OS 4.0 Beta and apps..

Do apps still work on the OS 4.0 beta?
If i install it on my iPhone/iPod touch, will my current apps still work?

The whole point of a developer beta is for developers to test and fix their applications on it. So, it's almost certain that quite a few Apps will need updating for OS 4.0.
If you are not a developer, you should not be running developer beta versions of the OS. They are not ready for day-to-day use by non-developers.
That's what "beta" means...
Also, if you upgrade to OS 4.0 now, you cannot downgrade to 3.1.3

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    Hi Christenel,
    I understand what you are trying to do and I think it's a good initiative, but I partiall agree with Liam. The Modules and Webapps should remain where they are.
    1. Modules are each an indiviual type of functionality that work in a very specific way. They cannot be changed and are core features of the BC system to meet a very confined function.
    2. Webapps are a piece of functionality that also work in a very specific way however, they can be modified to meet a specific need within a set of confined boundries. Simlar to modules they cannot be modified outside their acutal scope. The UX is generic and cannot be customised hence it sits in the middle of a Module and an App but they can be built of the fly. From an non-developer partner, this is a very important difference.
    3. Apps ( or what ever they are called) site outside the the scope or boundries of Modules and Webapps and can be complety tailored to meet a specific need as well as being an extension BC capabilities. They don't necessary have to rely on BC functionality.
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    OS: Win 7 Ultimate
    LabVIEW Version: 2011,2010,2009 installed
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

    Greetings jdebuhr ,
    I'm using LabView 7 and have the report generation toolkit, In the "Report Generation Toolkit User Guide.pdf" manual under the title Cearating stand alone applications you 'll find the names and the path of the required dynamic VIs to be included in your EXE file (using appliocation builder)
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    Ayman Mohammad Metwally
    Automation Engineer
    Egypt - Cairo

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    If I WERE not to have technical support because of my prefiously used capital letters in me text messages, I have to confess that next time I will be more carefull about the devices producers........ I live and always learn (SOCRATES, girasko, aei didaskomenos)
    Two questions
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    Athens, Greece

    Some of the apps shown in adverts / videos have been downloaded from the App Store, they don't come pre-installed e.g. the Facebook app is a free download the app store : 'official' Facebook app.
    To upload photos to Facebook you can use the above app - you can't, for example, use Safari on the iPad to upload content to sites.
    Not sure whether any apps allow you to upload videos to YouTube (I don't use the site).

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              [email protected]

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    Try deleting Flash cookies.
    Flush.app – Flash Cookie Removal Tool For OS X | MacHacks.TV
    If that doesn't help, UNinstall the old Flash plugin first, then reinstall new.
    Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Then restart your Mac.

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    I submitted my IPA file to Itunes Connect using Application Loader and got the error message below. I have AIR SDK and using Flash Builder 4.6.
    Please help. Thank you in advance.
    ERROR ITMS-9000: "This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public (GM) versions of Xcode 5.1.1 or higher and IOS 7 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software." ...

    I'm also using Air SDK 15 and I'm getting  Invalid Bundle Error:
    Adobe Air iOS Invalid Bundle
    The bundle does not support the minimum version os specified in info.plisthttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/26047837/adobe-air-ios-invalid-bundle-the-bundle-does-n ot-support-the-minimum-version-os
    Really need help

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    Secondly a handful of apps with these types of names don't launch click and nothing happens. Theas apps all have similar names but I'm going to type what there supposed to be.
    Reading list
    Sound Recorder
    Store Beta
    Hope someone can help.

    After downgrading from build 10049 to 10041. I found that Cortana, Insider Hub, Photos, Camera, Maps, Reading List, Sound Recorder, Store Beta and Video all have random lettered names for example Cortana is called @{Microsoft Cortana_1.4.2.200_X64_8wekyb3d8bbwe?ms-resource://Micrsoft.Cortana/resourses/TitleDisplayName}.
    Secondly a handful of apps with these types of names don't launch click and nothing happens. Theas apps all have similar names but I'm going to type what there supposed to be.
    Reading list
    Sound Recorder
    Store Beta
    Hope someone can help.
    Would you elaborate what method you used to downgrade from 10049 to 10041 ?
    If you were not using the following method, and since you are having so many problems now, would you mind have a look at it, and see if you would give it a try ?
    Download build 10041 ISO from the link below:
    After the ISO is downloaded, you have 2 options :
    1. Burn the ISO to a bootable DVD or an USB with at least 4 GB in capacity.
    Back up the files you want to keep, then use the bootable media to do a clean install.
    Clean install means you keep nothing, that is why backing up personal files is necessary if you have important ones you need to keep.
    2. Go to the folder where the downloaded ISO file is > right click at it > select Mount > select Setup.exe.
    The system will start installing. The method will allow you to keep your personal files and settings.

  • What are the best games and apps for nokia X2-01.

    can nokia X2-01 support the angry birds game,which other games and apps are cool for this phone.where can i download them.dont tell me of nokia store,it doesnt have any intresting apps and games.thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    no it cannot support the Angry Birds franchise, because simply the hardware is too old and weak. Apart from Nokia Store, Google is your only bet for apps and games, there is nothing else that can be done about this mate.

  • How do I go about keeping Contacts and Apps Separate on 2 Smartphones on my Account?

    I may be over thinking this.  I have two phones, a Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S3 active on the same account each having their own phone number. When backing up and storing contacts and apps,  I would like to keep each separate from the S3 and vice versa.  Do I have to create separate gmail account and google play account?  Also when backing up on the S3 it says I have to login using my Verzion account, but I do not want that info on the S3.  Thanks

    For backing up through MyVerizon, you DO need a separate MyVerizon login for each number.  The primary phone will have access to both lines for adding/removing features etc, but NOT to the contacts and ringtones/ringbacks/music purchased for the other line.  TO set this up, log out of MyVerizon, then REGISTER the other number for a username and password. If it says the account is already registered, clear cookies and cache, or use another browser to set up the second account.
    You can then run and use backup assistant for each number, keeping contact lists and media purchases separate.
    It probably would be better to have a separate Google account for each device as well.  I have my tablet (Samsung Galaxy 7") and phone (Motorola Droid 4) on the same Google Apps so I can load apps on both (or one or the other) from the playstore on my computer.  But in your case, it would make more sense to have separate accounts for the two lines.

  • IPads in Educations: Schools and Apps

    We are a school in Ireland and would be considered a 'Digital School'. We've been using tablet PC's for teaching for years and now are interested in iPads. However, being an avid Apple supporter I believe Apple are not yet ready for the educational sector as per their conditions of use.
    The way it is:
    All teachers should have their own account for their iPad and if they want apps they have to buy them and only legally share 5 times (what school has 5 teachers).
    Students may have to pay for this apps too.
    Teachers cannot see what the students are doing on their iPad, they may as well be using a phone in class i.e. games, messenging etc.
    The way it should be:
    Teachers can use a viewer to see what the kids are lookig at i.e. SmartSync on a PC.
    All iPads should be able to enter a 'digital classroom' where once they i.e. input their code, they can only usewhat the teacher designates. We'd a trial with the iPad and a small number of students and low and behold didn't his friend in England try to Skype him mid-lesson. This would create HAVOC if all kids were at it. Apple don't see that kids are kids. They WILL play games when bored in class. This is only a preventative measure. Additionally, by 'signing' into the class, it acts as a registration for the class AND combat truancing.
    Schools should be able to set up a special type of account. Let's pretend the name of our school is Conor High School. The schools can buy their apps from the account e.g. [email protected]  However, on the apple website, the ICT co-ordinator can link other apple ID's to this account BUT they have to have the same domain e.g [email protected]. That way, apps can be shared in a better and legal manner. Perhaps when the school buys an app, if a 5 licence (currently the norm) 99c then a school licence is perhaps €1.99 or whatever. This would mean that staff can update the apps from their own account, no illegal sharing of the app 52 times (teacher number in my school) and be easier on the IT support. However, ONLY the IT Support guy can purchase the apps from the schools account therefore staff are not buying hunderds of apps for personal use. If they want to, what they click buy it comes from their own account.
    There are LOADS more issues that i've experienced if Apple want this to properly succeed. A lot of schools are trying the iPad but they are now trying Android devices too because they have more freedom when it comes to things like this. Apple MAY lose out big time if they don't properly accomdate the needs of a real school, not the theoretical school we all use in our minds when planning things.

    You can write the same n the feedback form,that is already been provided in the above posts or else call customer support team and discuss with them with this issue

  • Packaged webapp won't show main page on both beta and fennec nightly

    i'm trying to install a webapp from http://www.unixmedia.it/webapp/ following the docs.
    The webapp consist in just an "hello world" where i have a single page app and lauch_path to /index.html
    trying to download the app by wget https://controller.apk.firefox.com/application.apk?manifestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.unixmedia.net%2Fwebapp%2Fpackage.manifest -O myapp.apk seems to work, unzipping the apk i can see the right files included in /res/raw/application.zip, and the app is correctly installed in android.
    When i launch the app, both with fennec and firefox beta, the app starts up, i can see the splashscreen with the logo image, and then a white screen appears and nothing more.
    I don't see any relevant error using adb logcat

    I understand that you are installing a web app with the synthetic apk and all that is showing up is the icon and not the hello world message.
    The packaged app is wrapped in a Android java pack, my question is how is the hello world implemented?
    Irrelevant future references
    *[https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=986085 Bug 986085 - User-hand-holding to check the Unknown Sources checkbox.]
    *[http://liliputing.com/2014/03/install-web-apps-native-android-apps-firefox-29-beta.html Run as a native Android App]
    *Have you submitted it to the marketplace? [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Open_web_apps_for_android]

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