OSX Server Website

I have my DNS for my subdomain forward to my home ip address. When I am not on my local network and type oc.example.com everything works. When I try to browse oc.example.com in my browser when I am on the same LAN as my server, nothing works. If I type the ip address of my server I get the default server app. Anyone know why I can't connect to my domain when I am on my local network, but works perfectly when I am remote?

You will have two sets of DNS servers, your public DNS and the DNS running on your local network.  If your external DNS is getting to your servers, then that's probably working.  If you are getting the public IP address from your local network, then your gateway-router needs to "reflect" that address, or you'll need to configure local DNS services (OS X Server needs that in any case) to provide the local IP address for the public DNS name.
Put another way, read the article cited earlier and make sure your local DNS is correct.  You can test for most of the common network and DNS configuration errors with the following harmless, diagnostic Terminal.app command:
sudo changeip -checkhostname
...and this will tell you about the configuration, and whether no changes are required, or about the various errors that might be detected.
You can see what IP address you're getting with the following Terminal.app command:
dig +short oc.example.com
...or whatever DNS host name you're using.  You'll get either the public IP address (which if you use on the local network, your gateway-router needs to be able to detect that and run the connections back into your network) or your internal local network address.
Your local network clients will want to reference your local DNS server.
Do read the article cited earlier, too.

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  • OSX Server Website DNS problems

    I wanted to have a server  so I decided to get the mac mini server. We want to set up a small website with simple web services running on python and ruby.
    Now I'm trying to set it up to have a website connected to our domain (olm.io), but the domain name doesn't forward to the mac mini server.
    I believe the server is set up correctly. The router is set up to port forward incoming connections on port 80 to the server. To test that, connections to the ip retrieves the server and shows up the test website.
    I entered our ISP dns servers and also set up a dns server on the osx server.
    From outside this shows from outside:
    $ dig www.olm.io
    ; <<>> DiG 9.9.2-P1 <<>> www.olm.io
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 20417
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
    ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
    ;www.olm.io.                    IN      A
    ;; Query time: 2431 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu Jan  9 14:54:03 2014
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 39
    From inside the network this shows up:
    $ dig www.olm.io
    ; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> www.olm.io
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 27239
    ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;www.olm.io.            IN    A
    www.olm.io.        10800    IN    A
    www.olm.io.        10800    IN    NS    www.olm.io.
    ;; Query time: 3 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu Jan  9 11:54:25 2014
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 58
    Also checking the hostname says its ok:
    $ sudo changeip -checkhostname
    Primary address     =
    Current HostName    = www.olm.io
    DNS HostName        = www.olm.io
    Ok so from the inside of our network the website shows up, and from outside when looking at the public ip of the network the website also shows up.
    What I'm missing is that when anybody types www.olm.io our website appears.
    At one time I tried setting up Google public dns service, just to try it, but now it seems to be stuck referring to google server,
    $ nslookup                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    Non-authoritative answer:     name = pc-68-227-160-190.cm.vtr.net.
    Authoritative answers can be found from:
    $ nslookup www.olm.io                                                                                                                                
    ** server can't find www.olm.io: NXDOMAIN
    I believe the problem is on the domain set up, which is as follows:
    Organization Name :
    Primary Nameserver
    Name Server:
    IPv4 Address:
    Secondary Nameserver
    Name Server:
    Extra Nameservers (Optional)
    Name Server:
    screen of the dns setup
    Thanks for the help

    You will have two sets of DNS servers, your public DNS and the DNS running on your local network.  If your external DNS is getting to your servers, then that's probably working.  If you are getting the public IP address from your local network, then your gateway-router needs to "reflect" that address, or you'll need to configure local DNS services (OS X Server needs that in any case) to provide the local IP address for the public DNS name.
    Put another way, read the article cited earlier and make sure your local DNS is correct.  You can test for most of the common network and DNS configuration errors with the following harmless, diagnostic Terminal.app command:
    sudo changeip -checkhostname
    ...and this will tell you about the configuration, and whether no changes are required, or about the various errors that might be detected.
    You can see what IP address you're getting with the following Terminal.app command:
    dig +short oc.example.com
    ...or whatever DNS host name you're using.  You'll get either the public IP address (which if you use on the local network, your gateway-router needs to be able to detect that and run the connections back into your network) or your internal local network address.
    Your local network clients will want to reference your local DNS server.
    Do read the article cited earlier, too.

  • Osx server website for virtualized application

    I hope someone can help me.
    On my OSX Mavericks server, I have a virtualized tomcat application. There is a Virtualbox instance, running Ubuntu, with bridged network. This means I have a unique IP number for this virtual machine. For tomcat I need to go to port :8080
    I do want to set a "subdomain.domain.com" to open this
    How do we set this in the webserver part of OSX server? Is this possible?

    You will have two sets of DNS servers, your public DNS and the DNS running on your local network.  If your external DNS is getting to your servers, then that's probably working.  If you are getting the public IP address from your local network, then your gateway-router needs to "reflect" that address, or you'll need to configure local DNS services (OS X Server needs that in any case) to provide the local IP address for the public DNS name.
    Put another way, read the article cited earlier and make sure your local DNS is correct.  You can test for most of the common network and DNS configuration errors with the following harmless, diagnostic Terminal.app command:
    sudo changeip -checkhostname
    ...and this will tell you about the configuration, and whether no changes are required, or about the various errors that might be detected.
    You can see what IP address you're getting with the following Terminal.app command:
    dig +short oc.example.com
    ...or whatever DNS host name you're using.  You'll get either the public IP address (which if you use on the local network, your gateway-router needs to be able to detect that and run the connections back into your network) or your internal local network address.
    Your local network clients will want to reference your local DNS server.
    Do read the article cited earlier, too.

  • OSX Server 2.2.2 update broke my websites

    I updated to server 2.2.2 yesterday and my owncloud website on my server stopped working. It was so frustrating I restored via time machine. Is there something I should check so I can update again?
    Information of my setup.
    owncloud 5.0
    using osx server website feature pointing to folder.
    using ssl 443 port for my website.
    I have port 80 open as well but I have own cloud redirect to ssl.
    if you browse diectly to my server ip it brings up the osx server webpage.
    i have my computers point to my server ip for dns
    my dns server routes my local website dns to my local ip of server (had to do this because I was getting NAT loopback issues)
    all other dns should forward to opendns
    Please help, thanks!

    I have the same problem. Even trying from the server itself still the server cannot be found. My system log however is now generating what looks like an error from the server:
    Sep 20 20:09:34 home com.apple.launchd[1] (org.apache.httpd[69048]): Exited with code: 1
    Sep 20 20:09:34 home com.apple.launchd[1] (org.apache.httpd): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    This repeats constantly until the server is stopped.
    I'm guessing there is a permissions issue somewhere that 2.2.2 has now broken. No idea where to start to resolve.

  • OSX Server 10.6.3 - (Multiple) Website hosting via Server Admin

    Has anyone else experienced/had this problem? I am posting this hear in hopes that someone else has experienced this as well and may know how to correct/resolve this problem.
    We currently have purchased a collaboration software I have installed and I am running via OSX. The files are stored in /Library/WebServer/Documents/collab. OSX comes with a default website built in at /Library/WebServer/Documents. I intend to install the collab website in anticipation of adding more sites in the future and possibly utilizing the default OSX web services as well. I have set up our internal DNS server to route collab.company.com to the internal ip address of our OSX server. The default OSX webpage is currently hosted on port 80, I am running our collab site on port 8x (we are already hosting websites on a different server on port 80, and the router can only forward port requests to a single ip address).
    With this configuration, if I enter the address of collab.company.com, I get the default OSX server running on port 80. If I enter collab.company.com/collab, I then get our collab website (on port 8x). Essentially I want collab.company.com to open the collab website, not the OSX website. What is odd is, it seems that if I uncheck the default OSX webpage in server admin and disable it, change the collab site to port 80 as a test and go to collab.company.com I get a failed connection that the site is down or doesn't exist, like it is offline. It seems almost as if OSX is completely shutting down the entire directory of /Library/WebServer/Documents which is where the collab website exits inside of (Documents/collab). If I re-enable the default OSX website, then both websites become live again.
    So I guess my question is, is there a different structure/architecture that should be followed to prevent this behaviour? If so, how do I get multiple websites installed and configured properly in server admin to respond to their appropriate dns requests. I also forgot to mention for my collab site entry in server admin I have the host name in the general tab as collab.company.com, as well as the alias collab.company.com, but when I enter collab.company.com I am getting the default OSX site.

    I agree, this seems to make sense in theory, but here is the result I am getting.
    I have my internal (not my osx server) dns server containing a host entry of collab.company.com = 192.168.1.xx. I have a virtual host entry in OSX in the aliases area (correct?) of collab.company.com for my collab site. However, whenever I enter the url in my browser of collab.company.com, I keep getting the default Mac OSX Server website page. I even put an alias in the OSX server site of mainpage to try and differenciate it, but it doesn't seem to take or matter.
    So once again, in theory I think "oh, just uncheck the enable button next to the default OSX website", I uncheck it, and then both of my websites are offline, or appear to be? For my collab site, the link redirects, but I get the error page.
    Not Found
    The requested URL /collab/public/index.php was not found on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) PHP/5.3.1 Server at collab.company.com Port 80
    Google Chrome:
    Oops! This link appears to be broken.
    Thing is, I even changed my collab site to be running on port 80 as well as a test. I check enable for my osx default page, and they are both back online. If I change the default osx sites port to say 87 or something, and leave the collab at 80, I then get the same bad request messages etc. If I put the osx site back to port 80, they both work.

  • OSX Server "Web Sites" port revocation?

    I'm trying to run a wordpress installation with MAMP on my MacMini late 2012, Running OS X 10.10.2 and OS X Server 4.0.3
    I have since played with the 'websites' feature but decided I didn't like it. So I installed MAMP and have set up wordpress inside of it. However because OS X Server's "websites" pane Auto fills the "server website" to have port 80 (and I can't seem to change it) I cant get MAMP to use port 80. It gives me the error attached by PNG to this post.
    I've disabled OSX Server 'websites' and attempted to remove the "server website" entry but I can't get it to release the port binding.
    Any help to get it to release ownership of port 80 would be most welcome.

    Couple of options. If you don't want to use any of the Server.app features, you can throw it in the trash and reboot.
    If you want to use some features, but nothing that uses apache, you could run:
    sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
    The Server.app, when installed, will run apache on port 80 all of the time. No easy way around this without resorting to the command line.

  • Website issue with osx server and hosting

    so i had a website hosted from my osx server and i had bought the domain name from godaddy it worked great but i desided to instead of hosting it on my osx server to just host it on  godaddy so i turned to server off and added the domain to my godaddy account hosting and now it works but one problem all computers can veiw the website but mine. i think it has somthing to do with the fact that my mac was the one hosting it. but if i go to my browser and go to my wesite i get a error but than i go to any other computer and it works great help please

    A couple ideas
    check our /etc/hosts file, you might have an entry for your domain.
    sudo pico /etc/hosts
         do you see any entries for your domain? If so:
         edit the file by navigating with the arrow keys, delete the line
         with your domain. Hit ctrl-x when done (enter 'y' to save the change)
    Clear your DNS cache
         dscacheutil -flushcache
    Try a different DNS server, go into your network settings (In System Preferences)
    Go to Ethernet or Wifi (whichever you are using), click Advanced and under the DNS tab enter:
    Make sure no entries are ABOVE it.
    If none of this works, send the results of these commands:
         cat /etc/hosts
         cat /etc/resolv.conf
         dig +short mydomain.com   (replace with your domain)
    The results of these should point us in the right direction.

  • Problems seeing website locally on osx server

    I wonder if someone can help me  i am quite new at all this .  I have a Imac wirelessly connected to an airport  extreme  which is connected  through a Gart2-4112 router . I am running Mountain lion  OSX10.8.5 and I  am trying to run a  website off this computer using mountain lion osx server.
    I have looked up several very good articles on the web and purchased osx server for dummies . Setting up the website looks easy   and I know I will run into future problems with trying to get the router port-forwarding   for my registered domain name  but for now I cannot get the website to show  on the server   “view Server Website” . From the default website I can see the default screen  for OSX server  I made the website up  in iweb ,  have published all the files into a desktop folder  which The store site files in  points to .
    The settings are drop down IP address  any   port 80   ssl none
    the error message i am getting is
    Not Found
    The requested URL /Falconsfc/Welcome.html was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.2.24 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.24 OpenSSL/0.9.8y Server at falconsfc.org.uk Port 80
    I am afraid I do not know what the problem is
    I would be grateful for any help   Many Thanks   Andy

    Don't store your files on your Desktop.
    Files on the desktop are, by default, owned by the individual user, and the Apache server doesn't have permission to view (or serve!) arbitrary files from a user's home directory or Desktop.
    By default, in Mountain Lion Server, web files should be stored in /Library/Server/Web/Data.
    You can use other directories if you like, but you'll need to jump through extra hoops to make sure Apache can see the files.

  • Websites were deleted from configuration after Maverick OSX Server Update

    Websites were deleted from configuration after Maverick OSX Server Update.  My subversion access was also overwritten and no longer works.

    if that was a bug report, then Apple might or might not see it here.  There's a Provide Server Feedback in the menus of Server.app, if you'd like to let the Server.app folks know about the upgrade problems I've encountered.
    If you're looking for help resetting the web sites (I'm not clear if you're reporting a bug or looking for help with this), then check Server.app for where the files should be (the default location is under /Library/Server/Web/Data directory) and see where your current sites are stored in the file system, establish the Site via Server.app (usually with a directory under the  /Library/Server/Web/Data path) and move the contents over to the new location.
    As for the Outlook comment in your footer, Microsoft Outlook also generally needs to have the FQDN requirements removed in the SMTP HELO processing.  Outlook doesn't send that, and the default Postfix configuration will reject those connections as spam.  Here's a discussion of how to do this.  (I don't see a path to the HELO processing via sudo serveradmin settings mail:postfix commands.)

  • Apache virtual host with OSX Server?

    I have been running OSX Server for a while now, and just recently I decided to get McMyAdmin for my Minecraft server. The web client for McMyAdmin runs on port 8080, but I wanted it on port 80. I wanted to use it with my domain, so I just created a sub domain and pointed it to my server. The problem is that OSX Server apparently doesn't let me use port 80, even when websites are turned off. I decided to delete Server and just use plain apache. This worked until I realized that my website was only accessible locally. I have all the correct ports forwarded, etc. But I get the error:
    Response Error.
    Technical description:
    502 Bad Gateway - Response Error, a bad response was received from another proxy server or the destination origin server.
    when I try to connect from outside my network. This is probably just some simple thing I missed but it would be nice if someone could just point out what I did wrong here. Back to the point, I want to know how to run the proxy to my web client on port 8080 AND ALSO run OSX Server with or without apache virtualhost.
    Thanks in advance,

    Web is stupidly easy - Apache has extensive support for multiple virtual hosts in a single server and will happily support as many domains/hostnames as you can throw at it.
    Mail is a little trickier since it needs to hook into some kind of directory server to validate user addresses.
    Mac OS X's Open Directory does support this, but it's a little cumbersome (basically every user has to exist in the main Open Directory domain as well as having a secondary email address(es) in the other domain(s).
    This can get especially tricky when you have users with the same shortname in different domains - for example if you give [email protected] a secondary email address of [email protected] and you then get a new user [email protected], you can't give the third 'joe' the address 'joe' in Open Directory since that's already taken. This means he'll have to login using different credentials from his email address. Confused yet? You bet.
    If you're prepared to eschew Open Directory you can just use Postfix's built-in support for virtual hosting, but it's a little more complex to setup and support and is entirely command-line based (i.e. there's no GUI for setting it up or supporting it).
    So, for that reason you might be prepared to setup multiple virtual machines for each domain. It really depends on how much the domains are related (if at all).

  • Help with OSX server mail setup

    Please if anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong, I would be very grateful.  I have a company with an externaly hosted website and an an internally hosted email (OSX server).  I have everything kind of working, but some things don't seem quite right.  I'll explain below:
    I have a purchased domain: mycompany.com hosted by godaddy.
    I am using Godaddy name servers: ns65.domaincontrol.com and ns66.domaincontrol.com
    The external godaddy DNS has an a name entry for my mail server: mail pointing to (which is my companies external static IP address).
    There is also a null (@) a name record for my website hosting service (squarespace) pointing to 456.456.456.456
    There is a cName record www pointing to the squarespace domain "www.squarespace6.com"  (know this is unusual, but it is how squarespace asks this to be set up and does not work otherwise)
    There is an MX record with priority 10 and host name @ pointing to mail.mycompany.com
    I have a airport extreme router with the appropriate ports forwarded to the OSX server.
    The DNS servers on the router are pointed to the internal IP address of the OSX server
    I did not change the domain name on the router (mistake?) it is currently san.rr.com
    On the OSX server I have set up host name to be mycompany.comDNS is set up with primary zone being mycompany.com
    Primary Zone entries include
    nameserver = mycompany.com
    machine record host name is mycompany.com and the IP address is the internal IP address of the OSX server
    another machine record with host name "mail" and IP address is the internal IP address of the OSX server.
    Finally, there is a mail exchanger record with mail server "mail.mycompany.com" and priority 10
    There are 2 entries autocreated in the Reverse zone
    Mail is setup and running on the OSX server providing mail for "mail.mycompany.com"
    Users are setup with email address: [email protected] (note: without the mail subdomain - I think this is OK?)
    I am using self signed certificate.
    In my clients (windows Thunderbird, Mac Mail, iOS mail), the settings are for the incoming mail server host name to be "mail.mycompany.com" and the outgoing also to be "mail.mycompany.com"
    I woud have expected this to be imap.mycompany.com and smtp.mycompany.com respectively, but it doesn't work when I input these values and works with the former.  Have I set this up wrong??  imap seems to require SSL on port 993 and SMTP seems to require TLS on port 587.Outlook on PC gives me an error that after googling appears to be a problem with not recognizing a fuly qualified hostname form the SMTP client.  I see the fix, but wanted to know if that meant that my server didn't have a fully qualified host name and whether I should change that rather than just remove that restriction???
    The final problem is that my outgoing emails seem to be getting caught up in other people's spam filters too frequently.  What is the main reason for this?  Is it because I have set something up wrong and it brings up flags or is it simply because I am not a huge hosting company, or somethign else althogether?
    If you've gotten this far, big thanks!  If you can help me, even more thanks!

    Well, actually they are both getting caught up in spam filters and bounced back.  I actually realized that part of the problem is that I have a dynamic IP address, but it doesn't change.  Regardless, on the bounce back it looks like hotmail and other domains are rejecting email from my IP and recognize it as dynamic.  This was a test server that i would by physically taking to my business where there is a static business IP address (Cox).
    Sorry for the very long original message, but it seems that most people don't post enough information for the problem to be solved in their original posts and I was hoping to provide as much detail as possible.
    The other is the question of "are things set up right?"  It seems strange to me that both my outgoing and incoming servers are "mail.mycompany.com" and not imap.mycompany.com and smtp.mycompany.com and I wonder if this is going to cause me to have problems?
    Is it a problem that my email addresses are [email protected] and not [email protected]?
    Was I supposed to change the domain name on the router?
    Also is it going to be a problem that I am using a self signed certificate?

  • Using Mac Mini running OSX Server (10.8) to host web sites on LAN

    I would like to know how to use a Mac Mini running OSX Server (10.8 ML) to host web sites on my home network (LAN).
    I am developing web sites and previously (before ML) I used my Mac Pro to 'host' the sites I was developing to test them out before publishing them to my hosting package.  That was when I was using 10.7 Lion and theer was an option in the System Preferences to turn web sharing on.
    I have since upgraded my Mac client to 10.8 ML and have configured it to do the same - even though there is no System Preferences option for web sharing any more.
    I also have a Mac Mini running on my LAN and its been upgraded to OSX Server 10.8.
    Im now trying to configure it to host the web sites I am developing but with no success.
    I thought it was just a matter of adding them as sites in the Server's Websites panel (see screen shot)
    but so far Ive had no success.
    On my Mac client I can simply add a folder in the Sites directory and then open the web site by putting http://myhost/~myuser/name-of-folder and it will load the default file in the folder e.g. index.html
    How do I achieve the 'same thing' on OSX Server?

    Hi Johnfromglenver,
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    I hope this information helps.
    Advance 23
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Multiple domains hosted on one OSX Server

    Hi guys,
    Does anyone know if it is possible to host more than one domain name on OSX server?
    A client of mine runs a number of businesses and is considering Snow Leopard Server, and wants to have multiple email domains and websites hosted on one server. Also per-account contacts sync and calendar sync would be useful, does anyone know if that's available?

    You can certainly host multiple domains on Mac OS X Server. There are a few options depending on how you want it to work.
    If all the usernames are the same across all domains (e.g. [email protected] is the same person as [email protected]) then just change the mail server configuration to match all the domains in the mydestination parameter in /etc/postfix/main.cf.
    If the domains are different (e.g. [email protected] is not the same account as [email protected]) then you have two options - one is to use the postfix model (which requires command-line management), the other is to add the email addresses in the shortname section for each user.
    You may have some issues integrating contacts and calendars, though - if you take the postfix model then the users won't exist in Open Directory and won't have a calendar/contact link, etc.
    If you follow the shortname model then you have one directory with all users in all domains and you'll need to work to separate them out if you need to.

  • What are the right DNS records to host more than one site on OSX Server (ML). My conf in Server.app looks right but one of my sites lands on the default server. Any suggestion?

    I started using OSX Server on Mountain Lion a few days ago and it looks promising.
    I do however measure my ignorance in DNS matters...
    I defined two websites in addition to the the Default Server, so I have three names to deal with.
    For argument's sake
    - www.main.com is the default site
    - www.sitea.com is the first site
    - www.siteb.com is the second site
    I define a virtual host for www.sitea.com and another for www.siteb.com
    The resulting apache conf is what I would expect, I am pretty sure it is correct.
    So I modified my DNS entries (they were A records) to point to my new OSX Server.
    My result is:
    - www.main.com shows the default site
    - www.sitea.com shows the first site
    - www.siteb.com shows...the default site
    Any ideas?

    Thanks MrHoffman!
    My problem ended up being a name but not in the DNS!...In Apache.
    Your information allowed me to rule out possibilities and zoom in to the culprit faster.
    I just report here the conclusion hoping it can help someone else.
    When I installed OSX Server last week, I had in mind to principally run siteb.
    During the initial install, this is what I must have entered and then forgot about it.
    Then I defined my virtual hosts sitea and siteb and realised my machine was called siteb and changed its name to main to avaid a name collision. At which time I remember OSX Server telling me that changing the name could have consequences...But it apparently went ok, and it did except for one little thing.
    The consequence was this:
    in the main configuration file /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/http_server_app.conf the ServerName directive had remained siteb (instead of main). I manually updated it with TextEdit (could do vi from bash, its the same) and replaced siteb with main.
    There is a way to detect it.
    In Server.app, there is a "logs" panel, which displays all sorts of logs for everything including the websites.
    Each website's logs are presented as "access" and "error" logs. The information was there, but I could not see it because the viewing window in remarkably small for so much information in raw text...
    web logs are actually written to only two files in /var/log/apache2 (error.log and access.log)
    I openned two bash windows and run tail -f on error.log in one and tail -f access.log in the other.
    When I started the web service, apache threw a warning stating from mod_ssl saying that the certificate did not match the serve name...I the certificate was what I expected, I checked http_server_app.conf and found the ServerName directive that was not changed when I renamed my server...
    Easily fixed when its found, but it can take a while to find.
    BTW, I was using A DNS records for and it works, but I find your method of using CNAME records documents the administrator's intent better than with A records; I started to do the same. (A records a useful though, they can run a domain across multiple machines)
    Cheers mate!

  • How to use SSL certificates in OSX Server

    I have setup OSX server with a host name that is pointed properly to my OSX server. My question is about using certificates that were purchased through my domain registrar.
    I bought a cert and after the validation process, I was given a link to download 4 certificate files.
    [domain name].crt
    So after downloading these and opening them one by one, I installed them in the keychain as a system cert.
    The part I cant figure out is how to use the domain cert instead of the one that the server creates upon completion of setup (the self signed one).
    On the certificate selection in the sidebar, I can choose Import a certificate identity, but when I drag my domain cert into the box, it shows up as a non-identity cert and the Import button is still grayed out. I dragged all four certs there and all of them show as non-identity certs.
    If I go down the path of the Get a Trusted Certificate, it takes me through the CSR request which I dont think I need since i have my certificates already.
    Am I missing a step? Or do I need to export from the keychain, then import into the server application? Seems like the new certificates should show up in the server application. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I got the answer and wanted to post for anyone that happened to have this question.
    During the SSL cert setup, it asks where your domain is hosted and since it was hosted by Network Solutions, I chose that option which doesnt do the CSR request. I had to choose Other/VPS.
    Once I did that, I was able to generate a CSR in the server application and get my certificate issued again by pasting the request code on my registrars website. Once I received those certs, I dragged my domain cert into the Pending one listed in the certificate list.
    Also I chose Apache/ModSSL as the type of server. Hope that helps and new people like myself in setting up the server application.

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