Other option for Backup

Hi everyone, I`m looking for one hd for i make a backup using time machine, but Time Capsule is very expensive for me, and i think one hd - Western Digital My Book Home 1tb Terabyte, one better choice... What yours think for? Thanks, sorry for my english, i`m learning...

If backup is all you need, external USB drive is cheaper, but no brand USB drive is even cheaper than WD, WD is expensive too.
If you have a external USB drive already, and are looking for a router + HD combo, have a look at the Airport Extreme Base Station too.

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    < i don't want to Join >
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    Hello kumar kalptaru, 
    Thank you for participating in the Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like you're wondering how to hang up a call besides using the Sleep/Wake button. 
    Other than this, you can tap the red hang up button on the Phone app. See the iPhone User Guide for more help:
    While on a call - iPhone
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    Best Regards,

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    but is der any other option
    plz write in d codez too
    with Regards
    Rohan Shetty
    Edited by: Rohan Shetty on May 6, 2008 2:14 PM

    of course you can use internal table in BAdi, do like this.
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    data: wa type ...
    data: itab type (standard, sorted, hashed) table of mara.
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                fieldb  type n,
                fieldc  type d.
    types: end   of ty_xxx
    data: itab type table of ty_xxx.
    data: wa type ty_xxx.
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    You only have two options
    1) the MSI as you are using it now
    2) clickonce deployment.
    Details on ClickOnce deployment as described in the developer help file:
    ClickOnce deployment reduces the time and effort required to deploy Windows Applications across a network. Rather than distribute a separate executable to each individual hard drive, ClickOnce deployment places the executable on a common Web page, from which all users can launch it. As part of the launch process, a copy is retrieved to the user's hard drive that can be used to re-launch the application locally. However, this local copy regularly checks the source executable on the Web page for updates.
    Updates to the Windows Application can be re-published to the web server, and the newer application files are then available to clients. If an older version of the Windows Application opens locally on a client machine, an update dialog box gives the option to check for updates from the web server. ClickOnce deployment is only available for Windows applications that use the .Net 2.0 Framework or later.

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    1) Coupling a HDD with a SSD cache is a boost for system start-up and program launching -- especially if you don't care about upgrading to "all SSD" at this time.
    2) I have the Intel 6205 WLAN card in all my ThinkPads in use. At one place, the wireless router is 2Wire and the 6205 card connects without problems.
    3) I've used G.Skill, Mushkin and Crucial. Search Newegg.
    Good luck!

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    thank you in advance

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    I do not see what you want to achieve or what you have tried to do. So please provide some more information.

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    Hi all gurus of SQL
    I want to pull previous record and subtract status_date from both the record to find the # number of days.
    Create table  temp  (o_id number , r_id number ,status_date date , status varchar2(30));
    Sample data
    i_id     r_id   status_date     status
    33493 308963 16-MAR-12 Incarcerated
    33493 308943 26-SEP-11 City/County Jail
    33493 306529 15-DEC-09 Active
    33493 295327 25-SEP-09 City/County Jail
    33493 293630 30-JUL-09 Active
    33493 292828 30-JUL-09 Active
    33493 292830 30-JUL-09 Active
    33493 292826 21-MAY-09 City/County Jail
    33493 291854 05-MAY-09 Active
    Select  I_ID, status_date, lag (R_ID, 1) over (order by status_date )
    from TEMP where I_IDin (33493) and  status_date >='01-NOV-2007
    and temp.status='Active';
    Logic I am trying to accomplish is find the incarceration status_date and then find the latest active , status_date and subtract those dates.
    for example 16-mar-12 minus 15-DEC-09
    Thanks for help..
    Pls help me brainstorm this..

    This definetly sounds like a job for analytic functions, but LAG might not be the best choice if you can have multiple 'Incarcerated' rows.  You might be better of with LAST_VALUE or MAX, like this:
    WITH  got_prev_active_status_date  AS
        SELECT  temp.*       -- or list whatever columns you need
        ,       MAX ( CASE
                          WHEN  status = 'Active'
                          THEN  status_date
                    ) OVER ( PARTITION BY  i_id     -- Just guessing
                             ORDER BY      status_date
                           )   AS prev_active_status_date
        FROM    temp
        WHERE   status   IN ('Active', 'Incarcerated')
    SELECT  p.*       -- or list whatever columns you need
    ,       status_date - prev_active_status_date   AS days_active
    FROM    got_prev_active_status_date
    WHERE   status  = 'Incarcerated';
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    Point out where the query above is producing the wrong results, and explain, using specific examples, how you get the right results from the given data in those places.
    If you modify the query at all, post your modified version.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ: https://forums.oracle.com/message/9362002

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