Opening a file in excel

Is there any way to generate an output from Oracle that can open in xls without using TEXT TO COLUMN feature of excel?
Till now, I thougth a report should be generated in CSV format (separted by , say) and whenever it will open in MS excel, it will in row and column format. But one of my user complained that, whenever he opens the CSV file (seperated by ,) in XLS, he need to useTEXT TO COLUMN feature to convert it in XLS. Is there any way to avoid this or generate the file in oracle so that it can open in XLS format?
set heading off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
spool 'c:\report.csv'
select eno || ',' ||
ename || ',' ||
sal || ',' ||
from emp;
spool off
Thanks in advance,


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    The Yahoo Finance server sends the file with the ''Content-Type: application/octet-stream'' header. This is a generic MIME type that doesn't describe the type of file. Therefore you will always see a download prompt, regardless of your download preferences.
    * [ What are MIME types? | MDN]
    To get around this issue, install the Force Content-Type add-on.
    In the Add-ons Manager, Extensions category, click the Options button next to Force Content-Type. Create two rules as follows:
    * URL: '''(.csv)$''' Old Content-Type: '''text/plain''' New Content-Type: '''text/csv'''
    * URL: '''(.csv)$''' Old Content-Type: '''application/octet-stream''' New Content-Type: '''text/csv'''
    You should then be able to select what you want to do with CSV files (i.e. open them directly rather than save), and check the "Do this automatically…" option.
    You're welcome.

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    In regarding the issue, I had tested in Excel 2013 of my PC. It seems worked fine. Thus, I suggest you try to do the following methods to test.
    1. Import the CSV file into Excel 2013. Click Data tab>From Text
    2. Did you get en error message "SYLK: File format is not valid" when you open CSV file?
    If it was, please try to follow the link to fix the issue:
    3. Please try copy one of the CSV file to notepad and save it as a new name to test.
    4. You'd better upgrade the lastest patches.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Wait for Flag / Set Flag
    Separate Views from Implementation for Strict Type Defs
    Attachments: ‏3381 KB

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    Is it possible to get LabVIEW to do this?
    The problem is, I don't know which version of Excel will be installed, and I also need to accomodate future versions.
    Everything I've found with a search seems use to with a constant pointing to the location (in c:\program files\microsoft office....etc) of a particular version of Excel
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    Go to Solution.

    Oooooooh almost.
    It's on the right track, but, as is explained here, there needs to be a further pair of quotes in the command line.
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    Download and install Adobe Reader: Adobe Reader Install for all versions
    Open the PDF file using it. If security restrictions don't prevent it you could also print it.

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     I set the location as Http://sitename/document Library name
    Location type = Windows SP Services
    Checked trust Children
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I understand that when you try to open an excel file in browser, you received Access Denied error.  You can check the excel service settings in Central Administration like this :
    Open Central Administration -> go to Operations tab. Ensure that the Excel Service is running
    Open Central Administration -> go to your configured Shared Service -> click Excel Service Settings. Set  File Access Method:  ensure that it is not using Impersonation, instead the Option Process Account should be enabled.
    Open Central Administration -> go to your configured Shared Service -> click add new trusted file location.
    field URL: here you can specify a report library or the whole portal
    Location Type: should be Windows SharePoint Services
    Children trusted: defines whether the children should also be trusted or only the defined path
    For more information, please refer to this site:
    MOSS Excel Services you do not have permissions to open this file:
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
    If you have any feedback on our support, please [email protected]
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

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    really frustrating as a small percentage of our company has upgraded to Office 2007 with the rest still on Office 2003.

    This may be a file association problem.  To solve that:
    In Windows 7:
    1. Right-click the file,
    2. Select "Open With" 
    select [Your Program Here]
    3. Check always use this program. 
    In Windows XP:
    1. Locate the file as you have described above
    2. Right click the file
    3. Select Open with from the pop-up menu
    4. Click Choose default program…
    5. Select Excel in the Recommended Programs box
    6. Check Always use the selected program to open this kind of file
    7. Click on OK.
    1.  Make Excel not available from Office 2007 listed under Programs and Features in Control Panel.
    2. Take a registry backup using the steps given here
    3. In the registry editor window expand HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and navigate to .xls right and delete it.
    4. Exit Registry Editor
    5. Undo Step 1 to make Excel available.
    6.  Restart the computer and verify it the issue is fixed.
    If this answer solves your problem, please check Mark as Answered. If this answer helps, please click the Vote as Helpful button. Cheers, Shane Devenshire

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    This means that the file associations of the various Office programs have been muddled up somehow. Try an Office repair install; that should correct the file associations.

  • Not able to open .CSV file in excel sheet

    Hi All,
    I doing proxy to file content conversion scenario .Scenario is runing fine .I have huge ammount of data let say 2 lacs records
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    plz sugget
    Edited by: gangadhar kh on Mar 25, 2010 7:50 AM

    Dear Gangadhar,
    Refer this thread and it may give idea on your issue.
        how much rows can be visible in excel sheet

  • Cannot Open .xls files in Excel 2010

    Before we start, I would just like to say, I've read probably 9 or 10 other threads with no help.
    I cannot open any .xls file.  Unfortunately the user has already associated the file type with Adobe Reader, so I cannot just double click the files to open them.  I have tried the follow fixes with no solution:
    -Open With .. > EXCEL.exe  (I double click the application and nothing happens)
    -Going in to the file extensions page and associating it with the EXCEL.exe application there, but same thing, nothing happens
    -I have tried going into the registry and renaming the "OFFICE12"'s to "OFFICE14".  Nothing happened
    -I have tried going into the Excel folder options and checking off and unchecking  "Ignore Other Applications That Use DDE"
    -I have searched for the "Microsoft Application Virtualization DDE Launcher" application with no luck
    of finding it
    -I have tried re-installing and repairing Office 2010
    I'm out of idea and have no idea what to try next.  Any ideas?

    The registry key which could affect you open the .xls by double click is the following:
    This method is related to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you do it carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore
    the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    322756 ( How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
    I would suggest you rename the registry key, and then repair the Office programs to create a new key.
    For example:
    Rename “Excel.sheet.8” to “Excel.sheet.8.old”.
    Then repair the Office programs:
    Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > click the Office 2010 program that you want to repair, then click Change > Repair > Continue.
    You might need to restart your computer after the repair is complete.
    Rex Zhang
    Rex Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Am not famillar with *.csv files but I would like to know if it's possible to : open a CSV files in excel through labview.
    I can't used ActiveX for my application. This application is on Labview 8.2

    Hi Massif,
    a .csv file is a spreadsheet file, so use the "open spreadsheet file" VI.
    Dang, I'm always 30seconds behind you smercurrio!
    Message Edited by lmtis on 04-22-2008 10:27 AM
    LV 2013
    csv.png ‏2 KB

  • Open xml file in excel - default should be selected

    Hi All,
    I have done an Application to Export the Table data to Excel . I have done it successfully.
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    How to Open Files in Excel
    When you open an XML file in Excel, you are prompted to select one of the following methods to import the XML data:
                       As an XML list
                       As a read-only workbook
                       Use the XML Source task pane
    I dont want to see these three options (by default First should be selected). How can i do this.
    Thanks in Advance for ur replies.

    I am not sure how much this information helps to you. I am postiong this information to give you an idea.
    If you are able to achive this please let me know.
    As per my analysis it is not possible to hide these options.
    Even if you crate one .xml file on your desktop and if you open with Microsoft Excel it will give these three options. You have to select one of the options.
    I think WD Node data will be converted to xml and it will be opened through Microsoft Excel i guess.
    There are specific reasons why Microsoft Excel ask to choose these options when we try to open an xml file in Excel.
    As an XML list
    An XML list is created in a new workbook.
    The contents of the file are imported into the XML list. If the XML data file does not refer to a schema, then Microsoft Excel will infer the schema of the XML data file.
    As a read-only workbook
    The XML data file is opened as a read-only workbook. The structure of the file is flattened.
    Use the XML Source task pane
    Use the XML Source task pane
    The schema of the XML data file is displayed in the XML Source task pane. You can then drag elements of the schema to the worksheet to map those elements to the worksheet.
    If you are opening an XML data file that does not refer to a schema, then Excel will infer the schema of the XML data file.

  • Open .csv file in excel via Labwindows

    After writing all my data in a .csv and closing it (using fclose), I would like to open this .csv file using Excel via a Labwindows command so that the user can see all the data. Is that possible? If yes, which function should I use?

    The simplest way of all is to issue the command OpenDocumentInDefaultViewer (): it should automatically open Excel with the document in it. It is equivalent of double-clicking the file in windows explorer.
    If it does not opens the file, you must verify that in windows CSV file extension is correctly associated with Excel application.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
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    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Obiee cannot open .iqy file in Excel 2010

    when I try to open a .iqy file in Excel 2010 (windows 7) I get the Error:
    Unable to open The hyperlink cannot be followed to the destiantion.
    In Excel 2007 (windows XP) I can open/refersh this query without any problems.
    I think this is only a setting issue, but I don't have an idea what I have to change.
    Maybe someone can help
    Thanks and regards

    Go to View Options where you will select Narrative View or Pivot Table under that you can see a Filters,Just click and export the results to excel it will work,Below the screen shot for your reference.
    Recordings_2 - Download - 4shared
    Mark if helps.

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