Openbox with gnome pref

i want to use gnome prefferences like icon set, keybindings, etc.
if i do gnome-keybinding-properties then keybinding works and all other pref are loaded. May be a need to add something to ? ?

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    I am trying to use it with the gnome-panel.
    When I start any GTK app it says:
    Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    It works fine in Gnome, because of gconf I think.
    [joe@joe ~]$ ls /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/
    edit: Lol dw I've done it.
    If anyone else has this problem, I know the wiki on the Google code project says GTK_MODULES=globalmenu-gnome, but it is actually globalmenu-plugin.
    Noticed something wasn't right just after I listed my modules folder here.
    Last edited by RambJoe (2010-08-17 23:50:07)

    Where/how do you declare GTK_MODULES?
    I tried on ~/.xinitrc with no luck.

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    Openbox is just a different window Manager. Gnome has its own called Metacity that it uses. You can use one of many WMs with Gnome, apart from Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, JWM or any other that you can think of.
    Please search the wiki for Window Managers to get more insight into the differences between WMs and Desktop Environments.

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    My laptop is an Acer Aspire 3820TG Timeline X running the newest kernel ( 3.0 ) and Gnome 3.0.2.
    If you need more information don't hesitate to ask!

    I'm not sure what is "ridiculous".
    When on a call using the iPhone's earpiece - holding the iPhone up to your ear and face during a call, the iPhone includes a proximity sensor to automatically turn the screen off or lock the screen when doing so - there is no need to press the sleep/wake button while holding the iPhone up to your ear and face during a call. When pulling the iPhone away from your ear and face during a call to look at the screen and to use the iPhone for something else during the call or to hang up the call, etc., the screen turns back on. This is done automatically.

  • [SOLVED] DWM running with gnome difficulties - cracked leaving GNOME!

    UPDATE: concept as a perceived requirement has been scrubed. No longer needing Gnome's environment ... just some gtk/gnome libraries here and there though, obviously. See last post of mine here if ya like and you're rushed a bit.
    Having problems getting gnome to live with DWM though I can compile myself as i just learned how from the wiki.
    OBJECTIVE: retain at least the bottom menu bar of gnome (and program access) for a while yet ....  while using DWM.
    Hi... having the most amazing time with Xmonad, awesome, stumpwm, dmenu etc.
    At this point I've realized that Xmonad and DWM have basically the same keybinding.
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    Actually.... IF there's a way to GRAPHICALLY see folders ie. boot programs without having to find the binary though would be cool.
    Gnome can do it's thing in the background.... though right now ALL I can get by adding DWM WITH metacity in the gnome sessions properties leaves me WITHOUT the bootom bar that gets me to my programs...
    yep, duh.
    any assistance apreciated as I can't stand working without dwm (or similar tiling wm) though I'm too new at it and generally not skilled enough at this move to get to my program's ICONS...  using dmenu for all booting just isn't practical for me today..  then again who knows what the next hour will bring! hehehe
    So..... ANYONE have DWM code that'll work??? .... I think I'd prefer it to be stock otherwise...
    whatver happens thanks and everything's so cool.... have learned SO much....
    Last edited by yvonney (2009-02-03 09:44:22)

    well as i remember, my own path was something like this...
    Windozes -> PCLinuxOS -> (K-X)Ubuntu -> Arch(XFCE4(desktop environment)) -> Arch(Fluxbox(no DE)) -> Arch(wmii+gnu/screen) -> Arch(dwm+gnu/screen)
    not talking about GNU/screen its like not talking about breathing to me right now at the beggining (like all i pass throught in GNU/linux) i can barely understand something "as complex" to understand like screen, but using it, showed me that EVERYTHING is a matter of understanding throught direct experience
    so i'll recommend to you that you start looking to gnu/screen, is so damn easy to configure/use once you understand it, but difficult when you start reading about it, like dwm is in first place
    what i do for file assosiations and such is using midnight commander (cli-file manager) and i edited a menu (F2 on a dir/file) and it popups showing the list of apps that i configured to open that file extension, i configured tuxcmd in the past but i didnt used it for months now...
    here's the ~/.mc/menu i did... (i use urxvt as a daemon starting "urxvtd -q -f -o &" in .xinit, you may change "urxvtc" with your terminal emulator of choice... (i hope it will be urxvt(c) and not something like gnome-terminal )
    + ! t t
    @ Do something on the current file
    CMD=%{Enter command}
    $CMD %f
    7 compress to 7zip (dir27z)
    urxvtc -e dir27z %f &
    @ compress file to zip (file2zip)
    urxvtc -e file2zip %f &
    @ compress dir to zip (dir2zip)
    urxvtc -e dir2zip %f &
    @ dir to iso (mkisofs -V volume_name -J -r -o isoimage.iso)
    urxvtc -e mkisofs -V NEW -J -r -o isoimage.iso %f &
    s make symlink in /tmp/burn (mksym)
    mksym %f &
    x make executable (chmod 755)
    chmod 755 %f
    r chown -cR root:root
    sudo chown -cR root:root %f
    a chown -cR aleyscha:users
    sudo chown -cR aleyscha:users %f
    u mount /dev/cdrom
    mount /dev/cdrom
    u umount /dev/cdrom
    umount /dev/cdrom
    u wodim -v dev=/dev/cdrom -blank=fast
    urxvtc -e wodim -v dev=/dev/cdrom -blank=fast &
    u dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/downloads/New/isoimage.iso
    urxvtc -e dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/downloads/New/isoimage.iso &
    u unmount ISO Image (fusermount -u /mnt/cdrom)
    fusermount -u /mnt/cdrom
    u unmount ISO Image (fusermount -u /mnt/iso1)
    fusermount -u /mnt/iso1
    u unmount ISO Image (fusermount -u /mnt/iso2)
    fusermount -u /mnt/iso2
    g edit file in gvim as root (sudo gvim %f &)
    sudo gvim %f &
    c copy (fui %f)
    urxvtc -e fui %f &
    p paste (fui --copy)
    urxvtc -e fui --copy &
    p paste (fui --move)
    urxvtc -e fui --move &
    c clamscan (clamscan --recursive --infected --bell --remove)
    urxvtc -e clamscan --recursive --infected --bell --remove %f &
    b Send via Bluetooth to device (obexftp -b 00:17:D5:85:0D:6F -p)
    obexftp -b 00:17:D5:85:0D:6F -p %f &
    + t t
    d Do something on the tagged files
    set %t; CMD=%{Enter command}
    while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    $CMD "$1"
    + t t
    @ Make symlink in /tmp/burn
    while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    mksym "$1"
    0 Edit a bug report and send it to root
    I=`mktemp ${MC_TMPDIR:-/tmp}/mail.XXXXXX` || exit 1
    ${EDITOR-vi} $I
    test -r $I && mail root < $I
    rm -f $I
    =+ f \.1$ | f \.3$ | f \.4$ | f \.5$ | f \.6$ | f \.7$ | f \.8$ | f \.man$ & t r
    1 Display the file with roff -man
    nroff -man %f | less
    2 Call the info hypertext browser
    = t d
    3 Compress the current subdirectory (tar.gz)
    Pwd=`basename "%d" /`
    echo -n "Name of the compressed file (without extension) [$Pwd]: "
    read tar
    if [ "$tar"x = x ]; then tar="$Pwd"; fi
    cd .. && \
    tar cf - "$Pwd" | gzip -f9 > "$tar.tar.gz" && \
    echo "../$tar.tar.gz created."
    4 Compress the current subdirectory (tar.bz2)
    Pwd=`basename %d /`
    echo -n "Name of the compressed file (without extension) [$Pwd]: "
    read tar
    if [ "$tar"x = x ]; then tar="$Pwd"; fi
    cd .. && \
    tar cf - "$Pwd" | bzip2 -f > "$tar.tar.bz2" && \
    echo "../$tar.tar.bz2 created."
    = f \.c$ & t r
    + f \.c$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Compile and link current .c file
    make `basename %f .c` 2>/dev/null || cc -O -o `basename %f .c` %f
    + t r & ! t t
    a Append file to opposite
    cat %f >>%D/%f
    + t t
    A Append files to opposite files
    set %t
    while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    cat $1 >>%D/$1
    + t r & ! t t
    d Delete file if a copy exists in the other directory.
    if [ "%d" = "%D" ]; then
    echo "The two directores must be different"
    exit 1
    if [ -f %D/%f ]; then # if two of them, then
    if cmp -s %D/%f %f; then
    rm %f && echo %f: DELETED
    echo "%f and %D/%f differ: NOT deleted"
    echo -n "Press RETURN "
    read key
    echo %f: No copy in %D/%f: NOT deleted.
    + t t
    D Delete tagged files if a copy exists in the other directory.
    if [ "%d" = "%D" ]; then
    echo "The two directores must be different"
    exit 1
    for i in %t
    if [ -f %D/$i ]; then
    SUM1="`sum $i`"
    SUM2="`sum %D/$i`"
    if [ "$SUM1" = "$SUM2" ]; then
    rm $i && echo ${i}: DELETED
    echo $i and %D/$i differ: NOT deleted.
    echo %f has no copy in %D/%f: NOT deleted.
    m View manual page
    MAN=%{Enter manual name}
    %view man -P cat $MAN
    = f \.gz$ & t r
    + ! t t
    n Inspect gzip'ed newsbatch file
    dd if=%f bs=1 skip=12|zcat|${PAGER-more}
    # assuming the cunbatch header is 12 bytes long.
    = t r &
    + ! t t
    h Strip headers from current newsarticle
    CHECK=`awk '{print $1 ; exit}' %f` 2>/dev/null
    case $CHECK in
    I=`mktemp ${MC_TMPDIR:-/tmp}/news.XXXXXX` || exit 1
    cp %f $I && sed '/^'"$CHECK"' /,/^$/d' $I > %f
    [ "$?" = "0" ] && rm $I
    echo %f: header removed
    echo %f is not a news article.
    + t t
    H Strip headers from the marked newsarticles
    set %t
    while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    CHECK=`awk '{print $1 ; exit}' $1` 2>/dev/null
    WFILE=`mktemp ${MC_TMPDIR:-/tmp}/news.XXXXXX` || exit 1
    case $CHECK in
    cp $1 $WFILE && sed '/^'"$CHECK"' /,/^$/d' $WFILE > $1
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
    rm $WFILE; echo $1 header removed. OK.
    echo "Oops! Please check $1 against $WFILE"
    echo $1 skipped: Not a news article.
    = t r
    + ! t t
    r Copy file to remote host
    echo -n "To which host?: "
    read Host
    echo -n "To which directory on $Host?: "
    read Dir
    rcp -p %f ${Host}:$Dir
    + t t
    R Copy files to remote host (no error checking)
    echo -n "Copy files to which host?: "
    read Host
    echo -n "To which directory on $Host? :"
    read Dir
    rcp -pr %u ${Host}:$Dir
    = f \.tex$ & t r
    + f \.tex$ & t r & ! t t
    t Run latex on file and show it with xdvi
    latex %f && xdvi `basename %f .tex`.dvi
    =+ f ^part | f ^Part | f uue & t r
    + t t
    U Uudecode marked news articles (needs work)
    set %t
    while [ -n "$1" ]; do # strip headers
    FIRST=`awk '{print $1 ; exit}' $1`
    cat $1 | sed '/^'"$FIRST"' /,/^$/d'; shift
    ) |sed '/^$/d' |sed -n '/^begin 6/,/^end$/p' | uudecode
    if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "Cannot decode %t"
    echo "Please test the output file before deleting anything"
    =+ f \.tar\.gz$ | f \.tar\.z$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.tpz$ | f \.tar\.Z$| f \.tar\.bz2$ & t r
    x Extract the contents of a compressed tar file
    unset EXT
    case %f in
    *.tar.bz2) EXT=tar_bz2;;
    if [ "$EXT" = "tar_bz2" ]; then
    bunzip2 -c %f | tar xvf -
    gzip -dc %f | tar xvf -
    = t r
    + ! t t
    y Gzip or gunzip current file
    unset DECOMP
    case %f in
    *.gz) DECOMP=-d;;
    *.[zZ]) DECOMP=-d;;
    gzip $DECOMP -v %f
    + t t
    Y Gzip or gunzip tagged files
    for i in %t
    unset DECOMP
    case $i in
    *.gz) DECOMP=-d;;
    *.[zZ]) DECOMP=-d;;
    gzip $DECOMP -v $i
    + ! t t
    b Bzip2 or bunzip2 current file
    unset DECOMP
    case %f in
    *.bz2) DECOMP=-d;;
    bzip2 $DECOMP -v %f
    + t t
    B Bzip2 or bunzip2 tagged files
    for i in %t
    unset DECOMP
    case $i in
    *.bz2) DECOMP=-d;;
    bzip2 $DECOMP -v $i
    + f \.tar.gz$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.tpz$ | f \.tar.Z$ | f \.tar.z$ | f \.tar.bz2$ | f \.tar.F$ & t r & ! t t
    z Extract compressed tar file to subdirectory
    unset D
    set gzip -cd
    case %f in
    *.tar.gz) D="`basename %f .tar.gz`";;
    *.tgz) D="`basename %f .tgz`";;
    *.tpz) D="`basename %f .tpz`";;
    *.tar.Z) D="`basename %f .tar.Z`";;
    *.tar.z) D="`basename %f .tar.z`";;
    *.tar.bz2) D="`basename %f .tar.bz2`"; set bunzip2 -c ;;
    *.tar.F) D="`basename %f .tar.F`"; set freeze -dc;
    mkdir $D; cd $D && ($1 $2 ../%f | tar xvf -)
    + t t
    Z Extract compressed tar files to subdirectories
    for i in %t
    set gzip -dc
    unset D
    case $i in
    *.tar.gz) D="`basename $i .tar.gz`";;
    *.tgz) D="`basename $i .tgz`";;
    *.tpz) D="`basename $i .tpz`";;
    *.tar.Z) D="`basename $i .tar.Z`";;
    *.tar.z) D="`basename $i .tar.z`";;
    *.tar.F) D="`basename $i .tar.F`"; set freeze -dc;;
    *.tar.bz2) D="`basename $i .tar.bz2`"; set bunzip2 -c;;
    mkdir $D; (cd $D && $1 $2 ../$i | tar xvf -)
    + f \.gz$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.tpz$ | f \.Z$ | f \.z$ | f \.bz2$ & t r & ! t t
    c Convert gz<->bz2, tar.gz<->tar.bz2 & tgz->tar.bz2
    unset D
    unset EXT
    case %f in
    *.tgz) EXT=tgz;;
    *.tpz) EXT=tpz;;
    *.Z) EXT=Z;;
    *.z) EXT=z;;
    *.gz) EXT=gz;;
    *.bz2) EXT=bz2;;
    case $EXT in
    tgz|tpz) D="`basename %f .$EXT`.tar";;
    gz|Z|z) D="`basename %f .$EXT`";;
    bz2) D="`basename %f .bz2`";;
    if [ "$EXT" = "bz2" ]; then
    bunzip2 -v %f ; gzip -f9 -v $D
    gunzip -v %f ; bzip2 -v $D
    + t t
    C Convert gz<->bz2, tar.gz<->tar.bz2 & tgz->tar.bz2
    set %t
    while [ -n "$1" ]
    unset D
    unset EXT
    case $1 in
    *.tgz) EXT=tgz;;
    *.tpz) EXT=tpz;;
    *.Z) EXT=Z;;
    *.z) EXT=z;;
    *.gz) EXT=gz;;
    *.bz2) EXT=bz2;;
    case $EXT in
    tgz) D="`basename $1 .tgz`.tar";;
    tpz) D="`basename $1 .tpz`.tar";;
    gz|Z|z) D="`basename $1 .$EXT`";;
    bz2) D="`basename $1 .bz2`";;
    if [ "$EXT" = "bz2" ]; then
    bunzip2 -v $1
    gzip -f9 -v $D
    gunzip -v $1
    bzip2 -v $D
    + x /usr/bin/open | x /usr/local/bin/open & x /bin/sh
    o Open next a free console
    open -s -- sh
    #### Added by me ####
    #### Video File Menu ####
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    p mplayer
    mplayer %f
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    i ffmpeg -i (show audio/video info)
    ffmpeg -i %f
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    i mediainfo (show audio/video info)
    mediainfo %f
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    v vlc
    vlc %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    e Edit with AviDemux (avidemux2_gtk %f)
    avidemux2_gtk %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    e Encode to h264 vhq 96 700 (enc2h264 vhq 96 700 %f)
    urxvtc -e enc2h264 vhq 96 700 %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    e Encode to h264 hq 64 500 (enc2h264 hq 64 500 %f)
    urxvtc -e enc2h264 hq 64 500 %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    e Encode to h264 wmv 17fps 500 64 (enc2h264 wmv17 %f)
    urxvtc -e enc2h264 wmv17 %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    e Encode to h264 wmv 25fps 500 64 (enc2h264 wmv25 %f)
    urxvtc -e enc2h264 wmv25 %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    @ Encode to -oac mp3_abr_96 (enc2h264 audio 96)
    urxvtc -e enc2h264 audio 96 %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    @ Encode to vhq 140 1000 (scale to 624x352, enc2h264 series %f)
    urxvtc -e enc2h264 series %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    e Encode to mpg 160 1152 (enc2mpg mpg 160 1152 %f)
    urxvtc -e enc2mpg mpg 160 1152 %f &
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.VOB$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ & t r & ! t t
    f mplayer framebuffer (mplayer -vo fbdev -fs)
    mplayer -vo fbdev -fs %f
    + f \.mkv$ & t r & ! t t
    e Extract mkv file (video-audio-subtitle, extractmkv %f)
    urxvtc -e extractmkv %f &
    #### Audio File Menu ####
    + f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f \.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f \.ogg$ & t r & ! t t
    p mplayer
    urxvtc -e mplayer %f &
    + f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f \.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f \.ogg$ & t r & ! t t
    i ffmpeg -i (show audio/video info)
    ffmpeg -i %f &
    + f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f \.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f \.ogg$ & t r & ! t t
    i mediainfo (show audio/video info)
    mediainfo %f &
    + f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f \.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f \.ogg$ & t r & ! t t
    a audacity
    audacity %f
    + f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f \.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f \.ogg$ & t r & ! t t
    e Encode to ABR MP3 (enc2mp3)
    urxvtc -e enc2mp3 %f &
    #### Disk Image File Menu ####
    + f \.iso$ | f \.ccd$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ | f \.cue$ | f \.bin$ | f \.daa$ | f \.b6t$ | f \.b6i$ & t r & ! t t
    i isomaster
    isomaster %f
    + f \.cue$ | f \.bin$ & t r & ! t t
    3 Convert BIN to ISO (bin2iso)
    urxvtc -e bin2iso %f &
    + f \.iso$ | f \.ccd$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ | f \.cue$ | f \.bin$ | f \.daa$ | f \.b6t$ | f \.b6i$ & t r & ! t t
    c Poweriso convert image to ISO (all2iso)
    urxvtc -e all2iso %f &
    + f \.ccd$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Convert CCD to ISO (myccd2iso)
    urxvtc -e myccd2iso %f &
    + f \.iso$ | f \.bin$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Fuseiso mount image /mnt/cdrom (fuseiso %f /mnt/cdrom)
    fuseiso %f /mnt/cdrom
    + f \.iso$ | f \.bin$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Fuseiso mount image /mnt/iso1 (fuseiso %f /mnt/iso1)
    fuseiso %f /mnt/iso1
    + f \.iso$ | f \.bin$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Fuseiso mount image /mnt/iso2 (fuseiso %f /mnt/iso2)
    fuseiso %f /mnt/iso2
    + f \.cue$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Burn BIN/CUE image (cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrom %f)
    urxvtc -e cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrom %f &
    + f \.iso$ | f \.bin$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Burn ISO image (burn-cd -m)
    urxvtc -e burn-cd -m %f &
    + f \.iso$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Burn ISO image (wodim -v dev=/dev/cdrom)
    urxvtc -e wodim -v dev=/dev/cdrom %f &
    #### Image File Menu ####
    + f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
    v xv
    xv %f &
    + f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
    v feh
    feh %f &
    + f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
    f feh --scale-down
    feh --scale-down %f &
    + f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
    g gimp
    gimp %f &
    + f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
    3 geeqie
    geeqie %f &
    #### PDF File Menu ####
    + f \.pdf$ & t r & ! t t
    v epdfview
    epdfview %f &
    + f \.pdf$ & t r & ! t t
    x xpdf
    xpdf %f
    + f \.pdf$ & t r & ! t t
    x viewpdf
    urxvtc -e viewpdf %f &
    #### Text File Menu ####
    + f \.txt$ | f \.nfo$ | f \.cfg$ | f \.log$ | f \.srt$ | f \.sub$ | f \.ssa$ & t r & ! t t
    v leafpad
    leafpad %f &
    + f \.txt$ | f \.nfo$ | f \.cfg$ | f \.log$ | f \.srt$ | f \.sub$ | f \.ssa$ & t r & ! t t
    g gvim
    gvim %f &
    #### Archive File Menu ####
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    l List file contents (7z l)
    urxvtc -e 7z l %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    1 xarchiver
    xarchiver %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    2 Extract *.tar.gz (tar -xzvf)
    urxvtc -e tar -xzvf %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    3 Extract *.tar.bz2 (tar -xjvf)
    urxvtc -e tar -xjvf %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ | f \.cbr$ | f \.cbz$ & t r & ! t t
    4 Extract *.rar Full Path (unrar x)
    urxvtc -e unrar x %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ | f \.cbr$ | f \.cbz$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Extract *.rar Current Dir (unrar e)
    urxvtc -e unrar e %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ | f \.cbr$ | f \.cbz$ & t r & ! t t
    5 Extract broken *.rar Full Path (unrar x -kb)
    urxvtc -e unrar x -kb %f &
    + f \.zip$ & t r & ! t t
    6 Extract *.zip (unzip)
    urxvtc -e unzip %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    6 Extract *.zip with bsdtar (bsdtar -xvf)
    urxvtc -e bsdtar -xvf %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    7 Extract *.7z Full Path (7z x)
    urxvtc -e 7z x %f &
    + f \.zip$ | f \.tar.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    8 Extract *.7z Current Dir (7z e)
    urxvtc -e 7z e %f &
    + f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    9 Extract *.ace Full Path (unace x)
    urxvtc -e unace x %f &
    + f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    a Extract *.ace Current Dir (unace e)
    urxvtc -e unace e %f &
    + f \.rar$ | f \.cbz$ & t r & ! t t
    b Extract *.rar in *.rar_dir directory (unrar2dir)
    urxvtc -e unrar2dir %f &
    + f \.zip$ & t r & ! t t
    c Extract *.zip in *.zip_dir directory (unzip2dir)
    urxvtc -e unzip2dir %f &
    + f \.tar.gz$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ & t r & ! t t
    e yaourt Install/Upgrade Package (yaourt -U)
    yaourt -U %f
    #### Windows Executable File Menu ####
    + f \.exe$ | f \.EXE$ | f \.bat$ | f \.BAT$ & t r & ! t t
    r wine
    urxvtc -e wine %f &
    + f \.exe$ | f \.EXE$ | f \.bat$ | f \.BAT$ | f \.cmd$ | f \.CMD$ | f \.COM$ | f \.com$ & t r & ! t t
    r Dosbox (Dosbox normal)
    Dosbox normal %f &
    + f \.exe$ | f \.EXE$ | f \.bat$ | f \.BAT$ | f \.cmd$ | f \.CMD$ | f \.COM$ | f \.com$ & t r & ! t t
    r Dosbox (Dosbox normal3x)
    Dosbox normal3x %f &
    + f \.exe$ | f \.EXE$ | f \.bat$ | f \.BAT$ | f \.cmd$ | f \.CMD$ | f \.COM$ | f \.com$ & t r & ! t t
    r Dosbox (Dosbox advmame3x)
    Dosbox advmame3x %f &
    #### Internet File Menu ####
    + f \.htm$ | f \.html$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
    k kazehakase
    kazehakase %f
    + f \.htm$ | f \.html$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
    s swiftweasel
    swiftweasel %f
    + f \.htm$ | f \.html$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
    s elinks
    urxvtc -e elinks %f &
    + f \.htm$ | f \.html$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
    s links -g
    links -g %f
    #### Document File Menu ####
    + f \.doc$ | f \.rtf$ & t r & ! t t
    a abiword
    abiword %f
    + f \.doc$ | f \.rtf$ & t r & ! t t
    o OpenOffice Writer
    soffice -writer %f
    + f \.doc$ | f \.rtf$ & t r & ! t t
    o antiword
    urxvtc -e antiword %f &
    + f \.doc$ | f \.rtf$ & t r & ! t t
    o viewword (antiword -f %f > vi)
    urxvtc -e viewword %f &
    + f \.lit$ & t r & ! t t
    o c-lit
    c-lit %f
    #### Spread Sheet File Menu ####
    + f \.xls$ | f \.csv$ & t r & ! t t
    g gnumeric
    gnumeric %f
    #### Presentation File Menu ####
    + f \.ppt$ | f \.pps$ & t r & ! t t
    v OpenOffice Impress (soffice -impress)
    soffice -impress %f
    #### Java File Menu ####
    + f \.jar$ & t r & ! t t
    e Execute java program (java -jar)
    java -jar %f
    #### Help/Manual File Menu ####
    + f \.chm$ & t r & ! t t
    v xchm
    xchm %f
    #### Emulator Roms ####
    + f \.smc$ & t r & ! t t
    v zsnes
    zsnes %f
    + f \.smc$ & t r & ! t t
    v snes9x (snes9x -tr -dfr -y2)
    snes9x -tr -dfr -y2 %f
    + f \.smd$ & t r & ! t t
    v dgen (dgen -G 1280x960)
    dgen -G 1280x960 %f
    + f \.v64$ | f \.z64$ & t r & ! t t
    v mupen64_nogui
    mupen64_nogui %f
    + f \.nes$ & t r & ! t t
    v tuxnes
    tuxnes %f
    + f \.nes$ & t r & ! t t
    v fceu
    fceu -input1 gamepad %f
    + f \.nes$ & t r & ! t t
    v ines
    ines %f
    + f \.int$ & t r & ! t t
    v intellivission
    int %f
    + f \.gb$ | f \.gba$ & t r & ! t t
    v VisualBoyAdvance
    VisualBoyAdvance -4 %f
    + f \.gb$ | f \.gba$ & t r & ! t t
    v gvba
    gvba %f
    + f \.gba$ & t r & ! t t
    v vgba
    vgba %f
    + f \.gb$ & t r & ! t t
    v vgb
    vgb %f
    + f \.adf$ & t r & ! t t
    v amigacomputer
    e-uae %f
    + f \.gcm$ & t r & ! t t
    v tuxcube
    tuxcube %f
    + f \.st$ & t r & ! t t
    v hatari
    hatari %f
    + f \.a26$ & t r & ! t t
    v stella
    stella %f
    + f \.col$ & t r & ! t t
    v colem32
    colem32 %f
    #### Source-Code File Menu ####
    + f \.c$ & t r & ! t t
    c compile source file (gcc -O2 -Wall -pedantic)
    urxvtc -e gcc -O2 -Wall -pedantic %f
    + f \.cpp$ & t r & ! t t
    c compile source file (gcc -O2 -Wall -pedantic)
    urxvtc -e g++ -O2 -Wall -pedantic %f

  • [solved] Arch with GNOME 2?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a new Arch user, have been using Ubuntu for about two years now and decided this morning to give Arch a try; the install wasn't too bad, the only ultimate problem was GNOME 3... I'm hoping somebody here can tell me if there's a way to install Arch from scratch with GNOME 2 and Compiz instead of GNOME 3? I ended up removing G3 and I'm now using KDE, which is also not what I want, but certainly a million times better than G3.
    I had a quick look around, and it's clear that I'm not the only one who hates G3, the old threads on this forum regarding a downgrade are pointing to a lot of empty links, hence my new thread on the matter.
    I understand that it's faster to use G3 and so-on, but really it looks like it was built for people who haven't got a clue how to use a PC, and if I wanted that sort of "simplicity" then I would have brought a Mac. I absolutely DESPISE GNOME 3 and I'm really sorry if that has offended anyone.
    All I want is the simple, minimal interface that I had with G2, with the cute little foot in the top left corner, my customised menus and the basic window effects; that's it. I don't want Duplo-sized icons, I don't want fancy effects and I don't want the 0.0001 seconds of speed difference or extra security and reliability, because I'd rather my PC burst into flames from some G2 bug than I ever use G3 to do my computing.
    Last edited by Juln (2011-05-15 10:05:41)

    All I want is the simple, minimal interface that I had with G2, with the cute little foot in the top left corner, my customised menus and the basic window effects; that's it. I don't want Duplo-sized icons, I don't want fancy effects and I don't want the 0.0001 seconds of speed difference or extra security and reliability, because I'd rather my PC burst into flames from some G2 bug than I ever use G3 to do my computing.
    That's hilarious! lol.
    G3 is actually pretty good. If you don't like gnome-shell - then simply don't use it.  Compiz works really well in G3 ( i am using the latest version 0.9.5, compiled yesterday from source).  you can customize gnome3 menus, much in the same way as Gnome2.  However, the menus are fairly slow, when i compare them to my gtk2-menu - which had zero-delay in opening.  I've actually removed gnome-panel and replaced it with other tools, as i found gnome-panel to be a bit lame in may not mind it though.
    anyways,  I wouldn't be too worried about running G3 - a lot of people are in a scramble because they aren't interested in the shell. but the shell isn't a requirement. I think the developers would just prefer that everybody uses GS. while there was talk of not having it supported in the future, i doubt that will happen ~ as we all know Canonical will be porting Unity to run on top of the gnome 3 stack. (right now it uses gnome2).  So i tend to think we should be able to run fallback, for a long time
    it just might take some extra-tweaking, to get it the way you want your desktop to be. I'm now actually liking it better than gnome2, myself.  but it did take a bit of adjustment, but "under the hood" - gnome 3 has some nice features and improvements ove G2...
    theming isn't too difficult either - so if you don't like fat menus/giant icons... then, you can use a theme that doesn't have that - or edit your theme instead. (i sort of did both). I'm actually working on a nice dark theme, that has gtk2 style window-decorations (narrow/thin), slim menus and some other goodies. Gtk3 - looks really great too!

  • Mistakes with gnome.

    Hi there, the other day I fancied putting aside my usual, simple openbox and tint2 setup and having a play with gnome-shell for a while so I used pacman to install it and it's extras, changed my .xinitrc and had a poke around.  Due to my catalyst drivers it was fairly buggy graphically so I decided to switch back to my old .xinitrc and try another time. 
    All was hunky dory and back as it was until I tried to access my Windows and other Linux partitions via nautilus upon which I got the error that it didn't have authorisation to do that.  So I ran it with root and it worked out fine but I don't want to have to run nautilus as root every time, so I decided the problem had occurred around the time I used pacman to download gnome-shell and so I thought the best bet would be to remove it using pacman too.
    Now the real problem, after uninstalling gnome-shell the next time I tried to run startx after a restart my monitors just act as if they've received no signal.  my .xinitrc is fine and it also contains 'aticonfig --acpi-services=off' as suggested on the wiki.  I've had this problem a few times but have always been able to fix it one way or another, this time I'm completely stumped... Does anyone have any ideas?
    Apologies if this is trivial and thanks for reading.

    Devio wrote: That's my .xinitrc for my user.
    Okay let's try starting X only without openbox or any other windowmanager (wm) or desktop environment (de, like gnome, kde, xfce)
    run this:
    First no settings in .xinitrc
    1st attempt
    mv ~/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc.saved
    xinit; # if xinit is not installed install "pacman -Sy xorg-xinit"
    if the above fails and you think aticonfig --acpi-services=off & is required; run these
    echo "aticonfig --acpi-services=off &" > ~/.xinitrc
    This way we'll know whether X is starting or not. If X starts up and you see a xterm like window move your mouse pointer over there and type "openbox-session"
    if X is starting but openbox is not, then we should reinstall openbox and dependencies.
    Last edited by fast_rizwaan (2011-09-21 13:07:07)

  • Problem with Gnome and D-Bus

    Hi to all, i have a problem with Gnome and D-Bus
    Arch Release: 0.7.2 Testing
    Gnome:   2.14.1-2
    D-Bus: 0.61-3
    Screenshot explain all:

    1>then i can't promote garnome on this forum??
    yeah you can, but not as a solution to gnome related problem in arch. cause this doesn't resolve anything.
    2>You don't have to, garnome2.14.2.1(481kb) download the patches and patch it automatically, just change install dir to /usr
    (ONLY if you are using console-linux who want gnome a try). of course there is need small arch related patch.(in my experience 0)
    eh, i haven't got a clue what this means, putting patches upstream means they will get include in gargnome and upstream releases. i only tried to say we put a lot of our free time in gnome for arch.
    2-1>Well said, so choice is the each one's freedom.
    and this category isn't arch, this is Desktop Environments,
    i installed arch, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEANS I SHOULD USE gnome FROM ARCH!!!
    agreed, but again then we won't support your desktop.
    ARCH != gnome
    3>some bug stuff about Xorg-7.0, include mine[/quote]
    ah so it can be fixed.

  • No scrolling when viewing man pages with Gnome terminal?

    Hi all,
    I have just installed Oracle Solaris 11 on x86. For a long time I've used Solaris 9 on SPARC. I like the new OS, but I'm having a problem viewing man pages with Gnome terminal. When I view a long man page, e.g., "man newfs", I don't get a functional scroll bar on the right hand side of the window. And although the space bar works to advance the page, when I reach the end, it doesn't return to the command prompt. It just beeps, prints "END", and I can only exit by closing the window. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Suggestions would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks,
    Chris Tidy

    It does sound like you're using "less" instead of more. When you see the "(END)" prompt you can simply type "q" and it will exit back to the command line prompt making it unnecessary to close the window. See the "less" manual page for more detail on the less command. Under Solaris 9 the paging was done with the "more" command. If you set the PAGER environment variiable to "more" the man page will use more and revert to the behavior you'd be used to with Solaris 9. Less erases the text you've already read when you type that final "q" which is a behavior I don't like. I didn't bother to determine if there is a way to fix that with less, I just went back to more. The choice between "more" and "less" is a personal preference.

  • [Solved] Pulse Audio won't work on newly installed system with Gnome

    About a year ago I got a new computer and more or less retired my old one with my first arch install. Recently, I decided I would set it up as a Linux system for my sister. I first updated the computer, which broke it royally (since it was last updated before the /bin symlinking happened) but I eventually got it fixed. However, after doing that, Pulse Audio wouldn't work, then I broke X and decided to do a full reinstall.
    Now, on this clean install, Pulse is again not working. I have set up Gnome and gdm to work, and everything works great except Pulse.  The wiki says that Pulse with Gnome 3 requires no extra setup, so I have not edited conf files at all. I have, however, installed "pulseaudio-alsa", which created this conf file:
    # Use PulseAudio by default
    pcm.!default {
    type pulse
    fallback "sysdefault"
    hint {
    show on
    description "Default ALSA Output (currently PulseAudio Sound Server)"
    ctl.!default {
    type pulse
    fallback "sysdefault"
    # vim:set ft=alsaconf:
    which seems fairly standard. Anyway, I tried removing it and had the same problems. When I have Pulse Audio running and try to play sound, I get the error:
    ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
    Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy
    which is obviously trying for ALSA, or from mplayer:
    AO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refused
    Running "pacmd list" nets me:
    Daemon not responding.
    and pavucontrol gives me:
    Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK
    when I try to start it.
    No pulseaudio commands seem to work (e.g. pulseaudio -k). They don't raise any errors, but also it doesn't have any effect on the server.
    The only asound conf file is "/etc/asound.conf", clearing ~/.config/pulse does not fix the issue.
    Journalctl does not seem to give anything interesting (Stale PID is the only message when starting Pulse), though admittedly I'm just vgrepping all of journalctl since I don't know how to narrow it down more, nor does the output from pulseaudio -vvvv. There are a lot of errors in pulseaudio -vvvv, but they all appear to be related to loading devices that don't exist, and so I assume not a problem, I can post it if necessary. Sometimes when I kill Pulse the process refuses to go away and I have to reboot in order to clear the process out, but I don't think that's related.
    If I kill Pulse or keep it from starting on boot, I can play sound, but only through ALSA, and while I didn't have the problem I expected (I can still play multiple things simultaneously) there's still the issue that the volume buttons in Gnome will no longer work and that the volume levels ALSA reports are basically nonsense to a human being.
    I basically just blurbed everything I thought of/found on the wiki or forums, and I'm not really sure where to go from here. It's a fairly old computer, so that could be related, and I'd be willing to dump Pulse if Gnome could integrate well with ALSA, but obviously fixing Pulse would be the preferred option.
    Any suggestions on where to look next? I've run out of ideas.
    Last edited by HuFlungDu (2014-01-07 19:52:11)

    Wonder if you have a conflict between two audio cards ... for example, I have a friend with some PulseAudio problems caused by conflict between the HDMI audio from his graphics card and his onboard sound. Something would switch PulseAudio to the wrong card and it would just quit after getting itself into a twist. Unsolved, I'm afraid, but have a look at commands such as:
    aplay -l
    pactl list sinks
    pactl stat
    (Latter two will need PulseAudio coaxed into life first)
    and of course, the Arch wiki.
    If there is a conflict, blacklisting kernel modules might also be needed.

  • Help required with Gnome 3 Input Sources

    I used CapsLock before gnome 3.6 upgrade all working fine, however new Input Sources broke my system a little bit
    I fixed my CapsLock by dconf-editor org\gnome\desktop\input-sources\xkb-options ['grp:caps_toggle', 'grp_switch', 'grp_led:caps'], but I can't get work
    - language switch indicator not working
    - show-flags does nothing anymore
    Any help fit is required because of usability issues

    Also, with Gnome 3.6 it's no longer possible to switch layouts with the Caps key. That setting is not available even in gnome-tweak-tool.
    I figured out how to do make the settings a lot more flexible, and fix all the layout bugs introduced by 3.6. This is done by configuring everything through setxkbmap and not letting gnome interfere with the settings.
    Remove all input sources, and the typing shortcuts from gnome keyboard settings window.
    Open dconf-editor and remove everything from "org\gnome\desktop\input-sources\xkb-options". I was not able to set it to nothing, but setting it to ['grp_led:caps'] worked. These 2 steps were needed not to interfere with the config described below.
    Install kbdd-git from aur, if you want separate layout for each window.
    Create a script with preferred setxkbmap settings. Here is mine, setting Caps to switch languages, and swapping alt and win keys on MacBook.
    setxkbmap -layout us,ru
    setxkbmap -option 'grp:caps_toggle'
    setxkbmap -option 'altwin:swap_lalt_lwin'
    # kbdd is needed to keep separate layout for each window.
    `which kbdd` && kbdd
    Launch gnome-session-properties and add this script to the list.
    Last edited by ikatson (2012-11-02 21:51:13)

  • Does NVIDIA prop. work with gnome 3.2 now?

    Has Anyone Tried Installing NVIDIA prop. and used it with gnome 3.2. Is the NVIDIA prop. driver updated to work with the new version of xorg-server.I'm trying to switch from nouveau to NVIDIA prop.

    So fast! Thanks, i knew it wasn't a party with nouveau but was thinking maybe they would have fixed it for the older cards.

  • Issue with Gnome 3.12 login and MOTD

    This may be trivial, but I've struggled to find an answer for a problem I now have following creating an motd. I wanted an motd especially for terminal / ssh logins, but had no idea Gnome would attempt (I believe it does anyway) to display the motd contents immediately after logging in.
    Whilst this would not be an issue if it actually worked and displayed the motd rather than garbage (see image below). It makes my login time much longer as it hangs on the login screen, before finally reaching the desktop. If I blank the motd, this problem goes away, however, as said, I really want the motd for ssh and terminal use. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a way to disable Gnome from reading this file, or to display it correctly and not hamper my login times?
    I'm running Arch x86_64 with Gnome 3.12 and would appreciate any time and help on this.
    Do Not Post Full Size Images -- Inxsible
    - My bad, have created a 230 x 230 thumbnail with link:
    In case it helps, my motd code which works fine in the terminal:
    #Script to update motd with relevant information.
    #Define output file
    # Collect information
    HOSTNAME=`uname -n`
    KERNEL=`uname -r`
    CPU=`awk -F '[ :][ :]+' '/^model name/ { print $2; exit; }' /proc/cpuinfo`
    ARCH=`uname -m`
    PACMAN=`pacman -Qu | wc -l`
    DISC=`df -h | grep /dev/mapper/vg_arch-lv_home | awk '{print $5 }'`
    MEMORY1=`free -t -m | grep "buffers/cache" | awk '{print $3" MB";}'`
    MEMORY2=`free -t -m | grep "Mem" | awk '{print $2" MB";}'`
    PSA=`ps -Afl | wc -l`
    PSU=`ps U $USER h | wc -l`
    #Time of day
    HOUR=$(date +"%H")
    if [ $HOUR -lt 12 -a $HOUR -ge 0 ]
    then TIME="Morning"
    elif [ $HOUR -lt 17 -a $HOUR -ge 12 ]
    then TIME="Afternoon"
    else TIME="Evening"
    #System uptime
    uptime=`cat /proc/uptime | cut -f1 -d.`
    #System load
    LOAD1=`cat /proc/loadavg | awk {'print $1'}`
    LOAD5=`cat /proc/loadavg | awk {'print $2'}`
    LOAD15=`cat /proc/loadavg | awk {'print $3'}`
    #Color variables
    #Clear screen before motd
    clear > $motd
    echo -e "
    $B. $W
    $B/#\ $W _ $B _ _
    $B/###\ $W __ _ _ __ ___| |__ $B| (_)_ __ _ ___ __
    $B/#####\ $W / _' | '__/ __| '_ \ $B| | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /
    $B/##.-.##\ $W | (_| | | | (__| | | |$B| | | | | | |_| |> <
    $B/##( )##\ $W \__,_|_| \___|_| |_|$B|_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\\
    $B/#.-- --.#\ $W
    $B/' '\
    " >> $motd
    echo -e "$G---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $motd
    echo -e "$W Good $TIME$A $USERNAME$W! You're Logged Into $A$HOSTNAME$W! " >> $motd
    echo -e "$G---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $motd
    echo -e "$B KERNEL $G:$W $KERNEL $ARCH " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B CPU $G:$W $CPU " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B MEMORY $G:$W $MEMORY1 / $MEMORY2 " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B LV USE $G:$W $DISC " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B SWAP USE $G:$W `free -m | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $3}'` MB " >> $motd
    echo -e "$G---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $motd
    echo -e "$B LOAD AVG $G:$W $LOAD1, $LOAD5, $LOAD15 " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B UPTIME $G:$W $upDays days $upHours hours $upMins minutes $upSecs seconds " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B PROCESSES $G:$W You are running $PSU of $PSA processes " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B HOSTNAME $G:$W $HOSTNAME " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B PACMAN $G:$W $PACMAN packages can be updated " >> $motd
    echo -e "$B USERS $G:$W `users | wc -w` users logged in " >> $motd
    echo -e "$G---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $motd
    echo -e " $W Please do not share your login and use sudo for root access " >> $motd
    echo -e "$G---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $motd
    echo -e "$N" >> $motd
    Last edited by sjjones85 (2014-04-17 17:22:12)

    Inxsible, my apologies, hope the thumbnail is better now. Thanks for the welcome too, although I've lurked as a reader for a while

  • Problems with GNOME After The Last Upgrade

    I have too many problems these days with my Arch box.. And I don't know when or how these problems are solved but I'm really bored about having problem all the time. I don't know all of these are bugs but if they're I'm ready to enter some bug reports.
    1) After the last update, Metacity doesn't start automatically. So everytime, I don't have my mouse theme, my thema of borders of the windows, the notes I took with gnome's note applet doesn't disappear.
    2) gnome-power-manager is never the same that I used to.. I just found that killing and rerunning it is at least make it work. But it's menus and options is not rich as I was earlier times. It doesn't say that much as it did in the earlier times.

    I've same problem with gnome-power-manager, it works only when i kill it with killall gnome-power-monitor and re-run it.
    About metacity i don't have problem with it.

  • Live CD with Gnome?

    Can I try Arch linux with Gnome via live CD, such as Ubuntu for example? Where can I download it?

    Yes, that's right ngoonee.
    Building your own personalized system is far better than a ready to whatever use distro because it works at your way.
    And that is the "quid" of arch,
    however vasiceabc you can install any package
    and it be would work better and faster than in anyone distro (without compiling)
    The only thing that you need to know for correctly install and maintain arch is speak/read english (and read the wiki)
    If you think that you can break something you can try it in a virtual machine like vmware which installs from your package manager.
    download Arch from here:
    learn how to install it:
    and install it.
    then when you have it done sucefully you can customize it at your way. with pacman
    and if it liked (we're sure that you will love arch) you should install it in your HDD

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