Oracle9iAS Web Cache Demo Broken link

the link Cooking with Code - Oracle9iAS Web Cache Demo
is broken(ErrorDocument 404 This page has generated a 404
error.) . it's accessible from the main otn page.

does this sound like total malarkey to you?
No, not at all. JPG is the commonly used format for images for the web.
Open an image file in Preview. From the menu bar click File / Save As. Select JPG.
As an example go here: &aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
Right or control click any image then click Inspect Element. Type in JPG in the search field on the right, press return or enter on your keyboard. You'll see JPG highlighted.

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  • Oracle9iAS Web Cache Demo Wrong link

    Cooking with Code - Oracle9iAS Web Cache Demo

    Thats one mechanism we are trying to explore at our end. The only thing is that we are not send the invalidation requests from EJB but from the classes provided by the Web framework we are using. What we are trying to achoeve is that if we make the invalidation as the first step of any Business Process transaction, and if it fails the entire transaction is rolled-back and we donot change the data. That way atleast web-cache is uptodate but the flip side is that Business Processes suffer.....

  • Oracle9iAS Web Cache for PL/SQL ????????

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    I could cache any web site which write by asp, jsb,... but I can not cache web site because it write by pl/sql.
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    Please, give me email follow address : [email protected]
    Nguyen Tien Dat

    You should have no problem using Web Cache to accelerate a PL/SQL driven site. Any site that delivers content via HTTP is a good candidate for Web Cache. Try downloading the standalone Web Cache software from OTN, and be sure to read the manual to learn about how it works and how to configure it.

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    Any body knows the default uid/pwd of Oracle9iAS Web Cache Invalidation running on port number 4001

    invalidator:invalidator I think

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    What is Oracle9iAS Web Cache Release in Win2k SP3 ?
    I have developing web applications using jsp,servlets on OC4J and in what way can Oracle9iAS be used in my web applications ?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Also, please check out JESI tags that you can use in your JSPs to leverage Web Cache.
    more info at

  • Lottery Web Cache Sample - MISSING LINK??

    Hello everyone!
    I'm trying to run the lottery Web Cache Sample, downloaded directly from OTN, but it sees as there was a missing link. If you head to:
    And go further in the install guide, you'll find a step reading " Install OJSP Demos to OC4J Step 1 : Download OJSP from ..." where these "..." is NOTHING at all!!
    Does anyone know were can I find the missing link/files for this sample?
    Thanks community!

    Can you add the $JDEV_HOME/jlib/ojmisc.jar file to the classpath as well? This is the one that contains the Checksum class.

  • Removed Movie from .Mac Web Gallery But Broken Link Remains?

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    I checked my iDisk and found \Web\Sites\_gallery, but I can't find the index file for the gallery (only folders for the albums).
    Thanks, Will

    I'm having the same problem (broken links after a republish) -- and a few others:
    1) After about the first time, I have been unable to remove a movie from the gallery. I just get a connection error. I'm able to add movies (somehow the connection magically works) but removing fails most of the time.
    2) When adding a movie, for some reason, the title of the movie ends up replacing the "My Gallery" title for my entire web gallery. On the web gallery home page (over my photo albums and videos) it shows the title of the first video.

  • Web Cache Available

    In case you haven't already noticed, Web Cache is
    available for download on OTN. There is also an additional patch
    set or two available on Metalink.

    I can't figure out where is WebCache stand alone
    I only found these links:
    Oracle9iAS Web Cache for Sun SPARC Solaris - Note: requires prior installation of
    Web Cache - see the readme. (10,022,460 bytes)
    webcache20010solaris.tar.gz - (64,298 kb) - Note: This download
    is Oracle9iAS Web Cache (v2., a later version than is
    currently shipping in Oracle9iAS v1.0.2.2. - (146 kb)
    The latest release of Oracle9i Application Server includes
    support for ESI (Edge Side Includes) technology that will improve
    the response time and scalability of even the most dynamic Web
    Or is necesary to download "Oracle9iAS v1. Core for Sun
    SPARC Solaris"
    Best regards, Marcelo.

  • Sample app: Web Cache and ESI

    Download a new sample application and learn how to deliver dynamic, personalized content faster with Oracle9iAS Web Cache and Edge Side Includes (ESI). Oracle9iAS Web Cache and ESI can also accelerate the performance of e-business applications and boost productivity of employee-facing applications across an intranet.

    The source code and docs have been updated.

  • (WWC-40019) web cache connection error

    Dear All,
    I installed Oracle9iAS Release 2 Portal & Wireless installation type on my PC and the Oracle Infrastructure on another PC. When i tried to follow the described steps to shutdown my Oracle9iAS instance and then the Infrastructure instance to increace the RAM size of the Infrastructre machine and when i tried to startup the infrastructure and then my portal instance. I faced with the problem that my portal instance can't connect to the web cache and got the following error message :
    Error: Could not open web cache connection. The portal use-web-cache setting is set to ON while web cache
    may be down. (WWC-40019)
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Mohammed Amin
    [email protected]

    This error could happen because of various causes. These are mentioned in the Config Guide.
    Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide Release 2 (9.0.2)
    8.1 Oracle9iAS Web Cache related issues
    Error: Could not open web cache connection. The portal use-web-cache setting is set to "on" while web cache may be down. (WWC-40019)
    Most often the reason is that of wrong Web Cache related config. the Portal.
    The following doc on scripts might help you address the config. issue
    B.2 Oracle9iAS Web Cache configuration scripts
    If your problem is still not sovled you might want to read the following sections
    6.4 Configuring Load Balancing Routers
    6.8 Configuring Oracle9iAS Portal to Work with Oracle9iAS Web Cache
    Hope this helps.
    - Senthil

  • Web Cache Error

    We are occassionally getting the following error in various scenarios -- in development or just browsing the site:
    "Oracle Web Cache Network Error"
    Oracle Web Cache encountered a network error when communicating with the application web server.
    We have Web Cache installed on the same server as the portal application, but an Oracle consultant who was in a few weeks ago said we had more than enough capacity. Any ideas? We're on Oracle Portal Version: and

    The error you are seeing is usually the result of a slow response from your origin server, although it could be something else. If you provide
    a snippet of your Web Cache event log (verbose), I'll be able to assist you better.
    For now, let's assume it is due to a slow origin server response. On a cache miss, if the Web Cache doesn't receive a response
    from the origin server within a given time interval, it will close the connection with the origin server and respond to the browser with
    a network apology page. This is the page you are seeing. There are ways to correct this.
    First of all, you should modify the network apology page in order to customize it for your application or web site. The file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/docs directory.
    If you're using Web Cache 9.0.2.x, the default origin server timeout is 3600 seconds. You probably won't have to change this, but if you want to, then
    please refer to the "Oracle9iAS Web Cache v9.0.2.0 Administration and Deployment Guide", available on OTN.
    The relevant section is" Chapter 6, Task 7: Configure Network Timeouts."
    If you're running Web Cache 2.0.0.x, the default origin server response timeout is 30 seconds. This default was chosen because we felt
    that no application should take more than 30 seconds to respond to a user's request. Since then, we've learned that a lot of apps out there,
    especially business intelligence apps, have complex queries that take several minutes, if not hours, to complete. To change this default timeout, you need to modify your internal.xml
    file. Here's a snippet from the readme.html file describing how to do this:
    3.0 Network Apology Pages
    When Oracle Web Cache sends requests to an application Web server, Oracle Web Cache permits the application Web server 30 seconds in which to
    generate a response for the browser. If the application is unable to generate a response within that time, Oracle Web Cache sends a network apology
    page to the browser.
    If 30 seconds is not sufficient, then you can change the default settings of the OSSEND_TIMEOUT and OSRECV_TIMEOUT attributes in the
    internal.xml file:
    OSSEND_TIMEOUT: Network round-trip time (latency) between Oracle Web Cache and the application Web server. The 20 second default of
    the OSSEND_TIMEOUT attribute is usually sufficient for most operating systems.
    You can determine the latency to the application Web server by issuing the the following command from the Oracle Web Cache computer:
    ping -s application_Web_server
    This command provides output similar to the following:
    PING 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=20. ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=21. ms
    If the time value is over 20 seconds, then increase the OSSEND_TIMEOUT attribute value.
    OSRECV_TIMEOUT: Latency and application Web server processing time. The default is 30 seconds.
    You can determine the processing time by sending a sample request to the application Web server and monitoring the time to process the
    request. If the processing time is over 30 seconds, then increase the OSRECV_TIMEOUT attribute value.
    To change these default settings:
    1.Locate the following line in the internal.xml file:
    2.Modify the <CALYPSONETINFO/> line as follows:
    Add the OSSEND_TIMEOUT attribute as follows:
    Add the OSSRECV_TIMEOUT attribute as follows:
    Add both the OSSEND_TIMEOUT and OSSRECV_TIMEOUT attributes as follows:

  • Where is ias903 j2ee and web cache distribution for NT?
    gives option 4
    NT - 324 MB
    Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache
    - Oracle HTTP Server
    - Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE
    - Oracle9iAS Web Cache
    - Oracle Enterprise Manager
    - New! v9.0.3 Linux , Solaris , HP-UX , HP Tru64
    - NT/2000
    Clicking at NT/2000 points me to
    So where is the 903 distribution? Why is it Sun Solaris?!
    Oracle9iAS Release 2 downloads for Sun SPARC Solaris
    On this page you will find:
    Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache:
    - v9.0.3
    - v9.
    Oracle9iAS Enterprise Edition
    Oracle9iAS Supplemental CD's
    Other Utilities
    Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache Release 2 v9.0.3 - (340,044,344 bytes)
    This is a lightweight version of Oracle9iAS v2. It consists of the following components:
    -Oracle HTTP Server
    -Oracle9iAS Web Cache
    -Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

    Hi Ken --
    We are just about wrapped up with our Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.3) version for Windows NT. As you've seen, we have released the 903 version for a number of Unix platforms (Solaris, HP-UX, HP-Tru64, Linux) already and the Windows platform will follow shortly.
    For the moment, if you're running on Windows and want to use the J2EE 1.3 functionality, you can download the pure Java OC4J 903 distribution available from OTN. This is the same set of Java code that is the 9iAS distribution.
    gives option 4
    NT - 324 MB
    Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache
    - Oracle HTTP Server
    - Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE
    - Oracle9iAS Web Cache
    - Oracle Enterprise Manager
    - New! v9.0.3 Linux , Solaris , HP-UX , HP Tru64
    - NT/2000
    Clicking at NT/2000 points me to
    So where is the 903 distribution? Why is it Sun Solaris?!
    Oracle9iAS Release 2 downloads for Sun SPARC Solaris
    On this page you will find:
    Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache:
    - v9.0.3
    - v9.
    Oracle9iAS Enterprise Edition
    Oracle9iAS Supplemental CD's
    Other Utilities
    Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache Release 2 v9.0.3 - (340,044,344 bytes)
    This is a lightweight version of Oracle9iAS v2. It consists of the following components:
    -Oracle HTTP Server
    -Oracle9iAS Web Cache
    -Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

  • Httpd.conf requires Web Cache listening port to be defined - Why?

    Can someone tell me why the httpd.conf file requires the Web Cache listening port in its configuration; Port=web_cache_port entry. I.e
    ## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file
    Port 7777
    Listen 7778
    ServiceName etc...
    The reason behind my question is that I thought Web Cache was a stand alone application that just passed requests through to the http server.
    This question arose when reading page 6-8 of Oracle9iAS Web Cache - Administration and Deployment Guide - Release 2 (9.0.2)

    Thx. Now I know why entering petstore thru' webcache at port 80
    where 7777 is OHS listening port.
    Changing PORT to 80 fixed my problem! i,e. back thru webcache
    BTW, I managed to killed webcache a couple of times in the last 2 days by changing ports configuration using the Web admin interface at port 4000 and each time I need to reinstall ias903 core on win2k server. How stable is this beast? The EM interface is also very sensitive to editing server.xml etc directly in advanced properties...
    See below for info on PORT.
    * The Port directive sets the SERVER_PORT environment variable (for CGI and SSI), and is used when the server must generate a URL that refers to itself (for example when creating an external redirect to itself). This behavior is modified by UseCanonicalName.
    The primary behavior of Port should be considered to be similar to that of the ServerName directive. The ServerName and Port together specify what you consider to be the canonical address of the server. (See also UseCanonicalName.)

  • Web Cache - oracle.sysman.emSDK.util.jdk.EMException:...

    Hi, I get this error when installing 9iAS J2EE and Web Cache:
    Oracle9iAS Web Cache,
    Copyright: Oracle Corporation, 1999-2002
    Build CALYPSO_9.0.0_NT_020516
    Cannot start OracleORA_9iAS_DES_2WebCacheAdmin
    Cannot start OracleORA_9iAS_DES_2WebCache
    and now I cannot start WebCache, when I try I get:
    oracle.sysman.emSDK.util.jdk.EMException: Throwable: The attempt to start or stop Web Cache failed.
    What I have to change, modify or what script should I run.
    Thanx in advance

    I suggest that you post this question in the OracleAS Portal Caching forum:

  • All web browsers, search engines and apps redirect automatically to broken links.

    Hi, I have a big problem. When I browse internet, my iPhone redirect it automatically to different links. most of them are broken links. When I try to stop, web browser or app will be closed. This occur with every web browser, google and apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, etc. Why is this ? If I try to open a weblink in a web browser or an app, it will open original link and then redirect to a different web address automatically. And it content nothing. I am confused. Please help.

    thanks orangekay for your input. i downloaded both onyx and cocktail and ran them both fully (not at the same time of course) and the problem still persists, pages are still rendering in glyphs. i went in and did the full system with every option checked. still no luck.
    also after running the two utilities i've run into a new glitch. when a dialog box appears my pointer slowly moves automatically to the default button that is highlighted. its really strange, i'm not sure if thats a feature or not, but i havent had time to explore the situation.
    so you believe it's a font problem? hmm...
    thanks for the input again, geese, i guess this topic isnt very common, i've ony gotten one response =T

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