Open shared icloud document in app

here's what I'm trying to achieve:
i have this shared icloud document that i want to open. I have the hyperlink in my email and when i open that link on my ipad, it wants me to open the link on a pc. But i want it to open in the numbers app, since it's a spreadsheet. I can't find this option written down in the documentation, but i was hoping this is possibLe. I think it's basic functionality for sharing. Do you know if this is possible?
thanks for the help.

Hello Rich4rd,
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
From your post I see that you're trying to collaborate with others by sharing a link to your document on  To open a shared document link, you must be using either a Mac or Windows computer, which will open the document in  Take a look at the support article below for more information.
If you save your document to iCloud, you can collaborate with others by sharing a link to your document on Collaborators don’t need an iCloud account to open and edit the document in a supported browser on a Mac or Windows computer.
Share and edit a document with others - Pages Help for iPad
Take care,
Alex H.

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    I must be missing something!
    Thanks :-)

    Hi Neilzone,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The collaboration feature of iWork for iCloud requires you to edit the document together online at
    Apple – iWork for iCloud beta
    - Judy

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       Pages 4.1 (923)
       Numbers 2.1 (436)
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    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Jon Kibler

    I visited the Gunius Bar today and got the problem resolved.
    The solution was to completely power off the iPad (slider bar power off) and once it had been off for a minute, to power it back on. Apparently something didn't quite get linked properly when the files were uploaded, and a power cycle detected and cleaned up the problem.

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    Could i have made a mistake when entering the new password?
    It's entirely possible. And it sounds like you already know what needs to happen in order to correct it.  I'm afraid you won't be able to salvage any data that hasn't been included in your latest backup of the device via iTunes.

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    most forums say i need to install the beta version of os yosemite, whom installation is not working those days.
    the only thing i can do was to open a document on on my mac and send it to me via email. from my iPad i could read that email and open the document in pages. But this work only with small documents, a document bigger than 20 Mo, cannot be sent via email ( i'm using gmail)
    please help me, i really need those documents, i'm working with them.
    thank you

    beckstarr wrote:
    Does anyone know how to open pages document with windows vista? i saved it onto a usb stick but when i tried to open it on the computers in my university which support windows vista, it didnt reconise the file and opened with a page of question marks!!!! Im panicking now!!!!!
    You cannot open it on Windows Vista. The only application in the world that opens a Pages document is Pages, and it is Mac OS X only.
    Your options:
    1. Find a Mac with Pages installed, and save the document as doc or pdf, which you can open on Vista.
    or, if that is impossible,
    2. Open the files in a texteditor like Notepad.exe on Windows and try to piece text fragments together to get at least part of your original text back. The images should also be available somewhere, even though all formatting is gone.

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    Tap on the pdf document in order to open it, When you have the PDF file open on the screen - tap anywhere on the open document and an arrow will apper in the upper right corner of the screen - tap that arrow and a window will popup for Open In options. Select Open In Adobe Reader and the PDF will open in Adobe Reader and it will be saved in that app.

  • When I try to open a Pages document from iCloud, created on my iPad, I get message stating I need a newer version of Pages.  When I go to app store all I get is "installed" when looking at pages app. my Macbook pro is up to date with all updates.

    When I try to open a Pages document from iCloud, created on my iPad, I get message stating I need a newer version of Pages.  When I go to app store all I get is "installed" when looking at pages app. my Macbook pro is up to date with all updates. Any ideas?

    You have 2 versions of Pages on your Mac.
    Pages 5 is in your Applications folder.
    Pages '09/'08 is in your Applications/iWork folder.
    You are alternately opening the wrong versions.
    Pages '09/'08 can not open Pages 5 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5/5.01 can not open Pages 5.1 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5.1 sometimes can not open its own files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5 can open Pages '09 files but may damage/alter them. It can not open Pages '08 files at all.
    Once opened and saved in Pages 5 the Pages '09 files can not be opened in Pages '09.
    Anything that is saved to iCloud is also converted to Pages 5 files.
    All Pages files no matter what version and incompatibility have the same extension .pages.
    Pages 5 files are now only compatible with themselves on a very restricted set of hardware, software and Operating Systems and will not transfer correctly on any other server software than iCloud.
    Apple has not only managed to confuse all its users, but also itself.
    Note: Apple has removed over 100 features from Pages 5 and added many bugs: 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Archive/trash Pages 5, after exporting all Pages 5 files to Pages '09 or Word .docx, and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

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    You have 2 versions of Pages on your Mac.
    Pages 5.2 is in your Applications folder.
    Pages '09/'08 is in your Applications/iWork folder.
    You are alternately opening the wrong versions.
    Pages '09/'08 can not open Pages 5 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5.2 can open Pages '09 files but may damage/alter them. It can not open Pages '08 files at all.
    Older versions of Pages 5 can not open files from later versions of Pages 5.
    Once opened and saved in Pages 5 the Pages '09 files can not be opened in Pages '09.
    Anything that is saved to iCloud and opened in a newer version of Pages is also converted to Pages 5 files.
    All Pages files no matter what version and incompatibility have the same extension .pages.
    Pages 5 files are now only compatible with themselves on a very restricted set of hardware, software and Operating Systems and will not transfer correctly on any other server software than iCloud.
    Apple has removed almost 100 features from Pages 5 and added many bugs: 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Rate/review Pages 5.2 in the App Store.

  • The document "" could not be opened because it is damaged or incomplete.

    I just upgraded from Mac OSX 10.6.8 to OSX 10.8.
    I logged into my account for the first time and had this error:
    The document “” could not be opened because it is damaged or incomplete.
    From what I've been able to find, the has to do with the Text-to-speech recognition.
    Initially, I was unable to get text-to-speech to work correctly.  But after I reset the key command, it worked.
    Is this something I should worry about?

    jfaughnan wrote:
    I think this bug may hit people whose user accounts have gone through a few versions of OS X AND are going directly from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion. In my case my user account started out with 10.2 - so it's picked up some cruft.
    There are several items in my non-admin user Preferences:Users and Groups:User:Login Items that are not in my Admin account user including an item called SpeechSynthesisServer. It had a yellow warning triangle next to it and the data type was unrecognized.
    I removed it from Login Items, logged out, logged in, and the bug was gone.
    The LoginIn item is referencing a system app, that app is still present post upgrade:
    I suspect the app is still important. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING IN SYSTEM/LIBRARY. Just leave it alone
    iTunesHelper was also on the one user's LoginItems and I removed it.
    I think there are a couple of bugs with the Login Item migration from SL to ML. For example, a disk image I mounted showed with a yellow icon too. I removed it, added it back in, and it was fine.
    Thanks jf.  That's helpful.
    I installed ML an hour or so ago, going from 10.6.8 to 10.8.2.  Having read quite a few comments I decided to take my time over this.
    ML downloaded fine. About half an hour maybe.  Installed itself then my iMac was restarted and, hey-presto, I'm back in business with a new OS. 
    Bit worried that my iMac was now rather sluggish, but not overly so because some kind person had posted on the App store that his Mac speeded back up after he had restarted.  This proved the case for me too.
    Went through all the set up screen re iCloud and App store.  All the while I noticed my external backup drive was very busy too. Must be using it as temporary space I thought to myself.
    Anyway, I decided that the first thing I should do is run Software Update.  I had several items that needed updating and whilst one of them was installing, that dreaded message that all you guys are talking about popped up.  I took a screen shot for later. 016.05.39.png
    Not long after this my iMac's sceen turned black.  I assumed this was due to the screen saver cutting in.  It had done so about every 5 minutes during the time ML was downloading - apparently without causing a problem. I left it a while, then fired up the screen again.  Then I got a dreadful fright when a message came up full screen telling me my iMac had encountered a problem and it was having to restart! 
    I decided toplay it cool and let everything play through and let the Mac restart, see what happens. Turned out I was worrying unnecessaryily, all I needed to do was run Software Update again.  I downloaded the items individually this time, not all in one go like before.  All seems okay - at the moment.
    I still don't know what this problem is.  Text to Speech still seems to work.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the new Voice recognition that I'm itching to try out. 
    Anyway, I'm leaving Voice recog alone for now until I'm more familiear with ML.
    "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING IN SYSTEM/LIBRARY."  I notice that the Library is now hidden from us. Maybe what you say is the reason why?
    By the way, I think I worked out why my iMac was sluggish when I first fired up ML.  Spotlight was rebuilding it's database!
    Message was edited by: El Deanio

  • I cannot open iCloud documents on my MAC I went to preferences etc and it did not give me access. My error says I need an updated version of numbers but I have the latest version

    Mac OSX 10.4
    Processor 3.06
    Numbers 2.3 (554)
    I cannot open iCloud documents on my MAC I went to preferences etc and it did not give me access. My error says I need an updated version of numbers but I have the latest version

    You cannot access iCloud on a Mac running Mac OSX 10.4.  Are you sure, the system version is correct?
    If you are running iWork '09 (iWork 09 9.0.1) on your Mac with Numbers 2.3, you must at least have MacOS X 10.5.6 installed.
    if you want iCloud support for iOS apps, you need the iWork 9.3 update,see:  About the iWork 9.3 Update
    And this update requires OS X Lion v10.7.4
    Is your iMac compatible with Lion or later?

  • Problem when opening an iCloud-Numbers-Document

    I cannot open a iCloud-Numbers-Document either on my iPad, neither on my MacBook. It only shows me an error message...
    I hope you can help me.
    Thanks in advance,

    I too have this problem, but I have found a work around for it.
    First I turned off iCloud storage for Numbers in the settings on my iPad. Then on my iMac I logged into land there is a Numbers app, which is still in beta, clicked on it and choose the file I wanted and choose the option to download it. Once downloaded I fired up iTunes and tried to import it into Numbers, but that didn't work so I choose another app, I have Textastic imported into that and then on my iPad opened the app and choose to open with Numbers from there and it worked.
    I have also emailed my spreedsheet to myself and choose the option the open with Numbers from there and it worked. This method should also work with Dropbox, which I haven't tried but I will be adding my spreadsheets there for backup!
    Hope this helps, it's a bit of a long winded hack, but it works. Hope Apple fix this soon.

  • Cannot open any Pages documents made prior to upgrading to Yosemie. Pages does not appear in the iCloud list in system preferences.

    Upgraded to Yosemite. Upgraded Pages to latest version. Uninstalled older versions of pages (made with iWork '09). Now I cannot open any Pages documents made prior to upgrading. I keep getting the same redundant message: "You need a newer version of Pages to open this document. You can download the latest version of Pages from the Mac App Store." Not sure if this is relevant, but Pages does not show up in the iCloud list in systems preferences.

    Ok, I found pages on the iCloud drive. But the behavior of Pages is still the same, problem unchanged.

  • Cannot open iCloud document on Macbook pro (numbers, pages, ...)

    Im am sharing some documents between iPad, iPhone, iMac and the Macbook pro. The Macbook pro is new, I am starting to use it now.
    When trying to open a document (e.g. a numbers document) on my Macbook pro, I can see it in the "open file" dialog; the dialog even shows a preview. When clicking at the document I get an error message, telling me that numbers cannot open the file.
    I can open my iCloud files at my iMac without a problem; no problem with the iPad also. I am using the newest versions of numbers, pages at all my devices.
    At my Macbook pro I can move the iCloud document to the desktop. At the desktop it opens without any problem.
    Any idea?

    My language setting is german; therefore the error message is german, too:
    Die Datei „BLE Firmware Slotplan.numbers“ konnte nicht geöffnet werden.
    My best translation is: "The file „BLE Firmware Slotplan.numbers“ could not be opened.

  • Mac will not open iCloud "Documents" - No Errors

    Over the past few days, I have noticed that my iCloud documents will not open on my Mac.
    I am able to edit them on my iOS devices. (via Numbers, Pages, Keynote for example)
    I am able to Save new documents to my "iCloud"
    I am NOT able to open the new documents from my iCloud
    I am able to edit the new documents on my iOS devices
    I am able to save new documents to my local machine
    I am able to open the new documents from my locla machine
    I have not made any preference changes to the system.  The only way I am eventually able to OPEN iCloud documents, is by completely restarting the system.  Then it works, at least for the first few times I have tried.
    Any thoughts as to how to root cause?

    I am not sure why this works, but it worked for me.
    The behavior I am experiencing happens when I open Numbers for the first time, I am prompted with the open dialog box.  If I attempt to open a file from my icloud in that dialog, I am unable to open any document, i.e. this is the behavior I am experiencing.
    I opened a file from my local machine
    Left the file open from my local machine
    I then used File- > Open and chose a a file from iCloud
    The iCloud document opened successfully.

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