ORA-01013 with Oracle ODBC Driver

I have a very strange problem occuring with the latest Oracle 8.1.6 Driver. I am able to set up the ODBC connection and it tests correctly. I'll open an Access 97 database and attempt to link to a table in an Oracle 8.1.6 through ODBC. I can connect to the database fine and it brings back a list of the available tables. However, when I select a table and attempt to link to it, I get the following error:
ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation.
This behavior also occurs if I try this operation through VB 6.0 code.
Has anyone seen this before or better yet, have an answer as to why it is occurring?
P.S., I'm using MDAC 2.51

As an update, when I turn tracing on, here is the section of the log file that contains the error.
HSTMT 01861988
WCHAR * 0x00000000 [ -3] <empty string>
WCHAR * 0x01862528 [ 5] "HQ"
WCHAR * 0x01862548 [ -3] "AS"
MSACCESS d5-cb EXIT SQLStatisticsW with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
HSTMT 01861988
WCHAR * 0x00000000 [ -3] <empty string>
WCHAR * 0x01862528 [ 5] "HQ"
WCHAR * 0x01862548 [ -3] "AS"
DIAG [S1T00] [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

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  • Insert into CLOB fails with Oracle ODBC driver version

    I tried to insert into CLOB using the latest Oracle ODBC driver and it fails. But the same works with earlier versions of ODBC driver earlier to ie.,
    Here is the code snippet I tried. Any help now is highly appreciated as I am in the crunch time.
    I tried the same code snippet with VARCHAR2 column with the same driver and it works.
    ** CONVDSN.C - This is the ODBC sample code for
    ** creating File DSN pointers to machine DSNs.
    **This code is furnished on an as-is basis as part of the ODBC SDK and is
    **intended for example purposes only.
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <sql.h>
    #include <sqlext.h>
    #include <odbcinst.h>
    #include <sqltypes.h>
    #define MAXDATALEN 25 //maximum data length per column
    #define MAX_COL 15 //maximum column in result set
    #define MAX_ROW 100 //maximum number of rows
    #define MAXBUFLEN 256
    #define SQLERR_FORMAT "SQL Error State:%s, Native Error Code: %lX, ODBC Error: %s"
    #define SQLERRCNTDTITLE "SQL_ERROR results continued"
    #define SQLWRNCNTDTITLE "SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO results continued"
    #define SQLERRMSGTITLE "SQL_ERROR results"
    // prototypes
    void ExpandFileName(LPSTR szFileDSNName, LPCSTR szDSNName);
    void MakeLegalName(LPSTR szLegalDSNName, LPCSTR szDSNName);
    // main routine: Iterate through the user and system DSNs, creating a pointer
    // to each.
    void FAR PASCAL DisplayError(SQLRETURN nResult, HWND hWnd, SWORD fHandleType, SQLHANDLE handle);
    void insertSelectClob();
    void checkRcCode(RETCODE rc);
    int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    return 0;
    void FAR PASCAL DisplayError(SQLRETURN nResult, HWND hWnd, SWORD fHandleType, SQLHANDLE handle)
         UCHAR szErrState[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE+1]; // SQL Error State string
         UCHAR szErrText[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH+1]; // SQL Error Text string
         // formatted Error text Buffer
         SWORD wErrMsgLen; // Error message length
         UDWORD dwErrCode; // Native Error code
         int iSize; // Display Error Text size
         SQLRETURN nErrResult; // Return Code from SQLGetDiagRec
         SWORD sMsgNum = 1;
         SWORD fFirstRun = TRUE;
         char szDispBuffer[MAXDISPLAYSIZE+1]; // Display Buffer
         szBuffer[0] = '\0';
              // continue to bring messageboxes till all errors are displayed.
              // more than one message box may be reqd. as err text has fixed
              // string size.
              // initialize display buffer with the string in error text buffer
              strcpy(szDispBuffer, szBuffer);
              // call SQLGetDiagRec function with proper ODBC handles, repeatedly until
              // function returns SQL_NO_DATA. Concatenate all error strings
              // in the display buffer and display all results.
              while ((nErrResult = SQLGetDiagRec(fHandleType, handle, sMsgNum++,
                   szErrState, &dwErrCode, szErrText,
                   SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH-1, &wErrMsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
                   if(nErrResult == SQL_ERROR || nErrResult == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE)
                   wsprintf(szBuffer, SQLERR_FORMAT, (LPSTR)szErrState, dwErrCode, (LPSTR)szErrText);
                   iSize = strlen(szDispBuffer);
                   if (iSize && (iSize+strlen(szBuffer)+1) >= MAXDISPLAYSIZE)
                   if (iSize)
                   strcat(szDispBuffer, "\n");
                   strcat(szDispBuffer, szBuffer);
              // display proper ERROR or WARNING message with proper title
              if (nResult == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
                   MessageBox(hWnd, szDispBuffer, (fFirstRun? SQLWRNMSGTITLE : SQLWRNCNTDTITLE),
                   MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
                   MessageBox(hWnd, szDispBuffer, (fFirstRun? SQLERRMSGTITLE : SQLERRCNTDTITLE),
                   MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
              if (fFirstRun)
                   fFirstRun = FALSE;
         while (!(nErrResult == SQL_NO_DATA || nErrResult == SQL_ERROR || nErrResult == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE));
    void insertSelectClob()
    SQLCHAR clobdata[1001];
    SQLCHAR resultdata[1001];
    SQLCHAR *bufp;
         SQLINTEGER cbOrderID = sizeof(SQLSMALLINT);
         SQLSMALLINT sTmp=13;
         SQLCHAR *sqlStmt1  = _T("INSERT INTO clobtbl(id, clob1) VALUES(?, ?)");
         SQLCHAR *sqlStmt2  = _T("SELECT id, clob1 FROM clobtbl");
    //     SQLCHAR *sqlStmt1  = _T("INSERT INTO testInsert(id, clob1) VALUES(?, ?)");
    // SQLCHAR *sqlStmt2  = _T("SELECT id, clob1 FROM testInsert");
    int clobdatalen, chunksize, dtsize, retchklen;
         HENV envHnd;
    HDBC conHnd;
    HSTMT stmtHnd;
    RETCODE rc;
         int nRowcnt=0;
         SQLPOINTER pToken = NULL;
    rc = SQL_SUCCESS;
    // ENV is allocated
    rc = SQLAllocEnv(&envHnd);
    // Connection Handle is allocated
    rc = SQLAllocConnect(envHnd, &conHnd);
    rc = SQLConnect(conHnd, T("testd734"), SQLNTS, T("ipathdba"), SQLNTS, T("ipathdba"), SQLNTS);
    printf(_T("Insert CLOB1 using SQLPutData...\n[%s]\n"), sqlStmt1);
    // Set CLOB Data
    int i;
    SQLCHAR ch;
    for (i=0, ch=_T('A'); i< sizeof(clobdata)/sizeof(SQLCHAR); ++i, ++ch)
    if (ch > _T('Z'))
    ch = _T('A');
    clobdata[i] = ch;
    clobdata[sizeof(clobdata)/sizeof(SQLCHAR)-1] = _T('\0');
    clobdatalen = lstrlen(clobdata); // length of characters
    chunksize = clobdatalen / 7; // 7 times to put
         rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conHnd, &stmtHnd);
    // Step 1: Prepare
    rc = SQLPrepare(stmtHnd, sqlStmt1, SQL_NTS);
    // checkSQLErr(envHnd, conHnd, stmtHnd, rc);
    // Step 2: Bind Parameter with SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC
    rc = SQLBindParameter(stmtHnd,
    rc = SQLBindParameter(stmtHnd,
    // checkSQLErr(envHnd, conHnd, stmtHnd, rc);
    // Step 3: Execute
    rc = SQLExecute(stmtHnd);
         while (rc == SQL_NEED_DATA) {
              rc = SQLParamData(stmtHnd, &pToken);
              if (rc == SQL_NEED_DATA) {
                   for (dtsize=0, bufp = clobdata;
                        dtsize < clobdatalen;
                        dtsize += chunksize, bufp += chunksize)
                   int len;
                   if (dtsize+chunksize < clobdatalen)
                        len = chunksize;
                        rc = SQLPutData(stmtHnd, bufp, len*sizeof(SQLCHAR));
                        len = clobdatalen-dtsize;
                        rc = SQLPutData(stmtHnd, bufp, SQL_NTS);
              rc = SQLParamData(stmtHnd, &pToken);
    // Fails as row count retrieved is zero.
         rc = SQLRowCount(stmtHnd, &nRowcnt);
         if(rc != SQL_SUCCESS)
              DisplayError(rc, NULL, SQL_HANDLE_ENV, conHnd);
    rc = SQLFreeStmt(stmtHnd, SQL_CLOSE);
    printf(_T("Finished Update\n\n"));
    rc = SQLAllocStmt(conHnd, &stmtHnd);
    if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS)
    printf(_T("Failed to allocate STMT\n"));
    // Clear Result Data
    memset(resultdata, 0, sizeof(resultdata));
    chunksize = clobdatalen / 15; // 15 times to gut
    rc = SQLExecDirect(stmtHnd, sqlStmt2, SQL_NTS); // select
         if(rc != SQL_SUCCESS)
              DisplayError(rc, NULL, SQL_HANDLE_ENV, conHnd);
    // Step 2: Fetch
    rc = SQLFetch(stmtHnd);
    for(dtsize=0, bufp = resultdata;
    dtsize > sizeof(resultdata)/sizeof(CHAR) && rc != SQL_NO_DATA;
    dtsize += chunksize-1, bufp += chunksize-1)
    int len; // len should contain the space for NULL termination
    if (dtsize+chunksize<sizeof(resultdata)/sizeof(CHAR))
    len = chunksize;
    len = sizeof(resultdata)/sizeof(CHAR)-dtsize;
    // Step 3: GetData
    rc = SQLGetData(stmtHnd,
    if (!_tcscmp(resultdata, clobdata))
         if (conHnd)
         if (envHnd)

    Since 9.2 has been desupported for error correction you will not be able to download that version from OTN. You should ask whoever is providing the training if their is an alternate version you can use. The only versions that you will be able to download from oracle.com is 10.2 11.1, and 11.2.

  • Memory Leak with Oracle ODBC Driver for Long Raw columns

    Oracle version : 8.1.7
    Platform : Win2K
    Oracle ODBC Driver version :
    I've got an Oracle database upgraded from
    V8.0.5 to V8.1.7 which has a table having one long raw +
    normal columns. I was able to observe distinct memory
    leaks (approx 80K) when using ODBC interface calls (thro C++ code) that referenced a combination of normal & long raw columns in a select statement. However, this leak was not observed when only normal columns were present in the
    select statement. Is there any known restriction for using
    long raw columns with other columns? Or do long raw columns have a known memory leak problem thro ODBC?

    Did you ever get an answer on this issue?
    Thanks in advance

  • Problem with Oracle ODBC Driver on Windows 7

    Please help with this problem I have with a Windows 7 machine. I have installed Oracle Client 11g on my Windows 7 machine but when I want to create an ODBC Data Source, I cant find any driver for oracle. How can I resolve this issue? I need the data source for an application to work and I cant figure out what is happening. Someone please help!

    There's a dedicated Oracle ODBC forum:
    As this forum deals with connections from Oracle to foreign data stores it would be better to close this thread and post it again in the ODBC forum.

  • "stack overflow" when trying to connect with Oracle ODBC

    I'm trying to connect to Oracle DB ( from WinNT 4.0 SP6 with Oracle ODBC driver I've been trying to connect with "Oracle ODBC Test" and with "MS Query". In either way I end up with Dr. Watson reporting about "stack overflow". Before starting to upgrade ODBC driver I wanted to ask - should these versions of driver and DB work together at all (even unofficially)? Or may I be missing some other thing? Any hints, ideas are welcome.
    Madis Priilinn

    Thank You for replying, Justin!
    Yes, I can connect successfully to the database through other tools - at the moment I tried SQL*Plus, Net8 Easy Config and Schema Manager.
    The Oracle client in the NT machine is And unfortunately I do not know anything about the Oracle installation on this machine and at the moment I don't have that person near me too whom to ask also. But I think the installation was ok, because the connection through ODBC was working before the DB upgrade as far as I understood (sorry, again at the moment I don't know what was the previous version of DB. I will ask that information as soon as possible).
    The main problem that bothers me at the moment is that I can't install 8.1.* series OraODBC driver with Oracle Installer. I managed to install version of the driver, but not the newer ones. As far as I've understood I have to upgrade the whole Oracle in the NT machine to upgrade that installer. Am I correct?
    Madis Priilinn

  • Oracle ODBC driver and TIMESTAMP with timezone

    Does anyone know if it is possible to return data from a "TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE" column using the Oracle ODBC driver and an ADO Recordset?
    I am using the Oracle driver version and TIMESTAMP fields work fine.
    I can call Recordset->Open() with a query like "SELECT * FROM TABLE" when the table contains a column of type timestamp with timezone but when I execute a statement to see if there are results as in
    if (!(srcRecsetPtr->BOF && srcRecsetPtr->EndOfFile))
    my application throws an unhandled exception and exits. The exception is not a COM exception and I'm not sure how to get back additional information if that's possible.
    The only information I've been able to find in searching TechNet and MetaLink is that a workaround is to wrap the columns in a TO_CHAR or TO_DATE conversion first but that's not a good solution for my problem since I am executing user specified SQL which may join multiple tables.
    I've found one other note that says the documentation should be corrected and that these fields are NOT supported period (Bug #4011640).
    I've experimented with the Bind Timestamp as Date option in the ODBC connection and with various ALTER SESSION settings to attempt to change the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT but I have been unable to get past the problem.
    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    Hi Justin
    Thanks for your help.
    I tried what you mentioned and I could connect myself via SQL*Plus without passing a password and a login, Extern authentification seems to work and my user seems to be right configurated.
    But he problem goes on via ODBC. When I test connection in the ODBC Data Source Administrator of Windows XP, test fails and seems to forbid connection without userID and password. When I try to connect via ODBC in my program the same problem appears : "Unable to connect SQLSTATE=28000 [Oracle][ODBC][ORA]Ora-01017: Invalid username/password;logon denied" I could not connect in this way.. What's wrong ?

  • Oracle ODBC Driver sqora32.dll with /*+ RULE */ base hints

    Hi Everybody,
    I have a problem with SQL queries with /*+ RULE */ base hints being posted to an Oracle database. I have reason to believe that these queries are generated by the Oracle ODBC Driver itself. Although I don't have a performance problem per se, I need to reduce these hints to a minimum so we can fine-tune the database as a whole.
    * The views that are hit are always the same: All_Objects, All_Arguments, All_Synonyms,
    * We are using Oracle ODBC driver for Windows, the database server is a RS6000 with AIX and Oracle 10g,
    * Aside Oracle Development tools, there are no applications, reports or similar gadgets that query the tables described above.
    I would really appreciate any help about this issue.
    Here is an example of the type of queries that I'm writing about:
    SELECT /*+ RULE */ '', b.owner, decode (b.object_type, 'PACKAGE', CONCAT( CONCAT (b.object_name, '.'), a.object_name), b.object_name), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, decode (b.object_type, 'PACKAGE', decode(a.position, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0), decode(b.object_type, 'PROCEDURE', 1, 'FUNCTION', 2, 0))
    WHERE ( b.object_type = 'PROCEDURE' OR b.object_type = 'FUNCTION' ) AND b.object_id = a.object_id AND (a.sequence=1 OR a.sequence=0) AND b.OBJECT_NAME = 'MYTABLE' AND b.OWNER = 'MYSCHEMA' UNION
    SELECT /*+ RULE */ '', b.owner,b.object_name,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,decode(b.object_type, 'PROCEDURE', 1, 'FUNCTION', 2, 0)
    WHERE (b.object_type = 'PROCEDURE' OR b.object_type = 'FUNCTION') AND b.OBJECT_NAME = 'MYTABLE' AND b.OWNER = 'MYSCHEMA' UNION
    SELECT /*+ RULE */ distinct '', a.owner,CONCAT(CONCAT (a.package_name, '.'), a.object_name),NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,decode(a.position, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0)
    WHERE (a.sequence=1 OR a.sequence=0) AND a.OBJECT_NAME = 'MYTABLE' AND a.OWNER = 'MYSCHEMA' ORDER BY 2,3
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: user10165637 on Jul 28, 2009 1:29 PM

    Hi Greg,
    Thank you for your answer. One of the things that we did when we migrated to Oracle 10g was to ensure that the "Disable Rule Base Hints" flag, located in the "Work-arounds" tab in the ODBC DSN window is checked. We previously refreshed all Microsoft's Access databases to use this new DSN connection. Still, the hints are there.
    However... we may have been able to link these calls to these Oracle System Catalog views, with a custom application that launces Crystal Reports.
    Although we all know that Crystal Reports also caches ODBC DSN configuration settings, I must say that these same Crystal Reports do not generate hints when called from their InfoView server.
    We will proceed to modify the custom application, overridding the dissable rule-base hint work-around with the string "DRH=T" on the connection string. Next week we will know if this works.
    Best Regards,

  • ORA-24816 error with oracle 10 driver

    I am getting the following error with Oracle 10 driver while trying to insert data > 4k into a LONG column. The table also contains another column of type varchar2(4000). The code works perfectly fine with Oracle 9i driver.
    ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column
    Kindly let me know if this is a programming error or a driver problem.

    this driver you mentioned, is it the jdbc driver?
    ORA-24816:     Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column
    Cause:     A Bind value of length potentially > 4000 bytes follows binding for LOB or LONG.
    Action:     Re-order the binds so that the LONG bind or LOB binds are all at the end of the bind list.
    using this forum may be more efficient -> http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=99&start=0

  • Oracle ODBC driver with Access Application

    I get a problem when using MS-Access 2007 DAO recordset built on table hosted by an Oracle database 10g and connected thru ODBC
    The table scheme is :
    idPartenaire : number(11)
    libelle : varchar2(250)
    code : varchar2(5)
    actif : number(1)
    idCollege :numner(11)
    idPartenaire is generated by a sequence read in a trigger fired before insert on th table.
    The code I use in Access is :
    The query associated with the form is :
    "select * from table1"
    and the event procedure connected to a button on the form is :
    Private Sub Commande0_Click()
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Me.Recordset!libelle = CStr(Rnd) ' some value
    Me.Recordset!code = “”
    Me.Recordset!actif = -1
    Me.Recordset!idCollege = 1
    Me.Recordset.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.LastModified
    Dim idtemp As Long
    idtemp = Me.Recordset.idPartenaire
    Me.Recordset.FindFirst "idPartenaire = " & idtemp
    Set rs = Nothing
    End Sub
    When I run this code, I get an error 3167 (current record is deleted) on the line :
    idtemp = Me.Recordset.idPartenaire
    If I change the ligne :
    Me.Recordset!code = “”
    By :
    Me.Recordset!code = “xxxx”
    or if I comment this line, the error does not appear and I get the right value in idtemp variable.
    I tried also with the same table in a SQL Server database table. In this case it works fine in all cases.
    So, I seems that the problem is due to the Oracle ODBC driver. I tried with different versions of Oracle ODBC drivers (v10.0.2.4, v11.1.6)
    I search on Internet but I have not found any explanation or solution.
    Does anybody experiment the same problem (and find a solution)?
    Gilles Roussel.

    The two lines you quote aren't errors, they're warnings and they're pretty standard fare. If there isn't anything else in the ODBC log, then the driver isn't returning any errors. I'm not sure why Access is failing, so let's look at the client configuration first.
    - I assume you've successfully installed the 8.1.6 client on the machine with Access. Were there any errors during the install?
    - You say you're using the 8.1.6 version of the Oracle ODBC driver-- can you look to see what the last digit of the version is? If possible, I'd start by downloading the most recent 8.1.6.x ODBC driver from OTN.
    - Check which version of the MDAC you have installed (new versions & a version checker are available from Microsoft at <http://www.microsoft.com/data>.
    - The ODBC driver you download above will list which versions of the MDAC it is expected to work with. Make sure your version is one of the listed versions.

  • Oracle ODBC Driver (Windows 2003 x64 Server)

    Hi all
    I have some trouble with this ODBC Driver ...
    I have installed Oracle Client with the ODBC Driver and SQLplus etc.
    Now I have configured in the "Net Manager" some "Service Naming" as I did
    on other servers before. Then I Test the connection in the "Net Manager" it
    seams to work fine.
    When I now try to connect in SQL Plus the following error comes up:
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    I did already do this:
    - Add "...\NETWORK\ADMIN" to the Path Variable of the server
    - sqlnet.ora looks like:
    - tnsnames.ora looks like:
    MyName.WORLD =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myDomain.net)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = DBSIDxx)
    What do I have to do to get this working ???
    Thanks for any comments!
    Best regards
    Frank Uray

    Nevermind, I think I'm to assume that this is the same as:
    Re: unable to use SQL Plus (Windows 2003 x64 Server)

  • CR Oracle ODBC Driver

    I recently had to reinstall my operating system (Windows XP Pro 32 bit) and applications, which included Crystal Reports. CR was originally setup to access our companies database tables. I also had and ODBC connection setup for CR.
    I'm having trouble finding the right ODBC software to reinstall so that the CR Oracle ODBC Driver 5.0 shows up in the Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC)/ Drivers. The only ODBC driver that shows up is the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle, which won't connect.
    Once I have the CR ODBC Driver, then I just need to configure it in the System DSN, and copy the sqlnet.ora and tsnnames.ora files into C:\oracle\ora92\network\ADMIN, which is where it is located on another computer that can connect.
    Does anybody know which Oracle software would work for the CR driver issue? Is Oracle supposed to be installed prior to CR so the driver shows up?
    It's been several years since this was originallly setup, and not quite sure how to get the CR driver.
    Please help! Thanks for your assistance.

    if u r running the CR in the current user then you can make the ODBC
    in user dsn or System dsn
    you are to select the Microsoft ODBC for ORACLE
    Then at configuration time the Server will be the Service Name which you have entered in the TNSNAMES.ORA File
    eg orcl.
    then user name eg; scott
    then password as scott;
    thne your odbc is created...
    you can work with CR with this odbc
    if your odbc still not working then go for the latest drivers provider for the oracle 10g
    do it
    best of luck..

  • Setting up an Oracle ODBC Driver and Essbase

    Hi all,
    I am trying to retrieve data directly from Essbase into SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) by setting up an Oracle ODBC Driver and Essbase.
    I read this document in the below link and I was convinced that I could use ODBC to connect to Essbase, but our data administrator says that Essbase is an OLAP database and can NOT use ODBC.
    I am a SAS programmer, but I have no background in technical configuration, so I was wondering if someone can help me if it is really possible or not to connect to Essbase using ODBC.
    If it is possible, I have a follow up question...
    I followed this link below to do a set up and did so successfully before the actual step to add a new data source to ODBC driver.
    I should be able to select the TNS Service Name from the drop down list. This name will be that which I named in the TNSNAMES.ora file’s Alias = section, but I don’t see this option…
    It would be great if someone knows why I do not see this option populated under drop-down in the screenshot.
    Setting up an Oracle ODBC Driver and Data Source | Ten Six Consulting

    1) As I recall, the problem of returning 0 is caused either by an outdated version of the ODBC driver or of the MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components). Updated versions of the ODBC driver are available here on OTN and updated versions of the MDAC are available at <http://www.microsoft.com/data>.
    2) Versioning-
    To determine the version of the Oracle8 ODBC driver you should be using, simply match up the first three digits of the ODBC driver version and the Oracle client version (see chart Mr. Oehl posted). The ODBC driver should go on an 8.1.5.x.x system, the ODBC driver should go on an 8.1.6.x.x system. If you have an Oracle7 client, you'll need one of the version 2.5x Oracle7 ODBC drivers.
    Any ODBC driver should connect with any Oracle database. No need to match anything up there. You can determine the version of the database you're connected to by calling the ODBC function SQLGetInfo with the InfoType SQL_DBMS_VER.
    A little elaboration on version numbers
    - Oracle versions are generally 5 digits (i.e., The versions that you get on CD's are generally (always?) x.x.x.0.0 versions (i.e., The last two digits are incremented by periodic patchkit releases <ftp://oracle-ftp.oracle.com/server/patchsets/wgt_tech/server/windowsNT/>
    - ODBC drivers must report versions in 4 parts, each part having 2 digits (i.e. Since we're lazy about typing extra 0's, we simplify this and just refer to the ODBC driver.
    - The 8.1.5.x ODBC driver is built with the client libraries that ship with Oracle 8.1.5.x.x, the 8.1.6.x ODBC driver is built with the client libraries that ship with Oracle 8.1.6.x.x, etc. This is why I said above that you need to match the first 3 version numbers between Oracle client and ODBC driver to determine which to use.
    I hope this is more enlightening than confusing...
    Justin Cave
    ODBC Development

  • MS ODBC or Oracle ODBC driver?

    Can anyone tell me which is the correct driver to use when developing front end MS Access 2003 to retrieve and update data on a Open VMS platform with Oracle database?
    I have serval Access 2000 databases that run on most WinNT or W2K clients with a couple of W2K Dell exceptions. These Access 2000 db's connect to the Oracle database using linked tables and SQL pass-through queries that work with ODBC Manager-DNS system setup using the Microsoft for Oracle ODBC driver.
    Now we are upgrading to Office Pro 2003 so new W2K images have been setup with Oracle 8.1.7 Client. SQL*Plus works on these clients but when I create the System DNS the Access databases return an error "ODBC connection failed". I can however connect with a pass-through query using Oracle's ODBC driver. Not enough time in roll-out plan to change the ODBC connection string in hundreds of Access SPT queries.
    Please help!

    if you still need assistance reagarding this...email me directly..

  • How to select active Oracle ODBC Driver programmatically?

    My application creates ODBC DSN to connect with Oracle 10g database server. I need to find out Oracle Driver installed on the system programmatically. I am trying to read KEY_<PRODUCT NUMBER> registry key and eventually searching ORACLE_HOME value. This helps me in searching Oracle Driver in ODBCINST.INI registry key. (Oracle in OraDb10g_home1)
    If multiple Oracle clients are installed on the same system, multiple KEY_<PRODUCT NUMBER> registry keys and oracle drivers would be available. I am not sure which and how to select the current active oracle driver.
    Oracle in OraDb10g_home1
    Oracle in OraDb10g_home2
    Can anybody help me out? Can I use inventory file (inventory.xml) to determince current active home directory? Reading PATH environment variable to identity active home directory would be tedious.

    Please look at following thread for answer.
    How to select active Oracle ODBC Driver programmatically?

  • Oracle ODBC Driver causing MFC OpenEx() delay

    I have installed the Oracle ODBC Driver version on a WINNT 4.0 Workstation with SP6a. I have an MFC test app with the following code:
    PostStatus(ERROR_NOERROR, APP_NAME, "Calling OpenEx()");
    CDatabase db;
    if(db.OpenEx(_T("DSN=MYTESTDSN;UID=USERID;PWD=PASSWORD"), CDatabase::openReadOnly|CDatabase::noOdbcDialog))
         PostStatus(ERROR_NOERROR, APP_NAME, "OpenEx() success,calling Close()");
    } // OpenEx()
    else // OpenEx() error
         PostStatus(ERROR_MODERATE, APP_NAME, "Error opening database,OpenEx() failed!");
    The above OpenEx call is taking upto 3 seconds to return. When I use Microsoft Oracle ODBC driver, it takes less than 0.5 sec to connect/disconnect.
    Any idea why OpenEx() is taking that long? I've compiled this using VC++ 6.0 SP5, on a WIN2K and WINNT system but I get the same result.

    This forum is for feedback about the OTN program and problems with OTN accounts. Technical questions cannot be answered here. Please post your question in the appropriate product or technology forum. http://forums.oracle.com/forums/index.jsp?cat=48

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