작성날짜 : 2004-08-13
Standard Edition 에서는 Real Application Clusters 기능이 10g(10.1.0) 이상 부터 지원이 됩니다.
oracle 7 ops (sqlnet v2.3.x 이상)에서는 fail로 인한 failover 지원이 manual
하게 reconnect를 하도록 하여 지원이 되었다. <bulletin 11033 참고>
이는 sql*net기능을 사용하여 connection time failover 기능을 사용하는 경우이다.
하지만, oracle 8 이상 에서는 automatic reconnection이 가능하게 되었다.
즉, run-time failover가 가능하다.
이는 일단 connection이 이루어진 후에 발생하는 모든 failover는
Transparent Application Failover 코드에 의해 처리된다.
다음은 Oracle 8 TAF(Transparent Application Failover) setup 방법이다.
tnsnames.ora file에 다음의 parameter를 지정하여 가능하다.
1. failover_mode : run time 시에 failover가 가능하게 한다.
2. TYPE (Required) : failover 후의 operation을 지정한다.
SESSION - failover 발생 시 새로운 session이 다른 instance에
reconnection되며 이전 session에서의 모든 uncommit된
작업은 rollback 된다.
select도 이어서 진행되지 못한다.
SELECT - failover 발생 시 새로운 session이 다른 instance에
reconnection되며 이 때 long query나 복잡한 query 등의
작업 수행 시 작업이 이어서 진행된다.
단, dml 작업은 rollback된다.
NONE - This is the default. No automatic failover
3. METHOD : 어떻게 failover할지를 지정한다.
BASIC - failover 발생 시에 backup instance(server)로 다시 접속한다.
PRECONNECT - primary instance와 backup instance 두 개에 모두
connection 맺어 놓은 후 failover 시에 backup
instance를 통해 service한다.
***< 중요 > 현재 PRECONNECT는 최소한 8.0.5는 되어야 하며
BASIC은 8.0.6이나 8.1.5에서만 가능하다.
4. BACKUP : failover 시 접속할 instance의 정보를 기술한다.
tnsnames.ora의 alias name을 기술한다.
다음은 tnsnames.ora file의 example이다.
< example 1 >
node1.WORLD =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = node1)(Port = 1521))
node2.WORLD =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = node2)(Port = 1521))
< test 1 >
1) 각 node의 instance를 start한다.
2) 각 node의 listener를 구동한다.
node1% lsnrctl start lsnr_node1
node2% lsnrctl start lsnr_node2
3) node1에서 다음의 작업을 한다.
sqlplus scott/tiger@node1
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
4) Node1에서 instance를 shutdown abort한다.
5) 3번의 session에서 select를 다시 한다.
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-25404: lost instance
다시 select한다.
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
Data가 node2 instance를 통해 제대로 select되며 이는 failover가 정상적으로
작동됨을 알 수 있다.
< example 2 >
다음은 TAF(Transparent Application Failover) 기능에 SQL*NET의
connection time failover 기능을 추가한 경우이다.
node1.WORLD =
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= node1)(Port= 1521))
(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= node2)(Port= 1521))
node2.WORLD =
(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= node2)(Port= 1521))
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= node1)(Port= 1521))
< test 2 >
1) 각 node의 instance를 start한다.
2) 각 node의 listener를 구동한다.
node1% lsnrctl start lsnr_node1
node2% lsnrctl start lsnr_node2
3) node1에서 다음의 작업을 한다.
sqlplus scott/tiger@node1
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
4) Node1에서 instance를 shutdown abort한다.
5) 3번의 session에서 select를 다시 한다.
ORA-25404 error조차 없이 select된다.
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
Data가 node2 instance를 통해 제대로 select되며 이는 failover가 정상적
으로 작동됨을 알 수 있다.
(참고 1) dedicated 방식의 경우는 shared 대신에 dedicated를 기술한다.
물론 initSID.ora의 mts를 기술하지 않고 tnsnames.ora의 server option을 쓰지
않으면 default로 dedicated 방식을 쓴다.
(참고 2) example 1을 사용할 경우 session 종료 후 재접속 시 자동 failover가
되지는 않는다.
Reference Documents
oracle8 parallel server concepts & administration manual

Many Thanks for your inputs. I created 2 non default listeners LISTENER_ORCL1 and LISTENER_ORCL2 on each node respectively.
I was able to set LISTENER_ORCL as remote listener. But for some reason, the local_listener does not get set. The statement is executed successfully but no changes in the parameters and TAF setup does not work. I initially had the default port number of 1521 for the listener but then changed it to 1522 (to test if it had something to do with default port no) but still no success.
SQL> show parameters listener
local_listener string
mts_listener_address string
mts_multiple_listeners boolean FALSE
remote_listener                  string         LISTENER_ORCL
SQL> alter system set local_listener='LISTENER_ORCL1' SCOPE=BOTH SID='ORCL1';
System altered.
SQL> alter system set local_listener='LISTENER_ORCL2' SCOPE=BOTH SID='ORCL2';
System altered.
SQL> show parameters listener
local_listener string
mts_listener_address string
mts_multiple_listeners boolean FALSE
remote_listener string LISTENER_ORCL
Help Plssssssssssss!!!!!!!!

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    작성날짜 : 2004-08-13
    Oracle8 부터는 OPS node 간의 TAF (Transparent Application Fail-over)가
    제공된다. 즉 OPS의 한쪽 node에 fail이 발생하여도 해당 node로 접속하여
    사용하던 모든 session이 사용하던 session을 잃지 않고 자동으로 정상적인
    node로의 재접속이 이루어저 작업이 계속 진행하도록 하는 것이다.
    이 문서에는 이 TAF에 대해서 간단히 살펴보고 실제 configuration을 기술한다.
    Transparent Application Failover(TAF) Feature는
    8i~10g Standard Edition에서는 지원하지 않는다.
    TAF가 cover하는 fail의 형태에 대한 설명과, TAF 시 지정하는 fail over의
    type과 method에 대해서 설명한다.
    (1) fail의 형태:
    TAF는 다음과 같은 fail에 대해서 모두 TAF가 정상적으로 수행되게 된다.
    단 MTS mode에 대해서는 전혀 문제가 없지만, dedicated mode의 경우는
    반드시 dynamic registration형태로 구현이 되어야 정상적으로 TAF가 가능하다.
    instance fail: mts의 경우는 문제가 없지만 dedicated mode의 경우는 반드시
    dynamic registration 형태로 구성되어야 한다.
    fail된 instance 측의 listener가 정상적이라 하더라도,
    dynamic registration에 의해서 instance가 fail되면
    listener로부터 deregistration되게 되어 listener 정보
    를 확인 후 다른 node의 listener로 접속을 시도하게 된다.
    그러나 dynamic registration을 사용하지 않게 되면 fail
    된 instance 쪽의 listener는 fail된 instance 정보를
    services로 보여주게 되고 해당 instance와 연결을 시도하
    면서 ORA-1034: Oracle not available 오류가 발생하게 되
    는 것이다.
    instance & listener down: listener까지 down되게 되면 문제 발생 후
    재접속 시도 시 fail된 쪽의 listener 접속이 실패하게 되고,
    다른 node의 listener로 접속이 이루어지게 된다.
    node down: node 자체가 down되는 경우에도 TAF는 이루어진다. 단 clinet
    에 적정한 TCP configuration parameter인 keepalive 의 설정
    이 요구되어진다.
    node fail시 client와 server간의 작업이 진행중이라면
    문제가 없지만 만약 server쪽에서 수행되는 작업이 없는
    상태라면 cleint가 node가 down이 되어도 바로 인지할 수가
    없다. client에서 다음 server로의 요청이 이루어지는
    순간에 client가 더이상 존재하지 않는 TCP end point쪽으로
    TCP packet을 보내게 되고, server node가 더이상 살아있지
    않다는것을 확인하게 되는데 일반적으로 2,3분이 걸릴수
    있다. node가 fail이 된경우 network에 대한 write() function
    call이 오류를 return하게 되고, 이것을 client가 받은후
    failover기능을 호출하게 되는 것이다.
    client에서 idle한 상태에서도 server node가 down되었는지를
    학인하려면 TCP keepalive를 설정해야 하며, 이 keepalive를
    오라클의 connection에서 사용하려면 TNS service name에서
    ENABLE=BROKEN절을 지정해 주어야한다.
    DESCRIPTION절에 포함되는 이 ENABLE=BROKEN절에 대한 예제는
    아래 구성 예제의 (3)번 tnsnames.ora 구성 부분에서 참조할
    수 있다.
    이렇게 ENABLE=BROKEN을 지정하면 network쪽 configuration인
    keepalive 설정을 이용하게 되는데 이것이 일반적으로는
    2 ~ 3시간으로 설정되어 있기 때문에 이값이 적당히 짧아야
    TAF에서 의미가 있을 수 있다.
    단 이 keepalive time이 너무 짧으면, 그리고 idle한
    session이 많은 편이라면 network부하가 매우 증가할 수
    있으므로 이 지정에 대해서는 os나 network administrator와
    충분히 상의하여야 한다.
    이 keepalive 대한 자세한 내용과 설정 방법은 <bulletin:11323:
    (2) type: session vs. select
    session은 유지하고 수행중이던 SQL문장은 모두 fail되는 session type과
    DML문장은 rollback되고 select문장은 유지되는 select type이 제공된다.
    select type의 경우도 fail된 instance에서만 얻을 수 있는 정보의 경우는
    조회수행 도중 다음과 같은 오류를 발생시키고 중단될 수 있다.
    예를 들어 해당 instance에 대한 gv$session으로부터의 조회와 같은것이 그
    ORA-25401: can not continue fetches
    (3) method: basic vs. backup
    fail발생시 다른 node로 session을 연결하는 basic method와,
    미리 다른 node로 backup session을 연결해 두었다가 fail발생시 사용하는
    backup method가 존재한다.
    TAF설정을 위해서는 init.ora, listener.ora, tnsnames.ora에 설정이 필요하다.
    MTS mode에서는 문제가 없기 때문에 여기서는 반드시 dynamic registration으로
    설정해야 하는 dedicated방식을 예로 들었다.
    test는 Oracle solaris 2.8에서 수행되었다.
    A/B 두 node를 가정한다.
    - A node의 initSID.ora
    service_names=INS1, DB1
    - B node의 initSID.ora
    service_names=INS2, DB1
    service_names는 여러개를 지정가능한데, 중요한것은 두 node가 공통으로
    사용할 service name한가지는 반드시 지정하여야 한다.
    일반적으로 db_name을 지정하면 된다.
    host=부분은 hostname이나 ip address를 지정하면 된다.
    (2) listener.ora
    (ADDRESS =
    (PROTOCOL = tcp)
    (HOST = krtest1)(PORT= 1521)))
    B node에서는 krtest1대신 b node의 hostname혹은 ip address를 지정하면
    (3) tnsnames.ora은 지정하는 방법이 두가지입니다.
    아래에 basic method와 backup method 두 가지 방법에 대한 예를 모두 기술한다.
    이중 한가지를 사용하면 되며 backup method의 fail-over시 미리 연결된
    session을 사용하므로 시간이 적게 걸릴수 있으나 반대 node에 사용안하는
    session을 미리 맺어놓는것에 대한 부하가 있어 서로 장단점이 있을 수 있다.
    두 설정 모두 TAF뿐 아니라 connect time fail-over도 가능한 설정이다.
    즉 A node가 fail시 같은 tns service name을 이용하여서 (여기서는 opsbasic
    또는 ops1) B node로 접속이 이루어진다.
    address=로 정의된 address절이 위쪽을 먼저 시도하므로 정상적인 상태에서
    B node로 접속을 원하는 경우는 opsbasic의 경우 krtest2를 위쪽에 적고,
    ops1/ops2의 경우는 ops2를 사용하도록 한다.
    여기에서 (enable=broken)설정이 되어 있는데 이것은 client machine에 설정되어
    있는 TCP keepalive를 이용하는 것으로 network부하를 고려하여 설정을 제거할
    수 있다.
    a. basic method
    krtest1의 tnsnames.ora에서는 opsbasic과 ops2에 대해서 설정해두고,
    krtest2 node에서는 opsbasic과 ops1을 설정한 후, backup=ops2를
    backup=ops1으로 수정하면 된다.
    opsbasic =
         (address= (protocol=tcp) (host=krtest1) (port=1521))
         (address= (protocol=tcp) (host=krtest2) (port=1521))
    (connect_data =
    ops1 =
         (description =
         (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest1) (port=1521))
    (connect_data = (service_name = DB1)))
    ops2 =
         (description =
    (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest2) (port=1521))
    (connect_data = (service_name = DB1)))
    b. preconnect method
    아래 예제의 ops1, ops2가 모두 같은 tnsnames.ora에 정의되어 있어야 하며,
    ops1을 이용하여 접속하여 krtest1을 사용시에도 미리 backup session을
    krtest2에 맺어둔 상태에서 작업하게 된다.
    ops1 =
    (description =
    (address_list =     
         (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest1) (port=1521))
         (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest2) (port=1521))
    (connect_data = (service_name = DB1)
    ops2 =
    (description =
    (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest2) (port=1521))
    (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest1) (port=1521))
    (connect_data = (service_name = DB1)
    Reference Documents

  • Transparent Application Failover (TAF)  FAILED!

    Dear all,
    I have installed RAC 10gR2 on 64-bit Oracle Enterprise Linux, iscsi as shared disks and ASM as storage option. I follwoed document hunter_rac10gr2_iscsi.
    Everything is ok both database instance are up and running.
    Value in the show parameter services is, orcl_taf, ora_devp
    TNSNAMES.ORA file on a window based client machine contains the following entry:
    ora_devp, =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
    (RETRIES = 180)
    (DELAY = 5)
    But still when I connect to database from client machine and after verifying the connected instance, I stop the services of that instance from RAC server. The client automatically do not shirt to the second instance but give error.
    My Transparent Application Failover is not configured properly. Though as i told you both instance are UP and running i can stop and start any one instance.
    Kindly help me to implement the very basic feature of RAC.
    Thanks, Imran

    It seems that Hunter's scripts configure only the "oracle_taf" service for TAF.
    Therefore, to test TAF your client should be attempting to connect to the TAF
    service "oracle_taf" not ""
    See under Step 24
    Database Services : For this test configuration, click Add, and enter orcl_taf as the "Service Name." Leave both instances set to Preferred and for the "TAF Policy" select "Basic".
    "Create the orcl_taf Service
    During the creation of the Oracle clustered database, you added a service named orcl_taf that will be used to connect to the database with TAF enabled. During several of my installs, the service was added to the tnsnames.ora, but was never updated as a service for each Oracle instance.
    Use the following to verify the orcl_taf service was successfully added:
    SQL> show parameter service
    service_names string, orcl_taf
    If the only service defined was for, then you will need to manually add the service to both instances:
    SQL> show parameter service
    service_names string
    SQL> alter system set service_names =
    2 ',' scope=both; "
    and step 30
    TAF Demo
    From a Windows machine (or other non-RAC client machine), login to the clustered database using the orcl_taf service as the SYSTEM user:
    C:\> sqlplus system/manager@orcl_taf
    Message was edited by:
    Hemant K Chitale

  • Handling Oracle RAC Failover at the application layer

    Hi All,
    I am currently researching best practices for handling oracle RAC failover at the application layer since transactional statements (INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE) are not handled transparently. So I have few questions for the community:
    1. In case of a node failure would I need to roll back all of transactional statements that are part of the transaction or would I have to re-execute the one that failed only?
    2. Does things change with XA 2 phase commit transactions?
    Any input and/or architecture suggestions would be much appreciated.
    Dmitriy Frolov

    the Oracle RAC stack works very vell on its own, without the need of a third party clusterware. It will be aware of failures on the nodes.
    Database will be using ASM or RAW or NFS devices for Shared storage.
    Oracle Clusterware can also be configured to monitor your applications and to a failover to other nodes.
    However if you need a shared filesystem for your own applications, then you will have to use QFS or similar (which again than requires Sun Cluster).

  • Data Guard Application Failover

    We've setup a physical standby database on
    I'd request for opinions on how well to manage application fail-over when we switchover/fail over the database. The application connects to the database through TNS name resolution.
    Some people have suggested we edit the tns entry for the application server and point it to a virtual hostname, which will resolve to one IP address, then change this IP address only on the DNS to point to the new primary during switchover. But this looks to have challenges since the service names for the primary and standy instances are different, so the tns entry has to be modified.
    Any suggestions on best application failover?

    You are most welcome to OTN
    I have a question regarding Active Data Guard and any potential outage that might be encounted in a failover or switchover.Switchover/Failover wont happen without your interaction.
    If you configure FSFO with protection mode(Ex: Max Availability)
    Read-Only application is accessing Active Data Guard database on standby. Would there be any outage if the standby were made the primary ?What outage? If standby made to primary(failover) then you may less very minor data based on how redo transport you are configuring. if you are using ARCH then the lost would only data+changes what ever in Archive log file, If you using LGWR then its very very less. So recommended to use redo transport as LGWR
    I have assumed no, but there is a debate in my office that there would be a small outage due to change in roles. We are using broker also.If you change role, then there would be no outage.
    For more details refer this oracle documentation
    Edited by: CKPT on Jan 12, 2012 4:50 PM

  • Long distance application failover between data centers.

    I am working a project where there is a requirement to have a primary server and a secondary for application failover. The requirements dictate that the servers must be geographically separate at separate data centers but yet on the same IP subnet so that heartbeat messages are not natively routed. What protocol can I use to bridge the subnet over an IP routed network? GRE? L2TP?

    GRE will not work as according to the last information I have you cannot bridge over a GRE tunnel. We had one such application with similar requirements and we ended up using L2TPv3 that allows transparent LAN extension. We have not had any issues with it and if you are only going to use it for heartbeats you should not run into any performance issues. L2TPv3 does tend to drive the CPU utilization high in case you have a lot of data traversing the tunnel.

  • Does Weblogic12c support Application Failover ? If yes, then how does Weblogic12c detect an application failure (OutOfMemoryException)?

    Hi all,
    Need help to setup High Availability at my workplace, can somebody please tell that Weblogic12c support Application Failover ?
    If yes, then how does Weblogic12c detect an application failure (OutOfMemoryException)?
    WebLogic Server - General@

    Hi there user,
    you can achieve HA in different levels:
    1. On a single machine - here you need to set up nodemanager. When started by nodemanager, any server failures will be detected and the nodemanager will try to restart it. OOME is an exception thrown by the JVM and the server state should go FAILED at some point then the NM will try to restart it. Nodemanager is the simplest HA solution you can and must implement for production environment;
    2. On redundant machine - you can configure WLS clustering, but you will need more complex environment, i.e. you will need a load balancer in front of the cluster to reverse proxy the requests. This scenario is can also use nodemanager to control the WLS instances on each machine
    3. Cluster with server/service migration - the most complex scenario where in cases of machine failure the WLS cluster can "relocate" resources (services and whole severs) to spare machines.
    In your case OOME should cause the JVM respectively WLS to be unresponsive, hence the nodemanager will detect this at some point and will try to restart the WLS.
    Hope this helps,

  • Help needed in ASA 5540 Cluster/Failover setup

    Hello expert,
                        Currently we have two asa in our Datacenter setup as a Active/Standby failover setup and tested ie failover is working,(if one FW goes down), but what if a the uplink switches/links or backend switches go down, how does the active fw knows to failover ?
    Current setup
              |                                        |
        ___|___                              __|___
    ---| SW 1 |------------------------ | Sw2   |     
              |                                        |
        ___|___                              __|___
    ---| FW 1 |------------------------ | FW-2 |     
              |                                        |
        ___|___                              __|___
    ---| SW 1 |------------------------ | Sw2   |     
    In the above figure, FW1 is active and I have powerd off the uplink  SW1, but the FW2 did not take over, and the same for backend switches, So how do I configure my FW's so that any of the uplink or back end switches go down, the Active should give its role to standby to forward the traffice from a different switch ie sw2 in case sw1 goes down.
    Or Is there any mechanisim where I can monitor the interfaces ie uplinks or back end links etc ?
    Your help is appreciated.

    It seems that you have LAN link directly connected between the boxes, so the unit will determine that Primary/Active has interfaces that are inactive and failover. You should read:
    This link gives you the failover triggers and failover actions.

  • New Note 790189.1 - Oracle Clusterware and Application Failover Management

    Hi all,
    please, note the newly created Metalink Note 790189.1 - Oracle Clusterware and Application Failover Management if you want to use Oracle Clusterware as a general purpose cluster solution. The note intends to clarify and to explain the current situation in regards to the supportability of applications managed by Oracle Clusterware.
    In environments not including Oracle RAC, Oracle Clusterware still provides the level of high availability that is commonly known to be achievable for applications and databases managed in (failover) cluster environments. These environments can include Oracle Single Instance Databases, Oracle Application Servers, Oracle Enterprise Manager components, third party databases, or any other kind of application. (For more information on Oracle Clusterware 11g in general, please, refer to [Oracle Clusterware homepage|].)
    Metalink Note 790189.1 - Oracle Clusterware and Application Failover Management is tightly integrated with the information on application failover management available on the [Oracle Clusterware homepage|] and discusses typical questions like
    * Terminology
    * Script supportability and preconfigured agents
    * How to prove that action scripts work outside of Oracle Clusterware
    * Supportability of the Oracle Database Single Instance example scripts
    * How do I know whether a certain script is supported as a preconfigured agent?
    Metalink Note 790189.1, however, does not change the level of support that has been introduced for these kind of configurations as of Oracle Database 10g Release 2: "Generally, Oracle does not support action scripts in the strict terms of supporting individual code fragments. Oracle fully supports the integration of individual action scripts proven to run outside of Oracle Clusterware into the Oracle Clusterware management stack. Supported operations therefore typically involve crs_* commands such as crs_profile, crs_register, crs_setperm, crs_getperm, crs_start, crs_stop, and crs_relocate invoked on custom resources. If actions scripts are used as part of a preconfigured agent, Oracle or the application provider who provides the agent will support the integration of this agent, while only the application provider will provide support for the individual action scripts."
    Just for your information. Thanks,

    not meant to be a question - rather an announcement.

  • How to do application failover?

    I'm using weblogic cluster and oracle http server as loadbalancer.
    As we know: "mod_wl_ohs only support container level failover and NOT application level failover. mod_wl_ohs continues to route requests to a down application as long as the managed server is up and running."
    So how I can protect a application too?

    Application level failover can be achieved by using session replication across the cluster.
    By using oracle http server(webserver) you are doing only load balancing but not failover.
    The below snippet in weblogic.xml should helps you
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Redundancy and Failover setup for 2 MPLS link with 2 different countries

    Hi Sir/Madam,
    We have 2 MPLS link and both links are active (from COUNTRY A to COUNTRY B) and we also have 2 partners who are located in COUNTRY B with same building but with different offices and each partner will be using each MPLS link.  For example, PARTNER A will use the 1st MPLS link and PARTNER B will use the 2nd MPLS link and we want to have a failover setup (please see sample design below).  What is the best solution for COUNTRY A and B to have a full redundancy and failover setup/network?
    Any recommendation and sample configuration will be a big help for me.   Your feedback is highly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,

    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    MPLS links, eh.  You mean your MPLS facing ports have actual MPLS labels?  Or do you mean your WAN links are running across a MPLS network, but the handoff isn't MPLS?
    Country A's two routers are your company's devices?  Do you have interior connectivity between them?
    Country B's two routers - do they or can they have interior connectivity?
    What routing protocols are being used (and where)?

  • New ASA 5515x failover setup

    Just an architecture setup question. We have purchased two 5515x ASA firewalls. I will be setting them up in a stateful failover setup. I know this sounds like a basic question but here goes. I am thinking we should get the first one working on my network and then install the failover ASA once the first one is working properly....? Any thoughts?

    Yes, you can just configure the single ASA first with the configurations and after its configurations are finished install the Secondary unit.
    Naturally while you are configuring the Primary unit you should already setup the interfaces with a "standby" IP address under the interface configuration.
    After you have setup the Primary ASA and made sure that for each of its interfaces/subinterfaces you have a L2 connection through the connecting networking devices to the Secondary ASAs corresponding interfaces/subinterfaces, then you are ready to install the Secondary ASA to the network.
    What you could do on the Secondary ASA is that you remove its default factory configuration and then configure "no shutdown" on each physical interface that you are going to use. Then you could configure the required Failover configurations using the multiple different "failover" configuration commands. (You wont need to configure the actual physical port separately, just need to enable it with "no shutdown", the "failover" commands should handle the rest) After the physical interfaces are configured up and the "failover" commands are set up on the Secondary ASA (and naturally the Primary ASA) then you could basically save the configuration on the Secondary ASA, power down the Secondary ASA, connect it to the network and boot it up. It should then sync the configuration from the Primary ASA after it has booted up and noticed the Active unit (Primary ASA) through the Failover link. So you should not really need to configure the Secondary ASA a lot since it syncs majority of the configurations from the Primary ASA. Naturally the above "failover" configurations are required so the Failover link can be formed for the sync.
    I have had to do this a couple of times lately because of broken down ASAs in Failover pairs. Naturally I would suggest that you take backups of the Primary ASAs configurations before you start setting up the Failover environment so that incase of some error in the setup you still have the configuration. Some people have mentioned the other unit wiping the others configuration but it has not happened to me atleast.
    Hope this helps and that I made any sense :)
    - Jouni

  • Failover setup on RV016

    Is it possible to have this setup on RV016?
    WAN1: VOIP traffic (either by port or IP) + failover for WAN 2
    WAN2: all other traffic + failover for WAN1
    WAN3: failover for WAN1 & WAN2 with connection on demand

    Has anyone else figured this out? I'm getting it on every machine I upgrade and I have about 18 more to go and would like to fix it.
    These are brand new iMac's shipped with Mountain Lion. I turn them on and the third screen asks if you want to transfer items from a backup or another Mac. I choose another Mac. Then use Migration Assistant on the users old machine (running Snow Leopard 10.6.8) and then let it transfer all of their files.
    At just about the end of the transfer the new Mac pops up this error and waits until an action is taken. I've tried every password it could have been on the previous users machine to no avial. The only option appears to be hitting cancel and movi ng on but I'd like to know what is breaking when this happens becase the machines exhibit a strange spinning wheel hang when logging in afterwards?
    Here's a screen shot of the new iMac and the problem:

  • Failover setup between ASA5510-AIP10SP-K9 and ASA5510-SEC-BUN-K9

    Not sure if we can setup Active/standby failover between ASA5510-AIP10SP-K9 and ASA5510-SEC-BUN-K9 at all?
    If anyone could advice please, that would be grateful. Thanks a lot

    You would need the module on both appliances to setup failover.

  • Correct Configuration of listener entry for failover of connection/application.

    What will happen in below three cases in term of failover of connection/application?
    And what is the best practice or configuration of vip in local and remote listener?

    I can't comment on the two scenarios that you say are wrong, other than to ask why posted them.
    For the third scenario, that is also wrong: it does not use the SCAN listener or dynamically assigned IP addresses. It appears to be reverting to the old 10.x or 11.1.x technique. I blogged about this a few years ago,
    None-the-less, your technique may permit session connect fault tolerance and session failover, if you have configured TAF or FAN appropriately.

Maybe you are looking for

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