Ouput all data with pci 6534 bevor they were updated..

In my application,i do the Digital IO with Ni 6534,i use the onboard loop to output the data from my output buffer,but this data are permanent update.i want to know ,how can i be sure that all my output buffer is transfered, if i update the buffer.i have try to do that which DIG_Block_Check,which [while(ulRemaining !=0)&&(istatus == 0)]but ulRemaining is never egal 0.
i think somebody can help me thank you.
best Regards

The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico, Spanish is my native tongue. I do not speak English very well, however, I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
Unfortunately that is how it works. By unchecking the boxes, no matter how it happens, accidentaly or on purpose, you tell the sync mechanism that you no lonnger wish thes app to be on your iPad. So the sync process then procedes to remove the app and all of its sandboxed content.
Do you have a backup of the iPad that would contain that content?

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    Hi Vishal,
    I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.
    1) It is definitely possible to preload data to the 32MB memory (per group) and start the acquisition after you have preloaded the memory. There are example programs on ni.com/support under Example Code for pattern generation and the 6534 that demonstrate which functions to use for this. Also, if your PC memory buffer is less than 32MB, it will automatically be loaded to the card. If you are in continuous mode however, you can choose to loop using the on-board memory or you can constantly be reading the PC memory buffer as you update it with your application environment.
    2) Yes, your data will automatically be loaded into the card's onboard memory. It will however be transferred as quickly as possible to the DMA FIFO on the card and then transferred to the PC memory buffer through DMA. It is not going to wait until the whole onboard memory is filled before it transfers. It will transfer throughout the acquisition process.
    3) Vishal, searching the example programs will give you many of the details of programming this type of application. I don't know you application software so I can't give you the exact functions but it is easiest to look at the examples on the net (or the shipping examples with your software). Now if you are acquiring 512 bytes of data, you will start to fill your onboard memory and at the same time, data will be sent to the DMA FIFO. When the FIFO is ready to send data to the PC memory buffer, it will (the exact algorithm is dependent on many things regarding how large the DMA packet is etc.).
    4) If I understand you correctly, you want to know if you waste the other 6 bits if you only need to acquire on 10 lines. The answer to this is Yes. Although you are only acquiring 10 bits, it is acquired as a complete word (16bits) and packed and sent using DMA. You application software (NI-DAQ driver) will filter out the last 6 bits of non-data.
    Hope that answers your questions. Once again, the example code on the NI site is a great place to start this type of project. Have a good day.

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    Well, an ADC is an analog-to-digital converter. The 6534 is just a digital board. So on that basis alone, the answer is no, you can't use it to test linearity of an ADC with that board.  I have no idea what you mean by "with agilent GPIB". This is somewhat meaningless, as it doesn't refer to anything.
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    I would suggest contacting your local NI sales office, as they will be capable of helping you pick out the right hardware for what you have and need to do. 

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    How is your memory?
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    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
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    Replace 0 with an empty string in a derived column transformation.
    MCSE SQL Server 2012 - Please mark posts as answered where appropriate.

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    Go to Solution.

    You could try a factory reset (which will delete ALL data on the phone and restore it to 'factory' conditions).
    Settings - Phone - Phone Management - Factory Settings - Delete Data and Restore.
    Try this first off. Re-sync your data and turn the phone off and on again.
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    Hope this helps.

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    SmoothRider wrote:
    Hello demo501, 
    Welcome to the forums. 
    When you are looking at your device storage do you see a button that says "Device Storage Details" ? 
    As far as I know that is the button you have to press to determine if you have been hit by the Other Data Gnome.
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    No setup screen when first starting apple TV

    Hey Docbarb2,
    You should be able to change the language by either restoring your Apple TV with iTunes or change the language by following the steps in the second article. Take a look at the article below for more information to either get you back to square one or to at least a language that you know.
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Restoring your Apple TV
    Change the language on your Apple TV
    Take care,
    -Norm G. 

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    Restore your backup.

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    I had posted my troubles in the Safari Section under the same title and got fabulous advice. I was just starting the process of following this advice so that I could get my mac back up from 10.4.7 to 10.4.11 since the genius' at the bar at Apple had re-installed the OS to fix the crashing Safari, Mail and Software update apps.
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    Verifying volume “Macintosh HD”
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Checking Extents Overflow file.
    Checking Catalog file.
    Invalid index key
    The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    1 HFS volume checked
    Volume needs repair
    So..I will need to, if I understand this correctly, re-start from my install disc holding down the C key and then go to disk utility. I have never done this before and really would like some one to walk me through the procedure.
    Just to remind or get you up to speed. I have a mac mini that had been bought with 10.3.7 on it and had been updated all the way to 10.4.11 and Safari 3.0.4 but after the last Java, Quicktime, and Security update Safari, Mail, and Software Update all crashed repeatedly. Genius Bar at Apple got them working again by re-installing the OS but put in 10.4.7 and with it Safari 2.0.4. Now I will need to repair the start up disk. Do I use the Mac Mini "Mac OS X install disc 1 and Apple Hardware Test" disc or do I use the "Mac OS X Tiger" disc that I bought to upgrade my Mac from Panther to Tiger? I think the former rather than the latter but I am uncertain and would really like to know exactly what I need to do before proceeding. Please help!
    Then.. what do I do after I re-start using the install disc and have gone to Disk Utility. Will it then darken the "repair" button under "disk," and allow me to click on that to repair the disk? What will that do to the applications and documents that I have in the mac. I actually have my iTunes and iPhoto libraries on external hard drives and are backed-up on yet another external hard drive. I think everything is backed-up. I will perform another back-up before I do anything anyway. Do I leave the externals on and connected while doing the re-start using the install disc or do I disconnect them?
    As you can tell, this makes me rather nervous. Thank you so much for any help you can offer! -Charlotte

    Hi. Sorry for the delay in responding; Holidays as you know. Anyway... Thanks for your advice.
    Yes, I put in the Tiger install disc and holding the c key restarted the computer. Went to Disk Utility and ran Repair Disk. Did it twice as you suggested. The first time it said that there was nothing to repair which was a complete surprise. Ran the verify again and ran Repair Disk again. Each time the report shows no problems. After booting back into the main internal hard drive, I ran disk verify again and it reports no problems.
    Someone else on a different post on this subject (I accidently posted this in two different places) stated that the Apple Disk Utility Repair would not be able to make this repair and I would have to get Disk Warrior to make the repair. If Disk Verify reports no problems, wouldn't this mean that running the Repair Disk did repair it?
    After all this I went to Apple's site and got the combo update and ran Software Update and gotten my little ppc Mac Mini back up to 10.4.11 and Safari 3.0.4. (I ran permissions repair after the updates as well.) I did not, however, download the last Security Update, as some posters have suggested that I avoid it. What do you think of the Security Update 2007-009? Would this be safe to download and install, now that my mac seems to have had it's directory repaired? Thanks so much. -Charlotte

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    If you're using the original iPad, that's correct.

  • How to use PCI-6534 High speed DIO to count the no.of pulses aquired

    HI All
    I have PCI-6534 high speed DIO card. My requirement is to count the no.of pulses coming. Here i have an energy meter which generates pulses with frequency of around 8MHz. i need to cunt the no. of pulses coming in, here i am attaching the VI i am using. I could not really count all pulses coming in. right now i am using single line, but the requirement is to develop for 7 lines. I do not know where i am going wrong. Can any of you help me in this regards.
    Anil Punnam
    Read Dig Chan-Change Detection_stop.vi ‏120 KB

    Sorry, not near a LV PC so can't look at your vi now.  Are you limited to using only the 6534?  If all you need to know is the count of pulses from each of the 7 ~8MHz sources, it seems like the amount of data storage required with a 6534 is terribly inefficient.  Since the 7 sources are unlikely to be synchronized in any way and they are each at ~8MHz, you're looking at about 100+ million transitions per second with change detection.  I don't think the hw can keep up with that.  Even using a constant sampling rate of 20 MHz (which just barely satisfies the Nyquist minimum of 2x 8MHz), it's questionable whether you can keep up with that rate for several minutes.  Even supposing the hw and your PCI bus and software can keep up, there's still a TON of processing to do.  20 MB/sec for 20 minutes = 24 GB! 
    On the other hand, consider the 6602 counter timer board.  Here you would simply set up 7 edge counting tasks, probably without any buffering at all.  At any leisurely pace you want, you can software query the counts of the # of pulses on each of the 7 channels and have an instant answer.  The only issue to deal with is that the counts will rollover when you reach 2**32.  At 8 MHz, this will happen about every 9 minutes.  However, DAQmx provides a nice way to handle this.  There's a property you can query that will tell you if a rollover has occurred.  It automatically resets itself to False after you read it so it's ready to detect the next rollover 9 minutes later.  See my first post in this thread for example.  (Last I knew, only DAQmx does the automatic reset, not traditional NI-DAQ).
    If you can possibly buy a 6602, I'd highly recommend it.
    -Kevin P.

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