Oracle 11g SGA & PGA setup

Hi I installed oracle 11g & create database , now i want to use fully optimize database.
Currently my DB server RAM is 16GB, how should i allocate SGA for this.If i used oracle 11g automatic memeory management feature to allocate SGA+PGA, how should i use them.Currentlymy SGA is set to 4GB, Please advise

It is depends upon the workload which you have in your organization(future and present situation)
SGA+PGA size will be automatically managed by Oracle. No need to worry about this.
If you need to increase Memory_Max_Size, you can also increase the Memory size in the future.

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    Can anybody guide me where i am wrong ?

    O/s is Linux AS4 and total memory is 8 GB.
    I just purchased this old refurbished dell poweredge 2650 for testing purpose.
    Want to utilize the maximum memory available for the database.
    swap is 8 GB too.

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    Appreciate your support.

    user1484609 wrote:
    Installation Successful after executing the install from C:\temp and not within users. Even if you execute as Admin Oracle Install does not have access to the folders in C:\Users...
    Finally the install is successful.Congratulations.
    And thank you for posting your solution. The security issue was quite a surprise to me as well, although it ties into a PC World article I read today.
    To continue, please make sure you have a static IP address. If your system uses DHCP, that may mean setting up Loopback Adapter, configuring a static IP address other than for that (for example you can use, and updating C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. (note - no 3 char 'type on the hosts file) to include an entry like ' myhost', and perhaps setting your ORACLE_HOSTNAME variable. This is all described well in the Install documentaiton at

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    You can find related setup at below link:
    By the way dont forget win7 home edition not certified wiht Oracle 11g
    Installation guide is avaliable at:

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    It looks customer oracle 11g DB is not configured for OEM. I saw member login by SQLplus.
    Is there any step-by-step document to setup OEM of oracle DB in windows2008R2 ?

    This should be in the documentation, these are empty. For an example simply take a look in the OEM_EXEC_TEMPLATE.SQL file. You will see how this is done (basically empty ",")

  • How to setup local loopback for "Oracle 11g Release 2" installtion

    Hi all,
    I was trying to install the Oracle 11g Release 2 on Red hat 6 using Local Loop back configuration, but not able to install..
    The contents of are:-
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    and of /etc/hosts are: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
    ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
    System eth0 is having setting given below:-
    IPV4 is set to " Automatic(DHCP)".
    IPV6 is set to "ignore".
    If i select system etho0 then host-name gets changed it becomes "dhcppc0".
    i checked it using command host-name. and if i try to install with this configuration then during installation gives error of networking as host-name has been changed to "dhcppc0".
    Please tell me what to do for local loopback configuration
    Am i doing some thing wrong?

    i am using "oracle Release" but same problem was there with oracle 10g on redhat 5.
    Please tell me how to setup local loopback configuration so that i can use internet as well as oracle on same machine. otherwise for internet use i have to change my system ipV4 to automatic(DHCP). if i change it to automatic(DHCP) then oracle stop its working please tell me solution for both case.
    I can not assign Static IP to IPv4, i earlier post i got recommendation to connfigure Local Loopback , but i am able to setup it.
    what ever the setting i have done are given below:--
    vi /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
    ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
    vi .etc/resolv.conf
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    #ping localhost
    PING localhost.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
    64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.073 ms
    64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.037 ms
    error is------
    [INS-06101]Ip address of localhost could not be determined
    are you sure you want to continue?
    Cause - The localhost is not mapped to a valid IP address in Hosts file (Eg. /etc/hosts in Unix).
    Action - Assign a valid IP address for the localhost or set it to loopback IP address ( in IPv4 or ::1 in IPv6).
    Summary  - dhcppc0: dhcppc0
    log file lines are:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Using paramFile: /database/install/oraparam.ini
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 80 MB. Actual 7471 MB Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 3499 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 16777216 Passed
    The commandline for unzip:
    /database/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.jdk/\*.jar -d /tmp/OraInstall2012-05-29_05-13-01PM
    Using the umask value '022' available from oraparam.ini
    Execvp of the child jre : the cmdline is /tmp/OraInstall2012-05-29_05-13-01PM/jdk/jre/bin/java, and the argv is
    INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2012-05-29_05-13-01PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2012-05-29_05-13-01PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2012-05-29_05-13-01PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Verifying target environment...
    INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
    SEVERE: Unable to determine a valid IP for the localhost..
    Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.driver.oui.OUISetupDriver:13
    INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
    WARNING: Verification of target environment returned with errors.
    WARNING: [WARNING] [INS-06101] IP address of localhost could not be determined
    CAUSE: The localhost is not mapped to a valid IP address in Hosts file (Eg. /etc/hosts in Unix).
    ACTION: Assign a valid IP address for the localhost or set it to loopback IP address ( in IPv4 or ::1 in IPv6).
    - dhcppc0: dhcppc0.
    Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.util.exception.DefaultErrorAdvisor:16
    INFO: Advice is WITHDRAW
    WARNING: Advised to shutdown the installer due to target environment verification errors.
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus PREREQ_FAILURE to the exit status set
    INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application
    INFO: Exit Status is -3
    INFO: Shutdown Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Installer

  • The danger of memory target in Oracle 11g - request for discussion.

    Hello, everyone.
    This is not a question, but kind of request for discussion.
    I believe that many of you heard something about automatic memory management in Oracle 11g.
    The concept is that Oracle manages the target size of SGA and PGA. Yes, believe it or not, all we have to do is just to tell Oracle how much memory it can use.
    But I have a big concern on this. The optimizer takes the PGA size into consideration when calculating the cost of sort-related operations.
    So what would happen when Oracle dynamically changes the target size of PGA? Following is a simple demonstration of my concern.
    UKJA@ukja116> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    -- Configuration
    create table t1(c1 int, c2 char(100));
    create table t2(c1 int, c2 char(100));
    insert into t1 select level, level from dual connect by level <= 10000;
    insert into t2 select level, level from dual connect by level <= 10000;
    -- First 10053 trace
    alter session set events '10053 trace name context forever, level 1';
    select /*+ use_hash(t1 t2) */ count(*)
    from t1, t2
    where t1.c1 = t2.c1 and t1.c2 = t2.c2
    alter session set events '10053 trace name context off';
    -- Do aggressive hard parse to make Oracle dynamically change the size of memory segments.
      pat1     varchar2(1000);
      pat2     varchar2(1000);
      va       number;
      vc       sys_refcursor;
      vs        varchar2(1000);
      select ksppstvl into pat1
        from sys.xm$ksppi i, sys.xm$ksppcv v   -- views for x$ table
        where i.indx = v.indx
        and i.ksppinm = '__pga_aggregate_target';
      for idx in 1 .. 10000000 loop
        execute immediate 'select count(*) from t1 where rownum = ' || (idx+1)
              into va;
        if mod(idx, 1000) = 0 then
          sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, idx || 'th execution');
          select ksppstvl into pat2
          from sys.xm$ksppi i, sys.xm$ksppcv v   -- views for x$ table
          where i.indx = v.indx
          and i.ksppinm = '__pga_aggregate_target';
          if pat1 <> pat2 then
            sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, 'yep, I got it!');
          end if;
        end if;
      end loop;
    -- As to alert log file,
    25000th execution
    26000th execution
    27000th execution
    28000th execution
    29000th execution
    30000th execution
    yep, I got it! <-- the pga target changed with 30000th hard parse
    -- Second 10053 trace for same query
    alter session set events '10053 trace name context forever, level 1';
    select /*+ use_hash(t1 t2) */ count(*)
    from t1, t2
    where t1.c1 = t2.c1 and t1.c2 = t2.c2
    alter session set events '10053 trace name context off';With above test case, I found that
    1. Oracle invalidates the query when internal pga aggregate size changes, which is quite natural.
    2. With changed pga aggregate size, Oracle recalculates the cost. These are excerpts from the both of the 10053 trace files.
    -- First 10053 trace file
    Compilation Environment Dump
    _smm_max_size                       = 11468 KB
    _smm_px_max_size                    = 28672 KB
    optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines    = false
    optimizer_use_invisible_indexes     = true
    -- Second 10053 trace file
    Compilation Environment Dump
    _smm_max_size                       = 13107 KB
    _smm_px_max_size                    = 32768 KB
    optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines    = false
    optimizer_use_invisible_indexes     = true
    Bug Fix Control Environment10053 trace file clearly says that Oracle recalculates the cost of the query with the change of internal pga aggregate target size. So, there is a great danger of unexpected plan change while Oracle dynamically controls the memory segments.
    I believe that this is a desinged behavior, but the negative side effect is not negligible.
    I just like to hear your opinions on this behavior.
    Do you think that this is acceptable? Or is this another great feature that nobody wants to use like automatic tuning advisor?
    Dion Cho - Oracle Performance Storyteller (english) (korean)

    I made a slight modification with my test case to have mixed workloads of hard parse and logical reads.
    create table t3(c1 int, c2 char(1000));
    insert into t3 select level, level from dual connect by level <= 50000;
      pat1     varchar2(1000);
      pat2     varchar2(1000);
      va       number;
      select ksppstvl into pat1
        from sys.xm$ksppi i, sys.xm$ksppcv v
        where i.indx = v.indx
        and i.ksppinm = '__pga_aggregate_target';
      for idx in 1 .. 1000000 loop
        -- try many patterns here!
        execute immediate 'select count(*) from t3 where 10 = mod('||idx||',10)+1' into va;
        if mod(idx, 100) = 0 then
          sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, idx || 'th execution');
          for p in (select ksppinm, ksppstvl
              from sys.xm$ksppi i, sys.xm$ksppcv v
              where i.indx = v.indx
              and i.ksppinm in ('__shared_pool_size', '__db_cache_size', '__pga_aggregate_target')) loop
              sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, p.ksppinm || ' = ' || p.ksppstvl);
          end loop;
          select ksppstvl into pat2
          from sys.xm$ksppi i, sys.xm$ksppcv v
          where i.indx = v.indx
          and i.ksppinm = '__pga_aggregate_target';
          if pat1 <> pat2 then
            sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, 'yep, I got it! pat1=' || pat1 ||', pat2='||pat2);
          end if;
        end if;
      end loop;
    /This test case showed expected and reasonable result, like following:
    100th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 92274688
    __db_cache_size = 16777216
    __pga_aggregate_target = 83886080
    200th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 92274688
    __db_cache_size = 16777216
    __pga_aggregate_target = 83886080
    300th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 88080384
    __db_cache_size = 20971520
    __pga_aggregate_target = 83886080
    400th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 92274688
    __db_cache_size = 16777216
    __pga_aggregate_target = 83886080
    500th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 88080384
    __db_cache_size = 20971520
    __pga_aggregate_target = 83886080
    1100th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 92274688
    __db_cache_size = 20971520
    __pga_aggregate_target = 83886080
    1200th execution
    __shared_pool_size = 92274688
    __db_cache_size = 37748736
    __pga_aggregate_target = 58720256
    yep, I got it! pat1=83886080, pat2=58720256Oracle continued being bounced between shared pool and buffer cache size, and about 1200th execution Oracle suddenly stole some memory from PGA target area to increase db cache size.
    (I'm still in dark age on this automatic memory target management of 11g. More research in need!)
    I think that this is very clear and natural behavior. I just want to point out that this would result in unwanted catastrophe under special cases, especially with some logic holes and bugs.
    Dion Cho - Oracle Performance Storyteller (english) (korean)

  • Oracle 11G + Database Connection taking too much Time

    Hi ,
    I am using Oracle 11G . When i try to connect to oracle database
    sqlplus system/impetus@database
    it takes too much time ( more than 1 min )
    I am not getting why this is happening ?
    Before some day it was working fine but suddenly the problem occurred.. Is this issue is related to log files generated by oracle or memory related issue ( sga and pga)..
    Any Help please ?

    Darn! /tmp/capture.log does not contain what I expected it to contain.
    So a different approach is needed.
    issue the following command:
    script /tmp/capture.log
    #now you are in a new shell & issue the next 3 lines
    strace sqlplus system/impetus@database
    Ctrl-d (Control D)
    now issue the following commands.
    ls -l /tmp/capture.log
    wc -l /tmp/capture.log
    Post the results from 2 commands above back here

  • Oracle 11g R2 hangs after parameter processes incresed

    I am running an Oracle 11g R2 on a Solaris box. I was getting some Critical alert messages about the "Process Limit %" metric. So I decided to increase the value of the processes database parameter from 200 to 400. After that the system is very slow and hanging with a lot of "Log file sync" and "log file parallel write" events.
    I have rolled it back to 200 and now the system is working fine again, but I am concern about getting again the alert about the "process limit %".
    Is there any other parameter that I need to tune together with the increase of the proccesses on?

    It looks like the issue is not related with the processes change.
    If I reboot then db and then restart the process it runs fine. Something happens during on the db during the day that make the nightly schedule task takes forever. When I checked it this morming there were a lot of commit activity. If I cancel the process and then try to restart it again without rebooting the db the problem persist. But if I bounce the database and then run it, it will complete fine.
    Below is AWR periord comparisson report. The first period is when I cancelled the process and then tried to run it again. The second one is after the database reboot.
    I appreciate any advice.
    Snapshot Set DB Name DB Id Instance Inst num Release Cluster Host Std Block Size
    First (1st) DMFEPRD 3155815743 dmfeprd 1 NO uscndb18 8192
    Second (2nd) DMFEPRD 3155815743 dmfeprd 1 NO uscndb18 8192
    Snapshot Set Begin Snap Id Begin Snap Time End Snap Id End Snap Time Avg Active Users Elapsed Time (min) DB time (min)
    1st 2700 25-Jun-11 12:17:51 (Sat) 2701 25-Jun-11 12:23:40 (Sat) 2.69 5.82 15.65
    2nd 2702 25-Jun-11 12:47:17 (Sat) 2703 25-Jun-11 12:52:52 (Sat) 2.40 5.58 13.39
    %Diff -10.78 -4.12 -14.44
    Host Configuration Comparison
    1st 2nd Diff %Diff
    Number of CPUs: 32 32 0 0.0
    Number of CPU Cores: 4 4 0 0.0
    Number of CPU Sockets: 1 1 0 0.0
    Physical Memory: 65408M 65408M 0M 0.0
    Load at Start Snapshot: 6.14 2.03 -4.12 -66.9
    Load at End Snapshot: 6.95 4.67 -2.28 -32.8
    %User Time: 13.43 13.04 -.38 -2.9
    %System Time: 6.95 1.26 -5.69 -81.9
    %Idle Time: 79.62 85.7 6.07 7.6
    %IO Wait Time: 0 0 0 0.0
    Cache Sizes
    1st (M) 2nd (M) Diff (M) %Diff
    Memory Target 10,240.0 10,240.0 0.0 0.0
    .....SGA Target 6,656.0 6,656.0 0.0 0.0
    ..........Buffer Cache 672.0 672.0 0.0 0.0
    ..........Shared Pool 1,472.0 1,472.0 0.0 0.0
    ..........Large Pool 64.0 64.0 0.0 0.0
    ..........Java Pool 224.0 224.0 0.0 0.0
    ..........Streams Pool 64.0 64.0 0.0 0.0
    .....PGA Target 3,584.0 3,584.0 0.0 0.0
    Log Buffer 18.6 18.6 0.0 0.0
    Load Profile
    1st per sec 2nd per sec %Diff 1st per txn 2nd per txn %Diff
    DB time: 2.69 2.40 -10.78 0.96 0.14 -85.42
    CPU time: 0.90 2.13 136.67 0.32 0.12 -62.50
    Redo size: 28,238.40 149,564.99 429.65 10,057.71 8,577.01 -14.72
    Logical reads: 8,840.64 21,941.38 148.19 3,148.78 1,258.26 -60.04
    Block changes: 176.06 1,032.02 486.18 62.71 59.18 -5.63
    Physical reads: 1.82 37.36 1,952.75 0.65 2.14 229.23
    Physical writes: 6.69 25.16 276.08 2.38 1.44 -39.50
    User calls: 118.44 318.49 168.90 42.19 18.26 -56.72
    Parses: 91.31 492.38 439.24 32.52 28.24 -13.16
    Hard parses: 4.73 31.89 574.21 1.68 1.83 8.93
    W/A MB processed: 908,952.26 4,708,929.40 418.06 323,742.82 270,039.92 418.06
    Logons: 18.65 41.19 120.86 6.64 2.36 -64.46
    Executes: 109.63 584.01 432.71 39.05 33.49 -14.24
    Transactions: 2.81 17.44 520.64
    1st 2nd Diff
    % Blocks changed per Read: 1.99 4.70 2.71
    Recursive Call %: 84.16 92.70 8.53
    Rollback per transaction %: 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rows per Sort: 1,620.17 1,194.14 -426.02
    Avg DB time per Call (sec): 0.02 0.01 -0.02

  • Oracle 11g Performance Issue

    We have Oracle 11g ( on HP-UX environment with CC&B application. It was working fine and after we upgrade the database to last week, since then the database performance is really slow. After we upgrade the database we notice that xdb component became invalid.
    We are not sure how to investigate this issue, any help would be appreciated.

    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Startup Time    Release     RAC
    CCBPROD       3218377102 ccbprod             1 10-Jan-12 20:26  NO
    Host Name        Platform                         CPUs Cores Sockets Memory(GB)
    huccbhp5         HP-UX IA (64-bit)                   4     4       2      23.97
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
    Begin Snap:     43912 11-Jan-12 10:00:31       157      96.1
      End Snap:     43913 11-Jan-12 11:00:35       186     101.3
       Elapsed:               60.08 (mins)
       DB Time:              653.40 (mins)
    Cache Sizes                       Begin        End
    ~~~~~~~~~~~                  ---------- ----------
                   Buffer Cache:    12,160M    12,096M  Std Block Size:         8K
               Shared Pool Size:       704M       704M      Log Buffer:    58,764K
    Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
          DB Time(s):               10.9                0.5       0.02       0.02
           DB CPU(s):                3.6                0.2       0.01       0.01
           Redo size:          529,539.6           24,544.1
       Logical reads:          155,545.5            7,209.5
       Block changes:            2,047.0               94.9
      Physical reads:              204.6                9.5
    Physical writes:               96.0                4.5
          User calls:              698.7               32.4
              Parses:               77.8                3.6
         Hard parses:                0.1                0.0
    W/A MB processed:          406,873.3           18,858.5
              Logons:                0.4                0.0
            Executes:              456.1               21.1
           Rollbacks:               19.6                0.9
        Transactions:               21.6
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
                Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:   99.97
                Buffer  Hit   %:   99.87    In-memory Sort %:  100.00
                Library Hit   %:   99.93        Soft Parse %:   99.89
             Execute to Parse %:   82.95         Latch Hit %:   99.99
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:    0.01     % Non-Parse CPU:   99.93
    Shared Pool Statistics        Begin    End
                 Memory Usage %:   89.78   90.02
        % SQL with executions>1:   86.04   84.87
      % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   86.22   86.03
    Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
                                                              wait   % DB
    Event                                 Waits     Time(s)   (ms)   time Wait Class
    virtual circuit wait              2,170,696      15,761      7   40.2 Network
    DB CPU                                           13,115          33.5
    db file sequential read             362,802       6,304     17   16.1 User I/O
    enq: TX - row lock contention           115       1,118   9721    2.9 Applicatio
    log file sync                         8,183         818    100    2.1 Commit
    Host CPU (CPUs:    4 Cores:    4 Sockets:    2)
    ~~~~~~~~         Load Average
                   Begin       End     %User   %System      %WIO     %Idle
                    3.28      3.93      93.1       2.3       2.8       4.6
    Instance CPU
                  % of total CPU for Instance:  91.1
                  % of busy  CPU for Instance:  95.4
      %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr:   0.0
    Memory Statistics
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       Begin          End
                      Host Mem (MB):     24,545.7     24,545.7
                       SGA use (MB):     13,312.0     13,312.0
                       PGA use (MB):        935.9        949.3
        % Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:        58.05        58.05

  • ORACLE 11g AMM

    Hellow, my questions concern ORACLE 11g,
    First topic
    Tell me if i'm right:
    if i set server parameters:
    memory_max_target to 1.5 GB
    memory_target to 1GB
    pga_aggregate_target to 100MB
    sga_target to 500MB
    Q1.That's mean DB will use at least 500MB for all SGA components and at least 100MB for Server Processes?
    Q2.And if it's true Oracle will tune SGA szie above sga_target and for PGA above 100MB if necessary?
    Second topic:
    If I set :
    memory_max_target to 1.5 GB
    memory_target to 1GB
    pga_aggregate_target to 0
    sga_target to 0
    Q3.That's mean DB wil tune SGA component's size and PGA buffer it self up to 1GB for both elements?
    Thanks for replay.

    From MOS ID 169706.1
    Automatic Memory Management
    Starting with Oracle Database 11g, the Automatic Memory Management feature requires more shared memory (/dev/shm) and file descriptors. The shared memory should be sized to be at least the greater of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET for each Oracle instance on the computer. To determine the amount of shared memory available, enter the following command: # df -k /dev/shm/
    Note: MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET cannot be used when LOCK_SGA is enabled or with huge pages on Linux

  • Factors for increase in memory occupied by Oracle 11g database

    I wanted to know all the possible factors which can account for the increase in the memory required for an Oracle 11g database. Let’s take an example,
    1) Say if the memory allocated for an Oracle 11g instance is 8GB which is 50% of the memory of 16GB allocated to the machine on which Oracle 11g is installed.
    2) The max sessions are 300.
    With this example in mind, I had the following queries:
    1) Is the memory taken by 100 sessions or 300 sessions going to be within the limit of 8GB allocated to the Oracle?
    2) Say if the max sessions is increased to 400, would the memory taken the 100 extra sessions would be within 8GB or would that be extra?
    I hope my query is clear.
    Please revert with the reply to my query.

    Memory is allocated for the session only when that session is created by the listener, and the memory used by that session will fluctuate depending on the workload it's doing.
    300 or 400 it won't pre-allocate all the memory for the fixed maximum number of sessions, it's dynamic. What oracle does is allocated all the memory you gave it in the PGA and the SGA and will do it's best to work with it for the current workload, it won't suddenly eat more memory without you telling it's okay to.
    The only scenario I could see this happening is if you have a lot of sessions and a small PGA. In that case, oracle does go ahead and eat more memory than you gave it because it can't make due with the current PGA. So it eats more memory so sessions can be created and maintened. See PGA over- allocation.
    To quote the good ol' docs:
    Over allocating PGA memory can happen if the value ofPGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is too small. When this happens, the Oracle Database cannot honor the value ofPGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and extra PGA memory needs to be allocated.

  • /dev/shm on Oracle Linux 6.x to run Oracle 11g R2 - manual configuration?

    We are building a server to run Oracle 11g R2 database ( x64) on Oracle Linux 6.2 with UEK R2.
    Our preference is to use AMM to have Oracle 11g R2 manage memory. We may impose some minium SGA and PGA memory allocations but basically aim to use MEMORY_TARGET to manage overall memory.
    By default Linux makes the size of /dev/shm ~50% of server physical RAM, as far as I can tell.
    Here is the /etc/fstab entry created by the installation:
    tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    Given this Linux server will only run Oracle 11g R2 database and some monitoring software, almost application code will run on the server. The application code will run on the separate application server and is Java based.
    Can I change the */etc/fstab* entry for /dev/shm to manually increase the size to take up ~80-90% of the server physical RAM ? Is it a good idea?
    The server is 64-bit, the RAM = 64 GB, so I am thinking to manually make /dev/shm to be = ~55GB, leaving ~8GB for other purposes.
    Right now it's about 32GB (50%?) if I leave the /dev/shm 'defaults' on.
    many thanks

    I have read the doc (what little there is on this topic).
    I have asked on the database forum......
    just FYI - below is the proof:
    SQL> show parameter mem
    NAME                    TYPE     VALUE
    hi_shared_memory_address     integer     0
    memory_max_target          big integer 4G
    memory_target          big integer 0
    shared_memory_address     integer     0
    SQL> show parameter ga
    NAME                    TYPE     VALUE
    lock_sga               boolean     FALSE
    pga_aggregate_target          big integer 1600M
    pre_page_sga          boolean     FALSE
    sga_max_size          big integer 3G
    sga_target               big integer 1600M
    still does not work.
    And I cant change memory_max_target = 0 because I get error on startup:
    SQL> alter system set memory_max_target=0 scope=spfile;
    System altered.
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    Database closed.
    Database dismounted.
    ORACLE instance shut down.
    SQL> startup;
    ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
    ORA-00843: Parameter not taking MEMORY_MAX_TARGET into account
    ORA-00849: SGA_TARGET 3221225472 cannot be set to more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET 0.
    BUT if memory_max_target is > 0 then alert log says hugepages can not be used
    it feels like catch-22.....
    Edited by: yurib on Jun 1, 2012 4:53 PM

  • SGA, PGA and... little extra?

    Will oracle process use some extra "non oracle" memory for OS related stuff?
    Mean, not considering SGA, I connect a database process and I see:
    SQL> select p.program,
      2  p.spid, pm.category, pm.allocated/1024 allocated, pm.used/1024 used, pm.max_allocated/1024 max_allocated
      3  from V$PROCESS p, V$PROCESS_MEMORY pm
      4  where =
      5  and p.spid =2650;
                                                                              Allocated       Usedd   allocated
    PROGRAM                        SPID                     CATEGORY                 Kb          Kb          Kb
    oracle@uxlabhost11             2650                     SQL                      14           9          42
    oracle@uxlabhost11             2650                     PL/SQL                   56          34          57
    oracle@uxlabhost11             2650                     Other                  1501                    1501That's allocated PGA after having connected and done nothing else
    So it somehow allocated 1.4 Mb upon start-up...
    Now question is. Do oracle processes use OS memory which cannot be considered as SGA or PGA?
    Reason being my trying to estimate memory needs for a database server. Many I've read correct formula should be SGA + max allocated PGA + some_extra_just_in_case...
    Is there an estimate on how much that "some_extra_just_in_case" would be per process?
    If OS dependent, I'm implementing on RHEL 6...

    So, I've used pmap...
    Got 257 enties in the form "4096K rw-s- /dev/shm/"
    since we are using AMM , that should do for PGA and SGA ... some 1052672 Kb, which process is attached to...
    yet pmap then continues to display other entries....
    0000002a95557000      4K r-x--  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    0000002a95558000   1024K -----  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    0000002a95658000      4K rw---  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    0000002a95659000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
    0000002a9565a000    392K r-x--  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    0000002a956bc000   1024K -----  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    0000002a957bc000     40K rw---  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    0000002a957c6000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
    0000002a957c7000    864K r-x--  /opt/oracle/product/11g/lib/
    .. TRUNCATED...
    0000003fb810a000     64K rw---    [ anon ]
    0000003fbbd00000     84K r-x--  /lib64/
    0000003fbbd15000   1020K -----  /lib64/
    0000003fbbe14000      4K r----  /lib64/
    0000003fbbe15000      4K rw---  /lib64/
    0000003fbbe16000      8K rw---    [ anon ]
    0000007fbffde000    136K rwx--    [ stack ]
    ffffffffff600000      4K r-x--    [ anon ]
    total          1276452KNotice "total 1276452K"
    So you saying non SGA/PGA would be 1276452 - 1052672?
    That would be too much... yet if pmap another process, almost all flags (hex column) but [ stack ] are the same....
    So how to tell which of those are shared and which are "exclusive" to the process, i.e: The "some extra just in case" mem...

  • SGA+PGA Size allocation

    Hi all
    I Have a server System Configuration with
    RAM size: 16GB Ram & Hard disk Size of 1TB.
    I Installed Oracle 11g R2 in the server System
    I want to Allocate Dedicated Memory for oracle..
    How Should i calculate the Memory size of SGA+PGA for good Performance..

    Pl do not post duplicates - Reg:-SGA & PGA Memory Allocation Size

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