Otterbox Defender fits the DX w/ Extended Battery Cover!

This may not be the biggest or latest news to hit the place, but today, I tried the Otterbox Defender case on my DX today and it fits fine even with the Extended Battery Cover. No swirlies on the screen! And it's not like wrapping the phone in a Sherman tank, like my Otterbox for my (former) iPhone was.
Of course, I can kiss my car dock goodbye. Oh, well. I'll have to find one of those generic holders that is wide enough to hold the phone in the landscape position. I'll just have to do without the magnets.
Geri O

Okay...this brings to mind a question.  I have never used a case on any phone, and despite numerous drops, I've never had a broken phone (knock wood).  The only time I had a problem was when I got mad at my old BB Storm when it kept freezing up, and I kept poking the screen until it cracked.   Last week, I was on the treadmill at the gym, listening to Pandora on my X.   The phone fell, hit the treadmill, and went flyng off behind me.  The battery cover and the battery flew off, but the screen was fine.  I put it back together, continued listening to Pandora and went back to running.  For me, all covers seem bulky.  Am I pushing my luck?  Do all of you use a case?

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    mine fine too.
    heres a small tip. if it does become loose. the 3 clipy part that slots in the bottom of the battery case. bend it ever so slightly inwards and that will 'hold' the cover in place. but warning. don't bend too much. may break!! so do so ever so lightly.

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    I never used a screen protector while my iPhone was in the Defender case. The Otterbox case is engineered to protect your device. I'm not sure why the salesman suggested you use both. I used the Otterbox Defender case for a little over a year and my iPhone was flawless when I removed it. Hope this helps.

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    A follow-up report on battery life with the Samsung Stratosphere extended battery: I charged it to 100% as of about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday. It is now 8:30 a.m. Friday, 58 hours later, and the charge stands at 12%, low enough to get warnings from the phone to charge it, which I'm going to do.
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    Of course everyone's phone use and experience will be different, but 58 hours to go from 100% to 12% seems pretty good to me.

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    The 2750mAh extended battery is too big and makse the phone look like crap.  I picked up two 1700mAh batteries on Ebay with a plugin/usb charger.  Thats only 20% more battery but it fits with the existing cover. 
    The real battery power savings came from installing these 2 apps.
    I am not affliated with the developers of these apps.   I'm just a fan.
    LTEonOff -
         Turn of 4G unless I really need super fast downloads
         I always turn 4G back on when plugged in
    Juice Defender  (Free version) -
         This is an awesome app that shuts down all data downloads when your phone is in sleep mode.  You can still get calls and text's but just about everything else put to sleep.   It's completely configurable.  My battery lasts 2x longer.
    Try it - you have nothing to loose. 
    Hope this helps.

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    my mbp is a week 13 and has no problems at all. i don't use the battery that often - by now i have 14 cycles.
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    i used my mbp on battery for less than two hours and the battery symbol said that i still have about 50 minutes of battery power. all of a sudden it turned off (as described in many other threads) without any warning and i couldn't turn it on without plugging in the power cable. when i turned it on it started from deep sleep mode (dimmed desktop).
    ...of course i did reset the pram and stuff - but what is going on? as i said i don't meet the exchange program for faulty batteries but still it doesn't seem to work proper.
    what can i do?
    thanks in advance, guys!

    hi and thank you all for your replies so far!
    over the weekend i took some screenshots showing the various total of mAh. i have no idea if that is normal like this? and the battery is behaving normal again, no random shutdown... you can find the images under the following link...
    in addition i added a photo of my magsafe... now that it comes to the battery issue i got slightly concerned if this crimpy cord should be like this (not that this thing starts to melt on me!).
    when i transport my mbp i wind the cord around those two hooks and i never pull the magsyfe by the cord out. but still it looks like this.
    the power cord is from a week 10 macbook pro which i got exchanged for a week 13 but i had to keep the cord...
    i know, this has nothing to do with the battery issue and no, i'm not paranoid - just now that i started this thread i thought i could add it...
    so my questions are:
    - shall i request a new battery considering the various mAh indications?
    - shall i request a new power cord? or does mine look normal?
    why i ask is because i don't want to request something when there is no need for a replacement.
    thank you all!

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    I originally used the Otterbox Defender with my 4S, and I immediately removed the built-in screen protector. I didn't like the way it felt when using the touch screen. Instead, I applied a screen protector directly to the screen. (I can't remember the brand since it's been almost two years.) I didn't care about dust protection. I just cared about impact protection.
    After a few months, I ditched the Defender because it was too bulky. I've used an Incipio case since then and my phone still looks like new.

  • When is the extended battery for the phone going to be available again?

    Seriously, yesterday I found myself going from Verizon Store to Verizon Store looking for the extended battery for the trophy in my area because it has been sold out on this site for at least a month, if not more, as I've started to become dissatisfied lately with the battery life on my trophy (I've been using it more lately because there are a lot more apps available now then there were at launch).  I had no luck, and as HTC doesn't seem to stock parts for the US Trophy on their web store, nor does amazon or anyone else (There aren't even any official ones on eBay right now) and I don't trust 3rd party batteries (I had a horrible experience with a 3rd party battery bought for an old blackberry on eBay this one time), is the Extended Battery EVER going to be in stock again?  Thank you!
    I'm talking about this one:

    Nevermind, I can't believe I'm answering myself.
    It seems to be available in the "Accessory Outlet Store" for a major discount ($25) here at Verizon Wireless.  I guess the $30 off the original retail price is worth the trouble I've had for some time.  But still, why doesn't anyone online or people in the stores know this?

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