Oracle ODBC Driver Specifc Error Codes

Dear All,
I'm currently working in a migration assignment.I'm looking for a Technical document which consists error codes specific to Oracle ODBC Driver(ver. help in this regard will be appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,

There shouldn't be any Oracle ODBC Driver specific error codes. When you're talking about ODBC and error codes, there are two possibilities-
1) You're looking at the SQLState return codes. These are part of an ISO standard (they're more than happy to sell you a copy) and are documented in the ODBC Programmer's Reference from Microsoft as well as most decent ODBC guides.
2) You're looking at the Oracle specific error codes that are returned as the error text in ODBC. These (potentially) depend on the version of the database you're connecting to, rather than the version of the client software you have, and are covered in Oracle's error message manual available at

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    There was an error loading the following libraries:
    After I hit ok, another message pops:
    There was an error loading the following libraries:
    Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this problem? I tried downloading from the otn web site various 9.2 releases,, and but all of them are giving me the same error message. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the JRE but still the same problem occurred.

    When you install the Oracle client, a base version of the Oracle ODBC driver will be installed by default (you could customize the install not to install ODBC). Before we tackle the ODBC driver patchset instll, I'd like to make sure that the basic client software installed correctly.
    - Were there any errors thrown when you tried to install the 9.2 Oracle client?
    - Once you installed the Oracle client, were you able to connect to databases via SQL*Plus?
    - Is the Oracle ODBC driver on the list of ODBC drivers in the ODBC Data Source Administrator?
    - Can you connect to databases via the base version of the ODBC driver?
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Oracle ODBC Driver (Client XE) Error

    It seems the Oracle ODBC Driver from Client XE is broken.
    When I try to create a new ODBC dsn entry from "ODBC Data Source Administrator", an error message is display "Error Cannot Load Resource File sqresus.dll". Do you have the same problem?
    FYI: This computer doesn't run the XE server.

    One solution is to install and use the Oracle Instant Client with ODBC.

  • Insert into CLOB fails with Oracle ODBC driver version

    I tried to insert into CLOB using the latest Oracle ODBC driver and it fails. But the same works with earlier versions of ODBC driver earlier to ie.,
    Here is the code snippet I tried. Any help now is highly appreciated as I am in the crunch time.
    I tried the same code snippet with VARCHAR2 column with the same driver and it works.
    ** CONVDSN.C - This is the ODBC sample code for
    ** creating File DSN pointers to machine DSNs.
    **This code is furnished on an as-is basis as part of the ODBC SDK and is
    **intended for example purposes only.
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <sql.h>
    #include <sqlext.h>
    #include <odbcinst.h>
    #include <sqltypes.h>
    #define MAXDATALEN 25 //maximum data length per column
    #define MAX_COL 15 //maximum column in result set
    #define MAX_ROW 100 //maximum number of rows
    #define MAXBUFLEN 256
    #define SQLERR_FORMAT "SQL Error State:%s, Native Error Code: %lX, ODBC Error: %s"
    #define SQLERRCNTDTITLE "SQL_ERROR results continued"
    #define SQLWRNCNTDTITLE "SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO results continued"
    #define SQLERRMSGTITLE "SQL_ERROR results"
    // prototypes
    void ExpandFileName(LPSTR szFileDSNName, LPCSTR szDSNName);
    void MakeLegalName(LPSTR szLegalDSNName, LPCSTR szDSNName);
    // main routine: Iterate through the user and system DSNs, creating a pointer
    // to each.
    void FAR PASCAL DisplayError(SQLRETURN nResult, HWND hWnd, SWORD fHandleType, SQLHANDLE handle);
    void insertSelectClob();
    void checkRcCode(RETCODE rc);
    int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    return 0;
    void FAR PASCAL DisplayError(SQLRETURN nResult, HWND hWnd, SWORD fHandleType, SQLHANDLE handle)
         UCHAR szErrState[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE+1]; // SQL Error State string
         UCHAR szErrText[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH+1]; // SQL Error Text string
         // formatted Error text Buffer
         SWORD wErrMsgLen; // Error message length
         UDWORD dwErrCode; // Native Error code
         int iSize; // Display Error Text size
         SQLRETURN nErrResult; // Return Code from SQLGetDiagRec
         SWORD sMsgNum = 1;
         SWORD fFirstRun = TRUE;
         char szDispBuffer[MAXDISPLAYSIZE+1]; // Display Buffer
         szBuffer[0] = '\0';
              // continue to bring messageboxes till all errors are displayed.
              // more than one message box may be reqd. as err text has fixed
              // string size.
              // initialize display buffer with the string in error text buffer
              strcpy(szDispBuffer, szBuffer);
              // call SQLGetDiagRec function with proper ODBC handles, repeatedly until
              // function returns SQL_NO_DATA. Concatenate all error strings
              // in the display buffer and display all results.
              while ((nErrResult = SQLGetDiagRec(fHandleType, handle, sMsgNum++,
                   szErrState, &dwErrCode, szErrText,
                   SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH-1, &wErrMsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
                   if(nErrResult == SQL_ERROR || nErrResult == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE)
                   wsprintf(szBuffer, SQLERR_FORMAT, (LPSTR)szErrState, dwErrCode, (LPSTR)szErrText);
                   iSize = strlen(szDispBuffer);
                   if (iSize && (iSize+strlen(szBuffer)+1) >= MAXDISPLAYSIZE)
                   if (iSize)
                   strcat(szDispBuffer, "\n");
                   strcat(szDispBuffer, szBuffer);
              // display proper ERROR or WARNING message with proper title
              if (nResult == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
                   MessageBox(hWnd, szDispBuffer, (fFirstRun? SQLWRNMSGTITLE : SQLWRNCNTDTITLE),
                   MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
                   MessageBox(hWnd, szDispBuffer, (fFirstRun? SQLERRMSGTITLE : SQLERRCNTDTITLE),
                   MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
              if (fFirstRun)
                   fFirstRun = FALSE;
         while (!(nErrResult == SQL_NO_DATA || nErrResult == SQL_ERROR || nErrResult == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE));
    void insertSelectClob()
    SQLCHAR clobdata[1001];
    SQLCHAR resultdata[1001];
    SQLCHAR *bufp;
         SQLINTEGER cbOrderID = sizeof(SQLSMALLINT);
         SQLSMALLINT sTmp=13;
         SQLCHAR *sqlStmt1  = _T("INSERT INTO clobtbl(id, clob1) VALUES(?, ?)");
         SQLCHAR *sqlStmt2  = _T("SELECT id, clob1 FROM clobtbl");
    //     SQLCHAR *sqlStmt1  = _T("INSERT INTO testInsert(id, clob1) VALUES(?, ?)");
    // SQLCHAR *sqlStmt2  = _T("SELECT id, clob1 FROM testInsert");
    int clobdatalen, chunksize, dtsize, retchklen;
         HENV envHnd;
    HDBC conHnd;
    HSTMT stmtHnd;
    RETCODE rc;
         int nRowcnt=0;
         SQLPOINTER pToken = NULL;
    rc = SQL_SUCCESS;
    // ENV is allocated
    rc = SQLAllocEnv(&envHnd);
    // Connection Handle is allocated
    rc = SQLAllocConnect(envHnd, &conHnd);
    rc = SQLConnect(conHnd, T("testd734"), SQLNTS, T("ipathdba"), SQLNTS, T("ipathdba"), SQLNTS);
    printf(_T("Insert CLOB1 using SQLPutData...\n[%s]\n"), sqlStmt1);
    // Set CLOB Data
    int i;
    SQLCHAR ch;
    for (i=0, ch=_T('A'); i< sizeof(clobdata)/sizeof(SQLCHAR); ++i, ++ch)
    if (ch > _T('Z'))
    ch = _T('A');
    clobdata[i] = ch;
    clobdata[sizeof(clobdata)/sizeof(SQLCHAR)-1] = _T('\0');
    clobdatalen = lstrlen(clobdata); // length of characters
    chunksize = clobdatalen / 7; // 7 times to put
         rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conHnd, &stmtHnd);
    // Step 1: Prepare
    rc = SQLPrepare(stmtHnd, sqlStmt1, SQL_NTS);
    // checkSQLErr(envHnd, conHnd, stmtHnd, rc);
    // Step 2: Bind Parameter with SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC
    rc = SQLBindParameter(stmtHnd,
    rc = SQLBindParameter(stmtHnd,
    // checkSQLErr(envHnd, conHnd, stmtHnd, rc);
    // Step 3: Execute
    rc = SQLExecute(stmtHnd);
         while (rc == SQL_NEED_DATA) {
              rc = SQLParamData(stmtHnd, &pToken);
              if (rc == SQL_NEED_DATA) {
                   for (dtsize=0, bufp = clobdata;
                        dtsize < clobdatalen;
                        dtsize += chunksize, bufp += chunksize)
                   int len;
                   if (dtsize+chunksize < clobdatalen)
                        len = chunksize;
                        rc = SQLPutData(stmtHnd, bufp, len*sizeof(SQLCHAR));
                        len = clobdatalen-dtsize;
                        rc = SQLPutData(stmtHnd, bufp, SQL_NTS);
              rc = SQLParamData(stmtHnd, &pToken);
    // Fails as row count retrieved is zero.
         rc = SQLRowCount(stmtHnd, &nRowcnt);
         if(rc != SQL_SUCCESS)
              DisplayError(rc, NULL, SQL_HANDLE_ENV, conHnd);
    rc = SQLFreeStmt(stmtHnd, SQL_CLOSE);
    printf(_T("Finished Update\n\n"));
    rc = SQLAllocStmt(conHnd, &stmtHnd);
    if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS)
    printf(_T("Failed to allocate STMT\n"));
    // Clear Result Data
    memset(resultdata, 0, sizeof(resultdata));
    chunksize = clobdatalen / 15; // 15 times to gut
    rc = SQLExecDirect(stmtHnd, sqlStmt2, SQL_NTS); // select
         if(rc != SQL_SUCCESS)
              DisplayError(rc, NULL, SQL_HANDLE_ENV, conHnd);
    // Step 2: Fetch
    rc = SQLFetch(stmtHnd);
    for(dtsize=0, bufp = resultdata;
    dtsize > sizeof(resultdata)/sizeof(CHAR) && rc != SQL_NO_DATA;
    dtsize += chunksize-1, bufp += chunksize-1)
    int len; // len should contain the space for NULL termination
    if (dtsize+chunksize<sizeof(resultdata)/sizeof(CHAR))
    len = chunksize;
    len = sizeof(resultdata)/sizeof(CHAR)-dtsize;
    // Step 3: GetData
    rc = SQLGetData(stmtHnd,
    if (!_tcscmp(resultdata, clobdata))
         if (conHnd)
         if (envHnd)

    Since 9.2 has been desupported for error correction you will not be able to download that version from OTN. You should ask whoever is providing the training if their is an alternate version you can use. The only versions that you will be able to download from is 10.2 11.1, and 11.2.

  • Oracle ODBC Driver causing MFC OpenEx() delay

    I have installed the Oracle ODBC Driver version on a WINNT 4.0 Workstation with SP6a. I have an MFC test app with the following code:
    PostStatus(ERROR_NOERROR, APP_NAME, "Calling OpenEx()");
    CDatabase db;
    if(db.OpenEx(_T("DSN=MYTESTDSN;UID=USERID;PWD=PASSWORD"), CDatabase::openReadOnly|CDatabase::noOdbcDialog))
         PostStatus(ERROR_NOERROR, APP_NAME, "OpenEx() success,calling Close()");
    } // OpenEx()
    else // OpenEx() error
         PostStatus(ERROR_MODERATE, APP_NAME, "Error opening database,OpenEx() failed!");
    The above OpenEx call is taking upto 3 seconds to return. When I use Microsoft Oracle ODBC driver, it takes less than 0.5 sec to connect/disconnect.
    Any idea why OpenEx() is taking that long? I've compiled this using VC++ 6.0 SP5, on a WIN2K and WINNT system but I get the same result.

    This forum is for feedback about the OTN program and problems with OTN accounts. Technical questions cannot be answered here. Please post your question in the appropriate product or technology forum.

  • Memory Leak when I get the SP return refcursor by oracle ODBC driver:

    Oracle server:&#65320;&#65328;&#65293;&#65333;&#65358;&#65353;&#65368;
    Oracle Version:
    Application Server: windows2003
    Develop tool &#65306; VC++;
    when I get the return refcursor by OLEDB.Oracle, there is not any memory leak and work well. But when I change the driver to ODBC “Oralce in OraHome92"
    there will be an 56k memory leak.
    And in the other hand if I call an store precedure without return ref. Both driver /way can work well.
    Can you give me the advice? thanks a lot.
    Code such as:
    _ConnectionPtr m_AdoConnection;
    _CommandPtr pcmd = NULL;
    _RecordsetPtr sp_rs = NULL;
    _bstr_t bstrConstruct = _bstr_t("DSN=test;Uid=test;Pwd=test;PLSQLRSet=1");
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection),NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,__uuidof(_ConnectionPtr),(LPVOID *)&m_AdoConnection);
    if (FAILED (hr) ) throw hr ;
    m_AdoConnection->PutCursorLocation(adUseClient) ;
    m_AdoConnection->IsolationLevel = adXactSerializable;
    m_AdoConnection->Mode = adModeShareExclusive;
    bstr_t bstrEmpty(L"") ;
    m_AdoConnection->Open (bstrConstruct, bstrEmpty, bstrEmpty, -1) ;
    SAFE_CALL(m_spObjectContext->CreateInstance(__uuidof(Command),__uuidof(_CommandPtr),(LPVOID *)&pcmd));
    if(pcmd == NULL)
    throw CAtlExceptionEx(E_POINTER,"pcmd is NULL");
    pcmd->CommandText = _bstr_t(L"wec_pkg_spl.wec_proc_spl_check");
    pcmd->CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;
    _bstr_t id = _bstr_t("65650000");     
    pcmd->ActiveConnection = sp_con.m_AdoConnection;
    sp_rs = pcmd->Execute(NULL,NULL,adCmdStoredProc);
    if (m_AdoConnection->State == adStateOpen)
    wec_pkg_spl.wec_proc_spl_check arguments:
    id          varchar2     in
    flowpaths     ref cursor     out
    errcode          number          out
    errdescription     varchar2     out
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

    I'm using the oracle ODBC driver 8.05.10 with MFC and client version 8.0.5. In my experience you can't prevent memory leaks with that or earlier versions of the ODBC driver. Client patchkits or service packs for NT or the Visual Studio doesn't solve the problem.
    The following code will result in a memory leak with the oracle driver. With every expiration of the timer the leak will grow.
    void CTestOdbcOracleDriverDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
    TCHAR errString[255];
    //open the database with class CDatabase
    //use of CRecordset
    TRY {
    //my table name is AL_ALARME_LOG
    pMyRecordset->Open(CRecordset::dynaset,"SELECT * FROM AL_ALARME_LOG",CRecordset::none);
    //do something with the data
    CATCH_ALL(error) {
    The same code with the Microsoft ODBC driver
    doesn't cause memory leaks.
    Andreas ([email protected])

  • Oracle ODBC driver with Access Application

    I get a problem when using MS-Access 2007 DAO recordset built on table hosted by an Oracle database 10g and connected thru ODBC
    The table scheme is :
    idPartenaire : number(11)
    libelle : varchar2(250)
    code : varchar2(5)
    actif : number(1)
    idCollege :numner(11)
    idPartenaire is generated by a sequence read in a trigger fired before insert on th table.
    The code I use in Access is :
    The query associated with the form is :
    "select * from table1"
    and the event procedure connected to a button on the form is :
    Private Sub Commande0_Click()
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Me.Recordset!libelle = CStr(Rnd) ' some value
    Me.Recordset!code = “”
    Me.Recordset!actif = -1
    Me.Recordset!idCollege = 1
    Me.Recordset.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.LastModified
    Dim idtemp As Long
    idtemp = Me.Recordset.idPartenaire
    Me.Recordset.FindFirst "idPartenaire = " & idtemp
    Set rs = Nothing
    End Sub
    When I run this code, I get an error 3167 (current record is deleted) on the line :
    idtemp = Me.Recordset.idPartenaire
    If I change the ligne :
    Me.Recordset!code = “”
    By :
    Me.Recordset!code = “xxxx”
    or if I comment this line, the error does not appear and I get the right value in idtemp variable.
    I tried also with the same table in a SQL Server database table. In this case it works fine in all cases.
    So, I seems that the problem is due to the Oracle ODBC driver. I tried with different versions of Oracle ODBC drivers (v10.0.2.4, v11.1.6)
    I search on Internet but I have not found any explanation or solution.
    Does anybody experiment the same problem (and find a solution)?
    Gilles Roussel.

    The two lines you quote aren't errors, they're warnings and they're pretty standard fare. If there isn't anything else in the ODBC log, then the driver isn't returning any errors. I'm not sure why Access is failing, so let's look at the client configuration first.
    - I assume you've successfully installed the 8.1.6 client on the machine with Access. Were there any errors during the install?
    - You say you're using the 8.1.6 version of the Oracle ODBC driver-- can you look to see what the last digit of the version is? If possible, I'd start by downloading the most recent 8.1.6.x ODBC driver from OTN.
    - Check which version of the MDAC you have installed (new versions & a version checker are available from Microsoft at <>.
    - The ODBC driver you download above will list which versions of the MDAC it is expected to work with. Make sure your version is one of the listed versions.

  • MS ODBC or Oracle ODBC driver?

    Can anyone tell me which is the correct driver to use when developing front end MS Access 2003 to retrieve and update data on a Open VMS platform with Oracle database?
    I have serval Access 2000 databases that run on most WinNT or W2K clients with a couple of W2K Dell exceptions. These Access 2000 db's connect to the Oracle database using linked tables and SQL pass-through queries that work with ODBC Manager-DNS system setup using the Microsoft for Oracle ODBC driver.
    Now we are upgrading to Office Pro 2003 so new W2K images have been setup with Oracle 8.1.7 Client. SQL*Plus works on these clients but when I create the System DNS the Access databases return an error "ODBC connection failed". I can however connect with a pass-through query using Oracle's ODBC driver. Not enough time in roll-out plan to change the ODBC connection string in hundreds of Access SPT queries.
    Please help!

    if you still need assistance reagarding me directly..

  • Crystal Report Oracle ODBC driver invalid Thai character display problem

       My server has CR Oracle ODBC 5.1 installed on last week. We have several reports in the servers which called by our Application to export to text file and pdf file. Sometimes, the output (both text file and pdf file) can't display Thai character correctly. The text file show Thai character in question mark and pdf file show in square box. This problem occur randomly and disappear without doing anything. Sometimes the problem occur for an hour and gone but sometimes occur 10-15 minutes and gone. This problem also not happen every days. Once the problem occur, all reports with Thai character will fail.
       However, we have another server installed the same Application, same OS level, same OS patches and same CR Oracle ODBC driver version installed on the same time as above server (the problem server). This server does not have any problems.
       Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Best Regards,
    Noppadon S.

    Hi Noppadon,
    Thank you for the info. If it happens randomly in their application then it's something they need to debug. Could even be in the ODBC driver.
    I suggest you tell them that because it works sometimes it shows the issue is likely in their software because if it failed all the time then it would be in Crystal dll's. They need to debug the problem, suggest they use tools like Process Monitor from to step through to see where or what part is failing. If they having logging abilities that may help to find out what step is failing and in which API.
    At this point we have no way of determining where the problem is, it's failing in their application and no one but them know what or how they are using CR runtime files.
    If you can duplicate the problem using Crystal Report Designer then it's our problem, if not they have to help you to show us it is a CR issue.
    Sorry we can't be of more help but without know their code we can't suggest anything to try. Suggest they log a call with support here to help them debug the problem if they don't know what to do.
    Thank you

  • Memory Leak with Oracle ODBC Driver for Long Raw columns

    Oracle version : 8.1.7
    Platform : Win2K
    Oracle ODBC Driver version :
    I've got an Oracle database upgraded from
    V8.0.5 to V8.1.7 which has a table having one long raw +
    normal columns. I was able to observe distinct memory
    leaks (approx 80K) when using ODBC interface calls (thro C++ code) that referenced a combination of normal & long raw columns in a select statement. However, this leak was not observed when only normal columns were present in the
    select statement. Is there any known restriction for using
    long raw columns with other columns? Or do long raw columns have a known memory leak problem thro ODBC?

    Did you ever get an answer on this issue?
    Thanks in advance

  • Oracle ODBC driver

    I want know where can I download the Oracle ODBC driver version read in the Oracle support that the access violation error due to network problems is fixed out in this driver version.Please guide me where to download it.
    Thanking in advance

    We haven't released yet. We should be wrapping up new work on this version and moving into the testing phase shortly.
    Justin Cave
    ODBC Development

  • Oracle ODBC driver: NO_DATA_FOUND blocked

    I found that NO_DATA_FOUND exceptions thrown inside stored_procedures are sometimes not propagated to ODBC errors. This happens with the Oracle ODBC driver, but not with the MS one (the MS one does propagate the exception/error).
    Create or Replace Procedure throws_exception(p1 in number)
    raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
    If I call this stored_procedure the ODBC call will return with no errors:
    Begin THROWS_EXCEPTION(1); end;
    - oracle server: 10.02
    - oracle driver: 10.02
    - mirosoft driver: 2.575
    Is this a known bug in the oracle ODBC driver, or is this a bad setup, etc?
    If this is a bug, it is a very inconvenient one, because basically it means your stored_procedure can fail completely silentely. It implies that the use of the oracle driver is completely unreliable.
    I have copied this text from another user, he got no answer to this :-(
    Joachim Paulus
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    Any answers? Same problem on

  • How to install Oracle ODBC driver...?

    Presently, I have oracle client version. But there no Oracle ODBC driver in my PC. But, I want to install only Oracle ODBC driver in my PC for ODBC Connectivity purpose.
    How to install & where can get the source?

    I found out the real answer!!!
    On another thread there was a link to the client 10g installation. I download that 480Meg monster. Unzipped the package and launced the setup.exe.
    You can then install just the ODBC using the custom option. But, it will not install the tnsnames.ora file. If you have ever done this from a VB app, copy the tsnnames.ora over to the \network\admin folder. It's usually under the oracle\product\client\10.0.2\ folder. Once installed you can launch the ODBC administer either from the link Oracle installs or from the control panel.
    Next, you need to make sure the folders where the .dll file is readable to the iis. Change the folder to add whatever permission group you use for iis (I happen to have setup a local users group {machinename\users}. Add them to the entire folder structure (check the embedded folders to ensure they are readable).
    While setting up the ODBC, the TSN names will now be listed from the tsnnames.ora file (if properly located). To make the connection work, the userid should be 'userid;pwd=password'. Otherwise the connection failed for me.
    Now, if your connection works okay from the odbc test connection, it will probably fail if accessing through iis (like from a .asp page). There are environment path variables that need to be set. Reboot the server for them to get set. Otherwise you will get a ODBC driver can not be loaded do to system error 1114 message.

  • Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb on  Windows 2008 64-bit

    Our application runs on Windows 2000 Professional SP4 and connects to RDB databases on Alpha Open/VMS via Oracle ODBC Driver fro Rdb release
    We are migrating to Windows Server 2008 64-bit environment.
    We tested both recent Rdb ODBC driver releases ( and but we are getting errors intermittently when the application loads data from certain tables. Trace logs show no errors which could indicate the origin of the issue.
    We want to use the old ( release but it cannot be installed only on the Win 2008 32-bit version.
    Can anyone suggest how to install the Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb release on a Windows 2008 64-bit Server?
    Thanks in advance,

    Take a loot at they have a 64 bit ODBC OLE DB JBC and .NET solution.

  • Oracle ODBC Driver unsupported?

    I was reviewing the Oracle 10g Release 2, Release Notes for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit) and saw this:
    2 Unsupported Products
    The following products are not supported with Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2):
    Oracle ODBC Driver
    Does that mean that Oracle's ODBC driver is not supported to connect to an Oracle 10g Release 2 DB?

    I downloaded the gateway package of Oracle version, and installed Informix gateway driver. I made the necessary settings, and i have exactly the same problem, as described above.
    I receive error message "OracleODBC Informix Wire Protocol driverUnsupported Informix Server version.OracleODBC Informix Wire Protocol driverInvalid attribute in connection string: ArraySize.OracleODBC Informix Wire Protocol driverInvalid attribute in connection string: TruncateOversizedColumnValues." when trying to set up a connection from Oracle to Informix 7.3. I read here, that there is a patch of Informix gateway: fix 6799360, which is unfortunately not available for for download for Windows XP. I cannot search MetaLink for this problem, because I just would like to test this Oracle feature, I did not buy Oracle license.
    Does anybody know about this patch? Can anybody help how could I make working this Informix gateway?
    Thanks for help, Gyula

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