Outlook Anywhere concurrent access to a single mailbox

Hi , we have a customer that fo some particular reason have 17 device ( PC ) who need to have outlook configured on the same exchange account ( I know we tried to talk him out of it but to no avail ) , the problem we are facing is that only the first Computer
can connect succesfully and then the remeaing device are unable to connect to Exchange ( disconnected from exchange ) . Basically is a first came first serve. I have already created a Throttling policy for these users and set RCAMaxConcurrent to Unlimited
but even this did not solve my issue. I am sure I am hitting some limit imposed from the exchange server but have no clue which one

Hi ,
Thank you for your question.
we could create a new throttling policy to apply this specific mailbox:
New-ThrottlingPolicy –name <Name>
Set-ThrottlingPolicy –identity <Name> –RCAMaxConcurrency <Value>
Set-Mailbox –Identity “Username” –ThrottlingPolicy <Name>  
Notice: The RcaMaxConcurrency parameter specifies how many concurrent connections an RPC Client Access user can have against a server running Exchange 2013 at one time. A connection is held from the moment a request is received until
the connection is closed or the connection is otherwise disconnected (for example, if the user goes offline). If users attempt to make more concurrent requests than their policy allows, the new connection attempt fails. However, the existing connections remain
valid. The RcaMaxConcurrency parameter has a valid range from 0 through 2147483647 inclusive. The default value is 20. To indicate that the number of concurrent connections should be unthrottled (no limit), this value should be set to $null.
We could refer to the following link:
If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
Best Regard,

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  • Problem in concurrent access of a single method

    I have one servlet named "Controllerservlet.java" and a jsp page "Inward jsp".
    Now from this jsp user enters data which are being passed to controller servlet 's "insertData" method which is a synchronized method then it stores the query result in a variable "query_result" whatever it is ( if it throws exception "duplicate value insertion.... this will be assigned to query_result).
    now when only one user is using then it is working fine.But when two user tried to enter the same data simultaneously then in one sceen it showed error message "Can't insert Duplicate value " and in others's it didn't show anything but inserted data.
    I know that when i think data is being entered simultaneously then it is actually not simultaneously for computer.but according to me it shud have shown in one screen "successfully entered" and in other error message "Duplicate value....".
    this is my servlets code
    private synchronized void insertData(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
                 String date = req.getParameter("date");
                 String department[] = req.getParameterValues("Department");
                 String main_Building[] = req.getParameterValues("Main_Building");
                 String Other = req.getParameter("Other");
                 String Roll_No = req.getParameter("Roll_No");
                 String Receiver = req.getParameter("Receiver");
                 String subject = req.getParameter("subject");
                  String buttontype = req.getParameter("buttontype");
                 String entrytype = req.getParameter("type");
                 String query="";
                 String query_result="";
                 String source="";
                 String Department="",Main_Building="";
                 if(department!=null && !department[0].equals("Select"))Department=department[0];
                for (int i=1;i<department.length;i++)
    if(!Department.equals("")) source= Department;
    if(main_Building!=null && !main_Building[0].equals("Select"))
    for (int i=1;i<main_Building.length;i++)
    else source = Main_Building;
    else source = Other;
    Date now = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(" hh:mm:ss a zzz");
    String user = (String)session.getAttribute("user");
    int srno=1;
    try {
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select max(srno) from incommingletters where deleted = 'F'");
    if (rs.next())srno=rs.getInt(1);
    query= "insert into incommingletters values ("+srno+",'"+date+"','"+source+"','"+Roll_No+"','"+Receiver+"','"+subject+"','"+entrytype+"','F')";
    query="insert into traceuser values ('"+user+"','Insertion','"+now+"','"+formatter.format(now)+"',"+srno+")";
    query_result="Entry No. "+srno+" Successfully Saved";
    catch (SQLException e)
    query_result= e.toString();
    catch (SQLException e1)
         //gotojspPage("/resources/Inward.jsp", req, res);
              catch (Exception e)

    hi declangallagher,
    now i am doing the connection in bean it looks like this
    servlet code :
    public class ControllerServlet extends HttpServlet
        PrintWriter out;
        HttpSession session;
        String  name=null;
        String buttontype=null;
        ManipulationOfData md= new ManipulationOfData();
         * Method which intialises the servlet
         * @throws ServletException
        public void init() throws ServletException
             * Method in servlet
             * @param req HttpServletRequest req
             * @param res HttpServletResponse res
             * @throws java.io.IOException
             * @throws ServletException
            public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException
                doGet(req, res);
         * Method used in servlet
         * @param req HttpServletRequest req
         * @param res HttpServletResponse res
         * @throws IOException
         * @throws ServletException
        public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException
            out = res.getWriter();
            session = req.getSession(true);
                  trafficController(req, res);
            catch (Exception e)
                out.println(e.toString() + " In traffic controller");
             * Method that controls the traffic in Controllerservlet
             * @param req HttpServletRquest req
             * @param res HttpServletResponse res
             * @throws Exception
            private void trafficController(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception
             String submit=null;
            submit= req.getParameter("submit");
            if (submit != null)
                submit = submit.trim();
            if (submit!=null)
                    if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("submit"))
                             buttontype =  req.getParameter("buttontype");
                   else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("Sign in"))
                   else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("inward"))
                        //gotojspPage("/resources/Inward.jsp", req, res);
                   else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("edit"))
                   else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("remove"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("Ok"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("view"))
                             //gotojspPage("/resources/viewresult.jsp", req, res);
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("Update"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("Delete"))
                            //gotojspPage("/resources/delete.jsp", req, res);
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("Show Data"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("signout"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("home"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("back"))
                    else if (submit.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteback"))
                           out.println("No Target");
        private void checkUser(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
                Authentication auth = new Authentication();
                String user = req.getParameter("userid");
                user = user.trim();
                String password = req.getParameter("password");
                password = password.trim();
                session.setAttribute("password", password);
                String validity = auth.isValid(user, password);
                session.setAttribute("validity", validity);
                   //gotojspPage("/resources/Inward.jsp", req, res);
            catch (Exception ex)
            private   void insertData(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
                 String date = req.getParameter("date");
                 String department[] = req.getParameterValues("Department");
                 String main_Building[] = req.getParameterValues("Main_Building");
                 String Other = req.getParameter("Other");
                 String Roll_No = req.getParameter("Roll_No");
                 String Receiver = req.getParameter("Receiver");
                 String subject = req.getParameter("subject");
                  String buttontype = req.getParameter("buttontype");
                 String entrytype = req.getParameter("type");
                 String query="";
                 String query_result="";
                 String source="";
                 String Department="",Main_Building="";
                 if(department!=null && !department[0].equals("Select"))Department=department[0];
                for (int i=1;i<department.length;i++)
    if(!Department.equals("")) source= Department;
    if(main_Building!=null && !main_Building[0].equals("Select"))
    for (int i=1;i<main_Building.length;i++)
    else source = Main_Building;
    else source = Other;
    String user = (String)session.getAttribute("user");
         //gotojspPage("/resources/Inward.jsp", req, res);
              catch (Exception e)
    private void showData(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    String exactdate = req.getParameter("date");
    String srnostr = req.getParameter("srno");
    String fromdate = req.getParameter("from");
    String todate = req.getParameter("to");
    String Roll_No = req.getParameter("Roll_No");
    String Receiver = req.getParameter("Receiver");
    String subject = req.getParameter("subject");
    String Department = req.getParameter("Department");
    String Main_Building = req.getParameter("Main_Building");
    String Other = req.getParameter("Other");
    String entrytype = req.getParameter("type");
    String condition="";
    String buttontxt ="",source="";
    String date;
    // out.println(fromdate);out.println(todate);
    subject = subject.trim();
    if(!Department.equalsIgnoreCase("Select")) source= Department;
    else source = Main_Building;
    else source = Other;
    if (exactdate!=null && exactdate.length()!=0) condition = " date = '"+exactdate+"'";
    else if(fromdate!=null &&todate!=null &&fromdate.length()!=0 && todate.length()!=0)
    condition = " date between '"+ fromdate+"' and '"+ todate+"'";
    condition+=" AND source like '%"+source+"%'";
    condition+=" source like '%"+source+"%'";
    condition+=" AND rollno like '%"+Roll_No+"%'";
    condition+=" rollno like '%"+Roll_No+"%'";
    condition+=" AND reciever like '%"+Receiver+"%'";
    condition+=" reciever like '%"+Receiver+"%'";
    condition+=" AND subject like '%"+subject+"%'";
    condition+=" subject like '%"+subject+"%'";
    condition+=" AND type = '"+entrytype+"'";
    condition+=" type = '"+entrytype+"'";
    int srno = Integer.parseInt(srnostr);
    condition+=" AND srno = "+srno;
    condition+=" srno = "+srno;
    buttontxt = req.getParameter("buttontxt");
    Vector show_data_vec = md.showData(condition);
    String queryexception= show_data_vec.elementAt(0).toString();
    Vector cols_name_vec = (Vector)show_data_vec.elementAt(1);
    Vector resultset_ob_vec = (Vector)show_data_vec.elementAt(2);
    try {
    catch (IOException e)
              catch (Exception e)
    private void updateRecord(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    String date = req.getParameter("date");
    String department[] = req.getParameterValues("Department");
    String main_Building[] = req.getParameterValues("Main_Building");
    String Other = req.getParameter("Other");
    String Roll_No = req.getParameter("Roll_No");
    String Receiver = req.getParameter("Receiver");
    String subject = req.getParameter("subject");
         String buttonedit = req.getParameter("buttonedit");
    String entrytype = req.getParameter("type");
    String query="";
    String source="";
    String serialnostr=(String)session.getAttribute("serialno");
    int serialno=Integer.parseInt(serialnostr);
    String Department="",Main_Building="";
    if(department!=null && !department[0].equals("Select"))Department=department[0];
    for (int i=1;i<department.length;i++)
    if(!Department.equals("")) source= Department;
    if(main_Building!=null && !main_Building[0].equals("Select"))
    for (int i=1;i<main_Building.length;i++)
    else source = Main_Building;
    else source = Other;
    String user = (String)session.getAttribute("user");
    String editqrexception=null;
    ResultsetData rsdata = new ResultsetData();
    catch (Exception e)
    private void deleteRecord(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
              String serialnostr = (String) session.getAttribute("serialno");
    int serialno = Integer.parseInt(serialnostr);
              String deleteqrexception=null,buttondelete=null;
    ResultsetData rsdata = new ResultsetData();
    String user = (String)session.getAttribute("user");
    catch (Exception e)
    catch (Exception e)
    private void editDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    String buttonok=null;
    String updation=(String)session.getAttribute("updation");
    String serialnostr = req.getParameter("serialno");
    buttonok = req.getParameter("buttonok");
    int rowcount = 0;
    ResultsetData rsdata = new ResultsetData();
    String query_result =null;
    int serialno = Integer.parseInt(serialnostr);
    query_result = md.editDelete(serialno,rsdata);
    if (updation!=null)
    catch (IOException e)
    else if (updation.equals("delete"))
    try {
    catch (IOException e)
              catch (Exception e)
    private void initialization()
    Vector initial_vec = new Vector();
    Vector departments_vec = new Vector();
    Vector mainbuild_vec = new Vector();
    Vector receiver_vec = new Vector();
    initial_vec = md.Initialization();
    departments_vec = (Vector)initial_vec.elementAt(0);
    mainbuild_vec = (Vector)initial_vec.elementAt(1);
    receiver_vec = (Vector)initial_vec.elementAt(2);
    private void removeInwardSession()
              String serialno ="";
              String buttontype = (String)session.getAttribute("buttontype");
    serialno = (String) session.getAttribute("serialno");
    private void removeShowSession()
              String buttontxt ="";String queryexception ="";
              buttontxt = (String) session.getAttribute("buttontxt");
    queryexception = (String) session.getAttribute("buttontxt");
    private void removeEditSession()
              String buttonedit ="";
              buttonedit = (String) session.getAttribute("buttonedit");
    private void removeDeleteSession()
              String buttondelete ="";
              buttondelete = (String) session.getAttribute("buttondelete");
    private void removeOkSession()
              String buttonok ="";
              buttonok = (String) session.getAttribute("buttonok");
    private void removeValiditySession()
              String validity ="";
              validity = (String) session.getAttribute("validity");
    private void SignOut()
    public void destroy()
    catch (Exception exp)
    i know its very lengthy so concentrate on insertData method and doget only
    and here is the bean
    public class ManipulationOfData
            String url="jdbc:postgresql://";
            String driver="org.postgresql.Driver";
            String username="manish";
            String password="manish";
            Connection conn=null;
            Statement stmt =null;
           String valid="false";
        public void getConnection()
               conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,password);
               stmt= conn.createStatement();
            catch(Exception e)
        public void closeConnection()
            catch(Exception e)
        public synchronized String InsertData(String date,String source,String Roll_No,String Receiver,String subject,String entrytype,String user)
            int srno=1;
            String query_result="";
            Date now = new Date();
            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(" hh:mm:ss a zzz");
                try {
                        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select max(srno) from incommingletters where deleted = 'F'");
                        if (rs.next())srno=rs.getInt(1);
                        String query= "insert into incommingletters values ("+srno+",'"+date+"','"+source+"','"+Roll_No+"','"+Receiver+"','"+subject+"','"+entrytype+"','F')";
                            query="insert into traceuser values ('"+user+"','Insertion','"+now+"','"+formatter.format(now)+"',"+srno+")";
                         query_result="Entry No. "+srno+" Successfully Saved";
                catch (SQLException e)
                        query_result= e.toString();
                        catch (SQLException e1)
        return query_result;
        public synchronized String UpdateData(ResultsetData rsdata,String date,String source,String Roll_No,String Receiver,String subject,int serialno,String entrytype,String user)
            String query_result="";
            Date now = new Date();
            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(" hh:mm:ss a zzz");
            try {
                    String query= "update incommingletters set date = '"+date+"',type = '"+entrytype+"',source = '"+source+"',rollno = '"+Roll_No+"',"+
                            "reciever = '"+Receiver+"',subject = '"+subject+"' where srno ="+serialno +" and deleted = 'F'";
                    query="insert into traceuser values ('"+user+"','Updation','"+now+"','"+formatter.format(now)+"',"+serialno+")";
                   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from incommingletters where srno ="+serialno+
                           " and deleted = 'F'");
                   rsdata =  putResClass(rs,rsdata);
                    query_result="Successfully Updated";
                catch (SQLException e)
                        //  ConnectionPool.freeCon(conn);
                    } catch (SQLException e1) {
         return query_result;
        public synchronized String DeleteData(ResultsetData rsdata,int serialno,String user)
            Date now = new Date();
            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(" hh:mm:ss a zzz");
            String query_result="";
            try {
                    stmt.executeUpdate("update incommingletters set deleted ='T' where srno ="+serialno);
                    String query="insert into traceuser values ('"+user+"','Deletion','"+now+"','"+formatter.format(now)+"',"+serialno+")";
                    query_result = "Successful";
            catch (SQLException e)
                try {
                        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from incommingletters where srno ="+serialno+" and deleted='F'");
                        rsdata =  putResClass(rs,rsdata);
                        // conn.close();
                catch (SQLException e1)
           return query_result;
       public Vector showData(String condition)
           String query="",query_result="";
           int rowcount=0;
           Vector show_data = new Vector();
           Vector cols_name_vec = new Vector();
           Vector resultset_ob_vec = new Vector();
           ResultSet rs=null;
           try {
                    query = "select COUNT(*) as rowcount from incommingletters where "+condition+" and deleted='F'";
                    query = "select COUNT(*) as rowcount from incommingletters where deleted ='F' ";
                     rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
                    if(rs.next()) rowcount= rs.getInt("rowcount") ;
           catch (SQLException e)
                          query = "select * from incommingletters where "+condition+" and deleted='F' order by srno";
                            query = "select * from incommingletters where deleted = 'F' order by srno";
                            rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
                         query_result ="Successful";
                         ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
                         int totcols=rsmd.getColumnCount();
                         String col;
                         for(int i=0;i<totcols;i++)
                            try {
                                    while (rs.next())
                                              ResultsetData rsdata = new ResultsetData();
                                              rsdata = new ResultsetData();
                            catch (SQLException e)

  • How to disable Exchange 2013 Outlook Anywhere for internal Outlook client

    By default, Exchange 2013's Outlook Anywhere is enable for all user mailbox, if I disable the Outlook Anywhere per user mailbox, the user will not able to connect his Outlook client to Exchange 2013.  What is the best method to disable the Outlook anywhere
    on mailbox but let the Outlook 2013 still able access to Exchg server.
    The initial idea is to prevent user from access to company Exchange server from ANYWHERE, we just want to open the Outlook Anywhere for the authorized user only.  Looks like Microsoft did not think about the security.

    By default, Exchange 2013's Outlook Anywhere is enable for all user mailbox, if I disable the Outlook Anywhere per user mailbox, the user will not able to connect his Outlook client to Exchange 2013.  What is the best method to disable the Outlook anywhere
    on mailbox but let the Outlook 2013 still able access to Exchg server.
    The initial idea is to prevent user from access to company Exchange server from ANYWHERE, we just want to open the Outlook Anywhere for the authorized user only.  Looks like Microsoft did not think about the security.
    I don't understand your request. If you disabled Outlook Anywhere, Outlook will only be able to connect via IMAP or POP3.
    If you want to disable this ability and allow some then perhaps use cas-mailbox to disable in bulk and then enable only those allowed:
    The MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp parameter enables or disables access to the mailbox by using Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP) in Microsoft Outlook.
    Valid values for this parameter are:
    $true   Only Outlook clients that aren't configured to use Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP) are allowed to access the mailbox. By default, Outlook 2013 is configured to use Outlook Anywhere.
    $false   Outlook clients that are configured to use Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP) are allowed to access the mailbox.
    The default value is $false.
    Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

  • Exchange 2013 & Exchange 2007 Co-exist - Problems with Outlook anywhere proxy

    Got EX13 and EX07 in co-exist. Pointed all the external URL to EX13. ActiveSync proxies to 2007 and OWA redirects to legacy url with SSO. Working perfectly!
    But with Outlook Anywhere it does not work. Mailboxes on EX13 works good, but not for EX07 user.
    Error message from MRCA:
    Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6001 (Exchange Information Store) on server "internalFQDN ofbackend EX07 server"
    The RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE error (0x6ba) was thrown by the RPC Runtime process.

    We need to change the Authenticaion on the Outlook Anywhere to NTLM
    Set-OutlookAnywhere -Identity "xxx\Rpc (Default Web Site)" –InternalHostName mail.domain.com
     -InternalClientsRequireSsl $True -ExternalHostName mail.domain.com
     -ExternalClientsRequireSsl $True -InternalClientAuthenticationMethod NTLM 
    -ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod NTLM -IISAuthenticationMethods 
    Basic, NTLM, Negotiate 
    Please first backup the Outlook Anywhere settings then do the above changes.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Access to Outlook Anywhere does not work

    Good evening,
    I recently installed an Exchange Server 2013 CAS / MB.
    Until now, the server presented a few errors (mainly in the
    event log) that does not seem to significantly influence functionality.
    This week I published the server on the Internet and verified various malfunctions
    related to the access from outside.
    In particular from outside:
    1 - OWA does not work with Windows integrated authentication, it works with the Forms based authentication;
    2 - Outlook Anywhere does not work from internet.
    I've done a lot of research and testing without success.
    With regard to the first issue (which is not a priority but can relate to second one)
    add that in Firefox I get a first authentication request. If
    I enter credentials it ask again for identical authentication (repeatly), if I cancel it shows a second one that instead allows me access (are slightly different).
    I assume that the first is the integrated Windows application and the second is basic authentication.
    Internet Explorer shows me only the first authentication request and if I cancel shows blank page.
    The problem is
    priority 2:
    Outlook connects without problems on LAN network, the Internet
    seems to download the correct information
    (autodiscover), but then does not connect
    to the server (connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable).
    If you manually edit the settings,
    auto-configuration server returns as
    a [email protected]. If I change
    manually the server (and proxy settings
    http), the result does not change.
    - Setting information -
    The server is installed
    in the LAN network and is exposed on the Internet through
    a firewall (Pat on port 443, et al. not 80)
    on a public address.
    The public and private DNS have been configured with a
    host record (A) and two
    CNAME (webmail and autodiscover).
    The internal Outlook clients connect
    with autodiscover and HTTPS /
    NTLM / SSL (Outlook connectivity
    IMAP, SMTP, POP, ActiveSync function.
    Exchange remote connectivity analizer retrieves Autodiscover information but doesn't pass test for RPC/HTTP access (it discard accesson
    port 443 and try port 80, SPF isn't configured).
    The navigation to the url
    https://proxyexternalURL/rpc/rpcproxy.dll  has the same behaviour like problem 1.
    Test-OutlookConnectivity returns unmanaged error ('WARNING: An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated: Failed to find the probe result for invoke now request id -- and probe workdefinition id --').
    Errors in eventviewer: 5011 - WAS (one time), 139 - MSExchange OWA (some not ripetitive), 3028 - MSExchangeApplicationLogic (every 6 hours), 106 - MSExchange common (many during working hour), 65535 - application (some at nighttime 00.00 - 03.00 a.m.), 1006
    - MSExchangeDiagnostic (every 30 min), 6002 - MSExchange Mid-Tier Storage (about every 5 minutes), 5 - MSExcahnge Workload Management (one time).
    Ask for further information.
    - Cmdlet and Autodiscover output -
    Get-OutlookAnywhere | fl name,*auth*,*ssl*,*host*
    Name                               : Rpc (Default Web site)
    ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod : Basic
    InternalClientAuthenticationMethod : Ntlm
    IISAuthenticationMethods           : {Basic, Ntlm, Negotiate}
    SSLOffloading                      : True
    ExternalClientsRequireSsl          : True
    InternalClientsRequireSsl          : True
    ExternalHostname                   : webmail.name_domain.test
    InternalHostname                   : webmail.name_domain.test
    Get-OutlookProvider | ft -autosize
    Name     Server CertPrincipalName                      TTL
    EXCH            msstd:webmail.name_domain.test         1  
    EXPR             msstd:webmail.name_domain.test         1  
    Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl name,*auth*,*url*
    Name                          : Autodiscover (Default Web site)
    InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, WSSecu.testy, OAuth}
    ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, WSSecu.testy, OAuth}
    LiveIdNegotiateAuthentication : False
    WSSecu.testyAuthentication      : True
    LiveIdBasicAuthentication     : False
    BasicAuthentication           : True
    DigestAuthentication          : False
    WindowsAuthentication         : False
    OAuthAuthentication           : True
    AdfsAuthentication            : False
    InternalUrl                   :
    ExternalUrl                   :
    Get-MapiVirtualDirectory | fl name,*auth*,*url*
    Name                          : mapi (Default Web site)
    IISAuthenticationMethods      : {Basic, Ntlm, Negotiate}
    InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Ntlm, Negotiate}
    ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Ntlm, Negotiate}
    InternalUrl                   : https://webmail.name_domain.test/mapi
    ExternalUrl                   : https://webmail.name_domain.test/mapi
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Autodiscover xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/responseschema/2006">
      <Response xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/responseschema/2006a">
          <LegacyDN>/o=organization_name/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=e4c0c18c8f214afbb5152bb08823179d-user</LegacyDN>
            <ServerDN>/o=organization_name/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=72036b30-a4d4-4b42-9c39-445bd04c23a6@name_domain.test</ServerDN>
            <MdbDN>/o=organization_name/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=72036b30-a4d4-4b42-9c39-445bd04c23a6@name_domain.test/cn=Microsoft Private MDB</MdbDN>
              <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Basic, Fba">https://webmail.name_domain.test/</OWAUrl>
              <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Basic">https://webmail.name_domain.test/</OWAUrl>
    Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | fl name,*auth*,*url*
    Name                          : owa (Default Web Site)
    ClientAuthCleanupLevel        : High
    InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Fba}
    BasicAuthentication           : True
    WindowsAuthentication         : False
    DigestAuthentication          : False
    FormsAuthentication           : True
    LiveIdAuthentication          : False
    AdfsAuthentication            : False
    OAuthAuthentication           : False
    ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic}
    Url                           : {}
    SetPhotoURL                   :
    Exchange2003Url               :
    FailbackUrl                   :
    InternalUrl                   : https://webmail.name_domain.test/
    ExternalUrl                   : https://webmail.name_domain.test/

    Follow the results of the test
    Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP).
    Has been used an account for which
    outlook anywhere works. The account
    for which the outlook anywhere does not work is
    an administrative account and therefore
    can not be used in the test.
    Autodiscovery returns the
    same result for both mailbox.
    I'm testing RPC/HTTP connectivity.
    Testing RPC over HTTP has not been exceeded.
    Test steps
    Microsoft connectivity Analyzer is attempting to test the Autodiscover service for user_test@domain_name.test.
    Test the Autodiscover service has not been exceeded.
    Test steps
    I'm trying to contact the Autodiscover service with each method available.
    I was not able to contact the Autodiscover service with no method.
    Test steps
    I'm trying to test the possible URL for the Autodiscover service https://domain_name.test/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml
    The test of this potential URL for the Autodiscover service has not been exceeded.
    Test steps
    I'm trying to resolve the host name domain_name. DNS test.
    I was able to resolve the host name.
    IP addresses are returned: xxx.yyy.zzz.www
    I'm testing the TCP port 443 on the host domain_name. tests to check that is open and listening.
    The door has been opened properly.
    I'm testing the validity of your SSL certificate.
    The SSL certificate has not exceeded one or more validation controls.
    Test steps
    Microsoft connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from the remote server domain_name. test on port 443.
    Microsoft connectivity Analyzer got the remote SSL certificate.
    Remote certificate subject: E = it_staff@domain_name.test, CN = * domain_name. test, OU = it staff, O = domain_name, L = city, S = state, C = test issuer: E = it_staff@domain_name.test, CN = * domain_name. test, OU = it staff, O = domain_name,
    L = city, S = state, C = test.
    I am validating the certificate name.
    I could not validate the certificate name.
    More info about this issue and how to resove it
    The host name domain_name. testing does not match any name found on the certificate and server = it_staff@domain_name.test, CN = * domain_name. test, OU = it staff, O = domain_name, L = city, S = state, C = test.
    I'm trying to test the possible URL for the Autodiscover service https://autodiscover.domain_name.test/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml
    The test of this potential URL for the Autodiscover service has not been exceeded.
    Test steps
    I'm trying to resolve the host name autodiscover. domain_name. DNS test.
    I was able to resolve the host name.
    IP addresses are returned: xxx.yyy.zzz.kkk
    I'm testing the TCP port 443 on the host autodiscover. domain_name. tests to check that is open and listening.
    The door has been opened properly.
    I'm testing the validity of your SSL certificate.
    The SSL certificate has not exceeded one or more validation controls.
    Test steps
    Microsoft connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from the remote server autodiscover. domain_name. test on port 443.
    Microsoft connectivity Analyzer got the remote SSL certificate.
    Other details
    Remote certificate subject: CN = webmail. domain_name. test, OU = it staff, O = domain_name, L = city, S = city, C = test issuer: CN = domain_name-DC1-CA, DC = domain_name, DC = test.
    I am validating the certificate name.
    I validated the certificate name.
    Other details
    I found the host name autodiscover. domain_name. test in the voice of the alternative name of the certificate object.
    Elapsed time: 1 ms.
    I am validating the reliability of certificates.
    I was not able to validate the reliability of the certificate.
    Test steps
    Microsoft connectivity Analyzer is attempting to generate certificate chains to a certificate CN = webmail. domain_name. test, OU = it staff, O = domain_name, L = city, S = city, C = test.
    I failed to build a certificate chain for the certificate.
    Other details
    Failed to generate the certificate chain.
    May be missing the required intermediate certificates.
    I'm trying to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
    I was not able to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
    Test steps
    I'm trying to resolve the host name autodiscover. domain_name. DNS test.
    I was able to resolve the host name.
    IP addresses are returned: xxx.yyy.zzz.kkk
    I'm testing the TCP port 80 on the host autodiscover. domain_name. tests to check that is open and listening.
    The specified port is blocked, is not listening or doesn't produce the expected response.
    More info about this issue and how to resove it
    I encountered a network error while communicating with the remote host.
    I'm trying to
    find the
    SRV DNS record _audiscover._tcp.domain_name.test.
    I failed to find
    the SRV record of the
    Autodiscover service
    in DNS.
    Some clarifications:
    1 - xxx.yyy.zzz.www and xxx.yyy.zzz.kkk
    are two static public addresses
    of which only the latter exposes Exchange services;
    2 - The certificate
    *. Domain_name.test is not related
    to Exchange services;
    3 -I imported the certificate
    of the issuing CA on the standalone test PC to validate the certificate.
    3- The port 80 is not open and are not published SRV records.
    Best regards.

  • Client Access Server Logs that capture Outlook Anywhere Connections

    Do Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers log Outlook Anywhere connections? Since it's RPC over HTTP, I'm thinking these would be in the IIS logs but don't see any entries in those logs that pertain to Outlook Anywhere. What logs contain Outlook Anywhere connections?
    I suspect I have a CAS server that isn't working properly pertaining to OA and need to be able to review some sort of logs to confirm.

    Do the below basic checks-
    Running the Test-OutlookConnectivity cmdlet. The cmdlet tests for Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP) and TCP/IP connections. If the cmdlet
    test fails, the output notes the step that failed.
    Running the Outlook Anywhere connectivity test using the Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer (ExRCA). When you run this test, you get a detailed summary showing where the test failed and what steps you can take to fix issues.
    Both tests try to log on through Outlook Anywhere after obtaining server settings from the Autodiscover service. End-to-end verification includes the following:
    Testing for Autodiscover connectivity
    Validating DNS
    Validating certificates (whether the certificate name matches the Web site, whether the certificate has expired, and whether it's trusted)
    Checking that the firewall is set up correctly (ExRCA checks overall firewall setup. The cmdlet tests for Windows firewall configuration.)
    Confirming client connectivity by logging on to the user's mailbox

  • Managing Outlook Anywhere Access?

    Other than completely disabling Outlook Anywhere and requiring everyone to either be on the LAN or connected via VPN to access Outlook mail, is there any way to control access in a similar way as Activesync access can be managed with MDM solutions?
    We cannot restrict to only domain joined computers because we have a lot of business partners that use Outlook from laptops joined to their companies' domains.  That is approved because the business partner laptops have similar security policies to
    ours. What is prohibited is users installing an Outlook client on their privately owned PC and then using it accesses their MAPI account.
    Since their unmanaged PC would not be subject to any group policies by us or their employer, they would then be free to then export their mailbox into a PST and do whatever they want with it or simply get their unencrypted home PC stolen with company email
    data on it.
    What options are available for limiting Exchange 2013 MAPI access to specific devices, but not limiting those devices to only devices joined to our own domain?

    OWA is not good enough because OWA doesn't notify you when there is a new email message.  If the partners only had OWA, they would miss lots of time sensitive emails and meeting reminders and we don't want to forward the messages and attachments to
    their other email address.
    OWA does notify you when a new email arrives. It even makes the message arrival sound.
    CRM Advisor

  • Single Mailbox opened in multipul Outlook clients.

    Question:  How many users can open a single mailbox in Outlook?  We have a dept that is trying to have 4+ users open the same single mailbox and failing.  They say they can connect to this mailbox up to three users only.  The only
    time a fourth can connect is when one fo previous users disconnects.
    Any ideas where I can start looking?  Thanks!

    There is no exact limits on how many users can access one mailbox at the same time. But there is
    the maximum allowable sessions per user specified by Maximum Allowed Sessions Per User value.
    By default, sessions per user are limited to 32, and service sessions per user are limited to 16.
    If you want to modify the session limits, you need to modify them on all Mailbox servers within any database availability groups (DAGs). If you don't make the same changes on all servers, the results will be inconsistent. To increase the session limit on
    the Client Access server, the RCAMaxConcurrency value must be increased on the throttling policy. For more information, see
    For more information about this, please refer to:
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook anywhere in 2007/2013 coexistence

    I have a multitenant exchange 2007 at a single server setup and I’m trying to do migration to exchange 2013. I’m testing this in my lab environment before I go the production. I’m quite far and for example the owa redirection to exchange
    2007 works. Also I can connect with outlook anywhere the exchange 2013 server when the mailbox is transferred.
    Problem is that the exchange 2013 proxy redirection to 2007 server isn’t working. My Outlook 2010 just keeps asking username and password. Outlooks are configured to connect with basic authentication.
    I have done a lot of googling about the issue and there is a lot of discussion about it. I have tried a lot of things and I’m quite lost now.
    I have tried to configure the externalclientauthenticationmethod, internalauthenticationmethod and IISauthenticationmethods with different kind of setups but can’t get it to work. Also tried to change the internal and external hostnames.
    My outlook anywhere setup at 2007 server is:
    : 714f0d1a-c0f0-4694-aefe-8cf6218521ea
    : EXCHANGE07
    : False
    : exchange07.xxx.fi
    : legacy.xxx.fi
    ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod : Basic
    InternalClientAuthenticationMethod : Ntlm
    : {Basic, Ntlm}
       : True
    : True
    : IIS://wcn-exchange07.welcomnet.fi/W3SVC/1/ROOT/Rpc
    : C:\WINDOWS\System32\RpcProxy
    : None
    : Version 8.3 (Build 83.6)
      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    : Rpc (Default Web Site)
    : {top, msExchVirtualDirectory, msExchRpcHttpVirtualDirectory}
    : 14.5.2014 20:56:18
                 : 14.10.2008 12:33:07
    : 14.5.2014 17:56:18
    : 14.10.2008 9:33:07
    Exchange 2013 outook anywhere setup:
    : 714f0d1a-c0f0-4694-aefe-8cf6218521ea
    : EXCHANGE13
    : False
    : exchange07.xxx.fi
    : exchange07.xxx.fi
    ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod : Basic
    InternalClientAuthenticationMethod : Ntlm
    : {Basic, Ntlm}
    : True
    : True
    : IIS://exchange13.xxx.fi/W3SVC/1/ROOT/Rpc
                                 : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\FrontEnd\HttpProxy\rpc
    : None
      : Version 15.0 (Build 847.32)
    : 0.20 (
           : Rpc (Default Web Site)
                  : {top, msExchVirtualDirectory, msExchRpcHttpVirtualDirectory}
    : 14.5.2014 20:55:56
    : 2.4.2014 0:57:19
    : 14.5.2014 17:55:56
    : 1.4.2014 21:57:19
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Firstly, I'd like to explain, only in Exchange 2013, internal and external Outlook clients use Outlook Anywhere. Thus,in Exchange 2007, Outlook Anywhere settings can only include the external host name.
    And based on my experience, the credential issue is related to connectivity issue, authentication issue or public folder access.
    So I'd like to confirm the following information to understand more about the issue:
    1.  Does the issue happens on all users? users on Exhcange 2007 or 2013? internal users or external users?
    As far as I know, redirection and proxy don't happen on Outlook clients:
    2. Which IP address do your host name points to? legacy.xxx.fi, exchange07.xxx.fi?
    3. Check the Outlook Anywhere connectivity of the problematic users by ExRCA:
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook Anywhere: internal working, external not

    I posted a similar question relating to home users and authentication
    here, but this question is different
    I am in co-existence with Ex2010 and about to start moving mailboxes onto Ex2013. I already have a few test mailboxes on Ex2013. I am running through a final check list of items to test but before I point my internal and external DNS to Ex2013 I am simulating
    this from a laptop by changing the hosts file. Everything is working fine with the exception of users outside my network who use Outlook Anywhere.
    This is what I know...
    Internally Outlook works fine for mailboxes on both Ex2010 and Ex2013, as does access to public folders, etc
    If I create a new mail profile for a mailbox user already on Ex2013, Outlook connects fine.
    If I create a new mail profile for a mailbox user on Ex2010, autodiscover works and fills in the fields, but Outlook cannot logon. I get "The action cannot be completed. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or
    connected to complete this action."
    If I edit my hosts file and point back to Ex2010 CAS then the mail profile will be created successfully and Outlook opens. Changing the hosts file back again breaks Outlook. 
    Here are my settings:
    ExternalHostname: webmail.company.co.uk
    InternalHostname: {empty}
    ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod: Ntlm
    InternalClientAuthenticationMethod: Ntlm
    IISAuthenticationMethods: {Basic, Ntlm}
    ExternalClientsRequireSSL: True
    <mark>InternalClientsRequireSSL: False</mark>
    ExternalHostname: webmail.company.co.uk
    InternalHostname: webmail.company.co.uk
    ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod: Ntlm
    InternalClientAuthenticationMethod: Ntlm
    IISAuthenticationMethods: {Basic, Ntlm, Negotiate}
    ExternalClientsRequireSSL: True
    InternalClientsRequireSSL: True
    EXCH: CertPrincipalName: msstd:webmail.company.co.uk
    EXPR: CertPrincipalName: msstd:webmail.company.co.uk
    In IIS...
    RPC (Default Web Site) - Authentication
    Basic Authentication = enabled
    Windows Authentication = enabled
    <mark>Authentication Providers order:
    1. NTLM
    2. Negotiate</mark>
    RPC (Default Web Site) - Authentication
    Basic Authentication = enabled
    Windows Authentication = enabled
    <mark>Authentication Providers order:
    1. Negotiate
    2. NTLM</mark>
    So, Ex2013 appears to not be proxying connections to Ex2010 mailboxes when outside my network. As mentioned, internally this setup works fine. And connecting to mailboxes on Ex2013 (so no proxying) also works fine.
    Some settings, such as Ex2010 InternalHostname and the order of authentication providers in IIS are different between the two servers. Would this make a difference?
    Q. Should I have an explicit entry in 'InternalHostName' on Ex2010?
    Q. On Ex2013 I have tried putting NTLM above Negotiate, which did not make a difference, and also reverted back automatically after a few minutes.
    Many thanks for any comments and suggestions

    Hi Off2work,
    My setup is fairly simple. A single all-in-one Ex2010 server and single all-in-one Ex2013 server.
    I am using a Sonicwall NSA 3500. Setup with NAT rules for port 443 to Ex2010 server. Not using reverse proxy or TMG.
    99% of mailboxes are still on Ex2010.
    Internal DNS (for webmail.company.co.uk) points to internal IP of Ex2010
    External DNS (for webmail.company.co.uk) points to external IP on Sonicwall.
    Its worth mentioning that internal Outlook users are currently using RPC, not Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP). I'm yet to turn this on. It does work however as I have tested it.
    External users (non-domain) are obviously using RPC over HTTP from Outlook Anywhere.
    What I am doing is 'simulating' pointing webmail.company.co.uk to Ex2013. I have a laptop I am testing this from. I can simulate this on the LAN by editing the hosts file. Users with mailboxes on Ex2010 can create Outlook profiles and access their mailboxes.
    Same for users on Ex2013 - it works fine. 
    To simulate this from outside the LAN I have the laptop connect from a known external IP and I setup a custom NAT rule to forward to Ex2013. From 'outside', users with mailboxes on Ex2013 can create a profile fine. Users with mailboxes on Ex2010 cannot.
    The autodiscover part works and fills in the fields, but the Outlook cannot logon to the mailbox. I get the message shown on my very first post.
    From my untrained point of view, this appears to be an authentication issue when the Ex2013 server is proxying to the Ex2010 server.
    To answer your other questions, I never setup a CAS Array in 2010 as I only had 1 server. I now read this would have been advised. Still the output for your command returns (from Ex2010)
    DB1 Ex2010.company.local
    DB2 Ex2010.company.local
    As mentioned, current internal Outlook users are using RPC so connect to this address. When I enable RPC over HTTP they will connect to webmail.company.co.uk
    One question, in Ex2013, in IIS, for Windows Authentication > Providers, I have Negotiate above NTLM. How do I switch this around so it matches Ex2010? I can do it manually, but it keeps reverting back.
    Thanks very much.

  • Server Name VS Outlook Anywhere Proxy Server and the behaviour I should expect when using SAN certificates...

    (I'll upload screen captures if needed once my account gets verified)
    I have a basic (as in freshly installed single exchange server 2010 SP3) Exchange Server installation. I've setup Outlook Anywhere. I've also setup a SAN (SubjectAltName) certificate.
    My setup:
    ex01.eci.XXXX.XX = is the server name and also the CN of my SAN certificate
    mail.eci.XXXX.XX = an A record I've setup to access my exchange server. It is also a subjectAltName in my SAN certificate
    When setting up Outlook, I enter the server name and specify the Outlook Anywhere proxy server in the Outlook Anywhere section. This works fine and I connect to my exchange server using RPC over HTTPS.
    Now, I was under the impression that specifying SANs in the certificate would allow me to enter the SAN alt name (mail.eci.XXXX.XX) in the field reserved for the Server Name, in Outlook..
    But it does not work. The proxy will give me an error each time, like that:
    HTTP    544    RPC_IN_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll?mail.eci.XXXX.XX:6002 HTTP/1.1 , NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE
    HTTP    635    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized , NTLMSSP_CHALLENGE (text/html)
    HTTP    123    HTTP/1.0 503 RPC Error: 6ba
    My question is: is this the behaviour I should expect? Or should I be able to specify the SAN alt name in the Server Name in Outlook?

    Firstly, I’d like to explain, the server name tab should be filled with your mailbox server name in the process of configuring Exchange 2010 account.
    And the Outlook Anywhere proxy server is configured at the server side and cannot be randomly defined at the client side. To check it, we can run: get-outlookanywhere |fl externalhostname
    Thus, it’s an expected behavior that we would get error if we randomly enter name in the server name tab when we configure an account. If I misunderstand your meaning, please feel free to let me know.
    Additionally, Autodiscover service can help us automatically complete the configuration of the Outlook account. And how about the result if you use the Autodiscover to automatically configure the account?
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • "The EXCH provider section is missing from the Autodiscover response." On single mailbox

    We have a single mailbox with this issue, the RCA tool returns the message:
     The EXCH provider section is missing from the Autodiscover response.
    No other mailboxes have issues with Outlook anywhere but this one user is unable to use their mailbox from Outlook. I tried creating a fresh mailbox for this user and completely deleted the old one but this didn't seem to work. anyone have any ideas on how
    I can resolve this?
    This is Exchange 2010, SP1 with all update rollups applied.

    This workstation's network connectivity is okay. And a test with any other user account information from the same station is successful. I've tried this from both a domain and non-domain station with the same results. But this test was from a domain machine.
    Also note that our internal and external URIs are identical as the CAS server is the same for both.
    Here is the full RCA output.
    Testing RPC/HTTP connectivity.
     The RPC/HTTP test failed.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to test Autodiscover for
    [email protected].
     Autodiscover was tested successfully.
     Test Steps
     Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service.
     The Autodiscover service was tested successfully.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
     Additional Details
     IP addresses returned:
    Testing TCP port 443 on host research.osu.edu to ensure it's listening and open.
     The specified port is either blocked, not listening, or not producing the expected response.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
     Additional Details
     A network error occurred while communicating with the remote host.
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name couldn't be resolved.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
     Additional Details
     Host autodiscover.research.osu.edu couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
     The attempt to contact Autodiscover using the HTTP Redirect method failed.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name couldn't be resolved.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
     Additional Details
     Host autodiscover.research.osu.edu couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
     ExRCA successfully contacted the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to locate SRV record _autodiscover._tcp.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The Autodiscover SRV record was successfully retrieved from DNS.
     Additional Details
     The Service Location (SRV) record lookup returned host mail.research.osu.edu.
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of the Autodiscover URL was successful.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name mail.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
     Additional Details
     IP addresses returned:
    Testing TCP port 443 on host mail.research.osu.edu to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The certificate passed all validation requirements.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server mail.research.osu.edu on port 443.
     ExRCA successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
     Additional Details
     Remote Certificate Subject: CN=mail.research.osu.edu, OU=Office of Research, O=The Ohio State University, STREET=154 W 12th Avenue, L=Columbus, S=OH, PostalCode=43210, C=US, Issuer: CN=InCommon Server CA, OU=InCommon, O=Internet2, C=US.
    Validating the certificate name.
     The certificate name was validated successfully.
     Additional Details
     Host name mail.research.osu.edu was found in the Certificate Subject Common name.
    Certificate trust is being validated.
     The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate CN=mail.research.osu.edu, OU=Office of Research, O=The Ohio State University, STREET=154 W 12th Avenue, L=Columbus, S=OH, PostalCode=43210, C=US.
     One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully.
     Additional Details
     A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE.
    Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows.
     Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows.
     Additional Details
     ExRCA can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the "Update Root Certificates" feature isn't enabled.
    Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
     Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired.
     Additional Details
     The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 6/23/2011 12:00:00 AM, NotAfter = 6/22/2012 11:59:59 PM
    Checking the IIS configuration for client certificate authentication.
     Client certificate authentication wasn't detected.
     Additional Details
     Accept/Require Client Certificates isn't configured.
    Attempting to send an Autodiscover POST request to potential Autodiscover URLs.
     ExRCA successfully retrieved Autodiscover settings by sending an Autodiscover POST.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to retrieve an XML Autodiscover response from URL
    https://mail.research.osu.edu/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml for user
    [email protected].
     The Autodiscover XML response was successfully retrieved.
     Additional Details
     Autodiscover Account Settings
    XML response:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Autodiscover xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/responseschema/2006">
    <Response xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/responseschema/2006a">
    <DisplayName>Alba, Andrea</DisplayName>
    <LegacyDN>/o=Research Foundation/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Alba, Andrea</LegacyDN>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Basic, Fba">https://mail.research.osu.edu/owa/</OWAUrl>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Fba">https://mail.research.osu.edu/owa/</OWAUrl>
    Autodiscover settings for Outlook Anywhere are being validated.
     ExRCA wasn't able to validate Outlook Anywhere Autodiscover settings.
     Additional Details
     The EXCH provider section is missing from the Autodiscover response.
    And then a test with a different user:
    Testing RPC/HTTP connectivity.
     The RPC/HTTP test completed successfully.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to test Autodiscover for
    [email protected].
     Autodiscover was tested successfully.
     Test Steps
     Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service.
     The Autodiscover service was tested successfully.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
     Additional Details
     IP addresses returned:
    Testing TCP port 443 on host research.osu.edu to ensure it's listening and open.
     The specified port is either blocked, not listening, or not producing the expected response.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
     Additional Details
     A network error occurred while communicating with the remote host.
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name couldn't be resolved.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
     Additional Details
     Host autodiscover.research.osu.edu couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
     The attempt to contact Autodiscover using the HTTP Redirect method failed.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name couldn't be resolved.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
     Additional Details
     Host autodiscover.research.osu.edu couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
     ExRCA successfully contacted the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to locate SRV record _autodiscover._tcp.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The Autodiscover SRV record was successfully retrieved from DNS.
     Additional Details
     The Service Location (SRV) record lookup returned host mail.research.osu.edu.
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of the Autodiscover URL was successful.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to resolve the host name mail.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
     Additional Details
     IP addresses returned:
    Testing TCP port 443 on host mail.research.osu.edu to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The certificate passed all validation requirements.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server mail.research.osu.edu on port 443.
     ExRCA successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
     Additional Details
     Remote Certificate Subject: CN=mail.research.osu.edu, OU=Office of Research, O=The Ohio State University, STREET=154 W 12th Avenue, L=Columbus, S=OH, PostalCode=43210, C=US, Issuer: CN=InCommon Server CA, OU=InCommon, O=Internet2, C=US.
    Validating the certificate name.
     The certificate name was validated successfully.
     Additional Details
     Host name mail.research.osu.edu was found in the Certificate Subject Common name.
    Certificate trust is being validated.
     The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate CN=mail.research.osu.edu, OU=Office of Research, O=The Ohio State University, STREET=154 W 12th Avenue, L=Columbus, S=OH, PostalCode=43210, C=US.
     One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully.
     Additional Details
     A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE.
    Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows.
     Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows.
     Additional Details
     ExRCA can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the "Update Root Certificates" feature isn't enabled.
    Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
     Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired.
     Additional Details
     The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 6/23/2011 12:00:00 AM, NotAfter = 6/22/2012 11:59:59 PM
    Checking the IIS configuration for client certificate authentication.
     Client certificate authentication wasn't detected.
     Additional Details
     Accept/Require Client Certificates isn't configured.
    Attempting to send an Autodiscover POST request to potential Autodiscover URLs.
     ExRCA successfully retrieved Autodiscover settings by sending an Autodiscover POST.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to retrieve an XML Autodiscover response from URL
    https://mail.research.osu.edu/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml for user
    [email protected].
     The Autodiscover XML response was successfully retrieved.
     Additional Details
     Autodiscover Account Settings
    XML response:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Autodiscover xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/responseschema/2006">
    <Response xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/responseschema/2006a">
    <DisplayName>Bossley, Peter A</DisplayName>
    <LegacyDN>/o=Research Foundation/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Bossley, Peter A</LegacyDN>
    <ServerDN>/o=Research Foundation/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL</ServerDN>
    <MdbDN>/o=Research Foundation/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL/cn=Microsoft Private MDB</MdbDN>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Basic, Fba">https://mail.research.osu.edu/owa/</OWAUrl>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Fba">https://mail.research.osu.edu/owa/</OWAUrl>
    Autodiscover settings for Outlook Anywhere are being validated.
     ExRCA validated the Outlook Anywhere Autodiscover settings.
    Attempting to resolve the host name mail.research.osu.edu in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
     Additional Details
     IP addresses returned:
    Testing TCP port 443 on host mail.research.osu.edu to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The certificate passed all validation requirements.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server mail.research.osu.edu on port 443.
     ExRCA successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
     Additional Details
     Remote Certificate Subject: CN=mail.research.osu.edu, OU=Office of Research, O=The Ohio State University, STREET=154 W 12th Avenue, L=Columbus, S=OH, PostalCode=43210, C=US, Issuer: CN=InCommon Server CA, OU=InCommon, O=Internet2, C=US.
    Validating the certificate name.
     The certificate name was validated successfully.
     Additional Details
     Host name mail.research.osu.edu was found in the Certificate Subject Common name.
    Certificate trust is being validated.
     The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain.
     Test Steps
     ExRCA is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate CN=mail.research.osu.edu, OU=Office of Research, O=The Ohio State University, STREET=154 W 12th Avenue, L=Columbus, S=OH, PostalCode=43210, C=US.
     One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully.
     Additional Details
     A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE.
    Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows.
     Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows.
     Additional Details
     ExRCA can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the "Update Root Certificates" feature isn't enabled.
    Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
     Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired.
     Additional Details
     The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 6/23/2011 12:00:00 AM, NotAfter = 6/22/2012 11:59:59 PM
    Checking the IIS configuration for client certificate authentication.
     Client certificate authentication wasn't detected.
     Additional Details
     Accept/Require Client Certificates isn't configured.
    Testing HTTP Authentication Methods for URL
     The HTTP authentication methods are correct.
     Additional Details
     ExRCA found all expected authentication methods and no disallowed methods. Methods found: Negotiate, NTLM
    Testing SSL mutual authentication with the RPC proxy server.
     Mutual authentication was verified successfully.
     Additional Details
     Certificate common name mail.research.osu.edu matches msstd:mail.research.osu.edu.
    Attempting to ping RPC proxy mail.research.osu.edu.
     RPC Proxy was pinged successfully.
     Additional Details
     Completed with HTTP status 200 - OK
    Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6001 (Exchange Information Store) on server MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
     Additional Details
     RPC Status Ok (0) returned in 546 ms.
    Testing the Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) on the Exchange Mailbox server.
     The NSPI interface was tested successfully.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6004 (NSPI Proxy Interface) on server MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
     Additional Details
     RPC Status Ok (0) returned in 483 ms.
    Testing NSPI "Check Name" for user
    [email protected] against server MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu.
     Check Name succeeded.
     Additional Details
     DisplayName: Bossley, Peter A, LegDN: /o=Research Foundation/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Bossley, Peter A
    Testing the Referral service on the Exchange Mailbox server.
     The Referral service was tested successfully.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6002 (Referral Interface) on server MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
     Additional Details
     RPC Status Ok (0) returned in 492 ms.
    Attempting to perform referral for user /o=Research Foundation/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Bossley, Peter A on server MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu.
     ExRCA successfully got the referral.
     Additional Details
     The server returned by the Referral service: MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu
    Testing the Exchange Information Store on the Mailbox server.
     ExRCA successfully tested the Information Store.
     Test Steps
     Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6001 (Exchange Information Store) on server MAIL.rf.ohio-state.edu.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
     Additional Details
     RPC Status Ok (0) returned in 15 ms.
    Attempting to log on to the Exchange Information Store.
     ExRCA successfully logged on to the Information Store.
    Any other ideas?

  • Autodiscover and Outlook Anywhere return http status 401

    Hi, I'm having issues with Autodiscovery (externally) and Outlook Anywhere for some users on our Exchange 2010 (SP3, RU2) setup. Just for information, we have Exchange servers at two AD sites (same forest / domain) with each site having 2 combined client
    access / hub transport servers and 3 mailbox servers (with 2 stretched DAG's across both sites). Site A is internet facing, but site B isn't.
    Internally, it's working fine (using the Test E-mail AutoConfiguration option within Outlook 2010). But externally (using the Microsoft TestConnectivity site), autodiscovery fails, returning the following:
    Attempting to send an Autodiscover POST request to potential Autodiscover URLs.
    Autodiscover settings weren't obtained when the Autodiscover POST request was sent.
    +Additional Details
       Elapsed Time: 1783 ms.
       + Test Steps
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to retrieve an XML Autodiscover response from URL   https://autodiscover.company.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml
    for user [email protected].
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer failed to obtain an Autodiscover XML response.
      +Additional Details
      An HTTP 401 Unauthorized response was received from the remote Unknown server. This is usually the result of an incorrect username or password. If you    are attempting to log onto an Office 365 service, ensure you are using your
    full User Principal Name (UPN).
      Headers received:
      Content-Type: text/html
      Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
      WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate,NTLM,Basic realm="autodiscover.company.com"
    The odd thing is, if I browse to the autodiscover file location (externally), then I'm prompted for credentials. When I enter the same credentials that I input into the Microsoft connectivity analyser, I do actually get the correct https status 600 response.
    Also, within EMS, when I run "Test-OutlookWebServices" on Client Access servers in site B, I see the following results...
    RunspaceId : 5c80ec49-f6f8-4f7a-ae63-4ed61a3c966e
    Id         : 1104
    Type       : Error
    Message    : The certificate for the URL https://ExchServer.domain.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml is incorrect. For SSL to work, the certificate
                  to have a subject of ExchServer.domain.local, but the subject that was found is webmail.Company.com. Consider correcting service discovery,
                 or installing a correct SSL certificate.
    RunspaceId : 5c80ec49-f6f8-4f7a-ae63-4ed61a3c966e
    Id         : 1113
    Type       : Error
    Message    : When contacting https://ExchServer.domain.local:443/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml received the error The remote server returned
    an error:
     (500) Internal Server Error.
    RunspaceId : 5c80ec49-f6f8-4f7a-ae63-4ed61a3c966e
    Id         : 1123
    Type       : Error
    Message    : The Autodiscover service couldn't be contacted.
    However - I can't see where Exchange has pulled the "...domain.local" address from for Autodiscovery. Both Get-AutodiscoveryVirtualDirectory and Get-ClientAccessServer both report the correct URLs/URIs with the FQDN of Company.Com (which are on
    the GoDaddy certificate we use both internally and externally).
    Outlook Anywhere
    Whether my issues with Outlook Anywhere are related to Autodiscover, I'm not sure. Users who's mailbox is located at Site A (internet facing) are fine, and Outlook Anywhere works great. But users who's mailbox is at Site B, can't use Outlook Anywhere (Starting
    Outlook in RPCDiag mode shows that it tries to connect, and sometimes establishes a connection for a couple of seconds, then disconnects completely).
    Running "Test-OutlookConnectivity -Protocol:http" on a Client Access server at Site B, passes all but the last scenario (Mailbox::Logon), which throws up the following error:
    RunspaceId                  : 5c80ec49-f6f8-4f7a-ae63-4ed61a3c966e
    ServiceEndpoint             : ExchServer.domain.local
    Id                          : MailboxLogon
    ClientAccessServer          : ExchServer.domain.local.ad.local
    Scenario                    : Mailbox::Logon.
    ScenarioDescription         :
    PerformanceCounterName      : Mailbox: Logon latency
    Result                      : Failure
    Error                       :
    UserName                    : ad.local\extest_a91a4b4076f24
    StartTime                   : 14/01/2014 16:33:27
    Latency                     : -00:00:00.0010000
    EventType                   : Error
    LatencyInMillisecondsString : -1.00
    Identity                    :
    IsValid                     : True
    Testing Outlook Anywhere using Microsoft RCA throws up the error:
    RPC Proxy can't be pinged.
    An HTTP 401 error was received...
    Any help is greatly appreciated. Let me know if I've missed any info!

    Hi Guys,
    My first chance today to respond!
    Firstly - thanks for all the information. I really appreciate it.
    Well, the good news is that Outlook Anywhere is now working at Site B. It looks like a combination of disabling Outlook Anywhere at Site B (thanks
    Jon), and then being patient and allowing replication to do its stuff (thanks Rhoderck).
    However RCA is still showing ‘Failed’ with the following error. If it helps to have the full output, please let me know. Just for info, I chose
    the option to test using autodiscovery (rather than manually enter it), which passed fine.
    Attempting to ping RPC proxy webmail.company.com.
    RPC Proxy can't be pinged.
    Additional Details
    An HTTP 401 Unauthorized response was received from the remote Unknown server. This is usually the result of an incorrect username or password.
    If you are attempting to log onto an Office 365 service, ensure you are using your full User Principal Name (UPN). Headers received: Content-Type: text/html Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate,NTLM X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Date: Tue, 21 Jan
    2014 09:55:41 GMT Content-Length: 58
    Elapsed Time: 1063 ms.
    RPCProxy - ValidPorts
    Thanks for the 'SoundTrackOfMyLife' link... that looks to be almost identical to my scenario (with the exception of the Kemp LoadMasters). Following
    through the troubleshooting, my CAS servers at Site A (Internet Facing) are showing the registry key 'ValidPorts' as...
    So - should this be...
    i.e. I only add ports 6001,6002 and 6004 for mailbox servers only? If so, which sites mailbox servers should I put in here?
    SSL Off Loading
    We've only really implemented SSL Offloading on the advice from Kemp (it's built in to their Exchange 2010 template). Apparently, the advantage
    is the LoadMasters have a dedicated hardware processor for decryption/encryption of SSL traffic, thus taking the load off the Exchange servers. Exactly how much of a load this would normally be for our Exchange servers is unknown. We've followed Kemp's documentation
    on unchecking 'Require SSL' for the IIS directories on Site A, and also configured Outlook Anywhere with SSL Offloading through the EMC. This was required as the Kemp's are not re-encrypting traffic to the CAS servers (which are on the same site / LAN
    segment), and we're not a bank... so don't need encryption between the LoadMasters and the client access servers.
    However, Site B (non internet facing) has 'Require SSL' enabled on IIS directories, since (I guess) traffic is encrypted when performing CAS-CAS
    I am, as ever, open to suggestions on this design... since our original design was to use TMG for reverse proxy. It was only the end-of-life issue
    with TMG, and the fact that we opted for the Kemp LoadMasters (which offered ESP as a replacement to TMG) that swung us down this path.
    ESP and SSO are implements on the LoadMaster at Site A (internet facing), which is (was!) not the problem site.
    Thanks again for your time and assistance guys. We’re almost there!

  • Maximum Concurrent Connections to an Office365 Mailbox, Possible Workaround?

    Hi all,I have a question regarding Office365 and a non-standard mail setup.The manager of 5 staff wants to have a single mailbox that all 6 staff will have access to.The inbox structure looks like this:Inbox
    > Staff
    >> Staff1
    >> Staff2
    >> Staff3,,,Only 1 address, [email protected], and aliases such that [email protected] will go into Staff1's folder, [email protected] goes to Staff2's folder, and so on.I've got the server-side rules and DLs doing their thing to get mail routed where it needs to, I even setup an SMTP relay for older printers and MFPs that dont support TLS, and everything was working well until I bring the account up on clients #3 and #4.I start to lose connections to the exchange server, and start getting error "Account is still authenticated to the server, but has lost the connection".So I open a ticket with MS and a...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    No, Im not saying ACS cannot cope.
    Concurrency and latency are very different things. ACS CSTacacs can handle many 100s of simple authentications/authorisations per second with users in the internal database. If 1000s of devices all send traffic in the same instant it would take some seconds to work through the backlog of traffic.
    Also, worth considering that a limited number of tasks within ACS (or threads) can actually handle a much greater number of "logins" because they are generally multi-message allowing ACS to keep lots of plates spinning.
    If users are in an external databases the latency (per authentication) can increase depending on where the users are (eg Windows AD) and if bad enough can have a serious effect on the overall authentication rate. At which point customers normally turn to load balancing.
    If your device timeouts are 20 seconds (totally reasonable) I suggest the issue is more likely to be something else... a bug, perhaps specific to v4.2?

  • Can it be possible to disable outlook anywhere for some few users who are working from home ?

    One of my customer wants to disable outlook anywhere for some of the users who are working from home.They have exchange server 2013 in their premises and also have outlook 2010/2013 on their clients machine.Please advice?

    In Exchange 2013, all Outlook connectivity (Internal and External) are using Outlook Anywhere anyways. It is not recommended to use the following command to disable Outlook Anywhere for a specific user:
    Set-CASMailbox UserA -MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp $True
    If you disable it, the UserA would not be able to access the mailbox from both Internal Outlook client (Office) and external Outlook client (Home).
    For your requirement about disable Outlook anywhere for some few users instead of all external users, there seems to be no method to achieve it directly in Exchange server. Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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