OSX Server RAID Set-Up

I have a Mac Pro running OSX Server 10.5.8. A RAID was set-up initially, but I have upgraded to larger hard drives. I used SuperDuper to clone the start-up disk (including all files and applications). This went great. All works perfectly.
But now, I want to install the second drive (brand new) and set-up the mirror RAID.
My question is, when I use Disk Utility and add both drives to the new RAID, will it automatically copy/duplicate the start-up disk to the new drive? Do I use SuperDuper again for the new drive, then set up the RAID?
How do I ensure the integrity of the data on the start-up drive during the process of setting up the RAID?

Ordinarily, when you use Disk Utility to create a mirror, it's going to throw away the current data, so you'll start with a blank slate.
Given that you have a working SuperDuper clone of your system, the logical step would seem to be to update your clone, create your RAID set, then restore your system from the clone to the new mirror volume.

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    Prior to 10.7 (Lion) Apple did provide support for binding PCs to a 'Mac Domain' because in those earlier versions OS X Server acted as an NT 4.0 Domain Controller. With Windows7 Microsoft removed all support for NT 4.0 Domains as explained here:
    In a nutshell you can't do what you're planning to do. You can however access shares created on OS X Server from a PC. Maybe you should rethink your plan?

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    For a start, which version of Mac OS X Server.
    If you have two 120GB disks my recommendation would be to set them up as a mirror, then use asr to replicate the OS partition onto the mirror. Then you can simply reboot off the mirror and you're done.

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    Make sure you have the NAT service turned. If you can connect to the Internet from the server, but systems on the LAN can't get out, then NATting is the usual culprit! NAT (Network Address Translation) translates your WAN addresses to your LAN addresses. I've been through setting up OS X Server several times and usually end up doing it by hand instead of using the Assistant. I've seen problems in 10.4 server that when the DSL drops for a period of time for some reason NATting turns itself off. Don't know if Leopard server exhibits the same problem.

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    Where did you get the 10.6.4 install disk? Did it come with some other machine?
    I ask because it sounds like that's the case - and it may only work with the machine (or, at least, model) it was shipped with.
    However, if you have another 10.6 Server install disk, even an older version, just go with that and run Software Update after it's installed. The chances are you don't really want 10.6.4 anyway, right, but something later.

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    my gosh, even a caveman can do it
    why isn't Apple doing it

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    Any help is appreciated, Benjamin

    Hello Tesserax,
    Thank you for your interest in this problem
    Its the combination of both i think. In the speedtouch under: home netmetwork>devices>Assign the public IP address of a connection to a device. But then i get this message:
    (1) release the current private ip address of this device.
    (2) renew the ip address of this device in order to aquire the public ip address
    after that i cant open the speedtouch any more ( but the airport still recognizes it.
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    (Home > Home Network > Interfaces > LocalNetwork>configure>add IP> & then later when trying to configure the airport pool of DHCP i get an start and ending error.
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    Thanks for any advice,
    Bill W

    Found it!
    Under the web server Advanced Setting set "Allow overrides using .htaccess" then create an .htaccess file in the root directory with the line:
    ErrorDocument 404 notfounderror.html
    Use whatever HTML/PHP/etc. document you have created.

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    its really easy
    You need to have Apple remote desktop
    there are bunch of software s like chichen vnc and etc.
    01. open your router from your web browser
    02. go to nat settings
    03. screch the option calld port forwading
    04. enter the server ip address to that
    05. save and restart the router
    ** What you did so far
    if some one want to connect from your static ip address now it will forwerd to your server. *******
    Go to system preferences (on server)
    go to sharing
    enable remote management
    select opetions which you want
    your done
    2nd part Adding Computer to ARD
    Select All Computer ----> click plus button and select add by address
    put the Address : ip address
    user name : server User name
    password : server password
    now you done

  • Is OSX server right for me?

    i work for a small dvd authoring house and I am trying to improve the efficiency of our workflow.
    We are mostly PC based, with a few powermac G5s. I have set up one of the powermacs as a central storage server. It is connected to a 2 terrabyte raid array via fiberchanel.
    Everyone retrieves and places files on to the array by connecting through gigabit ethernet to the powermac which is sharing the volume using a shareware program called sharepoints.
    I have recently setup one of our employees that works remotely with an FTP account using tigers built ftp server so that she can also connect to the central array.
    My questions:
    Will upgrading the powermac to osx server yield any benifits for our workflow?
    Is it possible to put two seperate gigabit ethernet cards in everyone's computer for faster network transfers to and from the central storage?
    Our remote employee has noted that downloads and uploads to our server via FTP are far slower than transfers she makes to other ftps. Currently 20k a sec is her top speed with an avg of 10. She was getting close to 100k/s with the FTP server we rent from Readyhosting. Will upgrading to osx server improve the speed of remote transfers, what about rumpus?
    We transfer a lot of media files throught out the day, it adds a lot of overhead. We cant afford to go all out with xsan and fiberchannel switches. Does anyone have any suggestions that may improve the workflow.
    What would be ideal is if our digitizers could capture a movie directly to the central storage array and our dvd authors can read the files directly from the array. My gut feeling is a gigabit network doesnt have the bandwidth for this.
    thanks for any insight.

    Will upgrading the powermac to osx server yield any benifits for our workflow?
    I doubt it. As long as the limited number of connections and lack of GUIs for the configuration aren't a problem, there isn't really much difference between client and server.
    Is it possible to put two seperate gigabit ethernet cards in everyone's computer for faster network transfers to and from the central storage?
    Not really. Trunking or bonding is connection based. In other words, one file goes over one wire, next file next wire. So if you're going to be transferring numerous files at once, it will benefit you, but if you're just transferring one big file, it won't.
    Our remote employee has noted that downloads and uploads to our server via FTP are far slower than transfers she makes to other ftps. Currently 20k a sec is her top speed with an avg of 10. She was getting close to 100k/s with the FTP server we rent from Readyhosting. Will upgrading to osx server improve the speed of remote transfers, what about rumpus?
    Have you checked the configuration of FTP thoroughly? FTP has the ability to limit how fast connections can transfer and this may be on accidentally.
    We transfer a lot of media files throught out the day, it adds a lot of overhead. We cant afford to go all out with xsan and fiberchannel switches. Does anyone have any suggestions that may improve the workflow.
    One other possibility is InfiniBand. It looks to be ~$1500/machine vs. ~$2100/machine for XSan.
    What would be ideal is if our digitizers could capture a movie directly to the central storage array and our dvd authors can read the files directly from the array. My gut feeling is a gigabit network doesnt have the bandwidth for this.
    Judging by the number of posts in the XSan forum that frames are dropped with XSan, I would say that gig isn't going to cut it. It looks like one of these streams needs ~150 MB/s and that would be, to be solid, both controllers on an XRaid.

  • Mirrored RAID set has degraded following power outage.

    Following a recent power outage our Mac Pro running Leopard OSX Server with 2 x 1TB discs in a Mirroring RAID configuration (with an installed RAID card) developed a 'severe error' message.
    The Raid Set R0-1 has a Viable (degraded) status.
    Drive One (or bay 1) is 'Good' and 'Assigned'
    Drive Two is 'Good' but with the State - 'Roaming'
    Also, the events display describes the failure of a drive 3 (there isn't one) and that the R0-1 is Degraded and no spare is available.
    So, we're a little confused.
    1. Is the Drive 2 no longer part of the RAID mirror (i.e. Roaming)
    2. Something more significant has happened hence the bogus Drive 3 message?
    Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated as always.

    Yes. Verification with the GUI tool is the first step. But... hmm, if you are dropping communications with the card, that is not a good sign. Make sure you have a backup and then try a PMU reset on the system. Maybe there is something wacky in the power manager. Then try any/all of these from Terminal to get more information:
    raidutil list status
    raidutil list eventinfo
    raidutil list raidsetinfo
    This should provide feedback. If these commands fail, then I fear that the card is not responding. Do you have AppleCare? It might be time to call for a replacement card.
    Hope this helps

  • How does OSX Server work

    Hi, I have 4 iMacs and 2 Macbook Pro's that have recently been brought from separate locations to one place, though all are currently working independently.
    I am looking into setting up OSX server so that everything can be shared etc. I was just wondering if one of my Mac's will act as the central server and contain all the data or it will be a case of all data remaining on each Mac and just shared across the network when needed. Its just that I don't think any of the Mac's has enough storage space to store everything across all units. Thanks in advance. Craig

    Would all of our data across all computers then be stored within that 2TB? If so are there options for expansion of that storage.
    Well, this depends on how you set up the environment.  First a thought about your data, then a thought about the storage.
    You could store home folders on the server and everyone logs in directly to the server.  But, if you are using Photoshop (or even iPhoto), you will not have a pleasant experience.  User homes can remain on the individual systems and the users simply copy shared data up to the server.  Now, if you are looking to create an asset library, you might want to look at products like Cumulus or Portfolio.  Depending on your workflow, some form of digital asset management software may streamline your environment. 
    As far as storage, Apple provides a mini configuration that offers two 1 TB drives.  These drives do not come in a raid so the OS is on one drive and the other drive is just sitting there.  You can use the server in this capacity but you then have no redundancy on the OS drive or the data drive.  If you RAID the two drives into a mirror, then your usable capacity becomes 1TB but you gain redundancy (redundancy ≠ backup).  I will admit, I remain a fan of the direct attached storage model where you have a host system and you have storage.  By separating the storage from the host, you have the ability to move the storage should the host have trouble.  Perfect case in point.  A Mac mini Server is covered under Apple Care.  This is a consumer level warranty agreement.  So, if there was a problem with your mini and all your data is in the mini, then you are likely down for three days (1 day to diagnose, 1 day to get part of send unit in for repair, and the third to get it operational again).  I simply can not come to terms with sending a server with my enterprise data into Apple for repair.  This does not sit well.  But if the data is on an attached array, then the host can completely melt down.  I simply need to connect the array to another device and I have my data.
    Then, would server back-ups be done by an external hard disk with storage that exceeds 2TB and time machine? Or is there a more advisable solution?
    Realistically, a backup volume should be a minimum of 2x the capacity of your source volume.  This allows for historical increments.  Perhaps one of the best primers I have seen on backup is a study funded by the Library of Congress.  Check out this site http://dpbestflow.org/backup/backup-overview and take a look at the 3-2-1 backup rule.  This is a simple rule that nearly every company can follow.  But, it comes down to budget.  Too often I see companies that plan for the server and the storage and then never consider the cost of backup.  This is a crime as data is or currency.  Machines can be replaced often in minutes.  Walk into store and buy a new machine.  But your data... hundreds or thousands of hours or work can not be reconstructed as easily (or if ever).  Likewise, the American Red Cross conducted a multiyear study that concluded that "as many as 40% of small businesses do not reopen after a major disaster." (http://www.redcross.org/images/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m4240206_PrepYourBusfo rtheUnthinkable.pdf)   I can not stress the importance of backup enough.  And backup alone is not enough.  You must test restoration on a regular schedule.  What good is a backup if it doesn't work when you need it?
    So, how do you backup?  This will depend on many factors.  They include number of locations you have access to, budget, capacity of data, etc.  Keep in mind that many cloud solutions (Crash Plan Pro, Carbonite, etc) provide a means of satisfying the off-site requirement.  However, if you are starting with a large data set, it can take many weeks (without a seed backup) to get your data replicated.  Many will simply use Time Machine as the starting point.  This is a good place to start.  But you must monitor it.  Trust.  But verify.
    Ok, sorry for the rambling.  Actually enjoying a lunch break for a change
    Apple Consultants Network
    Apple Professional Services
    Author "Mavericks Server – Foundation Services" :: Exclusively available in Apple's iBooks Store

  • OSX Server 10.4 + VPN Tracker

    I am having problems setting up a vpn connection. I have VPN Tracker but the machine I want to get to on my LAN (behind the router - which is another set of problems!) is running OSX Server. Do I ignore the vpn settings since they are references to IPSec/L2TP, or do I have to switch off the server firewall? I find this very unclear. Also, is there an aternative to using Tracker? Can't I simply use the built-in vpn capability of OSX?

    I am having problems setting up a vpn connection.
    VPN is a screaming bag of cats. What one vendor calls VPN
    may not be what another vendor calls it.
    I have VPN Tracker but the machine I want to get to on
    my LAN (behind the router - which is another set of
    problems!) is running OSX Server.
    If you are trying to connect from a Mac to OS X server,
    VPN Tracker is not needed to establish a VPN tunnel. The
    existing software that comes with the system can be used.
    In the Finder's Help menu ("Mac Help"), open the Help Viewer
    and search for VPN. Look at the entry entitled "Setting up
    a connection to a Virtual Private Network".
    The main reason to use VPN Tracker is if you have a
    perimeter hardware firewall / VPN appliance. For example,
    our users connect to our SonicWALL using VPN Tracker, and it
    works great. We terminate the tunnel on the LAN side of the
    SonicWALL so that the remote client computers sit through
    the tunnel on the LAN The advantage that Equinux brings is
    that they keep it up to date as Apple and SonicWALL (and
    other VPN firewall vendors) make changes, and they provide
    good setup guides. For the interoperability list, see
    Do I ignore the vpn settings since they are references
    to IPSec/L2TP, or do I have to switch off the server
    Well, you will have to open up appropriate ports depending
    on the flavor of VPN you choose. Again, it's a screaming
    bag of cats. Of course, you will have to configure VPN
    on the Xserve.
    I find this very unclear.
    Yep. It's a screaming bag of cats.
    Also, is there an aternative to using Tracker? Can't I
    simply use the built-in vpn capability of OSX?
    To connect to an Xserve, yes. See the Help viewer article
    above. You don't mention the router you are using or whether
    it is using NAT. You may have NAT traversal issues.
    Hope this helps,
    Xserve G5 2.0 GHz 2 GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Apple Hardware RAID, ATTO UL4D, Exabyte VXA-2 1x10 1u

  • OSX Server file sharing data location issues.

    I have a mac mini running OSX Server on Mavericks.  I also have a Lacie 2big nas running RAID 1 for Superduper! backups that is hooked up via thunderbolt to the mac mini.  My problem is, even though my Service Data location is set to the mac mini's hard drive, all of the shared folder items are housed on the Lacie drive. 
    Is there a way I can move this data back to the hard drive and point the server to that location instead?  I really don't want any services or data directly stored on the Lacie drive, it's mainly there in the event that the mac mini hard drive fails and I need a bootable copy so the business may stay up and running.

    There are two possibilities: one is that your server is keeping all its server data on the external HD, the other is that your accounts are individually set up to each refer to that external HD.
    Click the line in the sidebar which has the server's name in it
    Choose the Settings tab
    Check the bottom line that says 'Service Data'
    If that lists your external HD, just change it to the internal one, wait for it to make the change and you're done.
    If not, then your accounts are individually set up to refer to the external HD.  While there are bulk methods of moving them all over they are annoying and complicated and hard to describe.  It would be simpler to use the Finder to copy your entire home folder structure across to your hard disk, then to go down the list of users, and for each user
    Control-click on the user
    pick 'Advanced Options...'
    Change the Home folder to its new place
    Once you're sure the new locations are working for all your users you can delete the home folder copies from the external hard disk.

  • Download issues from OSX Server...

    I have an odd issue occurring with our OSX Server (XServe RAID)... We have a directory setup as a LAMP Web Server (Apache2/PHP4). Everything works great except for one thing: downloads.
    When I attempt to view or download any file (whether it be graphics in an HTML doc or files access directly by URL), it will only allow my to view/download a small portion of the file (anywhere from 64k to 500k).
    The first place I looked was my php.ini file. This was because this problem first manifested from a PHP app I am using. Everything is set correctly in the ini file, though (I can upload files of any size -- depending on the ini settings, etc.).
    Shortly after, I realized that this issue occurs even when trying to access a file directly by entering the URL to the file (i.e., it's not a PHP issue). So, I checked my httpd.conf file and found that nothing was odd there either.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there somewhere else I can check for a "download" setting?
    Keep in mind that I'm not a LAMP expert (nor ISX server). I just need to get this working so that people can view more than just half of a webpage!
    Thanks for any help,
    P.S. I hope I posted this to the right place.

    It's putting out that message because the apachectl that you're running isn't the one that you think that you're running. I'd estimate that you have 3 Apache setups on that box. The Apache 1.3.x, which is centered around /usr and /etc. The default Apache 2.0.x install in /opt/apache2 and an Apache 2.0.x install that you have based in /Library/Apache2.
    When you execute a command, if the command doesn't start with "/" to specify an absolute path the shell will try appending the command to each of the directories in you PATH variable until it either finds the command, or runs out of possible paths (which is when it will give a "Command not found" error). So if you type in:
    apachectl status
    it will find the apachectl program in /usr/sbin instead of the /Library/Apache2/bin/apachectl that you want. You'll either need to modify you PATH variable or use absolute paths with the commands to keep these versions straight.
    AFAIK, ServerAdmin will only work on the default install (the 1.3.x version). For any of the Apache2 setups, you'll be coniguring by hand, probably in /Library/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf.
    FWIW, I was running the /opt/apache2 daemons for a while and they started hanging and crashing. I never did figure out a reason, and had to keep the sites running, so I went back to the 1.3.x httpd.

Maybe you are looking for