OpenOffice 2.0 - samsung driver

is it only a problem for me or someone else can't print openoffice documents with samsung printers??? i can't. i downloaded samsung ml 1450 printer driver for mac os 10.4, but i'm not able to print my documents as i want. sometimes it works, sometimes not. SOMEONE HELP ME. now, for disperation, i'm downloading openoffice 1.1.2 for mac os 10.2. i hope.

I don't remember the "warning" during installation.
I check what happens removing staroffice-desktop-integration-8.0.3-6.
After that the menu item I create manually to open SO8 don't have anymore the icon and it open OO in place of SO8 also if it call "soffice". If I try the command "soffice" in terminal nothing happens. I think I will reinstall SO8.
I found a "soffice" in /opt/staroffice8 and calling it with menu item SO8 opens. I forgot this simple solution.
I'm still without icon for men� but this isn't a big problem.
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    You can use the 9800 Pro in the MDD if you tape pins #3 and #11.
    As for using the Zalman (or other cooler), the memory problem can be solved by using 1GB DIMMs, which would allow for up to two open slots.
    Clearance of the optical drive is another issue.
    If is just the EFI shield that is in the way, removing it can give a few more mm's of space.
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    For anyone coming here and unable to access the linked instructions: you can still install legacy support for this printer on newer version of OSX by downloading the Samsung GDI drivers from here: g-gdi
    You need to install:
    Samsung GDI
    Preferably in that order. Note: These are for older versions of the OS but the most recent ones still work as of 10.9.
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    The back of the drive, next to the ribbon connector should have a group of pins (usually 3-5 pairs). One pair of pins should have a small jumper connecting the two pins to each other. On the top of the drive, on the label, there should be directions on which of those pin pairs need to be jumpered to select between 'cable select', 'master', and 'slave'. Make sure that the jumper is set to the 'cable select' setting. You may need a needle-nose plyer to remove and reattach the jumper. It is plastic so be careful not to damage it.

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    Simply formatting the SDD does nothing on the performance side.
    Almost every SSD supplier provides some utilities to "sanitize" the SDD.
    So one should backup the SDD contents (acronis/gosth/paragon/whatever), then sanitize the SDD with the utility, then restore the image.
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  • Samsung 640GB hard drive issues

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    This is my first post on these forums, but have browsed them lots before and have found quite a bit of help. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a difinitive solution and was hoping someone might have an answer for me.
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    Any idea what the issue is? I have a feeling it's the Samsung hard drive that's the culprit... maybe I got a lemon? It's not the connections or anything, because every time I go into Disk Utility through the OSX installer disc, the Samsung drive is found no problem - I can even run diagnostic and repair processes no problem, but nothing happens (even if it repairs certain permissions, it has no effect).
    Anyone have any thoughts? Any help would be hugely appreciated. Sorry for the (very) long first post! THANKS!

    I bought the same drive for a fresh OSX install, everything was ok, except the fan was a little bit noisy and there is no such fan noise with the OSX on the original disk (250GB).
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    On the old system these values are: CPU: ~65-70C , Northbridge:50C Battery:30C
    So I don't know what to do..
    Maybe I should try 10.6.7 on the 640GB disk..

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    Yes, the Samsung drive will work in your  MBP, however, you may not be satisfied with its performance.
    The drive is slow (5400rpm) and has only an 8MB data buffer.
    You may want to consider a faster drive (7200rpm) with a larger data buffer (16 or 32MB).

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    thanks in advance *
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: MacBook Pro 17"
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro2,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.33 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 4 GB
    Bus Speed: 667 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: MBP21.00A5.B08
    SMC Version (system): 1.14f5
    Intel ICH7-M AHCI:
    Vendor: Intel
    Product: ICH7-M AHCI
    Speed: 1.5 Gigabit
    Description: AHCI Version 1.10 Supported
    Hitachi HTS541616J9SA00:
    Capacity: 149.05 GB
    Model: Hitachi HTS541616J9SA00
    Revision: SB4AC7CP
    Serial Number: SB2401SJGJWMAB
    Native Command Queuing: Yes
    Queue Depth: 32
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Mac OS 9 Drivers: No
    Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Macintosh HD:
    Capacity: 148.73 GB
    Available: 40.56 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s2
    Mount Point: /

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    If I looked it up right, this Samsung drive is a 3.5" desktop drive rather than a 2.5" notebook drive. So it would not fit physically.
    Western Digital makes a 750 GB and a 1 TB notebook drive which should fit your Mac. These drives are 12.5 mm high rather than the more usual 9.5 mm, but they are supposed to fit into a 17" MBP. They do not fit into a 15" MBP.
    You might check at both Newegg and OWC for these--they sometimes have specials that will be a better price than direct from WD. You can check WD's web site for detailed specifications.
    Good luck!

  • Print Driver for Samsung printing machine doesn't exist?

    Hello. At my workplace they have recently purchased a new giant printing machine called the Samsung SCX-7145. As a disclaimer I live and work in S. Korea so of course things are more confusing. Apple computers barely exists here.
    Anyway, how can I print using this machine? It has an IP address and I tried adding the printer just using the IP address with no luck in printing. I can't find any mac drivers for the machine. Any ideas what to do?

    In case anyone wants to know in the future I just added the IP address of the printer, selected a different Samsung driver and it seems to work now.

  • Samsung 1TB drive

    I'm upgrading from a ppc to a used dual core intel machine, my PPC had 5 - 400gb internal drives. The Mac Pro has one of the drive bays which is not usable (not sure why) and currently there are 2 400 GB drive that are striped and 1 150 drive which contains the OS. I'd like to replace the 150GB drive. I've never replaced a drive in one of these machines but it looks pretty straight forward.
    I found a 1TB Serial ATA/300 Samsung ECOGreen drive on sale any one have any experience with this brand? Any recommendations for a good replacement. Is a WD Black Caviar SATA drive an option? I am not certain of the difference between ATA/300 and SATA.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    First of all, this post is a mess, but I'm not sure how else to present it. I was trying to think of the best way to organize it, so I've broken it up into chunks, to make it easier to digest. I recently did a lot of research to find this information
    I bought 2, 1 TB Caviar Blacks and they vibrated so much, I decided to take them back because I didn't think it was normal for drives to vibrate as much as both of them did. In their place, I bought 2 new Seagate 1 TB Barracudas and they're much quieter than the WD Caviar Blacks were. The new Barracudas supposedly have 3 platter vs the old ones with 5 platters. And I made sure to lookup the serial numbers on Seagate's website to make sure they didn't have firmware issues. You can check that here.
    Interestingly enough, they say they are Barracuda 7200.11 (not 7200.12, as I expected), but they came in the new-style Barracuda box (the one with a pick of the drive sitting on a rock). The manufacture date of the drive inside was more recent than my old Barracuda 7200.11.
    For some reason, I'm having the hardest time confirming the number of platters in these drives. It used to be that hard drives would tell you on the box and on the drive itself how many platters were inside. Apparently, these days, we just have to guess or assume.
    Here's some info that might help you at the store!
    My new 7200.11:
    model number on box ST310005N1A1AS-RK = ST31000333AS model number of drive inside the box
    My old 7200.11:
    ST31000340AS model of drive (that came out of my failed Maxtor OneTouch III Turbo)
    Perhaps worth noting, the old 7200.11 is far quieter than the Caviar Blacks were.
    Both these hard drives are 1 TB in size, but I'm assuming the difference between these two models in perceived weight and the weight indicated on, I assume that the ST31000333AS has 3 platters instead of 5. I wish I didn't have to assume, but I'm not sure I have other options.
    According to a study done by Google, drives with fewer platters generally proved to be more reliable. It seems that nearly all drives have 3 platters these days.
    Seagate drives are generally cheaper than the Western Digital drives, have 5-year warranties, and they've proven to be very quiet drives, but their model numbering system is a disaster. Seagate says the 7200.12 can be used for RAID, but they don't include any info about the RAID capabilities of the 7200.11. It's possible that the only way you could get a 7200.12 is by buying OEM. It's also possible that the only difference between the 7200.11 and the 7200.12 is different firmware. Unfortunately, I've heard bad things about the reliability of Seagate's OEM drives.
    I've been told that Samsung drives are quiet, but I'm almost absolutely sure you'd have problems with the "eco-friendly" drives in a RAID configuration, and the desktop drives offer a 3-year warranty. Samsung also offers enterprise-class drives with 7-year warranties, those probably cost more and I'm not sure you can buy them at most stores. *In a hardware RAID configuration, the Samsung enterprise-class drives are probably my top pick.*
    *Western Digital*, in my experience (realize, I bought 2 of them and took them both back to the store), was too noisy and expensive, and only offered the 3-year warranty. In order to do a RAID on those drives, you have to hack the firmware to enable something called Time-Limited Error Recovery (TLER) so the drive is less likely to drop out of sync with your array. Western Digital's Enterprise-class drives include a 5-year warranty and RAID support, but many people are saying the RE3 is just a Caviar Black with different firmware. The RE3 is designed for use in RAID configurations only, unless you disable TLER. Having TLER enabled in a non-RAID configuration supposedly leads to data corruption problems, but I'm not sure if there are exceptions to that rule for software-based RAID arrays.
    *Exclusive use of Striped RAID (RAID 0) is dangerous*, due to the fact that if one drive fails, your data becomes inaccessible (unless you're willing to pay huge sums of money for a recovery service). If you want to this type of RAID, you should perform regular backup. I'd look at a Mirrored RAID configuration, instead.
    In my research, I discovered that the true cost of the hardware RAID setup I wanted fell outside my budget. My conclusion was that software-based RAID isn't reliable enough and hardware-based RAID is too expensive.
    You basically have 5 levels:
    Crazy - a single striped RAID array of any kind.
    Desktop - buying boxed SATA drives at any store and using them in a non-RAID configuration, hopefully backing up regularly.
    *Speed Demon* - a mixture of SSDs (Solid-State Drives) and regular hard drives.
    Enterprise - buying enterprise-class SATA drives and using them in a hardware-based RAID.
    Server - buying SAS (Serial-Attached SCSI) drives for use in a hardware-based RAID array.

  • How to install samsung clp-365w printer driver to 10.8.2

    I have tryed with new software from samsungs suppert and also without samsung driver from computers printer/fax setup. I have also changerd my download setup in privacy so that downloadin from everywhere is possible.
    Samsung says that the software is supporting 10.8.2 version of mountain lion and also say that there has not been other similar complaints.
    So is there some setup or something what could be preventing installation?

    Dear everyone with Mac installing problems! As you will see from my previous posts I have tried everything and still my intallation failed everytime. I have now re-installed the operating system Mountain Lion, backed everything up etc, and now it connects to the printer fine!
    I think it may be a corrupeted file problem somewhere on the computer.
    Hope this helps people!

Maybe you are looking for