OOM happens inside Weblogic 10.3.6 when application uploads large files

Oracle Fusion BI Apps application is uploading large files (100+ MB) onto Oracle Cloud Storage. This application works properly when ran outside weblogic server. When deployed on Fusion Middleware Weblogic 10.3.6, during upload of large files we get this OOM error
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: allocLargeObjectOrArray: [B, size 268435472
    at jrockit/vm/Allocator.allocLargeObjectOrArray(JIZ)Ljava/lang/Object;(Native Method)
    at jrockit/vm/Allocator.allocObjectOrArray(Allocator.java:349)[optimized]
    at weblogic/utils/io/UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream.resizeBuffer(UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream.java:59)[inlined]
    at weblogic/utils/io/UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream.write(UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream.java:89)[optimized]
    at com/sun/jersey/api/client/CommittingOutputStream.write(CommittingOutputStream.java:90)
    at com/sun/jersey/core/util/ReaderWriter.writeTo(ReaderWriter.java:115)
    at com/sun/jersey/core/provider/AbstractMessageReaderWriterProvider.writeTo(AbstractMessageReaderWriterProvider.java:76)
    at com/sun/jersey/core/impl/provider/entity/InputStreamProvider.writeTo(InputStreamProvider.java:98)
    at com/sun/jersey/core/impl/provider/entity/InputStreamProvider.writeTo(InputStreamProvider.java:59)
    at com/sun/jersey/api/client/RequestWriter.writeRequestEntity(RequestWriter.java:300)
    at com/sun/jersey/client/urlconnection/URLConnectionClientHandler._invoke(URLConnectionClientHandler.java:213)
    at com/sun/jersey/client/urlconnection/URLConnectionClientHandler.handle(URLConnectionClientHandler.java:149)
Looks like weblogic is using its default Weblogic HTTP handler, switching to Sun HTTP handler via start up JVM/Java Option "-DUseSunHttpHandler=true" solves the OOM issue.
Seems instead of streaming the file content with some fixed size byte array its being on the whole file into memory during upload.
Is it possible to solve this OOM by changing any setting of Weblogic HTPP handler without switching to Sun HTTP handler as there are many other application deployed on this weblogic instance?
We are concerned whether there will be any impact on performance or any other issue.
Please advice, highly appreciate your response.

If you have a back then restore the below file back and then try to start weblogic:

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    Hi Sorry, only just noticed your reply. Didn't get an email alert like I usually do.
    Thanks for that. To be honest I have no idea what QOS is but I will take a look at the routers settings to see if it makes sense to me.

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    You are right, whenever Cisco device boots, the IOS files gets loaded on the DRAM.
    But in this process, some temporary files are also generated which gets saved in the flash/Disk, that’s the only reason you got these error messages. It’s not recommended at all to have less space in the Flash than what is recommended on Cisco.com. I would say please remove some files from Disk and have minimum 256 MB flash otherwise your router may drop into rommon mode at the time of next reload.
    Well, it’s good to upgrade the bootstarp image too. Currently you are running 15.X IOS code, I would say run 15.X bootstarp image on the box.
    You may download bootstarp image for 7206VRX NPEG2 from the link below:-
    If you want to know the procedure of the upgrade, click the link mentioned below:-

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    Suggestion: read [the documentation|http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/using.html] for it.
    By default it will store files in memory up to about 10k. Larger than that will be written to disk.
    If you are really worried about memory, perhaps you should take a look at the [streaming API|http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/streaming.html]
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    function loadPlayList(url:String) {
              delete myMO.onMouseWheel;
              delete myKO.onKeyDown;
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        root["_ref"+i] = root["_bmd"+i]=false;
              loadedAll = false;
              infostruc = [];
              for (var i in root) {
                        if ((root[i]._name.substr(0, 3) == "art" || root[i]._name.substr(0, 10) == "reflection") && (parseInt(root[i]._name.split("art")[1]) || parseInt(root[i]._name.split("reflection")[1]))) {
              current = 1;
              root.createEmptyMovieClip("loader", root.getNextHighestDepth());
    function init(Void):Void {
              myMO = {};
              myKO = {};
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        loader.attachMovie("default", "art", 1);
                        root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                        root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                        root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                        this["_bmd"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        this["_ref"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        var mc:MovieClip = loader.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", loader.getNextHighestDepth());
                        matrix = new Matrix();
                        matrix.createGradientBox(loader._width, loader._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                        mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                        mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, 0);
                        loader.art._alpha = reflectionAlpha;
                        loader.moveTo(0, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, 0);
              for (var i:Number = count=0; count<stageWidth-(centerDistance*3); count += shelveCDSpacing, i++) {
                        var cArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("art"+this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        var rArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("reflection"+(this.getNextHighestDepth()-1), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        rArt.id = cArt.id=rArt.cid=cArt.cid=Number(i)+1;
                        rArt._x = cArt._x=stageWidth;
                        var tmpFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(reflectionBlurX, reflectionBlurY, reflectionQuality);
                        rArt.filterArray = cArt.filterArray=[];
                        rArt.filterArray[0] = tmpFilter;
                        rArt.filters = rArt.filterArray;
                        tmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_mask"+cArt.id, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_rmask"+cArt.id, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rArt._visible = cArt._visible=false;
              myMO.onMouseWheel = function(delta:Number):Void  {
                        if (delta>0) {
                        } else if (delta<=0) {
              myKO.onKeyDown = function():Void  {
                        if (Selection.getFocus() != "_level0.goto") {
                                  if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
                                  } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
              scrollBar.scroller.onPress = function():Void  {
                        dist = this._parent._xmouse-this._x;
                        this.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                                  tmp = 1+Math.ceil(((this._parent._xmouse-dist)-scrollBarStart)/(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop)*(infostruc.length-1));
                                  if (tmp>infostruc.length) {
                                            tmp = infostruc.length;
                                  if (tmp<1) {
                                            tmp = 1;
                                  current = tmp;
              scrollBar.scroller.onRelease = scrollBar.scroller.onReleaseOutside=function ():Void {
                        delete this.onMouseMove;
              scrollBar.left.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(previous, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.right.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(next, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
              scrollBar.onMouseDown = function():Void  {
                        if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.left.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.right.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
                                  if (this._xmouse<this.scroller._x) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(previous, clickDelay);
                                  if (this._xmouse>this.scroller._x+this.scroller._width) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(next, clickDelay);
              goto.restrict = "0-9";
              goto.onKillFocus = function():Void  {
                        if (!isNaN(Number(this.text)+1)) {
                                  if (this.text>infostruc.length) {
                                            this.text = infostruc.length;
                                  if (this.text<1) {
                                            this.text = 1;
                                  current = Number(this.text);
                        } else {
                                  this.text = current;
              fscreen.onPress = function():Void  {
                        fscommand("fullscreen", !(this._currentframe-1));
              slideShow.onPress = function():Void  {
                        if (this._currentframe == 1) {
                                  sliderShow = setInterval(function ():Void {
                                            if (current<infostruc.length) {
                                            } else if (slideshowLooping) {
                                                      current = 0;
                                  }, slideshowSpeed);
                        } else {
              distance = Number(i);
    function concat(m1, m2):Object {
              var mat:Object = {};
              mat.a = m1.c*m2.b;
              mat.b = m1.d*m2.b;
              mat.c = m1.a*m2.c;
              mat.d = m1.b*m2.c;
              mat.tx = m1.a*m2.tx+m1.c*m2.ty+m1.tx;
              mat.ty = m1.b*m2.tx+m1.d*m2.ty+m1.ty;
              return mat;
    function updateInfo():Void {
              goto.text = current;
              info = infostruc[current-1].info;
              author = infostruc[current-1].auth;
              album = infostruc[current-1].album;
              displayAlternArt(root["_bmd"+(current-1)], artDisplay._width, artDisplay._height);
              scrollBar.scroller._x = scrollBarStart+((current-1)/(infostruc.length-1)*(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop));
    function brightness(_prop:String, _old:Number, _new:Number, target:MovieClip):Void {
              var brightness_array:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, _new, 0, 1, 0, 0, _new, 0, 0, 1, 0, _new, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
              target.filterArray[1] = new ColorMatrixFilter(brightness_array);
              target.filters = target.filterArray;
    function controlTheObject(mc):Void {
              if (mc._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                        mc.onPress = function():Void  {
                                  if ((getTimer()-this.pressTime<=doubleClickRegister && this.pressTime) || !doubleClickURL) {
                                            if (infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet) {
                                                      getURL(infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet, "_"+infostruc[this.cid].urlAction);
                                  this.pressTime = getTimer();
                                  current = this.cid+1;
              mc.watch("_brightness", brightness, mc);
              mc.onEnterFrame = function():Void  {
                        this._visible = true;
                        if (infostruc[this.cid].loaded && !this.loadedImage) {
                                  this.allowUpdate = true;
                                  this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  this.loadedImage = true;
                        if (Math.round(Math.abs(this._x-this.x))>=1 || this.allowUpdate) {
                                  if (this._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2));
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                      } else {
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                  } else {
                                            this._yscale = -100;
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && this._x<centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && this._x>centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                      } else if (!validateOk(this)) {
                                                                this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                  this.allowUpdate = false;
                                  this._x -= Math.min(Math.max((this._x-this.x)/albumEase, -maxSlide), maxSlide);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  if (this._x<deleteMinDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid+distance)]) {
                                            this.cid += distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMaxDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  if (this._x>deleteMaxDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid-distance)]) {
                                            this.cid -= distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMinDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                        } else if (Math.ceil(Math.abs(this._x-this.x)) == 0) {
                                  this._x = this.x;
                        if (this.cid+1>current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))+centerDistance;
                        } else if (this.cid+1<current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))-centerDistance;
                        } else {
                                  this.x = centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing);
                        if (fadeType == "brightness") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else {
                                            this._brightness = 0;
                        } else if (fadeType == "alpha") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else {
                                            this._alpha = 100;
    function next():Void {
              if (current<infostruc.length) {
                        current += 1;
    function previous():Void {
              if (current>1) {
                        current -= 1;
    function displayAlternArt(art, width:Number, height:Number):Void {
              artDisplay.attachBitmap(art, 1);
              artDisplay._width = width;
              artDisplay._height = height;
    function loadNext():Void {
              if (!loadedAll) {
                        var num:Number = current-1;
                        if (infostruc[current-1].loaded) {
                                  var num:Number = current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1>=0 ? current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1 : 0;
                                  while (infostruc[num].loaded && num<infostruc.length) {
                                  if (num>=infostruc.length) {
                                            var num:Number = current-1;
                                            while (infostruc[num].loaded && num>0) {
                                            if (num<=0) {
                                                      loadedAll = true;
                        var newLoad:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("artLoad"+num, this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad.createEmptyMovieClip("art", newLoad.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad._alpha = 0;
                        var mc:Object = {};
                        mc.number = num;
                        var artLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
                        artLoader.loadClip(infostruc[num].httpType+infostruc[num].art, newLoad.art);
                        mc.onLoadError = function() {
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                        mc.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip) {
                                  tw = target._width;
                                  ty = target._height;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                  target._width = tw;
                                  target._height = ty;
                                  root["_bmd"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  root["_ref"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  var mc:MovieClip = target._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", target._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
                                  matrix = new Matrix();
                                  matrix.createGradientBox(target._width, target._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                                  mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                                  mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._alpha = reflectionAlpha;
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
    xmlData.onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void  {
              if (success) {
                        for (var i:Number = -1; this.childNodes[0].childNodes[++i]; ) {
                                  var cNode:XMLNode = this.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes;
                                  var val1:String = cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownSong;
                                  var val2:String = cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownArtist;
                                  var val3:String = cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownAlbum;
                                  var val4:String = cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : "./";
                                  var val5:String = cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  var val6:String = cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  infostruc.push({art:cNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, info:val1, auth:val2, album:val3, httpType:val4, urlToGet:val5, urlAction:val6, loaded:false});
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        loadStat = "";
              } else {
                        loadStat = "There was an error loading that data, sorry.";
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    loader._visible = false;
    mask._alpha = 0;
    scrollBar.scroller._y = 0;

    This won't work on most servers: "./albuminfo9.xml". It should be "../albuminfo9.xml". That may or may not solve the problem. Be sure that all of your files and folders are in the same relative location on the server as they are on your computer. Also be sure that the case for each referenced item is correct. Upper and lower case are sometimes more important on a server than they are on your computer. JPG is not the same as jpg. Be sure that your files are uploading correctly.

  • Remote Desktop Connection Drops when opening a large file or Transferring a large file

    I am running a Dell R720 Windows 2008 R2 Server. When I open a Large PDF or transfer a large file to the server, the server drops the remote desktop connection. I do not see any errors and no events are reported. I can access the server via
    iDRAC 7 enterprise and the server is still up and functioning properly; however, the remote desktop connection can only be restored after the server is rebooted. I have read the following article below do not see any conflicts.
     That said, the issue happens when:
    1. opening a large PDF
    2. Using a UNC path to transfer a large file
    3. Using Hyper-V to import a .VHD (another large file)
    Any help is appreciated - Thanks in advance

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Does this issue facing for single user or multiple users?
    Have you tried on other system? IS it, facing same issue.
    From description it seems network issue, please check whether there is any drop for network connection or it works on low bandwidth. You need to see there is no loss from bandwidth perspective. There are other certain reason which can drop the connection or
    performance as remote desktop works on many different points. 
    For try you can autotune disable and check with following command.
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled
    To renable follow beneath command
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
    When you are remote desktop to the remote server, please set the connection speed accordingly to optimize performance and might it will resolve your case of dropping connection.
    More information.
    Announcing the Remote Desktop Protocol Performance Improvements in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 white paper
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem when I upload txt files to the server

    Hi, I have a problem when I try to upload files to the server, and I can't understand the fail.
    My case is:
    I have a jsp page where a from is.
    This form is sended to a servlet that proccess its content and upload the attach file to the server.
    It works correctly (it uploads the files, txt, xls and csv), the problem is when I try to upload a txt file like this, for example:
    Depth     Age
    0     0,1
    2     0,9
    3     2
    5     6
    6     9
    8     12
    34     25
    56     39
    101     40When I verify the uploaded file, this one has a character extra of return of line (a small square). This character prevents me from working then correctly with the file, on having detected a column of more.
    Which can be the problem?
    The code I use to uploaded the file is:
        MyConnection Objconnection = new MyConnection();
        boolean isMultipart = FileUpload.isMultipartContent(req);
        // Create a factory for disk-based file items
        FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
         // Create a new file upload handler
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
        // Set overall request size constraint
        upload.setSizeMax(1024*512); //524288 Bytes (512 KB)
         // Parse the request
        List items = upload.parseRequest(req);
        // Process the uploaded items
        Iterator iter = items.iterator();
        String dat = new String();
        String typeFile = new String();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();
            if (item.getFieldName().equals("typeFile") )
                typeFile = item.getString();
            if (!item.isFormField())
            String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
            String fileName = item.getName();
            String contentType = item.getContentType();
            boolean isInMemory = item.isInMemory();
            long sizeInBytes = item.getSize();
            int numbers=0;
            for(int i=fileName.length();(i=fileName.lastIndexOf('\\',i-1))>=0;)
            String stringFile[] = fileName.split("\\\\");
            HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
            String loginSesion = (String)session.getAttribute("UserLogin");
            String newUserFolder = loginSesion;
            File createFile = new File("/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Usuarios/FilesUp/"+newUserFolder);
            if ("AgeModel".equals(typeFile))
                createFile = new File("/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Usuarios/FilesUp/AgeModels/"+newUserFolder);
            if (!createFile.exists())
            fileName = stringFile[numbers];
            File uploadedFile = new File("/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Usuarios/FilesUp/"+newUserFolder+"/"+fileName);
            if ("AgeModel".equals(typeFile) )
                uploadedFile = new File("/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Usuarios/FilesUp/AgeModels/"+newUserFolder+"/"+fileName);
            existe = Objconnection.existFile(fileName, typeFile, loginSesion);
            if ( true == existe )
                 exito = false;
                ....// NOW REGISTER THE FILE IN TH DATA BASE
        } // if (!item.isFormField())
    } // WHILE ( iter.hasNext() )
                catch(Exception e) {
                out.println("Error de Aplicaci�n " + e.getMessage());
                return exito;

    Sorry I am aware this question was posted way back, but I am having similar problem and haven't been able to find the fix yet.
    So please let me known if you have got any ideas.
    My problem is same that I have to upload a CSV file from Client Machine (Windows) to Unix Application Server.
    I am using JSP method post and multipart/form-data (as in http://www.roseindia.net/jsp/file_upload/Sinle_upload.xhtml.shtml).
    The file is uploaded fine but the problem is it displays carraige Return (^M) a square boxes on Unix file.
    I can't ask user to convert file to Unox format before uploading. They just convert excel file to CSV and upload.
    Is there any way I can get rid of these characters as I have to use this file further.
    Sorry, I can't use any paid utility or tool for it.
    I would appreciate if you could please help.

  • When uploading large file from network, all other requests are not being sent to server

    In our application we are facing a weird scenario in which when we try to upload a huge file(600+ MB) from network, all other requests(AJAX) are getting blocked. But when the same file is being uploaded from local location(E drive) then everything works fine.

    How are you uploading the file via network?
    If you are troubleshooting the network bandwidth? or the threads where one process takes precedent over the other you will have to troubleshoot the QoS of the network you see this on.
    To give a better visual please use Firebug or the Web Developer tool called Network to analyze the requests. The "XMLHttpRequest" will give better clues for Ajax. Reference [http://ajaxian.com/archives/ajax-debugging-with-firebug]
    There may be a about:config option that allows mutithreading or max persistent connections per server you can check.

  • WebLogic Apache bridge problems on uploading large files via HTTP post

    I have a problem uploading files larger than quarter a mega, the jsp
    page does a POST
    to a servlet which reads the input stream and writes to a file.
    Configuration: Apache webserver 1.3.12 connected to the Weblogic 5.1
    application server
    via the bridge(mod_wl_ssl.so) from WebLogic Service pack 4.
    The upload goes on for about 30 secs and throws the following error.
    "Failure of WebLogic APACHE bridge:
    IO error writing POST data to; sys err#: [32] sys err
    msg [Broken pipe]
    Build date/time: Jul 10 2000 12:29:18 "
    The same upload(in fact I uploaded a 8 MEG file) using the
    Netscape(NSAPI) WebLogic
    Any answers would be deeply appreciated.

    I have a problem uploading files larger than quarter a mega, the jsp
    page does a POST
    to a servlet which reads the input stream and writes to a file.
    Configuration: Apache webserver 1.3.12 connected to the Weblogic 5.1
    application server
    via the bridge(mod_wl_ssl.so) from WebLogic Service pack 4.
    The upload goes on for about 30 secs and throws the following error.
    "Failure of WebLogic APACHE bridge:
    IO error writing POST data to; sys err#: [32] sys err
    msg [Broken pipe]
    Build date/time: Jul 10 2000 12:29:18 "
    The same upload(in fact I uploaded a 8 MEG file) using the
    Netscape(NSAPI) WebLogic
    Any answers would be deeply appreciated.

  • When I upload large streams of high frequency data the x axis scales incorrectly

    I have data at 5 kHz for 20 seconds. when I upload this data into the report tab the x axis scales incorrectly and cuts off either the head or tail of the data. The x axis always rounds to the nearest second while i need it to start with the data. Any ideas?

    Hi wpruitt3,
    Take a look at this knowledge base article.

  • ITunes (Win) crashing when trying to match/upload large files

    Hi there,
    I've got a little problem with iTunes Match again. Imho it is still veeery buggy but it certainly improved a bit!
    So the problem is:
    I am listening to mixes a lot - meaning: large mp3 files with runtimes up to 3hrs.
    When I load files like these into my iTunes lib on Windows 7 and then try to upload them into the cloud 9 out of 10 times iTunes simply crashes while analyzing these large files ("iTunes stopped working"). Nothing I can do. Even trying to upload these files one by one didn't help.
    Does anyone have any ideas on what to do about this?
    thanks, cheers

    Thanks for the reply!
    I know that 200mb is the limit. But as you already noted it should just say "not compatible" or whatever but not just simply crash. Problem is I can't have these tracks in my iTunes library then because every time I try to sync my lib with Match it tries to sync these files as well and iTunes just simply crashes.
    I also have a Macbook so I will try to upload the files via iTunes on the Mac. If that doesn't help last idea may be to reduce file size ... although I hate doing this as I prefer 256kbit files.
    Split into two would be another idea.
    Anyways I had these problems with large files couple of times already but could always fix it by syncing one file at a time. not this time though.

  • Bad file number - comes when i upload the file

    While i tried to upload the file more 300 kb (any file type)to 2 apache server using nfsmount (nfsmnt-apache 1 and nfsmnt2 -apache 2) through weblogic 9.2 (it is running in linux), i got the following exception, but less 200kb file i can upload the file (any type) to both apache server.
    java.io.IOException: Bad file number at java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes(Native Method) at java.io.FileInputStream.read(FileInputStream.java:177) at
    anybody known this prob, pls help me

    Suggestion: read [the documentation|http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/using.html] for it.
    By default it will store files in memory up to about 10k. Larger than that will be written to disk.
    If you are really worried about memory, perhaps you should take a look at the [streaming API|http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/streaming.html]
    How large are the files being uploaded?
    How many users are we talking about?

  • Two work-arounds for Siena when working with large files

    MonaTech pointed out that Project Siena will crash when switching to the desktop or another app.  I've also noticed this happening even when the monitor goes to sleep with inactivity.  To be clear, this is *developing* in Siena, not after the app
    you're working on has been compiled and installed.
    The 'non-technical' work-around that has been successful for me is to split the screen before I switch to another app.  It's not perfect but at least I can switch to another app (browser, desktop app, etc.) without losing where I'm at.
    A more technical work-around is proposed in this thread:http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c768be8f-3c85-444e-bb44-6f29abdecee7/project-siena-app-memory-issues-with-large-project-?forum=projectsiena 
    If you have a version of Visual Studio (that's not Express) it may do the trick for you.
    FYI - In the post you'll see that Olivier responded and indicates that this is a known issue.

    Wow - that's what you get for multi-tasking! :)
    The link is now fixed in my original post and posted here for convenience:

  • Error code 0 when copying a large file to a Mac OS Extended formatted drive

    I always back up my photos manually by dragging a folder containing many folders containing many photos into an external drive that I immediately formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) the day I bought it 2 years ago. I now run into a Error Code 0 when I do this. The "mother" folder is 240 GB in size. As I stated, this drive has been formatted for the Mac, so I don't understand why it's (apparently) running into a problem peculiar to FAT32-formatted drives. My iMac has 16 GB of RAM, of which 10 GB was free, the last time I tried to do this.

    Well, you did mention...
    so I don't understand why it's (apparently) running into a problem peculiar to FAT32-formatted drives
    I kind of had to assume at that point the source drive was the one you formatted as Mac OS Extended two years ago, and the target drive was FAT32. If not, then I'm not sure why you mentioned FAT32 at all.
    In that same thinking, error code 0 is directly related to FAT formatted drives.

Maybe you are looking for

  • WebDynpro Development Technical Specification Document

    I am developing some custom screens using WebDynpro for our Project.  I am looking for a template for Technical Specification document for WD development.  I searched in SDN an Service market but could not find any.  I only found a naming convention

  • Report FI-AA & Company code 001

    Hi, I would like to know is there any possibility do not obtain by default the company code 0001 in FI-AA report? Company code 0001 is not assigned to a chart of depreciation so we do not understand why the system fillin automatically the field BUKRS

  • Firefox crashes daily, unrelated to any action

    Firefox 13.0.1, but also happened with earlier versions. After running for several hours, Firefox will crash, often while I am in the middle of reading a page (i.e., not navigating or opening a link at the moment of the crash). I uninstalled Firefox

  • How to fill a field in a page attribute structure

    Hi We're trying to build a BSP Application (Pages with flow logic). One of the BSP Pages is a search for customer data, with search fields displayed dynamically. Now Im trying to fill the fields of structure "ls_partner", which is defined as a page a

  • System preferences crashes with speech

    Little background, I've been trying to test out some software (SousChef) but the app quits before it loads (bounces then disappears). The SousChef crew checked my logs and says my laptop is having trouble loading the speech subsystem. I've been searc