OpenCL and CUDA. AMD 6870 or gtx 570. (Keeping the future in mind).

What GPU would be better, the 6870 or the GTX 570 for After Effects and Premiere Pro. With Apple completely jumping onto AMD GPUs, what is the future of OpenCL?
Should I get a AMD 6870  for 40$ or a GTX 570 for 50$?

No doubt in my mind, The nVidia is generally twice as fast as equivalent AMD GPU's.  I have tested both brands.

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    I'm going to build up a new workstation for video-editing using the Production Premium Suite CS 5.5.
    But there is still one big question and I can't find a proper answer.
    What GPU should I take or which one will be faster? A Quadro 2000 or a GTX 570HD with 2,5GB?
    I know the Quadro has 192 cores and the GTX has 480 cores. So the GTX should be faster
    Actually? But would it really be faster? I can't find any Benchmark comparisons or stuff.
    Some say a Quadro 2000 is better, if it's only a workstation. But I also read that people
    Prefer the GTX-Models.
    I know the GTX needs more energy and it's getting warmer when used, but those two facts
    Wouldn't persuade me to buy the Quadro.
    The rest of my system would look like this:
    Intel Core i7-2600
    ASRock Z68 Extreme 3 Gen. 3
    G.Skill RipJaws-X DIMM Kit 16 GB
    Crucial m4 128GB for OS, Programms
    Western Digital AV-GP for the media-archive and the orginal videofiles
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    Fractal Design Arc
    Scythne Katana 3
    Super Flower Golden Green Pro 650 W
    So the only missing thing is the GPU.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    For the most part, I second Harm. You see, the AV-GP is not compatible with PCs at all - but rather, it's a version of the WD Caviar Green designed specifically for set-top DVRs/PVRs. And in either case, the current WD Greens spin at far slower than 7200 RPM - in fact, most current WD Green drives spin at only 5405 RPM (with a few spinning as slow as 4200 RPM). The slower rotational speed negatively affects both sequential transfer performance and random seek performance.
    As for the non-K 2600, it is limited unlocked, not completely locked. There are two disadvantages to this limited unlock: Only the maximum single-core Turbo Boost multiplier is manually selectable, with the differing multi-core Turbo multipliers also increasing by the exact same number of steps as the single-core Turbo frequency (unlike on the K chips, the multi-core Turbo multipliers on the non-K chips cannot be set independently of the single-core Turbo multiplier). Second, the maximum Turbo multiplier setting is limited to four steps above the normal single-core Turbo multiplier: In the case of the 2600, the maximum single-core Turbo multiplier can be set at up to 42x (this will force the maximum quad-core multiplier to be boosted to 39x, which will result in a maximum quad-core overclock to 3.9GHz with the BCLK remaining at its stock 100MHz). The 2600K is so much easier to overclock the way the user wants it while costing only a few dollars more than the non-K 2600.
    As for the original decision between the Quadro 2000 and the GTX 570, definitely the latter: The Quadro 2000, as far as CS5.5 is concerned, is little more than a slightly underclocked GeForce GTS 450 with a huge heatsink attached to it and still only 1GB of VRAM. And as Bill's testing with the various GeForce GPUs (to be specific, Bill tested the GTX 580, GTX 480, GTX 560 Ti 448, GTX 285, GTX 260, GTX 550 Ti and the 9500 GT, from fastest to slowest - however, the GTX 560 Ti 448 is roughly equal to the GTX 480 in performance) in CS5.5 has demonstrated, the Quadro 2000 would definitely be slower than a GTX 550 Ti, especially in MPEG-2 DVD encodes.

  • Is it still impossible to run a GTX 570 with a Mac Pro under Lion

    I have the GTX 285 Mac Edition and it's running fine.
    Anyway, meanwhile I'm searching for a more powerful graphic card, e.g. the GTX 570.
    The premise is, that it will run with Lion and bootcamp Win7 ... without, or very less, hackintosh steps.
    Any ideas or suggestions?
    Everything could be helpful.
    Thx in advance and Greetz
    Mac Pro 3.1 early '08
    8 Core
    14 GB RAM
    Lion / Win7 Ultimate

    Hey Bob,
    Thanks for the information. My last experience was with VMWare 1 and I don't think this functionality was available then. I downloaded today version 4 and at this point I am running Win 7 within MacOS.  Haven't tried rebooting to my bootcamp partition yet or printing or sharing, etc. If it works as advertised though I should be a happy camper.
    The import option doesn't strike me as a good one for my situation.  I have 500GB on my MBP and 120 GB allocated to my windows bootcamp partition. If I do the import option with VMWare I'd basically need another 120 GB of the total space and then I'd have two unsynchronized windows disks, one under bootcamp and the other under VMWare.
    Running VMWare as a Mac application I can see it's a bit slower than running in bootcamp, but I expected that. 
    This is exciting stuff and I appreciate you taking the time to enlighten me. 

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    Anyway, the 570 is better anyway, and I can shell out a bit more cash to buy it. Right now I have a 500 watt nzxt power supply. I'm worried that it might not be enough for this card. I really don't know too much, so if using this power supply is fine, risky, or a complete no-no, then please explain why (I like to learn.)
    I'm guessing you'll need some specs so here you go.
    Intel Core i7 920  @ 2.67GHz
    15.0 GB Triple-Channel DDR3 @ 534MHz
    MSI MSI X58 Gold(MS-7522) motherboard
    current graphics card: 1024MB GeForce 9600 GT
    If there is anything else you need then let me know. Thanks to everyone in advance!

    Yup xmad is right
    Theorically GTX570 has 2x6pin = 2x75 Watt which is 150 Watt and added PCIExpress slot power at 75 Watt, so total GTX570 power consumption is 225 Watt. Your rig doesnt only has Video card right? You have processor, HDD or SSD, Fans, etc so just add more about 150 - 200 Watt again there you have total of 225 + 200 = 425 Watt just like Nvidia says minimum is 550 Watt PSU but remember its only quick count not close to reality ....  and for better long life, again like xmad said before try to get 600 - 700 Watt PSU. Like Corsair TX series or better (HX & AX series). Others brands also good like CoolerMaster silentpro Gold, Enermax, Seasonic X760 modular you choose.

  • I want to transfer all my iPhoto, iTunes, contacts, etc. files from my MacBook, which I am selling to a MacBook Pro. What is the easiest and safest method of achieving this? Can the files backed up on Time Machine be transferred to the Pro?.

    I want to transfer all my iPhoto, iTunes, contacts,documents, etc. files from my MacBook, which I am selling, to a MacBook Pro. What is the easiest and safest method of achieving this? Can the files backed up on Time Machine from the MacBook be transferred to the Pro in some way? I would like to capture the files as they appear on the MacBook, such as "Events" in iPhoto and the various song categories within iTunes without having to rename them all once saved on the Pro, which is the case with photos when I simply save them to thumb drive and import them to the Pro. Sny advice would be appreciated.
    Best regards,

                 Thanks for all your assistance. There is no need for apologies, Migration Assistant did indeed create a second account for the MacBook data. It has just taken me some time to figure out how to access it. I now have all the MB data in one account and the MBP files in another, which suits me fine. In fact, it is an advantage in my case as it keeps the private and business aspects separated.
    I will however try the fatcatsoftware to transfer all the iPhoto files to my iMac, where I keep my main photo library. and it will be of help to keep the events, etc in the transfer. As far as iTunes is concerned, I have HomeSharing on all my computers and this has obviated the need to worry about playlists being transferred successfully. However, HomeSharing did not appear to share the iPhone/iPod apps that were stored on the MB and although these have now come across with the new MacBook account on the MBP, I was wondering whether my iPhone and iPod will be recognised by the MBP and sync with it? Will I need to have the MB account open to achieve this or will the MBP recognise and sync with the iPhone/iPod automatically irrespective of which account is open?
    Thanks for the tip on deauthorising my iTunes account from the MB before sellng. This I will do and I believe the best way to remove all of my data from the hard drive is to reinstall the MacOSX operating system software. Is this the right approach to securely delete everything?
    Thanks again for sharing your expertise and your guidance through this exercise.
    Best regards,

  • Websites over Blogs - The Future of the Net and World Wide Web, Websites over WordPress

    Hey there, I have been a blogger for the past six years and frankly it has been getting tired and stale. It’s the same thing day in, day out. Recently a co-worker introduced me to Adobe Muse and I am going back to school to learn web design so I can make my own websites. Don’t get me wrong, blogging is cool but I am tired of blogging now. I want to know if it is more rewarding and more stable to work with websites instead of blogs.
    My issue is the updating of websites. I want to be able to make websites about my favourite new movies and music, not to mention TV shows and Caribbean culture. I’ll do three different sites of course as I like to divide and conquer and I hate doing the general thing. I already have a domain name picked out and I would sign up and start doing my websites as early as this evening. I have been positing like crazy on message boards about this but I wanted your take. I know you have done websites before and a co-worker, recently introduced me to Adobe Muse and I am loving the drag and drop features. It’s easy to use and it’s great to use and I am still learning to publish.
    What I want to know if how you update blogs without manually pushing down later posts down to a new page or to the bottom of an existing page, because in blogs WordPress does this for you automatically when you publish something new. I know webpage programs vary but what is the general procedure like? Blogs automatically create pages where things are basically archives to an older page with the older posts being there and newer posts appearing at the top of the main page. I really want to do websites again and learning how to create my own sites and all is cool. What I want to know as well is, if I can import my own templates and apply them to my site in Adobe Muse and Adobe Dreamweaver which I have used in the past when it was a Macromedia product.
    Also how do I publish my website or publish updated stuff like updated pages and items, etc? Blogs are fun and all but lately it’s just getting tired so with emerging technologies like php and css as well as html5 which are the future is it worth it to create blogs to put your opinions and content out there or work with websites and are most pages out there blogs or regular websites? Which is more profitable? I ask this because while websites are here to stay and have been around first and longer and still going strong blogs are hot and popular. Blogs haven’t been able to topple websites.
    Do you have a website or websites for yourself and how has it been, the process and so on? Can you update easily and do you use Adobe Dreamweaver? How is your web publishing and web content experience? What is web content like to you and where do you see your content going in the next five to ten years because while social media like Facebook is hot now, wit may not be hot in the next five to ten years. It may be a trend now that may evaporate in a few years so the next big thing may come along and websites and blogs may hold their own. What is your take?

    With the steady stream of emerging web technologies, the web is constantly changing.  What worked well for web developers 6 years ago has been replaced by all new programming and design methods.  This cycle never stops either.  A new trend emerges, remains popular for a while then fizzles out and is replaced by another one.  It's impossible to predict what will and won't last.  Only time will tell.  So professional web developers  must keep pace with all new technologies or risk being left behind. 
    6 years ago almost all web sites were built to support the average desktop/laptop screen.  A standard page width of 800 - 1000px was common.  Today however, we must cater to a whole new generation of mobile and tablet devices.  The one-size-fits-all web site layout is no longer relevant. 
    Mobile users interact with the web differently than desktop users.  They need finger-friendly navigation and forms.  They want quick access to less content.  And they need pages that fit their device and don't drain their batteries & data plans with gratuitous images, animations & other media files. 
    On the other hand, a desktop user with a good broadband connection is likely to want more information, greater interactivity and plenty of media-rich content because their device can support it. 
    Finding a balance between these two polar opposites is just one of the many challenges modern web developers face. 
    Dreamweaver vs Muse
    Dreamweaver is a pro-level web authoring tool aimed at people who care about code.  There's no limit to what you can do in DW, providing you have the requisite skills with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySql databases.  DW expects you to know code.  If you don't, you'll be very frustrated until you learn code.
    Muse is aimed at consumers and designers who know nothing about code.  All that drag & drop ease of use is nice but it comes at a price.  MU is limited.  You cannot use it to build dynamic blogs, shopping carts, or content management systems like WordPress.  It won't build mobile phone apps either. MU might be all you need for a static hobby site, but if you need more than that, you won't be able to do it in Muse.  More importantly, if you build your site in Muse, be prepared to stick with Muse for the life of your site.  The code it generates is almost impossible to work with in any other HTML editor.
    Decide what's important for your long-term project goals.  Use the right tools for your project.
    Nancy O.

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