OS 6.0 and themes

I updated my curve 3g last night and now I cant change the theme on my phone. I have a couple dowloaded and installed and I just can't change it. Any help would be great, thanks!

Hi there,
Older themes are not currently compatible with most devices on OS 6 (with the exception of the BlackBerry Torch).  However, the new BlackBerry Theme Studio beta was just released and accordingly, new themes or updates to existing themes should be coming out soon that will be compatible with your device on OS 6.
Just be patient and if needed, check with your theme developers to see if they have any plans for providing updates for your existing themes.  In the meantime though, you will have to use the stock theme.
I hope this info helps!
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    this will help you little.
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    If you want them back, send a feature request to Apple:

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