Outlook Portlet

Hi I have an Outlook Portlet suitable for Portal 3.0.9 .
What should I do in order to make it work in V2

If the "Outlook Portlet" is a PDK Java based portlet, and you want to upgrade from PDK Java V1 to V2, then you can refer to the following document.
There are few BASIC steps that you need to keep in mind when you are doing this upgrade from PDK Java V1 to PDK Java V2.
1. The source files associated with Outlook Portlet, should be moved to PDK Java V2.
2. provider.xml should be compliant to PDK Java V2.
3. The entire source should be bundled as a J2EE Enterprise Archive (EAR) file.

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    I have been look around for a way to create an Exchange Outlook portlet on a 11g portal. I have been seeing many different post, but no direct answer. Could someone direct me in a way to accomplish this?
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  • Portlet can not be contact

    System spec:
    Portal 904
    notbook memory: 1G
    The problem:
    We have a problem with one of our Portal 904 portlet.
    After registering 2 Web providers, one to create a graph and one an outlook portlet on a notebook. we test them in our office, and all was well.
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    o Have you successfully accessed the provider test page (running on the laptop)?
    o Did the provider registration go well?
    o Can you ping the laptop from the Portal middle tier host?
    o Have you tried replacing the laptop host name with its IP address?
    o Have you checked the application.log file for additional information?

  • Linking to MS Exchange

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    We use MS Exchange 2000 & active directory for directory & mail services.
    Has anyone created a portlet to;
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    Hi James,
    I have not been able to find the Outlook portlets you mention.
    Therefore I would greatly appreciate it if you would send the files to me:
    [email protected]
    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Best regards
    Benjamin F. Lund www.bellcom.dk
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by James Kung ([email protected]):
    I can answer part (b). There are three Exchange portlets available. Inbox, Calendar and Contacts. The one you ask for is the Calendar portlet, which basically displays your appointments/meetings for a particular day with links to the Outlook Web Access calendar. These portlets will be downloadable from the OTN Portal catalog due to go out in a few weeks. In the meantime, you may email me requesting these portlets, and I will send you the files.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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    Hi James,
    I have not been able to find the Outlook portlets you mention.
    Therefore I would greatly appreciate it if you would send the files to me:
    [email protected]
    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Best regards
    Benjamin F. Lund www.bellcom.dk
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by James Kung ([email protected]):
    I can answer part (b). There are three Exchange portlets available. Inbox, Calendar and Contacts. The one you ask for is the Calendar portlet, which basically displays your appointments/meetings for a particular day with links to the Outlook Web Access calendar. These portlets will be downloadable from the OTN Portal catalog due to go out in a few weeks. In the meantime, you may email me requesting these portlets, and I will send you the files.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Outlook Exchange Portlet

    We've been trying unsuccessfully for a few days now to get a portlet to connect to our Exchange 5.5 server. Our basic requirement is to have a portlet within our Oracle Portal that can display mailbox statistics (such as the number of unread messages) and that allows the user to 'drill-down' into the Outlook client and access their Inbox and Calendar etc.
    We were sent a small portlet from an Oracle consultant but have had no joy in getting it to connect to Exchange.
    Would really appreciate any ideas or comments anyone can offer. Surely others have tried something like this before, and surely it cant be too difficult?!

    Have a look at the Exchange portlets provided by Oracle: http://portalstudio.oracle.com/pls/ops/docs/FOLDER/COMMUNITY/PDK/SAMPLES/WEBPORTLETS/V2/EXCHANGEPORTLET/EXCHANGE55.ZIP. There's also a version for release 1 on PortalStudio.
    It doesn't allow you to drill down into the Outlook client, but instead uses Outlook Web Access to "drill down". I've installed the Exchange 2000 portlets and they work great. You can view your inbox, calendar and contacts as portlets and it's fairly easy to use the supplied code to create your own portlets e.g. for displaying tasks or notes.
    If you absolutely need to "drill down" into the Outlook client, you need to run your Portal page as an Outlook Today page (inside Outlook). Look at msdn.microsoft.com for information on how to make your own Outlook Today page.

  • MS Exchange portlet with Outlook Web Access

    While testing the MS Exchange 5.5 portlets, I've run into a problem where it does not create a MAPI session if you are not trying to access a local exchange server. In other words, how do I modify the asp code so the portlet will work if you are accessing Outlook Web Access?
    If Outlook Web Access is on a different domain than the asp's in the MSEXCHANGE55.zip portlet package, what else needs to be modified?

    The problem is a bit different than the post you referenced.
    Although exchange and owa existing on the server with the Exchange asp's from Oracle, the problem of authentication still exists (the asp code needs to be modified in order to fix it).
    For example --
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    The email server that has OWA installed (the one that has the email we want to view) is on someotherhost.ibm.com.
    When try to test the inbox.asp by trying
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    What needs to be changed in the code so the asp's can reside on a server that's not in the same domain as the OWA server?


    I was setting the exchange portlet, but the machine residing IIS and the outlook is in a cluster how can I configure the portlet in the cluster?, is there any special instruction to setting the portlet?, I have to do the same twice in each machine or this is not supported?
    Thanks a lot.
    Cecilia Vega

    Hi Cecilia,
    I have not tested Microsoft exchange portlets in a cluster environment. But I feel these portlets should work fine in a cluster environment too.
    A few questions though,
    1. "Outlook is in a cluster", can you please elaborate on this. As the there is no dependency on Outlook for the portlets to work.
    2. Can you let me know details of Cluster environment and the version of the Windows/ IIS and Exchange server that you are using.
    Answer to the above questions will allow me to answer with more specifics.
    But here are a few points for setting up Microsoft portlets in a cluster environment:-
    1. Once you set up the Replication and Clustering in IIS, then you will be pointing to one IIS machine where the .asps are hosted. And the failover will be taken care by the clustering environment, you will not have to do any additional settings.
    2. You need to keep in mind that ASP sessions do not fail over to other nodes in Microsoft Clustering. This means that clients will need to reestablish the connection if a failover occurs on the server.
    Please get back if you face any issues.
    Take care,

  • Intercommunication from 2 portlets into 1

    I have a situation where I need a portlet on another page to listen to and respond
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    tasks) and on the workflow details page. They are in essence the same instance
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    as 2 instances.
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    in the task summary portlet (similar metaphor to outlook with a preview pane).
    I have 2 main problems:
    1) making the task details portlet listen to events from 2 other portlets
    2) making the 2 inbox summary instances stay in synch
    I have considered several solutions including:
    1) making the selected task ID global but it seems the simply redirecting to another
    page doesn't kick off the pageflows within the portlets so it is showing the old
    state of the pageflow and not refreshing
    2) chaining listening events but this seems overly complicated and messy and I
    would rather avoid this situation if possible.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Al.

    I think maybe you can use the Union or Combine Operator, see the modelers guide at:
    starting from page 70.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can't use portlet with JD

    I have Oracle Portal Extension -- "Version: Oracle JDeveloper 10g Portal Addin Release " and
    JDeveloper (jdevj2eebase1013.zip).
    In "new" wizard portlet section is there but I can't use it.
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    I have problem with iSync and MotorolaV9 too.
    My WorkAround for megrate contact and iCal events to phone:
    1) Install Windows XP envirment in Sun Virtual Box. (Freeware soft)
    2) Install Motorola Phone tool in Windows XP (Sun Virtual Box envirment)
    3)Export PhoneBook from MacOs in vCard format.
    4)Import in Motorola Phone tool this file format vCard
    5)Copy contacts on the telephone.
    * i use next command for rewrite type contact.
    cat origvCard.vcf |sed -e s/WORK/CELL/g|sed -e s/MAIN/CELL/g|more > newvCard1.vcf
    About iCal:
    1)Export calendar from iCal in file.
    2)Open this file in Outlook (MS)
    3)Export events to CSV format
    4)Import from Motorola phone tool CSV file
    5)Move important contacts in phone

  • Exchange Portlet installed sucessfully but .....

    Hi all,
    I could install exchange portlet5.5 sucessfully and it shows
    me my inbox when I put the inbox portlet on Page.But when I
    refresh the page the portlet goes blank as if there was nothing
    to be displayed in the portlet.Now if logout and login again and
    see the page,it shows me the inbox.
    Also if I put all the three portlet ie Inbox,Calendar and
    Contacts portlet on one page it doesnt show me any portlet
    neither does it show me timeout message.
    I feel this is related to time out, can anyone solve this
    problem ??

    Hi James,
    1) My IIS and exchange server are on different macines.
    2) Portal version is 3.0.9
    3) jpdk version -
    4) db version - Oracle 8i
    5) outlook web access is not installed on the IIS machine (but
    it is not mandatory right?)
    6) IIS version - 5

  • Exchange Portlet 2000

    I have installed the exchange server 2000, and on a seperate
    machine where i have IIS and outlook installed with all the .dll
    files required. On the this machine i followed the steps for
    setting the exchange 2000 portlet and when i tried to test the
    url http://sctdemo01/exchange_portlet/test.asp?.....
    it was giving collaboration type error and from another machine
    it was giving Error, becuase of the command:
    lngToken = objLogon.ImpersonateToken(sUser, sPassword, sDomain)
    so has it worked with anybody

    I have installed the exchange server 2000, and on a seperate
    machine where i have IIS and outlook installed with all the .dll
    files required. On the this machine i followed the steps for
    setting the exchange 2000 portlet and when i tried to test the
    url http://sctdemo01/exchange_portlet/test.asp?.....
    it was giving collaboration type error and from another machine
    it was giving Error, becuase of the command:
    lngToken = objLogon.ImpersonateToken(sUser, sPassword, sDomain)
    so has it worked with anybody
    As stated in the install guide, if your Exchange server is
    running on a separate machine from the IIS server, please make
    certain that both machines are on the same Windows domain.

  • How to  put "yahoo addrbook" in "Email-portlet"

    how to put "yahoo addrbook" or "outlook's addrbook " in "Email-portlet" ?

    Have you tried
    Jeffrey Graber wrote:
    I know how to put the time in a portlet,
    Date and time is: <%=new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())%>
    But how do I get it to change/refresh/redisplay. in the portlet without refreshing the whole browser window?
    Better yet-- does anyone know of a little clock portlet I could use?

  • Exchange 2000 portlets time out

    Running the exchange ASPs both in an empty browser window and as portlets goes awfully slow. Adding all three portlets to one page makes at least one of them time out, regardless of the timeout setting. Running only one takes up to ten seconds to complete. The ASPs are installed on the same server as is running the Outlook Web Access. When running the OWA's default GUI it completes downloading in a couple of seconds so the server's capacity should not be the issue.
    Could this be a problem with the authentication since the ASPs use basic authentication while the OWA uses windows authentication? Anyone have tips on how to speed 'em up?

    I will try and explain the implementation of MS Exchange Portlets and inturn try to solve the problem that we have at hand.
    Outlook Web Access (OWA), is the default web access utility provided by Microsoft.
    The MS Exchange portlets follow the earlier implementations OWA (OWA 5.5). This implementation is with Active Server Pages (ASP) and Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), these in turn rely on Messaging API (MAPI) function calls to retrieve messages from the Exchange Server. For each connected user, OWA must open a MAPI session with the Exchange server, but the number of open MAPI sessions that can be efficiently handled within an ASP session is limited. The architecture restricts the number of users that can simultaneously connect to an Outlook Web Access server.
    Because of this, a major complaint that many users had with earlier OWA versions was performance.
    Now coming to the implementation of OWA in Exchange 2000, rather than attempt to improve OWA's performance by tweaking the existing code, Microsoft developed OWA 2000 from scratch to take advantage of universal technologies like Web-Dav. In addition to this OWA 2000 uses XML and Dynamic HTML (DHTML) to improve performance and provide additional advanced features by offloading some rendering tasks to the client and reducing the amount of client-to-server communication.
    So OWA 2000 will run fine without giving any performance issues. Same would be the case if you use IFrame to use load OWA.
    Also contrary to what the OWA 2000 response time suggests, in these Portlets the server capacity would matter.
    Information that would prove helpful to investigate this problem further would be;
    1. What is the Exchange/IIS Server setup,
    a. Are the Exchange/IIS on the same machine?
    b. Machine configuration of each of the machines?(OS,RAM, Processor speed etc.)
    c. Are the Exchange/IIS on the same Windows domain?
    2. Number of users simultaneously accessing MS Exchange through Portlets.
    If you can share this information regarding the setup/usage, we can investigate into this problem further, and try to solve the problem.

  • Exchange 5.5 Portlet, versions, and CDO Error

    I am unable to get the Exchange 5.5 Portlets to work. I am
    running Portal, Exchange Server 5.5 SP3 (does it need
    to be SP4?), and IIS 5.0 on Win2K. The Exchange Server is
    running on another box (WinNT SP5).
    When running the test.asp file I get the following:
    CDO Version: 1.21
    Collaboration Data Objects error '000043ed'
    [ - [(80004005)]]
    /ExchangePortlets/test.asp, line 33
    I added the line reporting the CDO version this machine is using
    (it came from the MS Outlook XP install) Would this cause
    problems seeing it is slightly newer then the CDO library on the
    Exchange server?
    Anyway, I continued through the instructions despite the above
    error and added the portlet, however it simply reports the "User
    authentication failed. Please..." message all the time,
    regardless of the credentials entered.
    Another note, when attempting Stage 5 step 2 of the
    instructions, Login to the Exchange External Application, after
    I enter the details I get a plain looking form with all the
    field boxes again, empty. I had seen someone else mention this
    behaviour but there was no solution.
    Any help out there?

    I've found out what's causing
    [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND(8004010F)]]
    to appear in test.asp. (By the way, if you are getting this in
    test.asp, your portlets will not work).
    EXPLANATION: When an ASP page uses CDO to logon to an Exchange
    mailbox, IIS creates a temporary .mmp file to store
    necessary profile information. However it stores the temporary
    file in the directory where Windows is installed. Users who do
    not have permissions for that directory will not be able to
    access the .mmp file and they will get the
    MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND error.
    FIX: Configure the Windows Messaging Subsystem to store the
    .mmp file to a directory that users have access to.
    - Start Registry Editor (regedt32.exe) on the machine that has
    - Go to the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows Messaging
    - On the Edit Menu, click Add Value.
    - Value Name: ProfileDirectory
    - Data Type: REG_SZ
    - String: Path to the directory you want the .mmp files to be
    created in. E.g., C:\temp
    - Make sure everyone has change permissions for the temp

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