Open sequence method anywhere?

I'm making a edit substep using labview for a step type, which will open a teststand sequence in the editor.  There already is an item "open sequence", but this particular step type executes a sequence by expression at runtime, so we can't open at edit time using the "open sequence" item.  The substep will prompt the user for the necessary information to find the right sequence, but then I want to call a method to open the sequence in teststand, in the same way as "open sequence" works when you right click on a sequence call. 
I have browsed the methods/properties for "sequence context/engine", and I see an "open workspace file" item, but we are not using workspaces (which is a completely different post).
So can anyone tell me where there might exist an "open sequence" method with which I can open a teststand sequence in the editor?
David Jenkinson

Hey David,
I'm not sure this is possible unless you have a custom seq. editor or you do it in the UI.  That is if I understand you correctly.  Basically you want to dynamically load a sequence file into the seq. editor?  Is that correct?  If so you can load it into memory just not have it show in the seq. editor. 
GetSequenceFileEx Method
Engine.GetSequenceFileEx ( sequenceFilePath, getSeqFileFlags = GetSeqFile_OperatorInterfaceFlags, handlerType = ConflictHandler_Error)
Return Value
A SequenceFile object.
Returns the SequenceFile object for the sequence file specified by the sequenceFilePath parameter.
Loads the sequence file from disk, if necessary. Call ReleaseSequenceFileEx on this object before releasing it.
This method loads the sequence file into the engine's internal cache and adds a load reference to the sequence file. TestStand uses the load reference count to determine when to unload the sequence file from the engine's internal cache. In addition to this method, the SequenceFile.AddLoadReference and Engine.NewSequenceFile methods also add a load reference to the sequence file. The Engine.ReleaseSequenceFileEx method removes a load reference.
You must call Engine.ReleaseSequenceFileEx for each load reference that you add to the sequence file. When you release the last load reference, TestStand unloads the file from the engine's internal cache. While unloading the file from the cache, TestStand executes the SequenceFileUnload callback, if applicable.
You can use SequenceAdapter.GetSequenceFile to examine the contents of a sequence file without running load and unload callbacks, without preloading modules, and without merging types.
Hope that helps,
~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    Make sure to apply the latest Patch2.11 and retest.
    Also, please state your datasource type. This can influence the syntax (i.e. when passign BEx variable values)
    Finally, have you tried the Web (DHTML) editor (bilaunchpad webi preference)?  it has an OpenDocument 'wizard' to help you build-up the correct syntax . 
    please do the 2 above steps, and get back to us.

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    Renamer4mac free and incredibly fast.
    Freebie at :
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    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    I too have the same problem. It is very annoying considering I manage dozens of projects daily and it takes a damn good memory to remember wich sequence I was working on cause some of my projects contain many sequences with many versions of an edit.
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    64g RAM
    Quadro 4000
    SSD Raid system drives
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    possibly one of the sequence preset files themselves are corrupted?
    try creating a new user account and logging in under that account name, then launch FCP in that new account and see if you experience the same issues with opening sequence settings
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    You might try trashing the preferences or reinstalling the application.

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    Provide the exact info from the crash log.
    Working with your Operating System’s Tools

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    Premiere Pro CC 7.2
    Mac OS 10.8.5
    iMac late 2012 model, 32Gb RAM, 2Gb video card
    Don Hertz

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    Don Hertz

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    "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
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    Also, when I import AVCHD .MTS files, I get video but no audio, even though they play ok in VLC
    Solutions I have tried but which do not solve anything:
    1. Sign out, restart Premiere, sign back in
    2. Recreate the Adobe Premiere Pro preferences and plug-in cache. (using shift/option combo)
    3. uninstall premiere, reboot, run cleaner script, reboot, reinstall premiere
    4. uninstall premiere, reboot, run cleaner script, reboot, create new user account, install premiere in that user account instead of original account
    I am aware of this page:
    and this page:
    Some pages I've come across have suggested running the cleaner script multiple times, but you can really only run it once, because after the first cleaning, when you run it again nothing shows up on the list to be cleaned.  Are there still remnants of Adobe stuff left on my machine uncleaned by the cleaner script that I need to delete manually?
    Has anyone else had this problem but not had any of the adobe-suggested solutions work for them and eventually fixed this?
    This is Adobe Premiere CC 2014.  I'm running it on a Mac Book Pro that's less than a year old, running OSX 10.9.5 w/ 16GB of memory.
    This is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING.  I've spent most of the day troubleshooting this issue and all I want to do is edit my video. A cursory search of the internet shows that I am far from alone in having this problem. Also, reinstalling is not trivial because the download speeds where I am are slow.

    Well, it took a long time, but I eventually got it working properly.  All of the presets and codecs show up, I can import AVCHD files properly with audio, and the project I couldn't open before now opens fine, so it turned out not to be a corrupt project. It looks like the problem was that the cleaner script didn't actually clean everything it should have, and I had to do it all manually.
    I uninstalled all of the Adobe Creative Cloud software, rebooted, ran the CC Cleanup script, and rebooted again.
    Then I uninstalled Flash and ALL other Adobe software I had on my machine.
    Then I used the Find Any File app to find every reference on my Mac to any file with "adobe" in the name--including system files--and deleted them and emptied the trash.
    The only Adobe things I left on my machine were the Adobe RGB color profile and any Adobe fonts I had.
    Empty the trash again, reboot again.
    Then I used the CC installer to install Premiere and only Premiere (I didn't even install Adobe Media Encoder) because I didn't want to go through all that download time only to have it fail on me again.
    And at long last it worked. Then I went back and installed Media Encoder, which didn't seem to break anything, so I went back and installed the other CC software I wanted on my machine, and things are working at last.
    The "cleaner" script leaves a LOT of Creative Cloud-related files on your machine, which, in my opinion, means it's not a very effective "cleaner."  It seems to want to leave a lot of preference files and other files whose purpose I don't know (but I deleted them anyway).  There should at least be a checkbox somewhere on the cleaner that says "wipe absolutely everything related to Adobe off of my machine".
    Thanks again for your suggestions, Neil.

  • How to view the settings of the sequence (info that appears when you first open sequence)?

    Hi I would like to ask how to view the current settings of the sequence i am already working in, the same information that appears when you first open a new sequence
    Editing mode: QuickTime DV PAL
    Timebase: 25.00fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 720h 576v (1.4587)
    Frame rate: 25.00 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV PAL Widescreen 16:9 (1.4587)
    Fields: Lower Field First
    Audio Settings
    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second
    Default Sequence
    Total video tracks: 3
    Master track type: Stereo
    Audio Tracks:
    Audio 1: Standard
    Audio 2: Standard
    Audio 3: Standard
    I have forgotten which setting I chose for my current sequence and have tried to look under project settings and also sequence settings
    but the info that you see when you first open a new sequence doesn't show, especially if the editing mode is PAL or NTSC etc.
    How can I find out this information that my current sequence is on?

    Thanks for your reply
    Is there a way to see what preset I chose when i first chose the sequence? As under 'sequence settings' i don't see this info.
    DV PAL "Widescreen 48kHz"
    As i do not remember and fear it may ruin the HD video I am currently editing.

  • Opening sequence from one project to another

    I'm in a project and want to import/open a sequence from another project into the current one...can't remember how to do it??

    No, just make sure you are in the correct project that you want to close, or if you have multiple projects open, Control - click on the Project tab you want to close and save and choose "Close Tab" from the drop down menu. Only that project will close and save.

Maybe you are looking for