Oracle Code Signing CA

Hi All
I appreciate that Oracle products can provide a CA service that allows exploitation of X.509 certificate and PKI related services (e.g., code signing), but does Oracle have its own corporate Code Signing CA to sign its own products and applications to ensure and prove that it is valid Oracle software.
I have been searching for an Oracle CA cert high and low on the Net and can find no evidence. Oracle's secure signing cert seems to be issued from Verisign?
Does Oracle get its code signing certs from Verisign?
Keep the faith dudes ;oD

Hi Werner
Thanks for the heads-up, I am new to these forums and hadn't appreciated I'd posted to the wrong forum.
Your suggestions are most helpful.
I will now treat this thread as closed and open it up on another forum.

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    I am able to see the my certificate. keytool -list -v -keystore xxx_xxxx.jks -storepass Password.
    how do I use it. I am using Enhance Jar Signing for EBS DOC ID 1591073.1.
    could you please give me some advice on it?

    I find out apps keystore keypassword and storepassword, I imported the java code sign certificate. I generated Jar files through adadmin, but I am getting  warning error
    adogif() unable to generate Jar Filers under JAVA_TOP.
    executing /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java keysotre **** -sigfile CUST Signer /apps/......
    Error JarSigner subcommand Exited With status 1.
    No standard output from jarsigner JarSigner error output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/security/tools/JarSigner Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:         at$         at Method)         at         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(         at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Could not find the main class:  Program will exit. WARNING: The following path(s), defined in /apps2/property/product/tst/appl/cz/11.5.0/java/make/czjar.dep as elements of the output:   oracle/apps/cz/runtime/tag WARNING: Copying cztag.lst from the old fndlist.jar ...   About to Analyze flmkbn.jar : Fri Nov 22 2013 10:45:51
    Please let me know if you have any idea. Thanks Prince

  • Are Oracle Install Files Code Signed?

    Hi All
    I appreciate that Oracle products can provide a CA service that allows exploitation of X.509 certificate and PKI related services (e.g., code signing), but does Oracle have its own corporate Code Signing CA to sign its own products and applications to ensure and prove that it is valid Oracle software.
    I have been searching for an Oracle CA cert high and low on the Net and can find no evidence. Oracle's secure signing cert seems to be issued from Verisign?
    Does Oracle get its code signing certs from Verisign?
    Keep the faith dudes ;oD

    1.2 Gigs of RAM is way more then is required, so you shouldn't really be running out of RAM. What is the available RAM (Task Manager), before the install starts? Is anything else running?
    If you need to get this done in a hurry, then you should contact either Oracle or Compaq support about this. Either could help faster then waiting for someone who had the same problem respond to your post.
    Like I said, I'm a UNIX guy so I can't really help further.

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    Great Thanks,
    vimal jain.
    [email protected]

    Hi Tim,
    I've been working on this and could reproduce the issue with anonymous binds. A fix will be ready in 4.2.1.
    So what I really need is the password used for login to pass to the is_member call.The P101_PASSWORD item does not save state. However, you can access the value during submit processing of the login page, for example in the post authentication function of your authentication scheme. People sometimes put code in there to query the user's groups (e.g. with apex_ldap.member_of2) and save them in an application. This item value can then be used in the authorization schemes.

  • AutoVue API - Code Signing - Brand

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    I can't see it being an issue but thought i would check.
    Any help and validation of my thoughts would be great, cheers

    There are no known issues to our knowledge, what is important though is that you follow with the java guidelines for code signing and the new requirements for JAVA 6/7 security fixes on newer releases/updates
    for ex see
    Java Rich Internet Applications Guide

  • Java security error after 8u31 (Timestamped Jarsigned Applet within valid period of Code Signing certificate)

      I have an applet running in embeddad systems. This program runs without any problem since 8u31 update! After this update it starts to give java security warning and stops running.
    Here is the warning message:
      "Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running"
    What it says is true; my Code Signing Certificate (CSC) is valid between 24 Jan 2014 and 25 Jan 2015. And it expired! However, while i was signing my applet with this certificate i used "timestamp". The authority i choosed was DigiCert. My signing date was 26 Jan 2014 (when my CSC was valid).
    When i started to have this Java Security Error, first i thought i mis-timestamped my code, and check by using the jarsigner -verify command. Here is a partial result:
    s      19607 Mon Jan 27 13:17:34 EET 2014 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
          [entry was signed on 27.01.2014 13:19]
          [certificate is valid from 24.01.2014 02:00 to 25.01.2015 01:59]
          X.509, CN=COMODO Code Signing CA 2, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, ST=Greater Manchester, C=GB
          [certificate is valid from 24.08.2011 03:00 to 30.05.2020 13:48]
          X.509, CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, ST=UT, C=US
          [certificate is valid from 07.06.2005 11:09 to 30.05.2020 13:48]
          X.509, CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE
          [certificate is valid from 30.05.2000 13:48 to 30.05.2020 13:48]
    sm       495 Thu Jan 23 14:55:22 EET 2014 telesis/WebPhone$1.class
    As you may see the timestamp was correctly done. And it is in the valid period of CSC.
    Than i started to check how Java confirms the Certificate, and found some flowcharts.
    Here is an example from DigiCert:
    Code Signature Verification Process
    After the Web browser downloads the Applet or Web Start application, it checks for a timestamp, authenticates the publisher and Certificate Authority (CA), and checks to see if the code has been altered/corrupted.
    The timestamp is used to identify the validation period for the code signature. If a timestamp is discovered, then the code signature is valid until the end of time, as long as the code remains unchanged. If a timestamp is not discovered, then the code signature is valid as long as the code remains unchanged but only until the Code Signing Certificate expires. The signature is used to authenticate the publisher and the CA, and as long as the publisher (author or developer) has not been blacklisted, the code signature is valid. Finally, the code is checked to make sure that it has not been changed or corrupted.
    If the timestamp (or Code Signature Certificate expiration date) is verified, the signature is validated, and the code is unchanged, then the Web browser admits the Applet or Web Start application. If any of these items do not check out, then the Web browser acts accordingly, with actions dependent on its level of security.
    So according to this scheme, my applet had to work properly, and without security warning.
    However i also found that from Oracle, which also includes the timestamping authorities Certification validity period??? :
    The optional timestamping provides a notary-like capability of identifying
    when the signature was applied.
        If a certificate passes its natural expiration date without revocation,
    trust is extended for the length of the timestamp.
        Timestamps are not considered for certificates that have been revoked,
    as the actual date of compromise could have been before the timestamp
    So, could anyone please explain why Java gives security error when someone tries to reach that applet?
    Here is a link of applet:
    I know the situation seems a bit complicated, but i tried to explain as simple as i can.
    waiting for your help,

      I have an applet running in embeddad systems. This program runs without any problem since 8u31 update! After this update it starts to give java security warning and stops running.
    Here is the warning message:
      "Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running"
    What it says is true; my Code Signing Certificate (CSC) is valid between 24 Jan 2014 and 25 Jan 2015. And it expired! However, while i was signing my applet with this certificate i used "timestamp". The authority i choosed was DigiCert. My signing date was 26 Jan 2014 (when my CSC was valid).
    When i started to have this Java Security Error, first i thought i mis-timestamped my code, and check by using the jarsigner -verify command. Here is a partial result:
    s      19607 Mon Jan 27 13:17:34 EET 2014 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
          [entry was signed on 27.01.2014 13:19]
          [certificate is valid from 24.01.2014 02:00 to 25.01.2015 01:59]
          X.509, CN=COMODO Code Signing CA 2, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, ST=Greater Manchester, C=GB
          [certificate is valid from 24.08.2011 03:00 to 30.05.2020 13:48]
          X.509, CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, ST=UT, C=US
          [certificate is valid from 07.06.2005 11:09 to 30.05.2020 13:48]
          X.509, CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE
          [certificate is valid from 30.05.2000 13:48 to 30.05.2020 13:48]
    sm       495 Thu Jan 23 14:55:22 EET 2014 telesis/WebPhone$1.class
    As you may see the timestamp was correctly done. And it is in the valid period of CSC.
    Than i started to check how Java confirms the Certificate, and found some flowcharts.
    Here is an example from DigiCert:
    Code Signature Verification Process
    After the Web browser downloads the Applet or Web Start application, it checks for a timestamp, authenticates the publisher and Certificate Authority (CA), and checks to see if the code has been altered/corrupted.
    The timestamp is used to identify the validation period for the code signature. If a timestamp is discovered, then the code signature is valid until the end of time, as long as the code remains unchanged. If a timestamp is not discovered, then the code signature is valid as long as the code remains unchanged but only until the Code Signing Certificate expires. The signature is used to authenticate the publisher and the CA, and as long as the publisher (author or developer) has not been blacklisted, the code signature is valid. Finally, the code is checked to make sure that it has not been changed or corrupted.
    If the timestamp (or Code Signature Certificate expiration date) is verified, the signature is validated, and the code is unchanged, then the Web browser admits the Applet or Web Start application. If any of these items do not check out, then the Web browser acts accordingly, with actions dependent on its level of security.
    So according to this scheme, my applet had to work properly, and without security warning.
    However i also found that from Oracle, which also includes the timestamping authorities Certification validity period??? :
    The optional timestamping provides a notary-like capability of identifying
    when the signature was applied.
        If a certificate passes its natural expiration date without revocation,
    trust is extended for the length of the timestamp.
        Timestamps are not considered for certificates that have been revoked,
    as the actual date of compromise could have been before the timestamp
    So, could anyone please explain why Java gives security error when someone tries to reach that applet?
    Here is a link of applet:
    I know the situation seems a bit complicated, but i tried to explain as simple as i can.
    waiting for your help,

  • ADF Mobile: Code Signing Error Workaround

    Hi, everyone:
    If you are doing ADF Mobile development, and you need to deploy the application to an iOS device, you would need to compile/deploy the app with iOS App Certificates and Provisioning Profile. This means you would need to "Deploy to Package" or "Deploy to iTunes" during deployment, and configure JDeveloper with the proper certificates/profiles. In some instances (exact combination is still not clear), deploy and signing the application to generate the ipa file may fail with similar error message at the end of the deployment log:
    [01:04:45 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by '/usr/bin/xcrun'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s): Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1) error: /usr/bin/codesign force preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules sign iPhone Distribution: Oracle Corporation resource-rules=/var/folders/x7/21sjrpx13qj9tq20z14s3j_w0000gn/T/tkROhP11qU/Payload/ --entitlements /var/folders/x7/21sjrpx13qj9tq20z14s3j_w0000gn/T/tkROhP11qU/entitlements_plistEINPBkIG /var/folders/x7/21sjrpx13qj9tq20z14s3j_w0000gn/T/tkROhP11qU/Payload/ failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/x7/21sjrpx13qj9tq20z14s3j_w0000gn/T/tkROhP11qU/Payload/ replacing existing signature Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/x7/21sjrpx13qj9tq20z14s3j_w0000gn/T/tkROhP11qU/Payload/ replacing existing signature 
    This issue is a known issue and is not related to ADF Mobile. The workaround is discussed in this article:
    This article refers to the old location of Xcode, so you would need to adjust the paths accordingly. The path for Xcode 4.3 and above would be like:
    /Applications/ to this script file.
    To modify it, you probably can’t use TextEdit. I end up opening a terminal session, changed the file permission, and used vi to update it.
    This fixed the issue I was having.
    Hope this is helpful - please drop a reply if you encountered the same issue.
    Joe Huang

    I ran the entire code and the output is:
    [02:40:18 PM] Updating iOS profile dependencies with FAR profiles created from application projects...
    [02:40:18 PM] ---- Deployment started. ----
    [02:40:18 PM] Target platform is (iOS).
    [02:40:18 PM] Beginning deployment of ADF Mobile application 'Application1' to iOS using profile 'IOS_MOBILE_Application1'.
    [02:40:18 PM] Command-line executed: [Applications/, -version]
    [02:40:18 PM] Command-line execution succeeded.
    [02:40:18 PM] Running dependency analysis...
    [02:40:18 PM] Building...
    [02:40:18 PM] Deploying 3 profiles...
    [02:40:18 PM] Wrote Archive Module to /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/ApplicationController/deploy/ApplicationController.jar
    [02:40:18 PM] WARNING: No Resource Catalog enabled ADF components found to package
    [02:40:18 PM] Wrote Archive Module to /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/ViewController/deploy/ViewController.jar
    [02:40:18 PM] Verifying Application Controller project exists...
    [02:40:18 PM] Verifying application dependencies...
    [02:40:18 PM] Validating application XML files...
    [02:40:18 PM] Validating XML files in project ApplicationController...
    [02:40:18 PM] Validating XML files in project ViewController...
    [02:40:18 PM] Copying common javascript files...
    [02:40:21 PM] Copying FARs to the ADF Mobile Framework application...
    [02:40:21 PM] Copying FAR from source: ViewController...
    [02:40:21 PM] Copying FAR from source: ApplicationController...
    [02:40:21 PM] Deploying skinning files...
    [02:40:21 PM] Copying the CVM SDK files built for the ARM processor...
    [02:40:21 PM] Copying the CVM JDK files built for the ARM processor...
    [02:40:21 PM] Command-line executed: [cp, -R, -p, /java/jdeveloper/JDev11gBuild6276.1/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/, /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/temporary_xcode_project/lib]
    [02:40:21 PM] Command-line execution succeeded.
    [02:40:21 PM] Command-line executed: [cp, -R, -p, /java/jdeveloper/JDev11gBuild6276.1/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/, /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/temporary_xcode_project/lib]
    [02:40:21 PM] Command-line execution succeeded.
    [02:40:21 PM] Copying security related files to the ADF Mobile Framework application...
    [02:40:22 PM] Command-line executed from path: /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/temporary_xcode_project/
    [02:40:22 PM] Command-line executed: /Applications/ clean install -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos DSTROOT=/java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/Destination_Root/ ARCHS=armv7 VALID_ARCHS=armv7 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCHS=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Developer: Eddie V Phan (QV69QS58FK) IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=5.0 TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=1,2 PRODUCT_NAME=Application1 ADD_SETTINGS_BUNDLE=NO
    [02:40:30 PM] ld: warning: PIE disabled. Absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) not allowed in code signed PIE, but used in CVMmemoryBarrier from Frameworks/OracleCVM.sdk/libcvmadf_arm_debug.a(atomic_arm.o). To fix this warning, don't compile with -mdynamic-no-pic or link with -Wl,-no_pie
    [02:40:30 PM] Command-line execution succeeded.
    [02:40:30 PM] Command-line executed from path: /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/Destination_Root/Oracle_ADFmc_Container_Application/device/
    [02:40:30 PM] Command-line executed: /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/Destination_Root/Applications/ -o /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/Destination_Root/Oracle_ADFmc_Container_Application/device/Application1.ipa sign iPhone Developer: Eddie V Phan (QV69QS58FK) embed /developement/iOS_Provisioning_Profile/devTest.mobileprovision
    [02:40:31 PM] error: /usr/bin/codesign force preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules sign iPhone Developer: Eddie V Phan (QV69QS58FK) resource-rules=/var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ /var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ replacing existing signature
    [02:40:31 PM] Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ replacing existing signature
    [02:40:31 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
    [02:40:31 PM] Deployment cancelled.
    [02:40:31 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
    [02:40:31 PM] Failed to package the XCode application.
    [02:40:31 PM] Failed to build the iOS application bundle.
    [02:40:31 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by '/usr/bin/xcrun'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
    Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
    error: /usr/bin/codesign force preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules sign iPhone Developer: Eddie V Phan (QV69QS58FK) resource-rules=/var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ /var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ replacing existing signature
    Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/zm/pnmpplxs2rb7_n29ltfkvpzc0000gn/T/YPzy7_Hf6L/Payload/ replacing existing signature
    What do you mean by "the "-sign" parameter values look dubious (besides your name :-P), how can it interpret those spaces?"
    The sign parameter that i'm using is from the KeyChain app, so i'm assuming in the preferences where it asks for the Certificate, that its asking for the certificate name in KeyChain? When trying to escape the spaces in the Preferences menu, it complains that the certificate names do not match.. Or am i meant to be using another parameter here..?
    [02:34:07 PM] Command-line executed from path: /java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/temporary_xcode_project/
    [02:34:07 PM] Command-line executed: /Applications/ clean install -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos DSTROOT=/java/development/JDev11gBuild6276.1Sandpit/Application1/deploy/IOS_MOBILE_Application1/Destination_Root/ ARCHS=armv7 VALID_ARCHS=armv7 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCHS=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone\ Developer:\ Eddie\ V\ Phan\ \(QV69QS58FK\) IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=5.0 TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=1,2 PRODUCT_NAME=Application1 ADD_SETTINGS_BUNDLE=NO
    [02:34:09 PM] [BEROR]Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone\ Developer:\ Eddie\ V\ Phan\ \(QV69QS58FK\)' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains
    [02:34:09 PM] Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone\ Developer:\ Eddie\ V\ Phan\ \(QV69QS58FK\)' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains
    [02:34:09 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 65)
    [02:34:09 PM] Deployment cancelled.
    [02:34:09 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
    [02:34:09 PM] Failed to build the iOS application bundle.
    [02:34:09 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by '/Applications/'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
    Command-line execution failed (Return code: 65)
    [BEROR]Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone\ Developer:\ Eddie\ V\ Phan\ \(QV69QS58FK\)' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains
    Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone\ Developer:\ Eddie\ V\ Phan\ \(QV69QS58FK\)' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains

  • Need help on Analysing the oracle code.

    Here i try to frame question, pls understand and give the best way to solve this.
    We have running 20 to 30 unix scripts on daily basis. Each script has connected to oracle session and execute the corresponding packages & procedures. Some scripts are running at the same time. At this time oracle code in the script is not executed due to the table locking in other script. We have oracle trace files whenever the oracle code is not executed it shows the error and terminates the oracle session.
    Below the sample oracle execution log file. where we get the error and terminate the oracle session for your reference.
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 10 06:18:45 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
    Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> SQL>
    Session altered.
    SQL> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 begin
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
    ORA-06512: at "SIEB7P04.P_ARCHIVE_TBL", line 42
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
    Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    goin into RunProcedures Function
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 10 06:19:19 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
    Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> SQL>
    Session altered.
    SQL> 2 3 4 5 6
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
    Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    goin into Check error report Function
    Pkg_Tfm_If_Merge OK
    When you observe the above code, in unix script we try to connect to the oracle instance 2 times,
    1st instance it was terminated with some error.
    2nd instance it was successfully executed the oracle code.
    By analysing the above log we found where the error was occured and the reson behind this also we know.
    Assume the script called the procedure 'P_ARCHIVE_TBL' 5 times and the procedure works on different parameter(we could say different table) each time it was called.
    Is it possible for us to know in which procedure call, it is errored out.
    For any information pls revert us or ping me to this mail [email protected],

    You would need to have an exception block in your pl/sql code. You should also save table name in a variable when this procedure is called for every table. You should return/print the error code from exception block alongwith the table name and then you will be able to know that during which call of this procedure, the error was returned.

  • Third party CA and SCUP code signing

    All of the documentation I have seen out there regarding using a code signing certificate with SCUP assumes you are using AD CS. My institution uses a 3rd party CA and I requested a code signing certificate from them (the file had no file name extension,
    FWIW). I imported it into the local computer certificate store (on SCUP server/CAS) and see four entries:
    The blocked out item is our company name.
    Here is what I have done:
    I have exported the one with our company name as as the .cer file for clients, and placed it in the Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root Certificate Authorities stores on the SCUP server/CAS.
    I have exported various combinations of the 4 to generate the *.pfx file and imported it into SCUP but it always gives me an error when I try to publish an update. I initially exported all 4 certificates to get my .pfx, then tried just the ones with the
    purpose of "code signing." In both cases I get an error stating "Signature verification exception during publish, verify the WSUS certificates and advanced timestamp setting are properly configured."
    I am not getting an option to export the private key no matter what combo I choose. This is the biggest red flag I am seeing.
    Does anyone have any experience in this scenario? I am at a loss at this point. The server is 2008 R2 and I know I could use a self-signed one but I thought I would do it the "right" way since it is no longer supported.

    It turns out that after the code signing certificate was downloaded, the private key was somehow lost or damaged or not associated with it in the first place. That is why I was not seeing the option to export the key. We needed to use certutil to repair
    the key association.
    I suspect this is because the request was made from a web form and handled by the 3rd party CA as opposed to being done with certreq. Am I off base?
    Anyway, running this command on the code signed certificate allowed me to export it as needed for SCUP:
    certutil -repairstore my "SerialNumberofCert"
    There are some how tos here:

  • Adobe AIR 3 Performance Issues and Code Signing Certificate Problem

    I recently updated to Adobe AIR 3.0 SDK (and runtime) doing HTML/Javascript development using Dreamweaver CS5.5 in a Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit).
    The AIR app I'm developing runs well from within Dreamweaver. But when I create/package the AIR app and install it on my machine:
    1. The app literally CRAWLS running it in my Windows 7 12G RAM machine (especially when I use the mouse to mouse over a 19-by-21 set of hyperlinks on a grid) --- IT IS THAT SLOOOOWWWW...
    2. The app runs fine in my Mac OS X 10.6.8 with 4G RAM, also using the Adobe AIR 3 runtime.
    About the Code Signing Certificate problem:
    When I try to package the AIR app with ADT using AIR's temporary certificate feature, I get the error message "Could not generate timestamp: handshake alert: unrecognized_name".
    I found some discussions on this problem in an Adobe AIR Google Groups forum, but no one has yet offered any resolution to the issue. Someone said Adobe is using the Geotrust timestamping service --- located at --- but going to this page produces a "404 --- Page not found" error.
    The Google Groups Adobe AIR page is here:
    Any ideas about these issues?

    I recently updated to Adobe AIR 3.0 SDK (and runtime) doing HTML/Javascript development using Dreamweaver CS5.5 in a Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit).
    The AIR app I'm developing runs well from within Dreamweaver. But when I create/package the AIR app and install it on my machine:
    1. The app literally CRAWLS running it in my Windows 7 12G RAM machine (especially when I use the mouse to mouse over a 19-by-21 set of hyperlinks on a grid) --- IT IS THAT SLOOOOWWWW...
    2. The app runs fine in my Mac OS X 10.6.8 with 4G RAM, also using the Adobe AIR 3 runtime.
    About the Code Signing Certificate problem:
    When I try to package the AIR app with ADT using AIR's temporary certificate feature, I get the error message "Could not generate timestamp: handshake alert: unrecognized_name".
    I found some discussions on this problem in an Adobe AIR Google Groups forum, but no one has yet offered any resolution to the issue. Someone said Adobe is using the Geotrust timestamping service --- located at --- but going to this page produces a "404 --- Page not found" error.
    The Google Groups Adobe AIR page is here:
    Any ideas about these issues?

  • Code-signing

    We are having some issues with our C Sharp .NET 4 Application
    We are using Visual Studio 2010 to build a Click Once Installation
    In addition, we use our code-signing certificate (.pfx) to sign the package
    However when attempting to install the application it is blocked by
    Windows 8 Smart Screen with an “unknown Publisher” message.
    We sign our package twice once on the actual files and afterward
    The manifest is resigned.

    Hi Rene,
    >>“unknown Publisher” .
    Please check whether you sign file in the correct directory.
    A document shared us the detailed steps for "Certificate Expiration in ClickOnce Deployment".
    In addition, since this issue is related to the Clickonce, I suggest you post a new case in this forum: , and there you would get dedicated support.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. <br/> Click <a
    href=""> HERE</a> to participate the survey.

  • InCommon Code Signing Cert not working in Profile Manager

    We acquired a Code Signing Certificate from InCommon for signing profiles, and it doesn't want to work with Profile Manager.
    In the Certificates section we have our working SSL cert for the web server, and self-signed SSL and Code Signing certs.
    When I try to import the p7s file it lists four non-identity certificates and then says that it can't be used as a code signing certificate. 
    Has anyone ever managed to get an InCommon code signing cert to work with OSX Server?

    In RFC SAP-OSS, i maintained my S-user id and its password.
    As already told my router connectivity and   SAPOSS rfc working fine.

  • My Distribution Profile is grayed out in Code Signing Provisioning Profile

    Fellow developers, has anyone experienced this problem when you tried to compile your app for distribution:
    Did everything as suggested in this forum, including:
    - copying a distribution profile to the right folder and also draging over the Xcode icon
    - Adding a "Distribution" configuration
    - specifying the identity as "iPhone Distribution: My Name"
    However, in the "Code Signing Provisioning Profile" picker, when "Any iPhone OS" is selected, the only enabled choice is "Default ..." and the actual profile with my name is grayed out.
    More over, the moment I select "Distribution" and then select "Device" in the "Active Configuration" picker, Xcode closes. This behavior can be reproduced all the time.
    Any suggestions?

    It is normal that it is grayed out ( don't ask me why ). To activate the distribution build, duplicate your Release in Distribution, install all the required certificates ( please apple stop those, they're a nightmare to deal with ) , then in the build settings in the code signing you have to TYPE ( there is no drop down box as seen in some screenshots ) "iPhone Distribution" ( instead of "iPhone Developer" ) and tada a few lines below you should see your drop down modified with some distributions entries.

  • ERROR ITMS-9000: Missing Code Signing Entitlements when adding app to Apple App Store

    My client is getting the following error when sending my app (compiled in Flash Pro CC 2014 with AIR SDK to the Apple app store:
    ERROR ITMS-9000: "Missing Code Signing Entitlements. No entitlements found in bundle
    '' for excutable 'payload/'.""
    He is saying that I need to send them the entitlements file.
    I can't find out any information about this with regards to Adobe Air compiled iOS apps, apart from this old post:
    Adding iOS entitlements to AIR apps
    which states that 'the packager configures the entitlements file '
    Can anyone explain what might be missing here?

    It looks as if this problem is solved by doing step 2 from here:
    It basically states that the client needs to produce the entitlements file and lists the following that the client will provide themselves:
    A “Mobile Provisioning Profile”
    An “Entitlements.plist”
    An “iOS Distribution Certificate”
    iReSign OS X app (or you could use command line)
    Hope this helps someone. We've run into quite a few problems trying to get the Flash Air compiled App to both enterprise and Apple Store as it can't come from us (the developers) it has to be signed and delivered from the client.

  • No option in project info window for code signing Provising profile.

    Dear Developer forum,
    I have one issue wth my application regarding provisional Profile.
    I have installed Distribution certificate.After that I have entered all information regarding distribution provisional profile in program portal
    I have got provisional certificate from portal.I have installed it
    And I have also seen its entry in home/library/mobiledevices/.
    But Now problem is arising at place when I am opening my project or target info window on that time in BUild->code signing option, I have only code signing endity but no code signing provisioning profile.
    where I can give my distribution provising profile name
    So anybody tell me howz it come????

    Looking at this page:
    Make sure that you've done all the steps... "Generating a Certificate Signing Request", "Submitting a Certificate Signing Request for Approval", "Downloading and Installing iPhone Distribution Certificates", "Create and download your iphone distribution provisioning profile"...
    When I went through this process, I think I forgot to do the step "Downloading and Installing iPhone Distribution Certificates"... (skipping straight to "create and download your iphone disbritution profile") as a result the provisioning profile name wasn't appearing for me to select... When I completed that step, then the provisioning profile name appeared...
    Message was edited by: iphonemediaman

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