ORA-29531 when i execute a java stored function

I get the following error when i tried to execute java stored procedure
ORA-29531: no method secondConcat in class secondProcedure
The code below will explain my problem clearly
Java Class:(secondProcedure)
import java.lang.*;
public class secondProcedure
public static String secondConcat(String inStr1, String inStr2, String outStr)
System.out.println("Calling secondProcedure.secondConcat\n");
outStr = inStr1 + inStr2;
String retStr = outStr;
return retStr;
Database Function:(fn_sec_concat)
NAME 'secondProcedure.secondConcat(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
return java.lang.String';
I used loadjava utility to load the java class into database which went fine.
I searched for the error message on the web, & i response i got from everywhere is to add the static attribute to method, which was already there in my code.
Please help!

I get the following error when i tried to execute java stored procedure
ORA-29531: no method secondConcat in class secondProcedure
The code below will explain my problem clearly
Java Class:(secondProcedure)
import java.lang.*;
public class secondProcedure
public static String secondConcat(String inStr1, String inStr2, String outStr)
System.out.println("Calling secondProcedure.secondConcat\n");
outStr = inStr1 + inStr2;
String retStr = outStr;
return retStr;
Database Function:(fn_sec_concat)
NAME 'secondProcedure.secondConcat(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
return java.lang.String';
I used loadjava utility to load the java class into database which went fine.
I searched for the error message on the web, & i response i got from everywhere is to add the static attribute to method, which was already there in my code.
Please help!

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    Is this a nown problem or does some one have a suggestion on what I'm doing wrong?
    System tested:
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    9.2.0.x (on Win)

    Hi Avi,
    Well actually, why do you need to repeatedly reload
    the DTD, anyway? Isn't it always the same one? So
    once you've loaded it, you wouldn't need to bother
    reloading it, would you?It�s not always the same DTD:
    We have a PL/SQL procedure (XML API) that is feed with different XML by an �external� process. We have to validate each XML with corresponding DTD to either accept or refuse it.
    To make the XML API flexible and easy to maintain, we want to load all �files� (both java classes and dtd/xslt files) for each type of XML into Oracle instead of having some parts stored on file system and some loaded into Oracle.
    (The �problem� is that we can�t demand that the �external� process disconnect/reconnect before each new XML).
    Otherwise, I would say go with your workaround.I think I have to do this�
    (I�m going to have the same problem with dynamical loading of XSLT files when I transform the incoming XML to our internal XML format).

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  • Why returning string from java stored function failed ?  HELP ME, PLEASE

    Hi everybody,
    I created java stored function: it's doing http post, parsing xml from http reply, and returning string result.
    Sometimes, it doesn't return any value. What can be a reason ?
    The high level procedure, has following form:
    class SBE {
    public static String call(String arg0) {
    SBE sbe=new SBE("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log");
    String result=SBEParser.go(sbe.sendRequest(arg0, ""), sbe.logger);
    sbe.logger.log("Finish SBE intetraction");
    return result;
    PLSQL wrapper has a simple form:
    create or replace package PG_SBE as
    function CALL(arg0 in varchar2) return varchar2;
    create or replace package body PG_SBE as
    function CALL(arg0 varchar2) return varchar2 as language java name 'SBE.call(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    In log file ("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log"), I can find message :
    "Finish SBE intetraction"
    but query:
    select pg_sbe.call("any argument") from dual;
    doesn't finish.
    What can be a reason ? What can I do to trace stage of convertion java string to varchar ?
    Please help me...
    Best regards

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan Fdgersten ([email protected]):
    Maybe your call is wrong... Shouldn't there be a "?" instead of "1"?
    Your code:
    String myquery = "begin :1 := jspTest; end;";
    I provide my (working) call from java as an example. Maybe it is of any help... :)
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    public Vector getAllHosts() throws SQLException {
    //return getHosts(false, -1);
    Connection conn = null;
    CallableStatement cs = null;
    Vector hostV = new Vector();
    try {
    conn = getConnection();
    String query = "{ ? = call curTestPkg.curTestFunc}";
    cs = conn.prepareCall(query);
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
    ResultSet rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)cs).getCursor(1);
    while (rs.next()) {
    Host host = new Host(
    , rs.getString("name")
    , rs.getString("descr")
    , rs.getString("os"));
    return hostV;
    } finally {
    close(conn, cs);
    hi Stefan thanx.....even after changing the call statement i get the same error. i changed query string as...
    String myquery = "{ ? = call jspTest}";
    CallableStatement cst = con.prepareCall(myquery);
    Can u please check out my call sepc that i have written in pl/sql and plz let me know it there is any error in that.

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    You don't say which version of the database you are on. There's an interesting looking article on OTN on handling CLOBs in JDBC in 10g. It may well be useful for earlier versions too (but no guarantees).
    Cheers, APC

  • Why returning string from java stored function failed ?

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    The high level procedure, has following form:
    class SBE {
    public static String call(String arg0) {
    SBE sbe=new SBE("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log");
    String result=SBEParser.go(sbe.sendRequest(arg0, ""), sbe.logger);
    sbe.logger.log("Finish SBE intetraction");
    return result;
    PLSQL wrapper has a simple form:
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    function CALL(arg0 in varchar2) return varchar2;
    create or replace package body PG_SBE as
    function CALL(arg0 varchar2) return varchar2 as language java name 'SBE.call(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    In log file ("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log"), I can find message :
    "Finish SBE intetraction"
    but query:
    select pg_sbe.call("any argument") from dual;
    doesn't finish.
    What can be a reason ? What can I do to trace stage of convertion java string to varchar ?
    Please help me...

    This comes up periodically. It just isn't possible using that type of approach. Probably the best you could do is the create an ADT (containing collections) and use that to pass a 'batch' of information.
    Hopefully this will get addressed in the next release of the database.

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    NAME VARCHAR2(20),
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    If anyone could give me a near-complete PL/SQL listing that does this or (better) help me to complete my Java Stored Function by returning the results in a structured type.

    You are my own personal God (for the day). Thanks, exactly what I needed, and all in one query with no procedural.

  • Return 2 values (string, number) multiple rows, from java stored function

    I would like to return 2 values (String, number prefered but String, String will work) from a java stored function.
    I was able to successfully return a varray of varchar2 values but I was wondering if it is possible to return 2 values by using a varray?
    Is it even possible? I tried using combinations of types which included a varray of objects (with 2 attributes) or a type as table of objects but I couldn't figure out how in my java code to set these values. Also what would my java function return type be and what Oracle type would map to it?
    Any help and examples or pointers would be great.

    Thanks to all. I finally figured it out through all the pieces on the web.
    Here is what worked for me. First create 2 oracle types. One object type to represent the "columns" I will pass back:
    note: make sure the "strings" are defined as NVARCHAR2 or Java will puke if it is just VARCHAR2.
    Then create a table type to hold your objects defined as following:
    Then create the oracle stored function that is a wrapper to the java function:
    is language java name
    'com.costs.storedProcedures.Cost.getCosts(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) return oracle.sql.ARRAY'
    Once that is done, Oracle is ready. The Java function looks something like this:
    public ARRAY getCosts(String name, String evalDate, int fuelCodeID) {
    DBAccess da = getDBAccess();
    // get a handle on the connection
    Connection conn = da.getConnection();           
    // The stuff that will be returned should be as type object array
    // make it to the size of the number of fuelcomponents passed in
    Object[] returnStuff = new Object[3];
    // create the type of struct that is defined on the database
    StructDescriptor structDesc =
    StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("CY_UMAP.COST_OBJ", conn);
    for (int i = 0; i < returnStuff .size(); i++) {
    Object[] costValues = new Object[]{
         "This is object " + i,
         new Integer ( i ) };
    STRUCT cost_obj = new STRUCT(structDesc, conn, costValues);
    returnStuff[i] = cost_obj;
    ArrayDescriptor x_ad = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor (
    "CY_UMAP.COST_OBJ_TABLE", conn);
    ARRAY x_array = new ARRAY(x_ad, conn, returnStuff);
    return x_array;
    I hope this helps others.

  • Problem executing a Java Stored Procedure from Forms6i

    I'm executing a Stored Procedure which invokes a Java Stored procedure.Till the invoking it works fine but for accessing a particular class it gives an error:
    PDE-PLU022 Don't have access to the stored program unit XMLPARSERCOVER in schema CARE
    where care is the schema name....
    Please assist me for this...

    hi Jignesh
    Maybe you can find some useful information in:
    "Oracle Database Java Developer's Guide"
    Jan Vervecken

  • How can i return a SDO_GEOMETRY value in a Java-Stored-Function?

    For a example, Ive got a java-function witch returns a
    oracle.sdoapi.geom.Geometry like:
    public static Geometry GetQPoint(String sF_TABLE_NAME, long lFID)
    And now, Ill try to deploy this function as a PL-SQL stored-function like:
    I can't deploy this above mentioned java-function with Oracle9i JDeveloper because oracle.sdoapi.geom.Geometry can not mapped in any PL-SQL data type.
    Is there any possibility to do it in a other way?
    Please help me.

    a quick example that takes as input a longitude and latitude,
    and return a point geometry in wgs 84:
         longitude IN          NUMBER,
         latitude     IN          NUMBER )
         RETURN mdsys.sdo_geometry
    RETURN mdsys.sdo_geometry (2001,8307,
              mdsys.sdo_point_type (longitude, latitude, NULL), NULL, NULL );
    other pl/sql examples:
    REM This function doesn't really do anything, but demonstrates some simple
    REM mechanisms on how to manipulate the array portion of the geometry object, and
    REM also how to write a function that returns a geometry object.
    REM The function demonstrates:
    REM 1) .EXTEND (there is also .DELETE)
    REM 2) .COUNT
    REM 3) Any function that returns an object (including the SDO_GEOMETRY object)
    REM should be declared as DETERMINSTIC (see below).
    create or replace function create_geometry return mdsys.sdo_geometry deterministic as
    temp_geom mdsys.sdo_geometry := mdsys.sdo_geometry (2002, 8307, null,
    mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array (1,2,1),
    mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array ());
    for i in 1 .. 10 loop
    temp_geom.sdo_ordinates.extend (2);
    temp_geom.sdo_ordinates(temp_geom.sdo_ordinates.count-1) := i;
    temp_geom.sdo_ordinates(temp_geom.sdo_ordinates.count) := i+1;
    end loop;
    return temp_geom;
    select create_geometry from dual;
    set linesize 80
    set pages 1000
    drop table TEST_MODIFY;
    create table TEST_MODIFY (geom mdsys.sdo_geometry);
    insert into TEST_MODIFY values
    (mdsys.sdo_geometry (2002, 8307, null,
    mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array (1,2,1),
    mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array (1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4)));
    insert into TEST_MODIFY values
    (mdsys.sdo_geometry (2002, 8307, null,
    mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array (1,2,1),
    mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array (21,21, 22,22, 23,23, 24,24)));
    REM Select values before update.
    select geom from TEST_MODIFY;
    REM This PL*SQL block updates all the ordinates of a geometry by adding 10 to each x value
    REM and 20 to each y value.
    i NUMBER;
    cursor c1 is select geom, rowid
    from TEST_MODIFY;
    for r in c1 loop
    i := 1;
    while (i < r.geom.sdo_ordinates.count) loop
    r.geom.sdo_ordinates(i) := r.geom.sdo_ordinates(i) + 10;
    r.geom.sdo_ordinates(i+1) := r.geom.sdo_ordinates(i+1) + 20;
    i := i + 2;
    end loop;
    update TEST_MODIFY set geom = r.geom where rowid = r.rowid;
    end loop;
    REM Select values after update.
    select geom from TEST_MODIFY;

  • Executing DML-ing stored function from EntityManager

    Is there some way of getting the result from a DML-ing stored function from the EntityManager? I can use a native query and just select the function from dual if it doesn't do any DML but when it does, it is not permitted. I can't use getDelegate() to get the raw connection either :-/
    Edited by: nickarls on Sep 25, 2007 2:19 AM
    Edited by: nickarls on Sep 25, 2007 2:20 AM
    Hmmm. the *** should be "ing". Probably looks like a curse

    anyone, anyone?

  • Execute Oracle Java Stored Procedure in Pro*C

    I found this is a very usefull example of calling Java procedure via Pro*C module. You could find the source and instructions at: http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/java/travel/travelschema.htm#user.
    Some minor issues arose during installation of C/C++ environment. I use MS Visual Studio 6 and it works just fine. Also you have to be very observant when modifying "procCallJSP.bat" file where SETing environment variables.
    I found some flaw in Pro*C "procCallJSP.pc" script. During the execution of "procCallJSP.exe", when you provide not numeric argumet at the command prompt (eg. ` ) it puts the program to infinite loop. It needs an additional check to eliminate such kind of typing. The change needs to applied at line # 142 in "procCallJSP.pc". Other then that it works OK.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tomon Lee ([email protected]):
    I try to call a stored procedure of oracle8i
    in Pro*c using follow statement:
    but when i use "proc SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS test.pc" to compile it ,but it return an
    error as follow:
    "insert_date must be declared."
    but the sample code above come from
    oracle8i 8.1.6's documents.
    what's wrong with me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    If you have right to exec the insert_date ,Check the database connect set in your cfg file

  • Why my subqueries all get ORA-00933 when I execute them?

    Everytime I try to run a subquery, I always get the following error:
    ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    Here are two examples. The 1st is a large one, and the 2nd one is more paired down, because I'm trying to figure out where the error is, but Golden always points to where the subquery begins.
    1st query
    select p1.associate_id, p1.application_id, p1.entity_id, p1.profile_id, p1.language, p1.neutrals, p1.created_date, p1.sf_completed_date,
    p1.completed_time, p1.parent_respondent, p1.parent_aid, p1.attempt, p1.parent_attempt, p1.reported_top1, p1.reported_top2, p1.reported_top3,
    p1.reported_top4, p1.reported_top5, p1.top1, p1.top2, p1.top3, p1.top4, p1.top5
    from sf.profiles p1
    where p1.sf_completed_date < to_date('15-June-2006 00:00:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    and p1.parent_respondent is null
    and p1.parent_aid is null
    and p1.neutrals < 155 in (
    select nvl(max(p2.attempt), 0)
    from sf.profiles p2
    where p2.associate_id = p1.associate_id);2nd query
    select p1.language, pl.neutrals, p1.top1, p1.top2, p1.top3, p1.top4, p1.top5
    from sf.profiles
    where p1.parent_respondent_id is null (
    select nvl(max(p2.attempt), 0)
    from sf.profiles p2
    where p2.associate_id = p1.associate_id);I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, is there anything that I can read up on to get better at these?
    I found this via Google

    It is because neither of your queries are syntactically valid. You cannot combine operators in the way you are trying to do it.
    I'm not sure aht you are trying to accomplish, but the queries need to be more like:
    select p1.associate_id, p1.application_id, p1.entity_id, p1.profile_id,
           p1.language, p1.neutrals, p1.created_date, p1.sf_completed_date,
           p1.completed_time, p1.parent_respondent, p1.parent_aid, p1.attempt,
           p1.parent_attempt, p1.reported_top1, p1.reported_top2, p1.reported_top3,
           p1.reported_top4, p1.reported_top5, p1.top1, p1.top2, p1.top3, p1.top4,
    from sf.profiles p1
    where p1.sf_completed_date < to_date('15-June-2006 00:00:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and
          p1.parent_respondent is null and
          p1.parent_aid is null and
          p1.neutrals < 155 and
          p1.neutrals in(or possibly =) (select nvl(max(p2.attempt), 0)
                          from sf.profiles p2
                          where p2.associate_id = p1.associate_id);
    select p1.language, pl.neutrals, p1.top1, p1.top2, p1.top3, p1.top4, p1.top5
    from sf.profiles
    where p1.parent_respondent_id is null  and
          p1.something IN(or possibly =)(select nvl(max(p2.attempt), 0)
                                         from sf.profiles p2
                                         where p2.associate_id = p1.associate_id);HTH

  • ORA-03113 error when running the Java stored proc demos

    Hi there,
    Has anyone else run into this issue. When attempting to transfer an object type from Java to Oracle - through a Java stored proc - the session crashes with:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelLooking in the trace file generated the error message looks something like:
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [0x8fe04468] [SIGTRAP] [unknown code] [0x8FE59034] [] []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    select pointruntime.jdistance(point(1, 2), point(2, 3)) from dual
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling              call     entry                argument values in hex     
    location             type     point                (? means dubious value)    
    ksedmp+764           call     ksedst               0 ? 2C4F4A ? 2C ? 98968000 ?
                                                       DB02C ? 27A50000 ?
    ssexhd+956           call     ksedmp               3 ? 0 ? 8FE5E790 ? 5905870 ?
                                                       8FE0434C ? 40895E4 ?
    0x9012c860           call     ssexhd               5 ? BFFEEF70 ? BFFEEFB0 ? 0 ?
                                                       0 ? 0 ?As you can see from the trace snippet above, I was attempting to run one of the Oracle Java stored procedure demos. Has anyone successfully run those demos? Specifically the ones where complex types (table objects or the Point object) are passed back to Oracle from the JVM.
    I would appreciate some help with this. The code works fine in a Windows or Solaris environment but barfs on Apple. Truly annoying....
    Thanks in advance,

    Apologies for not stating that information, Steve. Was a bit naughty of me! I guess the reason I didn't was because I just wanted to hear if anyone else running Oracle on Mac received such errors when executing the Java stored proc demos (specifically, the execution of PointRuntime.jDistance). Nevertheless, here's the relevant info from the trace file:
    Dump file /Users/oracle/admin/sandbox/udump/sandbox_ora_1861.trc
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Data Mining Scoring Engine options
    ORACLE_HOME = /Users/oracle/product/10.1.0/db
    System name:     Darwin
    Node name:     maczilla.local
    Release:     8.3.0
    Version:     Darwin Kernel Version 8.3.0: Mon Oct  3 20:04:04 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.6.22.obj~2/RELEASE_PPC
    Machine:     Power Macintosh
    Instance name: sandbox
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 10
    Unix process pid: 1861, image: [email protected] for the Java version, according to the readme file in the javavm directory, I am running 1.4.1:
    1.5  Java Compatibility
    This release has been thoroughly tested with Sun's Java Compatibility
    Kit for the JDK 1.4.1. Oracle is committed to OracleJVM keeping pace
    with Java and other Internet standards.

  • Error while executing Java Stored Procedure.

    When I'm trying to execute my java stored procedure i'm getting the following error:
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    Does anybody has idea why this error comes and how can be resolved.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Uday,
    My guess is that there is a problem with your java stored procedure that is causing the "ExceptionInInitializer" error to be thrown. According to the javadoc:
    is thrown to indicate that an exception occurred during
    evaluation of a static initializer or
    the initializer for a static variable
    Since I didn't see any of your code in your post, I can't help you much more, I'm afraid. Perhaps if you would provide some more details, I may be able to help you some more. I think the following details would be helpful:
    1. Complete error message and stack trace you are getting.
    2. The section of your java code that you think is causing the problem.
    3. Oracle database version you are using.
    Good Luck,

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