OutOfMemory... leak somewhere in this class

I've been programming Java for a few months, and have for the past few weeks been working on this Swing GUI RPG. I know that the below code could be optimised a certain amount by doing lots of things I don't understand but for now all I'm looking for is a memory leak which is causing this to crash after a few minutes of wandering the map.
class GamePanel extends JPanel implements Runnable, KeyListener
    MediaTracker gameStartTracker = new MediaTracker (this);
    MediaTracker gameRunTracker = new MediaTracker (this);
    Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ();
    Image worldMap;
    Image mapOnScreen;
    Image worldMapMask;
    int pixels [];
    Player PC = Global.PC;
    Thread GameThread;
    Timer runTimer;
    boolean hasMoved = true; // Cuts out some of the processor usage.
    public GamePanel ()
        addKeyListener (this);
     GameThread = new Thread (this);
     // Loads GIF's
            worldMap = toolkit.getImage (getClass().getResource("wmap.gif"));
            worldMapMask = toolkit.getImage (getClass().getResource("wmask.gif"));
        catch(Exception ex)
            System.err.println("Could not load world map or it's mask");
     gameStartTracker.addImage (worldMap, 0);
     gameStartTracker.addImage (worldMapMask, 1);
     catch (InterruptedException ex)
         System.out.println ("Can not process Game Image");
     // Grabs all of the the pixels from the mask
     pixels = new int [worldMapMask.getWidth (this) * worldMapMask.getHeight (this)];
     PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber (worldMapMask, 0, 0, worldMapMask.getWidth (this), worldMapMask.getHeight (this), pixels, 0, worldMapMask.getWidth (this));
         pg.grabPixels ();
     catch (InterruptedException ex)
         System.out.println ("Internal difficulty");
     runWork ();
    public boolean isFocusTraversable ()
     return true;
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
     g.drawImage (mapOnScreen, 1, 1, this);
     g.drawImage (PC.mapIcon, 320, 240, this);
    public void runWork ()
     if (hasMoved)
         mapOnScreen = createImage (new FilteredImageSource (worldMap.getSource (), new CropImageFilter (PC.x - 320, PC.y - 240, 639, 479)));
                PC.mapIcon = toolkit.getImage (getClass().getResource(PC.mapPicURL));
            catch(Exception ex)
                System.err.println("Could not load character icon!");
         gameRunTracker.addImage (mapOnScreen, 0);
         gameRunTracker.addImage (PC.mapIcon, 1);
          gameRunTracker.waitForAll ();
         catch (InterruptedException ex)
          System.err.println ("Can not process image");
         hasMoved = false;
    public void run ()
     while (true)
         runWork ();
    public void startGame ()
     hasMoved = true;
    public void keyPressed (java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent)
     hasMoved = true;
     if (keyEvent.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)
         int pixel = pixels [PC.y * worldMapMask.getWidth (this) + (PC.x + PC.mapIcon.getWidth (this) + PC.speed)];
         int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
         int green = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
         int blue = (pixel) & 0xff;
         if (red != 0 && green != 0 && blue != 0)
          PC.mapPicURL = "pcr0.gif";
          PC.x = PC.x + PC.speed;
     else if (keyEvent.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)
         int pixel = pixels [PC.y * worldMapMask.getWidth (this) + (PC.x - PC.speed)];
         int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
         int green = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
         int blue = (pixel) & 0xff;
         if (red != 0 && green != 0 && blue != 0)
          PC.mapPicURL = "pcl2.gif";
          PC.x = PC.x - PC.speed;
     else if (keyEvent.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
         int pixel = pixels [(PC.y + PC.mapIcon.getHeight (this) + PC.speed) * worldMapMask.getWidth (this) + PC.x];
         int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
         int green = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
         int blue = (pixel) & 0xff;
         if (red != 0 && green != 0 && blue != 0)
          PC.mapPicURL = "pcd0.gif";
          PC.y = PC.y + PC.speed;
     else if (keyEvent.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
         int pixel = pixels [(PC.y - PC.speed) * worldMapMask.getWidth (this) + PC.x];
         int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
         int green = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
         int blue = (pixel) & 0xff;
         if (red != 0 && green != 0 && blue != 0)
          PC.mapPicURL = "pcu0.gif";
          PC.y = PC.y - PC.speed;
    public void keyReleased (java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent)
    public void keyTyped (java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent)

I am not sure if this will fix your problem but here goes,
First off run your application through a profiler it may well give you some clues as to where the problem lies.
Have you tried increasing the heap memory allocated to your JVM, it may be that you just need more memory than you exapectd
e.g java -Xms64m -Xmx64m sets the minimum and maximum heap sixe to 64mb.
Also it looks like you may be creating a lot of objects in your code, (extensive use of the new operator) maybe you can try using an object pool, this will not only help manage your memnory problems but will also improve the performance of your application because object creation is a relativley time expensive task, using object pools you can create all the objects you want as our app initialises, slower starup time but improved running performance.

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    Best regards,

    Hi Andreas,
    Interesting problem!
    Your problems are caused by some peculiarities of itemByID. itemByID doesn't cast the object type properly. Dirk wrote about some aspects of this some time ago. If the scripting engine was strongly typed, this issue would probably be impossible but that would make scripting a lot more of an elitist activity!
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    myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    myDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
    myDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
    var myTextFrame = myDocument.pages.item(0).textFrames.add({geometricBounds:[72, 72, 144, 288], contents:"test"});
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    var thisContents = pgItm.contents;
    var x = pgItm.extractLabel('mandatory');

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    This method is not supported by this class.
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    Hi Matt,
    You have to have a look in the build log then copy the command that is under Run MSBuild node and executed it on the build agent.
    You should find something like below:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe /nologo /noconsolelogger "C:\Builds\....sln" /nr:False /fl /flp:"logfile=C:\Builds\...log;encoding=Unicode;verbosity=normal" /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:SkipExtraFilesOnServer=True /m /p:OutDir="C:\Builds\...\bin\\" /p:Configuration="DEV" /p:Platform="Any CPU" /p:VCBuildOverride="C:\Builds\....sln.Any CPU.DEV.vsprops" /dl:WorkflowCentralLogger,"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Tools\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Logger.dll";"Verbosity=Normal;BuildUri=vstfs:///Build/Build/31630;IgnoreDuplicateProjects=False;InformationNodeId=14;TargetsNotLogged=GetNativeManifest,GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems,GetTargetPath;LogProjectNodes=True;LogWarnings=True;TFSUrl=http://...-tfs:8080/tfs/...;"*WorkflowForwardingLogger,"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Tools\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Logger.dll";"Verbosity=Normal;" /p:BuildId="aa2d3857-27e9-4854-b44f-4ca625ccd786,vstfs:///Build/Build/31630" /p:BuildLabel="..._2015.02.27.2" /p:BuildTimestamp="Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:16:41 GMT" /p:BuildDefinition="..."

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    You are using w that you have not done anything with.
    Add following code to the begining of your cinstructor:
    w = this;
    Then it should work.
    //Anders ;-D

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    public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException {
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    PrintWriter bout = null;
    try {
    bout     = new PrintWriter(                         new FileWriter(new File(outFile)));     
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    new InputStreamReader(proc2.getErrorStream()));
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    Seems like the same question you asked last year.
    The proper way to design software is to start at the beginning and design Classes. Not try to butcher that which is working.
    You're running work outside the JVM and this work might interfere with other, similar work (the multi-threading issue.)
    I'd start with paper and pencil and see what conflicts might arise.

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    Please check the blog below.
    In this blog he used CL_GUI_WDR_VIEWER to declare lr_viewer.
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    My question is : Is there any other class available like CL_GUI_WDR_VIEWER.(To do the same blog).
    Expecting Reply ASAP
    Thanks & Regards
    SM Nizamudeen

    Hello Nizamudeen,
    This class was released with the version 700 of SAP_BASIS component. I'm writing a new blog that shows how to call web dynpros in later versions, but for while take a look at the program RSDEMO_HTML_VIEWER.

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    Revision: 21285
    Revision: 21285
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-05-20 07:53:23 -0700 (Fri, 20 May 2011)
    Log Message:
    Need to change _parent, privateCall and instance properties from private to protected in order to extend this class for another project
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 21285
    Revision: 21285
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-05-20 07:53:23 -0700 (Fri, 20 May 2011)
    Log Message:
    Need to change _parent, privateCall and instance properties from private to protected in order to extend this class for another project
    Modified Paths:

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    [Creating Callable Objects for Background Execution|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwce10/helpdata/en/53/cde385301f4aa3b8e77a92cd46bff3/frameset.htm]
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    S.V.Satish Kumar
    Edited by: Sathish Kumar SV on Apr 4, 2009 10:34 AM

    Hi, kavita.
    First, make sure you choosed the correct container when you created the background CO.
    Second, make sure your package name was "com.examples.bckgco" and class name was "UserDetailsCallableObject". The exception  which you got just means you entered incorrect name.
    It doesn`t relate to your program.
    Best Regards.
    Louis Huang.

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    Welcome to SDN!
    you can see this class in SE24 and than choose GET INSTENCE method DB on it. than put break-point on
    CALL METHODcl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface
    finally run any t-code you will come into debugger mode and if you see in exit_name value after pressing F6 you will get BADi name of this perticuler T-code.
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    Sorry, I think there is no file attachment option here.

    What you need to do is to attach this class "SlideshowExample" to your MovieClip symbol in the Library, then instantiate it and add it to the display list. (If you want to use the name "Gallery_mc" then you can rename the class to 'Gallery_mc".)
    Kenneth Kawamoto

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    public class MyClass<T extends MyClass<T>>
    I can create an instance like this:
    MyClass<?> class = new MyClass();But I would be mixing raw types and generic types.
    Is there anyway to create a proper generic instance of MyClass?
    Thanks a lot

    Ah thanks georgemc,
    your solution will certainly work.
    If i may ask your opinion of something...
    MyClass is designed such that the type parameter should always be the same as the class itself. It's kinda a hack to get the subclass type from the superclass.
    so a hierarchy looks something like this:
    class MyClass<T extends MyClass<T> >
    class SubClass<T extends SubClass<T>> extends MyClass<T>
    class FinalSubClass extends SubClass<FinalSubClass>So ideally i would want something like:
    MyClass m = new MyClass<MyClass>();
    (which is not possible)
    is there a way to get around this?

  • What is the name of this class?

    I have a JTable which is instantiated like this:
    "class table2 extends JTable {
         private int rows = 100, cols = 8;
         private Object[] rowData = new Object[cols];
    When I try to refer to it as "table2," I get a null pointer exception.
    My questions:
    What is the name of that class?
    Is there a way to reference it as "table2"?
    Many thanks in advance.

    I might have the answer to your problem but firstly, is that all the code there is? For example, where is the constructor for your class?
    In answer to your questions:
    1. You cannot reference an object until it has been created (this might explain the NullPointerException)
    2. To reference it as "table2" you would do something like this:
    table2 table2 = new table2();Looks a bit confusing... :(
    You should start class names with capital letters and also choose a general name for the class like this:
    MyTable table2 = new MyTable();
    MyTable table3 = new MyTable();and so on.
    Post another message if you need more help.
    Daniel Lam

Maybe you are looking for

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