Outlook sync problems

Hi.  I've recently purchased a copy of Office for mac, but I can't seem to get outlook to sync with my ical.  In the sync services, Outlook doesn't show up in services to sync.  any ideas?  I would have thought that this was quite a simple thing to do.

Hi and Welcome to the Community!
Here is a KB that discusses that error:
Article ID: KB34453 BlackBerry Link displays the error: Sync was unsuccessful error – “CPreferencesManager:Configuration Value for /Preferences/Account_3_196610/DevicePin not set in TransConfig.xml for Translator RimBB”
Hopefully it contains something useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message, error code, or symptom, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you.
Good luck and let us know!
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    I spent about 5 hours on the phone with 3 different apple tech specialists with no luck on how to get my iPhone to sync with outlook. My calendar and contacts would not come over to the phone. This morning I was trying to figure it out and I DID!
    In Outlook:
    go to tools->options->other tab->advanced options->COM add-ins->then check the box "outlook itunes sync add-in". Please post comments to see if this helped.

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    Yes but Outlook 2003 disables one of the add-ins which causes Outlook to crash when you load program. Then the add-in is disabled and you can't enable it just by selecting the box in tools>other>advanced>com add-ins because it won't happen.It just keeps unchecking itself.
    Here's what to do: with outlook open go to "about Outlook" You'll see a button "disabled components" under that will be the offending iphone addin. RE-enable it. Then do the manouevre I mentioned in second sentence. Then sync iphone and all contacts, calendar etc will sync to phone. BUT the next time you start up Outlook it will tell you that the addin causes a serious error and will disable it. I guess we will have to enable it each time we want to sync for now -Microsoft had no idea (nor did Apple) after several hours on support lines. God only knows when and who will fix this. This seems to work for now however.
    Dell, Mac   Windows XP Pro  

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    Thanks in advance.

    I had the same problem when I first got the phone when they first came out and I spent a few hours on the phone with them. I had reoccuring events set up in my outlook that were scheduled with no end date. Apparently it caused some sort of sync problem. I had to go into the event that I scheduled to occur every third day with no end-date and I scheduled it to end around the year 2010. Anyways, I don't know if this will help but it worked for me.
    good luck!

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    To download iTunes 7.5, go to:
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    Glad to hear it

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    Hello...and apologies for the delayed reply!
    Hopefully you already have this resolved, but just in case!!
    There are several public KBs that discuss that exact error code...I recommend you search on it here:
    Hopefully one of the results will be useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message, error code, or symptom, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    Finally, It WORKS !!!
    I followed instructions from http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=306666
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    Thank you for your support.

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    Finally, It WORKS !!!
    I followed instructions from http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=306666
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    And now it works. I can't use Genesys but i can synchronize ;-)))
    Thank you for your support.

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    The iPhone doesn't sync email with Outlook, or with any email client. The setting to transfer email account setup information from your computer to your iPhone via your iPhone sync preferences does just that - it transfers account setup information from your computer to your iPhone only, not messages.
    What is the account type - POP or IMAP?
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    uninstall the desktop manager, and install "4.7 without Media Manager"
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Same probleme!

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    I would greatly appreciate any support!

    Then I guess I'm not sure what's going on.  Might be a problem with Outlook.  MS Office does have a diagnostics and repair feature which you could try, as discussed here:
    Microsoft Outlook 2003
    Microsoft Outlook 2007
    Microsoft Outlook 2010

  • Outlook syncing problem with new iTunes update

    I'm concerned about syncing my iTouch again, as I have major problems from the last time:
    Last week, I updated and synced my iTouch (4th gen) and the synch acted different.  I was faced with "conflicts in Outlook" to review.  I was doing this on the fly, and didn't really think anything of it, even though I hadn't ever been asked this before, so I went ahead without thinking.  Before this, in order for my Contacts folders to not all sync together, I had to make a Contacts folder I named "iTouch Contacts."  When I finished the sync, I noticed that in Outlook, my main Contacts folder now only had about 400 contacts in it (should have about 3000), and my iTouch Contacts folder had over 3000.  Obviously, my iTouch had done something weird and synced differently.  I knew I had some kind of duplicating mess to deal with, but just ended up moving all of the iTouch contacts to the main Contacts folder to deal with it later.  In the next couple of days, I synced it again, and (again) the same "conflicts" and that began to worry me.  When it was all said and done, for some reason, I saw that the iTouch Contacts folder in Outlook had 3000 again.  Without thinking, I was just disgusted and deleted all those contacts.  I later realized that I had deleted the majority of my contacts and that my main Outlook Contacts folder was again down to only 400.  Since most of my contacts are no longer in Outlook, I can't email people from a new email, but must use a previous email and reply to them.  Also, when I look at the contacts on my actual iTouch device, ALL my Outlook Contacts folders are there, even ones I have never had checked to sync with the device.
    My question:  How do I dare sync again...without knowing first how to get all my Contacts transferred from my iTouch to Outlook?  And then how do I figure out how to sync the right folders?  The recent update must have had some changes that just took over without asking me!  I had even unchecked the boxes under the Info tab in iTunes on my device, so as to NOT sync contacts, but it just went ahead and did it anyway.
    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Hi lastskier
    Have you browsed through the forums at all? Its worth spending a little while doing so because most problems have been experienced by others and resolved.
    My recommended method for installing iTunes upgrades is:
    1. Back up your iTunes library, and by this I mean locate the iTunes folder (usually in My music) and copy all of it and its contents preferably to a removeable hard drive (they are really cheap now). This is your insurance and if all else fails you have not lost your music files.
    2. Download the iTunes programme from the apple website to your pc - DO NOT install online.
    3. Temporarily disable any antivirus/antispy software programmes (locate the icon in the lower right hand side of your desktop and right click - you should get options to disable)
    4. Run the install and reboot.
    With any luck you will be up and running and the new iTunes will have found your old library and imported it. You will still have a safe copy on your removeable drive.
    Conflicts with AV/antispy programmes are the most common problem with iTunes installs.
    If it doesn't work and you are happy you have a back up of your music, you could try uninstalling all iTunes, iPod and QT s/w using "add/remove programs" and then running thru the steps again. However, this time you may have to get your new iTunes to find your music files on your removeable drive by plugging it in to your pc and getting iTunes to search for it.
    You will have lost any library settings e.g. playlist info play count etc by going this route, but there are fancier ways of dealing with that. You can open up "my Music" folder and reimport your entire back up copy of the iTunes folder and this will preserve your old settings.
    Let me know how you get on.
    Local retailer custom built pc. Pentium 4 chip 2.4GHz Windows XP SP2 20Gb iPod

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