ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back

I am getting this error. when i am doing insert from my package Any solution to reslove this issue
ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back . thanks
I am doing select - insert...

Also, if you have any exception handler sections in the code,
then you have to add a commit or rollback statement for
every exception that is handled.

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    Hello all,
    I'm using the below code to send the notication using plsql package. It works fine and sends notification if i don't use '#FROM_ROLE' and 'SENDER' attributetext in the code. If i use them, i get the error message. Please advice

    Hi KK,
    What error you are getting when you set the attributes '#FROM_ROLE' and 'SENDER'?
    when you set '#FROM_ROLE' then  Wf_Notification.Denormalize_Notification(nid) API will be called.  If the attribute is 'sender' then event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.setattrtext wll be rasied.

  • Pipeline function raised ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected

    Hi All,
    My name is John and I've got a problem which I need to share with all of you guru and experts. I've created the following pipeline function under the Oracle user ABC:
    CREATE OR replace FUNCTION SomeFunction(p_from_date DATE, p_to_date DATE) RETURN T_TAB_A pipelined
    PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
    DELETE FROM temp_rcm;
    INSERT INTO temp_rcm
    SELECT * FROM int.facility fd,
    int.capacity co
    WHERE co.resource_name = fd.resource_name
    AND co.trade_date = fd.trade_date
    AND co.trade_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date;
    FOR rec IN (SELECT co.*
    FROM temp_rcm co
    left join int.outage o
    ON ( o.flag = 'Y'
    AND o.reason_flag = 'F'
    AND co.resource_name = o.resource_name )
    co.name) LOOP
    pipe ROW (T_A( rec.INTERVAL, rec.trade_date,
    rec.resource_name,rec.day_of_week_long, rec.working_day, rec.peak));
    END SomeFunction;
    I was able to compile and create the SomeFunction function successfully but when I executed it using the following command:
    select * from table(SomeFunction(to_date('01/01/2010',to_date('01/01/2010')));
    I was returned with the Oracle error - ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back
    I have searched through the web, such Oracle error occurs whenever the function has a missing 'COMMIT' or 'ROLLBACK' command inside an autonomous_transaction. But the fact is I have already included the 'COMMIT;' in the function. I suspected that the error was caused by the tables which I queried against (like int.facility and int.capacity) were all views that belonged to another schema called int. Or is that something that I miss in the function? Thank you for your time and assistance.

    johnwanng wrote:
    Hi Guys,
    Thank you for all your feedback. In addition to your reply, Bill, can you spare some time and provide us a simple example of the steps involved to implement the 'correct' implementation based on the queries that I've used. As I do not understand your vanilla approach. Much appreciated and thank you for the time again.
    JohnIf I had to guess, Billy may have meant something like this (untested):
    ( p_from_date IN int.facility.trade_date%TYPE
    , p_to_date   IN int.facility.trade_date%TYPE
         rcur     SYS_REFCURSOR;
         OPEN rcur FOR
              SELECT co.interval
                   , co.trade_date
                   , co.resource_name
                   , co.day_of_week_long
                   , co.working_day
                   , co.peak
              FROM   int.capacity co
              JOIN   int.facility fd        ON fd.resource_name = co.resource_name
                                           AND fd.trade_date    = co.trade_date
              LEFT OUTER JOIN int.outage o  ON o.interval       = co.interval
                                           AND o.resource_name  = co.resource_name
              WHERE  co.trade_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
              AND    o.reason_flag = 'F'
              AND    o.flag        = 'Y'
              ORDER BY co.interval
                     , co.name
         RETURN rcur;
    /I made the following modifications:
    1. I set the input parameter data types to match that of the table column you are checking against. A good practice to get into.
    2. Removed the autonomous transaction and inserting into a temp table. In Oracle it's a good practice to perform everything in a single SQL statement if possible.
    3. Changed the return data type to a SYS_REFCURSOR
    Hope this helps and provides a good example.

  • DBMS Job failing with "active autonomous transaction detected"

    I am posting this for a customer issue. I posted this in the PL/SQL forum and was suggested to post it in this forum as this is a portal provided code.
    DBMS Job WWV_context is failing after install of MR Repo install
    ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 357~ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWERR_API_EXCEPTION", line 71~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWV_CONTEXT", line 1757~ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWERR_API_EXCEPTION", line 71~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWV_CONTEXT", line 1837~ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back~ORA-06512: at line 1

    I am posting this for a customer issue. I posted this in the PL/SQL forum and was suggested to post it in this forum as this is a portal provided code.
    DBMS Job WWV_context is failing after install of MR Repo install
    ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 357~ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWERR_API_EXCEPTION", line 71~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWV_CONTEXT", line 1757~ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWERR_API_EXCEPTION", line 71~ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWV_CONTEXT", line 1837~ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back~ORA-06512: at line 1

  • ORA-06519 while doing transactions

    I have created a trigger on my transaction table. When a service is booked it is being inserted into two seperate tables. It is working fine, but at some times I am getting following error while recording the transactions.
    ORA-06519 Active autonomous transactions detected and rolled back.
    Following is the trigger code:
    create or replace trigger glstrip_audit
    after INSERT or update ON jeevadb.ipservice
    for each row
    pragma autonomous_transaction;
    nurstcode pbswardmast.nurstcode%type;
    roomno pbsipregist.currroomno%type;
    select b.nurstcode,a.currroomno into nurstcode,roomno from pbsipregist a,pbswardmast b where a.currroomno=b.wardno and a.regno=:new.ipno;
    if :new.servcode='006013' then
    if inserting then
    insert into phindenthd(indentno,indentdate,indenttime,regno,storecd,nurstcode,doctcode,userid,edituser,editdate,status)
    values (:new.servslno,:new.servdate,:new.servtime,:new.ipno,'94',nurstcode,:new.orderedby,:new.createdby,:new.editedby,:new.editedon,'P');
    insert into phindentdt(indentno,itecode,indentqty)
    values (:new.servslno,'OPTGS01',:new.servqty);
    elsif updating then
    update phindenthd set indentno=:old.servslno,indentdate=:old.servdate,indenttime=:old.servtime,regno=:old.ipno,
    where regno=:old.ipno and indentno=:old.servslno;
    update phindentdt set indentno=:old.servslno,itecode='OPTGS01',indentqty=:new.servqty where indentno=:old.servslno;
    end if;
    end if;
    can you help me in finding the problem?

    Hi and welcome to the forum.
    "ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back
    Cause: Before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block, all autonomous transactions started within the block must be completed (either committed or rolled back). If not, the active autonomous transaction is implicitly rolled back and this error is raised.
    Action: Ensure that before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block, any active autonomous transactions are explicitly committed or rolled back"
    As mentioned by Bartek, Justin and Adrian you've probably forgotten to commit your autonomous transaction and you're abusing the automomous transaction here, don't use 'autonomous triggers', they're nothing but bugs in your code.
    My $0.02: you're trying to avoid a mutating table error.
    If so, then see: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/ASKTOM.download_file?p_file=6551198119097816936
    (Here you can read more FAQ's: http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2009/10/httpasktomoraclecomtkyte.html )

  • MDB transaction getting silently rolled back?

              I have an MDB that is doing a delete of a database record in the onMessage method.
              It seems to work fine. I see no errors in the log, in fact I have some debug
              statements that indicate everything was completed normally. I even do a count
              sql using the same where clause and print the results and see a '0'.
              However, when I check the database, the record is still there.
              It seems as if the transaction is getting rolled back somehow. The MDB is transaction
              required/container tx. I never setRollbackOnly anywhere.
              The topic was originally published in a transaction that was rolled back, if that
              makes any difference. In fact, the point of the MDB is to clean up a record that
              was created during the transaction but not within the transaction.
              Any help is appreciated!

              It turned out that the MDB was using a different connection pool than it should
              have, which was pointed to an old copy of the database. So it wasn't really rolling
              back, it really was deleting records as desired, just in the wrong database.
              Tom Barnes <[email protected].bea.com>
              >Some random ideas:
              >Is the app sending a delete request to the MDB, and
              >the MDB acting on it, before the record is even inserted?
              >Does the delete request have the correct row-id/PK?
              >Is the MDB app failing without your knowledge? You
              >can instrument the MDB onMessage() with a
              >"try catch Throwable" to see.
              >Is the MDB tx timing out trying to get a lock
              >on the row? You can instrument the onMessage
              >with timestamps to see if its taking longer than 30 seconds...
              >Ken Clark wrote:
              >> I have an MDB that is doing a delete of a database record in the onMessage
              >> It seems to work fine. I see no errors in the log, in fact I have
              >some debug
              >> statements that indicate everything was completed normally. I even
              >do a count
              >> sql using the same where clause and print the results and see a '0'.
              >> However, when I check the database, the record is still there.
              >> It seems as if the transaction is getting rolled back somehow. The
              >MDB is transaction
              >> required/container tx. I never setRollbackOnly anywhere.
              >> The topic was originally published in a transaction that was rolled
              >back, if that
              >> makes any difference. In fact, the point of the MDB is to clean up
              >a record that
              >> was created during the transaction but not within the transaction.
              >> Any help is appreciated!
              >> ken

  • Transaction is not Rolling Back in Stateless Session Bean

              I am using UserTransaction in Stateless Session bean .
              Transaction is not rolling back.
              The following code is writen in stateless session bean. In UserTransaction i am
              calling Two methods of another stateless session bean.
              The problem is if doJob2() method fails, doJob1() method is rolling back. These
              two methods consist of SQL statement with different Connection Object from TXDataSource.And
              session bean(TestSession) is set to CMT, attribute as "Required".
              Context ictx=new InitialContext();
              TestHome home=(TestHome)ictx.lookup("TestSession");
                   utx = sessionCtx.getUserTransaction();
              TestRemote remote=home.create();
              }catch(Exception e)
              }catch(Exception ex)
                   System.out.println("unable to rollback"+ex);
              if any SQL Exception as occured in doJob2(), its calling method utx.rollback()
              in catch block. but SQL statements executed thru. doJob1() are not rolling back.
              what might be the reason?

              Thanx Priscilla ,
              Transaction is working.
              "Priscilla Fung" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >In your ejb-jar.xml, you should specify <transaction-type> element to
              >be "Container"
              >for container-managed transaction. If you specified it to be "Bean" for
              >transaction, EJB ontainer will suspend the caller's transaction before
              >a new transaction for your doJobX() methods. Thus, doJob1()nd doJob2()
              >will be
              >executing in different transactions, and thus rolling back doJob2()'s
              >will have no effect on work done and committed in doJob1()'s transaction.
              >"Ranganath" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>I am sending config.xml,deployment descriptors, code snippet for TestSession.
              >>am using weblogic6.0sp2.
              >>if you need any aditional info. please let me know.
              >><?xml version="1.0"?>
              >><!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
              >>1.1//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd'>
              >>     <enterprise-beans>
              >>     <session>
              >>          <ejb-name>TestSession</ejb-name>
              >>          <home>com.apar.sslbridge.test.TestHome</home>
              >>          <remote>com.apar.sslbridge.test.TestRemote</remote>
              >>          <ejb-class>com.apar.sslbridge.test.TestBean</ejb-class>
              >>          <session-type>Stateless</session-type>
              >>          <transaction-type>Bean</transaction-type>
              >>          <resource-ref>
              >>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/oraclePool</res-ref-name>
              >>     <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
              >>     <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
              >>          </resource-ref>
              >>     </session>
              >>     </enterprise-beans>
              >>     <assembly-descriptor>
              >>     <container-transaction>
              >>          <method>
              >>          <ejb-name>TestSession</ejb-name>
              >>          <method-intf>Remote</method-intf>
              >>          <method-name>*</method-name>
              >>          </method>
              >>          <trans-attribute>Required</trans-attribute>
              >>     </container-transaction>
              >> </assembly-descriptor>
              >>TestSession CODE:
              >>     public void doJob1() throws RemoteException
              >>     {
              >>     Statement st = null;
              >>     String query=null;
              >>     try{
              >>     con=getConnection();
              >>     st=con.createStatement();
              >>     query="insert into x values("+x+++")";
              >>     System.out.println(query);
              >>     int rec=st.executeUpdate(query);
              >>     }catch(SQLException sqle)
              >>     {
              >>     System.out.println("SQL Exception "+sqle);
              >> throw new RemoteException("RemoteException*****SQLError");
              >>     } catch (Exception e) {
              >>     System.out.println("Exception "+e);
              >> throw new RemoteException("RemoteException*****GenralError");
              >> }
              >> public void doJob2()throws RemoteException
              >> {
              >> Connection con=null;
              >> Statement st = null;
              >> String query=null;
              >> try{
              >> con=getConnection();
              >> st=con.createStatement();
              >> query="insert into y values("+x+++")";
              >> System.out.println(query);
              >> int rec=st.executeUpdate(query);
              >> }catch(SQLException sqle)
              >> {
              >> System.out.println("SQL Exception "+sqle);
              >> throw new RemoteException("RemoteException*****SQLError");
              >> } catch (Exception e) {
              >> System.out.println("Exception "+e);
              >> throw new RemoteException("RemoteException*****GenralError");
              >>private Connection getConnection(){
              >>try {
              >>Connection con = StaticParams.POOL_DATASOURCE.getConnection();
              >>return con;
              >>     } catch(Exception e) {
              >>     System.out.println("TestBean.getConnection() Unable to get get pool
              >>" + e);
              >>     }
              >>"Priscilla Fung" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>>It should work if you are using TxDataSource. Could you post your
              >>>deployment descriptors, code snippet for TestSession?
              >>>"Ranganath" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>>> I am using UserTransaction in Stateless Session bean .
              >>>> Transaction is not rolling back.
              >>>>The following code is writen in stateless session bean. In UserTransaction
              >>>>i am
              >>>>calling Two methods of another stateless session bean.
              >>>> The problem is if doJob2() method fails, doJob1() method is rolling
              >>>> back. These
              >>>>two methods consist of SQL statement with different Connection Object
              >>>>from TXDataSource.And
              >>>>session bean(TestSession) is set to CMT, attribute as "Required".
              >>>> try{
              >>>> Context ictx=new InitialContext();
              >>>> TestHome home=(TestHome)ictx.lookup("TestSession");
              >>>>     utx = sessionCtx.getUserTransaction();
              >>>>     utx.begin();
              >>>> TestRemote remote=home.create();
              >>>>     remote.doJob1();
              >>>>     remote.doJob2();
              >>>>     utx.commit();
              >>>> }catch(Exception e)
              >>>> {
              >>>>     try{
              >>>>      utx.rollback();
              >>>> }catch(Exception ex)
              >>>> {
              >>>>     System.out.println("unable to rollback"+ex);
              >>>>     }
              >>>> }
              >>>>if any SQL Exception as occured in doJob2(), its calling method utx.rollback()
              >>>>in catch block. but SQL statements executed thru. doJob1() are not
              >>>>what might be the reason?

  • Differences between Commit work, Logical Unit of Work and Roll back work

    Hi all,
    Can any one explain me in details what is the difference between Commit Work, Logical Unit of Work and Roll back work. Pls explain by providing some example.
    and also explain me where and when these are used and what are the importance of using these.
    Thanks in advance.
    Ramana Prasad.T

    Hi Ramana Prasad,
    A Logical Unit of Work (LUW or database transaction) is an inseparable sequence of database operations which must be executed either in its entirety or not at all. For the database system, it thus constitutes a unit.
    LUWs help to guarantee database integrity. When an LUW has been successfully concluded, the database is once again in a correct state. If, however, an error occurs within an LUW, all database changes made since the beginning of the LUW are canceled and the database is then in the same state as before the LUW started.
    An LUW begins
    o each time you start a transaction
    o when the database changes of the previous LUW have been confirmed (database
    commit) or
    o when the database changes of the previous LUW have been cancelled (database rollback)
    An LUW ends
    o when the database changes have been confirmed (database commit) or
    o when the database changes have been canceled (database rollback)
    Executes a database commit and thus closes a logical processing unit or Logical Unit of Work ( LUW ) (see also Transaction processing ). This means that
    all database changes are made irrevocable and cannot be reversed with ROLLBACK WORK and
    all database locks are released.
    COMMIT WORK also
    calls the subroutines specified by PERFORM ... ON COMMIT * executes asynchronously any update requests (see CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK ) specified in these subroutines or started just before,
    processes the function modules specified in CALL FUNCTION ... IN BACKGROUND TASK ,
    cancels all existing locks (see SAP locking concept ) if no update requests exist,
    closes all open database cursors (see OPEN CURSOR ) and
    resets the time slice counter to 0.
    COMMIT WORK belongs to the Open SQL command set.
    Return code value
    The SY-SUBRC is set to 0.
    Closes a logical processing unit by reversing all database changes made since the last COMMIT .
    You use this statement if you cannot be certain that all the database changes have been executed correctly.
    The update routines are not performed.
    ROLLBACK WORK belongs to the Open SQL command set.
    If the ROLLBACK statement occurs within a SELECT loop, the processing cannot continue because the database cursor is invalid. After the ROLLBACK statement, you should therefore ensure that all SELECT processing has been explicitly terminated.
    <b>Plz. Avoid Duplicate Threads.</b>
    Hope this resolves your query.
    Reward all the helpful answers.

  • Transaction - the subprocess rolling back parent JTA

    According to Oracle documentation,
    "if the caller partner link specifies transaction=participate and the subprocess also specifies transaction=participate, the subprocess rolls back the client JTA transaction."
    But what I experience is if I just set transaction=participate for the partner link alone (and not having transaction=participate in the subprocess), when the subprocess rolls back, it rolls back parent JTA transaction also.
    In fact, if we have just transaction=participate for the partner link (and not having transaction=participate in the subprocess), then the rollback in either Parent or Subprocess, is rolling back both Parent and Subprocess.
    Can somebody provide the exact usage of using transaction=participate at the subprocess level?

    You are seeing expected behaviour. Even though both flags are called "transaction" and both are set to "participate", they do different things.
    By specifying transaction=participate on the partner link, you are instructing the subprocess to enlist in the transaction. When the subprocess starts, it will then enlist itself. That's all. Now if a rollback occurs, all participating processes will be rolled back.
    If you specify transaction=participate at the process level, it has a different effect, and doesn't affect whether or not the transaction is rolled back or not. As I said in the previous paragraph, if the partner link specified transaction=participate, the subprocess will roll back if a rollback is issued, no matter what other settings you have.
    So what effect does that setting have at the process level? According to the doc:
    When transaction=participate, the process produces a fault that is not handled by fault handlers, which calls the transaction to be rolled back.
    This is not exactly crystal clear, to me, anyway. In practice if this is set and your subprocess throws an unhandled fault, it triggers a rollback instead of throwing a fault as it normally would. This exception goes immediately back to the calling process since it is participating on the transaction as well.
    If the property is not set, and the subprocess throws an unhandled fault, you get the normal behavior. Namely, the process will be flagged as faulted, and the calling process will wait until it gets a transaction timeout (no relation to the JTA transaction we're talking about here).
    It's a simple test. Create two processes, then run it twice. Once with that property set, and one without.
    The key is to remember that although they are both called "transaction=participate", the effect they have is very different. It was probably not a good move to use the same name and value like that. Hope this helps.

  • Commit work and roll back with simple language and simple example

    hi guru
    commit work and roll back with simple language and simple example

    The statement COMMIT WORK completes the current SAP LUW and opens a new one, storing all change requests for the current SAP LUW in the process. In this case, COMMIT WORK performs the following actions:
    It executes all subroutines registered using PERFORM ON COMMIT.
    The sequence is based on the order of registration or according to the priority specified using the LEVEL addition. Execution of the following statements is not permitted in a subroutine of this type:
    The statement CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK can be executed.
    The statement ROLLBACK WORK closes the current SAP-LUW and opens a new one. In doing so, all change requests of the current SAP-LUW are canceled. To do this, ROLLBACK WORK carries out the following actions:
    1) Executes all subprograms registered with PERFORM ON ROLLBACK.
    2) Deletes all subprograms registered with PERFORM ON COMMIT.
    3) Raises an internal exception in the Object Services that makes sure that the attributes of persistent objects are initialised.
    4) Deletes all update function modules registered with CALL FUNCTION ...IN UPDATE TASK from the VBLOG database table and deletes all transactional remote Function Calls registered with CALL FUNCTION ... IN BACKGROUND TASK from database tables ARFCSSTATE and ARFCSDATA.
    5) Removal of all SAP locks set in the current program in which the formal parameter _SCOPE of the lock function module was set to the value 2.
    6) Triggers a database rollback, which also ends the current database-LUW.

  • The install wizard stops and "rolls Back" the install and just gives the attached notice of the install error...how can this be corrected?

    The install wizard stops and "rolls Back" the install and just gives the attached notice of the install error...how can this be corrected?
    The notice is inserted first and the stopping point is second.

    Da ich gar kein Englisch kann kann ich auch nicht sagen was sie mir
    geschrieben haben ich kann nur Vermuten was das sein soll es tut mir leid
    aber ich kann ihnen keine Konkreter Antwort geben alle Sprechen Englisch
    nur ich nicht mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen
    Constantin Preda
    2015-02-12 21:45 GMT+01:00 Claudio González <[email protected]>:
        The install wizard stops and "rolls Back" the install and just gives
    the attached notice of the install error...how can this be corrected?
    created by Claudio González
    <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Claudio+Gonz%C3%A1lez> in Adobe Reader
    - View the full discussion

  • PSE 9 install fails during Shared Technologies and rolls back

    I've bought and am getting fed up with trying and failing to install PSE9.
    It fails during the install of 'Shared Technologies and rolls back.
    I've unpacked the logs as per instructions and the error messages at the end are:
    - 0 fatal error(s), 5 error(s), 3 warning(s)
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Elements Camera Raw: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeHelp: Install failed
    ERROR:  - ElementsSTIInstaller: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5: Install failed
    I've looked through the forums for possible causes:
    1) Adobe Bridge process running in background - according to task manager, the only Adobe process running relates to Flash
    2) Path problems - I've moved the install files and re-extracted them to a folder in C: with the same results.
    I then tried installing the loganalyser but that failed as well!
    I have attached the compressed log file.
    I am riunning Win 7 Home Premium (x64)
    Help please!

    See if any of the solutions here help:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/troubleshoot-installation-photoshop-elements- premiere.html

  • Photo Elements 11 fails to load and rolls back when it starts 'installing shared services'

    Photoshop Elements 11 fails to load and rolls back as soon as it switches to 'installing shared services'. How can I overcome this? Premier Elements is already loaded and works fine including the Organiser. Photo Elements 10 is still on the system and also works fine.
    System - Windows 7 OS1

    I have tried that previously, it didn’t work then and it doesn’t now.
    What I have just done is run the installation until it came up with the error message and killed the set-up file & windows installer. Photoshop elements seems to be almost installed. Organiser works for both Premier & Photoshop. What files etc would have been loaded from the point of the error message? The installation worked on a borrowed laptop (on 30 day trial). Hopefully all I need to do is copy the missing files across if you could advise what they are.

  • Windows 10 upgrade and roll back limits?

    Is there a limit on the number of times you can do the Windows 10 upgrade and roll back to 8.1?  I would like to do the upgrade on my Thinkpad Yoga 14 but am concerned about the issues noted on here.  I don't want to make too many attempts and lock myself out of the upgrade. I think I did see on here where someone tried 6 times. Thanks,Sue

    So I'm in the same boat. My HP desktop that came insatlled  with WIn 8.1 64-bit and it "upgraded" to WIn10 badly. WIn10 wont activate becasue it says my license code is blocked on the server,  none of my installed apps or data came over and the receovey option will now only recover to WIn10, I have no option to go back to Win 8.1, thouhgh a windows.old dir is there on the C: drive.  I have my Win 8.1 license code from before the "upgrade" attepmt,  but there is no way with what WIn 10 left me with to revert back to Win 8.1. I went to the HP suppprt & downloads page to see if thre was WIn8.1 recovery media available as discussed here : http://support.hp.com/us-en/document/bph07143#AbT2 , but nothing shows up for my HP Pavilion 500-210qe CTO. Looks like both MS and HP got me good.

  • Once Again: Transaction is not rolled back...

    Hi all,
    I'm almost at the end of my project with Toplink. but I have to solve this transaction rollback problem. Here is my previous message. any comment is more than welcome.
    The problem is this, I pass 2 objects to Toplink to update in database using activeUnitOfWork.shallowMergeClone() method.
    one of the updates fails then I expect everything to be rolled back within the same unitofwork. but NOT. the other object is quite well updated in database even though they are merged in the same unit of work... please HELP...
    here is the log :
    UnitOfWork(31228)--Connection(31249)--UPDATE PARAMETERS SET PARAM_VALUE = '26' WHERE (PARAM_NAME = 'TEST_PARAMETER_2')
    UnitOfWork(31228)--#reconnecting to external connection pool
    UnitOfWork(31228)--Connection(31249)--UPDATE PARAMETERS SET PARAM_MAX_SIZE = 666666, PARAM_COMMENTS = 'updated by new axis...', PARAM_VALUE = '18' WHERE (PARAM_NAME = 'TEST_PARAMETER_1')
    UnitOfWork(31228)--EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-4002] (TopLink - 9.0.3 (Build 423)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column
    INTERNAL EXCEPTION: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column
    ...... //some more message
    UnitOfWork(31228)--release unit of work
    ClientSession(31229)--client released
    environment information is :
    J2EE Server is Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE
    and following is a piece of sessions.xml file related to external transaction controller settings :

    Hi James,
    As Erdem is not available, I am now taking care of the issue. The datasource name in session.xml refers to the one defined in OC4J data-sources.xml "ejb-location" attribute of "data-source" element. Below, I attach the relevant sections of both files
    On the client we get the following exception:
    com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was rolled back: Error in transaction: EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-4002] (TopLink - 9.0.3 (Build 423)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column
    On the server, we have implemented SessionSynchronization to monitor the transaction. afterCompletion method gets a boolean value "true" indicating that the transaction was comitted.
    Any database operation that was successful before the erroneous case was saved in DB.

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