Device  Link    Type          
    G:\oracle\R3Q\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlR3Q.dbf       25378816    0            6  NOLINK  FILE          
    H:\oracle\R3Q\saparch\cntrl\cntrlR3Q.dbf        25378816    0            7  NOLINK  FILE          
    I:\oracle\R3Q\sapdata1\cntrl\cntrlR3Q.dbf       25378816    0            8  NOLINK  FILE          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 19.59.46          
    BR0057I Backup of database: R3Q          
    BR0058I BRBACKUP action ID: bdyvfkde          
    BR0059I BRBACKUP function ID: anf          
    BR0110I Backup mode: ALL          
    BR0077I Database file for backup: G:\Oracle\R3Q\sapbackup\CNTRLR3Q.DBF          
    BR0061I 197 files found for backup, total size 947121.602 MB          
    BR0143I Backup type: online          
    BR0130I Backup device type: util_file          
    BR0109I Files will be saved by backup utility          
    BR0126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 19.59.50          
    BR0315I 'Alter database begin backup' successful          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 19.59.50          
    BR0229I Calling backup utility with function 'backup'...          
    BR0278I Command output of 'f:\Usr\SAP\R3Q\SYS\EXE\RUN\backint.exe -u R3Q -f backup -i G:\Oracle\R3Q\sapbackup\.bdyvfkde.lst -t file -c':          
    [Normal] From: OB2BAR_BACKINTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "R3Q"  Time: 16/09/2008 19:59:50          
         Backint is started with the following parameters  f:\Usr\SAP\R3Q\SYS\EXE\RUN\backint.exe -u R3Q -f backup -i G:\Oracle\R3Q\sapbackup\.bdyvfkde.lst -t file -c.     
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 21.35.21          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_3\R3P700.DATA3          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 21.35.21          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_2\R3P700.DATA2          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 21.35.21          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P700_1\R3P700.DATA1          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 21.35.21          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_160\R3P.DATA160          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.02.29          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_168\R3P.DATA168          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.02.29          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_159\R3P.DATA159          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.02.29          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_163\R3P.DATA163          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.02.29          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_169\R3P.DATA169          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.41.11          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_164\R3P.DATA164          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.41.11          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_171\R3P.DATA171          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.41.11          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_167\R3P.DATA167          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 22.41.11          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_151\R3P.DATA151          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.19.10          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_170\R3P.DATA170          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.19.10          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_157\R3P.DATA157          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.19.10          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_161\R3P.DATA161          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.19.10          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_165\R3P.DATA165          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.49.57          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_156\R3P.DATA156          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.49.57          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_154\R3P.DATA154          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.49.57          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_152\R3P.DATA152.DBF          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-16 23.49.57          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_153\R3P.DATA153          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.15.39          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_142\R3P.DATA142          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.15.39          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_166\R3P.DATA166          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.15.39          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_155\R3P.DATA155          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.15.39          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_172\R3P.DATA172          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.39.05          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_146\R3P.DATA146          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.39.05          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_162\R3P.DATA162          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.39.05          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_173\R3P.DATA173          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 00.39.05          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_158\R3P.DATA158          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.04.09          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_106\R3P.DATA106          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.04.09          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_143\R3P.DATA143          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.04.09          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_150\R3P.DATA150          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.04.09          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_149\R3P.DATA149          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.24.53          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_5\R3P.DATA5          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.00          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.24.53          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_148\R3P.DATA148          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.01          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.24.53          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_144\R3P.DATA144          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.02          
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-09-17 01.24.53          
    #FILE..... I:\ORACLE\R3Q\SAPDATA1\R3P_141\R3P.DATA141          
    #SAVED.... 20080916.0087.03          

  • Online Backup Problems - DOA Error

    Hi all!
    I tried to establish an online backup for one of my Testservers. I configured the init<SID>.ora in the same way as the file is configured on an other Server (Backup works fine there).
    In addition I adapted the parameter-file.
    Are there any other configurations have to be done?
    The Backup should be performed by an other Server.
    The Backuputility (BAckupExec 10) allready starts the BAckupJob but this Job fails (without any Error -> I canceled the job after 30 Minutes without writing data...)
    I planned the Job in DB13 - attached the second PArt of the Log!
    Perhaps somebody can give me a hint to solve the Problem!
    Would be great to solve that,
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2005-11-29 10.28.12
    BR0057I Backup of database: RTS
    BR0058I BRBACKUP action ID: bdrjxmye
    BR0059I BRBACKUP function ID: anf
    BR0110I Backup mode: ALL
    BR0077I Database file for backup: D:\oracle\RTS\sapbackup\cntrlRTS.dbf
    BR0061I 10 files found for backup, total size 10446.469 MB
    BR0143I Backup type: online
    BR0130I Backup device type: util_file_online
    BR0109I Files will be saved by backup utility
    BR0142I Files will be switched to backup status during the backup
    BR0289I BRARCHIVE will be started at the end of processing
    BR0134I Unattended mode with 'force' active - no operator confirmation allowed
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2005-11-29 10.28.12
    BR0229I Calling backup utility with function 'backup'...
    BR0278I Command output of 'D:\usr\sap\RTS\SYS\exe\run\backint.exe -u RTS -f backup -i D:\oracle\RTS\sapbackup\.bdrjxmye.lst -t file_online -p D:\usr\sap\RTS\sys\exe\run\testparam.ini -c':
    <b>DAO error: 8676593, 800a0be3
    3043, DAO.DbEngine, Disk or network error.</b>
    BR0232E 0 of 10 files saved by backup utility
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2005-11-29 10.28.13
    BR0231E Backup utility call failed
    BR0056I End of database backup: bdrjxmye.anf 2005-11-29 10.28.13
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2005-11-29 10.28.16
    BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2005-11-29 10.28.16
    BR0291I BRARCHIVE will be started with options '-U -d util_file -c force -p -cds'
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2005-11-29 10.28.18
    BR0292I Execution of BRARCHIVE finished with return code 5

    Check below threads.
    BRbackup problem on new system
    Offline backup failed with BR0253E errno 13: Permission denied
    BR0268E Asynchronous execution of program interrupted, exit status: c000009
    Edited by: Sushil Suryawanshi on May 28, 2009 8:16 PM

  • Marketing Online Customization Problem

    Currently I am working on Oracle Marketing Online Customization. I want to develop a applet, and add it in the Marketing Online home page.
    How to make my Applet a web bin and customer can select whether to show it or not.
    Many thanks.

    Hi Yogesh,
    I have the same problem. I have checked the marketing supre user functions type at
    Under sysadmin login-systemadminitrator->Applications->functions. Here I search for the marketing functions. When the functions get listed i check for the type. It is JSP. I hope that's the way.
    If it's fine, how do open marketing module. Please help
    Thanks in advance

  • Online services problem

    I have already for some days problems with sharing video via Youtube. After a while message. On line services encountered a problem. I dont have this problem when I share via Vimeo.
    How do I fix this problem with Adobe Premiere Elements 12? I have  notified that others had same problem with previous versions. But I did not find a solution.

    Joop Pillac
    It is 5:29 pm Sunday March 23, 2014 where I am. At this moment the upload to YouTube failures to YouTube from within at least versions 10,11, and 12 remain the same...same Online Services error end result. The Vimeo upload from within Premiere Elements remains OK.
    But, I do not know if I am detecting "work in progress" by the party or parties responsible for this situation/a ray of hope.
    Prior to this moment, when I tried to start the YouTube feature by clicking on the Next button in the following screenshot, I would be left staring at the Next button
    until the following Online Services error message appeared several seconds to a minute later.
    But now, I can get beyond the Next button to get to the following before the Online Services error message appears.
    More news as it develops.
    Thanks for the follow ups.

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