Opening Acrobat 8 On A Windows Form

This is the first time I have used the Acrobat SDK so I apologize if this is quite basic.
I am trying to open a PDF in Acrobat 8 Professional on a Windows form (it will be on a tab in a tab control). I need to allow the user (who will have the full version installed) to have full annotation capabilities. I can get the code to open the PDF in Acrobat, but it opens separate from my program.
Can someone point me to what Visual Studio tool I would use for this? I am using c# and VS 2008.

The capability is there, it's just not exposed.  When using the embedded control, you need to add interfaces to whatever functionality you want.
There are no samples in the SDK in C# doing this, but take a look at the ActiveViewVB and StaticViewVB VB.NET samples.  Porting from VB.NET to C# is quite easy as they are both .NET languages.  You should also read the Interapplication Communication API Refrence documentation that comes with the SDK, it lists all the methods that allow interaction with annotations.

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    Hi Paul ,
    I would like to know does this happen in case of Acrobat only or while accessing any other applications as well ?
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    try something like this may it helps u.
    1. Open Internet Explorer 8
    2. Go to Tools, Internet Options
    3. Click on the Advanced tab.
    4. Scroll down into the Security section and find “Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks”.
    5. Uncheck “Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks”.
    6. Click Ok and Ok again.
    7. restart your computer
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    otherparams=prm_impli_type=9U prm_itype=0 prm_init_file=/home/ora1/myapp/ini/myapp.INI prm_debug_mode=NO

    Hi Amatu Allah,
    Thanks for your reply. my application is developed (fmb) in form 6i. please find the below details
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle Toolkit Version (Production)
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V6. Build #1459 - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (, v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Version - Production
    And My database is
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    My Applicatin server details is
    Oracle Application Server 10g Usernames and Default password information: Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator Guide for more information.
    Install Type: Oracle Application Server Forms and Reports Services

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    Depending if this is a web or win app, you have different solutions.
    Web or win, use hyperlinks and redirect to an aspx page (I think hyperlinks are supported in CR 10.2).
    Win, use events as described in the sample app / I have never used the events to pop up a new form, but you should be able to do this.
    BTW.; make sure you have sp 1:
    Follow us on Twitter

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    Hi Mandeep,
    This thread may be a useful reference for you: Why the open file dialog form goes to SAP background.

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    Process prc = new Process();
                prc.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
                Environment.CurrentDirectory = @"C:\SamplePDF\";
                prc.StartInfo.Arguments = " /C sample.pdf";
                prc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                prc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
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    Thank you for replaying so soon..
    Well you are right by using a widget and etc.. but the problem is that I have been told that this application should open a PDF file that has bookmarks to each chapter of the text and one can make a search on this text by using pdf search.. So I do not have any other choice than opening a pdf :D and my time is unfortunately limit.
    For solving the problem that the user may not have PDF reader.. well I have been told that user should install the pdf reader, so in my application package I am putting the installation file of PDF.
    But going back to my problem.. I guess is someway I have to get the OS type of the user and I have to do a SWITCH or something on the OS type and then change the content of the Runtime.exec(). But the question is how can I get the OS type and what should I change in Runtime.exec().
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    Make sure that you do not drag a tab in the browser window.<br />
    Firefox 3.5 versions and later have a feature called tear-off tabs.<br />
    You can detach a tab from the current window and open it in a new window by dragging a tab in the browser window.<br />
    You can drag that tab back to the tab bar in the original window to undo that detaching.<br />
    bug489729 (Disable detach and tear off tab):

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    A very long time ago, in the days of Firefox 1.5, someone created a COM object that you could use in place of the IE objects. However, that was not maintained. Instead, there was a very complex set of procedures to use the Gecko rendering engine in other projects, and last year, support for that was phased out ([!topic/ Smedberg 3/28/2011]).
    Today, you can build a Gecko-based application by using XULRunner. However, this is not a drop-in replacement for the IE controls. You can read more about it here: [].
    As another alternative, some have commented that it is possible to embed Webkit (the rendering engine in Safari and Chrome), but I haven't researched that.

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