Oracle Disaster Restore Service for you

We can provide the Disaster REstore experts Service for you.
We can restore the following status Oracle:
1. Only have RMAN Backup
2. Only have datafile (anything ,datafile etc.)
3. Only have all datafiles
Oracle Verstions:8/8i/9i/10g/11g
MSN:[email protected]
1> 有RMAN備份
2> 有數據文件冷備份(包含所有數據文件)
3> 僅僅剩下一個數據文件(如DATA01.dbf)
Message was edited by:

Well I guess it has been already mentioned couple of times here on this forum.Please don't use this forum as a medium of self promotion or business promotion.I suggest set up a good website and we will find you.
And if you ask me, I shallbe interested if you can tell me what you can do which DUL or DUDE are missing?I am not giving links for it.
Just a thought, why would we be interested in "restoring" a disaster?

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    At Enkitec, we've done several moves for customers. Most customers have used Oracle's moving services to perform the physical move of the system, and contract the local Sun FSE to come out and power up the system, and check that everything is ok.
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    Check pages 2-23 and following of the Deploying SSHR Capability V5.2 guide on Metalink. It describes the methods for Batch Creation of User Accounts.

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    Use JPA - see the visitors example, it uses @PersistenceUnit injection with previously weaved .class entity files.
    You can use application managed EMF's and EntityManagers with code like the following - which is not preferable to using @PersistenceContext injection on an @Stateless session EJB but...
              EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("JPAServletPU");
              EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
              EntityTransaction transaction = null;
              try {
                   transaction = em.getTransaction();
                   Visitor entity = new Visitor();
                   System.out.println("Committing: " + entity);
              } catch (Exception e) {
              } finally {
    Use a persistence.xml like the following
    <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <persistence-unit name="JPAServletPU" transaction-type="JTA">
         <property name="" value="Oracle10g" />
    <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
    <!-- property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/-->
    Check out a tutorial on WebLogic JPA ORM usage here to get started as well.

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    I successfully developed the oracle native web service for returning single record but the next challenge is to develop web service in order to return multiple record (like Employees data base on each department)You could return a list (multiple values/records) in XML format (using XMLType or CLOB), or CSV, or JSON, or whatever.
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      return 'your_xml_string_here';
    end get_employees;It would be up to the client (the caller of the web service) to extract the values from whatever format you decide upon, of course.
    - Morten

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    I successfully developed the oracle native web service for returning single record but the next challenge is to develop web service in order to return multiple record (like Employees data base on each department)You could return a list (multiple values/records) in XML format (using XMLType or CLOB), or CSV, or JSON, or whatever.
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    If you contact Oracle Support, they can give you an estimated release date. This will be a 'no sooner than' release date. Releases may always slip if issues have been found that need to be fixed before the patchset is released to the public.

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    There should be a text based installer in the /orainst sub-
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    Hi Belinda,
    You would create Oracle Help, and then deploy it using OHJ or OHW.
    The format of the help is the same. There is nothing specific that needs to be done for one or the other. If your system i s a Web application, you would use OHW and otherwise, you would use OHJ.
    You can read more about Oracle Help on OTN at
    (Read the FAQ for more information about the choice between OHJ and OHW.)
    Personally, I would not recommend RoboHelp to create Oracle Help. RoboHelp has a lot of nice features, but the Oracle Help output feature is fairly buggy, especially if you are creating a large helpset, or a helpset that has subhelpsets.
    At Oracle, a lot of help development is done using DreamWeaver and an in-house build tool, called the Oracle Help Build Tool. This is available for free. Send me a mail ([email protected]) if you want a copy.

  • How to get "Oracle Services for MTS" working?

    I've implemented the microsoft code example (see at the bottom) for the use of distributed transactions (with system.transactions and MTS support). The code works fine as long as I use only MS sqlserver.
    Well, I tried one connection to an oracle database and one connection to the sqlserver - and here the trouble starts ;-)
    Oracle doesn't care about the transaction. After the command is executed the changes are made to the oracle database at once (no commit has occured at that point) even if the second command isn't successfull.
    I suppose at the moment that the problem must be something around the interaction between MTS and oracle database, more precisly the oracle Services for MTS.
    I've installed the client (ODAC1020221.exe).
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    Is there a mistake in the code I'm running?
    any help is welcome ...
    thanx in advance!!!
    And here's the code I'm working with:
    public class Worker : ServicedComponent
    public void Test()
    using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)))
    DbProviderFactory theFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Oracle.DataAccess.Client");
    using (DbConnection connection1 = theFactory.CreateConnection())
    connection1.ConnectionString = ".........";
    DbCommand command1 = theFactory.CreateCommand();
    command1.Connection = connection1;
    command1.CommandText = "Insert into user (name, surname,benoid) values ('hans','wurst','32315134512345')";
    object returnValue = command1.ExecuteNonQuery();
    using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;Database=UserManagement;Trusted_Connection=true;"))
    //this command fails
    SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Insert into uuuu (name, vorname) values ('hans','wurst')", connection2);
    object retValue = command2.ExecuteNonQuery();
    catch (Exception ex)
    catch (Exception ex)

    hey what's up you figured out your problem with M$DTC/Oracle 11i with ODP.NET trying to do a TransactionScope?
    I saw your problem - and I ran into the same.
    Re: 10g Express + ODP.NET (version > support TransactionScope?
    Trying to install "Oracle Services for MTS" not sure how but working on it now. Doc looks old however,
    Did you get pass this already?

  • Data service for table in Oracle 8.0.6

    Using WebLogic 8.1.4 and LiquidData 8.5 I am trying to create physical data services for tables in a DB in Oracle 8.0.6. I am aware that that Oracle version is not supported by Oracle anymore, but I need to work with that version anyway (you know how it is sometimes).
    I managed to create a connection pool for this through the WebLogic Server Console by providing the JDBC driver for 8.0.6., but when I want to create a data source using the new connection pool and WebLogic tries to get the metadata, I get pop up windows with messages like:
    "Bigger type length than maximum"
    "OALL8 in an inconsistent state"
    "Protocol violation"
    One more thing to mention: I also added the Oracle 8.0.6 JDBC driver to the WebLogic Server classpath (Tools -> WebLogic Server -> Server Properties ... -> WebLogic Server: added to Server classpath additions) and restarted WebLogic Workshop and Server. Still I get those error messages.
    Is there a special procedure how to provide/configure a specific driver for a DBMS that is not natively supported by WebLogic?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the quick reply. Below the contents of the console window from starting the Workshop and Server. I'll try your next hint next and let you know about the outcome. As far as I see there were no errors issued by the Server while I tried to connect to Oracle 8.0.6 to upload metadata. (I am not sure whether anything was printed out while I started the server). My address is w.eschebach at vsnlinternational dot com.
    This is how my workshop.cfg looks like:
    -XX:-UseThreadPriorities -Xmx256m -Xms64m -Xss256k -client -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Djava.system.class.loader="workshop.core.AppClassLoader" -cp "C:\bea\weblogic81\workshop\wlw-ide.jar" workshop.core.Workshop
    Console output:
    DEBUG: extensions=C:\bea\weblogic81\workshop\\extensions
    INFO: Registering extension com.bea.portal.ide.CommonServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.portal.ide.findrefs.FindRefsSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-portal-ide:ref-finders registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.control.ControlServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.control.ControlSvc registered
    INFO: Registering extension com.crystaldecisions.integration.weblogic.workshop.r
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.debugger.DebuggerServices
    INFO: Exit Handler found
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.debug.DebugSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:debugExpressionViews registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.jspdesigner.JspDesignerServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.ui.browser.BrowserSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.jspdesigner.PaletteActionSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide-jspdesigner:tags registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.liquiddata.LiquidDataExtension
    INFO: Registering extension
    INFO: Exit Handler found
    INFO: Service registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.ui.palette.DataPaletteSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:workshop-pageflow-wizard:extension registered
    INFO: Registering extension com.bea.portal.ide.portalbuilder.PortalBuilderServic
    INFO: Service com.bea.portal.ide.portalbuilder.laf.LookAndFeelSvc registere
    INFO: Service com.bea.portal.ide.portalbuilder.laf.css.CssSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.portal.codegen.CodeGenSvc registered
    INFO: Registering extension com.bea.portal.ide.PortalServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.portal.ide.cache.CacheInfoSvc registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.process.ProcessExtension
    INFO: Service workshop.process.ProcessSvc registered
    INFO: Service registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide-process:process registered
    INFO: Registering extension
    INFO: Exit Handler found
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.ui.frame.FrameSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.core.datatransfer.DataTransferSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.actions.ActionSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.document.DocumentSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.core.HttpSvc registered
    INFO: Service registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.ui.output.OutputSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.core.navigation.NavigationSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.filesystem.FileSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.filesystem.FileSystemSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.refactor.RefactorSvc registered
    INFO: Service registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:actions registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:document registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:frame registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:encoding registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:help registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.sourcecontrol.SCMServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.sourcecontrol.SourceControlSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:sourcecontrol registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.sourceeditor.EditorServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.sourceeditor.EditorSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.sourceeditor.compiler.CompilerSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:sourceeditor:sourceinfo registered
    INFO: Registering extension com.bea.wls.J2EEServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.wls.ejb.EJBSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.wls.DBSvc registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.workspace.WorkspaceServices
    INFO: Exit Handler found
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.workspace.WorkspaceSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.workspace.ServerSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.workspace.SettingsSvc registered
    INFO: Service registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.workspace.RunSvc registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:settings registered
    INFO: Handler for urn:com-bea-ide:project registered
    INFO: Registering extension workshop.xml.XMLServices
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.xml.types.TypeManagerSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.xml.types.TypeResolverSvc registered
    INFO: Service com.bea.ide.xmlmap.XMLMapSvc registered
    DEBUG: Workshop temp dir: C:\DOCUME~1\TR003137\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw-temp-18920
    DEBUG: ExtensionsLoaded: 8329ms
    DEBUG: UI Displayed: 11563ms
    DEBUG: Time to load XQuery Functions (in seconds) - 0
    DEBUG: Time to load repository (in seconds) - 0
    DEBUG: LdBuildDriver loaded
    DEBUG: project ProvisioningDataServices activated
    DEBUG: Setting active project to: ProvisioningDataServices
    DEBUG: Workspace Activated: 17126ms
    DEBUG: Document Panel initialized: 17501ms
    DEBUG: *** CompilerProject constructor 1
    DEBUG: WorkspaceLoaded: 17594ms
    DEBUG: getClasspathMapping initiated with 29 item list.
    DEBUG: getClasspathMapping returning 29 item map.
    INFO: Startup Complete
    DEBUG: Time to load repository (in seconds) - 1
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: Loading template file
    DEBUG: URI is null. Delete Version will not show up in the menu
    DEBUG: URI is null. Delete Version will not show up in the menu
    DEBUG: GCThread: performing gc while idle

  • How to mention more than one values in URL Suffix for Oracle BI presentation Services?

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    In BI Publisher-> Oracle BI Presentation Services setup default value is 'analytics/saw.dll'
    I've to add another suffix i.e. 'analyticsApp/saw.dll' which we use for another set of reports.
    Is it possible to add bot of these entries in URL suffix?
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    In BI URL word analytics is kind of virtual directory, if you want to change this you might have to change at Web Server side.
    Try to use em for your oc4j to change or redeploy the analytics with desired name.
    Just in case you are using IIS then you need to check in IIS.
    If helps mark

  • How to create a service for Oracle HTTP Server

    I hope someone can help me.
    I would like to create a service for an Oracle HTTP Server.
    We are running APEX 3.2 on an database (not XE).
    We have a Windows XP system.
    To run APEX on a 10g we need the HTTP Server.
    Unfortunately no service was created while the installing of the Oracle HTTP Server.
    How can I create a service later. After the installation.
    I know that you can create a service with Instrsrv.exe and Srvany.exe. But I dont know wheather I can use this in this case.
    I need an .exe file for that.
    The HTTP-Server has the opmnctl.exe.
    But I have to write opmnctl.exe startall when I start or opmnctl.exe stopall when I want to stop it . How can I realize that in a Service?
    Thanks for your answer

    I hope someone can help me.
    I would like to create a service for an Oracle HTTP Server.
    We are running APEX 3.2 on an database (not XE).
    We have a Windows XP system.
    To run APEX on a 10g we need the HTTP Server.
    Unfortunately no service was created while the installing of the Oracle HTTP Server.
    How can I create a service later. After the installation.
    I know that you can create a service with Instrsrv.exe and Srvany.exe. But I dont know wheather I can use this in this case.
    I need an .exe file for that.
    The HTTP-Server has the opmnctl.exe.
    But I have to write opmnctl.exe startall when I start or opmnctl.exe stopall when I want to stop it . How can I realize that in a Service?
    Thanks for your answer

  • Missing windows service for Oracle Enterprise manager

    I have installed Oracle database 10G R1 (without seed database), and applied patchset I have used the DBCA to create a database instance, which was created successfully (see note1).
    However the windows service for the OEM DBconsole has not been created. I have tried to lookup the manuals how I can manually create this, but with no success. Please can somebody point out the correct procedure?
    Best regards,
    If using DBCA the optional example schema are selected and saved to scripts, the calling script <ORACLE_SID>.sql must be amended to move the line below to the last entry:
    This is due to the fact that the sample schema script has an "EXIT" statement which will cause the creation script to terminate prematurely.

    I think you have a similar problem as described in
    Problem starting EM 10g
    emca did not run, on Windows it also creates the corresponding service.

  • Web Services for Oracle 8i

    Is there any means for the Oracle 8i Platform to implement a Webservice to
    access Business Logic in stored precedures?
    We were evaluating IONA's XML Collaboration Suite and their Oracle Adaptor
    but we are not satisfied with the level of control the adaptor provides.
    Do you have any suggestions?
    Best regards,

    Yes, you can publish stored procedures as Web services. Two approaches:
    1. Check out the new Web services sample that came out the other day, example two where SQLJ is used to wrap a Java class as a stored procedure, the connection is then wired into the generated class and finally it is published as a Java Web service using Oracle9i JDeveloper 9.0.2. See:
    and look at the Tax Calculator viewlet/code.
    2. This is essentially the same way that the OC4J PL/SQL Web service samples work too (using SQLJ to generate a Java PL/SQL proxy), but the OC4J sample (url below), provides a more parametric way to pass the connection information to the proxy by using a parameter in the web.xml file. Check out:
    See the readme and work with the sample in
    This one is a both better and worse from a developers perspective compared to the first Oracle9i Jdeveloper oriented example. The good part, depending on your perspective, is that it is all command line based (some people like this, some people don't) and uses the longer term approach to publishing stored procedures as Web services for Oracle9iAS with the parameters passed in via the web.xml. The bad part is the example is a little hard to follow because many of the pieces are already created for you rather than explaining how they were created. The first example at least shows pretty much all the steps but doesn't quite elegantly solve the connection problem that the OC4J sample does.
    In July/August, Oracle9i JDeveloper will be updated to publish stored procedures using the Oracle9iAS infrastructure (basically the web.xml fix) ... although once you understand it, it is fairly easy to manually do it inside of JDeveloper.
    Hope this gets you going.

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