Oracle Credit Management

For a particular credit request Id, why are there multiple case folder IDs for one case folder number ?
If someone knows about OCM and would like more information on the question, please let me know.

one record is of type "DATA" and one is of type "CASE"

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    I create a layout variant and transport it.

  • How to manually create a CASE folder in Oracle Credit management?

    Hi All
    We have Oracle Credit management (OCM) mini pack.D installed.
    I am not finding any menu to create a CASE folder manually.Under 'Analysis' tab only one menu available. ie Case Folder. But no sub menu under it or any other menu to create a CASE folder. Am I missing any menus ?
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    Please refer to [Oracle Learning Management User Guide |], Page 2-13 Learning Certications.

  • Workflow error in Oracle Credit management

    I got the following error in the credit management workflow(ARCMGTAP).
    The following details I got from wfstatus.sql file.
    Can you please any one help on this.
    Enter value for 1: ARCMGTAP
    Enter value for 2: 1177582
    **** WorkFlow Item
    Item Type Item Key Begin Date End Date Activity
    **** Activity Statuses
    Begin Date Activity Status Result User
    10-SEP-09 08:02:12 ROOT/Credit Management Application Process ACTIVE #NULL
    10-SEP-09 08:04:25 Credit Management Application Process/Start COMPLETE #NULL
    10-SEP-09 08:04:25 Credit Management Application Process/Create COMPLETE
    Party Profile
    10-SEP-09 08:04:26 Credit Management Application Process/Generat COMPLETE #FORCE
    e Credit Classification
    15-SEP-09 13:15:37 Credit Management Application Process/Generat ERROR #EXCEPTION
    e Credit Classification
    **** Errored Activities
    Activity Result Error Name
    Error Message
    Error Stack
    Generate Credit Classification #EXCEPTION -29280
    ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(ar_cmgt_wf_engine.generate_credit_classification, ARCMGTAP, 1177582, 16
    *** Error Process Activity Statuses
    Begin Date Activity Status Result User
    10-SEP-09 08:04:26 ROOT/Default Error Process ACTIVE #NULL
    10-SEP-09 08:04:26 Default Error Process/Start COMPLETE #NULL
    10-SEP-09 08:04:26 Default Error Process/Initialize Error COMPLETE COMPLETE
    10-SEP-09 08:04:26 Default Error Process/Notify Administrator NOTIFIED SYSADMIN
    15-SEP-09 13:15:37 ROOT/Default Error Process ACTIVE #NULL
    15-SEP-09 13:15:37 Default Error Process/Start COMPLETE #NULL
    15-SEP-09 13:15:37 Default Error Process/Initialize Error COMPLETE COMPLETE
    15-SEP-09 13:15:37 Default Error Process/Notify Administrator NOTIFIED SYSADMIN
    8 rows selected.
    **** Error Process Errored Activities
    Thanks in advance.
    Raghavendra K

    In the AR_TOP there is no file with this name .
    Please let me know is there any other top related to CreditManagement.
    I used this command in unix server to find this file.But there is no results.
    find . -name ARCMGTAP.wft -exec ls {} \;

  • Error on Loading Credit Management Setups using iSetup in target instance

    Hi All,
         I am trying to migrate Oracle credit management functional setups(Scoring model, Checklist, Automation rules) from source instance to target instance. I am trying to achieve this by the usage of iSetup. Once the Load is done, I am getting the following error and the setups are not migrated. This error comes up only for Credit management Setups. Not for other functionalities. Please help me out on this.
    Application Implementation: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    AZR12LOADER module: iSetup R12 Loader
    Current system time is 09-OCT-2013 03:15:18
    Concurrent Request Parameters
    SNAPSHOT_NAME=RAC Credit Management Test
    JOB_NAME=RAC Credit Management Test1
    Downloading the extract from central instance
    Successfully copied the Extract
    Time taken to download Extract and write as zip file = 0 seconds
    Validating Primary Extract...
    Parsing driver.xml
    Time taken to parse the Driver file and construct setup objects:6 milliseconds
    Sorting Apis based on their dependency...
    Time taken to sort the Apis=12 milliseconds
    Printing sorted Apis
      Load Sequence 1
    Oct 9, 2013 3:15:48 AM oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory findOrCreateADFConfig
    INFO: oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory No META-INF/adf-config.xml found
    Name: AR_CMGT_Scores
    Type: BC4J
    Time Taken(seconds): 2.0
    Importing rows from xml file, and validating rows ......
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for ScoresEO.
    java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long
    Message not found. Application: AZ, Message Name: AZW_FWK_USER_ROW_EXCEPTION. Tokens: VONAME = Scores; KEY = Score Model Id = 'null'
    ; EXCEPTION = Updates are not supported by this API.
    74 rows processed, now posting changes to the database ......
    Transaction committed.
    Processed API:AR_CMGT_Scores
    Status: WARNING
    Concurrent program completed.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 09-OCT-2013 03:15:50

    Thanks for the update.

  • Is Paypal a supported Payment Method in Oracle Order Management?

    Hi there -
    Has anybody implemented Paypal as payment method for Oracle Order Management?
    We are on 11510 and looking to add Paypal as payment method apart from existing Credit Card, ACH etc.
    I found a very old (2008) note on metalink that says there is an enhancement request for this.
    We use Paymentech as payment processor.
    Let me know...
    1. If it's supported with Oracle 11510
    2. Anyone has any experience implementing it.
    Edited by: techy on Oct 25, 2010 12:56 PM

    Hi Stephen-
    First of all thanks for your response.
    Please note that I am not talking about using Paypal as payment processor (similar to Paymentech) but I am talking about using "Paypal" payment method for getting payments from your customers.
    As per my brief understanding, I know that Paypal too provides payment processing functionality where I can get my customer Credit Card, bank accounts etc. validated through paypal tool (I think it's call payflow pro similar to paymentech).
    Again, we are on 11510 right now so R12 functionality may not be useful for us.
    Also, we have already integrated and been using paymentech for payment processing for Credit Cards, ACH etc within 11510. There is no issue about that.
    I hope this is clear.
    Edited by: techy on Oct 25, 2010 2:42 PM

  • Unable to Install Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit on OVM 2.3 (Oracle Virtual Manager)

    Unable to Install Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit on OVM 2.3 (Oracle Virtual Manager)
    I can upload the iso file properly however the installation doesn't get start and below is the log:
    Start - /OVS/running_pool/90_Ubuntu
    PowerOn successfully.
    Update server -172.168.***.***
    Update Port - 0.0
    Update VM Status - Running
    Configure CPU Cap
    Set CPU Cap: failed:<Exception: failed:<Exception: ['xm', 'sched-credit', '-d', '90_Ubuntu', '-c', '0'] => Error: Domain '90_Ubuntu' does not exist.
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/", line 2531, in xen_set_cpu_cap
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/", line 92, in run_cmd
    raise Exception('%s => %s' % (args, err))
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/", line 1108, in set_vm_cpu_cap
    if not rs.startswith("success"): raise Exception(rs)
    Any help on this is highly appreciated.

    There is probably no much difference between the two.
    The reason I have tried with 3.0.2 is that the minimun required RAM for installation is 4G.
    With 3.1.1 it is 6 G, and I have a limitation in memory.
    Or does someone know if it possible to perform the installation with less RAM that what is specified?
    Kind Regards.

  • Implementing Credit management without AR

    Is it possible to impliment the Credit Management with out the AR module?
    we are using the Oracle apllication for AR,
    Just when creating orders in SD i want the credit check to be started

    Please check the following links
    [Credit Management|]
    [SD Credit Management Wiki|]
    [SAP Library|]
    Kindly close thread if answered.

  • Error when upgrading Oracle Identity Manager to OIM

    Hello friends,
    I upgraded Oracle Identity Manager to Oracle Identity Manager,after the running the command to apply the patch:
    OIM_HOME/xellerate/setup/patch_weblogic.cmd/sh WEBLOGIC_ADMIN_PASSWORD OIM_DB_USER_PASSWORD
    I get the error:
    [wldeploy] [BasicOperation.execute():445] : Initiating deploy operation for app, Xellerate, on targets:
    [wldeploy] [BasicOperation.execute():447] : AdminServer
    [wldeploy] Task 2 initiated: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    [wldeploy] dumping Exception stack
    [wldeploy] Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    [wldeploy] Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    [wldeploy] There are 2 nested errors:
    [wldeploy] weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    [wldeploy] and
    [wldeploy] weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    [wldeploy] Target Assignments:
    [wldeploy] + Xellerate AdminServer
    [wldeploy] Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    [wldeploy] Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    [wldeploy] There are 2 nested errors:
    [wldeploy] weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    [wldeploy] and
    [wldeploy] weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    [wldeploy] [ServerConnectionImpl.close():332] : Closing DM connection
    [wldeploy] [ServerConnectionImpl.close():352] : Unregistered all listeners
    [wldeploy] [ServerConnectionImpl.closeJMX():372] : Closed JMX connection
    [wldeploy] [ServerConnectionImpl.closeJMX():384] : Closed Runtime JMX connection
    [wldeploy] [ServerConnectionImpl.closeJMX():396] : Closed Edit JMX connection
    [ant] Exiting C:\oracle\xellerate\setup\weblogic-setup.xml.
    C:\oracle\xellerate\Setup\setup.xml:448: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\oracle\xellerate\setup\weblogic-setup.xml:310: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Caused by: C:\oracle\xellerate\setup\weblogic-setup.xml:310: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Caused by: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Caused by: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    --- Nested Exception ---
    C:\oracle\xellerate\setup\weblogic-setup.xml:310: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Caused by: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Caused by: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    --- Nested Exception ---
    weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Caused by: Task 2 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application Xellerate on AdminServer.
    Target state: deploy failed on Server AdminServer
    There are 2 nested errors:
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the remote interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the remote interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    weblogic.ejb.container.compliance.ComplianceException: In EJB tcGroupOperations, method getMemberGroups(long,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean) defined in the local interface either does not exist in the bean class, or it is not a public method. Each method in the local interface must have a corresponding public method in the bean class.
    Total time: 4 minutes 35 seconds
    How do I deal with this question?

    This error generally occur if your server is up and you are running patch for upgrade, and its very common error.
    follow the troubleshoot step and get it done.
    page 36
    Troubleshooting the Application of the Patch on Oracle WebLogic Server

  • Creation of PO's from Oracle Order Management

    Required Business Scenario
    Customer orders are received via the internet and imported into Oracle Order Management via an open interface table. The customer orders are processed by Oracle OM and converted to Purchase Orders which are then sent to suppliers (as no stock is held at our site). Goods are then shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. We take a commission for the service offered.
    As we take a commission for the service described above, the value of the Purchase Order will be different to the value of the original order received via Order Management, however Oracle Purchasing does not allow you to place a Purchase Order on a percentage basis terms. (we will take a small commission as a percentage of the value of the original order meaning the value of the Purchase Order will be slightly less than the value of the original order). The following scenario attempts to explain the situation:
    Order received via Oracle Order Management
    5 units @ $20 = $100
    Purchase Order created from above order (required scenario)
    5 units @ $19.70 = $ 98.5
    Our commission @ 1.5% = $ 1.5
    Has anyone encountered this scenario before? If so I would appreciate assistance in how to resolve this issue. How can we create a Purchase Order from the order received via Order Management which will have a different value and allows us to take a percentage as commission?

    I came across your email on Oracle AppsNet. My company has the
    exact same requirement. Did you ever receive any replys related
    to this issue? If so would you be so kind as to forward them to
    me? Thanks.
    Required Business Scenario>Customer orders are received via the internet and imported into Oracle Order Management via an open
    interface table. The customer orders are processed by Oracle OM
    and converted to Purchase Orders which are then sent to
    suppliers (as no stock is held at our site). Goods are then
    shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. We take a
    commission for the service offered. >Problem >As we take a
    commission for the service described above, the value of the
    Purchase Order will be different to the value of the original
    order received via Order Management, however Oracle Purchasing
    does not allow you to place a Purchase Order on a percentage
    basis terms. (we will take a small commission as a percentage of
    the value of the original order meaning the value of the
    Purchase Order will be slightly less than the value of the
    original order). The following scenario attempts to explain the
    situation:>Order received via Oracle Order Management>5 units @
    $20 = $100>Purchase Order created from above order (required
    scenario)>5 units @ $19.70 = $ 98.5>Our commission @ 1.5% = $
    1.5>Has anyone encountered this scenario before? If so I would
    appreciate assistance in how to resolve this issue. How can we
    create a Purchase Order from the order received via Order
    Management which will have a different value and allows us to
    take a percentage as commission?>Thanks >null

  • Unable to log-in in Oracle Identity Manager Design Console

    I successfully installed OIM9.1.0.1 Identity Manager on Jboss4.2.3.GA App server and could login to OIM using http://llocalhost:8080/xlWebApp on my window Server 2003 system without any problem.
    Then I installed the Design Console on my window XP system. However, after successfully installing the Design Console, I could not login using the xelsysadm user ID.
    I checked to make sure that xlconfig.xml contains the right URL file under oim_designConsole directories.
    The error I get from the Design Console login window is:
    Internal Login
    Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Could not log you in.
    In the dos-command window, I got the error:
    WARN,22 Apr 2009 16:31:52,160,[org.jboss.remoting.marshal.MarshalFactory],Could
    not find marshaller for data type 'invocation'. Object in collection is null
    WARN,22 Apr 2009 16:31:52,160,[org.jboss.remoting.marshal.MarshalFactory],Found
    marshaller fully qualified class name within locator parameters, but was unable
    to load class: org.jboss.invocation.unified.marshall.InvocationMarshaller
    WARN,22 Apr 2009 16:31:52,160,[org.jboss.remoting.marshal.MarshalFactory],Could
    not find marshaller for data type 'invocation'. Object in collection is null
    at $Proxy0.create(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBaseClient$ Source)
    at Thor.API.Security.LoginHandler.jbossLoginSession.runAs(Unknown Source
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBaseClient.bindToInstance(Unknown So
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBaseClient.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.server.tcDataBaseClient.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.client.dataobj.tcDataBaseClient.<init>(Unknown Source
    at com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow.internalLogin(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow.login(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow.main(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: org.jboss.remoting.marshal.InvalidMarshallingResource: Can not find a
    valid marshaller for data type: invocation
    at org.jboss.remoting.RemoteClientInvoker.invoke(RemoteClientInvoker.jav
    at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
    at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
    at org.jboss.invocation.unified.interfaces.UnifiedInvokerProxy.invoke(Un
    at org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor.invokeInvoker(InvokerIntercep
    at org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor.invoke(InvokerInterceptor.jav
    at org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(TransactionInterceptor.
    at org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.jboss.proxy.ejb.HomeInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.jboss.proxy.ClientContainer.invoke(
    I would really appreciate your help in this regards.
    Thanks for helping me resolve this issue.

    vBackup the original file log4j-1.2.8.jar in oimclient/xlclient/ext
    copy the log4j.jar from JBOSS folder - JBOSS/server/default
    Paste the file in client folder with original log4j-1.2.8.jar
    Rename log4j.jar file to log4j-1.2.8.jar
    start ur JBOSS.. this shd work.

  • Unable to import the user certificate into the Oracle Wallet Manager

    I am configuring the External Authentication plugin using the password filters.
    i am using the version version of Oracle Wallet manager
    inorder to do that i am enabling the SSL mode.
    to enable the SSL mode i followed the some steps in OWM and OCA admin and user console.
    when i approved a certificate as admin and importing to the Oracle Wallet Manager, i got an error that
    User Certificate Installation failed.
    Possible errors:
    - Input was not a valid certificate
    - No matching certificate request found
    - CA certificate needed for certificate chain not found.
    Please install it first
    can anyone help me how to resolve this problem.

    thanks for your reply pramod
    I tried to import the two certificate files(rootca.crt and server.crt). but i am got the same error.
    what may be the problem.

  • Information in the case folder is not getting updated in Oracle Credit Mgt

    I have created an SO and an Invoice for this SO for a particular customer. Now, when I create a credit application and a case folder in OCM for this customer, Fields like Receivables Balance, Credit Exposure, Days Sales Outstanding etc. in the case folder are not getting updated. These fields are not getting updated even after refreshing the case folder. It means that the information from the 'Receivables Responsibility is not getting updated in the case folder.
    I have already run the 'Initialize credit Summaries' concurrent program after creating the Sales Order and Invoice.
    PS: The case folder gets updated only when I set the Profile Option: "AR: Allow summary table refresh" to Yes and then running the "Refresh AR Transactions Summary Tables" concurrent program. But once this program runs the Profile Option again becomes 'No' (Which is a Standard functionality).
    So this is a manual way to update the case folder. My requirement is that the case folder should get updated automatically and no manual intervention should be required.

    Sumit Malik wrote:
    I have created an SO and an Invoice for this SO for a particular customer. Now, when I create a credit application and a case folder in OCM for this customer, Fields like Receivables Balance, Credit Exposure, Days Sales Outstanding etc. in the case folder are not getting updated. These fields are not getting updated even after refreshing the case folder. It means that the information from the 'Receivables Responsibility is not getting updated in the case folder.
    I have already run the 'Initialize credit Summaries' concurrent program after creating the Sales Order and Invoice.
    PS: The case folder gets updated only when I set the Profile Option: "AR: Allow summary table refresh" to Yes and then running the "Refresh AR Transactions Summary Tables" concurrent program. But once this program runs the Profile Option again becomes 'No' (Which is a Standard functionality).
    So this is a manual way to update the case folder. My requirement is that the case folder should get updated automatically and no manual intervention should be required.Duplicate post -- Information in the case folder is not getting updated in Oracle Credit Mgt

  • Confusion with a current state of Oracle Identity Management

    I would like to know if anyone has successfully implemented the complete suite of IdM. If yes, please share this experience. I want to clarify the definition of "successful integration". It should include the following:
    - SSO for Partner applications
    - SSO for External (third parties) applications
    - Provisioning and Synchronization
    - Delegated Administration
    - WNA with Kerberos
    - SAML implementation (optional)
    I would appreciate all answers on this subject

    To restart from your initial question, it's quite strange because the components you mention are all included in the AS10g Enterprise Edition or in AS10g Portal, and are perfectly integrated. I know numerous customers which use Oracle Portal, for instance, and leverage on SSO (patner or external), Delegated Administration (DAS) , Synchro with AD server and Windows native authentication, without a single line of specific code. Provisioning is done automatically by DIP in the case of Portal with AD, as well, or with a Human resource system. Even the password synchro can be made betwwen AD and OID (Oracle LDAP)
    Now, it's a sligthy different discussion if we consider the recent acquisitions made by Oracle, and which are sold in the so call : Oracle Identity management 10g.
    OAM (previously Oblix) is a more ambitious product that Oracle SSO.
    OIM (provisioning and identity management) is far more sophisticated than Oracle DIP.
    The goal, for Oracle, is to unify the workflow engine and the Human interface (with ADF). This task is probably on the rails for the next year.
    OVD (previously OctetSting) is an architectural component which allow virtualisation of LDAP server.
    About Federation, OIF allow all existing Oracle Portal customer (using SSO) to rely on SAML tokens in order to trust partners site.
    So, in my opinion, acquisitions oblige to make a substantial effort to unify human interface and make arbitration between some concepts, but it's within the Oracle means.

  • Risk category field is missing in dso for 0fiar_o09 credit management.

    Hi BI Experts,
    I am using the standard extractor for the credit management dso 0fiar_o09.  The field for risk category originates from our R3 system in table knkk-ctplc.  It displays correctly in the psa.  The transformation rsds 0fi_ar_9 maps it to 0risk_categ.  It appears as an infoObject in the infoSource.  The trcs transformation maps the rule also.
    However, when I try to display the data in the dso, the risk category field does not display at all.
    Please help with any possible suggestions to display the missing field.
    Kind regards,
    Cheryl Adamonis

    I resolved this issue by removing the check in the  'attribute only' selection on the general tab of the infoObject.

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