Oracle 8i, left join with conditional

Coming from the MySQL world, I'm trying to do a left join with a
select c.givenname,c.surname,c.userid,r.letternr
from cand c,responses r
where (c.userid=r.username(+))
No problem whatsoever.
If there is no corresponding "response" in R for a given
candidate, I get a NULL return for R.letternr.
However, there is a flag in R, called "VISIBLE" that I wish to
use to mean "Don't count this entry in R". R.VISIBLE=0 means
that the response is not active/present/visible/valid.
Am I making any sense? :-)

If you don't want to display a row with a null value for
r.letternr when r.visible = 0, then:
SELECT     c.givenname,
FROM       cand c,
           responses r
WHERE      c.userid = r.username (+)
AND        c.activeprofile = 1
AND        r.visible != 0
Or, if you do want to display a row with a null value for
r.letternr when r.visible = 0, then:
SELECT     c.givenname,
FROM       cand c,
           responses r
WHERE      c.userid = r.username (+)
AND        c.activeprofile = 1
AND        r.visible (+) != 0

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       lu_ods.lookup_type(+) = 'FORX_ORDERPRO_ACTION'Is this just bad coding. Is there any reason why someone would do this?
       lu_ods.lookup_type = 'FORX_ORDERPRO_ACTION'work just as well?

    As Sentinel said, it can change the result if you are left joining between two tables:
    with a as (
    select 1 num, 'a' col from dual UNION ALL
    select 2 num, 'b' col from dual UNION ALL
    select 3 num, 'c' col from dual
    b as (
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    select 4 num, 'e' col from dual UNION ALL
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    from a, b
    where a.num(+) = b.num
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    NUM                    COL NUM                    COL
    1                      a   1                      a  
                               5                      f  
                               4                      e  
    3 rows selectedWithout the left join on the number, we lose results:
    with a as (
    select 1 num, 'a' col from dual UNION ALL
    select 2 num, 'b' col from dual UNION ALL
    select 3 num, 'c' col from dual
    b as (
    select 1 num, 'a' col from dual UNION ALL
    select 4 num, 'e' col from dual UNION ALL
    select 5 num, 'f' col from dual
    select *
    from a, b
    where a.num(+) = b.num
      and a.num = 1;
    NUM                    COL NUM                    COL
    1                      a   1                      a  
    1 rows selected

  • JPA Criteria : LEFT JOIN with an AND condition

    Hi all,
    I have a question regarding JPA criteria.
    Here is my JPA query :
    CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Long> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Long.class);
    Root<Email> emailRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Email.class);
    Predicate globalCondition = criteriaBuilder.equal(emailRoot.get(Email_.type),;
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    Predicate typeCondition = criteriaBuilder.notEqual(emailRoot.join(Email_.emailsOut, JoinType.LEFT).get(Email_.responseType),ResponseType.response);
    globalCondition = criteriaBuilder.and(globalCondition, responseMandatoryCondition);
    globalCondition = criteriaBuilder.and(globalCondition, typeCondition);
    Here is the result of this query :
    SELECT DISTINCT email0_.ID AS col_0_0_
    FROM EMAIL email0_
    LEFT OUTER JOIN email emailso1_ ON email0_.ID = emailso1_.ID_EMAIL_IN
    WHERE email0_.TYPE = 'in'
    AND email0_.RESPONSE_MANDATORY = true
    AND emailso1_.RESPONSE_TYPE <> 'response'
    LIMIT 0 , 30
    And here is the request I needed :
    SELECT DISTINCT email0_.ID AS col_0_0_
    FROM EMAIL email0_
    LEFT OUTER JOIN email emailso1_ ON email0_.ID = emailso1_.ID_EMAIL_IN AND emailso1_.RESPONSE_TYPE <> 'response'
    WHERE email0_.TYPE = 'in'
    AND email0_.RESPONSE_MANDATORY = true
    LIMIT 0 , 30
    As you can see I need to check if the RESPONSE_TYPE is equals on the same line that the LEFT OUTER JOIN. Does anybody know how to write such an JPA criteria query ?
    Thanks ,
    Edited by: user13105928 on 17 févr. 2011 03:06

    You cannot define an ON clause with Criteria, nor JPQL.
    Perhaps you can reword the query to avoid needing an ON clause.
    What is the query you want to do (in english)?
    Can you just use an OR in the where clause?
    There is a enhancement request to have ON clause support added, please vote for it.
    James :

  • Whats the alternate for left join with using IN operator in the where claus

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    Select t1.f1, t1.f2, t2.f3
      From t1, t2
    Where ...
          t1.f1> (+) IN t2.f1
          ...alternate query..
    Select t1.f1, t1.f2, t2.f3
      From t1, t2
    Where ...
          (t1.f1> IN t2.f1 or 1=1)
          ...will the alternate query satisfy the above senario..?

    I'm not quite sure I've understood what the OP's question is, but will ANSI syntax deal with it?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with a as (select 1 as num, 2 as data from dual union all
      2             select 2 as num, 3 as data from dual union all
      3             select 3 as num, 4 as data from dual),
      4       b as (select 1 as num, 5 as data from dual union all
      5             select 3 as num, 7 as data from dual)
      6  -- END OF TEST DATA
      7  select a.num,,
      8* from a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON (a.num = b.num AND b.num IN (3))
    SQL> /
           NUM       DATA       DATA
             3          4          7
             1          2
             2          3

  • How To do a LEFT JOIN in Oracle 8i

    To explain my problem in a simple way: I have two tables, PROVA1 and PROVA2. Both have a primary key with two fields (CHIAVE1 amd CHIAVE2, numbers).
    I have to search for all records in A but not in B. In Oracle 8 LEFT JOIN is not available and I do not Know how doing it.
    I have read something about + operator, but I am not sure. What about:
    Select * from PROVA1 P1, PROVA2 P2 where
    (P1.CHIAVE1(+) = P2.CHIAVE1) and
    (P1.CHIAVE2(+) = P2.CHIAVE2) and
    (P2.CHIAVE1 IS NULL) and
    Thank you
    Garetano Recchi

    Gaetano, you're really close.
    The (+) sign goes near to the table where the records can be missed. In your example near P2 columns.
    Select *
      from PROVA1  P1,  PROVA2  P2
      where P1.CHIAVE1 = P2.CHIAVE1(+)
      and P1.CHIAVE2 = P2.CHIAVE2(+)
      and P2.CHIAVE1 IS NULL
      and P2.CHIAVE2 IS NULLYou can anyway use the minus operator
    Select *
      from PROVA1
      where (chiave1,chiave2) in (select chiave1, chiave2 from prova1 minus select chiave1, chiave2 from prova2);If you want to download a free book (in italiano) for oracle beginners go to
    My Oracle-related blog

  • Inconsistent results with ANSI LEFT JOIN on 9iR2

    Is this a known issue? Is it solved in 10g?
    With the following data setup, I get inconsistent results. It seems to be linked to the combination of using LEFT JOIN with the NULL comparison within the JOIN.
    create table titles (title_id int, title varchar(50));
    insert into titles values (1, 'Red Book');
    insert into titles values (2, 'Yellow Book');
    insert into titles values (3, 'Blue Book');
    insert into titles values (4, 'Orange Book');
    create table sales (stor_id int, title_id int, qty int, email varchar(60));
    insert into sales values (1, 1, 1, '[email protected]'));
    insert into sales values (1, 2, 1, '[email protected]');
    insert into sales values (3, 3, 4, null);
    insert into sales values (3, 4, 5, '[email protected]');
    SQL&gt; SELECT titles.title_id, title, qty
    2 FROM titles LEFT OUTER JOIN sales
    3 ON titles.title_id = sales.title_id
    4 AND stor_id = 3
    5 AND is not null
    6 ;
    4 Orange Book 5
    3 Blue Book
    1 Red Book
    2 Yellow Book
    SQL&gt; SELECT titles.title_id, title, qty
    2 FROM titles LEFT OUTER JOIN sales
    3 ON titles.title_id = sales.title_id
    4 AND 3 = stor_id
    5 AND is not null;
    2 Yellow Book 1
    4 Orange Book 5
    3 Blue Book
    1 Red Book
    It seems to matter what order I specify the operands stor_id = 3, or 3 = stor_id.
    In the older (+) environment, I would understand this, but here? I'm pretty sure most other databases don't care about the order.
    thanks for your insight

    Don't have a 9i around right now to test ... but in 10 ...
    SQL> create table titles (title_id int, title varchar(50));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into titles values (1, 'Red Book');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into titles values (2, 'Yellow Book');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into titles values (3, 'Blue Book');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into titles values (4, 'Orange Book');
    1 row created.
    SQL> create table sales (stor_id int, title_id int, qty int, email varchar(60));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into sales values (1, 1, 1, '[email protected]');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into sales values (1, 2, 1, '[email protected]');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into sales values (3, 3, 4, null);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into sales values (3, 4, 5, '[email protected]');
    1 row created.
    SQL> SELECT titles.title_id, title, qty
      2   FROM titles LEFT OUTER JOIN sales
      3   ON titles.title_id = sales.title_id
      4   AND stor_id = 3
      5   AND is not null
      6   ;
      TITLE_ID TITLE                                                     QTY
             4 Orange Book                                                 5
             3 Blue Book
             1 Red Book
             2 Yellow Book
    SQL> SELECT titles.title_id, title, qty
      2   FROM titles LEFT OUTER JOIN sales
      3   ON titles.title_id = sales.title_id
      4   AND 3 = stor_id
      5   AND is not null;
      TITLE_ID TITLE                                                     QTY
             4 Orange Book                                                 5
             3 Blue Book
             1 Red Book
             2 Yellow Book
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

  • Wrap a store procedure which include "Left Join"

    In 9i, i write a store procedure :
    SELECT A.*, B.XX
    AND, I wrap this store procedure, it show error message:
    PSU(103,1,50,41):Encountered the symbol "LEFT" when expecting one of the following:
    , ; for group having intersect minus order start union where
    Why i can run this store procedure, but can't wrap it?
    my oracle is

    Replace Left Join with "," and put "(+)" symbol after A.ID

  • Doubt Regarding LEFT JOIN Operation

    With the Old syntax in place it is easier for find that which join is performed on which table ...
    But with the new syntax ..m getting bit confused when INNER & LEFT JOINS used together ...
    Below is the FROM clause ...please explain .. how this JOIN is gonna take place ..& which table is Left joined with whom...
    ON Trim(ass.agreement_id) = trim(ref_1.AGREEMENT_ID)
    ON (ref_1.company_code =curr.COMPANYCODE)
    ON (ref_1.company_code =prev.COMPANYCODE)
    ON (city.City_id= cont.City_id))

    Aijaz Mallick wrote:
    Yeah .. but was a bit Confusing as u used 2 columns in each table....
    Doesn't it depends on the joining condition we use ... lets Say ..if i use an INNER join after 2 LEFT join ... & m doing an that inner join with the first SOURCE table .... then will it perform a join on the resultset on the previous Joins...???Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking.
    Please post a specific example of a join that you don't understand, or some results that you don't know how to get.
    Use commonly available tables (like those in the scott or hr schemas) or post your own CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements.
    Using ANSI syntax, the results are as if the joins were done in the order they appear in the FROM clause (even though the optimizer may not actually do them in that order).
    For example, in the querry below, the inner-join between emp and salgrade is done first, then the outer join with dept is done to that result set.
    SELECT     d.dname
    ,     e.ename
    ,     g.losal
    FROM          scott.emp     e
    JOIN          scott.salgrade     g     ON     e.sal     BETWEEN     g.losal
                                       AND     g.hisal
    RIGHT OUTER JOIN  scott.dept     d     ON     e.deptno     = d.deptno
    DNAME          ENAME           LOSAL
    ACCOUNTING     CLARK            2001
    ACCOUNTING     MILLER           1201
    ACCOUNTING     KING             3001
    RESEARCH       FORD             2001
    RESEARCH       SCOTT            2001
    RESEARCH       JONES            2001
    RESEARCH       ADAMS             700
    RESEARCH       SMITH             700
    SALES          BLAKE            2001
    SALES          ALLEN            1401
    SALES          MARTIN           1201
    SALES          WARD             1201
    SALES          JAMES             700
    SALES          TURNER           1401
    OPERATIONSNotice that the OPERATIONS department, which has no matches in the other tables, is still included because of the outer join.
    If you want to have the joins done in a different order, you can explicitly join some table first, either in a sub-query or just by grouping joins within parentheses in the same FROM clause, as in the query below (which produces the same results as the query above):
    SELECT     d.dname
    ,     e.ename
    ,     g.losal
    FROM          scott.dept     d
    LEFT OUTER JOIN     (     -- Join the following tables first:
                   scott.emp     e
              JOIN     scott.salgrade     g     ON     e.sal     BETWEEN     g.losal
                                            AND     g.hisal
              )     ON     d.deptno     = e.deptno

  • T-sql 2008 r2 cte join with a second table

    In a sql server 2008 r2 database, I am trying to take the results of the cte called sProgram and join the results with the Person table in the query. The syntax of the join looks ok, however the results of the join are incorrect. The joined results are null
    when there is really data that can be joined. Can you tell me how to join the query so the results of the sprogram cte will be joined to the Person table correctly?
    1. Here is the query:
    ;with  sProgram as (
    SELECT   [personID],[attributeID],[value], [date],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by[personID] ORDER BY [personID],[date] DESC) rn
    FROM [dbo].[CustomS]
    where  [attributeID] in ('562','563','564','565')
    ,programSelect as
    select [personID],[attributeID],[value],[date]
    from sProgram
    where rn=1
    SELECT person.personID  
     , cs562.personID
     , cs562.attributeID
     , cs562.value
     , cs562.[date]
     , cs563.personID
     , cs563.attributeID
     , cs563.value
     , cs563.[date] 
     , cs564.personID
     , cs564.attributeID
     , cs564.value
     , cs564.[date]
     , cs565.personID
     , cs565.attributeID
     , cs565.value
     , cs565.[date]     
    FROM Person  cs562   
    join programSelect  on  cs562.personID  = Person.personID  and  cs562.attributeID= '562'
    left join programSelect cs563 on cs563.personID = cs562.personID and cs563.[Date] = cs562.[date] and cs563.attributeID ='563'
    left join programSelect  cs564 on cs564.personID = cs563.personID and  cs564.[date] = cs563.[Date] and cs564.attributeID ='564'
    left join programSelect cs565 on cs565.personID = cs564.personID and cs565.[Date] = cs564.[date] and cs565.attributeID ='565'
     , cs562.personID
     , cs562.attributeID
     , cs562.value
     , cs562.[date]
     , cs563.personID
     , cs563.attributeID
     , cs563.value
     , cs563.[date] 
     , cs564.personID
     , cs564.attributeID
     , cs564.value
     , cs564.[date]
     , cs565.personID
     , cs565.attributeID
     , cs565.value
     , cs565.[date] 
    2. here is the CustomS table with some data.
     SELECT [CustomSID]
       FROM [dbo].[CustomS]
       where personID=7170
       and attributeID in (562,563,564,565)
       order by date desc
    CustomSID personID        attributeID      value          [date]
     262490684  7170              562          GA         2013-08-14 07:26:00
     262490683   7170              565          05/23/2014 2013-08-14 07:26:00
     262490682   7170              563           Acd         2013-08-14 07:26:00
     262490681   7170              564          08/14/2013 2013-08-14 07:26:00
     251784         7170         564          09/06/2007 2007-09-08 00:00:00
     250029         7170         562          MA         2007-09-08 00:00:00
     248287         7170         563          asp         2007-09-08 00:00:00
     251785         7170         564          09/07/2006 2006-09-08 00:00:00
     248286         7170         563          asp         2006-09-08 00:00:00
     250028         7170         562          MA         2006-09-08 00:00:00
     251783         7170         564          09/06/2006 2006-09-06 00:00:00
     249367         7170         562          LA         2006-09-06 00:00:00
     248285         7170         563          asp         2006-09-06 00:00:00
    3. Here is the table definition:
     here is the table definition:
    alter TABLE [dbo].[CustomS](
      [CustomSID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
      [personID] [int] NOT NULL,
      [attributeID] [int] NOT NULL,
      [value] [varchar](256) NULL,
      [date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    Partition by CustomsID will didvide data into groups based on CustomsID value.
    ROW_NUMBER will generate sequence numbers over the group and when you look for rn=1 you'll get record with latest group
    Also from what I understand you need just this instead of all those left joins
    ;with sProgram as (
    SELECT [personID],[attributeID],[value], [date],
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by [personID],[attributeID] ORDER BY [date] DESC) rn
    FROM [dbo].[CustomS]
    where [attributeID] in ('562','563','564','565')
    SELECT p.personID
    , pr.personID , pr.attributeID , pr.value , pr.[date]
    , pr1.*
    FROM Person p
    left join sProgram pr
    on pr.personID = p.personID
    and pr.Rn = 1
    and attributeID = '562'
    outer apply (SELECT personID,
    max(case when attributeID = '563' then attributeID end) as AttrID563,
    max(case when attributeID = '563' then value end) as Value563,
    max(case when attributeID = '563' then date end) as date563,
    max(case when attributeID = '564' then attributeID end) as AttrID564,
    max(case when attributeID = '564' then value end) as Value564,
    max(case when attributeID = '564' then date end) as date564,
    max(case when attributeID = '565' then attributeID end) as AttrID565,
    max(case when attributeID = '565' then value end) as Value565,
    max(case when attributeID = '565' then date end) as date565
    where personID = p.PersonID
    and [date] = pr.[date]
    and Rn = 1
    group by personId)pr1
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • 3 tables with left joins - bug?

    i am making query where i encounter problem with left join in oracle. I am using oracle 10g and i prepare simple test case.
    he is testing tables and datas - really simple i think:
    drop table t1;
    drop table t2;
    drop table t3;
    create table t1 (a number not null);
    create table t2 (a number, b number);
    create table t3 (b number);
    insert into t3 values (1);
    insert into t3 values (2);
    insert into t3 values (3);
    insert into t1 (a) values (1);
    insert into t2 (a,b) values (1,1);
    insert into t1 (a) values (2);
    insert into t2 (a,b) values (2, null);
    insert into t1 (a) values (3);
    insert into t1 (a) values (4);
    insert into t2 (a,b) values (4,1);
    insert into t1 (a) values (5);
    insert into t2 (a,b) values (5,3);
    and now query with left joins:
    , t2.a, t2.b
    , t3.b
    t1, t2, t3
    t1.a = t2.a (+)
    and t2.b = t3.b (+)
    and t3.b is null
    order by t1.a
    i get two rows as result:
    A A_1 B B_1
    2 2 null null      
    3 null null null                
    i expect these rows but when i change my query - i dont want get back t3.b column:
    , t2.a, t2.b
    /* , t3.b*/
    t1, t2, t3
    t1.a = t2.a (+)
    and t2.b = t3.b (+)
    and t3.b is null
    order by t1.a
    i get only one row
    A A_1 B
    2 2 null
    My question is simple how can i only by changing columns getting back change number of returned rows? I must say i dont expect these result i expect two rows again.
    Thanks for help.

    BluShadow wrote:
    I think I know what you are getting at.
    By testing for null on t3.b when you aren't selecting the column, you are enforcing oracle to perform the join through t2 onto t1, but Oracle can't join because t2 has no matching row (although it's outer joined to t1) and therefore, for the one row it can't actually determine if t3.b is null or not, so that row can't match the conditions in a "true" sense and be displayed. If you select the column then oracle can test its nullness ok. (Perhaps this is a bug, I don't know, it's just how I know it works)If you get different results only by changing the projection part of the query this is a bug and nothing else. I can't reproduce using Oracle 10g XE, I get in both cases shown the expected two rows.
    What versions are you using to test this?
    SQL> select * from v$version
      2  where rownum <= 1;
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
    SQL> drop table t1 purge;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop table t2 purge;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop table t3 purge;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table t1 (a number not null);
    Table created.
    SQL> create table t2 (a number, b number);
    Table created.
    SQL> create table t3 (b number);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t3 values (1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t3 values (2);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t3 values (3);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 (a) values (1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t2 (a,b) values (1,1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 (a) values (2);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t2 (a,b) values (2, null);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 (a) values (3);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 (a) values (4);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t2 (a,b) values (4,1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 (a) values (5);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t2 (a,b) values (5,3);
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select t1.a
      2       , t2.a, t2.b
      3       , t3.b
      4  from
      5         t1 left outer join t2 on (t1.a = t2.a)
      6            left outer join t3 on (t2.b = t3.b)
      7  where t3.b is null
      8  order by t1.a;
             A          A          B          B
             2          2
    SQL> select t1.a
      2       , t2.a, t2.b
      3  --     , t3.b
      4  from
      5         t1 left outer join t2 on (t1.a = t2.a)
      6            left outer join t3 on (t2.b = t3.b)
      7  where t3.b is null
      8  order by t1.a;
             A          A          B
             2          2
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Testing for IS NOT NULL with left join tables

    Dear Experts,
    The query is showing the NULL rows in the query below....
    Any ideas, advice please? tx, sandra
    This is the sql inspector:
    SELECT O100321.FULL_NAME_LFMI, O100321.ID, O100404.ID, O100321.ID_SOURCE
    , O100404.NAME, O100321.PERSON_UID, O100404.PERSON_UID, O100404.VISA_TYPE
    , ODSMGR.VISA O100404
    WHERE ( ( O100321.PERSON_UID = O100404.PERSON_UID(+) ) ) AND ( O100404.VISA_TYPE(+) IS NOT NULL )

    Hi Everyone,
    I am understanding alot of what Michael and Rod wrote.... I am just puzzled over the following:
    the query below is left joining the STUDENT table to
    HOLD table.
    The HOLD table - contains rows for students who have holds on their record.
    a student can have more than one hold (health, HIPAA, basic life saving course)
    BUT, for this query: I'm only interested that a hold exists, so I'm choosing MAX on hold desc.
    Selecting a MAX, helps me, bec. it reduces my join to a 1 to 1 relationship, instead of
    1 to many relationship.
    Before I posted this thread at all, the LEFT JOIN below testing for IS NOT NULL worked w/o
    me having to code IS NOT NULL twice....
    Is that because, what's happening "behind the scenes" is that a temporary table containing all max rows is being
    created, for which Discoverer has no predefined join instructions, so it's letting me do a LEFT JOIN and have
    the IS NOT NULL condition.
    I would so appreciate clarification. I have a meeting on Tues, for which I have to explain LEFT JOINS to the user
    and how they should create a query. I need to come up with rules.
    If I feel "clear", I asked my boss to buy Camtasia videocast software to create a training clip for user to follow.
    Also, if any Banner user would like me to email the DIS query to run on their machine, I would be glad to do so.
    thx sooo much, Sandra
    SELECT O100384.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, O100255.ID, O100384.ID, O100255.NAME, O100384.NAME, O100255.PERSON_UID, O100384.PERSON_UID, MAX(O100255.HOLD_DESC)
    WHERE ( ( O100384.PERSON_UID = O100255.PERSON_UID(+) ) ) AND ( O100384.ACADEMIC_PERIOD = '200820' )
    GROUP BY O100384.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, O100255.ID, O100384.ID, O100255.NAME, O100384.NAME, O100255.PERSON_UID, O100384.PERSON_UID
    HAVING ( ( MAX(O100255.HOLD_DESC(+)) ) IS NOT NULL )

  • Need assistance with conditional join in SQL

    Hi All -
    I need to ask for help with this query:
    Create table user_tab_col_test (table_name varchar2(30), column_name varchar2(30), data_type varchar2(30));
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table1', 'column1', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table1', 'column2', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table1', 'column3', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table1', 'column4', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table2', 'column1', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table2', 'column2', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table2', 'column3', 'varchar2')
    Insert into user_tab_col_test (table_name, column_name, data_type) values ('table2', 'column4', 'varchar2')
    Create table all_cons_columns_test (table_name varchar2(30), column_name varchar2(30), constraint_name varchar2(30))
    Insert into all_cons_columns_test (table_name, column_name, constraint_name) values ('table1', 'column1', 'primary')
    Insert into all_cons_columns_test (table_name, column_name, constraint_name) values ('table1', 'column1', 'secondary')
    This is my query and the current result:
    Select u.table_name, u.column_name, c.constraint_name
    From user_tab_col_test u
    Left outer join all_cons_columns_test c
    On ( u.table_name = c.table_name
    AND C.CONSTRAINT_NAME IN ('primary'))
    order by U.table_name, U.COLUMN_NAME;
    table1 column1 primary
    table1 column2
    table1 column3
    table2 column1
    table2 column2
    Three questions:
    1) I only want to return results where table_name = 'table1'. I can't seem to get this to work.
    2) Is my query proper and is this the best way to return my desired results? I.e. I want all columns from user_tab_col_test and I only want to display the constraint_name from all_cons_columns_test if the constraint_name = 'primary'.
    3) Will the synatx be the same if I need to join a third table to all_cons_columns_test?
    Any advice/suggestions are much appreciated -
    Edited by: user703358 on Jan 11, 2013 8:57 PM
    Edited by: user703358 on Jan 11, 2013 9:48 PM

    user703358 wrote:
    ... ALL_CONSTRAINTS_TEST joins to ALL_CONS_COLUMNS_TEST on TABLE_NAME and CONSTRAINT_NAME. If you adapt this to use the data dictionary views ALL_CONSTRAINTS and ALL_CONS_COLUMNS, then rememeber to join on the OWNER column, also.
    Ultimately I want to use ALL_CONSTRAINTS_TEST.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P' in my WHERE clause, instead of C.CONSTRAINT_NAME IN (primary), only because the constraint_type is a more definitive attribute than just the name of the constraint.
    I tried something like the query below but I'm getting
    ORA-00904: "U"."COLUMN_NAME": invalid identifier
    00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
    Error at Line: 8 Column: 16Errors like that are caused by trying to mix old join syntax with ANSI join syntax in the same query.
    SELECT    u.table_name
    ,       u.column_name
    FROM           USER_TAB_COL_TEST      U,
    ALL_CONSTRAINTS_TEST ACAbove is an example of an old-style join: there is a comma between the table names, and the join conditions are included in the WHERE clause below.
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  all_cons_columns_test  c
    ON    u.table_name    = c.table_name
    AND   U.COLUMN_NAME    = C.COLUMN_NAMEThis is an example of an ANSI-style join: the keyword JOIN appears between the table names, and the join conditions are right here, after the keyword ON.
    WHERE      U.TABLE_NAME    = 'table1'
    ORDER BY  u.table_name
    ,           u.column_name
    ;While it is possible to use both join styles in the same query, it's a really bad idea. I suggest always using ANSI syntax, especially for outer joins, but whatever style you choose, use it consistently for all joins in the same query.
    In this case, you want an inner join between tablec c and ac, so the ANSI syntax would be something like
    FROM  u  LEFT OUTER JOIN c ON ... JOIN ac ON ...In this case, it's very important that the inner join between c and ac is done before the outer join with u. How can you make sure that happens? Well, if you have an arithmetic expression such as
    12 * 5 - 1and you want to make sure the subtraction of 1 from 5 takes place before the multiplication by 12, what do you do? You can add parentheses:
    12 * ( 5 - 1 )In ANSI join syntax, you can use parentheses the same way:
    FROM  u  LEFT OUTER JOIN ( c ON ... JOIN ac ON ... )or, in full:
    SELECT    u.table_name
    ,        u.column_name
    ,        c.constraint_name
    ,       ac.constraint_type
    FROM             user_tab_col_test      u
                             all_cons_columns_test  c
               JOIN  all_constraints_test   ac
                                 ON   ac.table_name     = c.table_name
                          AND  ac.constraint_name     = c.constraint_name
                            ON    u.table_name       = c.table_name
                   AND   u.column_name       = c.column_name
                   AND   ac.constraint_type  = 'P'
    WHERE       u.table_name     = 'table1'
    ORDER BY  u.table_name
    ,            u.column_name
    table1     column1     primary         P
    table1     column2
    table1     column3
    table1     column4

  • Simple left-join doesn't work. error with: Unknown column

    Hi guys,
    can anyone assist on this simple query:
    SELECT D.* , SUM( TD.debit_amount), SUM(TAP.amount)
    FROM debit AS D, transaction_debit AS TD
    LEFT JOIN TA_PAYMENTS AS TAP ON D.debit_id=TAP.debit_id
    WHERE D.debit_id = TD.debit_id
    GROUP BY TD.debit_idThe error message I receive is:
    #1054 - Unknown column 'D.debit_id' in 'on clause' I'm trying to relate 3 tables (debit, transactions-debit and ta_payment), some payment may not exist so therefore i use left join.
    thanks for any pointers

    SELECT D.* , SUM( TD.debit_amount), SUM(TAP.amount)
    FROM debit AS D, transaction_debit AS TD
    WHERE D.debit_id = TD.debit_id
    GROUP BY TD.debit_id
    I'm trying to relate 3 tables (debit,
    transactions-debit and ta_payment), some payment may
    not exist so therefore i use left join.You are trying to mix "the older join syntax", with the join condition in the where-clause, with "the new join syntax", with the join condition in the "on-clause", which I think is causing trouble.
    How about using only "the new syntax":
    SELECT D.* , SUM( TD.debit_amount), SUM(TAP.amount)
    FROM debit AS D JOIN transaction_debit AS TD on (D.debit_id = TD.debit_id)
         LEFT JOIN TA_PAYMENTS AS TAP ON (D.debit_id=TAP.debit_id)
    GROUP BY TD.debit_idDoes that help?

  • How do u write a LEFT JOIN in Oracle Developer Forms 6i?

    I have 2 tables:PERSDET and EMP_MEDICAL_LTA
    PERSDET has EMP_ID,EMP_NAME n some other fields.
    EMP_MEDICAL_LTA has EMP_ID,FIELD1,FIELD2 n some other fields
    EMP_ID is the common field between these 2 tables.
    My requirement is to display all the EMP_NAME,that is-EMP_NAME which have field1 and field2 entries, as well as EMP_NAME which donot have field1 and field2 entries. I thought of using a LEFT join for this operation. The query I used is as follows:
    SELECT PERSDET.emp_id,PERSDET.emp_name,EMP_MEDICAL_LTA.field1,EMP_MEDICAL_LTA.field2 into emp_id,emp_name,m,l FROM
    where …<some other joining conditions>;
    This query worked perfectly fine when I tried it running on the SQL prompt, but when I wrote it in a cursor in Oracle Forms 6i, it gave an error on the “LEFT” keyword!
    Is there any substitute for LEFT JOIN in Oracle Forms 6i???
    Please help!

    yes it is very much possible. and you query willbe as follows;
    SELECT PERSDET.emp_id,PERSDET.emp_name,EMP_MEDICAL_LTA.field1,EMP_MEDICAL_LTA.field2 into emp_id,emp_name,m,l FROM
    where …<some other joining conditions>;
    yse, you just have to use (+) symble on the side where the join condition is not fullfilled. the 2 possibilites for your qury is PERSDET.emp_id=EMP_MEDICAL_LTA.EMP_ID(+)
    you can execute both and suit your self.

  • Need help with conditional join....

    Table 1 - Student
    ID# Name
    1 # A
    2 # B
    3 # C
    4 # D
    Table2 - Marks
    ID Marks Display
    1 # 10 # Y
    1 # 20 # Y
    1 # 14 # N
    2 # 12 # N
    2 # 13 # N
    3 # 12 # Y
    Result...Need query to do this?..
    Want to join above two tables and display marks as X when there is no ID in table marks or there is ID but all marked with display as 'N'...if there is one or more
    marked with Y then display with marks..
    I am using oracle 11i.
    ID NAme      Marks
    1 # A     #     10
    1 # A     #     20
    2 # B # X
    3 # C # 12
    4 # D # X

    Or, using ANSI join syntax:
    with Table1 as (
                    select 1 id,'A' name from dual union all
                    select 2,'B' from dual union all
                    select 3,'C' from dual union all
                    select 4,'D' from dual
         Table2 as (
                    select 1 id,10 marks,'Y' display from dual union all
                    select 1,20,'Y' from dual union all
                    select 1,14,'N' from dual union all
                    select 2,12,'N' from dual union all
                    select 2,13,'N' from dual union all
                    select 3,12,'Y' from dual
    -- end of on-the-fly data sample
            nvl(to_char(marks),'X') marks
      from      Table1 t1
            left join
                Table2 t2
              on (
                      display = 'Y'
      order by id
            ID NAME                                                    MARKS
             1 A                                                       10
             1 A                                                       20
             2 B                                                       X
             3 C                                                       12
             4 D                                                       X
    SQL> SY.

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