'Other' listed on Nano 2nd gen after restore

After I restored my Nano 2nd gen for the second time, I have an Orange bar along with the Green status bar that shows up on Itunes on the Summary page.
It is called 'Other' with no additional details.
I cannot find it on the ipod to delete it. Is it corrupted and if so, how do I get rid of it? It is 257 MB in size.

Hello fairyfatale,
And welcome to Apple Discussions!
_The Other section can or will include any of the following items:_
* Your iPod's O/S / Software (This will always be present)
* Any notes you store on the iPod
* Any external files stored on the iPod such as documents, etc
* Lyrics (if you have any)
* Album Artwork
* Games (this includes the default games that come with the iPod. These cannot be erased )
Usually this section's size is in MB and will always be there because at the minimum, it will contain your iPod's O/S.

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    Until yesterday, I finally received a 4th Gen 20GB iPod (around 2 years old)from a friend and asked me whether I could fix it for him, which has been left untouched as a paper-weight for almost 2 months.
    I tried to turn it on, and the screen was completed blank and the device looked dead. Before doing anything I prepared the following:-
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    2. A Mac computer
    3. An USB iPod cable
    4. A Firewire iPod cable
    5. An iPod AC charger
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    How to reset iPod
    The iPod showed an Apple sign, it stuck there for almost a minute, the screen then showed a battery with an exclamation mark sign, and after a minute, the iPod turned off itself. I was sure that the iPod carried very low battery, and could not be charged by connecting it with any computer (both Mac and PC).
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    Putting iPod into disk mode
    Instead of connecting with a PC, I plug it with my Mac using a Firewire cable, it did not response, so I switched the cable to an USB, interestingly, the iPod got recognized and a window pop up indicating that the iPod needed to do a Restore. Therefore I clicked “Restore”, after a few seconds, an Error message pop-up with Error Message 1417, the sign that I have been waiting for quite sometime.
    I ejected the iPod and the screen immediately showed a folder exclamation mark (a sign indicating a corrupted or a failure iPod OS). I am forced to put the iPod into disk mode again, connected with the Mac computer and open the Disk Utility
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    It managed to complete the Restore process, and started to sync with the iTunes. However, it got stuck at the song no.238 from the total of 2000. I left it for an hour, but with no process, instead the iPod became “Hot” and the iTunes showed an Error message of 1428. I ejected the iPod from my Mac computer, the iPod’s screen turn to show the famous killer icon;“The Sad iPod“.
    This time it was totally dead, even failed to put it into Disk Mode and non of the computer could recognize it. Sigh, I hated to do it but I knew that I must did the following:-
    Holding the iPod in my Palm, and hitting it on a surface of a Sofa with 5 attempts.
    Did not surprise me, the iPod turned on and it showed the Language Menu on the screen. So, I put it into Disk Mode and connected with my window PC.
    The PC showed a sign and indicated that an USB device had been connected with it. I opened the iTunes and did a Restore there.
    However, an Error Message 50 showed up, but I were not worried about it, connected it back with my Mac computer with it in Disk Mode. As expected the iTunes opened and allowed me to do a Restore there.
    This time it managed to complete the process and a window of register pop up. After the completed the process, the iPod started to sync with the iTunes again, which finally managed to complete the process.
    I left it connecting with the AC charger overnight. In the next morning, I switched it on and have a play with it, I am so glad as it is working like a charm.
    From the above experience, I would like to share it with the user the following:-
    1. It always better to charge with an ac charger instead of the computer, as when an iPod carrying with very low battery, it may not able to get charge from a computer
    2. Try to connect the iPod with a computer, switching between USB and Firewire
    3. Try to format an iPod with HD problem, with a different kind of computer e.g. Mac or PC, as the formats are totally different, the way it formats may able to solve the bad sectors on the HD
    4. It may get better chance to get your iPod recognized, if you put it in Disk Mode
    I hope the following works in your case as I did.

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with             
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Try on another computer to help determine if computer or iPod problem

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    Are you playing a song in iTunes that listed in contents of iPod while it is connected. Try going to your music lib and play a song and disconnect your iPod.
    Also, make sure you are not located in some sub dir that utililizes iTunes.
    You can also hit 'ctrl,alt,delete' to see what applications are running on your PC.

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    First, try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  It could take well over an hour!  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow the on-screen directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore and you have IOS-6 or lower, go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  Also, if you have IOS-7, read this.

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    Restore your iPod. Just be aware that restoring will erase the iPod's hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions to name the iPod and automatically sync your songs and videos onto the fresh installation. Uncheck the box beside the sync automatically instruction and press Done, it will default to manual mode and it will be empty. Your niece can add her own songs when she connects to her computer:
    Restoring iPod to factory settings with iTunes 7
    Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone
    Syncing Music to iPod
    One thing to be aware of when using an iPod in manual mode is that the "Do Not Disconnect" message will remain on the display until you physically eject the device: Safely Disconnect IPod

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    Thank you!

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    You can work through the remaining five 5 R's of troubleshooting.
    It might also be a good idea to let the iPod's battery fully drain. Then charge it back up and restore it once more in iTunes.
    Otherwise, it's likely a hardware issue with the iPod's LCD display, meaning you'll need to take or send your iPod in for service either via Apple or a third party repair service. Here is Apple's repair pricing.
    Note that they don't actually repair the device, but exchange it for one of the same generation, model, and capacity.  A third party service will actually replace the damage part for a little less.  Google "iPod screen repair" and you should get a number of results to work with.

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    What should I do? How much for Apple service?
    Thank you.

    Do an out-of-warranty replacement for $65.

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    From the OP: "My old computer got a virus and when that happened all my music was lost. "
    They don't have the music on their computer so they cannot transfer the iTunes folder, from the computer to their iPod and then to the new computer. And if they try to enable disk use on the iPod it will erase all the music that is on it. The method you cited is moving the files in a data format using the iPod as a flash drive. It doesn't work if they are in music format. That is why I suggested Yamipod.

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    help would be appreciated

    Have the same issue but with latest iPod nano 7 Gen, second day trying

  • Ipod nano 2nd gen and dock/alarm clock

    i have read through alot of the posts and have not seen anything similar to my question.
    i got my daughter an ipod nano for xmas.
    we really dont leave the computer on alot and she was wanting a docking station/speaker setup. i found one that charges it/ has speakers and is also an alarm clock.
    she likes the idea of having the alarm clock with it.
    this is the model she got: curtis iMode ip210 link to where it was bought http://hhgregg.com/ProductDetail.asp?SID=0B568914D18A4CBEB2E80A95E8C46043&Produc tID=17180
    we have not hooked it up yet because of a small problem maybe. (hooked up to power that is)
    it came with a bunch of different adapters for the different ipod versions. well the nano one is incorrect. i guess due to ours being a 2nd gen version.
    the ipod goes right on the dock fine with out it.
    the little plastic adapter i got with the ipod kinda works in the slot of the radio but would need a little modification to snap in. the difference is the outside shape and would just needed some sanding. i have called the support number for the radio and all i could get from the was its not compatable. and i am not too sure why.
    from what i have found out is all the ipod dock connectors are the same and there is no difference. not sure about this just what i have noticed.
    i tried to call my local apple store and ask them but that guy started talking about firewire and problems. i told him how it docked and what it was and he still insisted on talking about firewire and those problems. i hung up as it didnt sound like he knew anything.
    so now would i be ok in useing the adapter i got with the ipod and makeing some slight mods(sanding outside edge) to it. or is the something totally different between the 1st gen and 2nd gen that would mess up the ipod if put in this unit.
    the reason i want this unit as it will replace her current alarm clock and she has a loft bed and its the only unit that we have seen that will fit and is in our price range.
    thank you for your help
    ipod nano 2nd gen   Windows XP  

    The dock adaptor that came with the iPod is meant to fit Apple's universal dock and not a 3rd party accessory.
    The reason you are having issues is because although the dock connectors on iPods are all the same (the pins are in the same place), the connector on the second gen nano is in a slightly different place than on the first. If you look at it from the bottom with the iPod face up, it's slightly more to the left. This, and the fact that it has a metal case with rounded edges, has made the new nano incompatible with almost all these type of accessories.
    It's been mentioned here several times, and a few people have been able to get the manufacturer of the dock to supply them with an adaptor.

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