Oracle B2B File Channel

I have a requirement to do a file transfer from remote ftp server to our folder. the issue here is with the file name. remote partner is putting file in different format. Oracle b2b doesnt find the agreement by looking at the file name. they insist on having the file name format and directory name format. Can anybody please guide me whether I can use oracle b2b or ftp adapter. my client wants me to use b2b because they can see the dashboad.

Hi Sri,
For cases where in customer have no control over name(s) for directory and file, user can use "PARTNER PROFILE NAME" parameter available with FILE/FTP/SFTP Listening Channel
If user provide a VALUE for this parameter in the Listening Channel, then all messages arrived through such Listening Channel are assumed to be coming from Trading Partner specified in "PARTNER PROFILE NAME" parameter.
Please note that "PARTNER PROFILE NAME" parameter takes precedence over any other form(s) of getting FROM_PARTY such as "FILE NAME FORMAT" or "DIRECTORY NAME FORMAT"

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    Hi My requirement is I am getting a CSV file from Trading partner, I am using oracle 10g b2b to translate the data.
    In my BPEL 10g I am using AQ adapter to get the message from IP_IN_QUEUE.
    Now I want to get the file name Eg: SampleFile.dat of the CSV file in my BPEL process.
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    <sequence name="main">
        <receive name="Receive_Note" partnerLink="GetB2BNote"
                 portType="ns1:Dequeue_ptt" operation="Dequeue"
                 <bpelx:property name="b2b.fileName" variable="WriteFileName"/>
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    Hi My requirement is I am getting a CSV file from Trading partner, I am using oracle 10g b2b to translate the data.
    In my BPEL 10g I am using AQ adapter to get the message from IP_IN_QUEUE.
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    I tried using the b2b.filename property in the receive activity and it is not getting the file name.
    <sequence name="main">
        <receive name="Receive_Note" partnerLink="GetB2BNote"
                 portType="ns1:Dequeue_ptt" operation="Dequeue"
                 <bpelx:property name="b2b.fileName" variable="WriteFileName"/>
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  • EDIFECS Mapping not found in the X12 Output file in Oracle B2B 11g

    We are using Oracle SOA suite 11g, we have created a outbound process for EDI 855 which is PO Acknowledgement.
    We are using a XML Gateway for the outbound and consuming the message in BPEL. We are mapping the OAG xml to EDIFECS xml to be consumed by Oracle B2B. We had created the EDIFECS xsd and ecs file using Oracle B2B editor and got it validated.
    Now the issue is we have mapped few elements in BPEL and the same data is found in the payload message in Oracle B2B, but we are unable to see the data in the X12 output file.
    Any thoughts will be hightly appreciated.

    Thanks for your update.
    The following were the elements missing in the native X12 flat file. I verified these elements present in ecs using oracle b2b document editor.
    <ns0:Element-355 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="">EA</ns0:Element-355>

  • Suggestion needed for processing Big Files in Oracle B2B

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    My questions:
         1. How robust the Oracle AS Integration B2B is, in terms of processing such big files?
         2. Is there any upper limit in terms of size that Oracle AS Integration B2B can handle for receiving and processing data?
         3. What is the average time required to receive and process such big file? (Lets say we are talking about 15MB of size).
         4. Is there any documentation availble that talks about any such big files through Oracle B2B?
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ramesh,
    Thanks for your comment. We will try to do POC ASAP. I will definitely keep in touch with you during this.
    Thanks bunch.

  • Oracle B2B Payload not delivered to partner through Generic HTTP channel

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    1. Created a document definition under "Custom" protocol and uploaded the XSD into the document definition.
    2. Created the remote partner.
    3. Created a generic HTTP channel in the profile tab. Given a HTTPS url and also specified the keystore location.
    4. Created the agreement and specified the above HTTP channel in the to-partner channel's section.
    5. Posted the message to Oracle B2B through SOAP UI.
    6. Message has reached B2B and the agreement is invoked and state of the message is MSG_COMPLETE.
    7. In the wire message, I could see the state as complete and packed message is having the payload.
    8. Even in the diagnostic log, I could see the http response code as 200.
    " [IPT_HttpSendResponseStatusCode] HTTP Response status code: 200"
    But, the remote partner is not receiving this payload. I am not sure where the issue? Remote partner is getting an error message as below
    Doc Number =%error/ErrorInfo/documentNumber%
    Document Type =%error/ErrorInfo/documentType%
    Sender =Unknown
    Receiver =Unknown
    Correlationid =%error/ErrorInfo/correlationid%
    ErrorMessage =[XSL.0003.9002] Transformation: No XML source provided
    ServiceName =pub.xslt.Transformations:transformSerialXML
    Please suggest any clue on how to debug this.

    We got this fixed by setting the "additional transport headers" in the channel.
    Additional Transport Headers: SOAPAction="notify"#Content-type=text/xml

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    Thanks Rafael! I have reached out to the Oracle B2B Product Development to provide an enhancement. What is your email id in case I need more details about the open source product? I visited your web site. I am unable to download the APIs since I do not have SVN. Is there a location where I can download it as a compressed zip file?

  • Oracle b2b not preserving file name

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement that my trading partner will send files over AS2 which I have to deliver to other application. In my case file name is important and I have to preserve the file name whatever my TP is sending.
    I have created all the things like remote TP , AS2 channel,agreement etc and I can receive the file over AS2. in b2b console it's showing the file is received successfully.Even I can see the file name in the wire message
    Message-ID=<GOANYWHERE-AS2-20120516-121623738-1337116991845@GoAnyTest_KGSOADEVCERT> EDIINT-Features=multiple-attachments Disposition-Notification-To=GoAnyTest AS2-To=KGSOADEVCERT MSG_RECEIVED_TIME=Wed May 16 12:16:22 EDT 2012 Mime-Version=1.0 Host= User-Agent=GoAnywhere Director/4.0.0 Content-Length=150 Date=Wed, 16 May 2012 12:16:23 -0400 AS2-Version=1.2 AS2-From=GoAnyTest Content-Disposition=attachment; filename="EDI.FCSMFCSMSAPT_RTN1205010000.txt" Content-Type=text/plain; name=EDI.FCSMFCSMSAPT_RTN1205010000.txt Connection=close
    Probem scenrio 1:
    I have created a file channel in my host trading partner and I have incorporated that file channel in the in the agreement but b2b is generating file with it's own naming convension(e.g. if TP sending the file name as abc.txt but b2b is generating as MCKESSON_MC_FixedLengthDocs_MC_CustomDocVer1.0_1_0A6004221375839D239000005EC36F4B-1.dat)
    Probem scenrio 2:
    I have not mentioned any delivery channel for my host TP in the agreement and the message is coming in B2B_IN_QUEUE jms queue and I can see the file name in a JMS property(key/value pair).
    ACTION_NAME contentType:text/plain; name=EDI.FCSMFCSMSAPT_RTN1205010000.txt;filename:EDI.FCSMFCSMSAPT_RTN1205010000.txt
    But when I have created a JMS channel (with my custom JMS queue) in my host trading partner and have incorporated that JMS channel in the in the agreement I can't see the above propery though the message is getting enqueued in the queue. I can see a bunch of jms properties except the ACTION_NAME.
    I can't use B2B_IN_QUEUE as it is being used by other applcations.
    Please urgently help.

    Seems like you are hitting a known bug. Please log a SR with support.

  • How to set the AS2 fileName for outbound Functional Ack 997 auto generated by Oracle B2B

    Hi Friends,
    How to set the AS2 fileName for outbound Functional Ack 997 auto generated by Oracle B2B.
    External Trading Partner is sending the EDI 856 via AS2 URL to our Oracle B2B Server.
    In the inbound 856 agreement, we have checked the option of Funtional Ack and also Functiona Ack handled by B2B is yes.
    We have the outbound agreement which is sending that Functional ack 997 (auto generated by oracle b2b) and we have specified the Outbound AS2 channel of the Partner.
    997 doc is being sent to external partner using AS2 channel, but the filename is generating as '40101'.
    Please can you let me know how to set the AS2 fileName for outbound Functional Ack 997 auto generated by Oracle B2B.
    Appreciate your valuable answers!!

    AFAIK, there is no option to set the file name when the 997 is generated automatically by B2B.
    Alternatively, if this is a must requirement, you can generate the FA from backend and  send to B2B with MSG_TYPE =9. In this case, you can set the header with filename (How to set the actionname property in B2B 11g)

  • How to post data to Oracle B2B's httpReceiver using SOAP UI

    Hi All,
    I have successfully tested an inbound EDI X12 810 transaction by creating document version, type, definition. I have used an inbound file channel in this case to
    pick the file and the sender trading partner is dentified from the ISA and GS values as I have configured EDI Interchange ID and EDI Group ID at Remote trading
    partner profile level. This configuration is successfully working fine.
    Now my intention is to replace the inbound file channel with httpReceiver i.e. I just want to post 810 document to B2B's httpReceiver using SOAP UI instead of
    using inbound file channel. For this I have mentioned Generic Identifier as Acme under the profile tab of Remote trading partner (Note that Acme is my remote
    trading partner). And I am posting data to httpReceiver using SOAP UI by setting sender as Acme in the SOAP UI headers. But in the B2B reports, the transaction
    is erroring out as it is unable to identify sender, doc type and agreement.
    Please let me know is this the correct way of populating headers from SOAP UI? Is Sender only sufficient in the headers or any others required? Do I need to pass
    IP address also as header? If so, is it my machine IP address? Is that should be static IP compulsorily?

    Found an answer - hope this is what the first person was looking for.
    You can embedded the Apex code within HTML with the following key steps:
    1. Java scripts need to reference the correct URL paths. For example on they would be
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    2. The <form...> tag needs to have the DAD URL in it. Such as:
    <form action="" method="post" name="wwv_flow" id="wwvFlowForm" >
    Any other references need to point to the right URLs.
    Finally, the action that will occur after submission is defined by the Apex Form, so you will need to set the appropriate Branch action in the application, such as going back to the same URL currently on, etc.

  • Unable to transform EDI document to XML payload in Oracle B2B inbound op

    In our current project we would be implementing Oracle B2B.So I am doing simple POC on Oracle B2B inbound operation for a EDI document for a project requirement.Facing issue if Transformation option selected in Oracle B2B console. Would really appreciate if you guys give me some pointer..
    Below is short desacription of POC:
    1) Created ECS file for Purchase Order(EDI_X12 Standard, 850, Version : 4010) in Spec Builder 6.6.0
    2) Created corresponding XSD and dummy test EDI data file(.dat) in Spec Builder 6.6.0
    3) In Oracle B2B Console, created Document Type and Document Definition
    4) Created 2 Trading Partners : Our Organisation(Host) and MyPartner(Remote)
    5) My Partner is Sender and Our Organisation is Receiver
    6) Linked Document Type to both Trading Partners
    7) Created a Listening Channel
    8) Protocol of Listening Channel is Generic File
    9) Mentioned Folder Path and File Type : %From PARTY%_%TO PARTY%_%DOCUMENT TYPE NAME_%DOCUMENT REVISION%.dat
    10) Agrrement validated and deployed
    11)Checked option Transformation for Agreement
    12) In SOA Composite created a simple Asynchronous BPEL process
    13) BPEL process using a B2B Adapter is subscribed to Document Type(Purchase Order) operatioon Receive and Mode Default
    14) Using a simple Assiign activity to map payload
    15) BPEL then inoke a File Adapter service to write sme XML payload(picked from B2B fatre EDI transformed to XML) to a file
    Issue Faced:
    1) B2B could make oput Sender and Receiver Trading Partners
    2) B2B could make out the Agrrement
    3) B2B is picking up EDI file
    4) If Agreemnet has Transformation option selected, then B2B is givinng below Error:
    [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@182461f] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JILzvC2E0Va_xLp2iW1EzqZ_0000pg,0] [APP: soa-infra] [dcid: 162dbcacafdb4641:19e705e4:13495b34174:-7fd3-0000000000000070] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2XNative()Lcom/edifecs/xengine/xeobjects/XEDataProc
    at com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2XNative(Native Method)
    5) It is unable to transfer EDI payload to XML
    6) Checked payload in Wire Message : still showing EDI payload
    7) Due to this BPEL is facing issue since it is expecting XML payload
    8) In BPEL it is givimng Error: Index Out Of bound.. I guess may be due to EDI payload
    9) If transformation option unchecked in Agreement in B2B console then B2B working good but BPEl failing
    Options Tried:
    1) I Exported Repository,then purged design time data and Reimported and restarted Server and tested..not working
    2) I also created a Parser Scehma for Blank EDI document(that option I found in Spec Builder 6.6.0==>New Document-->Parser Schema(Blank EDI Document) and then placed that Parser Schema file(ECS file) in folder :
    and added an entry in XERegistry.xml
    <Item Name="SchemaFile">${XERoot}/config/schema/Spec2</Item>
    but not working..
    3) Checked namespace in XSd and WSDl for BPEL,they are correct
    Getting no clue how to resolve..Need help...
    Thank you...

    Log File :(Weblogic JDK pointing to 32 bit)
    [2012-01-01T01:32:01.818+05:30] [AdminServer] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@182461f] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JILhj4XE0Va_xLp2iW1EzqZ_00002J,0] [APP: soa-infra] [dcid: 162dbcacafdb4641:19e705e4:13495b34174:-7fd3-0000000000000070] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2XNative()Lcom/edifecs/xengine/xeobjects/XEDataProc;[[
         at com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2XNative(Native Method)
         at com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2X(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.b2b.document.edi.EDIDocumentPlugin.processIncomingDocument(
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2XNative()Lcom/edifecs/xengine/xeobjects/XEDataProc;
         at com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2XNative(Native Method)
         at com.edifecs.xengine.xeobjects.XEHelper.createN2X(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.b2b.document.edi.EDIDocumentPlugin.processIncomingDocument(
         at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessageImpl(
         at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessage(
    [2012-01-01T01:32:01.834+05:30] [AdminServer] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@182461f] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JILhj4XE0Va_xLp2iW1EzqZ_00002J,0] [APP: soa-infra] [dcid: 162dbcacafdb4641:19e705e4:13495b34174:-7fd3-0000000000000070] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0[[
         at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
         at java.util.ArrayList.get(
         at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessageImpl(
         at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessage(

  • EDI X12 File Channel Configuration

    Hello B2B Gurus,
    I am trying to configure the following scenario on a single host to simulate trading partner communication using EDI X12 4010 850/810 over File Channels:
    Inbound - 850 PO From RemoteTradingPartner to HostTradingPartner
    I have configured a file delivery channel on the partner configuration screen under the "channels" tab. The channel is named: "RTP_File_Receive_Channel".
    The channel has the following values set:
    Polling Interval: 5
    Folder Name: /home/oracle/b2b/remote/b2b_receive
    Directory Name Format:
    Minimum Age:
    Archival Directory: /home/oracle/b2b/remote/archived_b2b_receive
    I am dropping a file named RemoteTradingPartner_X12_4010_850.dat into the /home/oracle/b2b/remote/b2b_receive folder but for whatever reason, it is not picking it up and sending it to my SOA composite.
    Should I be configuring a listening channel in the Administration tab instead of a delivery channel on the trading partner agreement? The naming convention and direction of channels is a topic that confuses me no matter how many times I go through this.

    Hello Johnny,
    When Oracle B2B receives a transaction either from internal application (outbound) or from a trading partner (inbound), it first identifies the trading partner and then the transaction set. This combination is then used to identify the agreement.
    What segment/element values within the .dat payload are introspected to lookup the appropriate trading partner agreement? If I specify those values in the filename format, does it override what is inside of the payload? In general, how do filename format, directory name format, and payload contents work together to resolve to the correct TP Agreement? What is the order of precedence when these values are specified in all three locations.The method for identifying the trading partner and transaction varies among transport, exchange and document protocols. If file name format is specified in the channel then Directory name format is ignored. If file name format/directory name format does not give info about transaction set (doc type and doc type revision) then payload is used to identify the document and it's version. It depends upon the type of document standard used that which selection criteria should be used. Generally for xml payloads x-path is used to identify a document and for non-xml payloads either start and end position are evaluated or the position of a particular element/string.
    In short if you give all info for identifying an agreement (From tp, Doc type, doc type revision) in file name format/directory name format, then payload will not be checked for identifying any of these.

  • Oracle B2B 11g question about pulling data from remote TP sftp server

    We would like replace our custom b2b solution with oracle b2b, but without resulting much changes in remote TP side. To do that the following issues are to be resolved.
    1) in the existing custom b2b, host tp is pulling data from remote TP location. How does oracle b2b pull data from remote location using sftp(AS1 1.1)? Oracle document says that by using global listening channel, we can make oracle b2b listen to the sftp server? Is that correct? Is there any sample about how to configure and test it.
    2) For outbound file we would like to preserve the file name. If you use sftp for sending the file out, is it possible to preserve the filename?
    3) Some incoming files which are datafiles , does not have any identification pattern. Is there any other way to identify the document type? For example from which location we are pulling the file can tell us the document type.

    1) in the existing custom b2b, host tp is pulling data from remote TP location. How does oracle b2b pull data from remote location using sftp(AS1 1.1)? Oracle document says that by using global listening channel, we can make oracle b2b listen to the sftp server? Is that correct? Is there any sample about how to configure and test it. I am not sure what do you mean by AS1 1.1 but yes, SFTP is supported in Oracle B2B and if you want to poll a SFTP location, then you need to create a listening channel in Oracle B2B. For creating a listening channel, please refer -
    2) For outbound file we would like to preserve the file name. If you use sftp for sending the file out, is it possible to preserve the filename?Yes, it is possible. There is a setting "Preserve Filename" in transport protocol parameter of a SFTP channel which should be enabled for this purpose.
    3) Some incoming files which are datafiles , does not have any identification pattern. Is there any other way to identify the document type? For example from which location we are pulling the file can tell us the document type. In case of FTP/FILE/SFTP, file name can be used to pass document type and revision information to Oracle B2B. Please refer "Filename format" setting on the above mentioned link.
    I figured it out from another thread about how to pull the file. I configured the listening channel so that it reads from a remote server using sftpo protocol. And I have given the filename format as %FROM_PARTY%.dat. I am putting a file like TESTBC.dat. TESTBC is the name of the remote TP. B2B is reading the file but, recognizes the document tupe, but says that FromTP null. What is the solution?
    Make sure that TP name is same as what you are giving in filename (cross-check for spelling). You may also try with default naming convention (do not mention anything in Filename format in listening channel configuration) - %FROM_PARTY%_%TIMESTAMP%.dat
    for eg -

  • Oracle B2B Hub

    HI Anuj,
    I fallowed your blog for B2B hub
    In my scenario INDIA(Host), USA and UK are (TPs), i am trying to send HL7 message from USA to UK throw INDIA.
    I placed file in INDIA(Host) listening channel with file format %USA%,%UK%,%2.3.1%,%ADT_A01%.hl7 and added identifiers in sample message which you are given in blog.
    I fallowed all steps from your blog but i am unable to send USA to UK, i am not getting any reports in reports tab.
    please suggest me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Anuj,
    File getting picked up from b2b, i am getting bellow information in log
    <Mar 12, 2013 4:43:09 PM IST> <Error> <oracle.soa.b2b.engine> <BEA-000000> <B2B
    Label:PCBPEL_11. Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runt
    ime error: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.identifyTPByCfg(RepoDataAccessor.
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.processParty(RepoDataAccessor.jav
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.queryAgreementMO(RepoDataAccessor
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementDetails(RepoDataAcces
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    ... 10 more
    Transaction rollback A9FE3BD813D5E4DC7C400000114CD133
    <Mar 12, 2013 4:43:09 PM IST> <Error> <oracle.soa.b2b.engine> <BEA-000000> <Erro
    r -: B2B-50014: General Error: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error: java.l
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused by: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error: java.lang.NullPointerExcepti
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    ... 8 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.identifyTPByCfg(RepoDataAccessor.
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.processParty(RepoDataAccessor.jav
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.queryAgreementMO(RepoDataAccessor
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementDetails(RepoDataAcces
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    ... 10 more
    Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.identifyTPByCfg(RepoDataAccessor.
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.processParty(RepoDataAccessor.jav
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.queryAgreementMO(RepoDataAccessor
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementDetails(RepoDataAcces
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    ... 10 more
    Error -: B2B-50014: General Error: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error: ja
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused By: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error: java.lang.NullPointerExcepti
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused By: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.identifyTPByCfg(RepoDataAccessor.
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.processParty(RepoDataAccessor.jav
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.queryAgreementMO(RepoDataAccessor
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementDetails(RepoDataAcces
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    B2B: session recover
    <Mar 12, 2013 4:43:39 PM IST> <Error> <oracle.soa.b2b.engine> <BEA-000000> <Erro
    r -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Transaction rollback A9FE3BD813D5E4DC7C400000114CD133
    <Mar 12, 2013 4:43:39 PM IST> <Error> <oracle.soa.b2b.engine> <BEA-000000> <Erro
    r -: B2B-50014: General Error: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused by: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    ... 8 more
    Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Error -: B2B-50014: General Error: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    Caused By: Error -: B2B-50029: B2B runtime error
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessageImpl(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
    at oracle.tip.b2b.engine.ThreadWorkExecutor.processEvent(ThreadWorkExecu
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$
    B2B: session recover
    Please help on this,

  • Oracle B2B to Tibco integration

    I am testing sending message from Oracle B2B to Tibco B2B . I created new trading partners for Tibco and used AS2/Http protocol. The trading partner is under the same DMZ. But when I sent the message I see "MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT" and it is remaining there, I could not purge this message, since from console Oracle B2B does not allow purging of in-flight messages.
    Also, I have agreements with other TP and I could send message to them earlier. But right now the from the Oracle B2B reports, it looks like no messages are going through.
    So there are several problems
    1) Why it is in MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT, the log file does show any useful message.
    2) How to purge this message
    3) why new messages are not getting logged in the oracle B2B report.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Messages with state MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT cannot be purged from UI. Please purge them using the below procedures
    If PS2, use
    exec B2B_PURGE_INSTANCE_MSGS(p_startDate=>'2010/08/01 23:23',p_endDate=>'2010/09/22 07:30',p_msgState=>'MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT',p_shouldArchive=>'false'');
    if PS1, use
    purge_runtime ('21-JAN-2008','21-FEB-2008','MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT')
    Reason for other messages not being picked.
    By default B2B will span only one thread for processing both inbound and outbound messages. In your case, this thread is busy in processing the messages with state MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT. Hence other messages are not being picked.
    Firstly, we need to analyze why this thread is not getting released. Please check the diagnostic log in TRACE:32 mode (Also, check if there is anything wrong in the channel settings).
    Please increase the number of threads by setting the below mentioned mbean properties. The remaining messages will be processed.
    b2b.outboundThreadCount=<no. of threads>
    b2b.inboundThreadCount=<no. of threads>

  • Oracle B2B not picking up Document type and document version from JMS msg

    We have developed guideline and schema for a custom positional flat file using Oracle B2B Document Editor. We were able to creat and deploy the agreement. But when we drop a message on a Queue being listened by Oracle B2B. The document type and version values were empty. We got the following error,
    Error Code B2B-50083
    Error Description Machine Info: (xxxxx) Description: Document protocol identification error.
    Error Severity ERROR
    Error Text Document protocol identification error.
    This is our Java code for testing that drops the message, and I can see the JMS header with these values.
    message.setStringProperty("FROM_PARTY", "CT-Sender");
    //message.setStringProperty("FROM_PARTY", "RemoteTP");
    message.setStringProperty("TO_PARTY", "MyCompany");
    message.setStringProperty("DOCTYPE_NAMEe", "CT");
    message.setStringProperty("DOCTYPE_REVISION", "CT-AES");
    We were able to test a 850 document successful through different document and agreement ....

    We have uploaded the ecs and xsd files. Are they the parser files you are mentioning? The following is the information we have for the transaction. I am just surprised whty the Document Type and others are empty.
    Id 0A9F196E132459F393C00000184B4897
    Message Id 0A9F196E132459F392300000184B4893
    Refer To Message Refer To Message
    Sender Type Name
    Sender Value CT-Sender
    Receiver Type Name
    Receiver Value MyCompany
    Sender CT-Sender
    Receiver MyCompany
    Agreement Id
    Document Type
    Document Protocol
    Document Version
    Message Type REQ
    Direction INBOUND
    State MSG_ERROR
    Acknowledgement Mode NONE
    Response Mode ASYNC
    Send Time Stamp 09/07/2011 04:40 PM
    Receive Time Stamp 09/07/2011 04:40 PM
    Document Retry Interval(Channel) 0
    Document Remaining Retry(Channel) 0
    Document Retry Interval(Agreement)

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