OS block size

How to check OS block size in LINUX and Windows.

But as a oracle dba one should know how to find/know the os block size to set proper value for the
db_block_size oracle initialization parameter.http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=ext3+block+size
Once you know OS block size, what formula is used "to set proper value for the db_block_size oracle initialization parameter"?
bcm@bcm-laptop:~$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep -i 'block size'
[sudo] password for bcm:
Block size: 4096
Edited by: sb92075 on Dec 19, 2009 8:41 PM

Similar Messages

  • ORA-27046: file size is not a multiple of logical block size

    Hi All,
    Getting the below error while creating Control File after database restore. Permission and ownership of CONTROL.SQL file is 777 and ora<sid>:dba
    ERROR -->
    SQL> !pwd
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 3539992576 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2088096 bytes
    Variable Size            1778385760 bytes
    Database Buffers         1744830464 bytes
    Redo Buffers               14688256 bytes
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01503: CREATE CONTROLFILE failed
    ORA-01565: error in identifying file
    ORA-27046: file size is not a multiple of logical block size
    Additional information: 1
    Additional information: 1895833576
    Additional information: 8192
    Checked in target system init<SID>.ora and found the parameter db_block_size is 8192. Also checked in source system init<SID>.ora and found the parameter db_block_size is also 8192.
    /oracle/SID/102_64/dbs$ grep -i block initSID.ora
    Kindly look into the issue.

    Please chk the following things
    1.SPfile corruption :
    Startup the DB in nomount using pfile (ie init<sid>.ora) create spfile from pfile;restart the instance in nomount state
    Then create the control file from the script.
    2. Check Ulimit of the target server , the filesize parameter for ulimit shud be unlimited.
    3. Has the db_block_size parameter been changed in init file by any chance.

  • Mac Pro RAID block size recommendations for working with audio in Logic Pro

    I have recently ordered a Mac Pro and plan to do a RAID configuration across 3 HDD's
    The RAID type i am going to do is a RAID 0 striped.
    The computer is going to be used primarily for audio post production and working with 20+ 24-Bit audio files at any one time within a Logic project.
    I want to know what is the best block size i should use when configuring the RAID.
    I understand that using a higher block size is best for working with large files but do i need to do this in my case or will the default 32k block size be enough?
    Thanks in advance

    Use 64k. Things like databases like having 32k blocks because of all the small files. Audio files are pretty small even at 24-bit 192KHz. Go to 128k if all you are doing is streaming and no samples. But 20+ 24-bit is really not too large anyway considering most modern HDD's can stream 100MB/s off one spindle. You'll probably be fine regardless of the block size you choose. But most audio pro's choose 64k.

  • ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+Z'  in Oracle XE

    I am attempting to move the online redo log files to a new flash recovery area location created on network drive "Z" ( Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
    When I run @?/sqlplus/admin/movelogs; in SQL*Plus as a local sysdba, I get the following errors:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+Z'
    ORA-06512: at line 14
    Please let me know how to go about resolving this issue.
    Thank you.
    See below for detail:
    SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/movelogs;
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: movelogs.sql 19-jan-2006.00:23:11 banand Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem movelogs.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem movelogs.sql - move online logs to new Flash Recovery Area
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem This script can be used to move online logs from old online
    SQL> Rem location to Flash Recovery Area. It assumes that the database
    SQL> Rem instance is started with new Flash Recovery Area location.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem For use to rename online logs after moving Flash Recovery
    SQL> Rem The script can be executed using following command
    SQL> Rem sqlplus '/ as sysdba' @movelogs.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem banand 01/19/06 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> declare
    2 cursor rlc is
    3 select group# grp, thread# thr, bytes/1024 bytes_k
    4 from v$log
    5 order by 1;
    6 stmt varchar2(2048);
    7 swtstmt varchar2(1024) := 'alter system switch logfile';
    8 ckpstmt varchar2(1024) := 'alter system checkpoint global';
    9 begin
    10 for rlcRec in rlc loop
    11 stmt := 'alter database add logfile thread ' ||
    12 rlcRec.thr || ' size ' ||
    13 rlcRec.bytes_k || 'K';
    14 execute immediate stmt;
    15 begin
    16 stmt := 'alter database drop logfile group ' || rlcRec.grp;
    17 execute immediate stmt;
    18 exception
    19 when others then
    20 execute immediate swtstmt;
    21 execute immediate ckpstmt;
    22 execute immediate stmt;
    23 end;
    24 execute immediate swtstmt;
    25 end loop;
    26 end;
    27 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+Z'
    ORA-06512: at line 14
    Can someone point me in the right direction as to what I may be doing wrong here - Thank you!

    888442 wrote:
    I am trying to drop and recreate ONLINE redo logs on my STANDB DATABASE (, but i am getting the below error.
    On primary, we have done the changes., ie we added new logfile with bigger size and 3 members. When trying to do the same on Standby we are getting this error.
    Our database is in Active DG Read only mode and the oracle version is
    I have deffered the log apply and cancelled the managed recovery, and dg is in manual mode.
    SQL> alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M;
    alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+DT_DG1'First why you are dropping & recreating online redo log files on standby.
    On standby only standby redo log files will be used. Not sure what you are trying to do.
    here is example how to create online redo log files, Check that diskgroup is mounted and have sufficient space to create.
    sys@ORCL> select member from v$logfile;
    sys@ORCL> alter database add logfile group 4 (
      2     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01a.log',
      3     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01b.log',
      4     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01c.log') size 10m;
    Database altered.
    sys@ORCL> select member from v$logfile;
    6 rows selected.
    Your profile:-
    Handle:      888442
    Status Level:      Newbie
    Registered:      Sep 29, 2011
    Total Posts:      12
    Total Questions:      8 (7 unresolved)
    Close the threads if answered, Keep the forum clean.

  • Tablespaces and block size in Data Warehouse

    We are preparing to implement Data Warehouse on Oracle 11g R2 and currently I am trying to set up some storage strategy - unfortunately I have very little experience with that. The question is what are general advices in such considerations according table spaces and block size? I made some research and it is hard to find some clear answer, there are resources advising that block size is not important and can be left small (8 KB), others state that it is crucial and should be the biggest possible (64KB). The other thing is what part of data should be placed where? Many resources state that keeping indexes apart from its data is a myth and a bad practice as it may lead to decrease of performance, others say that although there is no performance benefit, index table spaces do not need to be backed up and thats why it should be split. The next idea is to have separate table spaces for big tables, small tables, tables accessed frequently and infrequently. How should I organize partitions in terms of table spaces? Is it a good idea to have "old" data (read only) partitions on separate table spaces?
    Any help highly appreciated and thank you in advance.

    Wojtus-J wrote:
    We are preparing to implement Data Warehouse on Oracle 11g R2 and currently I am trying to set up some storage strategy - unfortunately I have very little experience with that. With little experience, the key feature is to avoid big mistakes - don't try to get too clever.
    The question is what are general advices in such considerations according table spaces and block size? If you need to ask about block sizes, use the default (i.e. 8KB).
    I made some research and it is hard to find some clear answer, But if you get contradictory advice from this forum, how would you decide which bits to follow ?
    A couple of sensible guidelines when researching on the internet - look for material that is datestamped with recent dates (last couple of years), or references recent - or at least relevant - versions of Oracle. Give preference to material that explains WHY an idea might be relevant, give greater preference to material that DEMONSTRATES why an idea might be relevant. Check that any explanations and demonstrations are relevant to your planned setup.
    The other thing is what part of data should be placed where? Many resources state that keeping indexes apart from its data is a myth and a bad practice as it may lead to decrease of performance, others say that although there is no performance benefit, index table spaces do not need to be backed up and thats why it should be split. The next idea is to have separate table spaces for big tables, small tables, tables accessed frequently and infrequently. How should I organize partitions in terms of table spaces? Is it a good idea to have "old" data (read only) partitions on separate table spaces?
    It is often convenient, and sometimes very important, to separate data into different tablespaces based on some aspect of functionality. The performance thing was mooted (badly) in an era when discs were small and (disk) partitions were hard; but all your other examples of why to split are potentially valid for administrative. Big/Small, table/index, old/new, read-only/read-write, fact/dimension etc.
    For data warehouses a fairly common practice is to identify some sort of aging pattern for the data, and try to pick a boundary that allows you to partition data so that a large fraction of the data can eventually be made read-only: using tablespaces to mark time-boundaries can be a great convenience - note that the tablespace boundary need not match the partition boudary - e.g. daily partitions in a monthly tablespace. If you take this type of approach, you might have a "working" tablespace for recent data, and then copy the older data to "time-specific" tablespace, packing it and making it readonly as you do so.
    Tablespaces are (broadly speaking) about strategy, not performance. (Temporary tablespaces / tablespace groups are probably the exception to this thought.)
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Raid storage usage and block size

    We have two XServe RAID units Raid 5 and we are adding a new 16 bay ACNC raid with 16 1.5TB drives in Raid 6 + Hot Spare. I initialized the Raid 6 with 128K block size. The total data moving from the older raid volumes is around 5.7TB, but on the new Raid it is taking around 7.4TB of space. Is this due to the 128K block size? This is a prepress server so most of the files are quite large, but there may be lots of small files as well.

    RAID 0 does indeed offer best performance, however if any one drive of the striped set fails you will lose all your data. If you have not considered a backup strategy now would be the time to do so. For redundancy RAID 1 Mirror might be a better option as this will offer a safety net in case of a single drive failure. A RAID is not a backup and you should always consider a workable backup strategy.
    Purchase another 2x1TB drives and you could consider a RAID 10? Two Stripes mirrored.
    Not all your files will be large ones as I'm guessing you'll be using this workstation for the usual mundane matters such as email etc? Selecting a larger block size with small file sizes usually decreases performance. You have to consider all applications and file sizes, in which case the best block size would be 32k.
    My 2p

  • Can't change default block size in dbca
    I am using the dbca to create a database. When I go to the sizing screen and try to change the default block size this option is always greyed out at 8k.
    does anyone know why? this happens even when i pick a data warehouse template.

    There is a reason Oracle uses 8K as the default database block size for their warehouse template. Changing the default block size to a larger size generally does not result in better performance when both databases are allocated the exact same SGA memory allocations.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Change block size for several log-files simultaneously?

    I'm using SignalExpress to record and analyze data.
    Sometimes I want to analyze the recorded data both for a short period of time and for longer time.
    (Imagine creating an average of every second first and then an average of every 10 seconds)
    Then I need to change all the log-files, and also the specific parts of the log-file. See attachment.
    I have sometimes up to 1000 log-files containing signals from 4 different modules, that makes 4000 adjustments to change from block size 10000 to block size 1000.
    Is there any way to adjust all the log-files block size at once?
    Many thanks!
    Anders Hansson
    NI.JPG ‏95 KB

    Is't anyone else interested in a solution for this operation?
    I reported this to the NI-feedback service and they adviced me to report/request advice here to get a quicker reply.
    Best regards
    Ingenjör Hansson

  • Mirrored RAID:  MediaKit reports block size error

    I am trying to create a 2nd set up backup drives for my photos.  I have two new iomega 2TB drives, which look essentially identical to drives I'm currently using as my primary backups as a mirrored RAID set.
    I can start the process with freshly erased and reformatted drives (with the default mac format, extended, journaled, unencrypted, not case-sensitive).  And after a minute or three, I see
    "MediaKit reports block size error, usually caused by not being a multiple of 512."
    The RAID options are Mirrored RAID, Mac extended journaled, and options settings are default.
    I see several series of posts with complaints about encrypting RAIDs and disk block sizes, but not unencrypted errors.   I actually started out trying to do this with the 2006 MBP running 10.6.8 and got a different error:  "POSIX reports:  the operation couldn't be completed. Operation not permitted."  I wasn't sure whether the 2TB RAID I already have was set up iwth the older or newer computer--it was definitely before I put Lion on this one--so I tried this one and now have a different error.
    Any idea what the problem might be? 

    Update:  I spent some time on the phone with an Apple support RAID expert, and couldn't figure out what the error was; we couldn't bypass it by playing with partitions on the drives, or any of another couple of manuevers that I've already forgotten.  He noted that his own searches were showing a lot of mentions of similar problems but only with Iomega drives, and he was finding the same links I found earlier about problems creating encrypted drives.  Now trying to decide if it's worth throwing more good money after bad for a call with Iomega support, and waiting to see if the iomega forum is at all helpful.

  • RAID block size for final cut pro x

    Just got one of the new late 2012 27" iMacs and a 6 TB LaCie Thunderbolt drive. Can finally edit the video I took last spring. I'll be using Final Cut Pro X, and doing a lot of multicam stuff with 4 or 5 views and a separate audio track. The LaCie came formatted as a mirrored RAID. I'm going to change that to 0 (Striped RAID set), but am wondering what block size to set. The default is 32k, but I have read that this ought to be increased to the max (256k) for video editing. I have also read it should NOT be increased. And the posts I have read have all been at least 3 years old. So let me ask you all--what block size would you recommend for my situation?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Eddie...
    This depends on what kind of source footage you are editing....
    For compressed Video, Audio and Uncompressed audio 128k
    I have only had BAD results with 256k. 64 is also weird. Whereas 32 is fine.
    All my RAIDs have 128k for audio/video editing
    you can go further if you editing Image Sequences.. but according to my own findings and I have been dealing with raid since years.... 128k does the job the best.
    Rule of thumb.... The smaller the file sizes you are putting the RAID the smaller the block size. And vice versa.
    I.e. You would cripple the raid performance if storing a database on it, having a block size of 256. In case of servers and OS 32k would be a good choice, perhaps even 16k if supported.

  • OSD-04001: invalid logical block size (OS 2800189884)

    My Windows 2003 crashed which was running Oracle XE.
    I installed Oracle XE on Windows XP on another machine.
    I coped my D:\oracle\XE10g\oradata folder of Win2003 to the same location in WinXP machine.
    When I start the database in WinXP using SQLPLUS i get the following message
    SQL> startup
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 146800640 bytes
    Fixed Size 1286220 bytes
    Variable Size 62918580 bytes
    Database Buffers 79691776 bytes
    Redo Buffers 2904064 bytes
    ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
    I my D:\oracle\XE10g\app\oracle\admin\XE\bdump\alert_xe I found following errors
    starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'...
    starting up 4 shared server(s) ...
    Oracle Data Guard is not available in this edition of Oracle.
    Wed Apr 25 18:38:36 2007
    Wed Apr 25 18:38:36 2007
    ORA-00202: control file: 'D:\ORACLE\XE10G\ORADATA\XE\CONTROL.DBF'
    ORA-27047: unable to read the header block of file
    OSD-04001: invalid logical block size (OS 2800189884)
    Wed Apr 25 18:38:36 2007
    ORA-205 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT...
    ORA-00202: control file: 'D:\ORACLE\XE10G\ORADATA\XE\CONTROL.DBF'
    ORA-27047: unable to read the header block of file
    OSD-04001: invalid logical block size (OS 2800189884)
    Please help.

    Hi Zulqarnain,
    Error OSD-04001 is Windows NT specific Oracle message. It means that the logical block size is not a multiple of 512 bytes, or it is too large.
    So what you can do? Well you should try to change the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE in the initialization parameter file.

  • ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size

    I am trying to drop and recreate ONLINE redo logs on my STANDB DATABASE (, but i am getting the below error.
    On primary, we have done the changes., ie we added new logfile with bigger size and 3 members. When trying to do the same on Standby we are getting this error.
    Our database is in Active DG Read only mode and the oracle version is
    I have deffered the log apply and cancelled the managed recovery, and dg is in manual mode.
    SQL> alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 1 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M;
    alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 1 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+DT_DG1'

    888442 wrote:
    I am trying to drop and recreate ONLINE redo logs on my STANDB DATABASE (, but i am getting the below error.
    On primary, we have done the changes., ie we added new logfile with bigger size and 3 members. When trying to do the same on Standby we are getting this error.
    Our database is in Active DG Read only mode and the oracle version is
    I have deffered the log apply and cancelled the managed recovery, and dg is in manual mode.
    SQL> alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M;
    alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+DT_DG1'First why you are dropping & recreating online redo log files on standby.
    On standby only standby redo log files will be used. Not sure what you are trying to do.
    here is example how to create online redo log files, Check that diskgroup is mounted and have sufficient space to create.
    sys@ORCL> select member from v$logfile;
    sys@ORCL> alter database add logfile group 4 (
      2     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01a.log',
      3     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01b.log',
      4     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01c.log') size 10m;
    Database altered.
    sys@ORCL> select member from v$logfile;
    6 rows selected.
    Your profile:-
    Handle:      888442
    Status Level:      Newbie
    Registered:      Sep 29, 2011
    Total Posts:      12
    Total Questions:      8 (7 unresolved)
    Close the threads if answered, Keep the forum clean.

  • Data block size

    I have just started reading the concepts and I got to know that Oracle database data is stored in data blocks. The standard block size is specified by
    DB_BLOCK_SIZE init parameter. Additionally we can specify upto 5 other block sizes using DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE parameter.
    Let us say I define in the init.ora
    a) Does this mean I can create tablespaces with 8K, 4K and 16K block sizes only?
    b) whenever I query data from these tablespaces, it will go and sit in these respective cache sizes?
    Thanks in advance.

    yes, it will give error message if you create tablespace with non standard block size without specify the db_nk_cache_size parameter in the init parameter file .
    Use the BLOCKSIZE clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to create a tablespace with a block size different from the database standard block size. In order for the BLOCKSIZE clause to succeed, you must have already set the DB_CACHE_SIZE and at least one DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter. Further, and the integer you specify in the BLOCKSIZE clause must correspond with the setting of one DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE parameter setting. Although redundant, specifying a BLOCKSIZE equal to the standard block size, as specified by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter, is allowed.
    The following statement creates tablespace lmtbsb, but specifies a block size that differs from the standard database block size (as specified by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter):
    CREATE TABLESPACE lmtbsb DATAFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtbsb01.dbf' SIZE 50M

  • How to know the OS block size ?

    Hi all
    I want to know how to get the OS block size of my server ?
    For example if my server is Windows 2000 Professionnal , how can I get the size of my OS block size ?
    Thank you

    One way to find is to right click the drive in Windows Explorer and click Format (Not actually formatting it).
    In the popup window, you would see the "Allocation unit size" for the selected drive. Click "Close" to exit when done.

  • Block size in tt for writing data to transaction log and checkpoint files

    what block size is TimesTen using when its writing data to transaction log and checkpoint files? Does it use some fixed block size during filesystem writes?

    Although in theory logging can write 2 KB blocks in almost all circumstances it will write 4 KB or larger so yes a filesystem with a 4 KB block size is fine for both checkpointing and logging.

  • RAID, ASM, and Block Size

    * This was posted in the "Installation" Thread, but I copied it here to see if I can get more responses, Thank you.*
    I am about to set up a new Oracle 10.2 Database server. In the past, I used RAID5 since 1) it was a fairly small database 2) there were not alot of writes 3) high availability 4) wasted less space compared to other RAID techniques.
    However, even though our database is still small (around 100GB), we are noticing that when we update our data, the time it takes is starting to grow to a point whereby the update that used to take about an hour, now takes 10-12 hours or more. One thing we noticed that if we created another tablespace which had a block size of 16KB versus our normal tablespace which had a block size of 8KB, we almost cut the update time in half.
    So, we decided that we should really start from scratch on a new server and tune it optimally. Here are some questions I have:
    1) Our server is a DELL PowerEdge 2850 with 4x146GB Hard Drives (584GB total). What is the best way to set up the disks? Should I use RAID 1+0 for everything? Should I use ASM? If I use ASM, how is the RAID configured? Do I use RAID0 for ASM since ASM handles mirroring and striping? How should I setup the directory structure? How about partitioning?
    2) I am installing this on Linux and when I tried on my old system to use 32K block size, it said I could only use 16K due to my OS. Is there a way to use a 32K block size with Linux? Should I use a 32K block size?

    RAID 0 does indeed offer best performance, however if any one drive of the striped set fails you will lose all your data. If you have not considered a backup strategy now would be the time to do so. For redundancy RAID 1 Mirror might be a better option as this will offer a safety net in case of a single drive failure. A RAID is not a backup and you should always consider a workable backup strategy.
    Purchase another 2x1TB drives and you could consider a RAID 10? Two Stripes mirrored.
    Not all your files will be large ones as I'm guessing you'll be using this workstation for the usual mundane matters such as email etc? Selecting a larger block size with small file sizes usually decreases performance. You have to consider all applications and file sizes, in which case the best block size would be 32k.
    My 2p

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